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Digitalization of E-Recruitment System and Organizational Performance of Hishabee Technology Limited


Academic year: 2023

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I am writing this letter to formally submit my internship titled “Digitalization of E-recruitment system and organizational performance of Hishabee Technology Limited”. The purpose of my report is to analyze the impact of e-recruitment on the performance of organization at Hishabee Technology Limited. The findings and conclusions drawn from my study add to the existing body of knowledge in the field of HR and recruitment and selection process of Hishabee Technology Limited and provide potential avenues for further research and practical applications.

First of all, I am grateful to the entire team of Hishabee Technology Limited for their warm welcome and creating a rich work environment. Furthermore, I would like to express my appreciation to my senior colleagues and interns at Hishabee Technology Limited, especially my supervisor Salina Akter, Manager, Human Resources and Operations, Hishabee Technology Limited. Because of this, the impact that workers have on an organization's reputation can be considered significant. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of e-recruitment on organizational performance in Hishabee Technology Limited.

A study using qualitative research techniques was conducted through interviews with the employees of Hishabee Technology Limited and personal observations during the internship period.


  • Objectives of the Report
  • Scope of the Study
  • Methodology of the Study
  • Limitation of the Study

The coordinated use of all available labor allows for the most efficient use of all other resources in pursuit of the objectives outlined. An organization or company's possession of advanced technology and/or physical resources alone does not guarantee success. because the lack of skilled and accessible personnel can lead to inevitable failures. According to Zweig (1991), e-recruitment refers to the range of activities used by an organization to identify and choose candidates who have the required skills and attitudes that match the company's objectives, with the ultimate goal of achieving of its objectives. The broad objective of this study is to analyze the impact of e-recruitment on organizational performance at Hishabee Technology Limited.

To identify the problems of e-recruitment affecting the organizational performance of Hishabee Technology Limited. To provide solutions the key factors that facilitate the successful implementation of e-recruitment in Hishabee Technology Limited. The scope of the report on Hishabee Technology Limited's methodology will include an overview of the current status of online recruitment and selection practices in the private sector businesses in Bangladesh.

Online assessments, interviews, reference checks and final selection decisions are all graded; A summary of the report's key findings and recommendations is provided, highlighting their potential impact on the future of online recruitment in the private employment sector, with an emphasis on the use of technology and data-driven decision-making.

Literature Review

Key Features of E- Recruitment System

Post Jobs: Employers can post job openings on the system with details such as job description, required qualifications and application deadline. Resume Parsing: The system can automatically parse the resumes and extract relevant information such as work experience, education and skills. Applicant Tracking: The system can manage the applications by tracking the status of each applicant in the recruitment process.

Communication: The system may facilitate communication between the employer and the candidate through automated email notifications, online chat or messaging, and other communication channels. Assessment Tests: The system can provide online assessments, skill tests and quizzes to candidates to assess their skills and qualifications. Interview scheduling: The system can schedule interviews with candidates and send them reminders and details about the interview.

Analytics and reporting: The system can generate reports and analytics on recruitment data such as the number of applicants, time taken to fill the position and cost per hire.

Benefits E- Recruitment System

Overall, an e-recruitment system can help organizations streamline the recruitment process, save time and cost, and attract the best candidates for their vacancies. Overall, the digitization of the recruitment process can offer significant benefits to companies looking to streamline their recruitment activities, reduce costs and improve the candidate experience (Danialarj, 2013).

Factors of E- Recruitment System and Organizational Performance

Data-driven decision making: E-recruitment generates essential data related to candidate profiles, application metrics and recruitment processes. Analysis of this data can provide valuable insight into recruitment effectiveness, identify bottlenecks and support data-driven decision-making. By continuously monitoring and optimizing the recruitment process based on data-driven insights, organizations can improve their overall performance (Vir Handa, 1996).

Employer branding and visibility: E-recruitment platforms provide opportunities for organizations to present their brand, culture and values ​​to potential candidates (Rachel W. Y. Yee, 2010). A strong employer brand can attract top talent, increase the visibility of the organization on the labor market and positively influence its performance. Effective branding strategies can differentiate an organization from competitors and create a positive perception among job seekers (PANDEY, 2012).

Speed ​​and Agility: E-recruitment enables organizations to respond quickly to changing staffing needs and market demands (SHARMA, 2011). They can quickly adjust job postings, update requirements and communicate with candidates in real time. This agility in the recruitment process can help organizations stay competitive, take advantage of business opportunities and achieve better results (KHAN, 2013).

While e-recruitment can have numerous benefits for organizational performance, it is important to consider potential challenges such as data privacy, digital skills requirements and the need for effective cyber security measures (SHARMA, 2011).

Organization Profile

  • Vision, Mission and Core Values
  • Products and Services
  • Organogram of Hishabee Technology Limited
  • Operations of Hishabee Technology Limited
  • Human Resource Department and Philosophy

The mission of Hishabee Technology Limited is to strategically promote and increase the online presence and sales of the client's products or services. When it comes to Hishabee Technology Limited's core values, a few key principles can guide their approach. These core values ​​help shape Hishabee Technology Limited's culture, decision-making process and customer relationships.

Customer Success: The Hishabee Technology Limited prioritizes the success of its customers above all else. Data Driven Approach: The Hishabee Technology Limited relies on data and analytics to drive marketing decisions. Innovation: The Hishabee Technology Limited embraces innovation and stays ahead of the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape.

The Hishabee Technology Limited operates honestly and provides clear and accurate information on strategies, progress and results. Result Oriented: Hishabee Technology Limited is results oriented and focused on delivering measurable results. Customer Focus: Hishabee Technology Limited places the customer at the center of its marketing strategies.

By embodying these core values, Hishabee Technology Limited can build a strong foundation for success in serving e-commerce businesses. It means that customers can contact Hishabee Technology Limited support team at any time, regardless of the day or time zone. Hishabee Technology Limited specializes in providing strategic and tactical marketing services to companies operating in the online retail space.

Hishabee Technology Limited optimizes customer websites and product pages to improve their visibility in search engine results. Hishabee Technology Limited manages paid advertising campaigns on platforms such as Google Ads, Bing Ads and social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Hishabee Technology Limited helps clients implement and optimize CRM systems to track customer interactions.

Hishabee Technology Limited's HR philosophy encompasses the principles and beliefs that guide the organization's approach to human resource management.

Figure 3. 1: Core Values of Hishabee Technology Limited
Figure 3. 1: Core Values of Hishabee Technology Limited

Analysis and Findings

  • Approaches of E Recruitment Process
  • E Recruitment Process for Entry Level Positions in Hishabee Technology Limited
  • E Recruitment Sources of Hishabee Technology Limited
  • Findings of the Study

For example, it can be a digital marketing specialist, customer service representative or any other position relevant to e-recruitment at Hishabee Technology Limited. They identify any areas that may need to be updated or changed to align with Hishabee Technology Limited's e-recruitment process. Online job postings allow Hishabee Technology Limited employers to reach a much larger audience compared to traditional methods such as newspaper advertisements.

There are several popular online platforms in Bangladesh where Hishabee Technology Limited posts job advertisements to reach a wide audience. Hishabee Technology Limited posts job advertisements on its website and reaches out to a large pool of potential candidates. Applicants were also instructed how to submit their resume to Hishabee Technology Limited via the Internet or by regular mail.

HRD (Human Resources Department) online assessments are a common method used by Hishabee Technology Limited to evaluate candidates during the hiring process or to assess the skills and abilities of existing employees. HRD Online Appraisals from Hishabee Technology Limited offer several benefits, including scalability, cost-effectiveness, standardized evaluation, and the ability to track and analyze appraisal data effectively. A letter of appointment will be issued by Hishabee Technology Limited to all candidates once a final decision has been made.

If the candidate has the necessary work experience, Hishabee Technology Limited will notify him one month in advance. Hishabee Technology Limited's HRD uses various e-recruitment sources to attract and hire qualified candidates. Social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn are widely used within Hishabee Technology Limited for recruitment purposes.

HRD of Hishabee Technology Limited often shares jobs and related details on their social media pages, reaching a large audience and allowing candidates to apply directly or express their interest. Hishabee Technology Limited employers look for individuals with specific skills or experience, engage with them and share job opportunities. e) Online recruitment agencies:. There are online recruitment agencies including Ogro HR Solution Limited and BD Vacancy Notice that facilitate the hiring process for Hishabee Technology Limited.

Based on internship experience at Hishabee Technology limited and analysis of the study, the online recruitment process Hishabee Technology limited, the HRD of the organization can face various challenges that can affect organizational performance.

Figure 4. 1: E Recruitment Process of Hishabee Technology Limited Job Analysis
Figure 4. 1: E Recruitment Process of Hishabee Technology Limited Job Analysis

Recommendation and Conclusion


The implementation of an e-recruitment system can have a significant impact on the performance of the organization. E-recruitment systems automate and streamline various stages of the recruitment process, such as job posting, CV screening, applicant tracking and interview scheduling. A well-designed and user-friendly online platform improves the candidate experience and portrays the organization as technologically advanced and forward-thinking. A positive experience during the recruitment process can strengthen the organization's reputation, attract top talent and potentially reduce turnover rates.

New technologies in the university context: the use of blogs for the development of students' reading and writing skills.


Figure 3. 1: Core Values of Hishabee Technology Limited
Figure 3. 2: Organogram of Hishabee Technology Limited
Figure 4. 1: E Recruitment Process of Hishabee Technology Limited Job Analysis


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