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“Student’s care” is a web based final year project


Academic year: 2023

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Safayet Hossain ID Prloy Mukherjhee ID and Fahmida-Al-Ikra ID to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University have been accepted as satisfactory in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering and approved with regard to style and content. We declare that this project has been carried out by us under the follow up of our supervisor Masud Rabbani, Associate Professor, Department of CSE Daffodil International University. We also declare that neither this project nor any part of this project has been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree or diploma.

He has deep understanding and great interest in the field of "web application" which has influenced us to take this project. Syed Akther Hossain Head, Department of CSE for his great deepest help in fulfilling our last year project and also thanks to other faculty members and the staff of CSE dept.Student's care is a web based system designed to monitor the academic performance of students by of making a virtual communication system.

Through which they can communicate with teachers and also update their profile, through which a teacher can imagine which academic result of that student is good or bad for him, by knowing this he/she can suggest how to improve their result or how to can build their career by arranging a meeting with the teacher. Student Care is a great project designed mainly for university students and teachers. It is easier to guide the students in monitoring the student's study result and also to communicate with the student's parents in a good way.

Here teachers can also arrange a meeting with the student's parent by sending an email to our system.

Motivation 01

But in our opinion, it is beneficial for all students and teachers to communicate with each other and monitor students from teachers. With this system, all students and teachers stay in one place, where teachers can open a group.

Objectives 01

Expected Outcomes 02

Report Layout 02


Related Works 03

Scope of the problem 03

Challenges 04


  • Software Development Life Cycle Model 05
  • Reasoning to choose waterfall Model 06
  • Requirement Collection and Analysis 07
  • Use case Modeling and Description 07
  • Logical Data model 09
  • Design Requirements 09

As with this waterfall model, all stages were negotiated and therefore dependent on each other, so a stage cannot start before the previous stages are completed or completed and recorded. This process is best suited for developing this app because all the features you want and the goals of the app are very obvious. It could then be less complicated to complete the operation in components, and the waterfall model provides this method in almost all applications.

And a lot of essential things about this model, when a developer finds any kind of bug from a problem, it's fairly easy to find and fix it because it's extremely popular. We have collected a lot of data from teachers and students to help us choose the features of our project. A use case shows a summary of who is using the system or project or application and what they can do with it.

Use case diagrams are used to gather system needs, including internal and external influences. Here the teacher can join the students and can contact the student together with their parents. The student can sign up and then they can update their profile and join the teacher.

They also message the teacher and schedule a date and time to consult with the teacher.

Figure 3.2: Screenshot of Use case for the student
Figure 3.2: Screenshot of Use case for the student


Back-end Design 10

Interaction Design and UX 10

  • Homepage 11
  • Registration 11
  • Login 12
  • Teacher profile 13
  • Teacher can see all student profile 14
  • Teacher make student counselling 16
  • Teacher arrange a meeting with student’s parents 15
  • Student profile 15
  • Student can update their result 16
  • Student can join with teacher 16
  • student can send message 17
  • teacher can send message 17
  • Teacher create an announcement for all student 18
  • see all counselling 18

This page is also known as the main page and this is the main page of the website. After a successful registration, a teacher or a student can log into the site using only email and password. By clicking on all student choices, the teacher can see all students who are with him/her.

Figure 4.7 shows the page of all students participating in this project with the teacher. If the teacher wants to make an announcement to all students, they can also easily do this via our website.

Figure 4.1: Screenshot of the homepage of the application
Figure 4.1: Screenshot of the homepage of the application

Implementation Requirements 19


  • Implementation of Front-end Design 21
  • Implementation of Interactions 21
  • Testing Implementation 21
  • Result and Reports 22

We are trying our best to make our website more responsive as now many devices are used like smartphones, tablets, desktops, desktops 4k. We also try to make our website more user-friendly so that our users feel comfortable using our website. We hope that our website will be of great use to both users such as teachers and students.

Test report is required to mirror test creates a formal way which allows to quickly estimate test results. It is a paper that records data acquired from your evaluation experiment in an organized manner, describes the environment or operating conditions, and shows the comparison between test results and test targets. The test report is more important than the need to understand that the machine is prepared or not ready for deployment.

Once the system has passed all these types of tests, it is finally ready for lunch so that at the end we can output the result as the benefits of usability testing.

Table 5.1: Test Case
Table 5.1: Test Case


Scope for further Developments 23

SDLC Waterfall Model https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sdlc/sdlc_waterfall_model.htm [online] last accessed October 30, 2018.


Figure 3.2: Screenshot of Use case for the student
Figure 3.4: Logical Data Diagram
Figure 3.3: Screenshot of use case for the teacher
Figure 4.2: Screenshot of teacher registration page of website


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©Daffodil International University vii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES PAGE Figure 1: Business process modeling notation BPMN 6 Figure 3.3: use case model Figure 3.4: logical data