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Karrie Hartline Managerial Assessment an


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Managerial Assessment and Development – 1

Individual Work Week- 4

Karrie Hartline


Instructor Jill Heaney

Everest University Online


Review Questions

1. What is the difference between a theory and a model?

A theory begins with an idea or a set of ideas that sets out to prove or explain certain facts or

events through evidence or experiments, however usually the evidence or experiment is weak

and may not be able to be proven or verified to be true in all cases. Therefore it is determined to

be a theory.

A model is considered to be something that people follow or imitate, something individuals

use as an example such as a formula in mathematics, directions in a recipe, plans for building a

building, plans for meeting goals and objective even the way people learn patterns of behaviors.

These examples are all types of models people follow in their everyday lives (Ahmad, 2011).

Our text describes leadership theory as how situational variable interact with the leaders

personalities and behaviors Fred E. Fiedler was the first to call this the contingency leadership

theory in 1951 (Lussier, 2013, p. 115). Our text explains contingency model is usually used in

determining a person’s leadership style whether their style is task oriented or relationship

oriented to determine which situation leader-member relationship, task structure, or position

power matches the leader’s particular style to maximize performance (Lussier, 2013, p. 51).

2. What contingency leadership variables are common to all of the theories?

Situational, Behavioral, Participative and Achievement Oriented leadership variables are

among the most common leadership variables because these particular variables have led to the

increased levels of motivation for leaders and employees. Thereby maximizing high job


obtaining all personal and professional goals and objectives showing why these contingency

leadership variables are important to all the leadership theories (Lussier, 2013 p. 122).

3. How does the global economy relate to contingency leadership? The global economy relates

to the contingency theory leadership today in the fact that global companies all over the world

are faced today with cultural and environmental factors from diverse value systems and religious

backgrounds from employee’s leaders today must be prepared in all areas as leadership styles do

vary greatly from place to place (Lussier, p. 114).

4. What are the two contingency leadership theory leadership styles? The two contingency

leadership theory styles are task motivated or relationship motivated (Lussier, p. 116).

5. Do the three situational favorableness factors of the contingency leadership model (see

Exhibit 4.3 on page 118) fit in only one of the three variables (follower, leader, and situation) or

all contingency leadership variables (see Exhibit 4.1 on page 113)? Explain. Personally it seems

as if all contingency leadership variables do fit into the contingency leadership model. The

contingency leadership theory suggests that the leader’s effectiveness depends on how well the

leaders style fits into the context of the job (Lussier, p. 115). The leader contingency model

determines whether or not a person’s leadership style is task or relationship oriented it also

recognizes whether or not the (leaders, member, relationship, task structure, or position power

makes a difference in the leaders style to maximize performance and profits (Lussier, p. 115) In

situational favorableness all three are important leader- member relations, task structure and

position and power (Lussier, p. 117).

6. What is the difference in the outcomes of the contingency leadership and the continuum


7. What are the three subordinate and environment situational factors of the path–goal model?

8. What are the path–goal theory leadership styles?

9. What are the normative leadership theory leadership styles?

10. What is the primary difference between the contingency leadership model and the other leadership models (leadership continuum, path–goal, and normative leadership)?

11. What are the three substitutes for leadership?


Ahmad, S. (2011). What is the difference between a theory and a model in management?


Exercise 2 Case Study Terry Gou


2. Using Exhibit 4.3 on page 118, Fiedler’s contingency leadership model, what situation and leadership style are appropriate for the production department and for the custom design department?

3. Why isn’t Chang doing an effective job in the design department?

4. What would Fiedler and Kerr and Jermier recommend that Chang do to improve performance?

5. Which of the two basic continuum leadership styles would Tannenbaum and Schmidt recommend for Chang and other managers of the design department?


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