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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8116111012







Handani, Mirna. Registration Number 8116111012. Maitaining Nandung in Rengat (Indragiri Hulu). Thesis. English Apllied Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate School, State University of Medan (UNIMED). 2016



Handani, Mirna. No Pendaftaran 8116111012. Pemertahanan Nandung di Rengat (Indragiri Hulu). Tesis. Jurusan Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED). 2016


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bissmillahirrahmanirrahim,

The writer would like to express her deep devotion and thanks to the

almighty Allah SWT, for everything has given to the writer to finish this thesis.

Shalawat and salam to Prophet Muhammad SAW as the messenger, has brought the

humankind from the bad characters to the good one.

The writer would like to express her gratitude to Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning,

M. Pd. Her first adviser fo the valuable time spent in giving the guidance, comments

and criticim to manuscriot of the thesis. She also would like to thank Prof. Dr. Sri

Minda Murni, M.S her second adviser who patiently spent valuable time for giving

advices, comments, and guidances in the claridication to complete this this thesis.

The writer also would like to thank all staff of the English Applied

Linguistics Program Dr. Rahmad Husein, M. Ed the head of LTBI and Mr. Farid

for aboundantly helpful and invaluable informations on administrative requrements

for the degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum).

The writer’s great thanks also go to all her examiners who had given

suggestions, criticisms, opinions and improvements for this thesis. She also would

like to express her thankfulness to all lectures who teach her during the academic

years of LTBI. Then, to all students of LTBI Regular A, especially to my dearest

friend Vidya Amalia Zati, S.S. M. Hum who always texts me, calls me, remainds

me to finish my thesis.

The writer would like to thank to Prof. Suwardi MS as the fist key informan

before this thesis had been write down who always support young people to


For Rengat Educational and Culture Department, the writer would like

thanks to let the writer done the research about Nandung as their oral tradition.

Finally, her special gratitude is also dedicated to her beloved father Maruli

Siregar and my mother Noor Ira Sari for supporting her in finishing her thesis. For

my brothers Arief Yordan Siregar and Bonar Akadena for carring about my thesis,

for supporting me in writing this thesis. And least but not the last my Mr. Right

Mursan Adamsyah Putra Ritonga, my deepest thankfulness to him for always

supporting me, guiding me, comforting me everytime i get stuck in writing this


Medan, July 2016




2.2 Language Shift and Language Maintenance ... 10

2.3 Steps in Maintaining a Language ... 13

2.4 Language Attitude in Language Maintenance ... 15

2.5 Nandung as an Oral Literature ... 20

2.6 Preserving Oral Tradition of Malay Society ... 25

2.7 Malay Society ... 32

2.8 Indragiri Hulu ... 33


2.10 Conceptual Framework ... 38

CHAPTER III: METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design ... 40

3.2 Source of Data ... 40

3.3 Instrument of Data Collection ... 41

3.4 The Technique of Data Collection ... 41

3.5 The technique of Data Analysis ... 42

3.6 Trustworthiness of Data ... 42


4.1.1 The Meaning in Nandung ... 44 Parenting Expression... 45

a. Expression of Prayer or Religion ... 45

b. Expression of Affection ... 47 Intruction and Teaching ... 48 Advices... 50

4.1.2 The Reasons Why Malay People Convey Nandung the ways it is ... 51 Lack of Awareness of Young Generation ... 51 The Concern of Local Government ... 52

4.1.3 Strategy of Oral Tradition Maitenance ... 53


4.2 Findings ... 57

4.3 Discussion... 58

4.3.1 Meaning in Nandung ... 58

4.3.2 The Reasons Why Malay People Convey Nandung the

Ways It Is ... 58

4.3.3 Strategies of Oral Tradition Maintenance ... 59


5.1 Conclusions ... 60



Picture 1. Map of Indragiri Hulu ... 34

Picture 2. Nandung in Aqiqahan ceremony ... 55



Appendix 1 Nandung ... 63

Appendix 2 Documentation of Nandung in Malay people in daily life ... 75

Appendix 3 Documentation of Nandung in Aqiqahan Ceremony ... 80




1.1The Background of The Study

Since the ancient era until digital era, language still has conveyed a

paramount role in human life as one element of culture. It strethning the fact that

langauge and culture are inter connected each other. The inter connection is seen

when it allows a person communicating with others in touching their needs. This

doesn’t mean that the only function of a language not only possible to exchange

information but also transmit culture, continuesocieties and to control social group.

In Indonesia, there are approximately 400 major and minor languages used

by different communities ranging from Acehnese, Batak and Malay. The major

languages used by the langer communities have produces the classical literatrues of

Indonesia. The prominence of these langauges is reflected in the large number of

written works produces in those areas.

Historically, Malay language had emerged since in the beginning of

eighteen century. At that time, it disseminated as a means of communication over a

more extensive area. It was occured because the Malay langauge placing important

role such its province as a lingua franca played an enormous role to conduct trade

and other important communications among people in Southeast Asia, Arab, China,

and Europe with people in this continent.

Nowadays, Malay does not become lingua franca anymore. It is replaced by


economic and politic globally. As the result, the Malay is pushed to the brick of

being moribund.

However, each language has certain terms and expressions describing things

and ideas that reflect the knowledge gathered by one people over generations (Hart,

1995), the documentation of language and langauge use within different situation

(e.g. story telling, songs, ritauls, everyday life) can be a first step towards

develpoing and preserving indigenous languages. It is imporatant, however, that as

language is an irreplaceable souce if cultural knowledge and serves to transmit

cultural values, the process of language revitalization and preservation must take

place within the local and linguistic context in which it makes sense.

Recording of oral tradition can help to maintain cultural knowledge

contained in traditional stories and songs. The recording (audio anf video) of rituals

and dances is a valuable means for preserving records of cultural activities and

expressions and offers an alternative means for passing them on to future


In addition an abundance of folk narration and songs exist which remained

oral forms of literature for a long time outside the mainstream of written literatures

in Indonesia. Much of this type of literature has been recorded in the past few

decades, but it is believed taht a still greater amount belongs to the unwritten texts

stored in the minds of the preofessional or amatuer storytellers and reciters of poetry

to be enjoyed by being listened to.

Oral literature is a direct and spontaneous expression of the mind of the


and styles may be found among different oral literatures from different regions. It

can be expected that these similiarities may exist within ASEAN, include Indonesia.

There are many kinds of oral literature that can be found in Indonesia,

especially in Riau as Pantun, Gurindam dua belas, Dodoi, Nandung etc. Nandung

is very simple song that developed in Melayunese community in Rengat, consist of

a sentence Tahlil (La ilaha illallah ...) and seduction sentence so that children get

to sleep. Nandung consists of four lines the first two lines of the form sampiran last

two lines are a rhyming content by the end of a,b: a,b. However there are also some

who are not bound by Nandung final rhyme (ab-ab) (Darmawi,2006:19).

In fact, there are some previous researchers that investigate about Nandung,

such as Khalifah (2005) with the title “Nilai sastra pada sastra Lisan Nandung di

Kelurahan Kampung Besar Seberang Kecamatan Rengat Kabupaten Indragiri

Hulu” she only focus to identify the values in Nandung at Kelurahan Kampung

Besar Seberang. Similar with Kalifah, Zuita (2011) with the title “Nandung Dalam

Masyarakat Desa Kampung Pulau Seberan Rengat Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu” in

her research, she investigated the elements contained in Nandung performances.

All of the previous research observed about the elements and the values of

nandung, those researchers were not focus on investigate the ways that Malay

people in maintaining Nandung in Rengat, that is why the researcher need to know

the maintenance of nandung will contribution in maintaining Malay language in


1.2 The Problems of The Study

Based on the above background of the study, the problems of the study are

formulated as follows:

1. What meanings are conveyed in Nandung?

2. How do malay people maintain Nandung?

3. Why do Malay people convey Nandung in the ways it is?

1.3 The Objectives of The Study

Related to the problems of the study, the objectives of this study are

1. to describe meaning in Nandung

2. to desribe how Malay people maintain nandung in Rengat and

3. to state the reasons why Malay people convey Nandung in the ways it is?

1.4 The Scope of The Study

This study only focuses on maintaining oral Literature (Nandung) in

Indragiri Hulu, Rengat as a step in keeping Malay language still exist. It will be

conducted only for Malay people and Malay Humanist.

1.5 The Significance of The Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful for the following:

Theoretically, this research is expected to be useful for the teachers of

lecturers of socialinguistics to apply the language maintenance, especially to

sociolinguistics’ students in University. It helps them to identify the meanings that


Rengat and to state the reasons why Malay people do the way they do in maintaining


Practically, the findings of this study are expected to be able to maintain

malay language through Nandung for children in Malay community in Rengat and




5.1 Conclusions

This thesis is about The Maintenance Nandung among the speakers of

Malay language in Rengat. It was aimed to find out the strategies in maintaining

Nandung in Rengat. Based of data analysis, the conclusions are presented in this


1. Nandung is one of traditional culture that still remains admist the Malay

people and being practised by the Malay people.

2. Malay society is well known by its oral tradition Nandung conveying

message by orally. Nandung contains such as religious, historical values,

custom and practical values, information that has the values of local wisdom

in daily file of the community, as well as contain genealogical information of

kinship of a family in the community.

3. The dominant meaning coding in Nandung is religious one.

4. usually, the Malay people perform Nandung when there is a Akikahan


5. The strategies of maintaining Nandung that conduct by Malay people in

Rengat; debriefing and revitalizing oral tradition of Malay and


5.2 Suggestions

It is suggested that those, who concern with malay culture and malay

cultural maintenance should explore some aspect of the language by doing some

efforts internally and externally.

1. For futher research is needed to explore as many as possible the heritage of

Nandung, such as the exploration of Nandung in malay daily life. Because there is

a very little document of the malay culture literature and reference especially

Nandung. It is very difficult to find malay literature in an available resources. The

multi sources documents of Nandung will enrich the malay heritage studies.

2. For The Rengat local goverment should have the same important role to

maintain the heritage of Rengat oral tradition, especially Nandung. Such as

including Nandung (Oral Tradition) as the local curriculum and adding extra time

to teach Nandung in Muatan Locat subject at schools.

3. For the Malay people, to be aware of this phenomenon and keep using

Nandung in daily life, and intoduce Nandung to the young generation both in formal



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