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B inggris


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "B inggris"


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Nama : Ainul fuad

Nim : 1531600070

Jurusan : Jinayah Siyasah II

Reza : So, tell me about your family have you got any brother’s or sister,?

Aldy : Yeah I’ve got two brothers but no sister

Reza : Two brother, how old are they,?

Aldy : the oldest is fifety, and the youngest is nine years

Reza : And what do they do,?

Aldy : the oldest and youngest is studying

Reza ; and what about your dad? What does he do?

Aldy : oh, he’s a farmer

Reza : Oh realy ? and your mom? Does she work, too ?


Officer : can I help you, sir

Mr, reynaldy : ye, I,d like to open a savengs account

Officer : certainly. Sir we’ll have to fill out some forms could I have your name please?

Mr, reynaldy : it’s reynaldy

Officer : how do you spell your name. mr, reynaldi

Mr, reynaldy : R-E-Y-N-A-L-D-Y

Officer : and where do you live?

Mr, reynaldy : 19, pangkalan balai

Officer : it that in banyuasin

Mr, reynaldy : yes that all right

Officer : and your zip code

Mr, reynaldy : 931612

Officer : what’s our telephone number mr, reynaldy

Mr, reynaldy : 082182801421

Officer : 082182801421 and your accupation

Mr,reynaldy : I’m a studying

Officer : I see, what’s the name of your university

Mr, reynaldy : I’m studying, in UIN RF Palembang


Muchlisa : hello

Me : hi, beby, it’s me fuad

Muchlisa : oh, hi, beby, how’re you doing

Me : oh, no bad say, say are you doing anything Saturday night?

Muchlisa : no, nothing special why?

Me : well, do you fell like doing to dinner?

Muchlisa : oh, that’s a good idea

Me : great. What about having a bakso a frist and second pizza

Muchlisa : sure, why not ? where do you what to meet

Me : why don’t I pick you up at your house

Muchlisa : ok what time

Me : is seven o’clock ok

Muchlisa : fine well, see you at seven

Me : right, so long for now

Muchlisa : bye

Me : yes I LOVE U


Reza : great party, isn’t it

Rinda : yeah reAly

Reza : by the wy my name’s reza budiarto

Rinda : nice to meet you, I’m rinda ayrilia

Reza : sorry, what’s your first name again

Rinda : rinda, but please call me Ndot

Reza : well, I’m a student at Palembang

Rinda : oh are you,? What are you studying

Rinda : studyng, and what about you

Reza : I’m student in RF Palembang

Rinda : hmm, that you


Aji : uh, excuse me, I’m trying to find the university RF Palembang can you help me?

Yanto : university RF Palembang ? let’s see now, oh, yes you go straight down this street to the corner,turn left and go are block until you come to hospital go right on hospital, it’s on the right slide of the street just past the palapa restaurant, you can’t miss it.

Aji ; I, see, straight to the corner, left and the right

Yanto : that’s it

Aji : thank’s a lot


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