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A Brief Description Of Characterization In The Kim Ki-Ho Film Ballieseo Saengkin II


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I, MUHAMMAD FADLI HASIBUAN, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where references is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published else where or extracted in whole or part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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I would like to thank the Almighty Allah SWT, who has given me health and capability to finish this paper as my last assignments to finish my study at Diploma III English Program Study, Faculty of Letters University of North Sumatera.

I also would like to thank to the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Drs.

Syaifuddin, M.A, Ph.D, and the Head of Diploma III English Program Study,

Dra. Syahyar Hanum, DPFE, and thanks to the secretary of Diploma III English

Program Study and also my supervisor Drs Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum, for his time, patience, attention and suggestions. I also would like to thank to my Reader

Dra. Roma Ayuni A Lubis, M.A. for her time, patience, attention and

suggestions. And I would like to thank to all my lectures in English Diploma program, faculty of letter. Thank for the guidance while I’m in this faculty.

To my beloved parent, my beloved mother Dahlia Nasution, and my beloved father Lahuddin Hasibuan, I dedicate this paper to them, and I love them very much. To my beloved uncle, H. Hanafi Nasution, S.SOS, I would like to express my gratitude for their love, time, material, and supporting during my live.

Especially to my sisters Aslamiyah Hasibuan, and Arfika Hasibuan, and thank you (for not disturbing me), for your understanding and support me in finishing this paper.

To my best friends at class A and B of the 2007 academic year especially,

Mahadi, Amirul, Ikhwan, Roy, Andreas, Rubiyatik, Ellin, Mazdalifah and


thank for our beautiful friendship while we are in this Faculty, I love you very much. Wherever you are, you always be my best friend.

To my best friends Fahmi and Rois, I miss you man’s. To my friends in senior high school, Dhini, Edi and Endah, keep spirit friends!

In writing this paper, I found many difficulties. Without any helps and support from all parties, this paper would not be completed. Finally, I hope that this paper would be useful for the readers in the future.

Medan, June 2010



Menurut UU 8 1992, film adalah karya cipta seni dan budaya yang merupakan media komunikasi massa pandang-dengar yang dibuat berdasarkan asas sinematografi dengan direkam dengan pita seluloid, pita video, piringan video, dan/atau bahan hasil penemuan teknologi lainnya dalam segala bentuk, jenis, dan ukuran melalui proses kimiawi, proses elektronik atau proses lainnya, dengan atau tanpa suara, yang dpat dipertunjukkan dan/atau ditayangkan dengan system proyeksi mekanik, elektronik, dan/atau lainnya.

BALLIESEO SAENGKIN IL adalah sebuah film populer di Indonesia.

BALLIESEO SAENGKIN IL adalah sebuah film fiksi yang menarik. Karakter

didalam film ini sangat kuat dan bagus. Karakternya memberikan inspirasi bagi penonton yang menyaksikan film ini. Penulis sangat tertarik dengan film ini, oleh karena itu penulis membuat kertas karya yang berjudul A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTERIZATION IN THE KIM KI - HO FILM BALLIESEO




3.1 Main Characters ... 18

3.1.1 Jeong Jae-min ... 18

3.1.2 Kang In Wook... 19

3.1.3 Lee Shoo-Jung ... 21

3.2 The Minor Charcters ... 23

3.2.1 Choi Young-Joo ... 23

3.2.2 Fan Meixie... 24

3.2.3 Joeng Jai Min Mothers ... 25

4 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 4.1 Conclussions ... 26

4.2 Suggestions... 25




Menurut UU 8 1992, film adalah karya cipta seni dan budaya yang merupakan media komunikasi massa pandang-dengar yang dibuat berdasarkan asas sinematografi dengan direkam dengan pita seluloid, pita video, piringan video, dan/atau bahan hasil penemuan teknologi lainnya dalam segala bentuk, jenis, dan ukuran melalui proses kimiawi, proses elektronik atau proses lainnya, dengan atau tanpa suara, yang dpat dipertunjukkan dan/atau ditayangkan dengan system proyeksi mekanik, elektronik, dan/atau lainnya.

BALLIESEO SAENGKIN IL adalah sebuah film populer di Indonesia.

BALLIESEO SAENGKIN IL adalah sebuah film fiksi yang menarik. Karakter

didalam film ini sangat kuat dan bagus. Karakternya memberikan inspirasi bagi penonton yang menyaksikan film ini. Penulis sangat tertarik dengan film ini, oleh karena itu penulis membuat kertas karya yang berjudul A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTERIZATION IN THE KIM KI - HO FILM BALLIESEO



1.1 The Background of Study

Literature, According to Rees (1973: 9) is writing which express and communicates though feelings and attitude towards life. Film is one of human literature creation. The film is a picture of real life and manners and of the time in which it was written. Some of them are fiction (unreal) and some are nonfiction (real), in nonfiction film, the authors present actual people and events. Good film bring a message to the people who watch it.

Ballieseo Saengkin Il is one of famous film in Indonesia in 2004. The film

is very interesting and very meaningful.

I’m very impressed with the story of Ballieseo Saengkin Il, There are many messages that we can get from the story about their friendship, and their spirit to life. I feel the story and the theme are very interesting, tells about their life style, their patients to continue their lifes in the Korea

Why I choose to analyze the characters? Because characters are very important in a story. Characters make the story become real and interesting. Without characters the film is nothing, and from the characters the people can get the meaning of a story. Beside that the characters of the main characters in ballieseo Saengkin Il are very unique.


1.2 The Scope of the Study

There are many things that can be analyzed about this film, and there are many characters in this film, so I limited the study only for the main character of Ballieseo Saengkin Il ( Jeong Jai Min, Kang In Wook , and Lee Shoo-Joeng )

and the minor characters (Choi Young Joo, Fan Meixie, and Zhao Shengtai ).

1.3 The Objective of the Study.

I write this paper because. I’m very interesting about this film, and I want to analyze the characters of Ballieseo Saengkin Il ( Jeong Jai Min, Kang In Wook , and Lee Shoo-Joeng ) and want to fulfill one of requirement in order to complete my education in D-III English Department.

1.4 The Significance of the study

- To analyze the characters in Ballieseo Saengkin Il film.

- In order the reader wants to watch Ballieseo Saengkin Il film.

- To make the reader know the characters in Ballieseo Saengkin Il film.


1.5 The Methods of Writing



A literature has some elements to support it, for example intrinsic elements. But in this chapter, I just explain about the intrinsic elements. Intrinsic elements in a literature consist of: theme, characterization, plot, point of view and settings.

2.1 Theme

According to Stanton and Kenny, theme is the meaning that implied in a story. In order to decide the theme of the film, the people should have a clear definition of theme it self. Theme is a general basic idea that supports literature, and it is implied in the texts as semantics structure and connected with similarities and differences. (Nurgyantoro, Burhan.1998 : 67)

Theme is filtered from the motif found in the literary works itself, which decide the presence of events, conflict, and certain situation. Theme becomes a basic development of whole story, so it must represent the whole part of story of the film. The people should conclude the whole story to find out the theme of literary work, which ha a wide and abstract generalization.


Another intrinsic element is characterization. Characterization is the description of clean image about someone who appears in a story. It has wide meaning that characters, because it is including the problem that is the person of the story. Whereas characters just refers to the person in the story. A character is the people appear in a narrative drama, and the people interpret it as the person who has a moral quality and certain tendency such as being expressed in what they did. Characters occupy strategic position as the carrier and the teller of messages, moral or something to the people intentionally (Nurgyantoro, Burhan.1998: 165). Character in a film can differentiated into several kinds of the based on point of view. Based on the differences point of view, a character can be categorized into several at once, foe examples main character-protagonist and main characters antagonist.

Other people like Scott, introducing each of their major people by a paragraph describing detail or physical appearance and another analyzing of moral and psychological nature. But this form of block characterization may reduce an introductory label. Or the label may turn into a device of mimic or pantomime-some mannerism, gesture, or saying as in the Charles Dickens, English novelist (1836-1870), recurs whiners the characters reappears, serving as emblematic accompaniment

Generally, there are two kinds of characters in the film, they are main character and peripheral character.


expressed in the story. The themselves represent full significance that can be appreciated by literary reader, while reading it in relation to this Taylor, Richard stated (1981 : 62)

“A character is mere construction of words meant to express an idea or view express an idea or view of experience and must be considered in relation of other features of the composition, such as setting and action, before its significant can be appreciated.”

John Peck and Martin Coyle in their book Literary Terms and Critism ( 1986 : 105 ) explained the definition of character as follows :

“Character in literary work are not like real life people

for they have been specially created by authors. When authors create character, they select some aspect of ordinary people. develop some of those aspect whilst playing down other and put them together as they please, the result is not an ordinary person but a fictional character who only exist in the words of literary works.”

According the statements above that character is presumably an imagined

person who inhabits a story – although that simple definition mat admit to a view exceptions, but usually, we recognize, in the main characters of the story, human personalities that become function to us. If the story seems true to life, we generally find that its characters act in a reasonably consistent manner and that the author has provided them with motivation, sufficient reason to behave as they do.


By watching a film, people usually face several characters that appear in the story. But each character has different rolled. Based on the role and level of importance. There is an essential character being appeared continuously. So, it seems to dominate the story which called main characters (central characters). Main characters are the characters that are emphasized in the film. A main character appears in most of the story, either as subject or object. In certain film, main characters always appear in almost each event and can be found in each page of film.On the other hand, there are characters that appear once or something in the story, and maybe relatively in short portion, which is called peripheral character. Peripheral characters is the characters that is supported the main characters and held an important role to the story of a film.

2.2.2 Protagonist and Antagonist.

Based on the character’s appearance can differentiate into protagonist and antagonist. Protagonist is the character that is admired by the people, popularly he is called as a hero because he always does ideal role and the rules and the values in society. The readers often identify themselves with this character, give sympathy and emphasis, and involve themselves in this character emotionally. Protagonist or main character is the central figure of the story. It is not


The term protagonist is defined to be either always synonymous with the term main character, or it is defined as a different concept, in which case a single character still may (and usually will) serve the function of both the protagonist and main character, or the functions may be split.

In classical and later theater the protagonist is the character undergoing a dramatic change (peripeteia), both of his own character and external circumstances, with the plot either going from order to chaos, as in a tragedy, with reversal of fortune bringing about the downfall of the protagonist, usually an exceptional individual, as a result of a tragic flaw (hamartia) in his personality; or from chaos to order, as in a comedy, with the protagonist going from misfortune to prosperity an from obscurity to prominence.

A story about an exceptional character being a driving force behind the plot, facing an opponent (the antagonist) and undergoing an important change like it is the case with the protagonist may be told from the perspective of different character (who may, but will not necessarily also be the narrator).

The principal opponent of the protagonist is a character known as the antagonist who represents or creates obstacles that the protagonist must overcome. As with protagonists, there may be more than one antagonist in a story.


antagonist is not always the villain, but simply those who oppose the main character.

2.2.3 Round character and Flat character

Round character is a character who shows many different facets ; often presented in depth and with great detail. The basic of trait of round character are that they recognized, change with, or adjust to circumstances. The round character –usually the main figure in a story –profits from experience and undergoes a change or alteration, which may be shown in (1) an action or actions, (2) the realization of new strength and therefore the affirmation of previous decisions, (3) the acceptance of a new condition, or (4) the discovery of unrecognized truths.(Robert,2003:133). Because round of they usually play a major role in a story.

Round characters are often called the hero or heroine. Many main characters are anything but heroic, however, and it is therefore preferable to use the more neutral word protagonist. The protagonist is central to the action, moves against an antagonist, and exhibits the ability to adapt to new circumstances.

To the degree that around characters are both individual and sometimes unpredictable, and because they undergo change or growth, they are dynamic.


where they begin and are static, not dynamic. But flat characters are not therefore worthless, for they usually highlight the development of the round characters.

Sometimes flat characters are prominent in certain types of literature, such as cowboys, police, and detective stories, where the focus is less on character than on performance. Such character might be lively engaging, even though they do not develop or change. They must be strong, tough, and clever enough to perform recurring tasks like solving a crime, overcoming a villain, or a finding a treasure. The term stock character refers to characters in these To the degree that stock characters have many common traits, they are representative of their class, or group. Such characters with variations in names, ages, and sexes, have been constant in literature since the ancient Greek.

2.2.4 Typical and Neutral Character


In another side, the neutral character is the story character who has existence for the story. He/She is the real imaginer character who live in fiction world. He/She presents for the story even he/she the owner of the story, action of story. Their presence does not represent or show something out of themselves one who is from real world. At least, the reader get difficulty to guess it as the represented because there is no evidence of reflecting from reality.

The characterization of story character typically can be seen as reaction, opinion, accepting, guessing of composer toward human character in real world. The opinion may sound negatively as seen in teasing, critical, and even caricatured story.

The typical characterization which is not concerned with intentional and implicit meaning that told by the composer to the reader. The composer not only give reaction or opinion through that typical character, but also shows their attitude toward character, character’s problem or its own action at once.

Typical character in a novel maybe only one or some people, for example the main character or peripheral character. The typication of character does not need involve all their presence even it is impossible. There is only little aspect concerns with their self. For example, their reaction and action about something. The problem or conflict their faces, the action and word, the particular actions, etc.


typical character has characteristic such as life, however life like character is not certain typical character.

2.3 Setting

When the people watch this film, actually they are facing a world that had been completed by the character and the events in the film. But of course, those things are less complete because the characters need living space, place and time, like human’s living in the real world. In other hand, film not only needs characters, story and plot, but also setting. Setting usually directs to the definition of place, connection of time and social environment where the event happens. Setting gives the basic of story correctly and clear. The setting is important to give realistic impression to the readers, created a certain situation at a glanced is really happened. So, the readers feel easier to create their imagination and participation to criticize the story.

2.3.1 Setting of place


because they will consider that the events are really happened in the place of the story.

Setting of place in a film usually consists of several locations and it will move from one place to another place because there’s a development of plot and characters. Setting of place is decided by the accuracy of description, function, and the unity with another setting’s elements.

2.3.2 Setting of Time.

Setting of time is related to the problem of when the event happens in a story. The problem of when is usually connected with factual time, that has connection with Historical events. The people try to understand and enjoy the story based on the period.

2.3.3 Setting of Society.



Plot is important element of fiction or literary work; even most of the people consider it as the important element among the other element of a film, such as characterization, theme, point and point of view.

Stanton stated that plot is the story that consists of events order, but each event is connected by causality,(Nurgyantoro, Burhan.1998 : 127) one event is caused or caused the others. Meanwhile, Kenny stated that plot is the events shown in a story, which are arranged according to causality. The existence of the plot it self depends on three essential elements; event, conflict, and climax. Event can be meant by a change of one situation to the other. Conflict is a dramatic thing, directed to competition between two balanced powers and show action – reaction.

Event and conflict usually have a close relation. They can cause each other, actually conflict is event. There are certain events that can be happened as the result of conflict happened.

Climax happens when the conflict had watched level of the highest intensity, and it can be avoided. It means that climax must be happened because it is the meeting point between two or more situations, which are contrary and it decide how the problem will be solved.


chronologically and harmoniously, but it can be started and ended by any event. So, that the first step can be in the beginning of the story or text, and it also can be wherever the authors want.


2.5 Point of View.

Point of view is one of the elements in a novel which classified as literary device by Stanton. However it does not mean that the role of viewpoint will influence the story. The form of point of view will influence the people’s reaction about the fiction in many things as well, point of view directs to the way of telling the story in a novel. It is the way or perception which is used by the author as a device to appear character, action and many kinds of event, which form the story in a fiction to the people. So, point of view truthfully is the strategy, or technique that is chosen by the author intentionally to tell his idea and the story.





There are eigth person in Ballieseo Saengkin Il

1. Joeng Jai Min , the main character. A young man with a week spirit . He has everything! Under his misteriuos father.

2. Kang In Wook, a young man who is dealing with an emotional break up, searching for a paradise of his own in Jakarta.

3. Lee Soo-Joeng , the girl of great spirit. A tough ambitious women. Can’t stand the childhood filled with hardships!

4. Choi Young-Joo. 5. Fan Meixie.



The Main Characters

3.1.1 Jeong Jai Min

The main character in Memories of Bali. The protagonist character. A man of Seoul. He is the son of the owner big company in Seoul. He has a handsome face, He is a lazy man. He works in his father company as a manager. He always spends money like water. He can get everything what he want.

It can be seen quoted bellow:

“ Dia adalah putra ke dua dari pengusaha kaya di Seoul, PARX ZHENG company, layani dia dengan baik, berikan semua apa yang dia inginkan jika kau masih ingin tetap bekerja disini.”

Kim KI-Ho, 2004.1)

He goes to bali island to pick up his girl friend. When he comes to Bali island, he meets his fiancée with a man. He jealoush, but he can’t do anything because her fiancée tells he is my class mate in Seoul, but he does not believe in her.

It can be seen quoted bellow:

“Hai sayang aku datang untuk menjemput mu. aku ingin menghabiskan waktu liburku bersamamu sebelum kita menikah di tempat yang romantis ini. Kau bersama seseorang, siapa dia? ”


He is very sad when he know that man is Young Joo boy friends. He feels down and lonely. And he starts to forget Young Joo and change his interest to Lee Soo – Jung.

It can be seen quoted bellow:

“tak perduli kau mau apa, aku akan mengabulkannya. Tinggallah disisiku. Aku menunggu jawabanmu. ” (Kim KI-Ho, 2004. 02:14:39)

He usually jealous with Ka In Wook, other that he also Lee Shoo – Jeong neighbor. They are so close and she has a feeling with him. They are usually go to the office together, and do everything together too.

It can be seen quoted bellow:

“ sewaktu di Bali dia menjadi tetanggaku, waktu pulang dalam pesawat kemari kami juga duduk bersebelahan dan disini dia juga menjadi tetanggaku. Benar – benar ajaib, bagaikan sebuah takdir.”

(Kim Ki-Ho, 2004. 03:27:59)

3.1.2 Kang In Wook


works in the Jeong Jai Min company, PARX ZHENG CORPORATION. He makes PARX ZHENG company wakes up from weakness.

He just lives in a little shelter, with his mother. He usually angry with his mother, because his mother always bring a new man to their house.

It can be seen quoted bellow:

“hebat, sungguh hebat. Sekarang kau berani membentakku. Jika memikirkan diriku sendiri, sejak dulu ada yang ingin mengajakku menikah, namun karena memikirkanmu aku menolaknya. Apa kau tahu mengapa aku memberi mu pendidikan sampai setinggi ini? Karena aku tak mau kau hidup seperti ayah mu. Sekarang aku hidup begini, kau malah memandang rendah diriku. Seandainya seluruh dunia ini membenciku, tapi kau mana boleh merendahkan ku. Oh tuhan betapa banyak yang telah ku korbankan

untuk mu.” ( Kim Ki-Ho,2004. 06:45:14 )

Only his mother alone is living him. He just can learn after the mid night because his house is very noisy, difficult to find a quiet place. For him, learning is an entertainment that makes him forget all of his life difficulties. He is the diamond in PARX ZHENG company, he is the inspiration for his friends.


brings some appreciation to his company. He makes his company more valuable in people’s eyes. He also succees to makes his company famous, and because of him PARX ZHENG company be the first company that win the project.

3.1.3 Lee Shoo - Joeng

Lee Shoo Joeng is sensuous older woman who comes to replace Young Joo as the love interesting Joeng Jai Min life. It is with Shoo joeng that Jai Min learns the importance of sex as humanity’s deepest link with nature and the cosmos.

Shoo Joeng is depicted as a new twentieth-century woman. She’s a feminist before it was fashionable. Determined to be independent, she leaves her husband, earns her own living, and has an extramarital affair with Jai Min. Shoo Joeng can be viewed as representative of the many post-Victorian women who rebelled against the traditional image of woman as the “weaker sex.” Shoo Joeng is extraordinarily intelligent, with a good critical mind.

It can be seen quoted bellow:

“dia sangat menarik. Dia selalu terlihat anggun, sehingga membuat darahku mengalir begitu cepat. Apalagi saat aku melihat matanya, dan tersenyum kepadaku. .”


Shoo Joeng unlike Young Joo, is bursting with a lusty, animal passion. She is Jai Min’s match for fearlessness, sensuality, and intelligence. At the same time, she lacks Young Joo’s spirituality and sensitivity.

It can be seen quoted bellow:

“ kau harus datang kesini untuk menikmati secangkir teh bersamaku. Kau wanita yang beruntung, karana kau memiliki orang yang sangat mencintai mu?” (Kim Ki-Ho. 2004. 05:25:45)

Their subsequent love affair gives them both a new, expansive sense of life. With Shoo Joeng, Jai Min finds the sensual fulfillment he can’t have with either Young Joo or his mother. Paul awakens Shoo Joeng’s sexuality, something she missed with her husband.

Shoo Joeng is the least successful of the major character s in Memories Of Bali. They believe she comes across merely as a vehicle for Jai min’s passion and as a very shallow caricature of the “new woman.”

It can be seen quoted bellow:


3.2 The Minor Characters

3.2.1 Choi Young Joo

Choi Young Joo, Jai Min’s teenage friend and sweetheart. Young Joo is Jai Min devoted helpmate in his artistic and spiritual quests. Although beautiful, she takes no pleasure in her physical attributes. Her whole life is geared toward heaven and mystical sense of nature. She loves him more than he loves her. Jai Min gets frustrated and furious with the way she absorb everything in her soul and cannot fathom why she has to treat everything with so much depth and intensity.

Most of Jai Min’s families and friends feel put off by Young Joo. She’s too intellectual and otherworldly even to know how to hold an ordinary conversation. She lack of normalcy and plain fun is one of the things Jai Min hates about her.


It can be seen quoted bellow:

“ dia sangat pendiam, dan sangat pemalu. Dia menyadari bahwa apa yang dilakukannya itu adalah semata hanya untuk tunangannya. Dia berbohong karena dia benar – benar sangat mencintai nya.” (Kim Ki-Ho. 2004. 08:29:41)

Young Joo is very complex character. At times you feel that himself is trying to understand exactly what she’s like. The narrator, like Jai Min, fluctuates between pitying and condemning her. But because there are so many opposing elements to Young Joo, you have an opportunity to figure out who she really is and what she wants, through your own investigation and interpretation.

It can be seen quoted bellow:

“ dia melihatku dengan tatapan yang serius, matanya membesar penuh dengan kebencian dan dia bilang jika ini benar maka ini adalah hal yang sangat memalukan.” (Kim Ki-Ho. 2004. 12:13:19)

3.2.2 Fan Meixie.

Fan Meixie are Shoo Joeng’s friend. They provide a home away from home for Jai Min. Jai Min is very close to Fan Meixie, a flighty, mystical woman very different from his pragmatic mother.

It can be seen quoted bellow:


He is also friendly with the strong, rationalistic Edgar, Young Joo’s oldest brother. Fan Meixie give Jai Min much support.

3.13. Joeng Jai Min Mothers.

Intensely hates her wishes that she were not the wife of a miner. Hates that her husband drinks excessively and cannot control himself. She focuses all of her love and attention from her husband to her two older sons.

It can be seen quoted bellow:

“ ibu Jai Min sudah lama membenci suaminya. Suaminya suka mabuk – mabukan. Jika suaminya pulang dia akan mengusirnya dengan kata – kata sindiran.”

(Kim Ki-Ho. 2004. 12:19:23)

Jai Min mothers often seems to be doing wonderful things for her children, but the resulting impact on their lives cripples them. Jai Min mother’s is so important to Renxu and Jai Min that all other women come up short when compared to her.



Conclusion and Suggestion.

4.1 Conclusion.

After analyzed the Memories Of Bali film, I takes some conclusions as follow:

1. Character is a fiction or non fiction person who takes important role in literary embodiment. It may be a man or a woman that bring a story from the beginning up to the end.

2. The character is essential in literary works. Without it the story is not interesting. As important ingredient, character divides in to main characters and minor characters.

3. In Ballieseo Saengkin Il, there are three main characters, Jai Min, In Wook, Soo - Jeong. They are all have a different personality. 4. Life is not easy to mixed two human being in one idea.

5. I believe that it is still difficult for his to understand film, but by hard efforts, he has been able to finish this paper as one of the requirement to acquire English D-III certificate at University of North Sumatra. Therefore for those who want to analyze literary works, I must work hard and have efforts in understanding a topic discussion.


4.2 Suggestion


I suggest the reader to watch the film, because there are many messages that we can get from the story. And this film is very interesting for those who are interested in literature, by watching this film, hopefully that the reader can get and learn the moral messages from Ballieseo Saengkin Il film.



Echols, John.M and Hasan Sadily,1998, kamus Indonesia-Inggris, Jakarta: Pt.Gramedia

Pustaka Utama

Hamalian dan Carl, 1967, The Shape of Fiction, United States Of America: Mc Graw-Hill Book Company.

Ki – Ho, Kim, 2004, Ballieseo Saengkin Il, Korea : Seoul.

Kenedy, X.J 1991, Literature an Introduction to fiction, poetry and drama London:Harper Collins Publisher.

Nurgyantoro, Burhan, Teori Pengkajian Fiksi : Gadjah Mada University Press Rees, R, J, 1973, English Literature an Introduction for foreign readers, Hong Kong: The Macmillan Press Ltd.
















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tanggal 11 September 2015, kami Pokja ULP/Panitia Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Dinas Pekerjaan. Umum Kota Makassar yang diangkat berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas


Berdasarkan Hasil Seleksi Umum Jasa Konsultansi Pekerjaan Perencanaan Pembangunan Gedung Student Center Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin Tahun Anggaran 2015 yang


Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih, atas segala berkat, rahmat, dan karunia-Nya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan pe yusu a skripsi