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The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by Using Cooperative Learning (A-Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Year Students of SMPN 169 Jakarta)


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(A-Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Year Students of SMPN 169 Jakarta)

A ‘Skripsi’

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) In English Language Teaching










(A-Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Year Students of SMPN 169 Jakarta)








cerlifies that the "Skripsi" (Scientific paper) entitled ,.THB EFFECTTVENESS OF TEACHING VERBS BY USING COOPERATIVE LEARNIN


(A-Quasi Experimentat study at the second year students of sMpN 169 Jakarta) written by AHMAD SUBHAN, student's registration number 109014000065 was

examined by at examination session of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers,

Training on Tuesday, September g'h 2014. The,,Skripsi"

has been accepted and

declared to have

filfilled one

of the requirements for the degree



(Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education at the English Department.

Jakaffa, September gth 2014








: Drs. Syauki. M.Pd.

NrP.19641212 199103





Anasy. M.Hum. NrP. 19761007 200710 1 002



Anasy. M.Hum. NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002

Acknowledged by

Dean of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training

Dra. NrlfieRa




uh Khaeruddin

NrP. 19811031 201101 1 006



(A-Quasi Experimental study at tlte second Year students of sMp Negeri 169



Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Art) In English Language Teaching


Ahmad Subhan

NIM: 109014000065

Approved By the Advisor:

Ertin. MA. TESOL













TA 201



lr/ I -/' ,.t_a


/ I






Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, . Ahmad Subhan

: Iakarta/ 08 Oktober 1991 : 19014000065

: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggns

: "The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by Using

Cooperative Learning"( A-Quasi Experimentat Study at the Second Year Students of SMPN 169 Jakarta)


: 1. Drs. Sunardi K. Dipl. Ed.

2.ErtiN, M.A TESOL.

dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri dan

saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh ujian Munaqasah.

Jakafia,23 Agustus 2014. Mahasiswa Ybs.

Ahmad Subhan

NIM. 109014000065






Students of SMPN 169 Jakarta. A „Skripsi‟ of English Education at Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

Advisors : Drs. Sunardi K. Dipl. Ed and Ertin, MA. TESOL. Keywords : Vocabulary, Verbs, Cooperative Learning, Jigsaw.

Vocabulary is one of the English components which have four skills of English. Without having a large vocabulary, the students will not be able to write, to read, to listen or even to speak in English.

A verb is a word which express actions or helps to make a sentence, because every sentence needs one verb or more. Verbs are also really needed for second year students of Junior High School. In fact, the students have some problems in understanding and memorizing the verbs. Many students did not know the meaning of the verbs and they did not know the changing of verbs, thus they often ask the verbs to their teacher or their friends because they still have limit vocabulary of regular and irregular verbs.

Cooperative learning is a group of learning activity organized so that learning depends on the socially structure exchange of information between learners in groups and in which each learner is held accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to increase the learning of others. Cooperative learning have some tecnhiques. One of the techniques that the teachers can use is Jigsaw.

Jigsaw is one of the cooperative learning technique that uses task specialization to make individual students expert on a particular topic. Jigsaw is based on idea that each learner will become an expert in the group and they have to learn the material and teach to other learner in the home group.

The objective of this research is to find out the empirical evidence whether cooperative learning is effective to improve the students in mastery the vocabulary of verbs at the second year students of 169 Junior High School Jakarta.

The technique of collecting data used in this research are pre-test and post-test. Pre test was given before the writer implemented the cooperative learning, meanwhile post-test was given after four times of meetings.

The writer used T-test in analyzing the data and he compared the score between the experiment class and controlled class. This technique is useful to know whether there is significant different between those two classes.

From this research, the writer found (from statistic calculation) that the value of the to was 3.69 and the degree of freedom of (df) was 66. The writer used the degree of significance 5% in his research, and it can be seen that the degree of freedom is 66 and degree of significance is 1,99.



Using Cooperative Learning; A- Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Year Studens of SMPN 169 Jakarta. „Skripsi‟, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

Dosen Pembimbing : Drs. Sunardi K. Dipl. Ed dan Ertin, MA. TESOL. Kata Kunci : Vocabulary, Verbs, Cooperative Learning, Jigsaw.

Kosakata adalah salah satu komponen dalam bahasa Inggris yang didalamnya terdapat empat keterampilan dalam berbahasa Inggris. Tanpa memiliki kosakata yang banyak, para siswa tidak akan mampu menulis, membaca, mendengar bahkan berbicara dengan baik dalam bahasa Inggris.

Kata Kerja adalah sebuah kata yang mengekspresikan aksi / tindakan atau membantu untuk membuat sebuah kalimat, karena setiap kalimat membutuhkan satu atau lebih kata kerja. Kata kerja juga sangat dibutuhkan oleh siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama kelas 8, akan tetapi para siswa memiliki beberapa kendala dalam memahami dan mengingat kata kerja. Kebanyakan para siswa tidak mengetahui arti dari kata kerja itu sendiri dan mereka tidak mengetahui perubahan pada kata kerja. Oleh karena itu, mereka sering bertanya kepada guru mereka atau teman mereka karena mereka memiliki kosakata yang terbatas terutama dalam kosakata kata kerja beraturan dan kata kerja tidak beraturan.

Pembelajaran Kooperatif adalah sebuah kegiatan grup pembelajaran yang tersktruktur jadi proses pembelajarannya tergantung dengan pertukaran informasi antara tiap murid didalam grup, dimana setiap siswa bertanggung jawab terhadap perkembangan dirinya masing-masing dan diharapkan dapat terus memotivasi siswa lainnya dalam belajar. Pembelajaran kooperatif memiliki beberapa tekhnik dan sala satu tekhnik yang bisa guru-guru gunakan ialah Jigsaw.

Jigsaw adalah salah satu tekhnik dalam pembelajaran kooperatif yang menggunakan tugas pengahlian untuk membuat setiap individu siswa ahli dalam bahasan khusus. Jigsaw berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa setiap siswa akan menjadi seorang yang ahli di grup dan mereka harus mempelajari dan mengajarkan kepada siswa yang lain di group asal mereka.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menemukan data yang empiris apakah pembelajaran kooperatif efektif untuk memperbaiki siswa dalam menguasai kosakata kata kerja pada murid kelas dua di Sekolah Menegah Pertama SMPN 169 Jakarta.

Tekhnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah soal pre-test dan soal post-test. Soal Pre-test diberikan sebelum penulis mengimplementasikan pembelajaran kooperatif, sementara test post-test diberikan setelah pertemuan yang ke-empat.



tingkat degree of freedom (df) adalah 66. Penulis menggunakan tingkat signifikan 5% dalam penelitiannya. Dan bisa dilihat bahwa degree of freedom 66 sama dengan tingkat signifikasi 5% adalah 1,99.



be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds who gives the writer guidance and strength, so

he could finish his „skripsi‟. Peace and blessing be upon for beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his companion and his followers.

This „Skripsi‟ is written to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in the Department of English Education in the faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teacher‟s Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University


In this opportunity, the writer would like to express his greatest appreciation honor and gratitude to his beloved family, his parents, Ahmad Saduni

S.Pd. (Alm), Nur‟aini, and his beloved sisters; Ihda Hadiyati S.Pd and Alfiah

Fitriani who always give their love, care, support, irreplaceable encouragement and patience to motivate the writer to finish his study.

The writer would like to address his special thanks to his advisors Mr. Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl. Ed and Mrs. Ertin, MA.TESOL, for their time, guidance, valuable help, correction and suggestion during completing this


The writer realizes that he would never completed writing his „Skripsi‟ without the help of people around him; therefore the writer would like to give the deepest gratitude to:

1. Drs. Syauki, M.P.d., as the head of English Education Department.

2. Mr. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. as the secretary of English Education Department.

3. All lecturers of English Education Department for their encouragement to the writer during his study at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

4. Mrs. Nurlaela Ri‟fai, M.A., Ph.D. As the Dean Faculty of Tarbiyah and



permission and helping the writer to do the research.‟

6. Allen, Ikrima, Yona, Riyana, Mahmud, Restu, Afdi, Amel, and Wiwin

who always give the support and help the writer in finishing his „Skripsi‟.

Thank you for being my great friends.

7. All of his friends in BEES UNITED B 2009 for sharing their knowledge, time and being awesome friends.

8. Yusuf Tadarusman S.Kom.i, Euis Fauqia S.Pd, and Muhamad Ahsan Khalqi as the writer‟s cousins who always give support and sharing their time. Thank you for being good cousins.

9. Khairunisa Siregar S.Hum, Rizky Setyowati Putri S.Psi. and Eriel Adi S.E. Thank you so much for sharing their time, support and being good friends. May Allah SWT, the Almighty bless them all, so be it. Finally the writer

realizes that this „Skripsi is still far for being perfect, thus it is really pleasure for the writer to receive constructive critics and suggestions from everyone who reads

his “skripsi”

Jakarta, 4thAugust 2014







CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A.Background of the Study ... 1

B.Identification of the Problem ... 5

C.The Limitation of the Problem ... 5

D.The Formulation of the Problem ... 5

E. The Objective of the Study ... 5

F. The Significance of the Study ... 6

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A.The General Concept of Vocabulary ... 7

1. Kinds of vocabulary ... 8

B.Verbs ... 9

1. The Understanding of Verbs ... 9

2. The Principle Part of Verbs ... 10

a. Regular Verbs ... 10

b. Irregular Verbs ... 12

3. The Difficulties in Recognizing the Verbs... 17

C.Cooperative Learning ... 18

1. The Understanding of Cooperative Learning ... 18

2. The Principles of Cooperative Learning ... 19

3. The Elements of Cooperative Learning ... 20

4. The Roles in Cooperative Learning ... 22

5. The Advantages of Cooperative Learning ... 24

6. The Limitations of Cooperative Learning ... 25

7. Some Variations of Cooperative Learning ... 26



D.The Thinking Framework ... 31

E. The Previous Study ... 32

F. The Research Hypothesis ... 34


B. The Place and the Time of the Research ... 39

C. The Population and the Sample of the Research ... 40

D. The Technique of Data Collecting ... 40

E. The Technique of Data Analysis ... 41

F. The Statistical Hypothesis ... 43

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS A. The Description of Data ... 44

1. The Pre-Test Score ... 44

2. The Post-Test Score ... 46

3. The Gained Score ... 48

B. The Analysis of Data ... 50

C. The Test of Hypotheses ... 54

D. The Interpretation of Data ... 55


B. Suggestion ... 57




2. Table 2.2 Regular Verbs ... 11

3. Table 2.3 Regular Verbs ... 11

4. Table 2.4 Regular Verbs ... 11

5. Table 2.5 Regular Verbs ... 12

6. Table 2.6 Irregular Verbs ... 12

7. Table 2.7 Irregular Verbs ... 13

8. Table 2.8 Irregular Verbs ... 13

9. Table 2.9 Irregular Verbs ... 13

10. Table 2.10 Irregular Verbs ... 13

11. Table 2.11 Irregular Verbs ... 14

12. Table 2.12 Irregular Verbs ... 14

13. Table 2.13 Irregular Verbs ... 14

14. Table 2.14 Irregular Verbs ... 14

15. Table 2.15 Irregular Verbs ... 15

16. Table 2.16 Irregular Verbs ... 15

17. Table 2.17 Irregular Verbs ... 15

18. Table 2.18 Irregular Verbs ... 15

19. Table 2.19 Irregular Verbs ... 15

20. Table 2.20 Irregular Verbs ... 16

21. Table 2.21 Irregular Verbs ... 16

22. Table 2.22 Irregular Verbs ... 16

23. Table 2.23 Irregular Verbs ... 16

24. Table 2.24 Irregular Verbs ... 16

25. Table 2.25 Irregular Verbs ... 17

26. Table 3.1 The Schedule and Agenda of the Research... 39



29. Table 4.3 The Students‟ Gained Score of Experiment Class and

Controlled Class ... 49 30. Table 4.4 The Comparison Score of Each Student of Experiment Class

and Controlled Class ... 51



2. Appendix 2 (RPP Kelas Kontrol) ... 101

3. Appendix 3 (Soal Pre-test) ... 119

4. Appendix 4 (Kisi-Kisi Soal Pre-test) ... 123

5. Appendix 5 (Soal Post-test) ... 129

6. Appendix 6 (Kisi-Kisi Soal Post-test) ... 133

7. Appendix 7 (Figures of the Research) ... 140

8. Appendix 8 (Surat Bimbingan Skripsi) ... ….141

9. Appendix 9 (Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian) ... 142



A. Background of the Study

Vocabulary is one of the English components which have four skills of English. Without Vocabulary, the learners will not be able to write, to read, to listen, or even to speak in English and without having an extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new vocabulary, the learners often achieve less than their potential and may be discouraged from making use of language learning opportunities around them such as reading a text, listening to the radio, listening to native speakers, watching television, writing a text and using the language in different context.

In order to communicate well in a foreign language, the students are supposed to acquire a sufficient number of words and know how to use it accurately. It is difficult for the students to learn English or to communicate effectively without sufficient vocabulary. By having sufficient vocabulary, the students will be more confident to use their language in real communication. Large vocabulary helps to express and idea precisely in communication. It is often believed with a large number of words mastery English language, the people will mastery English easily and effectively. Moreover, there are some difficulties in understanding vocabulary. Those are in understanding the meaning of words, in differentiating the word forms, and in applying the words in a sentence. Some words are sometime difficult to know its forms grammatically, such as noun, adjective, adverb or even verbs. By memorizing and knowing the vocabulary, the students will be able to understand the sentence.

In fact, the students sometimes have some difficulties in understanding the new words. Jeremy Harmer stated in his book that “One of the problems of

vocabulary teaching is how to select what words to teach.”1

It is a fact, when the writer observed in one of junior high school. The teacher in that school has limited


Jeremy, Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Longman


vocabulary, as the result, the numbers of learners‟ vocabulary do not increase. On the other hand, based on the writer‟s experience when he practised The Integration Teacher Profession Training – Praktik Profesi Keguruaan Terpadu (PPKT) – He found some problems which were faced by the learners in the second year of junior high school. One of the topic that the writer taught was vocabulary subject in terms of learning narrative or recount text. While teaching vocabulary, the writer found that the learners had some difficulties in understanding it. The learners did not know about the verbs such as regular and irregular verbs and the learners often ask the meaning and the changes in verb 2.

Recognizing the verb is one of the most important steps in understanding the meaning of a sentence, because the verb is the part of a sentence and every sentence must have a verb. Verbs are words which usually express an action. 2 A verb asserts something about the subject of the sentence and express action, events, or states of being. The verb or compound verb is critical element of the predicate of the sentences. Verbs are divided into some types, such as action verbs, regular verbs and irregular verbs. Action verbs show an action like cut, slice, run, walk, etc. While irregular verbs are common verbs in English language that do not follow the simple system of adding “-d, or –ed” to the end of the words to form the past tense.3 Irregular verbs such as –drink, drank, drunk, and -know, -knew and –known. In this case, the learners still did not know the differences between the regular verbs and irregular verbs, and the learners did not know the changes from verbs 1 to verbs 2 or even verbs 3. In this case, the teachers have to find out this problem in teaching verbs.

However, It is not easy to teach verbs, because the teachers have to manage the classroom and have to notice all of the learners. Sometime The teacher felt difficult if the amount of learners in each class is big. It worsened as the teacher to make interaction with the students to ask for and to receive


Evelyn P. Alternberg, English Grammar: Understanding the Basics. (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2010), p. 23. 3


individual intention and for the teacher, it may seem impossible to organize dynamic and creative teaching and learning sessions.

According to Jeremy Harmer in his book stated that “In large or big classes, play work and group work play an important part since they maximize student participation”.4 It is obviously clear that pair works and group works are needed for the learners to understand the sentence in learning verbs. It is a fact, when the writer observed in the big classroom, he did not find any special teaching techniques, the teacher in that classroom taught the learners directly and after that the teacher asked the learners to do the task individually. Subcounciouslly, the teacher did not give a chance to the learners to ask her if they found some difficulties and the learners did not have much time to work together. So that, there were no interaction between the students.

A good interaction was really needed in teaching and learning vocabulary. It was supported by Vygotsky‟s theory which stated Learning is a social interaction and it is a fundamental aspect of successful cognitive and intellectual growth.5 It is clearly seen, that education institution is not only a place for the

learners for receiving the knowledge and for listening the teacher‟s explanation,

but also a place to educate them as a social creature. Moreover, the teacher should give the opportunity to the learners to speak up and share their ideas to the others learners. The teachers also have to let the learners in helping each other and finding out the solution, because it can build the interaction among the learners.

Building the interaction among the learners and work together were really needed in learning and teaching vocabulary. According to Schmitt, there are some strategies in learning vocabulary for learners. It can be useful by looking up the new words in dictionary, or guessing meaning from context and consolidation strategies. Consolidation strategy is learning a list of words by heart and asking


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2004), p.128.



someone to test you6. It‟s mean that if the learners have difficult to understand the materials, they can ask freely to the teacher or the other learners.

Therefore, One of the ways that can do by the teacher to solve these problems are by using a teaching strategy that is cooperative language learning. Hence, the writer would like to apply the cooperative language learning in learning verbs. Cooperative Language Learning is an alternative approach to be used in the classroom. It is an approach where the students work in a group to achieve the material. Cooperative Learning uses small groups that consist of 4-6 members of students in a group. Cooperative Learning is learning based on a small-group approach to teaching that holds students accountable for both individual and group achievement.7

Cooperative Language Learning has many kinds of variations; one of the variations is Jigsaw. Jigsaw is one of the types in cooperative learning which promotes both academic and social goals for students8. Jigsaw is also designed to promote interdependence and also help learners to break the learning into managable pieces, and then to integrate all the pieces into a meaningfull whole. Thus, in jigsaw technique the students will learn and share together about the materials and they can ask to the expert‟s student easily to the students who mastery the materials.

According to the explanations above, the writer is limited to do experimental study about teaching verbs. Therefore, he chose the title “The

Effectiveness of teaching verbs by using cooperative learning” (A Quasi Experimental Study at the second year students of 169 Junior High School

Jakarta) as his “skripsi” title.


Lynne Cameron, Teaching English to Young Learner, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2001), p. 92. 7

Donald C. Orlich, Teaching Strategies: A guide to Effective Instruction, (Boston: Wadsworth, 2007),p. 268.



B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the writer identifies some problems:

1. The learners did not understand the sentence in English, because they have limit vocabulary. They could not identify the verbs which is regular verbs or irregular verbs.

2. In learning Narrative or Recount text, the learners usually find verbs in the text, but they did not know the meaning of verbs in the text itself.

3. The amount of learners in each class is big, thus the teacher felt difficult to pay attention and notice all of the students.

4. The teacher seldom gives a chance to the learners to ask or even work together, so there were no interaction in the classroom.

C. The Limitation of the Problem

The study is limited on teaching verbs through cooperative learning by using jigsaw technique at the second year students of 169 Junior high school Jakarta as required in the syllabus.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the explanations above, the writer formulates the problem of the research as follow:

 Is there any significant progress in teaching verbs by using cooperative learning specifically by using Jigsaw at second year students of 169 Junior High School Jakarta ?

E. The Objective of the Study


F. The Significance of the Study



A. The General Concept of Vocabulary

Learning the language means learning the four language skills and its component. Language skills consist of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. While the language sub-skills consists of pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Sub-skills in learning English are also important in order to make the people easy in communicating or using the sentence in conversation.

Understanding the sub-skill of vocabulary is also needed for everyone in learning the language, because when we want to use the language, we also need the words or the vocabulary. Words are one of the important parts of our life because we think by using words and we also read, speak, write and listen by using words. Thus, words and vocabulary can not be separated from learning the language, because the more we know the words, the more we will understand what we hear and read. Therefore, vocabulary can be categorized as one of the important sub skill that the people should know and understand in learning the language.

However, there are some definitions of vocabulary which are given by some experts. Penny Ur defines vocabulary as the words that we teach in the foreign language and Penny Ur also defines vocabulary is not just a single word, but also vocabulary may be more than one word, for example: the words post-office and mother in law can be categorized as a word or a vocabulary.1 Beside that, Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown give theirs‟ idea about the definition of vocabulary. According to them, vocabulary refers to a list or set of words that everyone uses for a particular language or a list or set of words that individual speakers of a language might use.2


Peny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

1996), p. 60.

2Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantic and Language Education,


Meanwhile, vocabulary based on oxford dictionary is all the words that a person knows and uses.3 Another definition comes from Kridalaksana stated that vocabulary is a component of language that contains all of information meaning and using word in language.4

Based on the definitions above, the writer would like to summarize about the definition of vocabulary. Vocabulary is not only the word that contains meaning. It can be said as a number of words that help people to use and to understand the language.

1. Kinds of Vocabulary

There are two kinds of vocabulary according to Finnochiaro, namely active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. Below are the brief description about active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.

a) Active vocabulary

Active vocabulary refers to items which the students can use appropriately in speaking or writing. Active vocabulary can be also called as a productive vocabulary. It means the student has to know how to pronounce it well and the student has to know and be able to use grammar of the target language. In productive vocabulary, the student has to know about collocation and the student has to understand the connotation meaning of the word.

b) Passsive vocabulary

Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and listening. it is also called as receptive vocabulary.5

Another kinds of vocabulay comes from Fries. He says that vocabulary is of two, namely: function words and content words6. The function words are closed-class words, we can not add to the prepositions or auxiliaries or modals or

3 A.S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (Oxford University Press, 2000),

p. 1506. 4

A.M. Zainuri, Vocabulary I, (Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam

Negeri Jakarta: UIN Jakarta), p. 1. 5Ibid., p.2.


Charles C. Fries, Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language, (Michigan:


any structure words of the language. Function words in English conclude prepositions (at, in, of, and between), pronouns (he, they, she), determiners (the, much, more, either, neither), conjunctions (that, when, while, and, although), auxiliary (verbs be: is, am, are, have) and particles (no, not, nor, as)

While, the content words or lexical words are words that carry the content or the meaning of the sentence. It can be called as open-class words. Open classes accept the addition of new morphemes such process as compounding, derivation, inflection, coining and borrowing. It can be added at any times as new scientific advances makes new words and communication about new inventions necessary. The content words can be divided into three general classes. Those are:

a) Word naming things, ideas,and entitle that we might call them noun

b) Word used to describe the qualities of those thing or action called adjectives and adverbs

c) Words naming actions is called by “verbs”. B. Verbs

Verbs are really needed in learning English language, because when we want to make the sentences, we need one or two more verbs. Here are the brief explanations of verbs:

1. The Understanding of Verbs

The verb is one of the parts of speech. Based on Brown a verb is a word which expresses action or helps to make a statement.7 On the other hand, Frank stated that the verb is the most complex part of speech. It is varying arrangement with nouns determine the different kinds of sentences-statements, questions, commands, and exclamation and like noun, the verb has the grammatical properties of person and number.8

Based on the definitions above, the writer would like to summarize about verbs. Verbs are words that described as an action which have meaning to do.


Ann Cole Brown, et al. Grammar and Composition, (Boston: Houghton Miffin

Company, 1984), p. 11.


Marcella Frank, Modern English: A Practical Reference Guide, (New Jersey: Prentice


2. The Principle Parts of Verbs

Every verb has four basic called principal parts and according to Ann Cale Brown and Jeffrey Nilson, there are four principles parts of verbs9. It can be divided as follows:

a. the Infinitive is the verb in its most basic form, the form given in the dictionary as the entry word.

b. the present participle consists of the infinitive plus ing. For example

 Race+ -ing = Racing (Final e is dropped)  Jog+ -ing = Jogging (Final g is doubled)

c. Past Verbs: are verbs that form the past. It contains regular and irregular verbs depend on the verbs itself.

d. Past Participle: it is often called the –ed form as it is form by adding –d or –ed to the base form of regular verbs, however it is also formed in various other ways for irregular verbs.

Based on the explanations above, there are four principles parts of verbs. However, the writer only focuses on the past verbs that contain regular and irregular verbs for his research.

2a. Regular Verb

According to Raymond Murphy, A verb can be categorized as a regular verbs when the simple past and past participle end in –ed.10Meanwhile according to Brown regular verbs are verbs that form the past and the past participle by adding –d or –ed to the infinitive11. Based on Azar, regular verbs are the past form and the past participle form by adding –d or ed to the present.12


Ann Cole Brown, op.cit., 132. 10

Raymond Murphy and Wiliam R. Smalzer, Grammar in Use Intermediate, (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 268. 11

Brown, loc. cit.


Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New Jersey:


Based on Sydney in his book, The Oxford English Grammar there are some rules for particular cases in regular verbs.13 Those are:


a) If the base ends in –e, drop the –e before adding –ed, Table 2.1

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

deceive deceived deceived

save saved saved

receive received received

damage damaged damaged

b) If the base ends in –ee, -oe, -ie, or –ye, keep the final –e Table 2.2

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

disagree disagreed disagreed

hoe hoed hoed

die died died

dye dyed dyed

c) If the base ends in a consonant plus –y, we can change the y to i and then add –ed.

Table 2.3

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

worry worried worried

cry cried cried

apply applied applied

deny denied denied

d) If a vowel precedes the final –y, we just add -ed Table 2.4

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

play played played

annoy annoyed annoyed

betray betrayed betrayed

obey obeyed obeyed

destroy destroyed destroyed


Sidney Greenbaum, The Oxford English Grammar, (Oxford: Oxford University Press


But there are some exceptions where the –y changes to –i, even though a vowel precedes the -y: for example the words lay, pay, say and mislay. Those words can not be added by –ed, because those words can be categorized as irregular verbs by removing the –y and then adding id like lay, paid, mislaid and said.14

e) If the base ends in –c, the c is not effect generally doubled as –ck even though the final syllable of the base is not stressed:

Table 2.5

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

panic panicked panicked

traffic trafficked trafficked

picnic picnicked picnicked

2.b. Irregular Verb

Irregular verbs are the verbs that do not from the past and the past participle by adding –d or –ed to the infinitive.15 Irregular verbs occur when the simple past and past participle do not end in –ed.16

There are some rules of change in irregular verbs, and irregular verbs may have three, four, five forms, depending on whether one form is used for two or three form types.17

It can be clearly explained as follows:

1) With some irregular verbs, the simple past tense and simple past participle are the same as the base form:

Table 2.6

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

hit hit hit

cut cut cut

put put put

read read read

spread spread spread


Sidney Greenbaum. loc. cit.


Brown, op. cit., p. 133. 16

Murphy. loc. cit.



2) With other irregular verbs, the simple past is the same as the past participle (but different from the base form).

a) Verbs that have patterns like: Bring, and Brought Table 2.7

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

bring brought brought

catch caught caught

seek sought sought

think thought thought

teach taught taught

buy bought bought

b) Verbs that have patterns like :Pay, and Paid Table 2.8

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

lay laid laid

pay paid paid

say said said

c) Verbs that have patterns like : Bend, and Bent Table 2.9

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

bend bent bent

lend lent lent

send sent sent

spend spent spent

d) Verbs that have patterns like: Feed and Fed Table 2.10

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

bleed bled bled

feel felt felt

sleep slept slept

sweep swept swept


e) Miscellaneous

Table 2.11

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

build built built

hear heard heard

shoot shot shot

sit sat sat

stand stood stood

make made made

win won won

f) Verbs that have patterns like : Wind and Wound Table 2.12

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

bind bound bound

find found found

grind ground ground

wind wound wound

g) Verbs that have patterns like: Sell and Sold Table 2.13

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

sell sold sold

tell told told

3) However, with other irregular verbs, all three forms are different.

According to Marcella Frank, there are some lists of irregular verbs which the iregular verbs are changed in three forms. It can be clearly expained as follows:18

a) Verbs that pattern like: sing, sang, and sung. Table 2.14

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

drink drank drunk

begin began begun

ring rang rung

shrink shrank, shrunk shrunk

sing sang sung



b) Verbs that have patterns like: Break, Broke, and Broken. Table 2.15

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

break broke broken

choose chose chosen

freeze froze frozen

steal stole stolen

speak spoke spoken

c) Verbs that have patterns like: Blow, Blew, and Blown. Table 2.16

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

blow blew blown

draw drew drawn

grow grew grown

fly flew flown

know knew known

overdraw overdrew overdrawn

d) Verbs that have patterns like: Drive, Drove, and Driven. Table 2.17

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

drive drove driven

ride rode ridden

strive strove striven

thrive throve thriven

e) Verbs that have patterns like: Wear, Wore, and Worn.

Table 2.18

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

swear swore sworn

tear tore torn

bear bore Born

wear wore Worn

f) Verbs that have patterns like: Bite, Bit, and Bitten. Table 2.19

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

bite bit Bitten

hide hid Hidden


g) Verbs that have patterns like : Shake, Shook, and Shaken Table 2.20

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

take took Taken

shake shook Shaken

mistake mistook Mistaken

forsake forsook Forsaken

h) Verbs that have patterns like: Give, Gave, and Given Table 2.21

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

give gave Given

forgive forgave Forgiven

forbid forbad Forbidden

i) Verbs that pattern like Mow, Mowed, and Mown Table 2.22

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

hew hewed Hewn

mow mowed Mown

sew sewed Sewn

show showed Shown

4) The irregular verbs which first and third principle are alike Table 2.23

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

come came Come

become became Become

overcome overcame Overcome

run ran Run

5) The Irregular verbs which first and second principles are alike Table 2.24

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

beat beat beat or beaten


Table 2.25

American British

bet- bet- bet bet – bet – bet OR bet – betted – betted fit- fit -fit fit – fitted - fitted

get - got – gotten get – got – got quit – quit – quit quit – quitted – quitted 19

3. The Difficulties in Understanding Verbs.

Understanding and recognizing the verbs are really needed for the second year students of junior high school. In fact many students did not recognize the verbs which are regular and the verbs which are irregular verbs. There are some problems why the students have not recognized the verbs of regular and irregular verbs yet. It can be summarized as follows:

a) The students have limit vocabulary, thus they did not recognize the verbs and they did not know how to change the verbs into past verbs because the past tense and past participle forms of these verbs are extremely difficult to predict, so the students must memorize it.

b)The teacher taught the verbs directly to the students without giving any further explanations.

c) The common belief amongst language students of all language is that irregular verbs do not follow patterns like the regular verbs, thus it makes the students very difficult to learn and master the irregular verbs. d)Learning Irregular verbs are notoriously difficult for language learners,

for example, it takes children years to learn to use “spoke” not

“speaked”and etc.20

In this case, many students did not know the irregular verbs, when they found the irregular verbs, they changed those words into regular verbs.

Hence, the teacher has to find alternative technique in teaching verbs in order the students easy in understanding and recognizing the verbs.


Azar, op. cit p.19.


Kieran, McGovern, The Toughest Verbs in English, 2011. (www.oupeltglobalblog.com)


C. Cooperative Learning

Classroom is a place where students learn together with their classmates. In Indonesian school, the amount of students in each class is big; it is approximately 30-40 students. It is hard for the teacher to notice and pay attention to all students in the classroom and it is hard for the students to build the sense of cooperation among the students. However, the teacher has to find out the best possible strategies to make the students want to work in groups, thus the teacher eventually can notice and observe the students‟ performance in groups.

There are some various learning strategies which can be applied by the teacher to build the interaction among the students. One of the approaches or strategies which can be used by the teachers to help and accomplish their goals of teaching is cooperative learning. Below are the further explanations about cooperative learning according to some experts:

1. The Understanding of Cooperative learning

According to Richards in his book, Approach and Methods in Language Teaching stated “Cooperative Learning is a group of learning activity organized so that learning depends on the socially structure exchange of information between learners in groups and in which each learner is held accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to increase the learning of others.”21

Cooperative learning is an instructional design that aims students to become active in achieving a lesson through their own effort and the efforts of the members of their small learning team. It was according to James M. Cooper in his book Classroom Teaching Skills. 22

Then, based on Killen in his book Classroom Teaching Strategies stated

“Cooperative Language Learning is an effective strategies for having students achieve a wide range of academic and social outcomes including enhanced achievement, improved self-esteem, and positive interpersonal relationships with


Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Method in Language

Teaching 2ed, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 199. 22

James M. Cooper, Classroom Teaching Skills 9th Edition, (Massachusetts: Wadsworth


other students, improved time-management skills, and positive attitudes toward school.”23

Cooperative learning is one of the best learning strategies that the teachers can use in the classroom and by implementing cooperative learning, the students are hoped to increase their cognitive, affective, and interpersonal benefits. It was the general concepts of cooperative learning based on Roy Killen in his book Learning and Teaching.24

Another definition about cooperative learning comes from Slavin, as a person who proposed this approach, he stated in his book that “cooperative learning refers to a variety of teaching methods in which students work in small groups to help one another learn academic content”.25

From all explanation above, it is obviously clear that cooperative learning is different from traditional methods, and the writer agrees with Slavin‟s idea about cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is a variety of teaching methods that make the students share theirs‟ idea to each other in order to understand the lesson. Cooperative learning is not only a learning activity that enable students to work in group, but also cooperative learning is an approach which have many varieties of technique that the teacher can select when they want to implement the cooperative learning.

2. The Principles of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning as a learning strategy has some principles in order to make the students reach their materials, therefore cooperative learning can not be separated from some principles which must be noticed by the teacher when they want to apply it. Below are further explanations about the principles of cooperative learning for the teacher in conducting cooperative learning.

a) Cooperative learning is designed for the students to work together for the task to be accomplished.


Roy Killen, Effective Teaching Strategies: Fourth Edition, (Victoria, Australia:

Cengage Learning, 2007), p. 184. 24

Donald P. Kauchak and Paul D. Eggen, Learning and Teaching: Research-Based

Method. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1989) , p. 320. 25

Robert E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning; Theory, Research, and Practice, (Needham


b) Cooperative learning emphasizes the students to make positive interactions and the students have to develop the interaction.

c) Every student in cooperative learning has opportunities to work in different teams.

d) Social, Language, and Content skills are all learned in the process of interacting with the group.26

From all explanations above, the writer assumes that in order to make cooperative learning more effective, the teacher must understand the principles of cooperative learning. The writer agrees with the principles which stated that positive interaction is one of the important things in conducting cooperative learning, because by developing positive interactions, the students can develop their abilities and the students can share their ideas to their classmates easily, and also the teacher have to let the students learn by themselves in order to find out the learning goals. By letting the students, work in team can cause a social interaction to happen.

3. The Elements of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning also has some elements in order cooperative learning becomes more effectives. While, according to Richards in his book Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, there are some elements of cooperative learning in the classroom. It can be summarized as follows: 27

a. Positive Interdependence

Positive interdependence occurs when group member feel that what helps one member helps all and what hurts one member hurts all. It means positive interdependence is a management system that encourages students to work together.

b. Group Formation

A group formation is also an important factor in creating positive interdependence. In group formation, the teacher has to decide on the size of the groups, assign students to group, and the teacher also has to give


Adrienne L. Herrell and Michael Jordan, 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language

Learners: Fourth Edition, (Boston: Pearson Education inc. , 2012), p. 47. 27


specific role for the students in groups, such as noise monitor, turn-take monitor and recorder. In group formation the teacher also has to notice that learning in groups need a leader, therefore the teacher has to select one student to be the leader in their groups.

c. Individual Accountability

In Cooperative Learning, individual accountability is important, because it involves both group and individual performance, for example by assigning each student a grade on his or her portion of a team project or by calling on a student random to share with the whole class, with group members, or with another group.

d. Social Skill

Social skills is needed to ensure successful interaction among the students, therefore social skills in cooperative learning classroom include the ways students make interaction to each other in order to achieve activity or task objectives.

e. Structuring and Structure

Structuring and Structures refers to ways of organizing students‟

interaction and different ways students are interact.28 For example (step 1) one student talks while others listen, then (step 2) the next student talks.

There are some additional elements of cooperative learning that the teacher also has to know when they want to implement cooperative learning in the classroom. Below are the others additional elements of cooperative learning based on Orlich. 29

a. Face to Face Interaction

Face to Face interaction is really needed in cooperative learning, because in cooperative learning, students have to make an interaction to each other and the students have to assist one another with learning task, and the students have to promote one another‟s success.

28 Ibid. , p. 197.

29 Donald C. Orlich. et al., Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction,


b. Group Evaluation

Group evaluation is also important in cooperative learning because each of the students in the group needs to evaluate in order to know the problems. Group Evaluation is really needed in cooperative learning, because the teacher should develop for engaging students in problem solving and conflict resolution.

From all explanations above, the writer assumes that in order cooperative learning become more effective and more efficient, the teacher in the classroom has to notice and understand about some elements in cooperative learning. By understanding those elements, the teacher will be easier in conducting cooperative learning in the classroom.

4. The Roles in Cooperative Learning

Applying cooperative learning in the classroom has to notice the learner‟s

role and also the teacher‟s role, because the teacher and students‟ roles in

cooperative learning are different. Below are the brief descriptions about the

learner‟s roles in cooperative learning: 1. The Learner’s Roles

Based on Kagan, there are some possible roles assignments for the students in cooperative learning class. Those are:

a) Gate- Keeper (Monitor). In this case, the teacher should make sure that each student participates and that no one individual dominates of the group process.

b) Cheer Leader (encourager). The function is to make sure that the contributions of each member and the team as a whole is appreciated.

c) Task Master (Super visor). The function is to keep the group on task and attempt to make sure each number give the contribution. d) Secretary (recorder and reporter). The function is to record team


e) Checker (explainer). The function is to check that everyone agrees before a group discussion is made and check that everyone understands the assignment and what is needed to finish. The last, the students have to be a Quite Captain. The function is to make sure the group does not disturb other group.30

Another student‟s role in cooperative learning can be stated that the student as a member of a group must work collaboratively on task with other group members, because it is a primary role for the students in cooperative learning and also the students have to be the directors of their own learning. The students are taught to plan, monitor, and evaluate their own learning.31Although Cooperative learning is learning together with groups, the students have to take the task individually.32

Based on the explanations above, the writer assumes that it is possible for Indonesian‟s students to do those roles when their teacher applies cooperative learning in the classroom. When the teacher applies it, the students have opportunities to be an explainer, an encourager, a monitor and they can share with their friends to accomplish their lessons. Because, learning by sharing with their classmates can make the social interactions and help students to learn for one

another‟s strength and limitations and to accept these differences.33. 2. The Teachers’ role in Cooperative Learning

According to Richards, there are some roles for the teachers when the teacher want to implement cooperative learning in the classroom34. Below are the brief explanations about the teachers‟ roles in cooperative learning:

a) The teachers have to create highly structured and well-organized learning environment in the classroom.


Carolyn Kessler, Cooperative Language Learning a Teacher’s Resource Book,

(Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hill, inc. , 1992), p. 10. 31

Richards. loc. cit.


Diane Larsen Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, (Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 168. 33 Killen, loc. cit.



b) The teachers have to assign students to groups and roles, and also the teachers have to select the materials and time.

c) The important role for the teacher in cooperative learning is that of facilitator of learning. When they worked in the group, the teachers must move around the class helping students and groups.

d) The teacher as a facilitator in the classroom must give feedback for the students, redirecting the group with questions, encouraging thinking, supplying resources, and also encouraging the group to solve its own problem.

While according to Kessler, the roles of teacher in cooperative learning is as an observer in the classroom. As an observer, the teacher has to know the learners‟ progress and also the teachers must find out learner‟s interest, strength, needs and feelings.35

Based on the explanations above, the writer would like to summarize that the teacher has somes roles in conducting cooperative learning, those are: the teacher has to manage the classroom, the teacher as a facilitators, and the teacher as an observer. The writer believes that the teacher in Indonesia can understand those roles, because cooperative learning is possible to learn and to use it by the teachers.

5. The Advantages of Cooperative Learning

There are some advantages for the teacher and the students in conducting cooperative learning in the classroom. Below are the benefits of cooperative learning.

a) Applying cooperative learning can improve the student‟s academic learning and social skills; and for the teachers, it is really helpful in managing the classroom.36

b) In doing and learning academic task, cooperative learning has benefits for high and – low students when they work as a team. The students who are


Carolyn Kessler, op.. cit., p.167 36


higher achievers can teach the lower achievers, and the lower students get the new information from the higher students.37

c) Implementing cooperative learning can provide students with the knowledge, concepts, skills, and understanding they need to become happy and contributing members.38

d) Cooperative learning helps students to learn respect for one another‟s strengths and limitations and to accept these differences. It is very important if the clasrroom is diverse.39

e) By applying cooperative learning in the classroom, the teacher hopes that students can be more encouraged to think about their learning process, identify the limitations of their knowledge, and learn to seek help when it is necessary.40

From the explanations above, the writer would like to summarize that there are many benefits of cooperative learning in the classroom. Cooperative learning helps students to learn respect and they can more encouraged in studying, the students need to become happy, and cooperative learning can

build the students‟ cooperation.

6. The Limitations of Cooperative Learning

There are nothing perfect in methods or approaches when the teachers teach the lessons, and nor are in cooperative learning. Because attempting to use cooperative learning does not guarantee that your students will learn it. In fact, cooperative learning has also the following specific limitations. Below are the limitations of Cooperative Learning based on Roy Killen:

a) Some of the students do not like to learn cooperatively and some of the students prefer studying alone to studying in groups.


Richard I. Arends, Learning to Teach 7th edition, ( New York: Mc Graw Hill Inc.), p.

345. 38

Robert E. Slavin, op.cit., p. 15.


Killen. loc. cit. 40


b) The values and practices of the cultural, socio-economic and educational worlds that students experienced prior to being involved in cooperative learning may create conflict for some students.

c) Although cooperation is a very important process of learning for students

to master, many of life‟s activities are based on individual effort, therefore

the students have to learn to be self-reliant as well as learning how to corporate it.41.

According to the explanations above, the writer agrees that each of approaches or methods has limitations, and nor are in cooperative learning. Thus, to reduce the weakness of cooperative learning, the writer gives some suggestions in order cooperative learning can be implemented well in the classroom. Firstly, when the students did not want to study together with their friends, the teacher must be patient and recognize that the learners may be anxious workings in groups. In this case, the teachers help them to become flexible in their approaches to learning.42 Secondly, when the group has a conflict, the teacher has to observe that group and find out the solution. The third, the teacher has to emphasize to the students that working in group are more effective than doing alone and when the teacher gives the tasks, the teacher has to let their students to do individually.

7. Some Variations of Cooperative Learning

There are some variations of techniques in cooperative learning. Those are Student Teams- Achievement Divisions (STAD), Teams-Games Tournament (TGT), Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI), Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) and Jigsaw. Below are the brief explanations about some variations of Cooperative Learning that can be used by the teacher to teach in the classroom:

a. Student Teams- Achievement Division (STAD) probably the most popular type of cooperative teaching strategy, STAD uses four or five member

41 Killen, op. cit., p. 187. 42


teams to master basic content area.43 The teacher presents a lesson, and then students work within their teams to make sure all team members have mastered the lesson. Then, all students take individual quizzes on the material, at which time they may not help one another.44

b. Teams- Games Tournament (TGT), TGT has many of the same dynamics as STAD, but adds a dimension of excitement contributed by the use of games.45

c. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC). CIRC is specifically used to teach reading and composition. In CIRC procedure, the teacher sets a lesson in some specific area of reading or composition, for example the students team asked to read the story and note to the main characters and ideas.46

d. Jigsaw is one of cooperative learning strategy that uses task specialization to make individual students expert on a particular area or topic. Jigsaw helps learners to break the learning into manageable pieces, and then to integrate all the pieces into a meaningful whole. It is based on the idea that each learner will first become an expert in a small part of what they have to learn and then teach other learners about this part of the learning materials.47

There are many variations in cooperative learning that the teacher can be used to teach the materials. The teacher may select one or two variations or even the teacher can mix those variations in teaching. However, in this occasion, the writer uses jigsaw as the most priority technique in teaching verbs.

8. The Jigsaw Technique

There are many techniques in cooperative learning which can be used in teaching and learning process. One of the techniques in cooperative learning is Jigsaw. Jigsaw techniques was first developed in the early 1970s. It was proposed

43Kauchak, op.cit. p.321. 44

Slavin, op. cit., p. 5. 45

Ibid. , p. 5. 46

Cruickshank. et al., The Act of Teaching 4th Edition, (New York: Mc Graw Hill, 2006), p. 241.



by Elliot Aronson and his students at the University of Texas and the University of California. In cooperative learning strategy, Jigsaw is a teaching technique used in small group instruction. Students of a normal- sized class (26 students – 33 students) are divided into competency groups of four to six students, each of which is given a list of subtopic to research. Individual members of each group

then break off to work with the “experts” from other groups, researching a part of

the material being studied, after which they return to their starting body in the role of instructor for their subcategory.48

Jigsaw is also appropriate for students of many ages, because the structure of any jigsaw technique can be modified to fit the needs of different ages, grade levels, or content area. jigsaw also provides the opportunities for the teacher to asses the students who work as an indvidual and asses the students‟ performance while they were in group. Implementing jigsaw in the classroom gives the opportunity for the teacher to observe students‟ critical thinking.49

9. Step in Jigsaw’s Implementation

Based on Aronson (2008), there are ten considered important in the implementation of the jigsaw classroom. Those are the steps in implementing jigsaw at the classroom:

1) The groups should be diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity, race and ability and the students are divided into 5 or 6 persons in jigsaw group. 2) The teacher has to appoint one student from each group as the leader.

Initially, this person should be the most mature student in the group. 3) The material is divided into 5-6 segments (one for each member). 4) Each student is designed one segment to learn. Students should only

have direct access to only their own segment.

5) Give students should be given time to read over their segment at least twice to become familiar with it. Students do not need to memorize it. 6) Temporary experts group should be formed in which one student from

each jigsaw group joins other student assigned to the same segment.


Richards, op. cit., p. 196. 49

Jeanine M. Dell‟ Olio and Tony Donk, Models of Teaching (New York: SAGE


Student in this expert group should be given time to discuss the main points of their segment and rehearse the presentation they are going to make to their jigsaw group.

7) After that, The Students may come back to their jigsaw group.

8) Students present his or her segment to the group. Other members are encouraged to ask question for clarification.

9) The teacher needs to float from group to group in order to observe the process. Intervene if any group is having trouble such as a member being dominating or disruptive. There will come a point that the group leader should handle this task. The teacher can whisper to the group leader as to how to intervene until the group leader can effectively do it themselves.

10) At the end of the sessions, give a quiz on the material so that students quickly come to realize that these sessions are not just fun and games but really count.50

Based on the step in Jigsaw, The writer believes that teaching verbs can be implemented by applying Jigsaw technique, because jigsaw is very flexible one and the teacher can make some creative ways to use jigsaw to address other subject as well. The teachers did not have to follow jigsaw‟s steps based on Elliot Aronson, because the steps in Jigsaw same like all effective models of teaching, it can be modified in a number of ways to meet the specific needs of students and jigsaw can be used to address many content areas.51 Therefore, the writer believes that jigsaw can be implemented in some activities based on the Indonesian students‟ need.

10. Teaching Verbs by Using Jigsaw

Teachers in their lesson plans is hoped to explain how the materials are taught step by step. Here are the procedures of teaching verbs by using cooperative learning, specifically by using jigsaw:

50Elliot Aronson, The Jigsaw Classroom: Jigsaw in Easy 10 Steps, 2013.

(www.jigsswa.org/steps.htm) accessed on 16th November 2013 at 18:43. 51Jeanine Dell‟ Olio and Tony Donk,


The fi


Simple Form of TheTable 2.2  Verb Past Tense
Table 2.6
Table 4.3 The Students‟ Gained Scores of Experiment Class (VIII
table ke 13. Orang ke-4 memahami table ke-14 sampai


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