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Academic year: 2017



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By: Nursaadah

Reg Number 4123332015 Chemistry Education Study Program


Submitted to fulfill The Reguirement for Getting The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan




The objectives of this research are to get th comparison between problem based learning model integrated with team games tournament and team games tournament to increase student’s achievement, and student’s creativity charcter. Beside of that, this research was also conducted to knaw average percentage of student’s creativity character. This research was done in SMAN 1 Tanjung Pura. Population is all class XI in Senior High School. The students in SMAN 1 Tanjung Pura which taken by purposive random sampling. The research instruments are achievement test and observation sheet for student’s character. Both of isntruments have been validated. The research data analyzed by SPSS 17 for Windows. The result data show that, the student’s achievement taught by problem based learning model integrated with tem games tournament higher significance difference than team games tournament. It can be seen from average of gain and also proved with t-test, the normalized gain in 1st experimental class is (80.99) and 2nd experimental class is (50.90) at significant level α = 0.05, the result of student’s achievement Ha1 is received and Ho1 is refused where Sig. < 0.05 (0.00 < 0.05). The average of student’s creativity character taught by problem based learning model integrated with team games tournament is higher than taught by team games tournament where in 1st experimental class is 32.96% and 2nd experimental class is 31.48% . The result of student’s creativity character with t-test, the value is (0.00) < 0.05 so the Ha2 is accepted and reject Ho2. Then result of correlation between student’s achievement with student’s creativity is R > 0.80 so there is correlation between them. it means Problem Based Learning (PBL) model integrated with team Games Tournament (TGT) give higher significant difference of student’s achievement and student’s creativity character compared with TGT on the teaching of colloidal system.



Alhamdulillah, praise and gratitude to Almighty God, Allah SWT for all

the graces and blessings that provide health and wisdom to writer, so the thesis

can be finished well.

The title of this thesis is “ The Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model Integrated with team Games Tournament (TGT) To Increase Student’s Achievement and Creativity in Learning Colloidal System”. This research is done in SMAN 1 Tanjung Pura that prepared to get Sarjana Pendidikan

degree of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,

State University of Medan.

In this opportunity a million thanks are delivered to Mrs. Dr. Iis Siti Jahro,

M.Si as thesis supervisor in written of this thesis for big support, advice,

guidance, suggestion and constructive comments from beginning until the end of

completing this research. Great thanks also addressed to Mr. Drs. Eddyanto,

Ph.D., Mr. Muhammad Yusuf, S.Si, M.Si., and Mrs. Nora Susanti , S.Si, Apt,

M.Sc., as examiner lecturer who had given advice and suggestion to completing

this thesis. Thanks also goes to my Academic Supervisor, well the writer so

unique when learning in UNIMED, there are two Academic Supervisor, namely in

Semester I-VIII Alm. Drs. Rahmat Nauli, M.Si., and next Semester VIII, Dra. Ani

Sutiani, M.Si., and unforgettable Mrs. Prof. Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti,M.Si as

instrument validator, then Mrs., Dr. Iis Siti Zahro as coordinator of Bilingual

Program, Mr. Agus Kembaren, S.Si., M.Si as Head of Chemistry Department, Mr.

Prof Motlan, M.Sc, Ph.D as a Dean of FMIPA UNIMED and all staff in chemistry

department and FMIPA.

The writer also like to say thanks to Mr. Drs. Syafruddin as a headmaster

of SMAN 1 Tanjung Pura, Mr. as chemistry teacher for help and guidance when

do the research and also for all the teacher and staff in SMAN 1 Tanjung Pura

who given support to writer when do the research. Unforgettable for all my

students in XI-Science I as Experimental Class 1and XI-Science 2 as


writer also like to say to Mr. Rusdi Ramli, S.E as a headmaster of SMA Swasta

Panca Budi and Mrs. Deli S.Pd as chemistry teacher for help and guidance when

do validation of test for research and thanks for all my students in XI- MIA 1 as

Validator Class.

A billions thanks, special deepest gratitude and appreciation to my lovely

father Sori Monang Hasibuan and my lovely mother Hazrah, for their caring, love,

pray, motivation, support and education. Thanks you both of you that constant

support through the ups and downs of my academic career. It has been bumpy at

times, but your confidence in me has enhanced my ability to get through it all and

succeed in the end. I cannot adequately express how thankful Iam. For ,my

younger sister Nanda Agustina, my younger brother Hairul Azwar who always

been there for me, you always help me to finished this thesis very well, always

ready to help me whatever I want, whenever I need. Even iam in bad condition,

but you always succeed make me happy. Thank you for everything, we grew up

together and you have colored my life, iam really lucky to have brothers and sister

like you all.

A billion thank for you my smelly, my ugly, my dear, Harry Prima I don’t

know how to expressed my thank for you. You always pray, support and love me

unconditionally, always beside me even I am under pressure and so emotional, but

you always make me smile and laugh. You are my passion, my mind and my

Fani, Eva, Janah, Melfa, for you support and pray to me. And thank to my friend

in PPL SMAN 1 Perbaungan specially Nikita, Rini, Reni, Dinda, Dwi and thank

you for my beloved student’s in SMAN 1 Perbaungan , specially XII-Science

Plus, XII-Science 1, XI-Science 1, XI-Science 2, I miss you all my student’s.


The writer has done the maximal effort in the completion of this thesis, but

the writer is aware there are many weaknesses in terms of both content and

grammar. Writer hopes the suggestion and constructive criticism from readers for

completeness the thesis perfectly. At least, the writer hopes this thesis can be

useful to enrich the reader in science education.

Medan, July 2016





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Legalization Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

List of Contents vii

List of Figures xii

List of Tables xiv

List of Appendix xv


1.1Research Background 1

1.2Problem Identification 5

1.3Problem Limitation 6

1.4Problem Formulation 6

1.5Problem Objectives 6

1.6Problem Benefit 7

1.7Problem Definition 7


2.1 Definition of Learning 8

2.2 Model of Learning 9

2.3 Student’s Achievement 9

2.4 Character of Education 11

2.4.1 Definition of Character Education According to Expert 11 Character Education According to Lickona 12

2.4.2 The Values of Character Education 12

2.5.Creativity Character 13


2.6.1 Problem Based Learning Model 14

2.6.2 Characteristic of Problem Based Learning Model 15

2.6.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of PBL 16 Advantages of Problem Based Learning 17 Disadvantages of Problem Based Learning 18

2.6.4 Stages of Problem Based Learning Model 19-21

2.7 Team Games Tournament Model 22

2.7.1 Team Games Tournament Definition 22

2.7.2 Characteristic of Team Games Tournament Model 22

2.7.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of TGT 23 Advantages of Team Games Tournament Model 23 Disadvantages of Team Games Tournament Model 23

2.7.4 Stages of Team Games Tournament Model 24

2.8 PBL Model Integrated with TGT 24

2.8 Stages of PBL Model Integrated with TGT 25

2.9 Colloidal System Learning 26

2.10 Hypothesis 29


3.1 Location and Time of Research 30

3.2 Population and Sample 30

3.3 Research Variables and Research Instrument 30

3.3.1 Research Variables 30 Independent Variable 30 Dependent Variable 30 Control Variable 31

(11) Instrument Test 31 Observation Sheet 34

3.4 Type and Research Design 36

3.4.1 Type of Research 36

3.4.2 Research Procedures 36 Preparation Step 37 Operation Step 37

3.4.3 Research Flow Diagram 38

3.5 Technique Data Collection 39

3.5.1 Validity Test 39

3.5.2 Reliability Test 40

3.5.3 Index Difficult Test 41

3.5.4 Index Distinguish Test 41

3.6 Data Analysis 42

3.6.1 The Normality Test 42

3.6.2 The Homogeneity Test 43

3.6.3 Normalized Gain 43

3.6.4 Calculation of Character Percentage 44

3.6.5 Hypothesis Testing 45

3.6.6 Hypothesis Criteria 45


4.1 The Description of School Sample 46

4.2 The Instrument’s Analysis 46

4.2.1The Validity of Test 46

4.2.2 The Reliability of Test 47


4.2.4 Distinguish Power Index Test 48

4.3 The Instrument Non Test 48

4.3.1 The Observation Sheet of Student Character 48

4.4 The Data Research Result of Pretest 48

4.4.1 Normality Test of Pretest Data 49

4.4.2 Homogeneity Test of Pretest Data 49

4.5 Student’s Achievement 50

4.5.1 The Normality Test of Students Achievement 51

4.5.2 The Homogeneity Test of Students Achievement 51

4.5.3 Normalized Gain 52

4.5.4 Hypothesis Testing of Students Achievement 53

4.6.Data Result of Students Creativity Character 54

4.6.1 The Normality Test of Students Creativity Character 54

4.6.2 The Homogeneity Test of Students Creativity Character 55

4.6.3 Hypothesis Testing of Students Character 55

4.7 The Correlation of Students Achievement and Students Character 56

4.7.1 The Hypothesis of Correlation Students Achievement 56

and Students Character


5.1 Conclusion 59

5.2 Suggestion 59


2.1 Examples of Colloidal System 27

3.1 Formula of Student’s Creativity Character 35

3.2 Research Design Flow Chart 38

3.3 Formula of Validity Test 39

3.4 Formula of Reliability Test 40

3.5 Formula of Standard Deviation Test 40

3.6 Formula of Index Difficult Test 41

3.7 Formula of Index Distinguish Test 42

3.8 Formula of Normality Test 43

3.9 Formula of Homogeneity Test 43

3.10 Formula of Normalized Gain 43

3.11 Formula of Character Percentages 44

3.12 Formula of Hypothesis Testing 45

4.1 The Student’s Achievement in 1st experimental class 57

4.2 The Increasing of Student’s Achievement ( gain) 58 in Experimental Class 1


Appendix 2 Lesson Plan (PBL and TGT) 64

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan (TGT) 76

Appendix 4 Instrument After Validated 87

Appendix 5 Instrument Before Validated 92

Appendix 6 Questionaire Creativity 101

Appendix 7 Pretest After Validated 103

Appendix 8 Posttest After Validated 111

Appendix 9 Observation Sheet of Creativity Character 119

Appendix 10 Question of Team Games Tournament 121

Appendix 11 Validity of Instrument Test 124

Appendix 12 Reliability Test 125

Appendix 13 Index Difficult 126

Appendix 14 Index Distinguish Power 128

Appendix 14 Summary of Instrument Test 131

Appendix 15 Data of Student’s Creativity Character 132

Appendix 16 Data of Pretest ad Posttest 138

Appendix 17 Data of Gain 140

Appendix 18 Data of Normality Test 142

Appendix 19 Data of Homogeneity Test 144

Appendix 20 Data of Hypothesis Test 146

Appendix 21 Data of Hypothesis Test Correlation 148




1.1 Research Background

Education is one way that can be used to achieve a civilized and dignified

country. The quality of a nation education is a reflection of the nation. If the

education was qualified, then surely the nation is a great nation and appreciates

education. One measure that became the civility of the nation is the quality of

education that sterling. Indonesia as one of the developing countries the level of

education is still relatively low when compared with other countries.

In addition the teachers rarely modify their teaching. The teacher was a

single player or in another sense Teacher Centered Learning (TCL) in class and

the students just listening, writing, and remembering what has been mentioned by

the teacher, as a result of learning is boring and static. It also can lead to a sense of

teamwork and a sense of social pupil becomes lower with each other, in the

absence of variation which can involve learning among students one to another.

The difficulties in learning are caused by the abstract and complex concept in

chemistry subject. Chemistry is a difficult, a subject that is not quite attractive for

student among the natural science subjects. Then, the teacher should be able to

design and to applicative many alternatives of learning strategy to motivate

students in learning process. The good learning outcomes of student will be gotten

if students are able to invest reviews their knowledge based on direct observations

and experiences (Sinita, 2014).

Great teacher is a teacher who is able to manage his students achievement

reach all parts of learning outcomes (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective) and it

depends on the teaching method. The implementation of the method of teaching

which was chosen by the teachers involves learning purpose aspects, materials


In the learning process, a teacher must be able to learning objectives

successfully. The success involves the comparison understanding in the short term

or long term about what the comparison had learned, and also resulted a good

graduate student.

One of alternatives answers for this problem is teacher choose learning

method that can improve student learning outcomes and students activities

roommates. According to the materials will be taught, teaching and learning way

are being important factors and most impact to reach the learning outcomes. So

that, performance in teaching such as developing teaching methods, skills

roommates can improve learning motivation. One effort to improve student

learning outcomes and students activities is implementing the problem based

learning models.

According to Trianto (2009) PBL is a approach to learning where students

work on authentic problems with a view to construct their own knowledge,

develop inquiry, higher order thinking skills, develop independence and

confidence. This PBL also can improve students’ learning outcomes and students’

activeness. It is proved by the research of Pratama, et all (2014) PBL can be

implemented in a reduction-oxidation reaction material class X SMA 5 Surakarta

academic years 2013/2014. It is seen from the achievement of learning targets,

namely; implementation of problem-based learning syntax; 86.29% of learners

have good attitudes to learning competencies directly.

According to Wasonowati,(2014) based on the results of their study

indicate that the learning process in terms of student activities (visual, oral,

writing, listening. Mental, and emotional) with PBL models equipped with LKS in

curriculum implementation in 2013 categorized well with the average of 82.71

and a percentage of 81.25% achievement. The results of student learning in the

realm of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of students with PBL model equipped

with LKS in the application curriculum in 2013 categorized both by the average


knowledge, attitudes, and skills of students with PBL models equipped with LKS

categorized well with the percentage of students who achieve a core competency

curriculum in 2013 are respectively 78%, 81.24%, and 78.13%. So it will be the

reason why the author believe that PBL is the right model to improve the

achievement and character of student.

According to Ilmi, (2014) based on the result of she’s research that the

effectivity of interactive learning module with macromedia flash by using PBL is

12.16%, the average percentage of student’s creativity in experiment class is

89.42% and in control class is 85.17%. it means suitable applied in teaching and

learning process in chemistry lesson, especially in topic Colloidal System because

it can improve student’s achievement and foster student’s creativity.

Other fact about the quality of PBL is research do by Alkinoglu and

Tandogan (2007) in the fact of the data collected and evaluations made in the

research, it was determined that the implementation of problem-based active

learning model had positively affected student’s academic achievement and their

attitudes towards the science course. It was also found that the application of

problem-based active learning model affects student’s conceptual development

positively and keeps their misconceptions at the lowest level.

One of the learning models, which is student oriented active learning is

PBL models. Through PBL, students will learn how to use an interactive process

of evaluating what they know, identify what they need to know, gather

information, and collaborate in evaluating a hypothesis based on the data is

collected. While teachers act more as tutors and facilitators to help students

explore and find the hypothesis, and draw conclusions. PBL is an innovative

models that involves student to solve problems through scientific steps so that

students are able to learn the knowledge which are related to the problem posed

and also have the skills to solve the problems.

Beside that Team Games Tournament (TGT) is one type of cooperative


achieve the learning objectives. There are four stages in the TGT is teaching,

learning groups, tournaments/competitions, and awards group. The interesting

thing from the TGT which distinguishes it from other types of cooperative

learning is the tournament. In the tournament, the same academic ability of

students who will compete to get the highest score in the tournament table. So

students of high academic ability will compete with students of high academic

ability and low academic ability of students will compete with low academic

ability of students as well. Therefore, every student has the same opportunity to be

the best in the tournament table. This will certainly motivate the students to learn

that also affect student achievement.

According to Nopiyanita, et all (2013) from the results of research and

analysis that has been done shows: The application of cooperative learning model

TGT in a Reduction-oxidation reaction material can enhance student’s creativity.

In the first cycle the percentage of students with high creativity 51.51% in the

second cycle increased to 81.82%. The application of cooperative learning model

TGT may improve cognitive learning achievement in material

Reduction-oxidation reactions. The percentage of students passing grade increased from

42.42% in the first cycle to 81.82% in second cycle. For affective learning

achievement showed an increase in the average achievement indicator of 72.31%

in the first cycle to 79.01% in the second cycle. Through PBL model and TGT

brings innovative concept understanding, and emphasize student activeness is

expected to improve student learning outcomes.

PBL as the learning models have many advantages which are can be made

to improve student’s achievement, namely: Challenging student’s abilities and

give satisfaction to discover new knowledge, increasing student motivation and

learning activities. Assist students in transferring knowledge to understand the

real-world problems. PBL may encourage students to evaluate themselves well to

the results and the process of learning and develop student’s ability to think

critically and develop their ability to adjust to new knowledge. Not only PBL but


namely the involvement of students in higher learning and enthusiastic. The

knowledge gained students not solely from the teacher but also through its own

construction by students. It can foster positive attitudes in students, such as

teamwork, tolerance, responsibility, and can accept other people’s opinions. Train

students express or convey an idea or ideas.

Based on explanation previous paragraph, the author is proposed to do

research with the title” The Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL)

Model Integrated with Team Games Tournament (TGT) to Increase Students Achievement and Creativity in Learning Colloidal System”.

1.2 Problem Identification

1. Why is the quality of education in Indonesia still low?

2. Why is the student’s achievement in learning chemistry still low?

3. How to increase student’s achievement in learning chemistry?

4. How to measure the character of students, especially creativity character?

5. Why is the teacher useless variation of learning models?

6. Why is the learning process still dominated by the teacher?

1.3 Problem Limitation

Based on identification problem above, there is a wide scope of issues so

this research is limited to know the following:

1. This research will be conducted at the Senior High School (SHS) at

2. The subject material that will be taught is Colloidal System.

3. Teaching model that will be applied in this research is problem based

learning model (PBL) integrated with team games tournament (TGT).

4. The characters that will be measured in this research is creativity.

5. Student’s achievement that will be measured using the cognitive aspect of


6. Student’s achievement will be measured using instrument test and

student’s character will be measured using observation sheet.

1.4 Problem Formulation

As for formulation of the problems in this research are:

1. Is student’s achievement who learn using PBL model integrated with TGT

higher than student’s achievement who learn by TGT?

2. Is student’s creativity who learn using PBL model integrated with TGT

higher than student’s achievement who learn by TGT?

3. Is there positive significant correlation between student’s creativity

characters with student’s achievement?

1.5 Research Objective

1. To get information about the results comparison of student’s achievement

who is learn using PBL model integrated with TGT with using TGT.

2. To know the average percentage of student’s creativity that developed by

applying problem based learning model integrated with team games


3. To know the positive significant correlation between student’s creativity

character with student’s achievement.

1.6 Research Benefit

This research is expected can usage as follows:

1. To provide guidelines for teachers of science, especially chemistry

teachers to use problem based learning integrated with team games

tournament in learning process that can improve student’s achievement.

2. To change student’s paradigm that chemistry is not a difficult subject, so it

can improve their motivation to learn and also the understanding about

colloidal system.


1.7 Operational Definition

1. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is problem-based learning is a learning

approach where students work on authentic problems with a view to

construct their own knowledge, develop inquiry and higher-level thinking

skills, develop independence and confidence.

2. Team Games Tournament (TGT) is one type of cooperative learning that

puts students in study groups which is consisting of 5 to 6 students who

have different ability, gender, ethnicity or race which is have special stages

namely games tournament.

3. Student’s Achievement is a measure of the teacher success in teaching to

improve learning achievement, to know the success rate of student in

understanding the subject matter which express in the form of score, and

also as a evaluation may show high or low student achievement.

4. Student Characters are aspects or qualities of individual students

consisting of interests, attitudes, learning motivation, learning styles,




After conducting the research and analyzing the data, there are some

conclusions that gotten, they are:

1. Student’s achievement who learnt by using PBL model integrated with

TGT is higher than student’s achievement who learnt by TGT.

2. Student’s creativity who learnt by using PBL model integrated with TGT

is higher than student’s creativity who learnt by TGT.

3. There is a positive significant correlation between creativity characters with student’s achievement.

5.2 Suggestion

From the result the research, there are some suggestion must be raised:

1. For chemistry teacher, they should make innovation in teaching of

chemistry one of the ways is apply problem based learning model

integrated with team games tournament because this model can improve student’s achievement and character in chemistry.

2. There is innovation to do problem based learning model integrated with

team games tournament on the teaching of other topic in chemistry.

3. For researcher who wants to do same research, problem based learning

model integrated with team games tournament is expected to be more

careful in set time for each stage of learning and can create activities that



Nursaadah was born in Delitua on July 15th 1993. The name of her father is Sori Monang Hasibuan and her mother Hazrah. The author is the first child

from 4 childrens. In 1999, the author entered primary school in the SD Swasta

Al-Islamiyah and graduated in 2006 of year. In 2006, authors continued her study on

jenior high school in MTSN Binjai and graduated in 2009 year. Then, in 2009 the

author continued her study in senior high school MAN Binjai than graduated in

2012 year. In July at 2012, the author passed in SNMPTN and received in

Bilingual Cemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and


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