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Academic year: 2017



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Marianna Silaban Reg. Number 4123131055

Bilingual Chemistry Education Study Program


Submitted to Fulfill The Requirement for Getting The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






LEARNI NG AND MULTI MEDI A Marianna Silaban (NIM 4123131055)





First and foremost writer wanna deliver to Trinity Jesus Christ for all His

uncountable grace, His blessings and guidance for giving us inspiration, health,

peace, knowledge and strength to see that this thesis become a reality suitable

with the time that has been determine.

This thesis entitled ”The Development of Innovative Learning Material With Active Learning and Multimedia” arranged to acquire degree Sarjana Pendidikan Kimia, in Chemistry Department Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences in State University of Medan.

In this opportunity I would like to express my gratitude to my thesis

supervisior Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D who has given guidance

and many suggestion to writer since proposal research until finish this thesis. The

writer also wanna say thanks to Drs. Marham Sitorus, M.Si as my Academic Councelor as long as writer in state university of Medan. I don’t forget to say thanks to Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si, Dr. Simson Tarigan, (alm) Drs.

Rahmat Nauli, M.Si and Mom Nora Susanti S.Si, Apt., M.Sc, as my thesis

examiner who give suggestion, comment, and improvement to compile this thesis.

Gratitude also deliver to sir Agus Kembaren, S.Si, M.Si as head of Chemistry

department who give chance to writer did this research. Special gratitude will be

deliver to strong beloved parents my father K. Silaban and my mother

M.Simanullang for your unconditional love to support me in every situation of my

life for financial support, strengthen me and thank you for your perspiration in my

life, thank you have been best parents in my life. I don’t forget to express my

gratitude to my brothers, Saut, Saprin, Sardes, Salam, Mujur, to my only one

sister Samsinar Silaban who always support me to finish this thesis. Likewise with

my Coordination team UKMKP-UP FMIPA 2016 and all of member of secretariat

UKMKP-UP FMIPA ministry and all of component of ministry UKMKP

UNIMED who also give support and motivation to writer. I don’t forget to the

leader of Boanerges small group sister Jelita Purba my bestfriend Lady Ofina,



Panjaitan, Elenra Fitry Malau, Aspatita Panjaitan, Bunga Gustiana Napitupulu,

thank you for teach me to lead you to be patient, my best friend who have same

thesis supervisior Ernita Silaban, Arif Wardiman Lase thank you so much for a

story that has been created in this thesis journey. And to all of member of

Chemistry Education Study Program 2012, thank you for four years with you all

fill my diary every single moment is impressed and all of motivation and pray. To

all of respondents Student of SMA N 1 Sidikkalang, SMA N 1 Berastagi, SMA N 1 Perbaungan. And the last one and special one for my only one Sado thank you

for write diary of my life, support, pray that has been answerd thanks for teach me

to live effectively hope blessing in future be ours.

The writer has given all effort to finish this thesis, nevertheless writer realize there’s still lack from content and grammar, therefore writer will appreciate all of constructive suggestion to enrich education insight.

Medan, June 2016 Writer



2.1 Defenition and Types of Learning Materials 8

2.2 The Use of Learning Materials 10

2.2.1 For Teacher 10

2.2.2 For Student 10

2.2.3 In Clasical Learning 11

2.2.4 In Individual Learning Process 11

2.2.5 In Group Learning 11

2.3 Posisition of Learning Materials in Learning Process 11

2.4 Develope Learning Materials 13

2.5 Chemistry Learning Materials Development 15

2.6 Standard of Learning Materials According to BSNP 17 2.6.1 Standard on Chemistry Learning Material Content 17 2.6.2 Standard on Chemistry Learning Material Language 18

2.6.3 Standard on Chemistry Learning Preentation 18

2.6.4. Standard on Chemistry Learning Graph 18

2.7 Innovative Learning 19

2.8 Innovative Learning by Implement Active Learning 20

2.9 Learning Media on Teaching Chemistry 22

2.10 The Literature of Thermochemistry 25

2.10.1 Thermochemistry 26

2.10.2 Enthalphy Changes 26



Chapter III Research Methodology

3.1 Location and Time 28

3.2 Research Sample and Population 28

3.3 Type of Research 29

3.4 Research Instrument 30

3.5 Research Procedure 30

3.5.1 Analyze Learning Material of Thermochemistry 30

3.5.2 Developing Learning Material 30 Enrichment Learning Material 31 Integrate Learning Media in Learning Material 31 Integrate Laboratory Activity in Learning Material 31 Creating e-book 31

3.5.3 Standarization of Developed Learning Material 32

3.6 Data Analysis 34

3.6.1 Descriptive Analysis 34

Chapter IV Results and Discussion

4.1 The Result Observation of Learning Material for Senior

High School 37

4.2. Development of Learning Material of Thermochemistry 45 4.3. Innovation of Learning Material of Thermochemistry 47 4.4 Active Learning in Thermochemistry Learnong Material 48 4.5 Multimedia in Thermochemistry Learning Material 49

4.6. Creating e-book 50

4.7. Standarization of Innovative Learning Material of

Thermochemistry 51

4.8. Trial of Innovative Learning Material on Thermochemistry

With Active Learning and Multimedia 53

4.9. Discussion 55

Chapter V Conclusion and Suggestion

5.1 Conclusion 57

5.2 Suggestion 58

Referencess 59



Table 3.3 Table of A Recapitulation Assesment of Chemistry Textbook 35

Table 3.4 Validity Criteria Analysis of Innovative Chemistry Learning

materials 36

Table 4.1 Description Of Learning Material With Main Topic Of

Thermochemistry As Referencess Learning Material Of

Thermochemistry 38

Table 4.2. Percentage of Analyze some Textbook in Thermochemistry

Based on BSNP 44

Table 4.3 Development of Learning Material of Thermochemistry 46

Table 4.4 The Description Innovation of Learning Material of

Thermochemistry 47

Table 4.5 The Description Active Learning in Thermochemistry

Learning Material 48

Table 4.6 The Description of Integration Multimedia in

Thermochemistry Learning Material 49

Table 4.7 Description of Innovative Learning Materials on The

Topic of Thermochemistry 51

Table 4.8 Assesment respondent of chemistry lectures (P), students of

SMAN 1 Sidikkalang (Q), students of SMAN 1 Berastagi (R),

students of SMAN 1 Perbaungan (S) to quality of

innovative learning material of thermochemistry. 52

Table 4.9 The result of descriptive of trial chemistry Learning





Figure 3.1 Procedure Development Innovative Chemistry Learning 32

Figure 3.2 Research Procedure to Get Standard Innovative Chemistry

Learning Materials With Active Learning and Multimedia 33

Figure 4.1 Figure of Electronic Display of Thermochemistry Learning Material by click all of content of electronic book on

thermochemistry 50





Appendix 1 Sillabus of Chemistry for SHS in Curriculumn 2013 64

Appendix 2 Standard assesment of Learning Textbook 67

Appendix 3 Instrument questionaire of Innovative Learning Material 69

of Thermochemistry

Appendix 4 The Description of Learning Material (TRIAL) 70

Appendix 5a The Result of Chemistry Textbook Analysis code A 71

Appendix 5b The Result of Chemistry Textbook Analysis code B 72

Appendix 5c The Result of Chemistry Textbook Analysis code C 73

Appendix 5d The Result of Chemistry Textbook Analysis code D 74

Appendix 5e The Result of Chemistry Textbook Analysis code E 75

Appendix 5f The Result of Chemistry Textbook Analysis code F 76

Appendix 5g The Result of Chemistry Textbook Analysis code G 77

Appendix 6 Tabulation of Questionaire by Chemistry Lecture in

State University of Medan 78

Appendix 7a Tabulation of Questionaire by Student in SMA N 1

Sidikalang 79

Appendix 7b Tabulation of Questionaire by Student in SMA N 1

Berastagi 80

Appendix 7c Tabulation of Questionaire by Student in SMA N 1

Perbaungan 81

Appendix 8 Standard Development of Innovative Chemistry



1.1 Background

The development of innovative learning material is important to do due

to the development of modern science and technology demand students to learn

active and independently. Innovative learning material can motive student to learn

active in learning process due to inovation presented can be use wherever and

whenever they are. They can use innovative learning material thourgh their

personal computer and personal handphone.

Education is the main medium to create human resourcess with high quality and competency. Education is human’s necessary which always follow the era’s challange. Quality of education describe prospect of a certain nation in a future. Education is also one of the key vehicles for intellectual and professional

development of our people and plays an increasingly important role in supporting

a stronger and more globally competitive Indonesia.

Indonesian’s today educational condition face complex and basic challange which can’t be avoid such as GATT, WTO, AFTA which influence all aspect of socialization. As a young nation (under a century nation) our future still

oriented on international standard where there will be many lack ontologically

related to human resourcess and master of technology. The swift of goods,

services, knowledge and technology tend to effect disorientation in economic

aspect, politic, society, culture and education. Therefore the strengthen

contribution of LPTK, sinergy among educational birocration, teacher’s quality, and educational reformation are required by homogenity of basic sciences knowledge to increase quality and educational access.

In 120 countries included in the 2012 UNESCO Education For All

Global Monitoring Report, which measuress education quality, Indonesia ranked



127 countries. And according to latest Human developement Index, reported by

UNDP, Indonesia ranked 121st out of 185 countries, with an HDI of .629. the report shows that Indonesia is ranked lower than two of its neighboring ASEAN

countries, Malaysia (64th) and Singapore (18th). In order to strengthen basic education for students, the Ministry has committed operational and budgetary

resources to implementation of the latest 2013 Curricculumn by 2014. The 2013

Curriculumn focuses on the acquisition of contextual knowledge in respective areas and environments. The curriculumn seeks to develop student’s evaluation skill in three areas; attitude (honesty, politeness, and discipline), technical skills

(through practical work / school projects), and scientific knowledge.

The development of innovative learning material is one essential and

very important step to improve quality of education. Through develope learning

material with multimedia can increase student’s curiosity that conduct classroom to active learning. The active learning is a model of instruction that focuses the

responsibility of learning on learners. In order to have active learning experience,

the innovative learning material should use of technology tools and multimedia

helps enhance the atmosphere of the classroom. Each student will be actively

engaged in learning process. Developement of innovtive learning material with

active learning by using multimedia and web based learning is very interest to be

discussed because of learning materials that qualified can improve

comprehension, attitude, skill, and scientific knowledge of senior high school

student. Therefore, developement of learning materials is necessary to

consideration accurately where learning materias not only source of learning, but

has a particular classification.

Developement of learning materials also necessary to fulfill good quality of learning materials. Good learning materials in senior high school will help

students to achive standard competency. The peresence qualified learning

materials is one best way to improve quality of education (situmorang, 2013).

Good learning materials should capable present the curriculumn,s requirement,

flexible with the development of Science and technology, and become a bridge in



According to hamdani in (Rudyanto, 2009) if it doesn’t have ability to develop teaching materials are varied, teachers will be stuck in monotonous

learning situations and tend to be boring to students. Good learning materials must

be able to present learning materials in accordance with demands of the

curriculumn, follow any developments in science and technology in order to

achieve a predetermined competencies (Jippes, etc., 2010) in (Manihar and

Novalina, 2012), therefore preparation of learning materials quality is needed to

help students to learn and fulfill needs of students to learn independently.

Generally student in Senior High School tend use book as their media or

their learning sourcess.while the condition of book tend to conduct teacher center

learning process. Teacher center learning is not good, therefore we need

developement of learning media, and through this development we hope there’s no teacher center learning process anymore. According to Manihar and Andry

(2014), the integration of information technology, integrate multimedia with

e-learning and web based e-learning potentially push e-learning shift from conventional

learning to student active learning, so that learning activity is not depend on

teacher only, but developement will courage student to be active. E-learning is

one process where students use information and Communication Technology

(ICT) facilities together as media without consider space and time to learn

(Sutanta, 2009). Modern ICT development enable us to combine various media,

such as picture, video, animation, virtual laboratory, and website and these make

students easier to receive and acces lessons, and courage students to active

learning process.

In reality, chemistry is learning materials which has wide scope in our

daily life. Chemistry is one subject matter for student in natural science group. In implementation of Curriculumn 2013, chemistry has 4 lesson hour meeting in

each week. Chemistry is also one interest subject matter, because chemistry gives

foundation in society life, develope lifeskill. Chemistry also one of discipline that

can answer global challange. Chemistry belong to dificult subject matter, because

mainly chemistry consist of many abstract concept and real example. In



to make students feel boring. Therefore in presentation of chemistry learning

material, we need creative, and innovative step to courage student to be active and

has high curiosity. Therefore we need to develope creative and innovative

learning material. And according to Lee (2010) one way to increase quality of

education is through present qualify learning materials.

Revitalization of learning materials are necessary to enrich learning sourcess so that able to student’s learning activity which follow developement information and technology to optimal, and effective for increasing student’s achivement in chemistry.Some prerequiresite to make learning materials as

learning sources are, availability that can reach by students independently, can

courage student to learn independently, and facilitate students complete and recent

learning materials. Good learning materials must be cover as good as possible, as

creative as possible, suitable with main topic, following with picture, ilustration,

exercise example, contextual problems which support learning activity through

adaptation of newest technology is one target of learning materials developement.

In senior high school, thermochemistry learned in second year in first

semester. Thermochemistry studies Heat and Energy, Enthalphy change

(Calorimeter, Hess law, and Bond Energy). Thermochemistry is one difficult

topic to understand for students, because this topic has abstract concept. And need high student’s imagination. Sometimes, lack of laboratory experiment, and lack of student’s interaction with classmates because learning process focus on teacher only.

Based on above description, researcher challanged to creating creative,

innovative, systematic chemistry learning materials in form of hardcopy and

electronic book to support student’s achievement according to standard competency. And this research entitled “The Development of Innovative



1.2Scope of Problem

Based on background above, the scope of problem in this research is

development of innovative learning materials to fulfill standard competency in

senior high school.

1.3Problem Identification

Based on the background above, the following are some problems can be

identified in this research:

1. The arrangement of innovative thermochemistry learning material to achieve

stadard competency in senior high school.

2. Learning media that proper to integrate according to innovative

thermochemistry learning material to achieve standard competency in senior

high school.

3. Response of lecture and senior high school student to innovative

thermochemistry learning materials seen on, proper standard, language,

presentation, content and form.

4. Development an innovative thermochemistry learning materials that courage

student to active learning.

5. Standardize a development learning materials to meet the standard provided

by BSNP.

1.4Problem Formulation

Based on the background that has been stated previously, then the

problem formulation in this research is:

1. How the arrangement of innovative thermochemistry learning material with active learning and multimedia so that suitable according to standard

competency in senior high school?

2. How the proper presentation of innovative thermochemistry learning material

with active learning and multimedia to achieve standard competency in senior



3. How the response of lecture and senior high school student on innovative

thermochemistry learning material with active learning and multimedia, seen

on proper standard, language, presentation, content and form.

4. How to develope an innovative thermochemistry learning material with active

learning and multimedia to courage student to active learning?

5. How to standardize a developed learning material to meet the standard

provided by BSNP?

1.5Problem Limitation

To avoid the deviate problem based on the problem formulation, so the

problem limitation in this research are:

1. Arrange the innovative thermochemistry learning material with active

learning and multimedia suited with standard competency look from standard

proper, language, content, and form in senior high school.

2. In arrange innovative thermochemistry learning material with active learning

and multimedia will be develope at least 7 chemistry book in senior high


3. Learning materials will be revise by expert of curriculumn, till we get standar

learning materials.

4. There will be integration of various media that usually use by teacher in

teaching process.

5. Developement of innovative thermochemistry learning material with active

learning with multimedia only to standardization of learning materials stage,

not up to the implementation stage.

1.6Research Objective

The objective of this research is to facilitate the understanding of students

in study of thermochemistry. The spesific objective have been achieved in this

research, are following:

1. To do development of innovative thermochemistry learning materials with

active learning and multimedia suitable with standard competency in senior



2. To get the good presentation of innovative thermochemistry learning material

with active learning and multimedia to achieve standard competency in senior

high school.

3. To know the response of lecture and senior high school student on innovative

thermochemistry learning material with active learning and multimedia, seen

on proper standard, language, presentation, content and form.

4. To develope an innovative thermochemistry learning material with active

learning and multimedia to courage student to active learning.

5. To standardize development thermochemistry learning material with active

learning and multimedia to meet the standard provided by BSNP

1.7Research Benefits

The results of this study is expected to provide benefits for researcher,

university students, lectures, and senior high school students. The spesific benefit


1. To reseacher

As an precious experience have a chance to analyze book and able to arrange

and develope innovative learning materials.

2. To Teacher

To give information and advice and potentially help teacher to present the

learning materials to student.

3. To Senior high school student

As information to enrich their knowledge.

4. To the next reseacher




Based on the result of research that obtained from the result of data

analysis. It can be stated some conclusion as follows:

1. Based on analysis on common chemistry textbook in SHS the percentage of

textbook code A is 82.85%, code B 59.99%., code C 71.42%, code D 68.57%,

code E 54.28%, code F 42.89%, and code G is 77.14% most of them are good, but all of them has no integration og multimedia so it’s need development and innovation.

2. The arranging of innovative chemistry learning material on topic of

thermochemistry has succesfully designed suited to the common curriculum

2013 that using at senior high school students. The Learning material

Thermochemistry consist of 2 sub topic, successively are: (1) Exothermic and

Endothermic Reaction, (2) Enthalphy Changes that consist of : Standard Enthalphy Change, Calorimeter, Hess’s Law, and Bond Energy

3. The innovated Learning Material Thermochemistry with Active Learning and

Multimedia get the average 3.44 it means it gets positive response from SHS

students and chemistry lecturers.

4. The learning material composed has developed and contain innovation by

conduct active learning and supported by multimedia that set in offline and

online system. There are videos as an offline innovation, while the online

innovation when the students connected to internet and using the web link that

has been inputed on the learning material as an e-book.

5. The development of Innovative Thermochemistry Learning Material

Thermochemistry meet standard BSNP Indonesia Education National



5.2. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, there are some suggestion that have to be

stated in order to make teaching and learning process in chemistry become

effective and efficient as follows:

1. It is suggested that the chemistry lecture and chemistry teacher in school

should give the standard and good innovative and interactive chemistry

learning material based on the common curriculum as main learning

media to student in the senior high school especially learning material of


2. It is suggested to next researcher could improve the better innovative

learning material based on common curriculum and develop the e-book

to make it more simple and easy according to the suggestion that given

by sample as validator.

3. It is suggested to student holder for developing and providing the

standard and good innovative and learning material to be used in the

teaching and learning process especially for thermochemistry subject in

senior high school.

4. It is suggested for next researcher can develop this learning material so

that enable opened in personal gadget, so that student can bring it

wherever and learn whenever.




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Figure 3.1 Procedure Development Innovative Chemistry Learning         32


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Karakter genus tersebut adalah tubuh pipih memanjang; kepala hitam membentuk ceruk/titik, secara umum lebih sempit dari toraks, terdapat cekungan dalam di anterior yang

menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa karya ilmiah yang berjudul “ Analisis Feminisme Radikal dalam Novel Wajah Sebuah Vagina Karya Naning Pranoto ” adalah

Bunga dahlia paling besar di antara mawar, melati, dan bakung; lebih harum dari melati tetapi tidak lebih harum dibanding bakung dan mawar; berwarna paling cerah; paling

Pada acara yang dimoderatori oleh Bapak Ruli Inayah selaku dosen HI ini, diangkat mengenai isu keamanan terkini di ASEAN dalam tajuk "Prospek dan Tantangan Keamanan di Asia