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Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number : 2113121037





I have familiarized myself with the University’s policy on Academic Integrity. Except where appropriately acknowledged, this thesis is my own work, it has been expressed in my own words, and has not been previously submitted for assessment.

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Medan, December 2015




Hutapea, Laura Elisabeth. 2113121037. The Effect of Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure on Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement. A Thesis. Medan : English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, 2015.

This study is aimed at finding out the effect of Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure on students’ reading comprehension achievement. This study applied experimental design. The population of this study was the 2015 / 2016 eleventh grade student of SMA SANTA MARIA MEDAN. There were five parallel classes and have been taken two class as the sample by using loterry technique. The sample was 60 students. The group sample namely experimental group and control group. The experimental group was taught by applying Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure while control group was taught without applying Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure. The instrument of collecting the data was multiple choice test which was consisted of 25 items. The validity used in this study is content validity. To obtain the reliability of the test, the researcher used Kuder Richardson (KR20) formula. The calculation showed the reliability was 0.95 (very high). The data was analyzed by using t-test. the calculation showed that t-observed (2.64) is higher than t-table (2.00) at the level of significance (α) 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 58. Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means that Engage, Sudy Activate (ESA) Procedure significantly affected the students’ reading comprehension.




The writer’s first gratitude goes to the Almight Lord Jesus Christ for providing the countless blessing, never ending love and guidance to the writer. It is just another blessing from God to the writer so the writer can finish this final project, as the requirements to obtain the S1 Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In the process of doing this thesis, many people have given their participation such as their support, motivation and many kind of things. Therefore, the writer would like to express her gratitude and special thanks to :

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom. M.Pd., as the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English ad Literture Department.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department..

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S., M. Hum., as the Head of English Education Study Program.

Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd., as her Thesis Consultant I

Rafika Dewi Nasution,S.Pd., M.Hum., as her Thesis Consultant II

Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani M.Pd., Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., as her Thesis Reviewers.

English Education Lecturers, The academic staff and adminitrative staff. Drs. Dasman Sirait as the Head Master of SMA SANTA MARIA

MEDAN, for his supports to the writer so the writer could do the research. • D.M. Hutapea and L. Nainggolan, her beloved parents, for giving the



gratitude also goes to her dearest brothers and sister, Andolin Eglof Hutapea, S.Pd., Michael Andreas Hutapea and also her younger sister Joyce Celine Rafaeli Hutapea

Her best mate Serevina Maharany Manullang, for giving the goods always.

Her best friends from Regular C 2011 especially Putri Simbolon thank you for sharing the laughters and tears, Rahmadayani Saragih, Rismauli Aritonang, my twin Junpita Sinaga for teaching the goods of life, Masdoharni, Nella Susiani and also her stunning classmates Nomita, Helena, Rostina, Raideni, Nancy, Nina, Indah, Intan and also her partner and class monitor for years Putra Tua Pangihutan Tambunan. Her friends in PPLT 2014 in Yayasan Panca Jaya Galang; Nixon, Anto,

Mawar, Hamdi, Tomo, Jody, Ayub, Gio, Syuhada and also these unforgotable angels Nana, Corry, Adel and Titik.

Gratitude to NHKBP Kasih Setia for being my inspiration and taking time for the writer and being the advisor of life. God Bless You all.

The writer hopes this thesis will be useful and give positive impact for those who read it. Especially for the students of State University of Medan.

Medan, December 2015 The Writer,



d. The Process of Reading Comprehension ... 12

e. Levels of Comprehension ... 14

f. The Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension ... 17

2. Genre ... 18

a. Narrative Text ... 19

3. Approaches, Methods, Procedures, and Technique ... 21

4. Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure ... 22

a. The Concept of ESA Procedure... 22

b. The Three Sequences of ESA Procedure ... 27

c. Teaching Reading Comprehension by Using ESA Procedure .. 31

d. The Advantage of Using ESA Procedure ... 32

5. Relevant Studies ... 32

B. Conceptual Framework ... 34

C. Hypothesis ... 35


A. Research Design ... 36



C. The Technique for Collecting Data ... 38

D. Scoring System ... 38

E. The Procedure of the Research ... 39

1. Pre-Test ... 39

2. Treatment ... 39

3. Post-Test ... 42

F. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 42

1. The Validity of the Test ... 42

2. The Reliability of the Test ... 48

G. Technique for Analyzing the Data ... 49


A. Data Description... 51

B. Data Analysis ... 56

1. Reliability of The Test ... 56

2. Data Analysis ... 57

C. Testing Hypothesis ... 59

D. Research Finding ... 60

E. Discussion ... 61


A. Conclusion ... 64

B. Suggestion ... 64






Table 1.1. Students’ Accumulated Score ... 3

Table 2.1. The Indicators of ESA Procedure ... 26

Table 3.1. Research Design... ... 37

Table 3.2. Treatment (Teaching Procedure) ... 39

Table 3.3. Table of Spesification ... 43

Table 3.4. Technique for Analyzing Data ... 49

Table 4.1 Students’ Score in Pre-Test. ... 52

Table 4.2. Students’ score i Post-Test ... 53

Table 4.3. The Result of Ttest Calulation ... 59

Table 5.1. The Scores of Pre-Test, Post-Test, of Experimental Group ... 69

Table 6.1. The Scores of Pre-Test, Post-Test, of Control Group ... 70

Table 7.1. The Calculation of Reliability ... 71

Table 8.1 The Calculation of Ttest in Experimental Group ... 75

Table 9.1. The Calculation of Ttest in Control Group ... 76





Figure 2.1 The Element of ESA Procedure...27

Figure 2.2 ESA Straight Arrows Sequence...28

Figure 2.3 EAS(A) Boomerang Sequence...29

Figure 2.4 EAASAEA Patchwork Sequence...30

Figure 4.1. Students’ Score in Pre-Test...53

Figure 4.2. Students’ Score in Post-Test...54




Pages Appendix A. The Score of Pre Test and Post Test by the Students of

Experimental Group...69

Appendix B. The Score of Pre Test and Post Test by the Students of Control Group...70

Appendix C. The Calculation of Reliability...71

Appendix D. The Calculation of T- Test...75

Appendix E. The Percentage Points of The t- Distribution...79

Appendix F. Lesson Plan...80

Appendix G. Reading Comprehension Test...103

Appendix H. The Answer Key of Reading Comprehension Test...110





A.The Background of the Study

People consider English in a very high value in used. By the time, currently English can be regarded as the center of the world’s communication; this world is seemed to require people around the world to learn English and righteously to be mastery in English.

English is widely used in many countries with various purposes in many sides of life. It is used in Medical, Education, Technology, Science and etc. That is one of the reasons why Indonesian government put English as one of many important subjects in educational institute. Indonesian government expects the students to be master in English. In the hope of the students of Indonesia will be ready to face the world and can be good skilled human resources

Mastering English is not easy, it is like we learn another way of life, because language actually represents a way of life. It is need a long process; nothing is gained instantly, especially in language acquisition. Because of that awareness, so in Indonesia English has been taught in school since in elementary school, and also as we know English has been integrated in educational curriculum of Indonesia for a long time ago.



Those skills are equally the same, and must be learnt with certain processes, because they are not inborn. Each of them has its own applicable stages that must be followed in mastering them. Everybody agrees, Reading has its important role. When people read, their level of thinking increases; in other words, the more people read, the more people learn. Reading process is beneficially help reader to find out the new idea by their critical thinking. This competence is acquired people to develop their understanding about others’ idea through a book, text, article, and story or as we know commonly those ideas are revealed by writing form. Beene & Kopple (1992: 2) states “most ideas, issues, and information are communicated through writing”. By this reason, people are required to have good skill in reading.

In addition, many modern countries have good reading culture such as America, Japan and Australia. This means that reading habit can increase the quality of people in that country. Reading culture must be promoted in every country. It would make the country more qualified in every field. For reading is one way to learn effectively and instantly, because it can be done anytime and anywhere. Indonesia is one of many countries which need that reading culture to increase the quality of the human resources.



successful as the government’s expectation, it is so deplorable. Most of those students unable to read in a good way. They tend to read word by word without understanding the idea of the whole text.

Based on the writer experience on PPL 2014 in Yayasan Pendidikan Panca Jaya, Galang. The writer found a huge failure in reading comprehension. More than 50% students failed in reading comprehension, they read word by word without understanding the idea of the text. Most of them didn’t pass the Minimum Criteria Mastery (Kriterian Ketuntasan Minimal / KKM) which was standarized score was 75. The writer also found that they students needed much time in reading narrative text, it is an ungainly development.

There is also another problem that the researcher have found in reading comprehension. Based on the preliminary observation of the English teacher of SMA Santa Maria Medan. By interviewing the teacher about the students’ achievement in reading comprehension, The writer found the students’ reading comprehension score was still low.

Most of students could not exceed the minimum criteria mastery (KKM) 75 which was applied by that school for English subject. For more detail, the students’ accumulated score is shown on the table 1.1

Table 1.1 The Percentage of the Eleventh Grade Students’ Score in Reading

>75 ≥75 <75

XI-1 9 students (30.0%) 3 students (10.0%) 18 students (60.0%)



From the previous data, it can be concluded that the students’ reading comprehension achievement was low. It can be seen from the students’ score percentage was under the KKM ( Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum).

There are several factors that influence the failure of reading comprehension. At first, it is influenced by an international perspective in which believes that Indonesian students, in their mother tongue, hard to understand the foreign language they read as a consequence.

Second, it is clearly shown by how the absence of reading habit in students may influence negatively school success. Third, related to the situations above, it leads us to know that students are seemed to lose motivation to read, even some of the students consider English subject is not an important subject just like another subjects such as mathematics, chemistry, biology and etc. Students feel there is no advantage in learning English therefore, the students do not take a good intention to the teacher. Those failures not only come from the student’s side, it also comes from the negative attitude of the English teacher, that is giving a monotonous learning style and do not show any progress in teaching. Many teachers just ask the student to read the text, then try to answer the questions which are available in text book without giving any motivation that make the students interested.



Observer. From what Harmer states above, a teacher is expected to have those responsibilities as good as possible. Teaching definetly is not an easy job, but it is necessary one, and can be very rewarding when the teacher see their students’ good progress and know that’s all because of the their hardwork. It is true that some lessons can be difficult and stressful at times, but it is also worth remembering that teaching can be extremely enjoyable in a right way and all that matter is that right way that the teacher has to know.

All students must be respond to various stimulation of learning (such as pictures, sounds, music, movement, etc), it gives directions to the teacher in teaching with various way to encourage students to be good in reading effectively and pleasurebly. Many techniques or method that can be used in teaching such as Small group work technique, Jigsaw technique, Storytelling technique, PPP Procedure, Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) and etc. But in this study, Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure was applied to overcome the problems faced by the students in reading comprehension.

Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure is one type of several teaching sequences that take students in a straight line. Simply ESA Procedure is suitable to be implemented in the class. Because it involves the conscious, curiousity and passion in teaching learning process. Zhang (2010 : 6) in her journal states that if the learners and the teacher take the conscious of the important elements and use them intentionally, it is easier to succeed in English subject.



frequently engage the students, included: games, music, discussions, stimulating pictures, dramatic stories, amusing anecdotes etc. The teachers have to ensure that their students are engaged with the topic, exercise or language they are going to be dealing with. The Engage element plays dominant role in language learning inside the classroom and it often takes place at the beginning of the teaching sequence, which ensure that the process of teaching goes smoothly and efficiently. Without the element of Engage, the class may be boring and the students will switch off from what is being taught. If the students are engaged, they will be interested in the class and learn better.

The engagement indicators indentified five criteria such as body language, consistent focus, verbal participation, student’s confidence, fun and excitement. The data were taken from the two English teachers as the subjects of this study. (Ayiz, 2014)

Study activities are those, where the students are asked to be focus in on language and how it is constructed. Study is a typical element for learning English; it is a conscious activity of learning. Successful language learning in a classroom depends on a judicious blend of subconscious language acquisition and kind of Study activities.



B.The Problem of the Study

As the writer realized from the background of the study, the problem of this study is formulated in the form of a question as follows “is there any significant effect of using Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure on students’

reading comprehension achievement?”

C.The Objective of the Study

In the relation to the problem of this study, the objective of this study is to investigate the significant effect of Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure on students’ reading comprehension achievement in narrative text.

D.The Scope of the Study

As we know there are many kinds of teaching approach, procedure, technique or model which were invented by many experts to ease teaching and learning process included in teaching reading. In this study the writer choose Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure, where ESA Procedure is also has three different sequences, they are Straight Arrows Sequence, Boomerang Sequence and Patchwork Sequence, but the writer chooses ESA Straight Arrows Sequence.



the researcher only focus on the literal and interpretative level which were decided as the criteria of the reading comprehension test.

So, this study is focus on identifying the effect of ESA Straight Arrows Sequence in teaching reading comprehension in Narrative Text especially in literal and interpretative level.

E.The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful both theoretically and practically for:

1. Theoretically:

a. For educational. To add new theory in teaching English, especially in teaching reading comprehension.

b. For readers. To acknowledge them about new information of English teaching – learning process and can be regarded as a refenrence of a new alternative way in reading comprehension.

2. Practically:

a. For teachers. By the result of the research, the teachers who are involved in teaching English are aimed to know the effectiveness of ESA Procedure in teaching reading. This study will be useful to help them in teaching reading, and to have an alternative way in teaching reading comprehension.






After analyzing the data, it was found that the scores of the student that were taught by applying Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure was higher than those who were taught without applying any treatment.

The alternative hypothesis (Hα) is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected. This is proven by the data analysis tobserved = 2.64 is higher than ttable =

2.00. T test analysis is (2.64 > 2.00) which means that there was significant effect of Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure on Students reading comprehension in narrative text.


Based on the conclusion drawn, the results of the findings constribute some valuable suggestions, they are:

The English teachers are suggested to use Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Procedure in teaching reading in order to increase their students reading comprehension in narrative text.



meaning of the text, not only read every single word of the text without understanding the meaning.




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Figure 2.1 The Element of ESA Procedure...........................................................27
Table 1.1 The Percentage of the Eleventh Grade Students’ Score in Reading


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