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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number. 209121017





Except where appropriately acknowledged, this thesis is my own work, has been

expressed in my own words and has not previously been submitted for

assessment. I understand that this thesis may be screened electronically or

otherwise for plagiarism.

Medan, Januari 2014




First and the foremost, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Allah SWT for the blessing, health and opportunity which has enabled her to complete this thesis. She realizes that she would never have been able to complete it without the love of Allah, the guidance of her lecturers, help from friends, and support from her family. This thesis has been written in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

The writer was helped by many people through their guidences, supports, prays, comments, and suggestions. The writer would like to express her gratitude to:

 Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of Medan.

 Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts; and Vice Deans I, II, and III.

 Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, and also her reviewer and examiner, Rika, S.Pd., M.Hum., as the Secretary of English Department, Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Study Program, and all the lectures who have taught, guided, and advised her throughout the academic years.

 Dra. Meisuri, MA., her reviewer and examiner, who have given her precious time to review this thesis, commented and suggested many things in completing it.

 Drs. H. Nampati Ginting, M.Pd., Headmaster, SMP Swasta Eria Medan for allowing her to conduct the research in the school; the English teacher, Eli Suryani, S.Pd.., for the assistance and guidance during the research.

 Her beloved father and mother, (Alm.) Ir. Sarworo Sarbini and Indrawati for their endless love, prays, motivation, mental and her lovely uncle and aunty, Ir. Edi Hidayat and Ismi Delfi for their financial support.



 Her best friends, Orde Koria Saragih, Idena Irawati Sihombing, Nur ’Azizah, Kristiana Damanik, Siti Rina Anugerah, Noviandri Ananda, Rico Yunanda Harahap, Rasta Elisa Girsang, Andi Makassau Petta Setyadi Hasyim for their help, motivation, and support; Reguler Dik C 2009, her great class, for the love and togetherness throughout four years; her friends, PPLT SMA/SMK Kesatuan Meranti 2012, for many experiencies and togetherness.

The writer realizes that the content of this thesis is not perfect, so he warmly welcomes any constructive suggestions that will improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes it would be useful for those who are interested in this field of study.

Medan, Januari 2014 The writer,




Maranita, Elma. 209121017. The Effect of Applying

Select-Teach-Activate-Revisit Technique On Students’ Vocabulary Achievement In Reading. A

Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2013.



7. Vocabulary Achievement ... 19

8. The Relationship Between Vocabulary and Reading Skill ... 20

9. Descriptive Text ... 21

10. Select-Teach-Activate-Revisit Technique ... 23

11. Teaching Vocabulary through STAR Technique .... 24

12. The Advantages and Disadvantages of STAR Technique ... 25

13. The Using of STAR Technique in Real Classroom in Teaching Vocabulary ... 26

C. The Instrument for Collecting Data ... 33

D. The Procedures of Research ... 34

E. Scoring the Test ... 37

F. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 37




A.The Procedure of Research ... 39

B.Data ... 40

C.Data Analysis ... 41


A.Conclusion ... 44

B.Suggestion ... 44








Page APPENDIX A The Score of the Pre-Test and Post-Test of

Experimental Group ... 47

APPENDIX B The Score of the Pre-Test and Post-Test of Control Group ... 48

APPENDIX C The Calculation of the Reliability of the Test ... 49

APPENDIX D The Calculation of the T-Test ... 51

APPENDIX E Table of Distribution t ... 55

APPENDIX F Lesson Plan ... 56

APPENDIX G Pre-Test and Post-Test Question Sheet ... 67

APPENDIX H The Answer Key ... 71





A. The Background of the Study

According to Brown (2001), language is a system of arbitrary

conventionalized vocal, written, or gestural symbols that enable members of a

given community to communicate intelligibly with one another. English language

is the most important one in the world. It is not only as an international

communication means but also to access the science and technology. In Indonesia,

English is very important for students of all levels to master in order to be able to

communicate with other people from foreign countries. It also taught at all levels,

from elementary school level up to university level. Become an important subject,

students are expected to master English.

In order to improve their English, there are four language skills that should

be learned by the students. They are reading, writing, listening and speaking skill.

As one of the basic language skills, reading must be developed by continual

practice. Students do not only read the text, but also understand the information

from the reading text. Reading cannot be separated with vocabulary. It is one

element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing all

together. According to Jordan (1997) “Teaching vocabulary is such an important

task in teaching English because vocabulary achievement relates to all language

learning and it concerns to all four language skills.” It is in line with educational

unit oriented curriculum (KTSP 2006) “Students are intended to able to listen,



without mastering vocabulary. In order to communicate well a foreign language,

students should master a number of vocabularies and should know how to use

them accurately. In other word, vocabulary mastery has important role in gaining

the ability of good English.

Based on the writer’s experience during the teaching practice program at

SMA KesatuanMerantiAsahan, she found that there were still many students who

had not enough vocabulary yet. The students found that it was boring to be

learned, because the teacher usually applied the same technique in teaching

vocabulary. The teacher gave a reading text, asked them to find the difficult words

and gave the meaning, and finally asked the students to read and memorize the

words. This technique was commonly used but it did not have any impression and

enjoyment for the students. The result was that the students might not be

interested anymore in learning vocabulary and even get bored. Beside it, most of

Indonesia teachers teach vocabulary ordering the students to open their

dictionaries when they face unknown meaning of certain words. Sometimes the

teacher then solves by giving the meaning of the words without any follow-up that

the words are not practiced in communication.

From the previous observation, the writer could say that most of students

faced many problems in mastering English words. The problems are (1) getting

less motivation to study English, (2) the usual teaching method was in appropriate

one, the class become monotonous, (3) no reinforcement, so the students get

bored, (4) teaching material merely focus on the student handbook, and (5) no



indeed a significant obstacle to good reading comprehension, and so acquiring a

stock of new vocabulary words is crucial if you hope to become a better reader.”

In other word, if the students want to have good English, they have to improve

their vocabulary achievement because learning new words is a long life activity

even for people who have finished their study.

Nation (1990) states that there are two reasons why learners are not being

able to say what they want to say. First, they do not know enough vocabulary and

second, they are unable to put this vocabulary to productive use. From that fact, as

teachers, we must have perspective insights for the students need and we must

make our students know many words in English because vocabulary is one of the

important aspects in language mastery. So, to create participation of students in

the classroom in order to increase the student’s vocabulary, a teacher needs to

improve students’ activities.

Thus, to solve these problems, the teacher can use several techniques. The

aim of using a variety of techniques is to make of the particular lesson easy and

motivate students to learn and understand. The teaching technique should make

students enjoy the lesson and should make them not bored in learning English. So,

the students can speak, read, write and listen by using vocabulary as a

fundamental element and the students can finish their assignment without thinking

that English is very difficult. One of many techniques is by using STAR

technique. STAR technique is an effective technique to solve the problem in

students’ vocabulary mastery. It has a close relationship with reading



needed enough vocabulary. Therefore, while applying this technique, students are

given before, during, and after reading activity. STAR technique can be also

applied to solve the problem of boredom because it prevents students to get bored

with conventional teaching method by looking for the words meaning in


Based on the explanation above, the research will be conducted by

applying STAR technique in teaching vocabulary to the students.

B. The Problem of the Study

In relation with the background of the study, the problem is formulated in

the form of a question as follows: “Is there any significant effect to the students’

vocabulary achievement in reading by using Select – Teach – Activate – Revisit


C. The Scope of the Study

In Junior High School’s KTSP curriculum, the students are expected to be

able to listen, speak, read, and write in English. To achieve these four basic skills,

students should have enough number of vocabularies. So this study focuses on

applying STAR technique on students’ vocabulary achievement. The vocabulary

words that are discussed by the students are connected with reading

comprehension text. In this case, the texts used are descriptive text because in

syllabus one of the kinds of text for the 8th grade of Junior High School is



D. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out whether STAR Technique

significantly affects students’ vocabulary achievement in reading.

E. The Significance of the Study

The result of the study is expected to be useful theoretically and

practically. Theoretically, the result of the study is expected to be useful for the

readers to enrich their horizon in theory of English learning and for the

researchers for their further study.

Practically, the result of the study is expected to be useful for:

1. English teachers, as an alternative teaching resource to give them more

information about another strategy which can be applied in teaching

vocabulary in order to improve their competence in teaching

2. English learners, to enable them to improve their vocabulary achievement

3. The candidate of English teachers, as the additional information for their





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, it is concluded that the using of STAR technique

significantly affects the students’ achievement in vocabulary achievement, since

the t-test > t-table (3.21 >2.00; df=66, α=0.05). The applying of STAR technique

in teaching vocabulary achievement enables the students to explore their ideas

with their own words and to remember the information of the words in long term

memory. It means the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis

(Ha) is accepted because there is significant effect of applying STAR technique

on students’ vocabulary achievement.

B. Suggestion

Based on the finding, it is suggested that:

1. English teacher should use STAR technique in teaching vocabulary in

reading because it enables the students to remember the words of the text

in long term memory.

2. The textbook writer should write and suggest the reader to use STAR

technique in solving students’ problem in vocabulary achievement.

3. The readers who are interested for further study related to this research

should explore the knowledge to enlarge their understanding about how to


Table 3.1 Research Design. ....................................................................


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