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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain

the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Dova Dwi Yanti 20120540037

English Education Department Faculty Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain

the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Dova Dwi Yanti 20120540037

English Education Department Faculty Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Everything written in this paper has come from His mercy, blessing and strength.

Secondly, my greatest thankful and appreciation to my beloved advisor, Sri Rejeki Murtiningsih, Ph.D. for her kindness, guidance, patience, and support that was given to me. Your valuable guidance has convinced me that I could totally finish this research. I also thank you for always giving positive feedback every time I need it.

Most importantly, this research could not have happened without my family. To my parents ( Tarman and my angel Hermawani) who offered encouragement to me through phone call or messenger. They received my deepest gratitude and love for their dedication and support during my undergraduate thesis that provided the foundation of this work. Besides, I must thank to my beloved brother Ade Setiawan, Taufik Hidayat and Albet M.J their support and encouragement were also the reason what made this research possible. The undergraduate thesis is dedicated to their unconditional love and encouragement.





Table of Contents

Cover ... i

Approval Page ... ii

Author’s Declaration of Originality………. iii

Acknowledgment ... iv

Abstract ... v

Table of Contents ... vi

List of Appendices ... ix

List of figure ... x

Chapter One Introduction ... 1

Research Background... 1

Statement of the Problem ... 4

Limitation of the Problem ... 4

Research Questions ... 5

Research Objectives ... 5

Research Significance ... 5

Research Outlines... 6

Chapter Two Literature Review ... 7



Purpose of reward... 8

Types of reward ... 8

Punishment ... 10

Purpose of punishment ... 11

Types of punishment ... 11

Previous Related Study ... 13

Conceptual Framework ... 13

Chapter Three Research Methodology... 15

Research Design ... 15

Research Setting and Participants ... 15

Data Collection Method ... 16

Observation ... 17

Interview ... 17

Research Instrument ... 18

Data Analysis ... 18

Transcribing ... 18

Member checking ... 19

Coding ... 19

Reporting ... 19



Findings and Discussion ... 20

Research Question 1: EED UMY Lecturers Implement Rewards and Punishment The rewards applied by EED UMY lecturers ... 20

The punishments applied by EED UMY lecturers ... 21

Research Question 2: The Reason Why EED UMY Lecturers Give Rewards and Punishment The reason why lecturers gave rewards ... 22

The reason why the lecturers give punishment ... 25

The reason why the lecturers did not give punishment ... 27

Chapter Five Conclusion and Recommendation... 32

Conclusion ... 32

Recommendation... 33


vi Abstract

Reward and punishment can motivate students to perform better attitude in teaching learning process. A reward is to maintain the success and attract students to do the activity. Punishment is to control the undesirable behaviors to desirable one. Therefore, students motivated to repeat the same action or other actions which are more cooperative in the class, as the get rid their disruptive action.

This study has two aims. First, it aims to reveal how the EED UMY lecturers implement reward and punishment in the classroom. Second, it aims to know the reasons why EED UMY lecturers give reward and punishment. To answer the two research questions, the researcher designed this research as qualitative by descriptive qualitative research as the approach of this research. Observation and semi-structured interview were done to gather the data. The participants were three teachers of EED UMY. The participants were chosen using purposive sampling.



should not be given. Participant 1 disagrees with the concept of punishment because she does not believe in it.


Chapter One


This chapter presents several points related to the main problem of this research. This chapter also elaborates the reason this research is taken and the scope of this research. The objectives of the research are also be included in this chapter in order to answer the research questions. This chapter proposes some advantages of this research for both individual and institution that are involved in educational setting. The last, this chapter present the outline for the entire


Research Background

Reward is the one of system that appears in some colleges. Reward is usually given by some teachers to increase student’s motivation. Brown (2000)

gives examples of extrinsic motivation, such as, rewards. Jones (2001) says that rewards are one proven way to motivate students to put forth efforts.Giving reward can give a good situation to student in classroom as rewards can maintain and expand the students’ behavior. Deporteret al (2000) explains that rewarding

students could support them having the best condition and can motivate them to solve the problem and repeat their success. Indeed, teacher gives rewards to the students by using many gifts, such as applause and big score.

During the learning process, students might experience several


bored with the class, the students try to come late to class and try to find a way to go out of the class. In the teaching learning process, students also usually ask for permission to go to the toilet though they are not really want it. If these behaviors are frequently happened, it will influence the success of teaching-learning process.

Punishment is one of the ways taken by teacher to control their student when they make some of those misbehavior's. Punishment can be a kind of reinforcement for the students who do not behave appropriately. Brown (2000) writes that punishment could be either the withdrawal of positive reinforces or the presentation of an subversive stimulus. Levin (1988) adds that punishment is important to overcome the subversive or unpleasant response.

Punishment is implemented to make students perform better attitude during learning process. Smith and Laslett (1993) argue that punishment works well if it can change the behavior of the students. It is similar to Ching (2012, p.30) who states that positive punishment “should promote positive behavior and regular attendance”. Both positive behavior and regular attendance are required to

create more creative atmosphere in teaching and learning.


In EED UMY, English language is it considered as the most important skill to be mastered properly (Ma’arifah, 2010). Sometimes they did not follow

the lesson well especially when the lecturer explained grammatical structure. Some students were discouraged to do tasks and they had no interest in learning because sometimes some lecturers taught boring learning. This is in line with Good and Brophy (1986 ) who state that if school activities are inherently boring and unrewarding, reward and punishment with a view to forcing students to engage in unpleasant tasks.

Based on the researcher, EED lecturers have given several kinds of

rewards and punishment. They would like to give direct praise to the students who did great job. Also, sometimes lectures gave rewards in form of foods or

beverages to the group that won the game in the class. For the punishment, lecturers at EED UMY usually disallowed students who were being late to sign the presence list. Also, there were point reduction as punishment for the students who were late in submitting assignment.


Statement of the Problem

In EED UMY, as it is observed by the researcher during her study over there, the lecturers frequently apply the reward and punishment method. It is believed to force students’ participation in teaching and learning process.

Sometimes, based on researcher’s experience, the lecturers give reward in a form

of mild snack to the students or group who are able to answer or fulfill the lecturer’ s question. Beside, some lecturers also give punishment in a form of

score reduction to students who are late in submitting assignment. This method felt monotonous since the researcher does not find other way to implement reward and punishment by the lecturers. Derived from the researcher’s awareness towards

lecturers’ responses to students’ action, the researcher is interested to explore the

implementation of rewards and punishment in EED UMY.

Limitation of the Problem

There are many ways to manage and motivate students’ misbehavior.

Reward and punishment are one of the methods employed in the classroom to deal with students’ misbehavior. However, in this research, the researcher only focus

on revealing the implementation of reward and punishment in the classroom and finding the reasons why lecturer gives reward and punishment. The researcher will only limit the research on reward and punishment which is implemented by the lecturers in English Education Department in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.


Based on the background of the research that has been stated, the researcher formulates two research question as follow:

1. How does EED UMY lecturers implement reward and punishment in the classroom?

2. What are EED UMY lecturers’ reasons in giving reward and punishment?

The Objective of the Research

In line with the formulation of the problems above, the objectives of this study are as follow:

1. To reveal how the EED UMY lecturers implement reward and punishment in the classroom.

2. To know the reason why EED UMY lecturers give reward and punishment.

Significance of the Research

This research is expected to give contributions for lecturers of English Education Department in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in both theoretical and practical side.

Theoretically.This research is conducted to give some understanding on reward and punishments strategies implemented in teaching and learning


Practically.This research will help the lecturers in arranging the strategy toward classroom at EED (English Education Department).

Outline of the Research

This research is organized into five chapters consisting of introduction, literature review, methodology, finding and discussion, and conclusion and recommendation.

Chapter one contains background of the problem, limitation of the

problem, research questions, objectives of the research and outline of the research.

Chapter two provides literature review of the research. Theoretical frameworks that are relevant to the implementation of reward and punishments is presented. Also, this chapter presents several previous related study supporting the arrangement of this research.

Chapter three consists of research methodology including research design, research setting, data collection method, and data analysis.

Chapter four discusses the finding and discussion. This chapter explains the findings of the research question in detail.


Chapter Two Literature Review

This chapter presents literature review related to the research that consist of the definition of rewards, the purpose of the rewards, the types of rewards. The definition of punishment, the purpose of punishment, and types of punishment.


According to Horner (2009) reward refers to any contingent that may deliver a consequence such as an activity, event or any object. Rewards are important both for encouragement of appropriate behavior and prevention of the encouragement of inappropriate behavior. Reward is defined as action or behavior to regard students’ succees having good participation and performance, doing the

activities well (Slavin, 1991).

According to Smart (1973), students’ behavior in classroom is followed

behavior from their environment. Sometimes students grow up with less worship and attention. Reward and punishment is usually applied to build students’

motivation in learning, especially in English Education Department. The process to apply the reward to increase behavior is called reinforcement; there are two form of reinforcement, positive and negative.


money or the right to participate in the student activities), or psychological (knowledge of progress, recognition of adequacy or growth toward adequacy).

Purpose of rewards. Using reward in the classroom helps lecturer increase student’s motivation. Reward convey information about one’s skill or

competence when they are linked to actual performance or progress, such as when a lecturer praises students for learning new skill or acquiring new knowledge (Schunk, 2008). Santrock (2004) goes on to point out that classroom reward can be useful.Referring to the statement above, when reward is given by the lecturer, the students can associate acting and behavior in feeling of happiness. Usually, students will do something that trigger reward continuously. Beside, reward has a purpose to make the students do everything more diligently to increase the

score.Rewards can be an effective way to encourage students. It can be as tasks or materials that initially motivate students become involved in learning.

According to Soejono (1980), giving rewards by a lecturer as an educator might have several purposes. First, giving rewards can increase the better norm of students’ behavior. Second, giving rewards can maintain and expand the students’

behavior. Third, giving rewards are indicators of increasing competence. Next, rewards give the good situation to student in the classroom. Also, giving reward can make the student eager to learn material.


controversial, it is still common. Some examples of reward used in classroom include the following explanations

Approval. In approval, lecturers usually praise or being selected as a class monitor. This is to display certain students’ personal achievement. The lecturers

praise the students in front of public (class) for several achievements –e.g. high score, excellent work, earliest submission. This type of reward is purposed to trigger the praised students’ motivation and other students’ intention to be


Consumable items. It means that lecturers give some consumable items to selected students, such as candy, chocolate, etc. This is done in the same way as approval. The lecturers may give consumable items to students who achieved several objectives. By giving consumable items, or informing the students that reward of consumable items will be given, it is expected that the students will struggle to achieve the objectives.

Entertainment. Reward can be in a form of something entertaining, unique, and playful. This kind of reward is usually given after certain occasion such as test/project is held. To entertain students after working with project is a good way to maintain students’ mind. However, the implementation of

entertainment as reward is best applied when the majority of the students achieved high achievement on certain objectives.


studied quite hard, they may obtain good / high score in certain subjects. Also, high test score can be a motivation for the students to study. Indeed, the lecturers may tell the students that certain score is required to pass the subject. Therefore, the students are expected to strive to get the score.

Lecturer’s compliment. It is rather similar to the approval, but the praise

or compliment is delivered quietly and individually to the certain person to whom the reward given. This is believed to strengthen personal relationship between students and teacher/lecturer.


According to Lester (2001), punishment is applied following a desired action, as when student is punished after coming forward to admit cheating on an examination. The student may also associate the punishment with being honest rather than with the original offense. The result may be that the student learns to tell the truth.

Punishment is consequences received for the students’ negative behavior

to be disciplined (Maag, 2001). Flora (2004) stated that the way to reduce


behavior deemed morally wrong by individual, governmental, or religious principles.

From the statements above, giving punishment decreases the probability that a misbehavior will occur. Also, punishment might be defined as using force and physical pain to get the students under control in classroom. In classroom activities, negative and positive reinforcements are the consequences that

strengthen or increase behaviors. These consequences are called punished and the process of using these consequences to decrease behavior is called punishment.

Purpose of punishment. Punishment should be consistent and applied every time the students engage in the misbehavior. Punishment is applied in teaching and learning activities for certain purpose, most generally to encourage and enforce proper behavior defined in society or family ( Ma;rifah, 2010) . When lecturers want to decrease children undesirable behavior (such as teasing and hogging), punishment should be used only as the last resort and always in conjunction with providing the child information about appropriate behavior. Punishment must be given depending on the students’ action instead of lecturer’s

mood. Teacher should give the punishment immediately after misbehavior occurred and make the students understand that wrong doing will have the punishment as its consequence.


correcting students’ misbehavior did not work well. According to Herman (1980),

Here, punishment divided into four types.

Psychical punishment. It includes slapping, pinch between forefinger and thumb and striking. This kind of punishment has been applied for centuries mostly in non-education field. In education field, currently, this kind of punishment is now rarely applied. Except for gym classes, this physical is rarely applied. This is actually a good punishment to make students prevent of doing some misbehavior. Also, this punishment may frighten the students to fail in achieving the objectives.

Words and sentences. Lecturers can use word or sentences such as griping, threatening, teasing, and ridiculing as punishment to the students. This is sometimes applied when students conduct misbehavior such as disrupting the class. This kind of punishment is expected to maintain class conduciveness so that the students will be more focus to the study. Also, lecturers may use threatening words such as pressure before the exam so that the students will try to struggle at their best to avoid the punishment mentioned by the lecturers. For example, the lecturer will obligate the students to clean school yard if they fail the exam.


Inconvenient punishment. The lecturers may use this kind of punishment such as telling the students to stand up in front of class, to get out of class, to stand beside the lecturer, to sit down beside the lecturer, or to write a sentence and rewrite for 10 times or more. This is purposed to make the students chary of conducting misbehavior/failure.

Previous Related Study

Several studies has been found related to this current study. Nur (2013) studied the implementation of reward and punishment toward student’s

motivation in English learning in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. She analyzed the kind of reward and punishment that the teacher implemented in motivating the students. She is concerned with the implementation of the strategies toward students’ motivation.

Other researchers are Azis and Asrudin(2014 ) who studied the use of group-work, reward-punishment and visual media as integrated teaching-learning strategy to improve the ELT classroom interaction of the eighth grade students of MTS N Hikmaturahim, Lombok Tengah. They analyzed the implementation of rewards and punishments in the classroom at MTS N Hikmaturahimin by observing and describing the processes and the result of action implemented in improving the ELT classroom interaction. The result found that after


research used similar instrument such as observation and interview to know the implementation of group-work and reward-punishment.

Conceptual Framework

This research is going to investigate lecturers’ strategies in applied reward

and punishment in their class. The researcher is interested in this topic based on her personal experience of studying at EED UMY. In fact, all EED lecturers apply rewards and punishment in their classes. However, there is no significant




Consumable items


High test score

Lecturer’s co pli e t

Lecturers did apply rewards and punishment in the class


Psychical punishment

Words and sentences

Stimulus psychical punishment


Inconvenient punishment Reason?


Chapter Three

Research Methodology

This chapter presents research design, setting and participant of the research, research instrument, and data collection. Moreover, data analysis is also presented in this chapter.

Research Design


researcher described the implementation of reward and punishment in the classroom and lecturers’ reasons of giving certain rewards and punishment.

Research Setting and Participants

The setting of this research was in EED of UMY in the first half of March 2016. The reasons of choosing EED as the setting were, first, because reward and punishment existed and implemented in EED UMY. Second, the researcher was currently studying in UMY, so it was easier to gather the data in term of

accessibility to the interview location. Third, the researcher got easy access to ask the participants’ availability since both researcher and participants are actually at

the same university and being familiar to each other. Therefore, it had lot of advantages to select the settings.

The participants of this research were the lecturers of EED UMY. There were actually 15 lecturers in EED UMY, but the researcher selected three lecturers as participants randomly selected based on the lecturers avibility. However, almost all the EED lecturers have been having teaching experience generally for more than five years, and lecturers with five years or more experience have been experiencing in giving rewards and punishments. Below were the detail information of the participants of this research.

No Name Teaching experience Sex


2. Rianti 7 years Female

3. Bagaskoro 6 years Male

Data Collection Methods

Conducting data collection in qualitative descriptive studies was typically directed toward discovering the who, what and where of events or experiences or their basic nature and shape (Sandelowski, 2000). It was also said that the data collection techniques usually including open-ended individual or focus group interview. Data collection techniques might also include observations of targeted, interview and questionnaire (Cresswell, 2008).

As mentioned previously, this research used two instruments to collect the data, namely observation and interview. Several procedures to collect the data were such as the observation was conducted to three EED UMY classes, and then the interview was administered to the three lecturers.

Observation.Burns (1999) said that observation was taking regular conscious notice of classroom action and occurrences, which were particularly relevant to the issues or topics being investigated. In this research, the observation was carried out to cover the process of the implementation of reward and


dealing with the students’ reading comprehension, the interaction among students and interaction between students and the lecturer.

To observe the lecturers’ implementation of rewards and punishment

giving, the researcher initially asked for permission to the class’ lecturers. After that, the researcher arranged the right time to do the observation. To collect the data, the researcher used note and pen. In observation, the researcher mostly did note taking to gain data from the observation. The data from the observation were the real types of rewards and punishments in the classroom. The observation was done once each participants. The first observation was done in March 15th, 2016, in academic reading and writing. The second observation was done in March 28th, 2016, in listening and speaking for academic purposes. The third observation was done in April 12th 2016, in interpretive reading and argumentative writing.

Interview. One of the methods that were applied in collecting the data was interview. Interview was an appropriate method to get deeper information in qualitative research (Creswell, 2008). By doing the interview, the researcher got deeper information that could not be obtained during the classroom observation. The interview was conducted in one-on-one interview where the researcher asked the questions directly to one interviewer in collecting the data (Creswell, 2008).


instrument of this research methodology was provided. In interviewing, the average of the time to interview was ten until five teen minutes from all the participants.

Research instruments. The instrument used in the observation to obtain the data was hand-cam which was used to video record and know the situation that occurred in the classroom. Also, the researcher provided notes and a pen to write down and to record the important point of the activity. Meanwhile, the hand-cam was also be used in the interview. Last, the interview guideline was generated and used as the main the instrument for the interview. The interview guideline consisted of several questions regarding to the research question of this research.

Data Analysis

The last method to be explained in this chapter was data analysis. In data analysis, the researcher got the essence of participants’ answer during the

interview. The participants’ answer was going to be the finding of this research.

There were several steps in data analysis.

Transcribing. This was when the researcher transcribed the audio data from recorder into literal transcription in pieces of paper. This was purposed to ease the researcher to analyze the essence of the participants statement. The process of transcribing means the researcher wrote everything (completely all) the interviewees statement in to structured script.


the participants’ agreement with the transcribed script. This was as a step to make sure that all data were complete and precise to the participants’ intention. Doing

member checking was essential in order to make sure the validity of the data gathered. Member checking was done by showing the script result to the

respondents and asking them to check whether the script results were really same with the interview that they had been done or not. Member checking was done in June 2016, all of the participants agreed with the researchers transcribed, so there were no changes.

Coding. To get the essence of the data, the researcher did coding. Coding basically was finding the essence of the participants’ statements that were related

to the research purpose. There were three steps of coding; open coding, axial coding and selective coding. Coding facilitated the researcher to identify similar information (Cohen et al., 2011). The processes of coding were transcribing (done before the member checking), preparing reports, summarizing the general codes (axial coding and discussing similarities and differences related to code across distinct original sources or comparing the relationship between one and other codes).


Chapter Four

Finding and Discussion

This chapter presents the research finding and discussion of reward and punishment implementation given by the lecturer of EED UMY. The data was gathered from research instrument utilized by the researcher. In this case, this research used observation and interview to collect the data. The observation was done in order to answer the first research question,in other hands the interview was also done to answer the second research question.

Did EED UMY Lecturers Implement Reward and Punishment in the Classroom

The observation of the research was divided into three times observation to three lecturers. The observation was done once each participants. The first

observation was conducted in March 15th 2016, the second observation was in March 20th 2016 and the third observation was in April 12th 2016. Each of them gave their own way to implemented rewards and punishments in the class.

The rewards that were applied EED of UMY lecturers were approval and high test score. Mostly the rewards applied were delivered by some expression such as: “good job”, “excellent”, “good work”. All participants applied high score test,


On the first observation, it was known that the reward used was approval which kinds of applause and expression such as “good job”, “excellent”, “good

work”. The reward used by the second and third participants was also the same as

the first observation. Nevertheless the second participant implemented high test score like given additional grade. The lecturer gave quizzes that were displayed at the screen, and then the students were asked to answer those quizzes. Students who correctly answered the question got additional point for their grade.

The punishments that were applied EED of UMY lecturers are “words and

sentences” and “stimulus physical punishment”. Two of three participants applied punishment like “word and sentences” to student who did not pay attention and

disturb in the class. At the first observation punishment did not exists at this class. When the researcher observed the class, the first participant did not apply

punishment. She said that the punishment was attached in the lesson plan, so all the students who made the inappropriate behaviors during the class, did not get the punishment directly. The teacher only wrote down a students names then gave the punishment based on the learning contract. For the example, there was the student who came late, the lecturer did not punish the student directly because the punishment had already been in the learning contract which is every student who came late they will get decrements on his/ her soft skill grade.

Nevertheless, second and third participant applied in a form of “word and


process, for example make a noise or have a talk with their friends. That was why the participant gave punishment by stimulus psychical punishment.

Why EED UMY Lecturers Gave Rewards and Punishments

The result of the data gathered was also used to answer the second

research question about reasons why the lecturers gave reward and punishment to the students. During the data collection, the researcher had asked some questions for participants based on the interview guide. In this case, the researcher asked three lecturers as the sources to collect the data into a transcription in form of table. Based on the finding of the research, the researcher finds that sources explains the reason why the lecturer gave reward and punishment to the students.

The question was given about matters concerning reward and punishment given by the lecturers to students during the teaching learning activity. The implementation of the research was divided into three times interview to three lecturers. Each of them gave their own argument without seeing or listening to the other lecturers. There were the reasons why EED UMY lecturer gave reward: 1. to make students think positively, 2. to make students motivated, 3. to build students’ desire, and 4. to create good environment.

To make students think positively. According to the result of the


“I prefer to give reward because it will make student think positively and it will motivate them (Sofia Muller, 2016)”.

Bagaskoro also conveyed the same idea about giving reward could make student think positively. It is used so that student are motivated with the reward given by lecturer. Reward is utilized by the lecturers in giving score, and based on the discussion, students are able to answer a question from the lecturers. Therefore, with the reward giving, students are able to think positively and be motivated in the teaching learning process in the class. “ …when the lecturers give reward, it

will give positive mood to students and whey they have positive mood, they will enjoyed the learning process ( Bagaskoro, 2016)

To make students motivated. The reward motivated students to be better.the lecturers praise the student in front of the class for several

achievements, for example, additional score, earliest submission, excellent work. The rewarding to trigger the praised students motivation and other students intention to be succesfull. If there were students who were active and had good scores.It motivated students to perform optimally. Reward giving in this research showed that by being given a reward, student fell respected by lecturers.

Therefore, it was expected that student are more motivated to do the better performance in the future. It could be seen on the interview result by Rianti and Bagaskoro statement : “giving reward is used to push their motivation and


It was supported by Bagaskoro who stated “ in my points of view so

psychologically, giving reward is good. I known it is great and even good for students and it motivate the students ( Bagaskoro, 2016)

To build students desire. From the interview result, reward applied by EED UMY lecturers enhance students’ will to involve in the teaching learning

process. It was figured out by Rianti :

“ …it builds their desire. Usually people tend to like of being praised. So

they fell to be motivated to show their top performance “( Rianti, 2016)

Bagoskoro aggred that by giving reward to build students desire.

“ some activities concerning reward because students to fell respected in the class

and build students desire to study better” ( Bagaskoro,2016)

To create good environment. Based on the interview result, giving reward to create good environment. When one of the students did something good, then the lecturers give she or he reward, so the other students will fell motivated to performance better in order to also give reward. If there were students who are active and had additional score, it was able to to give effect to other students, and then they became active so they will created a good


“...if there were some students who were activated and have additional score. It is


Based on interview result, there were some reasons why EED UMY lecturers gave rewards first, to make students think positively, second, to motivated students. Third, to builds students desire. Last, to create good

environment. It was in line with Soejono’s (1980) statement that giving reward by lecturer as educator might have several purposes. First, giving rewards can increase the better norm of student’s behavior. Second, giving reward can

maintain and expand the student’s behavior. Third, giving reward are indicators of

increasing competence. And then, reward gives the good situation to student in classroom. Also, giving reward can make the student eager to learn material.

In the teaching learning process at EED UMY, students sometimes make mistake and not focus on the material given by the lecturer. They usually like to talk with their friends and have little attention to the teaching learning process. Punishment is applied in teaching and learning activities certain purpose, most generally to encourage and enforce proper behavior defined in society or family (Ma’arifah,2010). Based on interview result, the reason why the lecturers gave

punishment were: 1. to make the class to be conducive, 2. to make student focus, 3. because students perform intolerant action.


“when the lecturer explained certain topic, the students have the discussion related

the other topic, instead. If they were not stopped, their discussion will be out of context and will harm the teaching learning process. So, what I did is done in order to keep the class stay conducive” (Rianti, 2016)

To make students focus. Punishment is basically to make students more focus during teaching learning process.Sometimes they have little attention in learning process, lecturers can use word or sentences such as griping, threatening, teasing, and ridiculing as punishment to the students. Lecturer gave punishment to the students to make students focus. Lecturers also use threatening word such as as pressure before the exam, so that the students will try to struggle at their best to avoid the punishment mentioned by the lecturers.

“.…the reason is to make the noise class condition keep focus again to the teaching and learning process” (Rianti, 2016)

Because students perform intolerant action. Some of the the students behave inappropriately, consequently, f it happens continuously, they disturb the teaching and learning process. Punishment is one type of approaches that is used by lecturers in order to correct students misbehavior or disruptive behavior in the class.

“ some of the students behavior could be tolerance, but some of them could not.


Punishment is consequences received for the students negative behavior to be disciplined (Maag, 2001). Flora (2004) stated that that the way to reduce perceived need punishment and the way to reduce illegal and disruptive behavior is to increase reinforcement for achievement. Punishment is to control the


31 Chapter Five

Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presented to sum up the research result. Besides, in this chapter the researcher also gave recommendation to the people who related to the discussion of this research.


This research discusses the implementation of reward and punishment in the classroom. Reward and punishment can motivate students to perform better attitude in teaching learning process. A reward is to maintain the success and attract students to do the activity. Punishment is to control the undesirable behaviors to desirable one. Some examples of reward used in classroom are approval, consumable item, entertainment, high test score and lecturers compliment. Types of punishment are psychical punishment, words and sentences, stimulus psychical punishment and inconvenient punishment. This research was designed as a qualitative research with descriptive qualitative approach. The researcher conducted the research from September 2015 to May 2016. There were three participants, two females and a male, who participated in this research. The participants were chosen by purposive sampling.


32 environment.Punishment is given by lecturers at English Education Faculty in UMY are 1. Coordinate the class to be conducive, 2. To make student focus, 3. Because students perform untolerated action.


After the finding has been exposed, the researcher proposes some recommendation deal with this research. The recommendations are aimed at the student, teacher and the next researchers.

Students. The result of this research is conducted to give some understanding on reward and punishments strategies implemented in teaching and learning process.

Teachers. The result of this research is will help the lecturers in arranging the strategy to give reward and punishment properly toward classroom at EED UMY. That is why teacher should giving reward and punishment to the student to maintain their action and attitude.



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Appendix 1.Data Observation &Interview Guidelines

Data Observation

Observer 1. March 15th, 2016 jam 13.00-16.40

At the first observation, it was known that the reward used is approval reward which kinds of applause and praise (good job, excellent, good work). Whereas the punishment does not exists at this class. When the researcher

observed the class, the first participant did not apply punishment. She said that the punishment is attached in the lesson plan, so all the students who make the

inappropriateness during the class. They did not get the punishment directly. The teacher only wrote down the students’ name then gave the punishment based on

the lesson plan. When the observation, there is a student who came late. The teacher did not punish thus student directly because the punishment had already been in the lesson plan which is every student who came late they will get decrement on his/ her soft skill grade.

Observer 2. March 28th, 2016. Jam 13.00-16.40

The reward used at the second participant’s class is also approval such as


pay attention. The second participant also applied stimulus psychical punishment such as “huuuuusssst” for the students who did any other activities when the

learning process, for example make a noise or have a talk with their friends. That is why the participant gave punishment by stimulus psychical punishment.

Observer 3. April 12th, 2016. Jam 07.30- 11.00


Interview Guidelines



Observations Question

1. what are the

reason the EED

UMY lecturers

give reward



Participant 1

2 and 3



2. ketikaandamemberikan reward berupa approval

di kelas, apaalasanandamelakukanhaltersebut?

Participant 2

giving high

score test

3. ketikaandamemberikan reward berupa high

score test untuksiswa yang aktif,


Participant 1

and 2 giving

word and


and stimulus



4. ketikaandamemberikan punishment


yang tidak pay attention

ataumelakukansesuatukegiatan lain di luar topic



Participant 3

there are



5. ketikaandatidakmemberikan punishment

kekepadasiswa yang melakukansuatupelanggaran

di kelas, apaalasanandatidakmemberikan


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


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al (dalam Tjiptno, 2004:273) mengemukakan terdapat lima dimensi yang menentukan kualitas layanan ditinjau dari sudut pandang pelanggan, antara lain bukti fisik (tangibles)


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