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(A Classroom Action Research at the Fourth Grade Students of SD Negeri

Blulukan 1 in the 2010/2011 Academic Year)

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Submitted to the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University to fulfill One of the Requirement for Getting the Undergraduate

Degree of Education in English






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This thesis has been examined by the board of thesis Examiners and approved as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the Undergraduate Degree in English Education.

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Milani Fitri Astutik. NIM X2206015. “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE (TPR) FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL” (A Classroom Action Research at the Fourth Grade Students of SD Negeri 01 Blulukan 1 in the 2010/2011 Academic Year). Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, May, 2011.

The objectives of this research are firstly, to identify whether TPR can improve the vocabulary mastery of the fourth grade students. Secondly, to identify whether TPR can improve the student’s attention and concentration of the fourth grade students of SD Blulukan 1 in the 2010/2011academic year.

Related to the purposes of the study, the research design used in this study was action research. The subject of the study was the students of the fourth grade of SD Negeri 01 Blulukan in the academic year of 2010/2011. There were 26 students as the subject. The action research was conducted from January to February 2011. In this research, the researcher taught Vocabulary mastery through Total Physical Response.

The researcher conducted two cycles of action. The result of the action showed that after the researcher conducted the actions, the students’ vocabulary mastery improved as shown in the result of the both the observation of the students activities during the actions and their pre-test and post-test mean scores.

From the observation, the researcher found that during the action, the students have shown their improvement such as they were able to spell words correctly. Beside that, the students could pronounce the words. Then, the students could use the words easier. The last, the students can conduct the meaning of words.

From the vocabulary mastery test, the students’ pre-test mean score was 5.07, increasing to 6.65 in the first post-test and increasing to 7.79 in the final post-test. Therefore, it can be concluded that teaching vocabulary mastery through total physical response can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.


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Milani Fitri Astutik. NIM X2206015. “PENINGKATAN PENGUASAAN KOSA-KATA SISWA MENGGUNAKAN TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE (TPR) UNTUK SEKOLAH DASAR” ( Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di Siswa Kelas 4 SD Negeri Blulukan 1 Tahun 2010 / 2011). Skripsi, Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Mei, 2011.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini, pertama; untuk mengidentifikasi apakah TPR dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata di kelas 4 SD. Kedua, untuk mengidentifikasi apakah TPR dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi dan perhatian siswa di kelas 4 SD Negeri Blulukan 1 tahun 2010/ 2011.

Berhubungan dengan tujuan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan bentuk penelitian tindakan kelas. Subject dari penelitian ini adalah murid kelas 4 SD Negeri Blulukan 1 tahun 2010/2011. Jumlahnya ada 26 siswa. Penelitian tindakan kelas dilaksanakan dari bulan Januari sampai Februari 2011. dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengajarkan penguasaan kosa kata menggunakan Total Physical Response.

Peneliti menyelenggarakan 2 siklus dari tindakan. Hasil dari tindakan menunjukkan bahwa setelah peneliti menyelesaikan tindakan, penguasaan kosa kata siswa meningkat, seperti yang ditunjukkan dari hasil pengamatan kegiatan siswa selama melakukan tindakan dan rata-rata nilai pre-test dan post-test.

Dari pengamatan, peneliti menemukan peningkatan selama tindakan, siswa menunjukkan peningkatanya seperti dapat mengeja kata-kata dengan benar. Disamping itu, siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata dengan benar. Kemudian, siswa dapat menggunakan kata dengan mudah. Terakhir, siswa dapat mencari arti kata yang tepat.

Dari tes penguasaan kosa kata, rata- rata nilai pre-tes siswa adalah 5,07 meningkat menjadi 6,65 di pos-tes pertama dan meningkat menjadi 7,79 di pos-tes terakhir. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mengajar penguasaan kosa-kata menggunakan Total Physical Response dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosa-kata siswa.


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Allah! Give me benefit of the science which you teach me and teach me the

science of benefit and add me the science.

All praise is to Allah under all circumstances and I seek refugee with Allah from

the punishment of the hellfire.

(HR. Ibnu Majah and Tirmidzi)

No Gain without Pain Don(t Wait Until Tomorrow What You Can Do Today


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Praise be to Allah SWT, The Lord of Universe, Who always blesses the researcher in finishing her thesis as a partial requirement for the undergraduate degree of education in English.

She realizes that she cannot complete this thesis without helps of others. Many people have helped her during the writing of the thesis, and it would be impossible to mention all of them. She wishes, however, to give her sincerest gratitude and appreciation to the following:

1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University for giving her permission to write this thesis.

2. The Head of the English Departement of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University who has guided the writer to do this thesis.

3. Dr. Abdul Azib, M.Pd., as the first consultant for his patience in providing careful guidance, helpful correction, indefatigable advice as well as suggestion and encouragement.

4. Drs. A. Handoko Pujubroto, as the second consultant for his patience in providing careful guidance, helpful correction, indefatigable advice as well as suggestion and encouragement.

5. Maria Yadimi, SPd, the Head of SD N 01 Blulukan, who allowed her to carry out this research in her class.


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8. Her best friends; Fitriya, Ayux, Marik, Hanung, who always offer her happiness and suggestion on the best way.

9. Her friends in the English Department who cannot be mentioned one by one, for the lasting friendship.

10.Her new family, in the boarding house; Ririn, Yuli, Monic, Anggi who give her support.

11.Class IV and the family of SD N 01 Blulukan.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. She accepts gratefully every comment and suggestion. Hopefully, this thesis will be useful for the readers and English education.

Surakarta, May 2011


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Pa ge











A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Statement ... 4

C. The Objective of the Study ... 4

D. The Benefit of the Study ... 5


A. Teaching English to Children ... 7

1. The Characteristic of Children ... 7

2. Teaching English to Children ... 9

B. Vocabulary Mastery ... 13


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3. The Importance of Vocabulary ... 15

4. Vocabulary Mastery ... 16

5. Kinds of Vocabulary ... 18

6. Teaching and Learning of Vocabulary ... 20

7. Factors Influencing Vocabulary Mastery ... 23

C. The Total Physical Response ... 24

1. Background of Total Physical Response ... 24

2. Definition of Total Physical Response ... 25

3. Approach: Theory of Language and Language Learning ... 26

4. Design: Objective, Syllabus, Learning Activities, Roles of Learner, Teachers, and Materials... 28

5. Procedure of Teaching Using TPR ... 31

6. Some Strengths and Weaknesses of TPR... 32

D. Rationale ... 33

E. Hypothesis ... 34


A. The Research Setting... 35

B. The Subject of the Research ... 35

C. The Method of the Research ... 35

D. The Model of Action Research ... 37


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G. Technique of Data Analysis ... 42


A. The Main Focus of the Action Research ... 46

B. The Description of the Research ... 46

A. Research Implementation ... 47

1. Cycle 1 ... 47

a. Identifying the Problem ... 47

b. Planning the Action ... 48

c. Implementing the Action ... 48

1) The First Meeting ... 48

2) The Second Meeting ... 50

3) The Third Meeting ... 52

d. Observing and Monitoring the Action ... 53

e. Evaluating and Reflecting the Result ... 55

f. Revising the Plan ... 57

2. Cycle 2 ... 57

a. Identifying the Problem ... 57

b. Planning the Action ... 57

c. Implementing The Action ... 58

1) The First Meeting ... 58


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d. Observing and Monitoring the Action ... 63

e. Evaluating and Reflecting the Result ... 64

f. Final Reflection ... 67

B. The Finding of the Research ... 69

C. Discussion of the Finding ... 72

1. The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Improvement ... 72

2. The Class Situation ... 75


A. Conclusion ... 76

B. Implication ... 78

C. Suggestions ... 79



commit to user LIST OF APPENDICES


Appendix 1. The Schedule of the Research ... 84

Appendix 2. List of the Students’ Name ... 85

Appendix 3. Lesson Plans ... 86

Appendix 4. Test Blue Print ... 123

Appendix 5. Pretest and Posttest Items ... 124

Appendix 6. The Students’ Pre-test Mean Scores ... 133

Appendix 7. The Students’ Post-test 1 Mean Scores ... 134

Appendix 8. The Students’ Post-test 2 Mean Scores ... 135

Appendix 9. Counting the Significance for First Cycle ... 136

Appendix 10. Counting the Significance for Second Cycle ... 138

Appendix 11. Field Notes ... 140

Teacher Diaries ... 152

Interview ... 154

Appendix 12. The Photograph ... 159


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Table 1. The Improvement of the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Cycle 1 ... 55

Table 2. The Improvement of the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Cycle 2 ... 64

Table 3. The Mean of the Students’ Scores Cycle 1 ... 69

Table 4. Summary of the Finding ... 71

Table 5. The Improvement of the Students Score Cycle 2 ... 74


commit to user ABSTRAK

Milani Fitri Astutik. NIM X2206015. “PENINGKATAN PENGUASAAN KOSA-KATA SISWA MENGGUNAKAN TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE (TPR) UNTUK SEKOLAH DASAR” ( Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di Siswa Kelas 4 SD Negeri Blulukan 1 Tahun 2010 / 2011). Skripsi, Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Mei, 2011.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini, pertama; untuk mengidentifikasi apakah TPR dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata di kelas 4 SD. Kedua, untuk mengidentifikasi apakah TPR dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi dan perhatian siswa di kelas 4 SD Negeri Blulukan 1 tahun 2010/ 2011.

Berhubungan dengan tujuan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan bentuk penelitian tindakan kelas. Subject dari penelitian ini adalah murid kelas 4 SD Negeri Blulukan 1 tahun 2010/2011. Jumlahnya ada 26 siswa. Penelitian tindakan kelas dilaksanakan dari bulan Januari sampai Februari 2011. dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengajarkan penguasaan kosa kata menggunakan Total Physical Response.

Peneliti menyelenggarakan 2 siklus dari tindakan. Hasil dari tindakan menunjukkan bahwa setelah peneliti menyelesaikan tindakan, penguasaan kosa kata siswa meningkat, seperti yang ditunjukkan dari hasil pengamatan kegiatan siswa selama melakukan tindakan dan rata-rata nilai pre-test dan post-test.

Dari pengamatan, peneliti menemukan peningkatan selama tindakan, siswa menunjukkan peningkatanya seperti dapat mengeja kata-kata dengan benar. Disamping itu, siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata dengan benar. Kemudian, siswa dapat menggunakan kata dengan mudah. Terakhir, siswa dapat mencari arti kata yang tepat.

Dari tes penguasaan kosa kata, rata- rata nilai pre-tes siswa adalah 5,07 meningkat menjadi 6,65 di pos-tes pertama dan meningkat menjadi 7,79 di pos-tes terakhir. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mengajar penguasaan kosa-kata menggunakan Total Physical Response dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosa-kata siswa.


commit to user CHAPTER I


A. Background of the Study

These days English becomes very important subject to be taught to young learners in Indonesia. It is very important to start learning English vocabulary as early as possible. In recent years, a number of elementary school has begun to introduce English as a subject matter. English has been one of the subjects taught as local content. It means that English is not compulsory but it is a local content and taught from the first grade to the sixth grade. The GBPP 1994 states that English is not an obligatory realized in elementary school, but it is organized as a local content. It is also clearly stated in the curriculum of elementary school 2004,

“Sebagai upaya meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan khususnya pengajaran muatan local bahasa inggris sekolah dasar, pada tahun anggaran 2005 dinas pendidikan dan kebudayaan provinsi jawa tengah telah menyusun kurikulum muatan local bahasa inggris sekolah dasar untuk kelas I s.d kelas VI.” (Kurikulum tahun 2004 mata pelajaran bahasa inggris untuk SD/MI Provinsi Jawa Tengah 2004: p.iii)

This is new case in teaching-learning foreign language, not only for the teacher but also for the students. The teacher will have many problems, when they introduce English to their students. However, the students will be given something new and different with their mother tongue.


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Skills, it is needed to learn language elements such as structure, pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary.

It is difficult to master foreign language without mastering or understanding a certain number of vocabularies. According to Richard and Schmidt is quoted from Canale and Swain, vocabulary is knowledge that must be learned by students to enable them to speak English communicatively. So it is the basic component which students must be familiarized with (1996:p.5).

The goal of English teaching is to develop the students’ skills in reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Vocabulary mastery is so important in developing the four language skills. Wilkins (1982:111) says that without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. It has to be realized that students ability to speak, to read, to listen is conditioned by their vocabulary.

From the explanation above English vocabulary can not be separated from other elements of English in the instructional process in the elementary school, because vocabulary influences the ability of students in studying English.


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is that the students have short attention and concentration span in learning vocabulary. They are very easy to get bored in having the lesson. They like playing and chatting with their friends when they feel the lesson does not attract to them anymore.

It is not easy to teach English vocabulary to the elementary school students. The teacher has the solution to teach English vocabulary, especially by using Total Physical Response. The teacher uses TPR because in TPR method the teacher teaches with the command, speech, and action. So, the students enjoy in learning English vocabulary. Beside that, the students can imitate them easily without mistakes. Teacher should teach and explain them clearly to the students. Asher states the use of this method that” most of grammatical structure of the target language and hundred of vocabulary items can be learned from the skillful use of the imperative by the instructor” (1997:4). The teacher should give instruction correctly and carefully so that the students will understand what the teacher means.


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initially learn one part of the language rapidly by moving their bodies and (4) students can learn through observing actions as well as by performing the actions themselves.

Based on the description above, the writer intends to conduct an action research in SD Negeri Blulukan 1 to solve the problems that arise and to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery by using TPR. Therefore, the writer chooses a topic on her study that entitles: “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE (TPR) FOR

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (A Classroom Action Research at the Fourth

Grade Students of SD Negeri Blulukan 1 in the 2010/2011 Academic Year)”

B. Problem Statement

From the observation above the researcher formulates the problems of this research as follows:

1. Could TPR improve the vocabulary mastery of the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Blulukan 1 in the 2010/2011 academic year?

2. Could TPR improve the student’s attention and concentration in teaching vocabulary of the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Blulukan 1 in the 2010/2011 academic year?

C. Objective of the Study


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1. To identify whether TPR can improve the vocabulary mastery of the fourth grade students of SD Blulukan 1 in the 2010/2011 academic year.

2. To identify whether TPR can improve the student’s attention and concentration of the fourth grade students of SD Blulukan 1 in the 2010/2011 academic year.

D. Benefit of the Study

The study may give some contributions for the improvement of the English language teaching and learning either theoretically or practically. Theoretically, it is expected that this study will give consideration or alternative for teacher of English in understanding the concept of vocabulary teaching through theories that stated in this study.

Practically, it is expected that this study will give a clear description about TPR in order to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Then it can improve the quality of English language teaching and learning.

1. For the students

Through TPR, they will get an enjoyable situation. They will not feel being forced in learning English. Actions help strength the capability of their brain in internalizing words meaning. As the result, their vocabulary mastery will improve. 2. For the teacher


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commit to user CHAPTER II


A. Teaching English to Children

1. The Characteristics of Children

Children who learn language are different from those adult. It is influence by their own characteristic having close relations to their development in the learning language. Most children are difficult to think abstractly. They tend to get an understanding of the language from a context or real situation. Their understanding comes through their physical world. In contrast, the adult can think abstractly. Their understanding comes through their ability to think cognitively, solving problems in using language by relating one situation to the others. According to Susan (1997: 7), the important thing with primary children is that language is presented in context; adult may be able to analyze language and refers to their L1 to help them to understand, but children cannot. They need a clear visual and / or a real context to understand.

Furthermore, Scoot and Ytreberg (2000:1) divide children into two main groups; they are children of five to seven years old and the eight to ten years old. Referring to Scoot and Ytreberg opinion, there are the characteristic of each of the group that could be mentioned as follows:

a. The Characteristic of Five to Seven Years Old 1) They can talk about what they are doing.


commit to user 3) They can use logical reasoning.

4) They can understand direct human interaction. 5) They know that the world is governed by rules.

6) They understand situations more quickly that they understand the language use.

7) They use language skill long before them aware of them.

8) Their own understanding comes through hands and eyes and ears. The physical world is dominant at all times.

9) They are very logical, what we say first happens first. 10)They have a very short attention and concentration span.

11)Young children sometimes have difficulty in knowing what fact is and what fiction is.

12)Young children are often happy playing and working alone but in the company of others.

13)Children don’t always ask. They either pretend to understand or they understand in their own terms and do what they think we want them to do.

14)Young children can not decide for themselves what to learn.

15)Young children love to play, and learn best when they are enjoying themselves.


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1) Their basic concepts are formed. They have very decided views of the world.

2) They can tell the differences between fact and fiction. 3) They ask questions all the time.

4) They are able to make some decisions about their own learning.

5) They rely on their spoken word as well as the physical world to convey and understanding meaning.

6) They have definite views about what they like and don’t like doing. 7) They have a developed sense of fairness about what happens in the

classroom and begin to question the teacher’s decisions. 8) They are able to work with others and learn from others.

From the characteristic above, it can be concluded that children have their own characteristics in learning language based on their age development. They can learn best when they learn in fun atmosphere. Consequently, a teacher should be aware of how to teach the children effectively. He needs to adapt his expectation s with respects to the student’s progress.

2. Teaching English to Children


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(1997:p.vi) mentions a number of reasons for teaching English at primary level, they are:

b. The need to expose from an early age to an understanding of foreign cultures so that they grow up tolerant and sympathetic to others.

c. The need to link communication to the understanding of new concepts. d. The need for maximum learning time for important languages-the earlier

you start the more time you get.

e. The advantage of starting with early second language instruction so that later the language can be used as a medium of teaching.

In addition, Brumfit (1997:p.vi) also states that young children have more opportunities than adults. Children learn languages better at young age. The main explanations for better learning that have been suggested are these:

a. That the brain is more adaptable before puberty than after and that acquisition of languages is possible without self-consciousness at an early age.

b. That children have fewer negative attitudes to foreign languages and cultures than adult, and that consequently they are better motivated than adults.

c. That children’s language learning is more closely integrated with real communication because it depends more on the immediate physical environment that does adult language.


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By knowing the reasons for teaching English to children, it promotes the second aspect that is how to teach English to children. At first, teachers pinpoint to the way children think and learn. According to Scott (2000: 4), there are many similarities between learning one’s mother tongue and learning foreign language. In spite of the differences in age and the time available, most eight to ten years old will have some sort of language awareness and readiness which they bring with them into the foreign language classroom. Furthermore, he gives some clues in teaching English to children, they are:

a. Words are not enough. Most activities for the younger learners should include movement and involve the senses.

b. Play with the language by making up rhymes, sing songs and tell stories. c. Variety in the classroom. Since concentration and attention spans are

short, variety is a must-variety of pace, variety of organization, variety of voice.

d. Routines. Children benefit from knowing the rules and being familiar with the situation.

e. Cooperation not competition. Most of us enjoy the feeling of belonging and this is particularly true of young children. Most children like to have other children around them, and sitting with others encourages cooperation.


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teaching and learning process depends on the ability of the teachers to select the appropriate approach based on the classroom condition and the ability to use that approach. It is supported by Brewster (1997: 2) stating that greater knowledge and understanding of theories of child development and learning, the ways in which children learn a foreign language and studies of the kinds of classroom conditions which promote foreign language learning will all contribute to our understanding of good educational practice in teaching English to young children. According to Brumfit (1997:6), many primary EFL classrooms use the approach to ELT called “Total Physical Response” (TPR), which is one means of providing an input rich in directives. Using this approach, children follow instructions in a game-like activity or involve manipulating objects in the classroom.

Wood (1988) explain the ways in which younger children are more ‘distractable’ than older ones, writing that the ability to keep on task and to ignore distractions is a symptom of the child’s intellect, and changes in concentration span are related to intellectual development. He adds that we have to recognize that when we ask children to pay attention and concentrate on task that we have set and which provide little by way of concentrate, perceptual support, they may find it impossible to comply with our demands, (p.70).

In this view, instruction and schooling play a central role in helping children to discover how to pay attention, concentrate and learn effectively. Wood stated that


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is unlikely to bear fruit. Unless we embody the material to be learned and remembered in a task that makes sense to the child, one that involves objectives (he / she) can realize and that draws (his / her) attention ‘naturally’ to the elements we wish (him / her) to take in, our imperatives to concentrate, memorize or learn are almost bound to fail.

From the discussion above, the teacher should have the appropriate approach in teaching English to children. The teacher has to concern more with the student’s characteristics and the way they learn language. Basically the aim of language teaching is to equip the students with knowledge and skill to communicate in the foreign language that is learned. The teacher helps to the students to pay attention, and concentration, so the students can enjoy in having the lesson. It can be concluded that teaching English as foreign language at elementary school is aimed to prepare students with the knowledge and skills of English so that they will be ready in getting it at higher level.

B. Vocabulary Mastery

1. The Nature of Vocabulary Mastery

1) Definition of Vocabulary


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vocabulary is written in alphabetical order in dictionaries based on system or rule of foreign language.

Ur (1998: 60) defines that vocabulary can be means as the words we teach in foreign language. It means vocabulary is written or spoken unit of language as symbol of idea in foreign language for the learners. For example, if someone learns new words in foreign language, it means that someone learns vocabulary. The items in vocabulary may be more than a single words, for example post office, mother-in-law, which expressing a single idea.

Furthermore, Mcwhorter (1989: 311) says that vocabulary means the ability to recognize individual words and to associate meaning with the particular combination of letters that form a word. In the other word, vocabulary is the competence or skill in recognizing words and its meaning. Words are symbol, group of letter that stand for, or represent, either a physical object or an idea. Then, recognizing words means knowing its meaning or idea and how they are formed by a combination of letters. For example, the words “chair” in our minds a physical reality, on object with a flat surface, usually supported by four legs, and used to for sitting.


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letter represent either a physical object or an idea. It can be formed from a single or more than one word.

On the other hand, it is necessary for one to know what vocabulary is before discussing about vocabulary mastery. Horn By (1995: 985) illustrates that vocabulary is the total number of the words (with their meaning and with rules for combining them) make up a language. Manser (1995: 461) in the Oxford Learners Dictionary states that vocabulary is the total number of words in a language, all words know to a person / used in a particular book, subject, or list of words with their meanings. From the definition, it is concluded that vocabulary is the total number of words in a particular language that a person knows or uses.

2. The Importance of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one elements of the language that should be learnt and taught. It can be denied that it will be hard to master language, without mastering or understanding a certain number of vocabularies. McCarty (1990: Viii) states that importance of vocabulary in language learning as follows: “no matter how successfully the sounds of L2 are mastered, without words to express a wider range of meanings, communication in an L2just cannot happen in any meaningful way”.


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and to speak is conditioned by their vocabulary. In reading ability, vocabulary helps learners in comprehending the text. In writing, it helps them to expand their ideas based on the topic sentence that they want. In listening, they comprehend and understand what other person speaks. In speaking ability, vocabulary facilitates the learners to explain their ideas orally. In addition, according to Hatch & Brown (1995) vocabulary is a list or set of words, which might use in individual speakers. The meaning shows that vocabulary mastery has important roles in communication. If there is someone who does not recognize the meaning of the key words that is used by his partner, he will unable to participate in the conversations.

It means that although the learners know syntax, grammar, or the other elements of language but do not know the meaning of the words used, they will get difficulties in communication.

3. Vocabulary Mastery


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While vocabulary is a series of words in foreign language used to express meaning in form of symbols of group of letter, either a physical object or an idea and it also can be formed from a single or more than one word. So, from both of definitions above, vocabulary mastery can be constructed as an ability to combine skill or knowledge of words that used to express meaning, in case of the physical object or idea, in form of symbols of group of letter in a single or more one word.

From the definition above, mastery may be defined as the ability to use skill or knowledge in one subject area based on recognized standard. While vocabulary, means a series of a words in foreign language used to express meaning. Then vocabulary mastery define as an ability to combine skill or knowledge of words that used to express meaning, in case of the physical object or idea, in form of symbols of group of letter in a single or more one word.

In addition, Wesley (1998: 409) states that the term mastery is a great skill or knowledge of something. While, Urborn (1998: 4160) says that mastery is great skill at doing something.


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related to words which the learners understand, can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing. Further, Madsen (1983: 12) states that the purpose of vocabulary test is measure the comprehension and production of words used in speaking or writing. The meaning shows that the vocabulary mastery can be measured when someone is able to comprehend and produce the words used in speaking and writing.

In this case, vocabulary mastery can be measured by the requirements of receptive and productive vocabulary. Students are expected to be able to understand and define the meaning of words in listening and reading, pronounce it correctly and then use it appropriately in speaking and writing.

Considering the theories above, vocabulary is a set of words in a language used by individual speakers. Mastery is a great skill or knowledge of something. So, vocabulary mastery can be defined as a great skill in using a set of words used by individual speakers. In this case, vocabulary mastery has four aspects: (1) meaning, (2) spelling, (3) use of words, and (4) pronunciation.

4. Kinds of Vocabulary

Haycraft quoted by Hatch & Brown (1994) divides two kinds of vocabulary, namely receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary.

a. Receptive Vocabulary


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speaking and writing. The receptive vocabulary is also called a passive process because the learner only receives thought from others. In language application the receptive vocabulary is considered as the basic vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary is much larger than productive vocabulary because there are many words recognized when the learner hears or reads but do not use when he speaks or writes. In this respects, Richards and Rogers (1987: 308) give a profound explanation that the listening vocabulary is larger than speaking vocabulary and similarly to the reading vocabulary that is relatively larger than writing vocabulary.

b. Productive Vocabulary

Productive vocabulary is the words, which the learners understand, can pronounce correctly, and use constructively inn speaking and writing. It involves what is needed for receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak or write the appropriate time. Therefore, productive vocabulary can be addressed as an active process, because the learners can produce the words to express their thought to others.


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5. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

a. Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one component to improve the process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language at primary, intermediate, and advance level. The teachers of primary schools cannot ignore the teaching of vocabulary because it is the basic for learners to the success of studying higher level. Hence, teaching vocabulary in early stage or in the primary school is very essential. Teacher should give certain attention in teaching vocabulary and decide the area of words that become the basic need for the pupil. Brown (1994) gives some guidelines for the communicative treatment of vocabulary instruction. They are 1) allocate specific class time to vocabulary learning, 2) helps students to learn vocabulary in context, 3) play down the role of bilingual dictionaries, and 4) encourage the students to develop strategies for determining the meaning of words.


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should have actual experience with the concrete object, person, idea, and event mainly through sense impressions.

b. Vocabulary Learning

In order to teach vocabulary successfully, a teacher should know more hoe the students learn vocabulary. If the teacher understands the strategies used by the students, he can help them in acquiring vocabulary mastery. According to Brown and Payne (1994: 373-391) there are five essential steps in vocabulary learning:

a. Encountering New Words

The student’s strategies include learning new words by reading book, listening to TV and radio, and reading newspaper and magazines (Payne, 1988: 33). In addition to interest, actual need may make a difference in whether encountered words are learned. People seem to learn words more quickly if they have felt a need for them in some way. Another indication that encountering words may be more effective under some circumstances than others has been found in work with interactive video materials. When students have seen an object or an action, they desire to know the label (word) for it may increase so that, when the word for it is encountered, it is learner very quickly.

b. Getting the Words Form


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when people think about what happens when people try to retrieve words. In addition, it also appears when students are asked to give definitions for words. c. Getting the Word Meaning

This step includes such strategies as “asking native English speakers what words mean”. Asking people who speak the native language the meaning of new words”, “making pictures of word meanings in mind,” and “explaining what the speaker means and asking someone to tell him English word”.

d. Consolidating Word Form and Meaning in Memory

This step includes many kinds of vocabulary learning strategies such as, flashcards, matching exercises, crossword puzzles, etc, that strengthen the form meaning connection. Oxford divides these strategies into four general categories: (1) creating mental linkages, (2) applying images and sounds, (3) reviewing well, and (4) employing actions.

e. Using the word

In this step, word use is essential if the goal is to help learners move as far along the continuum of word knowledge as they can. Furthermore, word use seems to provide a mild guarantee that word and meanings will not fade from memory once they are learned.


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meta-cognitive strategies and other memory strategies. Further, in other memory strategies, it can be used as a memory strategy which improves recall of a word by means of manipulation effort involved in reformulating the words’ meaning. One way of increasing one’s vocabulary is to analyze and learn the individual words of the chunks, and then use the whole chunk as a mnemonic device for remembering the individual word meanings. The use of physical action when learning has been shown to facilitate language recall (Saltz and Donnenwerth, Nolan, 1981). Asher (1997) has made it the basis for a whole methodology, the total physical response (TPR), which seems to be especially amenable to the teaching of beginner.

6. Factors Influencing Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary development is definitely related to the motivation of the child, but also depends upon his environments and the richness of words, which they have provided. The following are factors increasing vocabulary stated by Pretty and Jensen (1980: 286):

• Manipulative activities that involve handling various materials, tools, and

equipments; learning new names and understanding directions; discussing plans and results.

• Social experience within the classroom, such as ‘show and tell’, the daily

new period, and committee work that calls for planning and discussion, free conversations period, and general class discussion.

• Development of children’s social responsibility for receiving and greeting


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• Development of children’s interest in the natural environment and

community activities by means of field trips that entail preliminary discussion of plan, training in observation, eventual discussion of the total experience.

• Observation and handling of specimens and articles brought into the

classroom in connection with science or social studies.

• Encouragement of children’s interest and increased curiosity about words.

Based on the many factors above, the teachers of elementary school have to consider many activities and provide learning experiences when delivering the materials in various ways to improve young learners’ interest and curiosity in vocabulary learning.

C. The Total Physical Response

1. Background of Total Physical Response


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Asher in Richard and Roger (2001: 73) claim that speech directed to young children consist primarily of commands, which children respond to physically before they begin to produce verbal responses. Asher believes that children, in learning their first language, appear to do a lot of listening before they speak. There listening is accompanied by physical response (reaching, grabbing, moving, looking, and so on).

The idea of focusing on listening comprehension during early foreign language instruction comes from observing how children acquire their mother tongue. Babies spend many months before they ever say a word. The children have the time to try to make sense out of the sounds they hear. No one tells the babies that they must speak. The children choose to speak when they are ready.

2. The Definition of Total Physical Response

According to Richard and Rogers (2001:73), Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action. It attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity. Similarly, Vale and Feunteun (1998: 39) state that TPR is based on a short sequence of instructions or descriptions which are acted out, involving lots of physical response.


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before they speak, and that their listening is accompanied by physical response (p.64).

Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that TPR is a language learning method based on the coordination of speech and action. It consist of a short sequence of instruction which is acted out. It means that the teacher gives some commands and the students respond to the teacher’s instruction through psychomotor activity while they are listening.

3. Approach: Theory of Language and Learning

TPR reflect a grammar-based view of language. Asher (1977: 4) in Richard and Rogers (2001: 73) states that “most of grammatical structure of the target language and hundreds of vocabulary items can be learned from the skillful use of the imperative by the instructor”. He views the verb and particularly the verb in the imperative, as the central linguistic motif around which language use and learning are organized.


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In addition, Asher has elaborated an account of what he feels facilitates or in habits foreign language learning. For this dimension of his learning theory he draws on three rather influential learning hypotheses:

a) There exists a specific innate bio-program for language learning, which defines an optimal path for first and second language developmental. The bio-program of Asher consists of three processes as central. They are: 1) Children develop listening competence before they develop the ability

to speak.

2) Children’s ability in listening comprehension is acquired because children are required to respond physically to spoken language in the form of parental commands.

3) Once a foundation in listening comprehension has been established, speech evolves naturally and effortlessly out of it. Parallel to the processes of first language learning, the foreign language learner should first internalize a “cognitive map” of the target language through listening exercises. Speech and other productive skills should come later. Asher bases these assumptions on his belief in the existence in the human brain of a bio-program for language, which defines an optimal order for first and second language learning.


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by Jean Piaget, Asher holds that the child language learner acquires language through motor movement-a-right-hemisphere activity. Right-hemisphere activities must occur before the left Right-hemisphere can process language for production. When a sufficient amount of right-hemisphere learning has taken place, the left right-hemisphere will be triggered to produce language and to initiated other, more abstract language processes.

c) Stress (an affective filter) intervenes between the act of learning and what is to be learned; the lower the stress, the greater the learning. An important condition for successful language learning is the absence of stress. First language acquisition takes place in a stress-free environment. The key to stress-free learning is to tap into the natural bio-program for language development and thus to recapture the relaxed and pleasurable experiences that accompany first language learning. By focusing on meaning interpreted through movement, rather than on language forms studied in the abstract, the learner is said to be liberated from self-conscious and stressful situation and is able to devote full energy to learning.

4. Design: Objectives, Syllabus, Learning Activities, Roles of

Learner, Teacher and Material.


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ultimate aim is to teach basic speaking skills. A TPR course aims to produce learners who are capable of a unihibited communication that is intelligible to a native speaker. Specific instructional objectives are not elaborated, for these will depend on the particular needs of the learners. Whatever goals are set, however, must be attainable through the use of action-based drills in the imperative form.

The type of syllabus is sentence-based syllabus with grammatical and lexical criteria being primary in selecting teaching items. Total Physical Response requires initial attention to meaning rather than to the form of items. Grammar is thus taught inductively (Richard and Rogers, 2001: 75).

The use of commands is the major teaching technique of Total Physical Response method. The commands are given to get students to perform an action. The action makes the meaning of the command clear. At first, to clarify meaning, the teacher performs the action to the students. Later the teacher directs the students alone. The student’s actions tell the teacher whether or not the students understand.


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Learners in Total Physical response have the primary roles of listener and performer. They listen attentively and respond physically to commands given by the teacher. Learners are also expected to recognize and respond to novel combinations of previously taught items. They are requires to produce novel combinations of their own. Learners monitor and evaluate their own progress. They are encourages speaking when they fell ready to speak that is, when a sufficient basic in the language has been internalized (Richard and Roger, 2001: 76).

Based on Asher’s opinion, Richard and Rogers (2001) stated that the teacher plays an active and directs role in Total Physical Response. It is the teacher who decides what to teach, who models and presents the new materials, and who select supporting materials for classroom use. The teacher has the responsibility of providing the best kind of exposure to language so that the learner can internalize the basic rules of the target language. In giving feedbacks to learners, teacher should refrain from to much correction in the early stages and should not interrupt to correct errors, since this will inhibit learners. As time goes on, however, more teacher intervention is expected, as the learners’ speech becomes “finetuned” (Richard and Rogers, 2001:76).


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5. Procedure of Teaching Using TPR

According to Asher in Richard and Rogers (2001), he provides a lesson-by-lesson account of a course taught according to TPR principles, which serves as a source of information on the procedures used in the TPR classroom. The four steps in this course will proceed in the following way:

a. Review

This is fast-moving warm-up in which individual students move with commands such as:

Jeffe, throw the red flower to Maria.

Rita, pick up the knife and the spoon and put them in the cup. b. New Commands

Here, the teacher introduces some new vocabularies, such as: Look for a towel Hold the book Stand up Look for a comb Hold the cup Sit down

Next, the instructor ask simple questions which the students could answer with a gesture such as pointing, as follow:

Where is the towel? (Eduardo, point to the towel) c. Role Reversal


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The instructor writes on the blackboard each new vocabulary item and a sentence to illustrate the item. Then, she pronounces each item and acts out the sentence. The students listen as she read the material. Some copy the information in their notebooks (p.77-78).

6. Some Strengths and Weaknesses of Total Physical Response

There are some strengths of TPR, namely:

a) Children’s ability in listening comprehension is developed because children are required to respond physically to spoken language in the form of parental command.

b) By focusing on meaning interpreted through movement, rather than on language form studied in the abstract, it reduces learners’ stress and creates a positive mood of the learners, which facilitates learning.

c) It combines tracing activities, such as verbal rehearsal accompanied by motor activity hence increases the successful recall probability.


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In learning English vocabulary, there are difficulties that are faced by the learners, especially young learners. Since, English is a new language for them and there are differences compared with their mother tongue. It would be better for a teacher to know the characteristics of young learners in learning language and what strategies used to help young learners in learning vocabulary so that they learn vocabulary successfully. The problem is the students’ vocabulary is still low, especially in comprehending and writing the words correctly. There are some indicators; (1) the students get difficulties in pronouncing the English words. (2) The elementary students get difficulties in internalizing and grasping the words meaning, since English is a new language for them. (3) The students have short attention and concentration span in learning vocabulary. They are very easy to get bored in having the lesson.

It is not easy to teach English vocabulary to the elementary school students. The researcher proposes a solution to teach English vocabulary by using Total Physical Response. The researcher uses TPR because in TPR method the teacher teaches with the command, speech, and action. So, the students enjoy in learning English vocabulary. Beside that, the students can imitate them easily without mistakes. The researcher should teach and explain them clearly to the students. By focusing on meaning interpreted through movement, rather than on language form studied in the abstract, TPR reduces learners’ stress and creates a

positive mood of the learners, which facilities learning. Moreover it combines


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increases the successful recall probability. Considering the explanation above, it

can be assumed that TPR can improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

E. Hypothesis


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A. The Research Setting

The action research is conducted in SD Negeri blulukan 1, Colomadu, Karanganyar. The school is located in Blulukan, Colomadu, Karanganyar. The research is conducted through teaching and learning process in the classroom. It is carried out in Januari to Februari 2011 by implementing TPR method in teaching vocabulary.

B. The Subject of the Research

The subject of the research is the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Blulukan 1, Colomadu, Karanganyar in Academic year 2010/2011. This class consist of 26 students. They are 11 boys and 15 girls.

Psychologically, the enthusiast of the students in English class is still low. Actually, the students of this class are noisier than the students of the other class. It is why the teacher and the writer often have difficulties to manage the students in a good order.

C. The Method of The Research


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improve the ways their particular school operates, hoe they teach, and how their students learn (p.5).

Carr and Kemmis in Burn (1993: 30) says action research is simply a from of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own practice, their understanding of these practices and the Situations in which the practices are carried out. While Robert Rapoport in Hopkins (1993:P. 44) says Action research is a research aims to contribute both to the goals of socials science by joint collaboration within a mutually acceptable ethical framework.

From the definition above, it can be summarized that action research is the systematic study of effort to overcome education problems for betterment done by the teacher or in collaboration of teachers and researchers by means of their own reflection toward the effects of those action.

Considering the background of the problems, the writer uses Action research because the problems were related to education problem. Next this method was done by teacher or other individuals in teaching or learning environment to gather information about and subsequently improved the ways their particular school operates, how they teach, and how their students learn. Finally knowledge gained through action research can liberate students, teacher, and administrator and improve learning, teaching and policy making.


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appear in teaching vocabulary during the instructional process in the classroom. The action research was conducted collaboratively. Teacher was as practitioner who implemented the action and writer was her facilitator and observer.

D. The Model of Action Research

The model of action research used in this study was based on the model developed by Kemmis and McTaggart (1985). According to the model, the implementation of the lassroom action research includes four steps in the following:

1. Identifying problems and planning the action

2. Implementing the action and observing or monitoring the action 3. Reflecting the result of the observation, and

4. Revising the plan for the following step

Based on Hopkins point of view (1993: 48), this model can be illustrated as follows:


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B. The Procedure of Research

In this classroom action research, the action research was conducted collaboratively. Teacher was as practitioner who implemented the action and writer was her facilitator and observer. In this classroom action research, each procedures takes six stepa that form one cycle, they are as follows:

1. Identifying the problem

The teacher identifies the problems before planning the action. The problem refers to student’s motivation and difficulty in mastering vocabulary. The teacher and the writer identified the problems by using two techniques. They were:



Action & observation

Revised plan


Action & observation


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The teacher and the writer made written and oral tests of vocabulary as pretest and posttest to know the student’s ability.

b. Observation and interviews

The writer observed the students’ behavior during the lesson and made interview to the second grade teacher to know the model of class management and students’ competence.

2. Planning the action

The teacher and the writer prepared everything related to the action as follows:

a. Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and designing the steps in doing the action.

b. Preparing sheets for classroom observation. It is prepared to knowing the situation of teaching learning process when the technique is applied.

c. Preparing teaching aids for example pictures, text book etc.

d. Preparing a test. It is prepared to know whether student’ vocabulary learning improves or not. Thus can be identified how effective of the technique.

3. Implementing the action


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1, Colomadu, Karanganyar. In implementing the action, he arranges general plans as stated by Richard and Rogers (2001). The following is the illustration of the steps in teaching vocabulary using TPR on each cycle:

a. Review

This is a fast-moving warming up in which individual students will move by commands. The purpose is to check the students’ understanding about the last lesson and to warm-up students’ readiness in new material before they really enter the new material.

b. New commands

Here, the teacher introduces some new vocabularies, such as:

Point to the washing machine picture

Touch to the washing machine picture

Next, the instructor asks simple questions which the students could answer easily, as follow:

What is the function of washing machine? (it is for washing the clothes)

c. Role reversal

Students readily volunteer to utter commands that manipulated the behaviour of the instructor and other students.


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The instructor writes each new vocabulary item and a sentence to illustrate the vocabulary. Then, he pronounces each item and acts out the sentence. The students listen as the teacher read the materials. Some copy the information in their books. (Richard and Rogers: 77-78)

4. Observing or monitoring the action

The teacher, as a researcher, observes all activities in the teaching and learning process with his collaborator.

5. Reflecting the result of the observation

The teacher makes as investigation based on her observation and his collaborator’s note to find the weaknesses of the teaching activity that will be carried out.

6. Revising plan

Based on the weaknesses from the activity, the teacher will revise the plan for the next cycle. It takes 2 cycles to overcome all students’ problems in vocabulary mastery.

C. Technique of Collecting Data

In this classroom action research, the writer used qualitative and quantitative methods in collecting the data.


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his collaborator. The observation used to knowing the situation of the teaching learning process when the method was applied. It also used to know the whole activities and the students’ behavior during the teaching learning process. Here the writer was passive participant observer in which in this research the researcher came to the classroom but did not take part or communicated with students in the classroom. The writer also used interview. It was done for knowing the model of class management and students’ competence.

Quantitative methods included written and oral test that consisted of a pretest and posttest. The data were in the form of numbers taken from the tests that were carried out before and after the cycles were implemented. The tests were scored by looking for the mean of the scores. They were used to know the students’ achievement in vocabulary.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

Having collected the data, the writer then analyzed the data. In analyzing the data the writer used qualitative and quantitative methods. In qualitative data the researcher used qualitative technique as suggested by Burns (1999: 156). He says that there are various techniques developed from qualitative research approaches which can be used for data analysis, such as identifying patterns, categories or themes that are repeated across the data and making connections between these categories.


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Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the ‘raw’ data that appear in written up. Field notes as data collection proceeds, there are further episodes of data reduction (doing summaries coding, teasing out themes, making clusters, making partitions, writing memos) and the data reduction / transforming process continues after field work until a final report is complete.

2. Data Display

The second major flow of analysis activity is data display. We define a ‘display’ as an organized assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action taking. Looking at displays helps us to understand what is happening and to do something. Further analysis on action-based on that understanding.

3. Conclusion Drawing / Verification


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While the data in the form of numbers were analyzed by using a quantitative method. Here the writer found the total of the students’ scores in written and oral test. The total score was multiplied by two and then divided by three. In this case the writer noted the means of students’ scores in each cycle. Then, the writer compared the mean of each cycle, from cycle 1 and cycle 2. Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded whether there was an improvement of the students’ achievement in vocabulary mastery.

The technique used in analyzing the data is a statistic technique. It compares the result of English vocabulary scores before and after test. The mean score of the pre test and post test can be calculated with the formula as follows:

= =

In which:

= Means of pre-test scores N = Number of sample = Means of post-test

In which,

t = the t-value for non independent D = the different between the paired score D = the mean of differences


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A. The Main Focus of the Action Research

This chapter presents the result of the action research conducted in the fourth grade students of SD Negeri 01 Blulukan, Colomadu, Karanganyar. This research is aimed at improving the students’ vocabulary mastery that is still low by using Total Physical Response (TPR) technique.

B. The Description of the Research

In order to reach the main focus of the action research, at the beginning of the research, the writer observed the problems causing the students’ vocabulary mastery that was still low. She interviewed the English teacher of the fourth grade students, observing the teaching learning process conducted by the teacher and gave the pre-test. Secondly, the writer conducted the action research collaborating with the teacher.


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words, the lack of creativities of the teacher in conducting the English class including the use of learning media caused the students became passive during the teaching and learning process.

In addition, there were some problems coming from the students themselves. The main problem is the students’ vocabulary is still low, especially in comprehending and writing the words correctly. There are some indicators; Firstly, the students get difficulties in pronouncing the English words. The second is that the elementary students get difficulties in internalizing and grasping the words meaning, since English is a new language for them. The last is that the students have short attention and concentration span in learning vocabulary. Those problems became more complex because of the limited time allotment of the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

Besides did the interview and observation, the writer also conducted the pre-test to measure the students’ vocabulary mastery. The pre-test was conducted on Tuesday, 11th January 2011. The mean score of the students was 56, 79. It was not satisfying mean score. The mean score of the students must be improved in order to reach the quality of the teaching and learning process.


Table 2. The Improvement of the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Cycle 2 ................ 64
Table 1.The Improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery
Table 2.The Improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery
Table 3.The mean of the Students’ Score


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These research aims are to find out whether or not song can improve vocabulary mastery and whether the use of English song can improve the quality of vocabulary teaching

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Based on what has been explained, the researcher took the initiative to help students at the school by doing the research entitled "The Effectiveness of the Total

improve: (1) the students’ mastery in understanding the meaning of words ; (2) the students ’ mastery in spelling words; (3) the students ’ mastery in pronouncing t he

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