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Students’ Anxiety in Classroom Presentation at English Education

Department of UMY

A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education

In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Irfan Maulana


English Education Department

Faculty of Language Education

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Students’ Anxiety in

Classroom Presentation at English

Education Department of UMY

A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education

In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Irfan Maulana


English Education Department

Faculty of Language Education

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Approval Page

Students’ Anxiety in Clasroom Presentation at English Education Departement of


We here by approve the Skripsi of

Irfan Maulana 20120540035

Candidate for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

December 21th, 2016 Dr. Suryanto

The Skripsi Supervisor

December 21th, 2016 Evi Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.Hum. The Examiner I

December 21th, 2016 Ika Wahyuni Lestari, S.Pd., M.Hum The Examiner II

Accepted Yogyakarta, December 21th, 2016

Gendroyono, S.Pd., M.Pd




I hereby certify that this skripsi is definitely my original work. I am

completely responsible for the content of this skripsi. Any theories, findings, and research techniques which are not my own are quoted or cited in accordance with

the standard referencing practices. Theoretical contribution and findings in this

skripsi are truly my original words and have not been submitted for any degrees in

other University or Institution.

Yogyakarta, 21 December 2016

The researcher,




Alhamdulillah, Thanks to Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, who always bless strength, gives mercy and gives me opportunity to complete this final project

entitled ‘Students’ Anxiety in Classroom Presentation at English Education

Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta’.

Firstly. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to

my best supervisor, Dr. Suryanto for his time, support, suggestions, guidance,

patience, motivation and excellent atmosphere for doing research.

I also want to thank Ibu Evi Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.Hum and Ika Wahyuni

Lestari, S.Pd., M.Hum for they time, suggestion and motivation to write this

skripsi. They gave solutions when I got lost in doing my skripsi. Moreover, the

researcher would like to say thank to all the lecturers and staffs of English

Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta for their time,

support, guidance, information and suggestion during the completion of this

research project.

I am grateful to the respondents of this study, my friends in English

Education Departement of 2013. Thank you for providing me the time and

valuable information. I am also thankful to my friends who support and help me.

Deepest thanks to my parents, Hapidin and Siti Muasiroh, also little sister,


suggestion and full of support for the report completion. They are support me in

doing reaserach from beginning until the end.

Yogyakarta, 21 December 2016


Table of Contents

Cover ... i

Approval Sheet ... ii

Statement of Work’s Originality ... iii

Acknowledgement... iv

Table of Contents ... vi

List of Figure ... viii

List of Appendices ... ix

Abstract ... x

Chapter One ... 1

Introduction ... 1

Background of the Reasearch ... 1

Statement of the Problem ... 4

Limitation of the Problelm ... 4

Research Question ... 4

Objective of the Reasearch ... 4

Significance of the Research ... 5

Chapter Two ... 6

Literature Review ... 6

Definition of presentation ... 6

Definition of anxiety and language anxiety ... 7

The problem in presentation anxiety ... 8

The causes of students anxiety ... 9

The strategies to cope anxietty ... 11

Conceptual framework ... 14

Chapter Three ... 16

Methodology ... 16

Research Design ... 16

Research Setting ... 17


Instrument and Data Collection Method ... 18

Data Analysis ... 22

Chapter Four ... 24

Findings and Discussion ... 24

Students’ Anxiety Score ... 27

The Criteria of Anxiety Level ... 28

The Causes of Students Anxiety ... 28

The Students Strategies to cope Anxiety ... 34

Chapter Five ... 48

Conclusion and Recommendation... 48

Conclusion ... 48

Recommendation ... 49

References ... 51


List of Table

Table 1. The Figure of conceptual framework ... 13

Table 2 Items of causes and strategies ... 19

Table 3 The four levels of liker scale for favorable answers ... 19

Table 4 The four levels of liker scale for unfavorable answers ... 20

Table 5 The criteria of items validity ... 21

Table 6 The criteria of reliability ... 21

Table 7 The result of reliability test ... 22

Table 8 Students anxiety score ... 27

Table 9 The criteria of level value ... 28

Table 10 Items of questionnaire ... 29

Table 11 Statement 1 ... 29

Table 18 Students Strategies ... 34


List of Appendices



This research was conducted to investigate students’ anxiety in English education department

of UMY batch 2013. There were ninety students of English Education Department in UMY

who participated in this research. This quantitative research investigated the levels of

students’ anxiety, the causes in doing presentation and their strategies to reduce anxiety in classroom presentation. The data of students’ anxiety were got by giving the participants twenty questionnaire to measure the students’ anxiety in classroom presentation at English

education department of UMY. Through SPSS version 20.0, the researcher found that the

value of reliability from this questionnaire is .808 and the result of validity from this

questionnaire is fifteen items. The result of the reaserach categorized the EED UMY

students’ batch 2013 in the moderate level (2. 838) of students’ anxiety in classroom

presentation. Besides, the causes of students’ anxiety are related to self-perceptions, fear of making mistake, lack of confidence, lack of preparation and fear of negative evaluation.

Students used strategy to reduce anxiety in English presentation, most of the students applied

positive thinking strategy followed by believe in their own ability, relax, study more, read

book and talk to friends/sharing. In this research, this strategy was used for students to reduce

anxiety in delivering English presentation.It is important to students to reduce the anxiety

and students’ required learning and mastery English better.


Chapter One Introduction

In this chapter, the researcher explains about background of the research, statement of the problems, limitations of the research, research questions,

objective of the research, and significances of the research. Background of the research

English is one of the languages in the world that should be learnt and

applied in daily activities. Language becomes one of the most important things in

human life. Using English language, everything can be expressed meaningfully.

In order to be able to communicate in English, people should learn it to master the

language well. After they master this language, people can communicate to other

people from other different countries or cities in the world wide as in business,

education, economy and religion. In learning English, there are some methods that

teachers or lecturers do in teaching and learning English. One of the methods is


Based on my observation during my study in English Education

Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (EED UMY), presentation is one of the English learning methods that is used by most of English lecturers at EED UMY in teaching and learning processes. Usually presentation is done by

one until five students. The purpose of students’ presentation is to transfer knowledge to audience. To help the presentation, students should use media such


In my observation, students at English education department of UMY face

many problems in doing their presentation. One of their problems is that they suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling worry when students’ deliver English presentation in front of audience. “Anxiety is a distinctive complex of self

-perception, beliefs, feelings and behaviours related to classroom language learning arising from the uniqueness of the language learning process” (Marwan

2007, p38). Anxiety is a worried feeling when students present their speech in classroom presentation. It becomes a barrier for students in order to be successful in their presentation. Having this kind of barrier, students’ presentation may not

achieve a messages and other information if speakers feel anxious in deliver English presentation. A presentation will not succeed when the presenter does not

prepare and feel nervousness.

Anxiety can happen to student when they convey their materials in front of audience. It is in line with (Muslimin, 2013) who stated that anxiety can occur

when people speak in front of the public or in new and different situations. Meanwhile, in EED UMY anxiety can happen in students when they deliver

English presentation. It means that anxiety to communicate in public is one part of the communication anxiety. Na (2007) argued that, anxiety has been regarded as one of the most important affective factors that influence second language


Typically, anxious learners may suffer from fear of English learning, fear


view that English is a difficult subject. Fear of presentation may refer to the issue

when they speak in front of public. Learners who suffer from this fear tend to avoid such speaking. Fear of evaluation contributes to the learners’ effort to learn a second language. In this regard, the learners may have fear of peers’ negative

judgments, fear of making mistake, fear of negative evaluation, test anxiety, classroom environment, anxiety in English classroom (includes lecturer, teaching

and learning styles), fear of being laughed and lack of preparation. All kinds of fears as elaborated at hand may cause the students feel anxious.

In this study the researcher intends to investigate the students’ anxiety in

classroom presentation since this focus has not been studied yet in this context. More importantly, this study may help students and others related parties to handle

the classroom presentation better in terms of anxious feeling. Statement of the Problem

English Education Department students use presentation as a method in English learning but there is a problem for students in deliver material. Anxiety is a problem for students and anxiety may hamper students’ success in doing classroom presentation. Uncontrolled anxiety can be problem for the students’ success in

presentation. To reduce such hostilities and to increase students’ understanding in doing presentation, students should understand the nature of students’ anxiety in classroom presentation. Therefore, research on the students’ anxiety in this context


Limitation of the Problem

In this research, the writer limits the discussion of students’ anxiety in classroom presentation at English education department of UMY batch 2013. This research focused to know what the level of students’ anxiety in classroom

presentation. This research itself focused to find out the causes of students’ anxiety in classroom presentation. Besides, this research focused to know what

the strategies to reduce anxiety in classroom presentation. The study was conducted in English Education Department of UMY.

Research Questions

The research questions of this study are:

1. how is the level of students’ anxiety in the classroom presentation? 2. what are the causes of the students’ anxiety in classroom presentation at

English education department of UMY?

3. what are students’ strategies to encounter their anxiety in classroom presentation?

Objective of the Research

This investigates contains three research objectives, which is set as follow:

1. to know the level of anxiety of students in the classroom presentation

2. to identify the causes of the anxiety in class room presentation at English

education department of UMY.


Significance of the Research

There are three significant points out of this investigate that give the precious involvement to the students, the lecturers, and the other researchers.

Students. This investigates discusses the information related to students’ anxiety in classroom presentation that might give the direct good contribution for

the students. First, this investigation can help the students know the causes

anxiety, strategies in English presentation anxiety and students can mastered

English material before showing in presentation class. Second, this investigates

might as well help the students recognize their weaknesses and strengths in

English presentation skill.

Lecturers. Through this study; the lecturer will be able to improve teaching English better, to discover factors that cause students’ anxieties, level of anxiety

and how students’ strategies to encounter anxiety in classroom presentation. Other researchers. This research is hoped to motivate the other researchers in applying the next research related to the anxiety. The other

researchers can employ this research result as a guide to conduct wider area in


Chapter Two Literature Review

This chapter discusses several literatures about students’ anxiety in

classroom presentation. The researcher presents the literatures conceptually. Also,

several previous related studies also discussed in this chapter. Finally, this chapter presents the conceptual framework of this research.


Presentation is a part of communication. Presentation is used by a people in deliver a messages and information. Oral presentation is a “planned and

practiced speech that is not memorized or read from notes but is introduced by a presenter to an audience” (Levin & Topping, 2006 cited in Nouh, Kareem & Taqi,

2015, p.136). Joughin (2007, as cited in Nouh, Kareem and Taqi, 2015) mentioned that presentation can be seen from three different perspectives: presentation comprises a transfer of ideas to inactive audience with a low level of anxiety,

presentation as a communicating of the subject matter learned from which students make their own idea transmitted to other, and presentation to persuade

others. In the second perspective, the audience is actively judging students’ performances, and students reply to audience questions. Therefore, students suffer from tension. In the third perspective, students can be consciously mindful that

they become the center of attention. This condition can even provide more s pressure than in the first two situations.


understanding of the presentation topic, and providing independent, critical

learning to facilitate cooperative learning and to introduce students to technology” (Al-Issa & Al-Qubtan, 2010; Munby, 2011, cited in Nouh, et al, 2015, p.138).

Besides that, other studies were concerned about the difficulties that

students usually face in oral presentation, such as feeling nervous (Chuang, 2009; Abu El Enein, 2011; Alwi & Sidhu, 2013, cited in Nouh et al, 2015). One of the

main difficulties reported facing students in oral presentation was anxiety or fear of speaking.

Definition of Anxiety and Language Anxiety

In general, anxiety is a psychological construct that is described as a state of apprehension, a vague fear that is only indirectly associated with an object

(Lucas 2011). Anxiety has been found to interfere with several types of learning but when it is associated with learning a second language it is created as second/foreign language anxiety. McIntyre and Gardner 1994 in Lucas (2011)

defined anxiety as a subjective feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry associated with an arousal of the automatic nervous system.

Students’ anxiety in presentation at the class is a problem that is normally found in teaching speaking, so that students cannot improve their speaking ability. Aida (1994), Maclntyre and Gardner (1991), in Tsiplakides, (2009) state that

“empirical research shows that anxious foreign language students are less willing to participate in learning activities, and have lower performance than non-anxious


pronunciation and vocabulary mastery to develop students’ speaking skill.

Lack of confident is one of factor in second language anxiety and it can make students feel nervous to express their opinion in front of the audience. This is because unfamiliarity of students to public speaking / presentation classes.

Vitasari, Wahab, Othman, and Awang (2010) has reported that anxiety is one of the wide varieties of feeling and activities disorders; it is a main analyst for low

educational presentation between learners. So, this anxiety should be taken seriously. Learners need several shapes of involvement to reduce anxiety and help in improving educational presentation.

The Problem in Presentation Anxiety

Anxiety is the most important thing that should be solved. It is because anxiety can give negative impact in learning English. According to (Zheng, 2008) Anxiety is the subjective feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry

associated with an arousal of the automatic nervous system. Anxiety has been differentiated into “trait anxiety, situational anxiety, and state anxiety” (Zheng,

2008, p.2).

Trait anxiety. People with high trait anxiety are generally nervous people and lack of emotional stability.Toth (2010) argues that trait anxiety refers to a

stable predisposition to become nervous in a wide range of situation. It means trait anxiety may appear in any situation.


public speaking / presentation a second language. Toth (2010) stated that state anxiety is subjective feelings of tension, nervousness, and worry, and by

activation or arousal of the autonomic nervous system. Moreover, Young (1999) defines anxiety as the moment experience of anxiety; it is the transient emotional

state of feeling nervous that can fluctuate over time and vary in intensity. Situation-specific anxiety. Situation-specific anxiety can occurs in particular situation such as giving speech, taking a test, or using other language. According to (Young, 1991) Anxiety in language learning is categorized into situation-specific anxiety. The situation-specific view of anxiety is based on the

assumption that certain types of situation are more likely to produce anxiety than others (Toth, 2010).

The Causes of Students’ Anxiety in Learning English.

Horwitz and Cope (1986) stated that language anxiety can be related set as following, communication apprehension (Communication apprehension is fear of

communicating with other people), test anxiety (Test anxiety is fear of

examination, or other test that related with English a second language), and fear of

negative evaluation (Fear of negative evaluation is fear of evaluations or worry about the language in a classroom activity). Furthermore, McIntyre (1999) as cited in Lucas (2011) states that “language anxiety as the worry and negative

emotional reaction aroused when learning a second language” (p.97).

The causes of students’ anxiety divided in three parts. According to young,


The first, sources of anxiety related to the learner includes low self

-esteem, competiveness, self-perceived low level of ability, communication apprehension, lack of group membership, attitudes and beliefs about language learning (young, 1994, cited in Lucas, 2011). It may sources of students’ anxiety

in learning a second language.

The second, sources of anxiety related to teachers factor. According to

(Palacios, 1998, cited in Lucas, 2013) stated that factors such as lack of teacher’s support, unsympathetic personality of teacher can be lack of sensitivity in the learning process and the difficulties of the non-native learners. It means that lack

of teachers’ instructors can be problem for the learners in a second language. Third, sources of anxiety related to institutional. According to Young

(1990) instructional anxiety can be drawn as classroom activities that the language learners perceive as anxiety-producing. These causes includes, spontaneous role playing, speaking in front of the class, oral presentation or report and writing task

on the board. From the statement above that related with sources of learners, teachers and institutional. The students’ should know their anxious in learning


The Strategies to Cope with Anxiety in a Second Language

In learning English we need motivation and suggestion to make the classrooms more friendly and enjoyable. Many investigators in language anxiety have suggested a variety of strategies to cope with this multifaceted dilemma.

Most frequently suggests learners to make the language classroom environment, less formal and more friendly, one where students can make mistakes without

looking or sounding inept (Hashemi & Abbasi, 2013).

The way forward to create less stressful classroom environment, as suggested by a male ESL/EFL teacher, is that the instructors should create

situations where students can feel successful in using English and avoid setting up the activities that increase the chances for the students to fail. In the other hand

more suggest a truly communicative approach where students are given chances to succeed even with imperfect language competence. Several emphases on the use of drama-like and role-play activities, so that learners may feel safe in a

pretended situation with a pretended identity. According to Tanveer (2007), several teachers stated that instructions should be made clear and it should be

ensured that the students have enough ideas and lexis to fulfill the task. In order hand to make the classroom a safe and less anxiety-provoking place, the friendly and encouraging role of the teachers was stated as crucial. Tanveer (2007) also

argued that a general feeling among the learners was that the students’ confidence should be developed to make mistakes while using the language.


levels of anxiety (such as pair work) and gradually introduce activity types that

cause higher levels of anxiety (such as speech giving) Cutrone (2009).

Furthermore, teachers can help students to better cope with anxiety-provoking situations themselves. Horwitz et al (1986) in Cutrone (2009) suggest that

techniques such as giving advice on effective language learning strategies, journal keeping, and behavioural contracting (a simple positive reinforcement tool that is

widely used by teachers to change student behavior).

Teachers should talk about the role of mistakes to the language learners in the class. Teachers’ positive way of providing corrective and constructive

feedback on errors rather than interrupting and correcting students when they have recommended. Some teachers suggest making private notes of the errors that

learners make and then later address the whole class without saying the name of a specific learner. It is also suggested that students’ self-related cognitions and beliefs should be taken into account in order to successfully cope with language


Further, it generally maintains that teachers should take time to discuss or

initiate discussion in the class by pointing out that it is very common for students to feel uncomfortable, uneasy and anxious while speaking English, thus inviting their thinks about its possible reasons as well as solutions. (Price, 1991, as cited in

Tranveer, 2007).

Marwan (2007) argued that, there are four strategies that learners can use


students’ anxiety. In this condition Marwan (2007) also suggested that students

should know their causes of FLA and used the strategies to handle anxiety. In addition, students should be encouraged to think about their positive personality traits and thus gather their own strengths and build upon them. This way,

instructors can “build students’ confidence and self-esteem in their second/foreign language ability via encouragement, reassurance, positive reinforcement, and

empathy” (Onwuegbuzie in Tranveer, 2007, p.58). Verbal communication teachers should identify the signs of perfectionism in the learners and should work to explore their earlier belief systems in order to help them to step down from the set

standards at the early stages and then work patiently to achieve the desired standards gradually (Tranveer, 2007).

In spite of the variety of techniques found in this study, as well as those reported in previous studies, language anxiety seems to continue to grow in the language classrooms. It suggests that these strategies are just a guideline for the

teachers, as well as for the ESL/EFL learners, rather than a treatment of language anxiety this also confirms the view that language anxiety is a complex

psychological phenomenon, one which requires special attention by the language instructors if it is to be adequately dealt with. However, it can be postulated that apt implication of these strategies can reduce language anxiety to a considerable


Conceptual Framework

The anxiety in foreign language is an important aspect to be solved. This research will study about English learning anxiety among students of English Education Department of UMY. Three components of students’ anxiety in the

conceptual framework are level of anxiety, causes of anxiety, and strategies to reduce anxiety. Based on some literature reviews, this section presents the

theoretical framework which is to answers the three research questions, namely what is the level of anxiety of students in the classroom presentation? What are the causes of the anxiety in classroom presentation at English education


The Figure 1 below is the conceptual framework of the study.

Conceptual Framework of the Research

Anxiety in Presentation



-Communication apprehension

-Test Anxiety

-Fear of negative evaluation

-Classroom activities that includes;

Learners, Lecturers and presentation method

Strategies -Preparation



Chapter Three

Methodology of the Research

In this research, the writer presents the description of the research design that used in this study. The next part presents the populations and sample. After that, the part discusses data collection method. Finally, the writer explains about data analysis method.

Research Design

This research used quantitative method, specifically survey design. It is because the researcher wants to investigate students’ anxiety level, causes and strategies to reduce students’ anxiety in the classroom presentation at EED UMY. This research used survey design. According to Creswell (2012), “survey designs are procedures in quantitative research in which you administer a survey or questionnaire to a small group of people (called the sample) to identify trends in attitudes, opinions, behaviours, or characteristics of a large group of people

(called the population)” (p.25). Based on the statement above, the researcher used questionnaires to get the details about students’ anxiety in classroom presentation at English education department of UMY. Survey study was involved

systematically assemble of sufficient information concerning a particular


Research Setting

This study was conducted at English Education Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The reason why the researcher chose PBI UMY as research setting was because the participants has been learning English for semester one to eight with use presentation method at EED UMY. One of the presentation subjects is academic presentation in semester seventh. Besides, the researcher found the students’ anxious in deliver English presentation. The reasons for selecting English Education Department UMY were accessibility for the researcher to get data. That supported the researchers’ for the setting of time.

The researcher conducted this research for seventh months. It starts from February to August 2016. The data collect itself was done on July 2016.

Research Population and Sample


Sample. A sample is a subgroup of the target population that the

researcher plans to study for generalizing the target population (Creswell, 2012). In determining the sample of the study, the researcher used the convenience sampling. This was supported by Cohean et al. (2011) that convenience sampling is call as accidental or opportunity sampling. The considerations for selecting convenience sampling were effectiveness and accessibility.

Instrument and Data Collection Method

This study aimed to know students’ anxiety in classroom presentation at English Education Department of UMY. The data were collected by distributing questionnaire. According to Creswell (2012), a questionnaire is a form used in a survey design that participants in a study complete and return to the researcher. The participants were chosen the answers of the questions and supply basic personal or demographic information.

The questionnaires were distributed by the researcher in different ways. First one, the researcher distributed the questionnaires to the participants with face to face (directly). Second one, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the participants by contacting students’ using internet especially social networking system such as Facebook, Line, BBM, Whatsaap, and E-mail.


Table. 2 Items Descriptive

The questionnaire was designed in Indonesian language because it can facilitate the participants of this research to know the content of the statement in the questionnaire. The researcher used four likert scales for options in the questionnaire. They were strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. The reason why the uses only 1-4 scale without neutral is to avoid the neutral

answer from the respondents. “Neutral-middle alternative answers give a chance

to the respondent to choose that answer” (Azwar, 2009, p.47).

The questionnaire contains unfavorable statement and favourable ones. Unfavoberable in number 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20. These numbers were scored from 4 to 1. Favourable in number 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8. The score criteria of questionnaire items are as follow:

The four levels of liker scale for favorable answers

Table. 3Likert scale favourable 4 Strongly Disagree

3 Disagree

2 Agree


The four levels of liker scale for unfavorable answers

Table 4. Likert scale unfavourable 1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree

3 Agree

4 Strongly agree

Likert scale is used to measure score of level anxiety in research project. According to Boone (2012) who argued that, “a likert scale, on the other hand, is composed of a series of four or more likert-type items that are combined into a

single composite score/variable during the data analysis process”.

Validity and Reliability

Validity is the degree to which all of the evidence points to the intended interpretation of test scores for the proposed purpose. Thus, a focus is on the consequences of using the scores from an instrument (Hubley & Zumbo, 1996; Messick, 1980 in Creswell, 2012). To disclose the test validity, the researcher was piloted the questionnaire using tool software, SPSS (software package for Social Sciences) version 22.0. The testing validity of this research, the researcher used the correlation r of Pearson product moment. “Pearson product moment was a measure of items analysis by correlating the score item” (Arikunto, 2006, p.1466). The data was processed to find the r value and the researcher compared the r


illustrated set as follows:

Table. 5 The criteria of items validity

r value > r table = valid

r value < r table = not valid Source: Arikunto (2006)

Reliability is a score from an instrument that are stable and consistent. The scores should be nearly the same when researchers administer the instrument multiple times at different times (Creswell, 2012). Also, scores need to be

consistent. The individual should consistently answer closely related questions in the same way. In other words, test validity is defined as the extent to which instrument measures, it is supposed to measure and nothing else. In this research the researcher will use reliability as internal consistency, Cronbach’s Alpha. “Cronbach’s Alpha was a measure of internal consistency, that was, how closely related to a set of items were as a group “(Cohen et al., 2011. P.201). Sekaran (2000) divided the reliability indicator into three levels:

Table. 6 The Criteria of Reliability (alpha)


The instrument of the study is categorized as valid if the range of cronbach alpha is > 0.6. Table 4.1 shows that the realibility of this study was 808. It means that the questionnaire used to measure the level, problems and strategy are reliable.

Table. 7 The result of reliability test.

Cronbach’s Alpha N of items

.808 16

Data Analysis Method


In order to measure the level of students’ anxiety level, the researcher used mean, median and mode to know level of students’ anxiety at the classroom.

Mean (M). Mean is the total of the scores divided by the number of scores. To calculate the mean, you sum all of the scores and then divide the sum by the number of scores.

Median (Me). Median is the middle of a set of scores. This score is median. The median score divides the scores, rank-ordered from top to bottom, in

half. Fifty percent of the scores lie above the median and 50% the other of lie below the median. To

Calculate this score, the researchers array all scores in rank order and then determine what score. The median is halfway between all of the scores.


Chapter Four Finding and Discussion

In this chapter the researcher presents the finding of the research. The

findings are the answer of the research questions. The first research question is

“how is the level students’ anxiety in the classroom presentation”. The second

research question is “what are the causes of students’ anxiety in classroom

presentation at English education department of UMY”. The third research

question is “what are students’ strategies to encounter their anxiety in classroom

presentation”. The discussion of the finding is also presented in this chapter.


The findings of this study are divided into four sections. First one, the

findings on the research instruments involved reliability and validity. The

reliability and validity of the instrument are measured to determine whether or not

the instrument used to gather the data is reliable and valid. Second one is finding

on students’ anxiety level. Third one is finding on causes of anxiety in classroom

presentation. The last section is the finding on the students’ strategies to reduce

anxiety in classroom presentation.

Reliability, Validity, Normality and Missing Value

Reliability. The finding on reliability is shown by the range of cronbach alpa which provided a coefficient of each inter item correlation (Cohen, Manion,

& Morrison, 2011). The instrument of the study is categorized as valid if the range

of cronbach alpa is > 0.6. The reliability of this study was 808. It means that the


The validity. Validity of this instrument was verified through expert judgment. This instrument was consulted to several experts and a lecturer at

English Education Department and the experience researcher, thus they consider it

valid from the construct. The expert was a male experienced teacher, and two

others were males who know about quantitative studies. Before doing expert

judgment, the questionnaire that is used to measure three charateristics of

students’ anxiety consisted of 22 items. After doing expert judgment, the items

decreased becoming 20 items. Two items were removed because they had same

meaning with other questionnaires.

The normality. Normality of this study, the researcher attempts to find the normality from the skewness. Nineteen items had good normality since the

number of skewness was in in the range -1 to 1. But, there is one item which is not

included in the good criteria. This is number 18. The skweness of this numbers is


The missing data. Missing value of this study, the data showed that there was no missing value. It also reveals the value of mean, median, and mode of the

questionnaire that has been administrated. The mean is the average of the numbers

that have been calculated. Then, median is the middle of sort list of numbers,

whereas mode is the number that most appears in the set of list. The questionnaire

which was spread consisting of twenty items which were administered to ninety

participants. The finding revealed that the value of scale statistic mean was 56.78.

The data of students’ anxiety were obtained by giving the participants


English Education Department of UMY. The questionnaire was distributed to

ninety students of English Education Department UMY academic year 2013

The first research question of this research is “How is the level of students’

anxiety in the classroom presentation?” The finding shows that there are three

level students’ anxieties in classroom presentation of UMY. They are low,

moderate and high.

The data on students’ anxiety in classroom presentation were gained from

their anxiety score at English education department of UMY batch 2013. In order

to make the score easier to analyse, the researcher presented the score. After that


Table. 8 Students anxiety score

No Score No Score No Score No Score No Score

1 3.05 19 2.95 36 2.35 54 3.35 72 2.90

2 3.20 20 2.60 37 1.08 55 2.65 73 3.15

3 3.55 21 2.35 38 3.05 56 3.10 74 3.15

4 3.45 22 2.40 39 2.40 57 2.95 75 2.90

5 3.40 23 2.60 40 2.45 58 2.75 76 2.85

6 2.70 24 2.65 41 2.65 59 3.45 77 2.90

7 2.75 25 2.55 42 2.30 60 3.25 78 3.25

8 2.70 26 2.35 43 2.85 61 3.10 79 3.35

9 3.05 27 2.95 44 2.60 62 2.70 80 2.90

10 3.50 28 2.45 45 2.90 63 2.70 81 2.50

11 3.35 29 2.80 46 3.00 64 3.40 82 2.85

12 2.95 30 2.85 47 2.75 65 2.80 83 2.90

13 2.35 31 3.20 48 3.00 66 3.05 84 2.20

14 2.80 32 2.65 49 2.55 67 2.65 85 2.45

15 3.20 33 2.55 50 3.30 68 3.15 86 2.45

16 3.20 34 2.55 51 3.25 69 3.35 87 2.20

17 2.90 35 2.15 52 2.85 70 3.00 88 2.40

18 2.45 43 2.85 53 2.60 71 2.90 89 2.40


To analyse the level of the students’ anxiety in classroom presentation the table

below reported about the criteria in measure students’ anxiety level.

Table. 9 The Criteria of Level Value

1-2,5875 Low

2,5875-2,8500 Moderate

2,8500-3,1000 High

To find out the students’ anxiety score level, the researcher used the result

of students’ anxiety score. After that, the value of mean founded was 2.838. The

researcher used the value of mean to determine students’ anxiety level. To know

the criteria of anxiety level, researcher used percentile in SPSS to explain the

criteria of anxiety level. The level shown in number 2.838, the participants’

anxiety in classroom presentation could be categorized in Moderate level.

The Causes of Students’ Anxiety in Classroom Presentation

The second research question isWhat are the causes of the students’

anxiety in classroom presentation at English Education Department of UMY?”

Based on the questionnaire to the participants, the writer has got the data about

students’ anxiety in classroom presentation, more specifically the causes of the

students’ anxiety to present English in front of the classroom at English Education


According to the questionnaire, the table below describe about seven

questionnaires that related with causes of students anxiety.

Table. 10 Items of questionnaires and Percentage (%)

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree %(Students agree)

Q1 5 51 30 4 34 (37.7%)

Q2 7 49 33 1 34 (37.8%)

Q3 7 47 35 1 36(40%)

Q4 8 52 29 1 30(33.3%)

Q5 9 45 34 2 36(40%)

Q6 10 35 38 7 45(50%)

Q7 6 16 50 18 68(75.6)

Table. 11 Statement 1

I feel anxious when I deliver English presentation

Frequency Percent


Strongly disagree 5 5.6

Disagree 51 56.7

Agree 30 33.3

Strongly agree 4 4.4

Total 90 100.0

In this statement “I feel anxious when I deliver English presentation /Saya


above, it can be seen that there are fifty students’ who disagree, thirty students

who agree, five students who strongly disagree and four students who strongly

agree to that statement. It means that there are only thirty four students who are

anxious when doing presentation.

Table. 12 Statement 2

I am usually reproved by lecturers when I make a mistake in

English pronunciation, so I chose silence .

Frequency Percent


Strongly disagree 7 7.8

Disagree 49 54.4

Agree 33 36.7

Strongly agree 1 1.1

Total 90 100.0

For the result, forty nine students disagree to the statement of “I am

usually reproved by lecturers when I make a mistake in English pronunciation, so

I chose silence.” Meanwhile, thirty three who agree, seven students who strongly

disagree and only one student who strongly disagree. It means that thirty four


Table. 13 Statement 3

I feel shy when I deliver English presentation.

Frequency Percent

In this statement “I feel shy when I deliver English presentation.” Based

on the table above, it can be seen that there are forty seventh students who

disagree, thirty five students who agree, seventh students who strongly disagree,

and only one students who strongly agree. There are a few students of batch 2013

who shy when doing English presentation.

Table. 14 Statement 4

I am also bullied by friends in delivery English presentation.


The result from question four “Saya sering di buli dan ditertawakan temen

ketika presentasi Bahasa Inggris/ I am also bullied by friends in delivery English

presentation.” Fifty two students disagree, besides that only twenty nine students

who agree, eight students who strongly disagree, and one students only strongly

disagree. It means that thirty students feel bullied by their friends in deliver

English presentation.

Table. 15 Statement 5

I do not confident in deliver English presentation, because I do not

know how to pronunciation correctly

In this statement “Saya tidak percaya diri ketika belajar berbicara dalam

Bahasa Inggris karena saya tidak mengetahui cara pengucapan, susunan kata dan

grammar secara benarI do not confident in delivery English presentation because

I do not know how to pronunciation the words and grammar correctly.” Based on

the result above, 45 students (50, 0%) disagree, 34 students (37, 8%) agree, 9

students (10, 0%) strongly disagree and only 2 students (2, 2%) who strongly

agree. It means that there are only few students who cannot confidents in learning


Table. 16 Statement 6

I often feel anxious in deliver English presentation

Frequency Percent

In this statement “Saya merasa ragu ketika presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris

karena saya jarang latihan berbicara bahasa Inggris/I often feel anxious in deliver

English presentation” based on the statement above that there are thirty eight

students who agree, thirty five students who disagree, ten students who strongly

disagree, and seven students who strongly agree. It means that only forty five

students who anxious in deliver English presentation.

Table. 17 Statement 7

I feel that other students are more excellent in english than me


In this statement “Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih unggul Bahasa

Inggris nya pada saya/ I feel that other students are more excellent in English

than me.” Based on the result above, it can be seen that fifty students agree.

Eighteen students who strongly agree. Sixteen students who disagree and only six

students who strongly disagree. It means that most the students felt anxious by

thinking that friends were better in English.

Students Strategies to Encounter Students’ Anxiety

Table. 18 Percentage (%) of Students Strategies to Reduce Anxiety

No Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree %

Q10 10 11 33 36 69(76.7%)

Q11 7 10 42 31 73(81.1%)

Q13 5 15 50 20 70(77.8%)

Q14 5 18 44 23 67(74.5%)

Q15 4 10 50 26 76(84.5%)

Q16 7 10 45 28 73(81.1%)

Q17 5 10 42 33 75(83.4%)

Q18 5 7 37 41 78(86.7%)

Table. 19 Statement 10


Frequency Percent

Additionally, with the statement,” Saya senang belajar dan presentasi

dalam Bahasa Inggris/ I am glad to deliver English presentation.” It can be seen

from the table that only thirty six students strongly agree, eleven students

disagree. Beside that thirty students agree and only ten students strongly disagree.

Based on the reason a few respondents like a presentation method in English


Table. 20 Statement 11

I believe that I can speak /present in English is a great gift that is

important for the future.


dalam bahasa Inggris sebuah anugerah yang besar dan sangat penting untuk masa

depan/ I believe that I can speak /present in English is a great gift that is important

for the future” Forty two students agree and ten students disagree, thirty one

students who strongly agree and only seven students who strongly disagree. It

means that many students 2013 EED UMY agree with the statement above.

Table. 21 Statement 14

I am motivated and have confidence when I speak in front of other


Based on the table above, “Saya begitu semangat dan percaya diri ketika

belajar berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris di depan siswa lain/ I am

motivated and have confidence when I speak in front of other students. It can be

seen that forty four students stated agree, twenty three students choose strongly

agree, eighteen students disagree and only five students who strongly disagree. It

means that forty four students have more confident when speaking in front of the

other students.


anticipates to encounter their anxiety in some ways according to their participants,

such as:

Believe in their own ability

Table 22. Statement 13

I feel confident when I read and speak in English, although I am

not mastery English well and correctly.

Frequency Percent

In this statatment,” Saya merasa percaya diri ketika membaca dan

berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, walaupun saya kurang menguasai Bahasa Inggris

dengan baik dan benar.” Fifty students who agree, fifteen students who disagree,

twenty students stated strongly agree and only five students choose strongly

disagree. It means that fifty students feel confident to talk in English a second

language although they are not mastery English. Depending on seventy students’

responses, they have confidence than other students in deliver English

presentation. Besides that students should have positive thinking in English to

support their ability in presentation skill.



other students, they enjoy the conversation and their anxious will lose little by

little and it will away from them.

Table 23. Statement 15

I will learn slowly and confident in learning English

Frequency Percent


Strongly disagree 4 4.4

Disagree 10 11.1

Agree 50 55.6

Strongly agree 26 28.9

Total 90 100.0

From the statement, “Saya akan belajar lebih santai dan percaya diri ketika

belajar bahasa Inggris” it can be seen that fifty students choose agree, ten students

who disagree, twenty six students stated strongly agree, and four students choose

strongly disagree. It means that seventy six students used relax as strategy to

reduce anxiety in classroom presentation.

Study More

Table 24. Statement 16

I want to learn more about english to have english well and


Frequency Percent



Disagree 10 11.1

Agree 45 50.0

Strongly agree 28 31.1

Total 90 100.0

In this statement, “Saya ingin belajar lebih jauh tentang bahasa Inggris

agar bisa menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar.”Forty five students

agree with statements above, twenty eight students strongly agree, and ten

students stated disagree, only seventh students strongly disagree. It means that

seventy three students are serious when they study more to get mastery English.

According to seventy three students’ responses, they need to study more to reduce

their anxiety to speak English. They need to study more to make small group

discussion or make small club discussion using English or other method.

Read book

Table 25. Statement 17

I am happy when I read English conversation book.

Frequency Percent


buku tentang percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris.” Forty two students agree, and ten

students choose disagree, only five students stated strongly disagree, and thirty

three students strongly agree. It means that seventy five students are happy when

they read English conversation text.

Talk to Friends / Share

Table 26. Statement 18

I always ask my friend if there are vocabularies that i do not know

in speaking English.

Frequency Percent


Strongly disagree 5 5.6

Disagree 7 7.8

Agree 37 41.1

Strongly agree 41 45.6

Total 90 100.0

Additionally, with the statement,” Saya selalu bertanya pada teman saya

jika ada kosa kata yang tidak saya ketahui dalam pembicaraan Bahasa Inggris.” It

can be seen from the table that there only forty one students strongly agree, only

five students who strongly disagree, and thirty seven students agree, seventh

students disagree with statement above. It means that seventy eight students

always ask to their friends if they do not know about vocabularies in speaking



This part discusses about descriptive statistics of data analysis as

recognized in findings in order to answer three research questions by elaborating

findings and theories which have been reviewed in chapter two. The aims of this

study are to investigate students’ anxiety level of EED UMY in classroom

presentation, also to investigate the causes of students’ anxiety and to investigate

students’ strategies to reduce anxiety.

Students’ anxiety level in classroom presentation at EED UMY.

In this discussion, the data have been collected from the questionnaire.

The data was analyzed by SPSS and reported based on the statements in

questionnaire, included the students level, statement of the causes, and how the

strategies to reduce students anxiety in classroom presentation.

The result on students’ anxiety level at English Education Department

UMY batch 2013 had been presented in table (7) shows that there were 2.838. It

means that a student feel anxious in the classroom presentation and their anxiety

is at moderate level. Although their anxiety is at moderate level, their anxiety may

hamper their learning process especially when they do a presentation. It is in line

with Aida (1994), Maclntyre and Gardner (1991), in Tsiplakides (2009, p.39) who

stated that: “Empirical research shows that anxious foreign language students are less

willing to participate in learning activities, and have lower performance than

non-anxious students” it means that non-anxious can influence to students’ english activites.


in showing thier presentation. During the process of study, the research found that

there were students that they fear of presentation because the students lack of

confident and lack of preparation. It means students have a problem in thier self

between the confident and prparation.

The Causes of Students’ Anxiety to Present in Classroom.

Self-perceptions. Based on the findings of the research, this study exposed that most of students’ in EED UMY batch 2013 have anxious in deliver

English presentation. This study found that self-perfection is a problem for

students in English classroom presentation. This problem appears because

students do not confidence and feel shy in their self to talk in front of audience.

Beside that students fear of other students bulling in convey material. From the

result above that students feel anxious when they have negative thinking.

According to Subaşi (2010) stated that students’ self-perception of their ability is the

main of problem in apprehension. It means that self-perceptions is a problem for

students in English classroom presentation.

Fear of making mistake. Making mistake is a typical conditions that done by people in any situation. Besides that, making mistake should be reduce and handle

to get the feel confidence in their activities. This is in line with Jones (2004) stated

that fear of making mistake is one of factor that influences to students apprehension.

This happen in students EED UMY batch 2013 in classroom presentation.

Lack of confident. Lack of confident is one of the factors in the second language anxiety and it can make students feel nervous to express their opinion in


Awang (2010) said that anxiety is one of the wide varieties of feeling and

activities disorders. The students feel that they are going to be worried for their

mistakes when they are speaking English in classroom presentation. It is likely a

typical condition of students of English education department of Muhammadiyah

University Yogyakarta as indicated by the findings that there are 55, 6% who

agree that they felt anxious.

Lack of preparation. The next cause is lack of preparation. The findings show that the students in English education department of Muhammadiyah

University batch 2013 are lack of preparation, and it is one of the causes of

students’ anxiety in the classroom presentation. When students’ have lack of

preparation in deliver English classroom presentation, they feel embarrassed at

this moment. Referring to this, students should have time for preparation before

delivering presentation in front of the classroom and students should anticipate

their language based on the strategies that they have.

Fear of negative evaluation. Fear of negative evaluation means that students fear of lecturer corrections if students’ wrong in pronunciations or wrong

in deliver English presentation.It is line withWatson et al in Toth, (2008) argued

that fear of negative evaluation comes from students’ apprehension about other’s


Students’ strategies to encounter anxiety in classroom presentation.

In order to become successful language learners, students are required

having strategies in encountering anxiety in English classroom presentation. The

strategies can be effective for them to encounter anxiety in classroom

presentation. Based on the findings, the students’ strategies include believing in

students’ own ability, staying relax, studying more, reading books, and talking to

friends or sharing.

Believing in students’ own ability. Based on the findings, when students present, they just focus on finishing their presentation. They tried to make

classroom enjoyable and relax or they could use funny story to make the students

more comfortable. In this regard, they tried to adjust with their uncomfortable

feeling, for example, like being shy. To assume that all friends also feel the same

way makes students believe that they are in the same level. To believe in their own

ability makes them far from feeling nervous. Then, it makes easy for them to

deliver their English classroom presentation.

Verbal communication teachers should identify the signs of perfectionism

in the learners and should work to explore their earlier belief systems in order to

help them to step down from the set standards at the early stages and then they

work patiently to achieve the desired standards gradually. It is line with

(Onwuegbuzie in Tranveer, 2007, p.58) Instructors can “build students’

confidence and self-esteem in their second/foreign language ability via


Relax before presenting at English classroom. According to participants, they have already got strategies to reduce anxiety in classroom presentation. For

example, before they present their presentation, they have already done practices

to present English at home before showing and try to say what is coming to their

mind, from this they tried to say whatever came through in their mind. They keep

on trying to speak and stays relax. Here, they tried to relax or calm to present

English in front of classroom. Marwan (2007) argued that, there are four strategies

that learners can use in reducing the anxiety, such as preparation, relaxation,

positive thinking and peer seeking. Many students used believing in students’ own

ability, relax before presenting at English classroom, a study more, read book, talk

and share with friends or lecturer when students do not understand. In this

condition Marwan also suggested that students should know their causes of FLA

and used the strategies to handle anxiety.

A study more. A study moreof the preparation for the talk, the students are able to find out the difficult words. Besides that, the students will be easier to

master English language before presenting English in classroom presentation.

Marwan (2007) argued that, students can use in encountering the anxiety, such as

preparation, relaxation, positive thinking and peer seeking. Speaking in front of

the mirror at home is an exercise that learning English as presentation can be done

in other or many ways. It is not only in classroom but students can try their own

ability to present and speak English at home. In other words, students should try

to hear and relax when the lecturer explain material or other. It can be good


Read the book. Read book and try to find synonym of the word. It will improve English skills of presenting/speaking. According to Hodgson and Tarigan

(2008: 7) reading is the one conducted and utilized by readers to get the message

carried by the writer through the speaking or writing. Students should prepare

before presenting the material using English, trying to read the book, trying to

understand the topic before speak, taking the statement and words that is easy to

master and understand before explain, studying and preparing carefully what we

will say in deliver English presentation. Furthermore, the participants can use the

strategies above to reduce their anxious in speaking English.

Talk and ask to friends. Talk and ask to friends or lecturer when they do not understand, with asks to friends or lecturer, student will understand what the

friends or lecturer explain. They do every task of the lecturer as much as possible,

if the students do the task and turned out to be true. Teachers should have time to

discuss in the class by pointing out that it is very common for students to feel

uncomfortable, uneasy and anxious though speaking English, thus inviting their

thinks about its possible reasons as well as solutions. (Price, 1991, as cited in

Tranveer, 2007). It will be great outcomes from the teacher/lecturer and students

will be proud and glad, certainly improves their confidence in English classroom


Chapter Five

Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter present conclusion and recommendation related to what the

researcher has organized and discussed.


At the last chapter, this chapter presents the summary of this research in

conclusion and recommendation of the research.

In this research, the researcher discussed about students anxiety level. The

researcher investigated ninety students at English Education Department of

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta batch 2013. Those participants filled the

questionnaire as the instrumental of this research on how students’ anxiety in

classroom presentation was measured. The result showed that students’ anxiety at

English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta has

Moderate level. The data showed that the level of students’ anxiety was 2.838.

Thus, students’ speaking skill at English Education Department UMY batch 2013

was moderate.

Based on the previous discussed and analysis of some of the causes of the

students’ anxiety in classroom presentation, the researcher concludes that there are

five causes in English classroom presentation. The causes of students’ anxiety are

related to self-perceptions, fear of making mistakes, lack of confidence, lack of

preparation and fear of negative evaluation.

The students’ strategies in encountering English anxiety at English


presentation include believing in their own ability, being relax, studying more,

reading book, and talking to friends/sharing.

The researcher gets the points that all of strategies to encounter students’

anxiety in classroom presentation are very useful for presenting/speaking skill

improvement. The strategies to encounter students’ anxiety in classroom

presentation are: first one, to assume that all the friends also feel the same way.

Second one, believe in their own ability. They can completely do it and keep on

trying to deliver English presentation relax and better. Third one, study more and

preparing before presenting English as much as possible.

By using the strategies above, students can handle anxiety in presentation

skill and make easier to be done and more effective in delivering English

presentation. Therefore, students need confident and preparation towards good

presentation in English classroom activities.


Based on the result of the research findings, the researcher would like to give

some suggestion for the following people:

For English lecturer. Since anxiety can have profound effects on many aspects of foreign language learning. It is important to be able to identify those

students who are particularly anxious in classroom presentation. Lecturers should

develop strategy to encounter anxiety in classroom presentation. For the reason

that students different and lecturers must to give suggestions, lecturers should take


For the students. The students are hoped to be more creative in

developing strategies which ones are suitable for their needs. They can share their

strategies toward other students and they can adopt the other students’ strategies.

In addition, they are hoped to can encountering anxiety in classroom presentation

as well as possible.

For other researcher. For other researcher who wants to conduct a research about students’ strategies to encountering anxiety in classroom

presentation. The result of this study can be used as additional reference for

further research with different discussion domain of students’ strategies to



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