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Communication and Information Minister VS Blackberry (RIM)


Academic year: 2017

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Arsip Berita


Communication and Information Minister VS Blackberry (RIM) Tanggal: 2011-12-14

Communication and Information Minister VS Blackberry (RIM)

Malang, (14/12) of new cases feud between the two technologies frontman Indonesia re-occur because of RIM re-abuse mess with new, more painful for the nation. Menkominfo demanding to RIM for promising Since RIM has ignored the government of Indonesia, it is viewed as RIM has built a server and a new plant, rather than in Indonesia but in Singapore and Malaysia that Indonesia will remain a "cash cow" for the rim and the big advantage will be enjoyed by these two neighboring countries, this is contrary to the wishes Menkominfo remember Indonesia is a large market share for RIM Blackberry users with the number reaching 10 million subscribers. This is the basis for its claim Menkominfo in 2010 yesterday. RIM regarding this case can be said to have been harassing the people of Indonesia because the largest number of users in Asia, the main reference is the Indonesia government Indonesia has Blackberry users are very large, because we know Praise be to Allaah WORLD RIM's market share has fallen sharply and is currently their main focus is to market products in Indonesia. (Remember the year 2012 will soon be gliding ITE bill requires that the perpetrator and the internet industry and the networking required to build a Data Centre in Indonesia) This is done by the RIM to respond to complaints from the government of Indonesia, RIM has built 50 sevice center in Indonesia. Menkominfo party also does not force RIM to build up a factory in Indonesia. Although Indonesia is actually party disappointed by the decision of the rim. RIM consideration not to build a plant in Indonesia because of possible security in Indonesia for investments less secure.

Suggestion: should the government and the RIM should discuss this issue again. If the RIM does not comply with the agreed rules of the party entitled to conduct ultimatums Indonesia firm will shut down or block content BlackBerry as a last alternative.

Conclusion: most use of the BlackBerry just as a lifestyle, misuse of which has not been a good investment in Indonesia, the security problem in Indonesia is also inadequate for investment


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