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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Reg. Number: 2113321048





SelliaElhawa. 2113321048. The Effect of Contextual Guessing Technique on Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement.A Thesis.English Department.Faculty of Language and Arts.State University of Medan. 2015

This study intended to find out the effect of contextual guessing technique on students’ reading comprehension achievement. It was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of this study was the first (X) grade students of SMAN 1Binjai. It consisted of 210 students with six parallel classes. Seventy students were chosen as the sample by using random sampling technique. There were two randomized groups, namely experimental group and control group. Class X-1 with 35 students became the experimental group while class X-3 with 35 students became the control group. The experimental group was taught by using Contextual Guessing Technique and the control group was taught by Before, During and After Technique. The instrument which was used for collecting the data was multiple choice test. The data was analyzed by using t-test formula. The result showed that the mean score in experimental group is higher than control group, namely 88.11 for experimental group and 79.2 for control group. The value of tobserved (4.05) is higher than the value of ttable (1.997) (α = 0.05) with the degree of freedom (df) = 68. So, alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the effect of contextual guessing technique on students’ reading comprehension achievement.




All praises and the greatest thankfulness to almighty Allah SWT who has

blessed, given time, opportunity, health, and mercy to the writer in finishing this thesis entitled “The Effect of Contextual Guessing Technique on Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement” to fulfill the requirements for the degree

of SarjanaPendidikan (S.Pd) at English Department, Faculty of Languages and

Arts, State University of Medan.

In the process of writing this thesis, so many people that always assist,

support, prayers, suggest, help, advice, and motivate the writer. Therefore, the

writer would like to express her thankful and her sincere appreciation that directed


Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd.,The Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum.,The Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., The Head of English and Literature

Department as well as her Academic Consultant, Reviewer, and Examiner.  Dra. Meisuri, M.A., The Secretary of English Department.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S.,S.Pd.,M.Hum., The Head of English Education Study Program.

Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed.,her Thesis Consultant I who has given his precious time to give valuable advice and guidance in the process of

writing this thesis.

RafikaDewiNasution, S.Pd., M.Hum., her Thesis Consultant II who has given many suggestion and guidance in the process of writing this thesis.  Dra.TjutErnidawaty,M.Pd.,and Drs.Muhammad Natsir, M.Hum.,her

Reviewers and Examiners who have given suggestion and comments.  Dr.SitiAisahGinting, M.Pd,.her Academic Consultant who has given



Eis Sri wahyuningsih, S.Pd.,M.Pd., and Mr. PantesThe administration staffs of English and Literature Department who always helped the writer

during her academic year.

Mr. Suyoto, S.Pd.,M.Si.,The Headmaster of SMAN 1 Binjai who has given the permission to conduct the research in the school. And also for

students in X-1 and X-3 for their participation and attention during the


Sumitro and Suhaida, S.Pd,.her beloved parentswho have given love, prayers, support, advice, suggest, motivation, financial support, and has

struggled so much for her. And also for her beloved younger brother

M.AlgiFari for the support and prayer.

MuhammadDeviAnshari,SST.,her special man that always give his time, support, motivation, and suggest to her.

PuputWulandanaSiregar, RatnaPurnamaSiregar, PepiHandayani, Triana Sari, PhupuhCitra Dewi, AyuPurnamaSari,

TutwuriSitumeang, KhalidaNasution and Extention B 2011, her best

friends for helping, support, suggest, and so nice friendship.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis can give the contribution to the English

Education students and also further pedagogical research.

Medan, Maret 2016

The Writer




1. Students Achievement In Reading Comprehension ... 7

2. Reading ... 8

b. The Grammatical Feature Of Narrative Text ... 13

7. Levels Of Comprehension ... 14

a. Literal Comprehension ... 14

b. Interpretative Comprehension ... 14

c. Critical Comprehension ... 15

8. Contextual Guessing Technique ... 17

9. Advantage Of Using Contextual Guessing Technique ... 18

10. Procedures Of Using Contextual Guessing Technique ... 19


C. Hypothesis... 21

3. Teaching Presentation (Treatment) ... 25

4. Post-Test ... 27









Table 1.1The Percentage of Score ... 3

Table 2.1 The application of level comprehension ... 15

Table 3.1The Research Design ... 22

Table 3.2 Number of Population ... 23

Table 3.3 Number of Student ... 24

Table 3.4 Teaching Procedures of Experimental Group ... 26

Table 3.5 Teaching Procedures of Control Group ... 27

Table 3.6 Table of Specification ... 29

Table 4.1 Student’s score in Pre-test ... 33



Pages Appendix A. The Scores of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental Group . 43

Appendix B. The Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Experimental Group 45

Appendix C. The Calculation of T-Test in Experimental Group... 47

Appendix D. The Calculation of T-Test of Control Group ... 49

Appendix E. The Calculation of T-Test ... 51

Appendix F. The Scores of Two Raters Reliability ... 53

Appendix G. Percentage Points of the T Distribution ... 55

Appendix H. Lesson Plan ... 57





A. The Background of the Study

Language is very important for human life. It stands at the center of human

affairs, from the most prosaic to the most profound. Language is used to convey our

ideas, feelings, and thoughts to the listeners or other people. English is one of

languages in this world. There are about billion people in the world today learning

English as a foreign language. It continues to spread, not only as the global language

but also as the language of science, technology, and advanced research. It shows that

English is so important nowadays especially for students.

There are four language proficiencies that must be achieved in learning

English language namely listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Reading is one of

most important skills in language learning besides listening, speaking and writing. In

reading, the students are expected to be knowledge and familiar with what the teacher

has explained in the context, while in reading comprehension, the students are

expected to have more skills than just to explain individual text or passages after

comprehending them. It means that the purpose of reading is to get some skills in

understanding the text.

Reading comprehension is a good way to develop and understand English,

but most of students still find it difficult to have reading comprehension though they



have done it for many years. They do not know how to comprehend a text and get

some information from text. Consequently, the students become slow and get bored

easily. Therefore, reading is in the fact not as easy as people think about. Most people

read a text without comprehending on how they do it since they assume reading

comprehension is not very important. They think reading is just a task of a little

concern. So it is not a problem for the teacher in teaching reading in the classroom.

In Educational unit level curriculum ( Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

( KTSP), the objective of teaching reading is clearly stated. One of the objectives is

students are expected to be competent in comprehending reading in various English

texts. For senior High School students, they were expected to be able to comprehend

the meaning of written text: recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item,

spoof, report, analytical exposition, hortatory, explanation, discussion, and review in

daily life context.

Based on Educational unit level curriculum, the narrative text is one genre

that must be mastered by students in learning English. And theoretically, according to

(http://www.isdariyanto.com/defenition-of-narrative-text) a narrative text is a text

amuses, entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.

Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some

kind, which in turn finds a resolution. So, narrative text is a text which contain



In reality, most of students always get difficulties when they are asked to

comprehend texts. Based on the writer’s observation in SMA NEGERI 1 BINJAI, student’s achievement in reading is still very low especially in understanding texts.

There are reasons why some students have difficulty with reading

comprehension. Some students have difficulties because they have not truly mastered

reading fluently. When a student is struggling to read words and focuses so hard on

just saying the words correctly, they are not focusing on what they are reading. All of

their cognitive ability is being put into calling out the correct words properly and only

put a little effort into the meaning of what is being read (Woolley, 2010). Based on

the writer’s observation, interviewed with the students and the teacher in the school,

the students’ ability in reading was still low, because most of the students get the

score under Minimal Competence Criteria (KKM) of English lesson for Senior High

School. The score of reading test from the students can be seen in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 The Second Grade (X) Students’ Score of Reading Test

Semesters Score Students Percentage Mean

1st Semester 2014/2015 <75 25 71.42

The Minimal Competence Criteria (KKM) applied for the tenth grade (X) by



reading in that class is still low. It can be seen from the mean of the students’ score

where the mean is still under the Minimal Completeness Criteria.

The writer found some problem with students in SMA NEGERI 1 BINJAI.

The problems that the students still feel strange and face some difficulties with

English lesson, especially in reading comprehension. The students have difficulties to

find out the meaning of sentences in a text.

In improving students’ reading skill, contextual guessing technique can be

applied to find out what the students know, what they are thinking and how to

stimulate them to think. The students can guess the information of reading text to find

out some interesting information. It means that using contextual guessing technique

can be made as the way of teaching to get some information from reading texts.

Before students read, the teacher asks the students to find prior knowledge, make

predictions, and wonder about big ideas that are not answered in the text. Contextual

guessing technique can be a focusing and refining device for expanding vocabulary

and for developing all level of comprehension, including critical and creative reading.

Therefore, using this technique will help the students to enlarge their thinking. In

other word, contextual guessing technique makes students to be good reader who can



B. The Problem of the Study

In conducting research, the problem must be clearly stated in order that the

objective of the study and the method used can be meaningfully determined. As

related do the background of this study the problem of this study is formulated as

follows: “is there any significant effect of contextual guessing technique (CGT) on

students’ reading comprehension achievement?”

C. The Scope of the Study

The study is focused on the effect of contextual guessing technique in

reading comprehension. It is reading narrative text. On the other hand, in this case,

there are 3 activities in using contextual guessing technique such as making

prediction, answering selection, and using context clues.

D. The Objective of the Study

In line with the research problem formulated on the previous section, this

study intends to find out the effect of contextual guessing technique (CGT) on

students’ reading comprehension achievement specifically narrative text. It means

that using contextual guessing technique will increase the students’ achievement



E. The Significance of the Study

The results of this study are expected to be useful for:

1. The English teachers who wants to improve the students’ reading

comprehension through using contextual guessing technique. She asks the

students to make prediction, answer selection, and use context clues in

teaching reading.

2. The English students who use contextual guessing technique to overcome

their difficulties in reading comprehension through make prediction,

answer selection, and use context clues. It means that by using contextual

guessing technique, the students can promote critical thinking about what

they read, give some opportunities to improve their ability expressing their

ideas, or opinions directly and make the students are more active in





A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded:

1. Teaching reading skill by using contextual guessing technique

significantly affects on students’ achievement in reading narrative text. It

can be seen from the data which had obtained in the post-test of

experimental group.

2. The calculation of the data in the hypothesis showed that t-observed

4.05 was higher than t-table 1.997, it means that the alternative

hypothesis (H0) is acceptable.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion drawn, the results of findings contribute some

valuable suggestions, they are:

1. The English teachers are suggestions to use contextual guessing

technique to improve their attitude and skill during the teaching and

learning process.

2. The students are suggested to apply contextual guessing technique to

improve their reading comprehension ability, attitude and skill.

3. For the schools, it is expected that they provide the media needed for

teaching English.



4. For other researchers, who that to study more about contextual guessing

technique, this research could be advisable reference.

Finally, the writer considers that this study still need validation from the next




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Table 1.1The Percentage of Score  ....................................................................
Table 1.1 The Second Grade (X) Students’ Score of Reading  Test


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