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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 2103121018






First of all the writer would like to expresses deepest thank Jesus Christ,

the Almighty God. Because of His great love and blessing, the writer could finally

complete this thesis as one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan (S-1) at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State

University of Medan.

During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she can not

accomplish without God blessings and supporting from many people, therefore

the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department. 4. Dra. Meisuri, MA., the Secretary of English Department.

5. Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Program.

6. Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum., the Head of English Literature Program.

7. Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing,M.Pd., as Thesis Supervisor I and Rita Suswati,S.Pd., M.Hum., as Thesis SupervisorII.

8. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., her Academic Supervisor. 9. Drs. Belman Purba, Headmaster of SMA N 2 Bandar.

10.MamFlora Ida Siahaan, BA, her tutor as English teacher in SMA N 2 Bandar.

11.W. Sipayung and E. Lingga (+), her beloved parents.



13.Putri H. Sinaga(+), Veronika Napitu, Syarifah I.T. Nst, Sinde E. Lbn. Raja, Fadillah Alwi, Adi Pranata S, her best friends in Regular B 2010 Education and PPLT SMA N 2 Bandar 2013.

The writer realizes that the content of this thesis is still far from being

perfect but she warmly welcomes any constructive suggestions that to improve the

quality of this thesis. She hopes this thesis would be useful for those who are

interested in this field of study.

Medan, February 2015 The Writer,




Sipayung, Fransiska . 2103121018. The Effect of Applying Paired Story Telling Technique on Students’ Reading Comprehension A Thesis: English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2014.

This study deals with the effect of Paired Story Telling on Students’ Reading Comprehension. This research used experimental design. The population of this research was students of Grade XI, State Senior High School 2 Bandar which are consisted 180 students. There were 60 students from the population taken as the sample in this research. The sample was divided into randomized groups: experimental and control group. The experimental group was taught by using Paired Story Telling (PST) technique, while the control group was taught by Traditional Technique. To obtain the reliability of the test, the researcher applied Kuder Richardson 21 formula (KR-21). The result of the reliability was 0.52. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The analysis showed that the scores of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the students in the control group at the level of significance 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 58, t-observed value 5.87 > t-table value 2.00. The finding indicated that using Paired Story Telling (PST) Technique significantly affected on students’ reading comprehension. Therefore alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted.




A.Theoretical Framework ... 8

1. Reading ... 8

2. Reading Comprehension ... 8

3. Reading Comprehension Process ... 10

4. Range of Comprehension ... 12

5. Narrative Text ... 13

6. Level Of Comprehension... 14

7. Factors Affecting Comprehension ... 18

8. The Nature of Technique ... 20

9. Paired Story Telling Technique (PST) ... 21

10. The Instructional Activity of Paired StoryTelling Technique ... 22

11. The Advantages and Disadvantages ofUsing Paired Story Telling ... Technique……… ... 23

B. Conceptual Framework ... 24




A.Research Design ... 28

B. Population and Sample ... 29

1. Population ... 29

2. Sample... 29

C.Instrument for Collecting Data ... 29

D.The Procedures of the Research ... 31

F. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 36

1. The Validity of the Test ... 36

2. The Reliability of the Test ... 36

G.Technique for Analyzing Data... 37

H.Statistical Hypothesis... 38


A.Testing Reliability of the test ... 39

B. The Data... 39


A.Conclusion ... 42

B. Suggestions ... 42





Table 2.1 Relation between Range and Level Comprehension ... 16

Table 3.1 Research Design ... 28

Table 3.2 Attitude Rubric Assessment ... 30

Table 3.3 Skill Rubric Assessment ... 30

Table 3.4 Teaching Procedures in Experimental Group by Using Paired Story Telling Technique ... 32

Table 3.5 Teaching Procedures in Control Group by Using Traditional Technique ... 34

Table 3.6 Table of Specification ... 36

Table 4.1 The Data ... 39







Pages APPENDIX A The Score of the Pre-Test and Post-Test

of Experimental and Control Group ... 45

APPENDIX B The Score of the Reliability of the Test ... 47

APPENDIX C The Calculation of the Reliability of the Test ... 48

APPENDIX D The Calculation of the T-Test (table) ... 49

APPENDIX E The Calculation of the T-test ... 51

APPENDIX F Percentage Points of the T Distribution ... 52

APPENDIX G Skill Observation of Experimental group ... 53

APPENDIX H Skill Observation of Control Group ... 54

APPENDIX I Attitude Observation of Experimental Group ... 55

APPENDIX J Attitude Observation of Control Group ... 56

APPENDIX K Observation Sheet ... 57

APPENDIX L Pre-Test and Post-Test Items ... 59





A. The Background of Study

Nothing can do without studying. By studying everything can be changed.

Actually the behavior and the mind set can accommodate this attention. In

Indonesia, learning for nine years is compulsory to children. In addition, learning

English is the major in the institute of education. In school English is taught as

foreign language.

Mastering the language is compulsorily to students. In this case, students

are expected to have the language skills and have to master them. And one of the

language skills is reading, and it is very necessary in teaching learning process.

Reading can be done in the various activities or types. They are skimming

(reading rapidly for the main points), scanning (reading rapidly to find a specific

piece of information, extensive (reading a longer text, often for pleasure with

emphasize on overall meaning), intensive (reading a short text for detailed


All the activities or styles above are merely for a purpose. A purpose here

is aimed to looking for the meaning. That is why reading is the complex activities

because it is not just saying symbols in the writing form but also have to think and

find the meaning.

Reading for meaning is also called as reading comprehension. Dallman, et

all (1982:25) cites that reading comprehension itself is a process of making sense



language.Moreover the meaning of the text is being read necessary to know. The

intention or idea of author plays the main part in the reading comprehension.

In addition Sousa (2005:42) states that comprehension of reading

materials occurs when readers are able to place the meaning of individual words

into the structure and context of the entire sentence. It means that readers should

construct the meaning from the entire text.

Reading comprehension becomes important part because it will give some

advantages to the readers. It will be easier for students to gain a lot of information

from various sources that can add their insights to the world and its development.

They also get more additional knowledge which the authors didn’t cited in the


Moreover reading is the central role in teaching learning process. That is

really seen from the researcher’s observation at the relevance school. Half of their

score is taken from the mastering of reading and other from the other aspects of

skills. Thus it is compulsory for students to master the reading.

Reading comprehension also has been included in National Examination.

It means that reading comprehension gives the contribution to pass the National

Examination. In the reality, many students could not pass it because they were not

able comprehended the text well. That was happened because they were lack in

the vocabulary and the text were too long. As the result they got bad score and did

not pass the National Examination.

Then Educational Level- Oriented Curriculum on 2013 for high school



the students to be able to comprehend text in form of recount, narrative,

procedure, descriptive, and report in the context daily life.Then in this curriculum

students are expected not only have the knowledge of the topic being discussed

but also they have the attitude and skill. All of these criteria will be valued based

on the relevance rubric.

Moreover based on the researcher’s observation on the relevance school,

students mostly got the bad score or even under the standardized score (KKM) 65

especially in reading comprehension. They are difficult to understand the reading

comprehension, more over when it is in the longer text.

To get the main idea of the text is really hard. Some of them waited for

their friends’ answer, or even cheated with their friends. They did it because they

are not interested in reading moreover in reading longer text. Mostof students

thought words or vocabulary that are used in text are difficult. Dictionaries are

rarely brought to school when there is English subject. They are truly less in

vocabulary and motivation. The required teacher always remind them to do the

reading habitual. But in reality they did not care about it. The teacher must give

the full attention of this condition so that reading class can be more useful.

How to teach readingin order to teach students to get the idea (reading

comprehension) are not really seen in school. Based on the researcher’s

observation that has been done in school, the teacher used the traditional

technique in teaching reading. As the result, students felt bored so they did not



The researcher takes related research from other thesis as principle or

comparison in this research. The first thesis is written by Iskandar, Sudarsono and

Syarif Husin stated in their thesis about “Students’ Participation on Reading

Comprehension Class Taught by Paired Story Telling Strategy”.They were

students from FKIP UNTAN in Pontianak. This thesis discussed the students’

participation in teaching learning process taught by Paired Story Telling strategy.

This thesis also answered the research question “How is the students’ participation

on reading comprehension class taught by Paired Story Telling strategy?” It was

descriptive study. The data were collected through classroom observation. The

research findings indicated that the students showed active participation in the

reading comprehension class taught by Paired Story Telling strategy (Iskandar, et

all: 2013)

The other research is written by Anita lie (1994) in Paired Story Telling:

an Integrated Approach for Bilingual and English as a Second Language Students,

states that Paired Story Telling provided opportunities for one on one interaction

among students around school tasks and give the opportunity to students to use

the target language communicatively. The cooperative working improves group

relations, increases self-esteem, and increases vocabulary acquisition.

In the research findings above, reading comprehension is an important part

and complex cognitive process. It states the meaning from the entire text by

reconstructing the idea. A particular technique is needed that can improve the



Based on the phenomenon, an appropriate technique is needed. It is

important to make the teaching and learning process more effectively and

interesting. There were so many techniques can be applied in reading

comprehension class. One of them is paired story telling technique. Paired Story

Telling technique has developed as an interactive approach between students,

teachers and learning materials (Lie, 2010: 71).

In this technique, the teacher must understand the students' ability to

activate their ability and experience to be more meaningful learning materials.

This technique has some procedures when it is applied in the classroom. Firstly,

the material or text is divided into two parts. After brainstorming, students are

asked to work in pairs and each member on the group will get different part of the

text. After reading the text, students should find and write the key words based on

the text they got and change over the key words to their paired partner. Finally,

students create the complete material, read the material and discuss it.

In addition Paired Story Telling technique stimulates students to develop

thinking skill and imagination. Students are also motivated to work cooperatively.

Teacher appreciates the results of the students thinking so that they will be

encouraged to continue learning. This technique is expected to make students

interested in reading text, especially in reading various English texts.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested to conduct an

experimental research entitled “The Effect of Applying Paired Story Telling



B. The Problem of Study

Based on the phenomenon above, the problem of the study is formulated

as follows:

“Is there any significant effect of Paired Story Telling technique on

students’ reading comprehension?”

C. The Scope of Study

In order to restrict the discussion of the study, the researcher focuses on

the effect of Paired Story Telling Technique on students’ reading comprehension

at literal, inferential and critical comprehension on narrative text.

D. The Objective of Study

The objective of the study is aimed at finding out the significant effect on

reading comprehension by applying Paired Story Telling technique.

E. The Significance of Study

There are two kinds of benefits in this study: theoretical and practical

benefits. The expected result of the study both theoretical and practical benefits


1. Theoretical Benefits

Theoretically this study has significance to other researchers, who are



2. Practical benefits

Practically this study has significance to English Teacher and Students.

English teachers who want to get the further information about the

technique in reading comprehension and enlarge their experience in teaching

reading comprehension.

Students who want to improve their skill and stimulate them in their





A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings, the researcher concluded that there was a

significant effect of applying Paired Story Telling technique on students’ reading

comprehension. The scores of the students that were taught by applying Paired

Story Telling technique were also higher than those who were taught by

Traditional technique with lecturing method. Therefore, this research proved that

teaching reading by applying Paired Story Telling technique was more effective

than teaching reading comprehension by using Traditional technique that is with

lecturing method.

teaching reading comprehension by applying Paired Story Telling

technique, so that the students can comprehend on what they had read.

2. Students are advised to have more practices in reading by applying

Paired Story Telling technique.

3. For other researchers, to conductcan develop related research to help

teacher to improve the learning technique specially in reading


Table 2.1 Relation between Range and Level Comprehension ..............
Figure 2.1Model of Reading Comprehension ................................................


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