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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Reg.Number 2113321042





Sari, Ratna Purnama. 2113321042. The Effect Of Contextual Guessing Technique On Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement in Descriptive

Text. A Thesis Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.


This study deals with the effect of Contextual Guessing Technique (CGT) on students’ reading comprehension achievement in descriptive text. The problem of the study is to find out whether Contextual guessing Technique significantly affects students’ achievement in reading descriptive text or not. This study was conducted by using experimental design. The population of the study was the students of eighth grade of SMP Negeri 3 Perbaungan in academic years 2014/2015, there were 5 parallel classes of grade VIII. There were two classes selected to be sample. The experimental group (VIII-2) was taught by using CGT, while the control group was taught by applying conventional technique. The data of the study was obtained from the students’ scores of reading test. There were two kinds of test used in this study. They were pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed by applying t-test formula. After analyzing the data, the result of the study showed that t-observed (2,322) was higher than t-table (2,024) (t-observed > t-table) at the level of significance of p=0,05 and the degree of freedom (df) = 38. Thus, it can be concluded that applying CGT significantly affects students’ achievement in reading descriptive text, or in other words, the null hypothesis is rejected; therefore, the alternative hypothesis is accepted.




All praises and the greatest thankfulness to almighty Allah SWT who has blessed, given time opportunity, health and mercy to the writer in finishing this thesis entitled “The Effect of Contextual Guessing Technique on Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement in Descriptive Text” to fulfill the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) at English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan.

In the process of writing this thesis, so many people that always assist, support, prayers, suggest, help advice, and motivate the writer. Therefore, the writer would like to express her thankful and her sincere appreciation that directed to:

1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., The Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Language and Arts Faculty. 3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature

Department and as her Reviewer and Examiners who have given suggestion and comments in completing this Thesis.

4. Dra. Meisuri, M. A., the Secretary of English Department.

5. Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S., S.Pd., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Study Program.

6. Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Ed., as her First Thesis Advisor, who has given her precious time to give valuable advice and guidance in the process of writing this Thesis.

7. Drs. Willem Saragih, Dipl. Appl. M.Pd., as her Second Thesis Advisor, who also has given many suggestion and guidance in the process of writing this Thesis.

8. Dr. I Wayan Dirgeyasa, M.Hum., as her Reviewers and Examiners who has given suggestion and comments in completing this Thesis.

9. Eis Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd., M.Pd., the administration staff of English and Literature Department who always helped the writer during her academic year.

10.Her beloved Parents Rustam Efendi Siregar and Samsiah Harahap, who always given love, prayer, support, motivation, financial support, and has struggle so much for her. And also for her beloved young sister Desi Ulfiana Siregar for help and support in finishing this Thesis.


12.Her beloved boyfriends Ravi Ramadana Hasibuan, S.H., who always given supports, motivation, pray and love in finishing this Thesis.

13.Tagor, S.Pd., the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 3 Perbaunganwho has given permission to conduct the research in the school.

14.Her beloved friends who struggling for thesis, (Sellia Elhawa, Puput Wulandana Siregar, Tutwuri Situmeang, Ayu Purnama sari) and her boarding mate (Triana Sary, Pepi Handayani)

15.All her class members in Ext.b (2011) and he friends in PPLT 2014 SMA Muhammadiyah 8 Kisaran for the togetherness and experiences shared. And also for those who cannot be mentioned one by one.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis can give the contribution to the English Education students and also further pedagogical research.

Medan, Agustus 2016 The Writer




A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 4

C. The Scope of the Study ... 5

D. The objective of the Study ... 5

E. The Significance of the Study ... 5


A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. Contextual Guessing Technique ... 6

2. Advantages of Using Contextual Guessing Technique ... 7

3. Procedure of Using Contextual Guessing Technique ... 8

4. Conventional Technique ... 9

5. Reading Comprehension ... 10

6. Levels of Reading Comprehension ... 13

7. Genre ... 15

8. Descriptive Text ... 17

9. The Purpose of Reading Comprehension ... 19

B. Relevant Studies on Using Contextual Guessing Technique .. 20

C. Conceptual Framework ... 22

D. Hypothesis ... 24


A. Research Method ... 25

B. Population and Sample ... 26

C. The Technique of Collecting Data ... 26

D. The procedure of Collecting Data ... 27


F. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 29

1. The Validity of The Test ... 29

2. The Reliability ... 30

G. Technique of Data Analysis ... 31

H. Statistical Hypothesis ... 31


A. The Data ... 33

B. Data Analysis ... 35

1. The Relibility of the Test... 35

2. Test for Homogeneity of Variance ... 35

3. Testing Normality... 36

4. Analyzing the Data ... 37

5. Testing Hypothesis ... 37

C. Discussion ... 38


A. Conclusion ... 40

B. Suggestion ... 40





Table 1.1The Score of Reading Test ... 2

Table 3.1 Randomized Group, Pre and Post Test ... 25

Table 3.2 Treatment for Experimental Group ... 28

Table 4.1 The Students’ Achievement Score in pre-test and post-test ... 34




Appendix AReading Comprehension Test ... 43

Appendix BThe Score of Pre-test and Post-Test Experimental Group ... 51

Appendix CScore of Pre-test and Post-Test Control Group ... 52

Appendix DThe Calculation of t-test in Experimental Group ... 53

Appendix EThe Calculation of t-test in Control Group ... 54

Appendix FThe Homogeneity of Variance in Experimental and Control Group 57 Appendix GTest for Distribution of Frequency in Experimental Group ... 59

Appendix H Test for Distribution of Frequency in Control Group ... 63

Appendix I Testing Normality in Experimental Group ... 67

Appendix J Testing Normality in Control Group ... 71

Appendix K The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation ... 75

Appendix L Percentage Points of the Distribution ... 79

Appendix M Table of Normality From 0 to Z ... 80

Appendix N List of Testing Liliefors ... 82

Appendix O Table of F-Distribution ... 83




IINTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study

Reading is the window to the world. By reading someone can get much knowledge about anything in the world because this activity will broaden one’s horizon especially in this globalized era. It also can add information about many places without coming to those places directly. It shows that reading brings many advantages in human life. Thorndike in Heilman (1981) states that the reading of a paragraph involves the same organization and analysis as does thinking. It includes learning, reflection, judgment, analysis, synthesis, problem-solving behavior, selection, inference, organization, comparison of data determination of relationship and critical evaluation of what is read. In other words we can say that reading is thinking process to get the comprehension.

Students who are not interested in reading cannot gain information to improve their knowledge. Actually without reading, the opportunity for improving one’s life is limited. People especially students are expected to increase their

interest in reading activities and try to develop their reading comprehension. So it can be understood that reading is very important skill to get a lot of information to increase students’ reading comprehension achievement.

In teaching-learning process, the problem of teaching is not only the teaching material, but also the technique of teaching. The teaching process will not give a good result if the technique of teaching is not suitable to the students’



condition. Therefore, teaching technique will make the teaching learning process run well. The teacher must know the suitable technique for the student to make the students more comfortable in the class when learning reading.

Reading activities have developed not only from printed symbols but also from other sources, such as internet, environment, and human life. Reading can guide someone to get the most appropriate way for his/her life and the solution for the problems that are being faced. Both of sentences above prove that reading is very important in life.

Based on the researcher’s observation and interview with the teacher and the students in SMP Negeri3Perbaungan in teaching learning process especially teaching reading, the teacher ask the students only to read the text and answer the question. These activities do not give any opportunities to improve students’ knowledge and to give any contribution to the students’ reading comprehension. Based on data during interviewing the English teacher, there are 30 students in one class; only 8 students who can achieve the score above the KKM. The KKM for English subject in that school is 70.

Table 1.1 The Second Grade (VIII) Students’ Scores of Reading Test in the

Two Last Semester

Semester Score Students Percentage Mean

1st Semester 2014/2015

<70 30 87.5 66.15

≥70 5 12.5 81.6



From the data above, it is concluded that the students’ ability in reading task

in that class is still low. It can be seen from the mean of the students’ score is still under the Minimal Completeness Criteria.

The researcher also did the interview to some students in the class. Based on the interview, the researcher found some problems faced by the students in reading comprehension. First was about the motivation. Many students lost their motivation in studying English generally and reading the text in English especially. They were confused what the text talk about. They were bored to face the text in other language. The teacher asks them to read one by one, and then they asked to answer the questions. It had been long time. The second problem was about the lesson hour for them studying English for a week. The researcher found that the school gave them 2 lesson hours at the end of the school. It made them feel so sleepy, hungry and lazy. They could not concentrate to the English subject. In addition, the weather was so hot in the day. The last problem was about teaching technique applied by the teacher. Many teachers still ask students only read the text and then answer the question below the text. It made the students feeling bored.



not answered in the texts. Contextual guessing technique can be a focusing and refining device for expanding vocabulary and for developing all level of comprehension, including critical and creative reading. Therefore, using this technique will help the students to enlarge their thinking. In other words, contextual guessing technique makes students to be a good reader who can comprehend reading text easily.

(Coady&Nation: 1988) states that one of the claims in support of the guessing technique is that it involves generalizable skills of interpreting surrounding text, predicting and testing predictions while reading which enhance reading skills reading skills as a whole.

Linsay (2001:56) states that contextual guessing is making a guess based on the context of the passage the students are reading. It means that when the students read a text, they often guess word meaning without consulting a dictionary. During intensive reading, guesses “were consistently checked against the dictionary” (Wen & Johnson, 1997:37). It means that readers tend to rely more

heavily on guessing from context in all situations.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the researcher formulates the problem of the study as follows: “Is there any significant effect of using

contextual guessing technique on students’ reading comprehension



C. Scope of the Study

This study focused on the effect of teaching reading to junior high school students by applying contextual guessing technique. The reading is focused on reading comprehension which is the comprehension of literal and interpretive understanding of descriptive texts.

D. Objective of the Study

In relation to the problem, the objective study is to find out the significant effect of using contextual guessing technique on students’ achievement in reading comprehension.

E. Significance of the Study

Theoritically, the finding of the research can be used as a reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching-learning process especially in teaching reading.

Practically, the findings of the study are important and useful for:

1. The English teacher to apply this teaching technique to improve their student’s reading comprehension achievement.

2. The students to improve their reading comprehension achievement by using this Contextual Guessing Technique.





A. Conclusion

Based on the result of t-test calculation, it was found that the t-observed (3.37) > the score of t-table (2.004) it means that the Contextual Guessing Technique significantly affects the students’ achievement in reading comprehension. Thus, it can

be concluded that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.

B. Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion, suggestions are stated as the following:

1. The English Teachers are suggested to apply Contextual Guessing Technique in teaching learning process, especially in teaching reading comprehension because it can help student understand the material more easily and they were easy to remember the information.




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