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INTRODUCTION The Application of Guided Writing To Enhance Ability in Writing Procedure Texts of the Eleventh Grade Students at SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen in 2016/ 2017 Academic Year.


Academic year: 2017

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A.Background of the Study

English as an international language has been used by most of people in the world. English has become one of important subjects in Indonesian schools.English is taught in Junior High School and Senior High School, even in elementry school. Studying English is not a new thing for the students of Senior High School before.By mastering English we can comunicate with other people who speak English.

As we know that English is not the Indonesian native language. It is difficult for the students to remember all the words in English and to understand when someone speaking English. According to Oshima and Hogue (1999: 3), writing is particularly academic writing is not easy. So the teacher must create the subject so that the student can stdudy the subject easily. Besides, the kinds of the textcan also be important in teaching English in order to make the writing teaching succesful.In the process of writing, a writer should explore her mind to find new ideas that make her writing meaningful and express her thoughts and feeling to the readers. Writing is also a process of communicating the writer’s idea to the reader in a written form.In the teaching and learning process of writing, the teacher has an important role.

John (1997: 12) states that

“teacher’s role is to help students develop viable strategies for getting

started (finding topics, generating ideas and information, focusing and

planning, structure and procedure), for drafting, (encouraging multiple

drafts of redaing), for revising (adding, deleting, modifying and

rearranging ideas), and for editing (attending to vocabulary, sentence,

structure, grammar, and mechanics)”.

Thus, teaching writing should be priority for students at Senior High School. By using procedure text as a genre for teaching writing, the students will be more interest in and easy to study. According to Bima (2005:73)


B.Limitation of the Study

In conducting this study, the writer makes limitation. The writer only focuses on the teaching writing procedure especially using guided writing in the eleventh grade students of SMK Kosgoro in 2016/ 2017 academic year.

C.Problem Statements

Referring to the previuous background of the study, the writer formulate the problem as follows:

1. How is the application of guided writing to teach writing procedure text to the eleventh grade students of SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen in 2016/2017 academic year?

2. What is the student’s response to the application of guided writing to teach writing procedure text?

D.Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem statement, the objectives of the study are to:

1. describe the application of guided writing to teach writing procedure text to the students of the tenth grade at SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen in 2016/2017 academic year.

2. know the student’s response to the application of guided writing to teach writing procedure text.

E.Significance of the Study

There are two kinds of significance of this study, specifically theoretical significance and practical significance. Thus the significance of this research may include as follows :

1. Theoretical Significance


b. The result of the study can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching learning process, especially in teaching writing procedure.

2. Practical Significance a. Teacher

The teacher can apply various techniques in teaching writing procedure text so that the students are motivated and interested in learning


b. Students

The writer hopes that the students are motivated in learning English writing procedure text and they can enhance their capability.

c. Other Researcher

The result of the research can be useful for the other researcher as reference and guidance in conducting research, especially research on teaching.

F. Research Paper Organization

This research paper consists of five chapters. The writer sets the order of the research paper as follows:

Chapter I is introduction taht discusses background of the study, limitation of the study, problem statement, objective of the study, significance of the study, and research paper organization.

Chapter II is review of related literature which covers previous study, theoritical review that discusses the notion of writing, teaching writing, procedure text and guided writing.

Chapter III is research method, which presents type of the research, method of collecting data, and technique for analyzing data.



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