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The Dynamics of Bacterial Communities During Traditional Nata de Coco Fermentation


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August 2007, 65-68

munity analysis because it represents an excellent approach

to c o m p r e h e n d i n g the and of a

microorganisms from nature are not yet (Giraffa


N e v i a n i 200 1). Ampe (1 have compared the

standard microbiological techniques, and technique that do

not depend on c u l t i v a t e d processes, to examine microbial

p o p u l a t i o n s . They found t h a t t h e c u l t u r e - i n d e p e n d e n t t e c h - nique is the most suitable to d e p i c t p o p u l a t i o n dynamics.

1991, found that amplification

gene, cloning and sequencing it represents one of


Strain which is resistant to nalidixic acid, was



in media without antibiotic supplemen- tation as control Meds), the medium with the addition dixic acid 20 and the heat-treated medium by

boiling at


to eliminate most vegetative bacterial

cells. Bacteria populations grown in different treatments were examined on the first, fifth and tenth days of cultivation. Media used for the growth were as described previously


DNA Isolation. The isolation of DNA samples was

conducted as reported previously by Ampe al. 999). Amplification and Cloning of the Am-

plification of the gene was conducted employing


for the Bacteria Domain group amplicons were purified employing Wizard Gel and the


Clean-Up System. The purified DNA's were ligated into Easy vector (Promega, Madison, USA) and transformed into

Transformants were selected on Luria Agar

media supplemented with X-gal

(40 gene in recombination li-

brary (collection of genes in vector) were amplified again using M 13F and M 13R primer (Moffett

2000) to obtain individual genes. This step would


that the amplified I genes were from

nation not from the bacterial host gene.

Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA). The gene, amplified from recombina- tion plasmids, was digested with restriction enzymes RsaI or

to yield a specific pattern representative of the

percentage of specific patterns calculated an each day of fermentation and was depicted as a population dynamic curve.


Growth in the Presence of Microbial Community. Refering to the obtained data, we made a cell

growth histogram depicting the growth profiles

Strain IB-I Nal-R in fermentation media with different treat- ments (Fig Fig indicates that fermentation media with a blanching treatment (Blc) did not enhance the growth of Strain compared to that of the control medium fermentation medium without any treatment). In the fermentation medium with nalidixic supplementation, the growth of IB- I Nal-R became very depressed. Although the population did increase, the sum of the cell count was as high as that in the control medium or blanching treatment. This result suggested that the pre-existing bacterial popula- tion in the media were essential for successful Nata fermen- tation and migt have positive or synergistic effect to the growth of Strain I

ARDRA Reveals Bacterial During Nata Fer-

mentation. Results of ARDRA analysis showed the exist-

ence of at least twenty two different bacterial group during

Nata fermentation Each ARDRA profile found in Nata

was calculated as a percentage to the total pro- files every day starting from the day up until eleventh day. Five profiles were considered to be unique because their presence could only be found over certain specific days of fermentation (Fig 3). Unique ARDRA profiles include pro- file 1 to 5. Profile 6 to 22 was not in a curve ing bacteria and as 1, Profile 2, The because we found them only on days and they did

Fig I growth in fermentation with different treatments media without treatment, media, = media with nalidixic supplementation the number following name o f the media indicates the day o f

The numbers following each treatment indicated the days of Nata fermentation (0.5 and days).



Volume I , 2007

not show significant percentage numbers of the total popu- lation (data is not presented at this article).


A. with resistance marker was em-

ployed, in the laboratory to examine the influence of some media treatment on the growth during Nata Three of media were used, me- dia treatment, with blanching for 10 minutes to eliminate as many as contaminants in the rncdia.

and media with nalidixic acid (20

suppress the growth of other bacteria sensitive to this anti-

biotic. The of contaminants was expected to he sup- pressed to give enable A. to 'outcompete' and yield of good gel. was marked for the

purpose of cell estimation when they were on me-

dia with nalidixic acid supplementation. We assumed that


I Nal-R could be maintained as dominant popula- tion, this isolate will grow fast and produce excellent Nata


The results showed Nata which produce during

the when the natural popu-

lation was with a blanching or by nalidixic acid was inferior quality corn-

pared to that of control media. Therefore, the

of foreign bacteria at the control might have a syner-

gistic effect and stimulate rapid growth of the A.

population. In traditional Nata fermentation, prepara- tion was often conducted under

Microbiol lndones 67

the did always fail in 'Bad

Nata'. might explain the bacteria in the

media preparation and also d u r i n g the fermentation process, could Nata production and might possibly show

exhibit symbiosis or essential factors required for cellulose

I n this study we define 'Good Nata' fermentation as which will a homogenous cellulose

gel with transparency; while Nata' fermentation

will frothy. thin less than soft

with white or opaque color Nata gel after 8 days of fermenta-


this study. ARDRA to better under-

stand the bacterial involved in the production of 'Bad' and 'Good Nata'. This analysis on ex- traction of total DNA cultured and uncultured bacteria. Specific the Bacteria Domain could be identified by their specific profiles generated from

the of 1 gene with


Results of the ARDRA indicated that in a traditional Nata

process, A. seeding dur- ing a process could also h a v e or associa-

tion with other present, either cocunut water or

coconut milk that might generate a mutual effect in 'Good

Nata' production or an antagonistic effect in 'Bad Nata' pro- duction,

growth pattern shown in 3, indicated a sharp for profile or 5 during the course offer-

generating the 'Bad , this

2 ARDRA profile nf from group which during Nata numbers

above every column individual various of bacterial = molecular marker

5 6 7 8 9 I 6 7 8


3 Pattern of 5 ARDRA a. Bad, and h


was very erratic, while at fermentation with a

good outcome, this type of profile was less erratic and tended to stabilize over time. Profile I did not show any difference of their population dynamics either in the 'Bad' or 'Good Nata' production. Profile 2 in 'Bad' fermentation tends to show fluctuation while in good fermentation it tends to sta- bilize with a low percentage of variability. On the other hand, profile 4 in both 'Good' and 'Bad' fermentation did not show the existence of different population dynamics.

This fermentation process showed the existence of

unique profiles, profile 3 and 5 from the Bacteria Domain. Profile 3 showed rather sharp difference between 'Bad' and 'Good' Nata in a fermentation in 'Bad Nata', this profile tend to fluctuate and rise in the final fermentation process. On the other hand, in with the 'Good Nata' the existence of this tended to be minimal or

was not visible. Profile 5 on day of the fermentation

process for the 'bad' result showed the highest percentage while on the same day this profile showed only 25% in a fermentation process until yielded the 'Good Nata'. In a

fermentation process with the 'bad' result, this pattern was

not detected on subsequent day, while for the fermentation process with a 'good' result, this pattern was still detectable in spite of its low amount (5%) on eleventh day. We con-

clude that community unique profiles represent one of the key factor which in this study can be considered essential indicators for 'Bad' or 'Good' fermentation. This analy- sis could be more dramatic if the sampling had not been limited to begin from day 5 where cellulose pellicles start to emerge.

Another unique matter is the amount of 'other' profiles

present in relative numbers and the flat spreading dur-

ing the fermentation process with the 'good' result as com-

pared to fermentation process ielding the 'bad' result (data not presented). A possible explanation for the existence of different types of bacteria at different steps represent a s y m -

biosis process, where a different set of bacteria are required different steps of to provide essential nutri- ents


A. for its cellulose biosynthesis. The pres-

ence of these bacteria could supply otherwise deficient, but

essential, nutrients which are important for the growth of A. for 'Good Nata' production. This result also indi- cates that traditional Nata fermentation, which tends to be semi-aseptic, might be required to provide some beneficial bacterial inocula for 'Good Nata' production (Fig 1 .) since A. grew better in medium without antibiotic supple- mentation or having blanching treatment.

M i c r o b i o l

Other factors which might have an effect to

population dynamics is the change of p H of the t ion medium during the process. At the start

pH of the media is 3.9. This value droped over time until

it reached approximately pH 2.0 at the end of the fermenta- tion. This might have effect on the complexity bacte- rial community profiles.

This research was supported by Research Center for Mi-

crobial Divetsity, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sci-

ences, Agricultural University, and in Jakarta. This Research is part of CAS Thesis.

Ampe F, Ben-Omar N, C. C, Guyot

Polyphasic Stud) o f o f Microorganisms in Mexican Dough. Demonstrates the

Need for to investigate tradi-

tional A p p

Ampe F, A. 2001. o f Microbial Commu- nity for Sour Cassava Starch

by Gradient Gel Electrophoresis and

Quantitative J Microbiol

Fragment Polymorphism Analysis Program, a

Research Tool for Microbial Community Analysis Appl

Moffet BF, KA. Harris JA, Analysis of

rial Community Structure Using Anaerobe


Fig with nalidixic name of the tion). acid The Nel supplementation 20pg/ml, numbers of the following Nata number each fermentation following treatment (0.5 10 Ihe and indicated the days Blc=heated media, = media in fermentation Media with different treatme
Fig 3, indicated a sharp


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