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Uts kelas 7


Academic year: 2017

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A. Choose One Correct Answer !

1. Kian measuring the length of his seat with span unit, cm, inch and meter. Based on the units, the non standard units that kian used is....

a. Inch c. span

b. Meter d. cm

2. To know about someone’s height, we must do a measurement. The definition of measurement is... a. Comparing a unit that measured by measuring instrument as a unit

b. Something that has a magnitude and unit c. Comparator in measurement activity

d. Something that can be measured and can be expressed by the number 3. This following statement is not the importance to use standard unit is ……

a. In order to make the result same and does not has any differences in measurement b. Following the changing of times

c. Beacuse a measurement needs similar standard, in order to make the objective result d. In order to have universal “standarisation” and can apply everywhen, everycondition, and


4. A block has a length x width x height of 120 cm x 500 cm x 100 cm. If the unit is converted into m3 then be ….

a. 6 m3 c. 600 m3

b. 60 m3 d. 6000 m3 5. Pay attention to the following table !


o Quantities Unit

1 Mass kg

2 Volume m3

3 Temperature Celcius

4 Long m

5 Time s

Which includes the principal amount and the unit is correct …… a. 1, 2 and 3 c. 1, 4 and 5

b. 1, 3 and 5 d. 1, 3 and 5


a. 2 cm c. 4 cm

b. 3 cm d. 5 cm

7. What is the mass of the object below is …..

a. 1,202 Kg c. 1,400 kg

b. 1,220 Kg d. 12 Kg

8. Besaran turunan adalah ….

a. besaran yang satuannya telah didefinisikan terlebih dahulu b. besaran yang satuannya diperoleh dari besaran fisika c. besaran yang satuannya diperoleh dari besaran pokok d. besaran yang tidak dapat diukur

9. Obsserve the table below! N



e Unit

1 mass kg

2 volume m3

3 Weight Kgm/s2

4 Length m

5 Speed m/s

According to the table above, derived quantity in SI are..… a. 1, 2 and 3 c. 1, 4 and 5

b. 1, 3 and 5 d. 2, 3 and 5

10. Sebuah benda bermassa 300 g memiliki volume sebesar 400 cm3. Tentukan massa jenis benda,

nyatakan jawaban dalam kg/m3!

a. 500 kg/m3 c. 1000 kg/m3

b. 750 kg/m3 d. 1500 kg/m3

11. Look at the data below

1. Water 4. Stone

2. Light 5. Rooster 3. Human 6. Banana tree

From the data above, the abiotic components are …. a. 1, 2 dan 4 c. 3, 5 dan 6

b. 1, 2 dan 6 d. 1, 2 dan 3

12. Berikut ini beberapa kegiatan makhluk hidup.

1. Bernapas 4. Beradaptasi

2. Tumbuh 5. Berevolusi

3. Terbang 6. Berkembang biak


a. 1, 2 dan5 c. 2, 3 dan 6

b. 2, 4 dan 6 d. 4, 5 dan6

13. Figure sprouts below shows the characteristics of living things, namely ...

a. Grow c. Need eat

b. Response to stimulan d. Reproduction

14. One of the characteristic which is distinguish a living things and non living things is.… a. Having mass c. reacts the stimuli

b. Occupy space d. having form 15. Perhatikan pernyataan berikut

- Jarak antar partikel sangat renggang - Bentuk dan volume selalu berubah-ubah - Selalu memenuhi ruangan

Berdasarkan ciri-cirinya maka benda tersebut berwujud ….

a. Padat c. Gas

b. Cair d. Plasma

To Answer questions number 16 to 17, pay attention to the figure

16. which is an arrangement of particles of solid objects...

a. Picture 1 c. Picture 2

b. Picture 3 d. Picture 4

17. Which is an arrangement of particles of gas objects...…

a. Picture 1 c. Picture 2

b. PIcture 3 d. Picture 4

18. Suatu benda memiliki sifat-sifat dibawah ini : 1. bersifat isolator

2. umumnya tidak mengkilap 3. tidak dapat ditempa

4. pada suhu kamar berwujud pada atau cair, umumnya berwujud gas Berdasarkan ciri-cirinya benda tersebut …..

a. Logam c. non logam


19. Look at the data in the table below !

No Substance Name 1 Water (H2O)

2 Calium (Ca) 3 Soy Sauce 4 Milk

5 Alumunium (Al) 6 Glucose (C6H12O6)

Based on the table which one is element and compounds …… a. 2,5 and 3,4 c. 1,6 and 3,4

b. 3,4 and 2,5 d. 1,6 and 2,5

20. Perhatikan pernyataan berikut. 1. Dapat diuraikan

2. Tersusun atas dua jenis atom/molekul atau lebih 2. Perbandingan massa zat penyusunnya tidak tetap

Berdasarkan ciri-cirinya maka zat tersebut tergolong menjadi …..

a. Unsur c. Campuran

b. Senyawa d. Molekul

21. Perhatikan pernyataan berikut.

1. Dapat disederhanakan menjadi zat yang lebih sederhana 2. sifat-sifat asal masih tampak

3. terbentuk karena proses kimia 4. terjadi bukan karena proses kimia

5. sifatnya berbeda dengan sifat-sifat zat penyusunnya

Dari pernyataan diatas yang termasuk ciri-ciri senyawa ialah…..

a.1,2 dan 3 c. 1,4 dan 5

b. 2,3 dan 5 d. 1,3 dan 5

22. Perhatikan data berikut.

1. Tidak Dapat Dibedakan antara zat terlarut dan zat pelarutnya 2. Tidak muncul endapan

3. Tidak terdapat bidang batas

Berdasarkan ciri-ciri diatas, materi yang dimaksud adalah ……

a. Senyawa c. Campuran Homogen

b. Campuran Heterogen d. Unsur

23. A substance having the following characteristics: 1. It is tastes sour

2. If dissolved into water will produces a hydroxide ion (OH-)

3. It can dissolve grease (lemak)

Based on the above characteristics, these substances are ....

a. acid c. bases

b. water d. salt


1. soap 4. Toothpaste

2. tea 5. vinegar

3. Accu water 6. Whiteners (Pemutih)

Which includes examples of acids and bases of the above data is .... a. 1, 2, 3 dan 4,5,6 c. 2,3,5 dan 1,4,6

b. 1,4,6 dan 2,3,5 d. 4,5,6 dan 1,2,3 25. Look at the data below

1. red cabbage 4. Gingger 2. turmic (kunyit) 5. Roses

3. Spinach 6. Orchid

which includes natural acid-base indicator is …… a. 1, 2 and 3 c. 1, 2 and 5

b. 3, 4 and 6 d. 4, 5 and 6

B. Matching

1. Measurement instrument that used to measured the outer and inner diameter Acid

2. Measurement instrument that used to measured the thickness water + syrup

3. Length, Mass, Time, Temperature Compound

4. Area, volume, speed, density water + coffee

5. The matter that can’t be oulined as another simpler matter vernier calipers 6. The matter that can be oulined as another simpler matter Base Quantity

7. Homogeneous mixtures micrometer screw

8. Hetergenuous mixtures Element

9. The process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide Derived Quantity

10. It is taste sour, it is corrosive Respiration

C. Essai

1. Mention 4 kinds of main quantity and its SI unit ….. 2. Convert the following units

a. 2000 kg/m3 = ……… gr/cm3

b. 36 km/jam = …………. m/s


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