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Wild animal trade in Bogor local markets, West Java: threat to conservation effort


Academic year: 2017

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macaque Threat to Conservation


of 2008 19"


in instead of the local and local

Indonesia, is strongly needed as one of

respondents (6.06%) had own alternatives to illegal hunting. Other 29 respondents (43

stocks from the captive breed.

(45 respondents; 68.2%) got The wild-protected animals' trade in

animals directly by hunting from the nature

has led to

a significant increase

middle men. Serious monitoring in hunting pressure. The formal monitoring and should be done since regulation in wild animal trade

has been increasing rapidly. The trade in domestic markets in has to be

system, people perception and the regularly done to reduce the impact of that of local people is also important to be trade in decreasing animal population in the

further wild. The limited knowledge about wildlife

conservation status, lack of law enforcement

Programs to Reduce and factor had been identified as key

Animal Huntlng and Trade factors caused the low awareness of local

Fifty nine respondents (89.4%) had traders to wild animal conservation. Law knowledge in conservation status of wild enforcement, giving intensive conservation animals, but they did not clear understood education and introducing captive breeding

about the detail of acts and the conservation mediated by government authorities and status of the animals. Twelve respondents institution is therefore strongly needed (18.2%) had already participated in to reduce illegal hunting and trading. The trade of life by networking system, people perception and the government (Nature Resource Conservation need of local people is important to be further

investigated. BKSDA). The limited knowledge about wildlife

conservation status, lack of law enforcement References

and economic factor had been identified as key [CITES] The Convention on International Trade

factors caused the low awareness of local in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and

traders in to wild animal conservation. Flora. 2008. Appendices I, 11, 111.

intensively conservation sducation is

urgently required to raise people awareness on Downloaded on 10 July 2008.

wild animal conservation. The psychology Saunders, C.D. 2003. The Emerging Fields of concept in nature conservation (conservation conservation Psychology. Human psychology) (Saunders 2003) then sounds Ecology Review

precisely to bring significant benefit to Ulfah, M. (Unpublish data). Initial Survey

stakeholders. Introducing captive breeding for on Wild Animal Trade in Local

certain species based on market trend) Markets.


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