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Ernita Putry Silaban Reg. Number 4123332004

Bilingual Chemistry Education Program


Submitted to Fulfill The Requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Ernita Putry Silaban (Reg. Number : 4123332004) ABSTRACT

The development of innovative learning material of chemical equilibrium with active learning and multimedia is explained. The study is aimed to obtain good and standard learning material on the teaching of chemical equilibrium to senior high school students. The study is conducted through enrichment of chemical equilibrium topics followed by the development of learning media in video form to integrate a relevant material on each chemistry topics on chemical equilibrium. The results showed that the learning subject of chemical equilibrium has been developed well. Standardization of the material and learning material have been carried out by make questionnaire and the lectures are agree with developed learning materials with respond (3.60), students in SMAN 1 Sidikalang with responds (3.60), students in SMAN 1 Berastagi with responds (3.71), and students in SMAN 1 Perbaungan with responds (3.53). The total average of the respond is (3.58) that is means learning material is valid and good. The learning material set in e-book. The development of learning material have been standard and can use as learning material of chemical equilibrium as topic in Chemistry Subject in Second Grade in Senior High School to motivate the student to study chemistry.




The greatest praise and thankfulness to the Almighty God, Jesus Christ

for His grace and blessing who always provide health, spirit, strength and

everything to the author in finishing this thesis well and accordance to the

planning time.

This thesis, “The Development of Innovative Learning Material of Chemical Equilibrium with Active Learning and Multimedia” has been arranged

to obtain the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Department of Chemistry, Faculty of

Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), State University of Medan


In this opportunity, the author would like to express the great appreciation

to Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the thesis supervisor, Prof. Dr.

Ramlan Silaban, M.Si., Dr. Simson Tarigan, M.Pd., and also Nora Susanty, S.Si,

Apt., M.Si as the thesis examiners and also to Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., as the author’s academic supervisor for their valuable time spent in giving guidances, advices, motivations, comments and suggestions during the process of finishing

this thesis and as a coordinator of bilingual program. The author also says thanks

to Dr. Asrin Lubis, M.Pd, as the dean Faculty of Mathematics and Natural

Sciences, State University of Medan, then Nora Susanty, S.Si, Apt., M.Sc, as the

secretary of Bilingual Program. Great thanks to Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si., Prof.

Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si., Drs. Ajat Sudrajat, M.Si., as the expert lecturer to

standarize the module. And also thanks to Sir Syamsuddin as bilingual staff for

his helping in administrative assistance and kindness. And also to the head master

of SMAN 1 Sidikalang namely Drs. Alben Sianturi, SMAN 1 Berastagi namely

Alberto Colia, M.Pd., and head master of SMAN 1 Perbaungan namely Drs.



The author’s gratitude also to all of students who have rendered their time to standarize the module as a sample of research, the student in second year

of SMAN 1 Sidikalang, SMAN 1 Berastagi, SMAN1 Perbaungan who have given

their helping and their support to finishing this research.

The deepest and special gratitude, appreciation and love to my wonderful

mommy L. br. Sinaga and J. Silaban for theis countless love, supports, prays,

motivation and careness and also to my beloved sisters, Elfrina Silaban, Yossie

Silaban, Rachel Silaban, then to my beloved brother Oscar Silaban for their

supports. And also special thanks to my beloved auntie Aspita Sinaga and Ronald

Rajagukguk for their loves and great motivations.

Special thanks also goes to my friends Lady Boangmanalu, Fany Sihite,

Evi Simanjuntak, Novel Tamba, Marianna Silaban, Arif Lase (Bil Chem’12) that

have accompany me during the research. I also would like to thanks for all of my

friend in BILINGUAL CHEMISTRY 2012, and everyone who cannot be

mentioned his/her name for their support and frienship during my academic years.

Finally, the author hopes this thesis would be useful for everyone who

like to explore more about the learning material and the innovation and integration

to learn chemical equilibrium notably and chemistry generally. May God bless us


Medan, June 2016

The author,





Legalization Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstarct iii

Acknowledgement iv

List of Contents vi

List of Tables ix

List of Figures x

List of Appendix xi


1.1. Background 1

1.2. The Problem Identification 6

1.3. The Problem Formulation 6

1.4. The Problem Limitation 7

1.5. Research Objectives 7

1.6. The Significance of Research 8

1.7. The Operational definition 8


2.1. Learning Material 10

2.1.1. Defining of Learning Material Focused 10

2.1.2. The Use of Learning Material 12

2.1.3. The Types of Learning Material 13

2.1.4. The Development of Learning Material 14

2.2. The Innovation Learning 15

2.2.1. Defining of Innovation Focused 15



2.2.3. Active Learning in Teaching Material for Chemistry 17

2.2.4. Multimedia on Teaching Chemistry 21 E- learning Focused Definition 23 Assessment of the Feasibility Standard Textboook in Learning

Materials based on Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) 25

2.3. Description of Study Materials 28

2.3.1. Chemical Equilibrium 28 Definition of Chemical Equilibrium 29 Le Châtelier Principle 31 Equilibrium Expression 33

2.4. Conceptual Framework 35


3.1. Research Location and Time 36

3.2. Research Population and Sample 36

3.3. Type of Research 37

3.4. Research Instrument 37

3.5. Research Design 37

3.6. Research Procedure 38

3.7. Data Analysis 41

3.7.1. Descriptive Analysis 41


4.1. Survey of Chemistry Textbook 45

4.2. Descriptive Analysis of General Chemistry Textbooks 47

4.3. The Development on Learning Material on the Topic of Chemical

Equilibrium 51

4.4. The Innovation on Learning Material on the Topic of Chemical



4.5. The integration of Active Learning on The Development Innovative

Learning Material n Chemical Equilibrium 53

4.6. The integration of Multimedia on The Development Innovative

Learning Material Chemical Equilibrium 54

4.7. Standarization of The Development Innovative Learning Material

of Chemical Equilibrium 58

4.8. Trial of Development Innovative Learning Material of Chemical

Equilibrium 60

4.9. Discussion 62


5.1. The Conclusion 66

5.2. The Suggestion 67





Table 2.1. The table of relationship between Q and K in chemical

Equilibrium 35

Table 3.1. The description of population and samples that selected as

samples in the study of the development of innovative

learning material reaction rate with active learning and

multimedia. 36

Table 3.2. The Description of Analysis Textbook that are include

in The survey 41

Table 3.3. Validity Criiteria Analysis of innovative Chemistry

Learning Material 44

Table 4.1. The Description of General Chemistry Textbook that are

included in the survey 46

Table 4.2. The Percentage Average of Suitability of Description

Material for Analyzed Textbook 48

Table 4.3. The Description of Development of Learning Material on

the Topic of Chemical Equilibrium 52

Table 4.4. The Description of Innovation of Learning Material on the

Topic of Chemical Equilibrium 55

Table 4.5. The Description of Integration of Active Learning on the

Topic of Chemical Equilibrium 56

Table 4.6. The Description of Multimedia of Learning Material on

the Topic of Chemical Equilibrium 57

Table 4.7. The Questionnaire Result Chemistry Lecturers and

Students 59

Table 4.8. Trial Description of Learning Material on the Topic




Page Figure 2.1. The Figure of thermal equilibrium 28

Figure 2.2. The Figure of chemical equilibrium concept 29

Figure 2.3. The Figure of final concentration of chemical

Equilibrium 31

Figure 2.4. The Figure of reaction of Le Chatalier Principle 32

Figure 2.5. The Figure of discruption and restorstion of

Chemical equilibrium reaction 33

Figure 3.1. The Research Procedure of development of

innovated chemistry teaching material process 40

Figure 4.1. The Comparison of Average Percentages of Books 50

Figure 4.2. The Application of Development Learning Material

Using Software 63

Figure 4.3. The Integration of Module Innovation 64

Figure 4.4. The Innovation that used internet as media for learn 65





Appendix 1. Syllaby 74

Appendix 2. Analysis of Chemistry Textbook 77

Appendix 3. Questionnaire of Innovative Leasrning Material on the topic

of Chemical Equuilibrium 84

Appendix 4. The question for Description Trial 85

Appendix 5. The Innovative Chemistry Module 86

Appendix 6. The Questionnaire of Standarization by Student 87

Appendix 7. The Questionnaire of Standarization by Chermistry Lecturer 91

Appendix 8. The Questionnaire of Standarization by Chermistry Lecturer

And Students 92

Appendix 9. The Researches Documentation 93

Appendix 10. Standar Assesment of Learning Book 95

Appendix 11.Letter of Administration 97




The development of innovative learning material with active learning and

multimedia is very important to help student of senior high school in their

learning process. Innovative learning material expected can motivated students

and also can support the students to be more active in the learning activity. The

innovation is conducted to provide standard learning material for senior high

school students to make it easy to learn and to improve student’s competence.

Education is a container that serves to prepare human resources who have

competence in performing the functions of life. The education system should not

be separated from changes that occur in various areas as a result of globalization.

The rapid development of science and technology today can have a significant

influence on the world of education. All the components of education are expected

to adapt so did not experience gaps in dealing with the advancement of age. In an

effort to educate the nation, hence improving the quality of education becomes

very important for sustainable development in all aspects of human life. The

national education system continues to be developed in accordance with the needs

and developments at the local, national, and global (Mulyasa, 2004).

Sutama (2008) states, in line with efforts to improve the quality of

education, learning innovation is one thing attention besides supporting facilities

learning. Learning innovation and integration character education will be given

the opportunity improve the quality of education and develop in accordance with

the national character of culture in Indonesia (Situmorang, 2013). Where the use

of technology information for learning have also been encouraging learning shifts

from conventional learning to independent learning so learning impression



The need for the new atmosphere on learning activities on chemical

subject expected to make the students materially become active in learning, so that

able to improve student achievement (Siregar and Parera, 2013). One effort that

can be done by teachers to achieve the national goal is to developing teaching

materials into various form material includes a wide range of teaching material.

The learning material has many form and variation to develop teaching materials

of teacher required to continue - constantly improving ability.

If you do not have the ability developing teaching materials are varied,

teachers will be stuck in learning situations monotonous and tend to be boring for

students (Hamdani, 2011).

As an educator, a teacher is not just to perform its role in presenting the

material in front of the class to achieve the learning objectives fields studies which

it is responsible, but also expected to have skills and competencies that can

support the profession. The learning process in education generally involves the

four main components, namely students, teachers, the learning environment and

materials lesson. The fourth of these components affect students in achieving

goals learning. Each student has a different ability levels seen from the aspect of

perception, its knowledge in the field will be studied, learning motivation,

learning skills, and goals of study. To improve student achievement, teachers are

required to make more innovative lessons that encourage students to learn

optimally, with independent learning in the classroom. Therefore, media learning

to be effectively and selectively used in accordance with the principal topics that

are taught. Innovative multimedia development in this study expected to help the

problems in learning. So needed educational innovation, because innovation is a

plan or pattern that can be used to build the curriculum, designing instructional

materials and as director of learning activities within or outside the classroom.

Innovation in education is often associated with the renewal that comes from

creative thinking, finding, and modification that includes ideas and methods used



With educational innovation can make the student become more active in

teaching learning process, because active learning involves not only experience

doing something with the material learned but also reflection and dialogue, which

can occur either alone or in a group (Rine, 2006).

According to Michael Prince (2004), active learning is defined as any

instructional method that engages students in the learning process. In short, active

learning requires students to do meaningful learning activities and think about

what they are doing. While this definition could include traditional activities such

as homework, in practice active learning refers to activities that are conducted in the classroom. The core elements of active learning are students’ activity and engagement in the learning process. Active learning is often contrasted to the

traditional lecture where students passively receive information from the


In presenting the material chemistry to become more attractive and

friendly, a teacher must have the ability to design learning activities in such a

way, for example by combining learning methods with the use of appropriate

instructional media, giving rise to a passion and curiosity for student properties.

Accordingly Suprayekti (2003), said that a teacher should have the skills to teach,

manage the stages of learning, utilizing the method, using the media of learning,

and able to manage time. The fifth case is an approach to teaching teachers to

communicate measures for the achievement of learning objectives. Many objects

that can be used as a media of learning, therefore, a teacher must be able to create

learning media in accordance with the material being taught. Learning media

become one of factors for interest in learning and learning success in achieving

predetermined competencies. Learning media will be developed into a learning

media based e-learning. According to Manihar and Andry (2014), the utilization

of information technology, multimedia and e-learning for learning through online

facilities have been able to push learning shift from conventional learning to

independently learning so as to facilitate students to learn not only depends on



use/exploit information and Communication Technology (ICT) as tools that can

be available whenever and wherever needed, so as to come over the constraints of

space and time (Sutanta, 2009).

According to Joice and weil in Nahadi (2010), innovation in education

are often linked with the renewal that comes from the result of creative thinking,

findings and modifications that make the ideas and methods that are used to

address a problem of education. Educational innovations also include a plan or

pattern that can be used to build learning instructional materials in the classroom

or outside class including learning materials. Thus, innovation in the learning

materials very urgent to implement so that the delivery of the material to be

focused and able to support the achievement of competence of students in


Therefore, it is necessary that learning can make students understand

about the subject presented and can be applied in everyday life. Need a concrete

attempt to design learning which gives ease to students in solving problems and

guide students to associate of science in real life creatively (Giantcarlo and Slunt,


A good learning materials must be able to present the teaching material

according to the demands of the curriculum, following the development of science

and technology and can bridge the learning for competencies has been established

can be achieved (Rosenberg, 2001).

Chemical materials in the learning materials should be systematic,

complete, and easier to understanding, attract, motivate independent study and has

additional material as appropriate to the characteristics of student enrichment. The

research aims to produce innovative learning materials that will be developed in

electronic and print form learning materials create a link to a video or animation

or tutorial website that provides an active learning so the students make easier to



only dependent on the teacher factor, but many other factors are also influential to

produce output or output quality teaching process. But in essence the teacher

remains the key element of the most decisive, because the teacher is one of the

main elements in the education system that greatly affects education. Learning

chemistry requires the skills of a teacher so that students easily understand the

material provided by the teacher. If the teacher is not teaching the student to

master the strategy will be difficult to accept the subject matter perfectly.

Teachers are required to conduct innovation and creativity in implementing the

learning, so that student learning outcomes satisfactory. Based on this problem

researchers intend to make innovation of teaching materials, in order to facilitate

the students to understand the concepts learned. The development through

innovation chemistry textbook learning materials are needed by using e-learning

media that can improve quality of education. Chemistry is one of the disciplines

of the natural sciences as one topic of chemistry lesson that studied in Senior High

School is "Chemical Equilibrium". Based on the description, researchers are

interested in doing some research and trying to develop innovative learning

materials in learning chemistry. The development of innovative chemistry

learning material is very important so can motivate student to learn and make the

student active in the process of learning and teaching and would help the student

to learn chemistry easily. So it is necessary to conduct research entitled “The



1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background of that which has been described previously,

some problems can be identified as the following :

1. The arrangement of chemistry learning material on the topic of Chemical

Equilibrium to order it is suited to the common curriculum.

2. Prepare an innovative chemistry learning material on the topic of

Chemical Equilibrium in order the teaching and learning process can be

proceeded optimum.

3. Make innovation on the chemistry learning material of Chemical

Equilibrium in order the students can easily to study chemistry.

4. Standardize a developed learning material to meet the standard provided

by Indonesia Education National Standard (Badan Standar Nasional


1.3. Problem Formulation

Based on the background that has been stated previously, then the

formulation of the problem in this study are:

1. How is the arrangement of chemistry topic Chemical Equilibrium to

order it is suited to the common curriculum?

2. How to prepare an innovative chemistry learning material on the topic of

Chemical Equilibrium in order the teaching and learning process can be

proceeded optimum?

3. What kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material of

Chemical Equilibrium in order the students can easily to understand


4. How to standardize a developed learning material to meet the standard



1.4. Problem Limitation

In order for this study did not deviate from the purpose of research, the

problem in this study should be limited. From the formulation of this problem, so

that limit the problem in this study are:

1. Arranging and developing the standard innovative learning materials on

the topic of Chemical Equilibrium.

2. Preparation of innovative teaching materials developed from the general

chemistry textbooks that used.

3. Analyze the student’s opinion to the textbooks that used.

4. Teaching materials will be reviewed and revised by the chemistry

lecturer and students in Chemistry Department to obtain the standard

learning materials.

1.5. Research Objectives

The objective of this research is to develop an innovative learning

material on the teaching of Chemical Equilibrium in the university. The specific

objectives to be achieved in this study are:

1. To arrange of chemistry learning material topic Chemical Equilibrium to

order it is suited to the common curriculum.

2. To prepare an innovative chemistry learning material on the topic of

Chemical Equilibrium in order the teaching and learning process can be

proceed optimum.

3. To know what kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material

of Chemical Equilibrium in order the students can easily to study


4. To standardize a developed learning material to meet the standard

provided by Indonesia Education National Standard (Badan Standar



1.6. The significance of Research

The advantages that were hoped from this research as the following:

1. For chemistry teacher can use teaching material as module to make an effective teaching and learning and to increase student’s achievement. 2. For researcher, to develop and standardize the teaching material as

module to be used of student.

3. For student who learns chemistry can understand the topic of Chemical

Equilibrium easier, more attractive, and enjoyable.

4. For the next researcher, can contribute the ideas to do the other


1.7. The Operational Definition

Based on that explanation, the operational definition as the following:

1. Innovation are research activities, development, and engineering which

aims at developing or applying the practical value and the context of the

new science, or new ways to apply science and technology that already

exists in the product or production process because Innovative for

learning material here is a learning that is designed/composed by

integrating new innovations in the learning with the goal of keeping

students more easily understand the learning done. Innovation is a new

breakthrough that is different from the ordinary (conventional) learning,

such as the addition of the media in the process of learning, the formation

of discussion groups and so on.

2. Innovative learning materials are a modification of material to meet

attractive one. Said innovative because the user will experience the

innovative and being active for example actively paying attention to

images, pay attention to the writings of varying color or motion, sound,



3. Materials are all materials (information, tools or text) that are arranged

systematically, which shows the figure of the whole of the competence to

be controlled by the learners and are used in the process of learning with

the aim of planning and review of the implementation of the study.

4. Indonesia Education National Standard (Badan Standar Nasional

Pendidikan) is an independent institution, professional, and independent

mission to develop, monitor and evaluate the implementation of national




5.1. The Conclusion

Based on the result of research that obtained from the result of data

analysis. It can be stated some conclusion as follows:

1. The arranging of innovative chemistry learning material on topic of chemical

equilibrium has successfully designed suited to the common curriculum that

using at senior high school students. The development of chemistry learning

material could be used as a learning media on teaching of chemical

equilibrium at eleven year for senior high school.

2. The standard and good innovative chemistry learning material prepared to

proceed teaching and learning process optimum. It was get the positive

response from students and chemistry lecturers as a standardizer with point

that given.

3. The kind of innovation has been included on the development of innovative

chemistry learning material both offline and online innovation. There are

video as an offline innovation, while the online innovation when the students

connected to internet and using the web link that has been inputted on the

learning material as an e-book.

4. The standard and good innovative chemistry learning material absolutely

have good criteria and suitable with Indonesia Education National Standard

(Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan), however based on content, extension,



5.2. The Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, there are some suggestions that have to

be stated in order to make teaching and learning process in chemistry become

effective and efficient as follows:

1. It is suggested that the chemistry lecture or teacher should give the standard

and good innovative chemistry learning material based on the common

curriculum as main learning media to student especially learning material of

chemical equilibrium.

2. It is suggested to next researcher could improve the better innovative learning

material based on common curriculum and develop the e-book to make it

more simple and easy according to the suggestion that given by sample as


3. It is suggested to student holder for developing and providing the standard

and good innovative learning material to be used in the teaching and learning




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Figure 2.1.


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