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The Effectiveness of Contextual Teaching and Learning in Teaching the Simple Past Tense (An Experimental Study at the Second Grade Students of SMK Bintang Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan)


Academic year: 2017

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of SMK Bintang Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan)


TRI YANTI KUMALA NIM: 109014000189





Tangerang Selatan)


Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training In Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Degree of Strata I (S1)


TRI YANTI KUMALA NIM: 109014000189





Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan). Skripsi of English Education Department at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2014.

The objective of this study is to know whether Contextual Teaching and Learning is effective in teaching the simple past tense at second grade of SMK Bintang Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan. The sample of this study was 47 students taken from second grade of SMK Bintang Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan, the students were 21 students of XI Akuntansi Class, as controlled class and 26 students from Multimedia class, as experimental class. The method which was used in this study was a quantitative method and the design used in this study was a quasi-experimental design. In collecting the data, the writer conducted pre-test and post-test by serving a multiple choice test which consists of 20 items for each test. In analyzing the data, the writer used t-test.



Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan). Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah metode pengajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning efektif dalam mengajar simple past tense pada murid kelas dua di SMK Bintang Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 47 siswa yang diambil dari kelas XI di SMK Bintang Nusantara, yaitu 21 murid dari kelas Akuntansi, sebagai kelas kontrol dan 26 siswa dari kelas XI Multimedia, sebagai kelas eksperimen. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dan desainnya menggunakan eksperimen semu (quasi-experimental study). Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis melakukan pre-test dan post test dengan memberikan soal pilihan ganda yang terdiri dari 20 butir soal pada setiap tes nya. Dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan t-test.



that Allah has given to the writer in writing this „skripsi‟. Peace and salutation be upon the prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions as well as his followers. Firstly, the writer also would thank to her beloved parents, Tayu Sri Mulyani and Ujang suharyana who always never stop teaching their precious meaning of life, giving their knowledge, giving their time and who always pray her every time; her sisters, Tika Amalia, and Tiyas Widya Sari, and her brother Faujan Adzima who always give support and motivation to her.

Secondly, the writer would like to address her thank and great gratitude to Drs. A.M. Zainuri, M.Pd and St. Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc, Ph.D as the writer‟s advisors, who give consultation with full of patience, help and guidance as valuable advice during developing this “Skripsi” and completing her work, may Allah SWT respond to their kindness much better.

Thirdly, the writer thought that she would never finish this skripsi without their supports and their helps. Her gratitude also goes to:

1. All lecturers of English Education Department for teaching precious knowledge, sharing philosophy of life and giving wonderful experiences. 2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, the Head of English Education Department.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, as the Secretary of English Education Department. 4. Nurlena Rifa‟i, M.A.,Ph. D, the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers


5. Drs. Sadiyanto, the Headmaster of SMK Bintang Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan, for giving permission to the writer to do observation and conduct the research.

6. Ponijah, S.Pd as the English teacher at SMK Bintang Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan for all sincere help, time, and guidance.



9. Sri Lestari, S.Ikom as her best friend who always gives support to the writer. The writer reliazes that this „skripsi‟ is still far from being perfect. Therefore, she will accept all constructive criticism and suggestion for the progress of the next study. May this „skripsi‟ be useful to increase the quality of educational activities.

Jakarta, May 30th 2014






ABSTRAK ... vi





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ...4

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 4

D. Research Question ... 4

E. Purpose of the Study ... 4

F. Significance of the Study ... 5


1. Definition of Simple Past Tense ... 6

2. Form of the Simple Past Tense ... 7

3. Function of the Simple Past Tense ... 13

B. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) ... 15

1. Understanding of CTL ... 15

2. Characteristics of CTL ... 17

3. Principles of CTL ... 19

C. Teaching of Simple Past Tense Using CTL ... 22



A. Design of the Research ... 26

B. Time and Place of the Research ... 26

C. Content of the Experiment ... 26

D. Population and Sample of the Research ... 27

E. Instrument and Data Collection of the Research ... 29

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 31

G. Statistical Hypothesis ... 33

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING A. Data Description ... 34

1. Pre-test Scores ... 34

2. Post-test Scores ... 36

3. Gained Scores ... 38

B. Data Analysis ... 39

1. T-test Analysis of Pre-test ... 39

4. T-test Analysis of Post-test ... 41

5. T-test analysis of Gained Score ... 42

C. Test of Hypothesis ... 48

D. Data Interpretation ... 49


B. Suggestions ... 50



Table 2.3. Examples of Yes/no Questions ... 8

Table 2.4. The Spelling of Regular Past Tense Verbs ... 11

Table 2.5. The Form of Irregular Verbs ... 12

Table 3.1. The Validity of the Instrument ... 30

Table 4.1. Scores of the Pre-test... 34

Table 4.2. Post-test Scores ... 36

Table 4.3. Gained Scores of the Experimental and the Controlled Class ... 38

Table 4.4. The t-test of the Pre-test Scores ... 40

Table 4.5. The t-test of the Post-test Scores ... 41

Table 4.6. The t-test of Gained Scores ... 43



Appendix 2. The Answer Key of Pre-Test and Post-Test ... 60

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan (Eksperiment and Controll Class) ... 61

Appendix 4. SPSS Result of Reliability of the Test... 72





Background of the Problem

In learning English, it is important for students to be exposed to the target language and to practice it in daily life in order to master it. In addition, it is also necessary to master the elements of the language, especially grammar. Grammar has an important role in the four skills, namely : listening, speaking, reading, and writing, since it is what makes the language meaningful for the speakers and the listeners.

Yet, teaching grammar seems to be a challenge for English teachers in Indonesia, which may be influenced by different language system between Bahasa Indonesia and English. In Bahasa there are no specific tenses and irregular verbs, as in English, as the verbs are still the same, whether it happens to the past, present, or to the future. The English tenses have been taught since elementary school, but the learners still find it difficult to learn the tenses, as they keep making mistakes even until they are in the senior high school. One of the tenses taught in school is the simple past tense.

Learners often have difficulties in learning the simple past tense. Firstly, the problem happens because the learners do not understand the rules of the simple past tense. For example, how the verbs I are converted to the verb II if they want to make a sentence in the simple past tense. Another problem is that the verbs are devided into two categories, namely : irregular and regular verbs. They often feel confused how to memorize the verbs which belong to the irregular and the regular ones.

The second problem is from the way the teacher teaches the tense. The learners often feel unclear to the teacher‟s explanation towards the tense. It might happen because the teaching method is not interesting, since the learning process is not supported by interesting activity in the classroom. The teacher only gives short explanation about the tense, and asks the students to do the exercises in the


workbook, then corrects it together without knowing who still do not understand about the tense.

Other researcher, Velayati,1 also stated the same problem faced by students while they are studying the simple past tense. Learning grammar by memorizing is boring for students, since Indonesian structure is different from English structure, that is there is no changing verbs in Indonesian structure, that is why Indonesian students feel difficult in learning the simple past tense.

Such way of teaching cannot help the students to comprehend the simple past tense, especially its rules. The learners need a better way of explanation from the teacher which can motivate them to learn more about the tense, involve them in the learning process, and make the subject matter be meaningful to them, so they can comprehend it well.

In order to make the learners fully understand about the simple past tense, the teacher has to make it meaningful to them. “All naturalistic learning of the first and the second languages takes place in context and at the level of discourse rather than the abstract sentence level.”2

Just like learning their first language, it can be easier for the students if they are taught the simple past tense in context, which is experienced by the students and it also relates to their real life situation, which can be meaningful to them. For example, when the the teacher asks the students to make a sentence which actually happened in the past, one of them may answer such sentence, I went to supermarket yesterday, it is more meaningful, because he/she relates the tenses with his/her real life experience. This kind of teaching approach is called Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). CTL is sometimes likened with CLT (Communicative Language Teaching), since the abbreviation is almost similar. However, CTL and CLT are different methods of language teaching.

________________________ 1

Viki Velayati, “The Effectiveness of Using Writing Diary in Learning Simple Past Tense.”, Skripsi, (Jakarta: FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2013), not published, p. 2.


Eli Hinkel & Sandra Fotos (eds.), New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second


According to Johnson, CTL is a process in teaching learning circumstances which proposes an idea that academic subject should relate to the of students real life situation; the context of their personal, social and cultural circumstances, in order to seek the meaning of academic material.3

Based on the brief explanation about how the students‟ condition is and their readiness in learning English; also, how the CTL can help them to comprehend it more, especially for the simple past tense above, the writer assumes that this method will be beneficial and effective for the teacher in teaching the simple past tense.

CTL proposes that when students learning something, it makes sure that they know what they are learning. It means that the material given by the teacher is supposed to be meaningful to them, so they will not question themselves, “Why should I learn it?” One of the ways to make the material meaningful to them is by relating the academic course to the real-life context, faced by the students.

It is assumed that, when the teacher teaches the simple past tense to the students by using CTL, it can be helpful for the students to learn the tense, since the CTL gives a better way in learning English, that is by relating the material to the students‟ real-life experince, which will be meaningful to them. Based on the previous research which was conducted in Mts. Al-Husna Lebak Bulus at the second grade students by Faisal Faiz, it showed that teaching the simple present tense by using CTL could improve students‟score in the simple present tense

In this research, the writer would like to use Contextual Teaching and Learning in teaching the simple past tense, in order to know whether or not it is effective to teach the simpe past tense to the second grade students of a vocational school.

________________________ 3

Elanie B. Johnson, CTL Contextual Teaching & Learning : Menjadikan Kegiatan



Identification of the Problem

1. Learning grammar is important for students.

2. Students have difficulties in learning the simple past tense.

3. The teacher‟s explanation makes the students feel unclear towards the tense.

4. The students need a better way of explanation from the teacher to motivate them in learning the simple past tense.

5. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) can help students to comprehend the tense.


Limitation of the Problem

To focus the research and to clarify the problem, it is necessary to make limitation of the problem. In this case, the writer limits the problem related to teaching method used by teachers. In this study, using Contextual Teaching and Learning in teaching the simple past tense, that is by relating the teaching materials to students‟ real life situation.


Research Question

Based on the background of the problem above, the writer decided to answer the following research question:

“Is there any significant influence using Contextual Teaching and Learning in teaching the simple past tense at the second grade students of SMK Bintang Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan?”

E. Purpose of the Study


E. Significance of the Study

This study is expected to give some benefits for everyone, especially for all english teachers, for students, for the next researchers, and also for the writer herself.

1. English Teachers

It is hoped that the English teachers can get a better way in teaching the simple past tense, especially for the vocational schools teachers, by using Contextual Teaching and Learning.

2. Students




A. Simple Past Tense

1. Definition of the Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is a tense which explains the condition or activites that already happened. It is used to talk about completed past events and activities. This tense is also used to talk about actions or situations in the past.The simple past tense can be identified by an adverbial time in the sentence, the preceding language context or the context oustide language, which refers to a certain time in the past.1 “In simple past tense, it often uses an expression such as last week, at the weekend, in 1972, 3 years ago, or when we were on holiday to make it clear that the period of time is finished.”2

These are some expression of past time which specify the time in the past when an action was completed which is often used:

Taken from:Elaine Kirn, Darcy Jack, & Jill Korey O‟Sullivan, Interactions 1 Grammar.

________________________ 1

Geoffrey Leech & Jan Svartvik, A Communicative Grammar of English , (Essex:

Pearson Education, 2002), p. 69. 2

Martin Parrot, Grammar for English Language Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2010), p. 219.


Yesterday last year next

The day before yesterday in 1998 the next day Yesterday morning in April 1992 after that Yesterday afternoon on November 15 at 3:00

Yesterday evening on Tuesday a few minutes ago Last night a year ago a week later Last Monday a long time ago then

Last week


It also implies a gap between the time reffered to and the present moment. The simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a praticular time in the past.3 From the definitions above, it shows that the simple past tense is used to tell or describe events, actions, or states which already happened in the past with a definite time and completed before the statement is made.

2. Form of the Simple Past Tense

There are several forms of the simple past tense of regular verb, those are : 1. Affrimative

For regular verbs use the formula :

2. Negative

For negative form in regular past tense verb, use formula:


See the examples of affirmative sentences in the simple past tense form in table 2.1, below:

Table 2.1

Examples Notes

Affirmative He helped her paint her kitchen. I stayed up late last night.

We listened to music after dinner. The children played games in the living room.

All regular verbs take an –ed ending in the past tense. This form is used for all subjects, both singular and plural. Taken from:Elaine Kirn, Darcy Jack, & Jill Korey O‟Sullivan, Interactions 1 Grammar.

________________________ 3

Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New York:

Longman, 1999), p. 27.

Subject + verb + -ed


See the examples of negative form sentences of simple past tense in table 2.2 below:


(a) I did not walk to school yesterday (b) You did not walk to school yesterday (c) Tom did not eat lunch yesterday (d) They did not come to class yesterday

INCORRECT: I did not walked to school yesterday. INCORRECT: Tom did not ate lunch yesterday.

I You She

He + did not + It main verb We


Notice: the imple form of the main verb is used with did nnot

(e). I didn’t walk to school yesterday. (f). Tom didn’t eat lunch yesterday.

Negative contraction: did + not = didn’t Taken from: Betty Schrampfer Azar & Stacy A. Hagen, Basic English Grammar.

3. Yes/No Questions and Short Answers.

Before the subject, put did(n’t) in yes/no questions for simple past tense. The main verb is in the simple form and there is no final –ed ending in the question form. See the examples in table 2.3.

Table 2.3

Possible Answers

Examples Affirmative Negative

Affirmative Questions

Did your mother cook last night?

Did you move to a new apartment?

Did the neighbors visit last week?

Yes, she did.

Yes, I did.

Yes, they did.

No, she didn’t. No, I didn’t.


Negative Questions

Didn’t she rent a video last night?

Didn’t he call you at home? Didn’t they paint house a few years ago?

Yes, she did.

Yes, he did. Yes, they did.

No, she didn’t. No, he didn’t No, they didn’t.

Taken from:Elaine Kirn, Darcy Jack, & Jill Korey O‟Sullivan, Interactions 1 Grammar.

The form of irregular verb in the simple past tense are : a. Affirmative

1. The verb other than be uses formula as follow:

Examples :

 I wrote a letter for my grandmother last night.

 She sang a wedding song yesterday.

 We saw a thief a few minutes ago. 2. The verb be uses formula as follow:

Examples :

 My mother was a nurse.

 We were very tired last night.

 John was late yesterday. b. Negative

1. The negative form of irregular verb is:

Examples :

 Ronald did not go to campus last week.

 She did not eat anything at the party.

 You did not come to the meeting yesterday afternoon. Subject + verb 2 + ....

Subject + was/were + ...


2. The negative form of verb be uses formula as follow:

Examples :

 She was not ready for the exam.

 The price of gasoline was cheap in 1998. c. Interrogative

1. The formula of interrogative affirmative form is as follow:


Did you hear the news this morning?

 Did he go to campus yesterday?

 Did she swim yesterday evening?

2. The formula of negative interrogative form is:


 Didn‟t the kids sleep last night?

 Didn‟t you speak Spanish last month?

 Didn‟t he buy a car last year?

3. The formula for interrogative affirmative statement of verb be is:


 Were you here a minute ago?

 Was there anyone at home last night?

 Was he a soldier?

Subject + was/were + not + ...

Did + subject + Verb 1 + ...

Didn’t + subject + verb 1 +...


4. For negative interrogative statement of the verb be uses the following formula:


 Wasn‟t you here just now?

 Weren‟t they in the office two hours ago?

 Wasn‟t she a dancer in 1997?


There are two kinds of past tense verbs in English, those are regular and irregular verbs. The regular verbs are usually formed by adding –ed or –d, while the irregular verbs do not take any endings; they have their own patterns. Table 2.4 and table 2.5 will describe the rules of regular and irregular verbs.

Table 2.4 describes the spelling of regular past tense verbs. Table 2.4

Verb Ending Spelling Rule Examples

1. Most regular verbs. Add –ed. Rain Rained Point Pointed 2. Verb ends in e. Add –d. Arrive Arrived

Smile Smiled 3. Verb ends in

consonant + y.

Change y to i and add –ed.

Try Tried Carry Carried 4. Verb ends in vowel

+ y.

Add –ed. Enjoy Enjoyed Play Played 5. Verb ends in one

consonant + vowel + consonant (one-syllable verbs).

Double the consonant and add –ed.

Stop Stopped Rub Rubbed


7. Verb ends in vowel + consonant and stress is on the first syllable (two-syllable verb).

Add –ed.

Do not double the consonant.

Visit Visited Answer Answered

8. Verb ends in vowel + consonant and stress is on the second syllable (two-syllable verb).

Double the consonant and add –ed.

Prefer Preferred Occur occurred


Taken from: Milada Broukal, Grammar Form and Function 1A.

Table 2.5 describes the form of irregular verbs. Table 2.5 Examples Simple form Past Tense Form Simple Form Past Tense

Form Notes

Cost Cut Hit Hurt Cost Cut Hit Hurt Let Put Quit Shut Let Put Quit Shut

The simple and the past forms of some verbs are the same. Bend Build Lend Bent Built Lent Send Spend Sent Spent

With some verbs, the simple form ends in -d and the past form ends in -t. Dream Dreamt Lose Lost Some verbs have other

consonant changes or add a consonant in the past tense.

Have Hear

Had Heard

Make Made

Begin Bleed Come Choose Drink Began Bled Came Chose Drank Grow Know Ride Ring Run Grew Knew Rode Rang Ran


Drive Eat Fall Find Get Give Drove Ate Fell Found Got Gave Sing Take Tear Throw Win Write Sang Took Tore Threw Won Wrote Be Bring Buy Catch Creep Do Fly Go Keep Was/were Brought Bought Caught Crept Did Flew Went Kept Leave Lie Pay Say Sell Sleep Teach Tell Think Left Lay Paid Said Sold Slept Taught Told Thought

Many verbs have consonant and vowel changes in the past tense.

Taken from:Elaine Kirn, Darcy Jack, & Jill Korey O‟Sullivan, Interactions 1 Grammar.


Function of the Simple Past Tense

There are some functions of the simple past tense, they are:4

1. It is used to express an action which started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes, the specific time may not be mentioned by the speakers, but they do have one specific time in mind.


 I saw a movie last week.

 I didn’t see a play last night.

 They washed the dishes.

 He did not wash the dishes.

________________________ 4


2. The simple past tense is used to list a series of completed actions in the past. The actions happened 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on.


 I finished work, went to the mall, and watched a movie.

 We arrived from the station at 10:00, checked into the hotel at 11:00 and slept at 12:00.

3. The simple past tense can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. The duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for five minutes, all day, all year, etc.


 We lived in Japan for three years.

 Rama studied English all day.

 I watched movies for six hours.

4. The simple tense is also can be used to describe habits which stopped in the past and often add some expressions such as: always, often, usually, never, when I was a child, etc.


 I studied Arabic when I was a child.

 She worked at the market after school.

 They never got bad score.

5. Furthermore, the simple past tense also used to describe past facts or generalization which are no longer true.


 She was very fat, but now she is slim.

 I did not like vegetables before.


B. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

1. Understanding of Contextual Teaching and Learning

Contextual Teaching and Learning is a learning approach which focuses on the students‟ involvement in learning process and relates it to their real life situation, so it can motivate them to apply what they learned in the real world.5 CTL makes learning material become meaningful to students by connecting it to the real life situation. In order to make the learning material more meaningful, instructional approach, method, or classroom activity should present the situation from the world outside the classroom.6 So that, it is important to teach grammar in context, in order to make it meaningful to the students.

Traditional method of teaching grammar, such as drilling, is lack of context and there is little apparent meaning nor a situation in the world outside the classroom, therefore the students still have difficulties in understanding the grammar rules. According to Savignon and van Lier which quoted by Kurata, there are significant studies which give its concern to the importance of participation of the students in social interaction in the target language in real-life situation.7 The concept of CTL which links the learning content with real-world situation and motivates the students can make a conection between knowledge and its important application in real life. CTL also helps students to connect the content that they are learning to the life context which can be used; as they strive to attain learning goals, they use their own experiences to build knowledge. In other words, CTL situates the teaching-learning activities in real-life contexts to which the students can relate, so they would know the reason why that learning is important.

________________________ 5

Wina Sanjaya, Pembelajaran Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi,

(Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2005), p. 109. 6

Judith L. Shrum & Eileen W. Glisan, Teacher’s Handbook Contextualized Language

Instruction, (Boston : Thomson Heinle, 2005), p. 41. 7

Naomi Kurata, Foreign Languae Learning and Use: Interaction in Formal Social


Although CTL is relatively a new concept in the field of education, its principles and practices have been around for centuries. The concepts which rely on the context as close to the real life in the teaching and learning process can be seen before 19th century. At that time the main focus of education was in art or literature and the exercise for the students was asking them to use what they learned in school in everyday experience. It assumes that, it would be more meaningful if the students experienced what they had learned, not only to know what they learned or just memorized what the teacher transfer to them. In CTL, students are expected to build their own understanding from their past experience or knowlede. CTL emphasizes the learning process through constructing, not by memorizing. Teaching is interpreted as an activity of inquiring process not only transferring knowledge to the students.

CTL is much influenced by the philosophy of constructivism which was initiated by Mark Baldwin and developed by Jean Piaget.8 According to the constructivism theory, learning is not a process of memorizing, but it is the process of constructing knowledge based on the students‟ experience. It assumes that the more experiences they have, the more knowledge they will get.

Meanwhile, there are several experts who define the meaning of CTL. In the process of searching the meaning of CTL, the writer has found several definition of CTL from different resources.

Johnson defines CTL as follows:

CTL is an educational process that aims to help students see meaning in the academic material they are studying by connecting academic subjects with the context of their daily lives, that is, with context of their personal, social, and cultural circumtance. To achieve this aim, the system encompasses the following eight components: making meaningful connections, doing significant work, self-regulated learning, collaborating, critical and creative thinking, nurturing the individual, reaching high standards, using authentic assessment.9

________________________ 8

Wina Sanjaya, op.cit., p. 111.


Elaine B. Johnson, Contextual Teaching & Learning: Menjadikan Kegiatan


According to Hudson and Whisler

Contextual Teaching and Learning is defined as a way to introduce content using a variety of active-learning techniques designed to help students connect what they already know to what they are expected to learn, and to construct new knowledge from the analysis and synthesis of this learning process.10

Meanwhile, based on United States Department of Education Office of Vocational and Adult Education in 2001, defined Contextual Teaching and Learning as teaching and learning concept which helps teachers to relate the content of the subject matter to real world situation.11

2. Characteristics of CTL

According to Johnson, there are eight characteristics of CTL which will be descibed as follow:12

a. Making Meaningful Connections

The connection between learning material and students‟ experiences which lead to something meaningful is the point of Contextual Teaching and Learning. When students are able to make a connection of what they learned with their own experiences, it means that they found meaning which gives them reasons to learn.

b. Doing Significant Work

Students have to know what they are learning, in doing significant work. Beside that, they also have to know the advantage and the aim of the learning material.

________________________ 10

Clemente Charles Hudson & Vesta R. Whisler, Contextual Teaching Learning for

Practitioner, Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics Journal, volume 6, ISSN: 1690-4524, pp.

54-58. 11

Ifraj Shamsid-Deen & Bettye P. Smith, Contextual Teaching and Learning Practices in

the Family and Consumer Sciences Curriculum, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences

Education, Volume 24, 2006, pp 14-27. 12


c. Self-Regulated Learning

Self-regulated learning emphasizes of the responsibility of the students to take charge of their own learning. Self-regulated learning concerns about motivating students in order to know their learning styles and orientations and it is also helpful for teacher to analyze students‟ awareness and their motivation.

d. Collaborating

CTL expects students to be able to work with others in a team or a group. The role of the teacher is to help them in order to work effectively and help them to understand the way how to persuade and communicate with others.

e. Critical and Creative Thinking

In learning process, students are expected to be able to apply higher level thinking critically and effectively. It is hoped for students to analyze, to synthesize, to tackle the problem, to make decision and to think logically.

f. Nurturing the Individual

Students are expected to be independent learner, give full attention to their learning process, have a high expectation from the learning goals, fully motivated to learn something new and empower themselves. The role of the adult is to always support them to be more mature in all aspects of their life.

g. Reaching High Standards


h. Using Authentic Assessments

According to CTL, a successful learning is not only determined by the development of intelectual ability, which can be seen from test, but it is also from the development of all aspects. Authentic assessment is used to determine a successful learning, such as from students‟ performance or students‟ portfolio. Besides, it is used in order to know how far the students understand the learning material, so the teacher knows the difficulty which is faced by students.

These characteristics of CTL which have been explained above, become the main component in applying CTL in classroom. CTL engages students in meaningful, interactive and collaborative activities that support them in becoming self-regulated learners. The role of the teacher is to facilitate them to find the meaning, concept, or principles for themselves.


Principles of Contextual Teaching and Learning

a. Constructivism

Constructivist learning theory is one of the theoretical foundation of modern education, including CTL.13 Constructivism‟s basic premise is that humans build their knowlede little by little, then it will be expanded by other knowledge. In learning process, constructivism emphasizes on the way students get their knowledge rather than the number or their outcomes in learning. According to constructivism theory of learning, the process of learning is „to construct‟ rather than „to receive‟ the knowledge. As stated before, this learning concept assumes that knowledge is „builded‟ not received, bacause knowledge is not a set of facts, concepts or principles that only have to be memorized. Students have to build their knowledge by actively involving themselves in learning activities during the learning process.

________________________ 13

Trianto, Model-model Pembelajaran Inovatif Berorientasi Konstruktivistik: Konsep,


Thus, a teacher has to make the lesson meaningful and relevant to the students; gives the students a chance to find and apply their own ideas in learning process and makes them apply their learning strategy to build their knowledge.14

b. Inquiry

Inquiry is defined as a process where students actively develop their skills that enables them to locate, gather, analyze, critique and apply information in a wide range of contexts, as they develop understanding of the knowledge they are seeking. Through the process of inquiry, students will be able to construct their understanding of the learning content naturally. Inquiry implies involvement that leads to understanding; involvement in learning implies possesing skills and attitudes that allows students to seek resolutions to questions and issues while constructing new knowledge. There are several processes in inquiry, they are:15 formulating problem, hypotizing, gathering data, testing the hypothesis and concluding. c. Questioning

Knowledge which obtained by students always begins with questions, thus questioning has a big role in the learning process. By questioning, teachers can motivate, guide and assess students‟ thinking ability. Questioning is considered as a reflection of curiousity, while answering question shows thinking capability. In learning process teacher does not just transfer the knowledge, but rather to stimulates students to find it by their own way. In every step and learning process, questioning always be invloved, so that it is very important for teachers to set up the teaching-learning process by arising students‟ curiousity through questioning.

________________________ 14

Trianto, op.cit., p. 109.



d. Learning Community

The concept of learning community is suggested that the learning outcome is obtained from cooperation with others.16 In CTL class, teacher makes students into some groups which consist of high achievement and low achievement students. In this case, the students who have a higher achievement will help the lower one. All members in the groups share their ideas and experiences, work together to solve problems and be responsible of their own group and opinion. If this concept of learning community is carried out well in the classroom, it can be very useful for the learning process.

e. Modeling

Modeling is a learning process which visualizes something as a sample that can be immitated by students. In CTL, modeling is not only done by the teacher, the students also can be involved to demonstrate something based on their own experiences. Modeling can be useful in learning process, because students learn more easily through observation and imitation than by trying to understand only from verbal explanation and instruction.17

f. Reflection

Reflection is a respond to events, activities or knowledge that the students just learned.18 A meaningful knowledge is obtained from a process. Teacher helps students to make a connection between their prior knowledge and their new knowledge.

________________________ 16

Trianto, op.cit, p. 111.


Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion & Keith Morrison, A guide to Teaching Practice,

(New York: Routledge, 2004), p. 186. 18


By doing so, students feel that they get something useful for them from what they have learned. In learning process using CTL, teacher always give a chance to the students to recall what they have learned. The teacher let the students to conclude the learning experience in

g. Authentic Assessment

Authentic assessment relies on the students performance in demonstrating their skill or ability connecting to the context of a real-life situation.19 Teacher has to know students‟ learning development and make sure that they followed the learning process well. In order to know it, teacher can assess from students‟ portfolio or from students‟ performance. Authentic assessment does not focus on how much the students get information, but it rather to know to what extent they understand the learning material, so that the teacher knows the difficulty that is faced by students and knows how to overcome the problem.

C. Teaching of Simple Past Tense Using CTL

Based on the characteristics and the principles of CTL which was already explained in the previous pages, there are several things that are conducted in the classroom to prove that CTL is applied. First, teacher motivates and encourages students to involve in learning process actively. Teacher also needs to pay attention and use the students‟ idea and experience to conduct the learning process. Second, teacher presents the learning material and let the students to analyze it by themselves, in order to challenge the students with their own ideas and conceptions to interpret it. The teacher then allows them to show their own ideas and motivates them to apply their own ideas and experiences to the learning process.

Third, teacher makes a learning community or small group of students to improve their cooperation among students. Here, the students discuss the material with their friends in the groups and present it in front of the class.

________________________ 19


Next, teacher allows the students to ask anything about the material which is being discussed. It can give them more understanding towards the material. The last, teacher do the reflection at the end of the learning process. Teacher engages the students in searching the information that can be applied in solving the problem in their own life. By doing so, the learning process will give many benefits to them in their real life.

D. Theoretical Thinking

This study was conducted in order to know the effectiveness of using Contextual Teaching and Learning in teaching the simple past tense for the second grade students of SMK Bintang Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan. The writer believes that using CTL in teaching the simple past tense will improve the students‟ understanding towards the tense. It is supported by research findings in the previous researches which will be explained in the previous study. The findings show that using CTL in the classroom can improve students mastery towards the learning materials. In the learning process, especially in teaching the simple past tense, CTL is appplied based on its characteristics and the principles which has been discussed earlier, for example encourage students to involve the learning process, make a learning community or group discussion, giving questions to students to stimulate their critical thinking and do the reflection at the end of the learning process. By doing so, it can be said that the writer is applying CTL in the classroom.

E. Previous Study :

1. Faisal Faiz : Using Contextual Teaching Learning Technique in Teaching the Simple Present Tense ( A Pre-Experimental Study at the Second Grade Students of Mts. Al-Husna Lebak Bulus).


From the data result the writer concluded that the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach can improve the students‟ score on the simple present tense, and it can be proven from the result of the analysis. The result shows that the t- observation is higher than t-table.

2. Nina Zuhairiah : Developing Students’ English Speaking Ability by Using Contextual Teaching Learning ( A Classroom Action Research at VIII Grade of Mts. Al-Ikhwaniyah Pondok Aren).

Conducted from April 28th-may 19th 2011. The subject were 35 students in the VII grade. This research was conducted in order to improve students‟ speaking ability by using contextual teaching and learning at VIII grade of Mts. Al-Ikhwaniyah Pondok Aren in managing classroom activities communicatively. The writer used classroom action research as the method of the research. The data were gathered through qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were gained by analyzing the interview and observation result. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were obtained from the students‟ speaking score of pre-test and post-test. The result showed that using CTL approach can motivate the students to speak English and improve their speaking ability.

3. Luthfiyah : Improving Students’ Motivation in Learning Speaking by Using Contextual Teaching and Learning ( a Classroom Action Research at VIII Grade of Mts Unwaanunnajah Pondok Aren).


motivation in learning speaking using CTL. It can be seen on the students‟ speaking score which had reached the score of Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) which is, 60.

Based on the three previous studies which has been discussed in the previous page, it shows that those studies had the same teaching method used by this research, that was by using Contextual Teaching and Learning. The result of the research finding from all of the studies shows that there was an improvement in students‟ scores, with different learning materials. The first previous study taught the simple present tense, meanwhile, the second and the third study taught about speaking ability. All studies were conducted in different schools.

F. Research Hypothesis

The purpose of this study is to find out the empirical evidence for the students in learning the simple past tense whether using Contextual Teaching Learning method is effective or not in building students‟ comprehension toward the tense.

To get the answer of the hypothesis above, the writer proposes alternative hypothesis (Ha) and null hypothesis (Ho) as follows :

Ha : there is a significant difference of students‟ achievement between those who were taught by using CTL in teaching the simple past tense in experiment class (XI Multimedia) and those who are taught without using CTL in control class (XI Akuntansi) Ho : there is no significant difference of students‟ acheivement





Design of the Research

The method of this research was quasi-experimental research, which uses nonrandomized groups design.1 This research consists of an experimental class and a controlled class which the researcher chose without any randomization. The writer taught the simple past tense of the second grade students at SMK Bintang Nusantara, by using Contextual Teaching and Learning. At the first meeting, the writer conducted pre-test to the controlled class and experimental class. After that, the writer gave treatment to the experimental class by teaching the simple past tense using Contextual Teaching and Learning. Meanwhile, the controlled class did not recieve any treatment. They were taught by using non-CTL method. At the end of the meeting, the writer conducted the post-test to both classes.

B. Time and Place of the Research

The research was held at SMK Bintang Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan, for the second grade students academic year 2012/2013. The research was carried out from January 30th to February 24st, 2014.


Content of the Experiment

This research was conducted in order to improve students‟ mastery of the simple past tense through Contextual Teaching and Learning. The writer arranged six meetings. The first meeting was conducted by giving a pre-test to the students, in order to know their background of knowledge before the treatment given. The next meetings, the experimental group were taught differently from the controlled group, that was by giving them specific learning materials, by using Contextual Teaching and Learning.

________________________ 1

John W. Creswell, Educational Research, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.,2012),



In the second meeting the students were taught about simple past tense by using curriculum vitae (cv). The teacher gave some examples of curriculum vitae to the students, and asked them to explain the background of knowledge of each cv in groups and answered several questions given by the teacher.

The third meeting had the same material with the previous meeting which discussed about background of education, since the time allotment was not enough to finish the material in the second meeting. In this meeting the students were asked to write their own education background and what they would do after graduating from school. After that they read their own writing in front of the class and shared it with their friends.

In the fourth meeting, the teacher gave a news article from an online website to the students and asked them to read the text. After that the teacher gave them several questions according to the article. The next meeting the teacher gave them an example of personal letter to the students, after reading the letter, the students were asked to reply the letter by describing their own personal experience. In the last meeting, the students of experimental and control class were given a post-test to check whether they had an improvement in mastering the simple past tense.

The teaching and learning processes described above were conducted in the experimental class. While the controlled class was taught by conventional method.

D. Population and Sample of the Research

The population of this research were the students in the second grade at SMK Bintang Nusantara, Tangerang Selatan. There are three classes, namely, XI Akuntansi (AK), XI Multimedia (MM) and XI Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ), which consist of 62 students of all classes.


researcher which he/she believes that the sample can be the representatives of the population.2

Since this research is quasi-experimental, it used purposive sampling, without random assignment of participants to groups. There are three classes as the population in this research, but the writer chose only two classes. Those are XI AK and XI MM. The writer chose this class because the number of the students in both classes is not too different. XI AK class consists of 21 students, and XI MM class consists of 26 students. Meanwhile, XI TKJ class consists only 15 students which would not be equal to other class if it was taken as a sample of this research. Therefore, the writer decided XI AK and XI MM class as the sample of this study, after administered the pre-test.

The pre-test was firstly given to both classes, in order to compare the background characteristic of the two classes in their understanding towards the simple past tense. The result of the pre-test showed that both classes had different score in average, in which XI AK was 60.15, meanwhile XI MM was 43.90. The writer decided to took XI MM as the experimental class, while XI AK as the controlled class, because the writer wanted to know if there is a significant development of XI MM class in their achivement in English Subject, especially in the simple past tense after given the treatment which would be compared to XI AK class which has better background of knowledge in the simple past tense. However, in the end of the research, the writer only got 20 students from each class because some students were absent.

________________________ 2

Jack R. Fraenkel & Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in



Instrument and Data Collection of the Research

In collecting the data, the instrument that the writer used was tests, which were pre-test and post-test that administered to XI AK class and XI MM class. After five times of meetings, the writer gave post-test, which had the same questions with the pre-test, also to both classes. Then the writer compared the scores of the pre-test and post-test of experimental class and controlled classes.

The writer used the same questions for pre-test and post-test (See appendix) in order to measure the gained score. Besides, the limitation of the time and saving cost are the consideration of the writer to choose the same questions for both pre-test and post-test. The test consists of 30 items of multiple choice, which also examined its validity and reliability. Validity is desribed as the degree to which a research study measures what it intends to measure. In order to check the validity of the instrument in this research, the writer used content validity. According to J.B Heaton, in this kind of validity, the test should be well constructed and contains a representative sample of a course. The test also should has relationship between the test items and the course objectives.3

In measuring the content validity of the research instrument, the writer, first draw up list, which describes particular language skills and areas which will be included in the test. It is important to make the list in order to ensure that the test is assessed in suitable proportion, reflecting all areas according to the syllabus. The result of the content validity shows that the test items are in line with the standard competency, basic competency and the indicator. It means that the test is suitable with the course objective and it fulfils the requirement of the content validity. It can be seen in the table 3.1 in the next page:

________________________ 3


Table 3.1

The Validity of the Instrument Standar



Dasar Skill Indikator Nomor soal Berkomuni

kasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara level elementary Merinci tugas pekerjaan dan latar belakang pendidikan yang dimilikinya secara lisan dan tulisan Writing & speaking Siswa mampu membuat kalimat simple past tense dan mengung kapkann ya dengan tepat untuk meneran gkan latar belakang pendidik an berbagai macam profesi

6. Dony .... his study at Harvard University last year, and now he becomes a manager in an advertising company.

a. Finish b. Finished c. Had finished d. Finishes e. finishing


In addition, for measuring the reliability of the research instrument, the writer used SPSS (Statistic Product and Statistic Solution). The writer finds the reliability of 30 items in the test is α = .862 which means that the reliability of the research instrument is high.


Technique of Data Analysis

After getting the pre-test and the post-test score as the data of the research, the writer then analyzed it by using statistic calculation of t-test formula both manually and using software calculation that is SPSS (statistic Product and Statistic Solution).

The t-test was calculated for three times. The first was t-test of the pre-test scores, in which the writer compared the pre-test scores of the experiment class and the controlled class. The t-test of pre-test was aimed to know the background of knowledge of the experimental class and the controlled class before the treatment given. The second t-test was t-test of post-test scores, in which the writer compared the scores of the post-test of the experimental class and the controlled class. The purpose of the t-test of post test was to know whether there was significant difference of the post-test scores between the experimental class and the controlled class. The last t-test was the t-test of gained score. The writer compared the gained score in the experimental class and the controlled class in order to know whether their improvement is different. The t-test of gained score was purposed to know whether there was any significant difference between the experimental class and the controlled class. It also answered whether the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted or rejected. Here are the manual formulas to count the t-test:4

to =




________________________ 4

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,


Mx : Mean of the Difference of Experiment Class My : Mean of the Difference of Controlled Class SEMX : Standard Error of Experiment Class

SMMY : Standard Error of Controlled Class

X : Teaching Simple Past Tense with CTL in Experiment Class

Y : Teaching Simple Past Tense with conventional method in Control Class.

The procedures of calculation were as follow : a. determining Mean of Variable X, the formulation is :

Mx =



b. Determining Mean of Variable Y, the formulation is :

My =



c. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X, the formulation

is: SDx =

1 2

N x

d. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y, the formulation

is: SDy =

2 2

N y

e. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X, the formulation is : SEMX =




f. Determining Standard of Error of Mean of Variable Y, the formulation is : SEMY =


2 


g. Determining Standard Error of Different Mean of Variable X and Variable Y, with formulation :


h. Determining Standard of Different Mean of Variable X and Variable Y, with formulation : to =




i. Determining t-table in significance level 5% with degree of freedom (df) : Df = (N1-N2) -2


The Statistical Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a prediction made by a researcher about the outcome of the research; a researcher‟s statement of his/her expectations about the relationship among the variables in the research topic.5 This research is designed to find out whether there is an influence of Contextual Teaching and Learning in teaching the simple past tense. In order to get the answer of that hypothesis, the writer proposes alternative hypothesis (Ha) and null hypothesis (Ho) which is linked to the following statistical hypothesis:

 If t-test (to ) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.

 If t-test (to ) < t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted.

Meanwhile, df = (N1-N2) – 2 = (20+20) -2 = 38

It must be consulted with t-table of df. If df 38, the value is the significance level at 5% is 1.68.

________________________ 5





Data Description

This chapter reported the research findings, which were presented in the table of pre-test scores, post-test scores and the gained scores. The writer also gave brief description of each table. Score of the pre-test will be firstly presented, followed by the scores of post-test and the last gained scores. The writer also describes the statistical description of the scores, such as the minimum of the score, the maximum score, the mean score, the median score, and the mode score from both classes.


Pre-test Scores

The pre-test scores of experimental class and controlled class are presented in table 4.1, below. There are 20 students in each class.

Table 4.1 Scores of the Pre-test

Students (X) Pre-test Scores of the Experimental Class

Pre-test Scores of the Controlled Class 1

50 57


36 36


33 26


53 63


33 43


50 83


The scores were processed from students’ answer sheets

According to table 4.1, the minimum score of the pre-test in the experimental class is 10, while in the controlled class is 26. Meanwhile, the maximum score in the experimental class is 63 and in the controlled class is 96. The median score of the pre-test in the experimental class is 43 and the controlled class is 60. In addition, the mode of the pre-test scores in the experimental class is 50, while the controlled class is 36. Furthermore, the average score of the pre-test in the experimental class is 43.90 and in the controlled class is 60.15. These scores seemed to show that the controlled class had higher pre-test score.

t-test for the pre-test was also done by the writer, to see if there is any difference for the scores in both classes, so the writer could decide which class

Students (X) Pre-test Scores of the Experimental Class

Pre-test Scores of the Controlled Class 7

60 50


53 96


43 93


36 93


46 36


43 63


40 76


50 40


63 83


40 43


43 76


10 30


36 90

20 60 26

Σ 878 1203


that would be the experimental class and the controlled class. The result of the t-test of the pre-test will be presented in the data analysis.


Post-test Scores


Table 4.2 below, presents the scores of post test of experimental class and controlled class. There are 20 students in each class. The data will be explained below the table.

Table 4.2 Post-test Scores Students (X) Post-test Scores of the

Experimental Class

Post-test Scores of the Controlled Class 1

80 60


66 60


46 56


90 46


66 56


56 83


70 76


63 83


73 83


70 86


43 40


73 66


50 70


60 46


83 90


66 53


70 70


63 53



Students (X) Post-test Scores of the Experimental Class

Post-test Scores of the Controlled Class 20

76 40

Σ 1324 1273

Mean 66.20 63.65



Gained Scores


Table 4.3 below presents gained scores of the experimental class and controlled class. The gained scores were obtained by calculating the scores of pre-test and post-pre-test; post-pre-test minus pre-pre-test.The description will be explained below the table.

Table 4.3

The Gained Scores of the Experimental Class and the Controlled Class Students (X) Gained Scores of the

Experimental Class

Gained Scores of the Controlled Class

1 80-50 = 30 60-57 = 3

2 66-36 = 30 60-36 = 24

3 46-33 = 13 56-26 = 30

4 90-53 = 37 46-63 = -17

5 66-33 = 33 56-43 = 13

6 56-50 = 6 83-83 = 0

7 70-60 = 10 76-50 = 26

8 63-53 = 10 83-96 = -13

9 73-43 = 30 83-93 = -10

10 70-36 = 34 86-93 = -7

11 43-46 = -3 40-36 = 4

12 73-43 = 30 66-63 = 3

13 50-40 = 10 70-76 = -6

14 60-50 = 10 46-40 = 6

15 83-63 = 20 90-83 = 7

16 66-40 = 26 53-43 = 10

17 70-43 = 27 70-76 = -6

18 63-10 = 53 53-30 = 23

19 60-36 = 24 56-90 = -34

20 76-60 = 16 40-26 = 14


Mean 22.30 3.50 The scores are processed from the students’ answer sheets

As it can be inferred from the table of the gained scores above, the students in the experimental class have siginificant improvement in their score of the pre-test and the post test. The average of the gained score in the experimental class is 22.30, while in the controlled class is 3.50. The experimental class got a higher average score than the controlled class. From this result, the writer assumed that the experimental class has a significant improvement, which means that the treatment given was effective to increase their understanding towards the simple past tense. Meanwhile, the lowest gained score in the experimental class is -3, while in the controlled class is -34. Furthermore, the highest gained score in the experimental class is 53 and in the controlled class is 30. The median of the gained score in the experimental class is 25 and in the controlled class is 3.5. Then, the mode of the gained score in the experimental class is 30 and in the controlled class is 3.


Data Analysis

In this section the writer will describe the result of the t-test of the three types of scores presented in the data description. Those are pre-test scores, post-test scores and gained scores. The t-test is the statistical analysis which was performed by using SPSS (Statistical Product and Statistic Solution). Here are the description of the t-test by using SPSS:



Analysis of Pre-test


Table 4.4

The t-test of the Pre-test Scores in the Experimental and the Controlled class

From the table above, it is known that the significant level for the differences of the pre-test score is .011, which is lower than .05. This finding means that there is a significant difference between the experimental class and the controlled class in their pre-test score. It means that both classes have different backgrond characteristic before the intervention. From the table 4.4 above, it is also known that the mean score of the experimental class is 43.90 and the controlled class is 60.15. In other words, the average score of the experimental

group N Mean

Std. Deviation

Std. Error Mean Total CONT 20 60.15 24.508 5.480

EXP 20 43.90 12.078 2.701


Equal variances assumed

Equal variances not assumed

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

F 17.527



t-test for Equality of Means

T 2.660 2.660

Df 38 27.715

Sig. (2-tailed) .011 .013

Mean Difference 16.250 16.250

Std. Error Difference 6.110 6.110

95% Confidence Interval of the Difference

Lower 3.882 3.729



class is lower than the controlled class. Besides, the mean difference from both classes is 16.250. Furthermore, interval of the difference has between 3.882 and 28.618.



Analysis of post-test

After the writer got the result of the t-test score of pre-test both in the experimental class and in the controlled class, the t-test for post-test is also done in both classes, as in the table 4.5 below:

Table 4.5

The t-test of the Post-test Scores in the Experimental and Controlled Class

group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Score EXP 20 66.20 11.879 2.656

CONT 20 63.65 15.772 3.527


Equal variances assumed

Equal variances not


Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

F 3.463

Sig. .071

t-test for Equality of Means

T .578 .578

Df 38 35.308

Sig. (2-tailed) .567 .567

Mean Difference 2.550 2.550

Std. Error Difference 4.415 4.415

95% Confidence Interval of the Difference

Lower -6.388 -6.411



Based on the table 4.5, it is known that the significant level of independent sample test is .567, which is higher than .05. It means that there was no significant differen


Table 2.1. Examples of Affirmative Sentences .......................................................
table 2.1, below:
Table 2.2
Table 2.4 describes the spelling of regular past tense verbs.


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