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Interaksi Macaca Fascicularis-Manusia Di Telaga Warna, Bogor, Jawa Barat


Academic year: 2017

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I declare that thesis titled Macaca fascicularis-Human Interaction in Telaga Warna, Bogor, West Java is truly my work with the direction of the supervising commision and has not been submitted in any form in any college. All the resources or report from published works or unpublished from authors has been mentioned in the text and listed in bibliography at the end of this thesis.

I hereby assign the copyright of my thesis to the Bogor Agricultural University.



CITRA MALIKA HARDIN. Interaksi Macaca fascicularis-Manusia di Telaga Warna, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Dibimbing oleh KANTHI ARUM WIDAYATI dan ENTANG ISKANDAR.

M. fascicularis dapat tinggal di berbagai kondisi habitat, salah satunya di habitat terganggu seperti hutan wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari tentang interaksi M. fascicularis dengan manusia (pengunjung) di Cagar Alam dan Taman Rekreasi Telaga Warna, Bogor. Bentuk interaksi sosial antara Macaca fascicularis dan manusia (pengunjung) ada dua yaitu interaksi afiliasi dan interaksi agonistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas (App) memiliki frekuensi tertinggi dalam kategori afiliasi (45,03%) dan aktivitas intimidasi (In) memiliki frekuensi tertinggi dalam kategori agonistik (44,69%). Aktivitas menggigit pengunjung jarang ditemukan di Telaga Warna (0,06%) dari total frekuensi. Hal ini menunjukkan interaksi agonistik lebih tinggi daripada interaksi afiliasi. Meskipun banyak interaksi fisik dengan manusia, tetapi M. fascicularis di Cagar Alam dan Taman Rekreasi Telaga Warna tidak toleran terhadap sentuhan manusia. M. fascicularis di Telaga Warna juga mengkonsumsi makanan dari pengunjung. Aktivitas pemberian makanan oleh pengunjung disebabkan adanya kontak langsung dengan M. fascicularis. Pisang menjadi jenis makanan tertinggi (40,57%) yang disukai M. fascicularis. Selain itu, seiring meningkatnya jumlah pengunjung yang datang di akhir pekan, kesempatan untuk mendapatkan makanan dan terjadinya interaksi antara M. fascicularis-Manusia semakin tinggi.



CITRA MALIKA HARDIN. Macaca fascicularis-Human Interaction in Telaga Warna, Bogor, West Java. Supervised by KANTHI ARUM WIDAYATI and ENTANG ISKANDAR.



As one of the requirements for a bachelor of science


Department of Biology








The author utter praise and gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala so that thesis can be completed. The selected theme in the research conducted since January 2015 is Macaca fascicularis-Human Interaction in Telaga Warna, Bogor, West Java.

The author thankful to Mrs. Dr. Kanthi Arum Widayati and Mr. Dr Entang Iskandar as supervisor also to Mrs. Dra. Hilda Akmal M.Si who has given many suggestion. Besides that, the author thankful to Association of Foerestry and Natural Resources (BKSDA) because this research could be through due the licensing from BKSDA.

Expression of thanks are also extended to my beloved father, sister, two brothers for all the prayers and their affection, to my friends Dian Rahma Pratiwi, Winati Nurhayu, Aurora Fathyaa, Ade kurniawan, H. Senopati, Ahmad I. NurMahdy, zoology families for inspiring me and to all my friends 47 & 48 force of biology who had given the spirit to the author.

I hope this thesis helpful.



TABLE viii




Research site 1

Data collection 2

Methods 2

Type of Activity 3

Data analysis 3


Result 3

Discussion 5





1 Percentage of Daily Activity in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and

Recreational Park 3

2 Percentage of Macaques-Human Interaction in Telaga Warna Nature

Reserve and Recreational Park 4

3 Frequency of affiliation and agonistic of six classes macaques in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park 4 4 Percentage of Macaque-Human interaction monthly in Telaga Warna

Nature Reserve and Recreational Park 5


1 Food items given by human 5



The long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) is member of the genus Macaca, family Cercopithecidae and Order Primate. M. fascicularis has a wide geographical distribution that includes Southeast Asian region, Mauritus Island, Ngeuar Island, Republic of Palau, and Hongkong (Wheatley 1980). M. fascicularis live in various habitats such as lowland forest, coastal magrove forest and montane forest (Fooden 2006). M. fascicularis could lived in various conditions such as primary forests that are not influenced by human and in disturbed areas such as tourism forests (Fakhri et al. 2012). They are extremely adaptable species who can lived in canopy forest, riverine, coastal forest, mangrove, nipa swamp, and disturbed habitat like places where with humans live (Gumert et al. 2011).

M. fascicularis lived in social group consists of many males and many females (multi-male multi-female). M. fascicularis has behavioral activities like agonistic, grooming, mating, playing, resting, feeding and moving. M. fascicularis is frugivorus, but if the fruit is slightly available or even is not available M. fascicularis can eat other types of food available in the habitat where they lived. The other types food are young leaves, shoots, insects, etc. (opportunistic omnivore) (Wheatley 1989).

There are few studies exist on the interaction of long-tailed macaques and human. At Padangtegal, Bali, M. fascicularis has a higher rates of biting than those in Gibraltar (11.4% vs. 1.2% of aggressive interactions), and the macaques in Gibraltar appear more tolerant to humans by touching and physically interacting with them (Fuentes et al. 2007). In contrast to Bali and Gibraltar, interaction patterns between humans and long-tailed macaques (M. fascicularis) are different in Singapore (Fuentes et al. 2008). In Singapore, human tend to rarely involved physical contact between macaques and humans (Fuentes et al.

2008). According to Nila et al. (2014), M. fascicularis in Telaga Warna consumed natural (60.1% of total) and food from visitors (39.9%), but still no data reported about their interaction to human. This research aim to study about interaction M. fascicularis with humans in Telaga Warna.


Research site



primate species in habited in Nature Reserve: two leaf eater monkeys [surili (Presbytis comata) and lutung (Trachypithecus auratus)], javan gibbon (Hylobathes moloch) and long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) (Nila et al. 2014). Among the four primates, this study focuses on long-tailed macaques. group composition of troop A in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park. Habituation process was done by feeding the macaques with crump of dried noodle every weekends. These observations were made at 09:00 until 18:00 with interval time every one minute. Observation time was divided at 9:00 until 12:00 in the morning, 13:00 until 15:00 in the afternoon and 16:00 until 18:00 in the evening. During the observation time, all forms of behavior and interaction of long-tailed macaques were recorded. The materials in this research are note book, stationary, stopwatch, pen and Digital Single Lens Reflect (DSLR).

The troop A has 53 individuals which composed of 11 adults male (>5 years old), 12 adults female (>5 years old), 4 subadults female (3.5-6 years old), 5 subadults male (3.5-6 years old), 3 juvenils female (1-3 years old), 8 juvenils male (1-3 years old), 10 infants (<1 years old). Identification of long-tailed macaques was done through differentiating by their faces, hair colours, body size, shapes of head and body, or scars. Observer could differentiate all individual an divided it into six classes i.e: adult males, adult females, subadult males, subadult females, juvenile males and juvenile females.


Ad libitum and Instantaneous Methods



Type of Activity

Observer categorized activities into two types of activity, human interaction (HI) activity and daily activity (DA). Human interaction divided into affiliation and agonistic. Affiliation has 3 behavior category consisted of approaching (App), following (Fl) and holding (Hd) while agonistic has 7 behavior category consisted of biting (Bt), chasing (Ch), intimidating (In), scratching (Sc), slapping (Sl), and stealing which subdivided into snatching (Sn) and filching (Fl). Daily activity has 7 categorize behaviour consisted of resting (R), eating (E), grooming (G), genital inspection (GI), mating (MT), moving (M), playing (P). It used to simplify the observation. These behavioural categorization were similar with Suratmo (1978). Observer divided individuals subject into 6 classes were adult males, subadult males, juvenile males, adult females, subadult females and juvenile females.

Data analysis

Observer calculated and summarized data using basic statistical methods R 2.11.0 programme. The relationship between behavior and interactions was analyzed using R programme to show frequency of variation social behavior with humans in the troop A and see the influence of social status on the frequency of macaques interaction with humans (visitors).





Table 2 Percentage of Macaques-Human Interaction in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park

Table 3 Frequency of affiliation and agonistic of six classes macaques in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park

The number of activities macaques-human interaction shown on Table 3. Each individual class has a different level of human interaction activity. Percentage of food given by human shown on Figure 1. Bananas were the most preffered food by macaques with the percentage of 40.57%.



Figure 1 Food item given by human

Table 4 Percentage of Macaque-Human interaction monthly in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park

Figure 2 shows the data of visitors who interact with macaques from January to April 2015. The highest percentage in the interaction between macaques with visitors was on the weekend (19.95% in Saturday and 19.61% in Sunday).

Figure 2 The average of daily macaque-human interaction Discussion

The social interaction between Macaca fascicularis and human divided into two categories there is affiliation and agonistic interactions. Affiliation behavior is positive behaviors that may indicate a close relationship between individuals (Marjolijn et al. 1998). Agonistic behavior is a negative behaviors form of physical contact such as hiting, biting or intimidating. Intimidating may be threatened, staring, showing fangs, growling, and ears laid back (Zhang & Watanabe 2014). This study focuses on affiliation and agonistic behavior towards



macaques-human interaction. Affiliation category consisted of approaching (App), following (Fl) and holding (Hd). Approaching activity is characterized by the activity macaques were walking toward the visitor at a certain distance. The frequency of approaching of long-tailed macaques in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park was 801 times (45.03% of the total frequency of activity HI). Approaching (App) most often committed by groups of adult males (254 times), dominated by subject Copet (59 times). This is because Copet is Alpha male who has highest social hierarchy than others. Holding activity (Hd) is characterized when visitors interact feed directly by hand and long-tailed macaques greeted by holding back the visitor hands without taking it off until finished their food. This holding activities is rarely and only occurs 5 times (0.28% of the total frequency of activity HI). Subject GGS has highest activity of this holding (3 times). Following activity (Fl) was recorded 23 times (1.29% from total activity frequency HI). Following activities to visitors most often performed by the group juvenile males as much as 8 times, dominated by the subject Gembul (5 times). Following activity is defined as the behavior of long-tailed macaques after approaching, that is followed the activities of visitors in the optional conditions.

Agonistic category consisted of biting (Bt), chasing (Ch), intimidating (In), scratching (Sc), slapping (Sl), and stealing which sub divided into snatching (Sn) and filching (Fl). Biting (Bt) is an agonistic behavior of long-tailed macaques form of bite. According to Fuentes et al. (2007), Padangtegal has higher rates of biting than Gibraltar (11.4% vs. 1.2% of agressive interactions). In this study, the activity of visitors had bitten by macaques was rarely found in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park. Biting activity was only performed one time by the adult male, GGS. Visitors who had bitten was boys under 10 years of age. Bite activity at 0.06% of the total frequency HI activity. This is consistent with Fuentes et al. (2007) which states the physical aggression of Gibraltar macaques in 58% of 808 aggressive interaction and bitless frequently. Chasing (Ch) can be interpreted as a movement macaques that run after visitors. If one of the macaques run after visitors, usually other macaques would come running rushed to certain distance. Chasing activity is often followed by scratching activity. Chasing victims are mostly female visitors. This is because they mostly more dare to approaching the juvenile to give food than adults, so the adults would think that visitors was a threat to juvenile. The actions undertaken by the macaques contradiction to the visitor form of chasing. Chasing activity (Ch) to visitors was 10 times (0.56% of total activity frequency HI). Chasing activity most often performed by the adult females as much as 5 times, dominated by the subject Cantik (3 times).


7 behavior of scratching (Sc) was only occurred 4 times (0.22% of the total frequency of activity HI) and only conducted by the Alpha male, Copet. Mostly men visitors which become scratching target, because they are often disturb such as, by way macaques drive out using the feet or hands or other objects, scare by pulling the catapult empty, threw with stones and others. In this study, scratching activity triggered by the juvenile who feel threatened. Alpha male who hear or see immediately ran towards the direction of the call and then ran and scratching feet of visitors.

Slapping (Sl) is characterized as a movement, slap a man's hand while glaring. This usually happens when a visitor tries to interact too close to the long-tailed macaques, like trying to feed by hand directly, so the long-long-tailed macaques would do defense by slap hands then glaring moments to the visitors. Usually, visitors are surprised by it will make macaques do intimidating activity afterwards, but visitors who remain calm will make macaques resume feeding activity. Slapping activity (Sl) was recorded as much as 98 times (2.70% of total activity frequency HI). Slapping activity (Sl) to visitors most frequent by adult female group as much as 24 times, dominated by the subject Cantik (9 times).

Stealing is a form of interaction of long-tailed macaques to visitors, which is characterized by slowly approaching movement towards visitors and dwell a little longer in close to visitors. When the situation is safe according to the macaques, there will be rapid movement seize. Usually, macaques will seize plastic bag suspected food or beverage. Stealing activity is divided into direct and indirect. Activity of indirect stealing recognizable as filching (Fc) where long-tailed macaques seize goods or food that is lying on a chair, stool, soil and so without sight by the visitors. Activity of steal directly recognizable as snatching (Sn) where long-tailed macaques forcibly seize a plastic package that is in the hands of visitors.

Filching (Fc) activity to visitors in the site was 65 times (3.65% of total activity frequency HI). Filching Activity (Fc) is most often performed by the adult females as much as 22 times, was dominated by the subject Jere (8 times). Snatching Activity (Sn) to visitors in Telaga Warna Nature Recreational Park is 27 times (1.52% from total activity frequency HI). Snatching Activity (Sn) is most often done by the adult males as much as 23 times, was dominated by the subject of GGS (18 times). As consideration, the subject of GGS is a new comer in the group A, can be presumed GGS has not been able to keep in search of food around Telaga Warna with other macaques, so the switch GGS steal food to visitors.



macaques. Figure 2 shows the percentage weekend and weekdays of the macaques-human interaction. Macaques interaction with humans is highest on weekend than weekdays. This is because on holiday many domestic and foreign visitors coming to the Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park, so more visitors are coming, then the chances of getting a lot of food and interaction with human are also higher.


Agonistic interactions between Macaca fascicularis and visitors is higher than the affiliative interactions in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park. Although many physical interaction with humans, the long-tailed macaques in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park is not tolerant to the human touch. Visitors activities that causes higest direct contact with macaques shown by the presence of feed, plastic bags, and banana fruit. Interaction between macaques and humans in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park is high risk potentially. In addition, there is a positive correlation between macaques-human(visitors) interaction in weekend. Increasingly coincident the number of visitors in a weekend, the opportunity to get food and interaction between macaques-visitors are higher.


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The author was born on September 5th 1993 in Bogor with Uus Saefudin as father and Almh.Sri Harmini as mother. The author is the third daughter of four brothers. In 2011, the author graduated his high school from SMAN 01 Cileungsi Bogor and at the same year the author pass the selection in Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) college through SNMPTN invitee and accepted in Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. The author also get a Bidikmisi scholarship in the second academic year.

During the lecturer, the author had been a Basic Genetics lab assistant in the academic year 2014. The author also active in committees such as staff of consumption on PSN 2012 and staff division on UKM MAX!! ACRA 2012. The author also received an award in the form of an opportunity to perform in various events:

1. Opening on the ‘Erasmus Huis ‘Awkward Band” show (2012). 2. Opening in ‘IGLM (IPB Green Living Movement’ show (2012). 3. Performer on TVRI “Empat Pilar Goes to Campus” show (2013).

4. Performer on ‘Music Classical Corner’ at ITB (Bandung Institute of

Technology) (2013).

5. Opening on the ‘Erasmus Huis ‘Only Seven Left Band” show (2013).

6. Performer at ‘SPORTA’s event’ at IPB, Bogor (2013).

7. 2ndWinner on ‘Art Contest Accoustic SPIRIT IPB F-MIPA’ show (2014).

8. Performer on ‘Agroforestry Training Seminar TGC (Tree Grower

Community) In Action’ 2014 (2014).

9. Performer on ‘The 10th Statistics Ria; Let’s be sexy with Statistics: Job’s

dream of This Decade’ (2014).

10. Closing on ‘Bionic show’ department of Biology IPB (2014).

11. Performer on “SEMIRATA’s event” Bogor Agricultural University (2014).


Table 2  Percentage of Macaques-Human Interaction in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Recreational Park
Figure 2 The average of daily macaque-human interaction


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