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Arif Wardiman Lase Reg. Number 4123131007

Bilingual Chemistry Education Program


Submitted to Fulfill The Requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Arif Wardiman Lase (Reg. Number : 4123131007) ABSTRACT

The development of innovative learning material reaction rate with active learning and multimedia is explained in this thesis. The study is aimed to obtain good and standard chemistry learning material for senior high school students. The study is conducted through the development, innovation, integration of active learning and multimedia on reaction rate in learning material. The development of learning material on the topic of reaction rate is based on the suitability description material, core standard and basic competences of the Kurikulum 2013 (K13) syllabus. The development of standard chemistry learning material reaction rate consists of 4 subtopics, they are the concepts of reaction rate, reaction order and rate equation, the collision theory and activation energy and factors affecting the reaction rate. There are some integration of the following relevant laboratory experiment, contextual aplication, the illustration, pictures and graph to support the reaction rate materials, problems and examples, solving problems, sets of evaluation and key answer and the address of relevant website for further study in the learning material. The innovation on learning material is downloaded video completed with hyperlink and the appropriate website address. The integration of active learning on reaction rate such as web-based learning, a reaction to video, collaborative learning group, laboratory experiences and classroom discussion. The integration of multimedia on reaction rate such as text and illustration (pictures), animations, videos and e-book for e-learning. Standardization of the learning material have been carried out by making questionnaire and the expert lecturers are agree with responses 3.61, students in SMA N 3 Medan with responses 3.51, students in SMA N 4 Medan with responses 3.58 and students in SMA N 1 Perbaungan with responses 3.61. The total average of the responses is 3.57 means that chemistry learning material is valid and good. The learning material set in e-book to make it easy to use in teaching and learning process in offline system. The innovative learning material reaction rate with active learning and multimedia can use in senior high school in teaching and learning process.




First of all, Praise to the Lord, Jesus Christ, because of his blessing, health

and wisdom so that the writer can finish his study and thesis well.

The title of this thesis is “The Development of Innovative Learning Material Reaction Rate with Active Learning and Multimedia”. This research was done in State University of Medan that prepared to get Sarjana Pendidikan

Degree of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

On this occasion, the writer convey great respect and gratitude to :

 Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D., as thesis supervisor who has

provided guidance and suggestion to the writer since the beginning of the

study until completion in writing this thesis.

 Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si., Drs. Simson Tarigan, M.Pd., Drs.

Rahmat Nauli, M.Si., and Nora Susanti, S.Si., Apt., M.Sc., who has

provided suggestions from the proposal until the completion of this thesis.

 Prof. Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si., Drs, Jamalum Purba, M.Si., and Dr.

Ajat Sudrajat, M.Si., as the expert lecturers to standardize the learning

material and give the suggestions for making the good learning material.  Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si as Bilingual Program coordinator and Nora

Susanti, S.Si., Apt., M.Sc., as Bilingual Program secretary and Pak Sam as

Bilingual Program staff who always help from the first studying until

finishing this thesis.

 Headmaster, teacher and students of SMA N 3 Medan, SMA N 4 Medan

and SMA N 1 Perbaungan that help in standardization and trial process of

the learning material.

 Special gratitude for my beloved parents, my Father and Mother who

always loving, caring, supporting and praying for me for everything I do

during my study. Thank you so much for your love so that I can complete

my first degree in this State University of Medan. Keep praying for me

dad and mom. I’ll always make you proud of me with big efforts. The next



 Many thanks also for my beloved Brother and Sisters, Karir Berkat Lase,

S.Kep., Three Citrani Lase, No Kasih Niat Lase and my big family who

always supporting, giving motivation, laugh and togetherness so that I can

complete my thesis. I love you, Siblings !

 Dear Ani Waruwu, Mersi Nantaria Telaumbanua and Aa Amsalt Adya

Kusumah, thanks for your supporting, your advice, your solution and

thanks for the laugh and everything. I love you all !

 YBO PGI Scholarship that always support me and give the best experiences joining the Leadership Capacity Building in Solo.

 KAMNI-UNIMED and My community @1000_guru_medan, all of the

team, all of the volunteer in Medan and each of regions in Indonesia.

Thanks for all you support, guys. Special thanks for all of students in rural

area for your praying so I can finish my study well. Waiting for me, then

We will play and study together fun !

 CESP 2012, my classmate for about 4 years, thanks for the togetherness and happiness. See you in the next level and dream !

Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia (PCMI) and Pertukaran Pemuda Antar

Negara (PPAN) 2016 especially for the North Sumatera Youth

Ambassador (Bang Kiki, Sarah and Carla).

 Thanks also to Headmaster, Teachers, all students of SMAN 2 Balige,

Yasop and my PPL team for the unforgattable and memorable experiences


Actually the writer have do the maximal effort in completion this thesis,

but he is aware there are many weakness in this thesis. Writer hope for

suggestions and constructive criticism from readers for completeness this thesis

perfectly. At least, writer hope this thesis can be useful to enrich the readers in

science education.

Medan, June 2016 Writer




Legalization Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iv

Acknowledgement v

List of Contents vii

List of Tables x

List of Figures xi

List of Appendixes xii


1.1. Background 1

1.2. The Problem Identification 5

1.3. The Problem Formulation 6

1.4. The Problem Limitation 6

1.5. Research Objectives 7

1.6. Research Benefits 7

1.7. The Operational definition 8


2.1. Learning Material 9

2.1.1. Definition of Learning Material 9

2.1.2. The Types of Learning Material 9

2.1.3. The Position of Learning Material in Learning Process 10

2.1.4. The Use of Learning Material 11

2.2. The Development of Learning Material 13

2.3. Innovative Learning 14

2.4. Innovation in Teaching and Learning Chemistry 15

2.5. Active Learning as Inovation in Teaching and Learning



2.6. Multimedia on Teaching Chemistry 21

2.7. The Literature of Reaction Rate 23

2.7.1 Defenition of Reaction Rate 23

2.7.2. Rate Laws and Rate Constant 23

2.7.3. Factors Affecting Reaction Rate 24

2.7.4. Rate Equation 25

2.8. Conceptual Framework 25


3.1. Location and Time Research 26

3.2. Research Population and Samples 26

3.3. Research Instrument 27

3.4. Research Design 27

3.5. Research Procedure 27

3.6. Data Analysis 30

3.6.1 Descriptive Analysis 30


4.1. Review of Senior High School Chemistry Textbook 33

4.2. The Results of Analysis of Learning Material Reaction Rate of

Senior High School Chemistry Textbook 35

4.3. The Development of Learning Material Reaction Rate 38

4.4. The Innovation in Learning Material Reaction Rate 40

4.5. The Integration of Active Learning in Learning Material

Reaction Rate 40

4.6. The Integration of Multimedia in Learning Material Reaction

Rate 40

4.7. Creating E-book of Learning Material Reaction Rate 44

4.8. Standardization of Innovative Learning Material Reaction Rate

With Active Learning and Multimedia 46



Active Learning and Multimedia 49

4.10. Discussion 51


5.1. Conclusion 52

5.2. Suggestion 53




Table 3.1. The Description of Population and Samples that Selected 26

Table 3.2. Descriptive Analysis of Textbook 30

Table 3.3. Validity Criteria Analysis with Average Score 32

Table 4.1. The Description of Senior High School Chemistry

Textbooks 34

Table 4.2. The Average Percentage of the Content, Breadth, Depth,

Design and the Language Feasibility of the SHS

Chemistry Textbooks 36

Table 4.3. The Description of Development of Learning Material

Reaction Rate 39

Table 4.4. The Description of Innovation in Learning Material

Reaction Rate 41

Table 4.5. The Description of Integration of Active Learning in

Learning Material Reaction Rate 42

Table 4.6. The Description of Integration of Multimedia in Learning

Material Reaction Rate 43

Table 4.7. The Performances of Innovative Chemistry Learning

Material Reaction Rate with Active Learning and

Multimedia based on the Respondents’ Opinion 47

Table 4.8. The Results of Descriptive Analysis of Trial Chemistry




Figure 3.1. The Research Procedure of Development of Innovative

Chemistry Learning Material Reaction Rate


Figure 4.1. E-book Display of Learning Material Reaction Rate 44

Figure 4.2. E-book Display of Learning Material Reaction Rate With

Web Address 44

Figure 4.3. E-book Display of Learning Material Reaction Rate With

Video 45

Figure 4.4. E-book Display of Learning Material Reaction Rate With




Appendix 1. Innovative Chemistry Learning Material Reaction Rate

with Active Learning and Multimedia 65

Appendix 2. Chemistry Syllabus 66

Appendix 3. Standard Assesment of Learning Textbook 68

Appendix 4. Analysis of Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks

based on BSNP Standard 70

Appendix 5. Questionnaire of Innovative Learning Material Reaction

Rate with Active Learning and Multimedia 77

Appendix 6. The Question for Description of Learning Material

(TRIAL) 78

Appendix 7. The Questionnaire Result of Innovative Chemisrty

Learning Material Reaction Rate with Active Learning

and Multimedia Standardization by Expert Chemistry

Lecturers 79

Appendix 8. The Questionnaire Result of Innovative Chemistry

Learning Material Reaction Rate with Active Learning

and Multimedia Standardization by Students of SMA N

3 Medan, SMAN 4 Medan and SMAN 1 Perbaungan 80

Appendix 9. The Average of Questionnaire Result of Innovative

Chemistry Learning Material Reaction Rate with Active

Learning and Multimedia Standardization by Lecturerts 83

Appendix 10. Documentation 84



1.1. Background

The development of innovative learning material with active learning and

multimedia is very important for senior high school students today, so they will

be motivated to learn and study more active in chemistry teaching and learning

process easily.

Nowadays, developing of science and technology is very fast. It would

require the carrying capacity of qualified human resources to produce human

resources that is able to responds these challenges and develop technologies for

the benefit of the community, state and nation as well as the master science.

Facing the development, education is one of the foundation that determines

toughness and progress of a community, state and nation. Of course it requires

some development of education in many ways.

One of the development in education is development through innovation

of learning material. The development through innovation chemistry textbook

learning materials are very needed, especially in improving the quality of

education. Learning innovation is one thing that gets attention, besides as

supporting learning material, so that optimal learning process to be effective and

selective in accordance with the subject being taught in improve student

achievement. Sutama (2008) states, in line with efforts to improve the quality of

education, innovation in learning process is one thing attention besides supporting

facilities learning.

Education is a way that can express ideas and new values and have a considerable impact to people’s lives. Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of teaching and process so that students are actively

developing their potential to have the spriritual strength of religious, self-control,

personality, intelegence, noble character and skills indeed and society. Learning



improve the quality of education and develop in accordance with the national

character of culture in Indonesia (Situmorang, 2013).

Textbooks indeed as a source and media in teaching and learning process.

Textbook as a learning resource plays an important role in teaching and learning

in the classroom (Abed & Al-Absi, 2015) that can navigate the learner based on

their needs (Goods, et al., 2010). For high schools students, the textbook is

certainly very important in the teaching and learning activities because it can

strengthen and support the information material presented by the teacher in the

class and could help the students to learn the material that has not been presented

in the class. However, although the conventional and has been used for a long

time and many consider traditional textbooks are still quite capable of giving a

good contribution to learning, some learning materials can not be taught without

the aid of textbooks. Traditional textbooks do not always make this possible,

especially if students are already uncomfortable with the material (Hosler, 2011).

Accroding to Nasution in Prastowo (2012: 169) , there are some functions

and purposes of textbooks. The function of textbooks are as reference material by

learners as evaluation materials, a tool for educators to implement the curriculum,

one of the determinants of teaching methods or techniques that will be used

educators and as means to increase career and occupation. While the purposes of

textbooks are facilitate educators in delivering learning materials, provide

opportunities for learners to repeat a lesson or learn a new lesson, providing an

interesting learning materials for learners. From above, can be concluded that the

textbooks are used in various reference books level of education and the media as

a source of learning in imroving the quality of teaching and learning outcomes

education standards.

Textbooks on the market should be thoroughly tested and quality as source

of learning media. Every textbook to be used at senior high school as a source and

instructional media must have been through the process of assessment as a

learning textbooks and the quality control standards of education, including high

school science textbook that commonly design to satisfy demands stated in



Textbooks must be able to present quality teaching materials in accordance with

the demands of the curriculum, folowing the development of science and

technology and can facilitate learning so that a predetermined competencies can

be achieved (Situmorang, 2013), thus the preparation of quality books are

indispensable in meeting the learning needs independent. Good science textbook

contains the vision, mission, context, content, and the process and the scientific

information that are presented in the textbook will motivated the students to learn

(Simatupang & Situmorang, 2013).

UNESCO Statistical data in 2012 mentions index reading interest in

Indonesia reached 0.001. That is, from 1,000 people, only one person who is

interested in reading. According to UNESCO education development index,

Indonesia is at number 69 of 127 countries (Yulaningsih, Republika.co.id).

Allegedly, low reading came from first impression with the book that unattractive

and difficult to understand especially in chemistry. Science textbook have been

describes as packed with the facts but lack in concepts and at worst condemned as

inaccurate, poorly organizes and boring. The unavailability of a standard teaching

materials increasingly difficult to make students learn chemistry (Yusfiani and

Situmorang, 2011). Despite this facts, surveys show science teachers repeatedly

rely on textbooks as both pedagogical guides as authorities in the moderns science

classroom even though they believe the reading level of textbook is “too hard” for

their students. Most science textbooks currently in use are not friendly textbooks.

The solution to improve the quality of education is the provision of quality

learning materials that can be done through teaching materials. And according to

Lee (2010) one way to increase quality of education is through present qualify

learning materials. In addition, innovative learning may provide an opportunity to

improve the quality of education. Selection of books as learning resources should

consider the suitability of teaching materials with the goal to be achieved in the

teaching and learning of science and technology which adjusts to allow for

maximum learning.

There are several requirements needed to make the book as a source of



help students to learn and meet the needs of students in independent study. Both

books should be able to motivate learners to take advantage of things like

drawing, illustration, example, the problem (case), has enough material to support

teaching and can be used to support trouble shooting activities.

The use of information technology for learning has also encouraged a shift

from conventional learning to learn independently so that the learning can be

more memorable impression by students. According to Situmorang and Andry

(2014), the utilization of information technology, multimedia and e-learning for

learning through online facilities have been able to push learning shift from

conventional learning to independently learning so as to facilitate senior high

school students to learn not only depends on lecture but it comes from theirself.

E-learning is a E-learning process use information and ommunication technology as

tools that can be available whenever and wherever needed, so as to come over the

constraints of space and time (Sutanta, 2009).

Innovative learning are indispensable and can be obtained in the teaching

materials that lead to optimal and efficient communication. Innovative learning as

outlined in the teaching materials is very important to get a better learning

outcomes and increase the effectiveness of learning towards renewal. Creating

innovative teaching materials by using e-learning is also important in developing

the teaching-learning process. Active learning using technologies can be effective

to improve student achievement. Finally, e-learning material and high quality may

be transported and used in different educational contexts or at different

institutions. Because the kind of teaching material that is easy to share, the best

examples can be adjusted wherever they are needed, at the level of training for

beginners to post-graduate and even across international boundaries.

As Rosenberg (2001) argued that a good learning materials must be able to

present the teaching material according to the demands of the curriculum,

following the development of science and technology and can bridge the learning

for competencies has been established can be achieved. Chemical materials in the

learning materials should be systematic, complete, and easier to understanding,



the characteristics of student enrichment because chemistry presents some special

challenges (Lang, 2009). Many SHS students consider chemistry as a difficult

subject that make them not interested to study (Situmorang & Saragih, 2013).

Therefore, innovation in teaching and learning chemistry will do to make the

students are motivated to study chemistry. One of a strategy is conducted through

the development of innovative chemistry learning material to obtain good

teaching materials that suit to students’ development in reaction rate topics.

Based on the descriptions, the researcher were interested to do a relevant

research that has been mentioned above, that in this study, the researcher will

make a chemisty learning material in the form of innovative learning material.

This title of this research is “The Development of Innovative Learning Material Reaction Rate with Active Learning and Multimedia”.

1.2. The Problem Identification

Based on the background of which has been decribed previously, some

problems can be identified as the following :

1. The arrangement of chemistry learning material on the topic of reaction

rate in order it is suited to the K13 curriculum.

2. Prepare an innovation and active learning material on the topic of reaction

rate in order the teaching and learning process can be proceeded optimum.

3. Make development, innovation and integration of active learning and

multimedia on chemistry learning material reaction rate in order the

students can easily study chemistry.

4. Standardize a developed learning material to meet the standard provided



1.3. The Problem Formulation

Based on the background that has been stated previously, then the

formulation of the problem in this study are :

1. How the arrangement of chemistry topic reaction rate in order it is suited

to the K13 curriculum ?

2. How to prepare an innovative and active chemistry learning material on

the topic of reaction rate in order the teaching and learning process can be

proceeded optimum ?

5. What kind of development, innovation and integration of active learning

and multimedia on chemistry learning material reaction rate in order the

students can easily study chemistry ?

3. How to standardize a developed learning material to meet the standard

provided by Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) ?

1.4. The Problem Limitation

From the formulation of these problem, so that limitation of the problem in

this study are :

1. Arranging and developing the standard innovative and active learning

materials on the topic of reaction rate.

2. Developing chemistry learning material of reaction rate with active

learning and multimedia.

3. The source of teaching material that willl be developed are from 7 books

that usually used by SHS students before and books from the other


4. This teaching material will be assessed and revised by expert chemistry



1.5. Research Objectives

The objectives of this research is to develop an innovative and active

teaching material on the teaching of reaction rate in senior high school. The

specific objectives to be achieved in this study are :

1. To make the arrangement of chemistry topic in order it is suited with the

K13 curriculum.

2. To set an innovative and active learning material on the topic of reaction

rate topic so teaching and learning process can be proceed optimum.

3. To make the kind of development and innovation to the chemistry learning

material of reaction rate with active learning and multimedia in the

teaching process in order student can easily study reaction rate.

4. To standardize a developed learning materials so meet standard provided

by Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP).

1.6. Research Benefits

In the implementation of this study is expected to be able to provide

benefits to many people. This study is expected to provide the following

benefits :

1. For researchers, is a valuable experience can analyze the book, be able to

prepare and develop innovative learning materials with active learning and

multimedia on the topic of reaction rate.

2. For lecturers, provide information and input as well as assist in the

delivery of learning materials for students as a source of learning.

3. Student who learn chemistry can help them to increase knowledge and

interest in learning materials so that students can learn according to their

ability and absorption characteristics.

4. For futher research, provide information and reference in future studies for

students, especially students in chemistry department in State University



1.7. The Operational Defenition

Based on that explanation, the operational defenition as the following :

1. Innovation are research activities, development and engineering which

aims at developing or applying the practical value and the context of the

new science or new ways to apply science and technology that already

exists in production process because innovative for learning material here

is learning that is designed / composed by integrating new innovations in

the learning with the goal of keeping students more easily understand the

learning. Innovation is a new breakthrough that is different from the

ordinary (conventional) learning, such as the addition of the media in the

process of learning and the formation of discussion groups and so on.

2. Active learning material are a modification of material to meet attractive

one. Said active learning because the user will experience the interaction

and being active for example actively paying attention to images, pay

attention to the writings of varying color or motion, sound, video and even

animated films.

3. All materials (both information, tools or text) that are arranged

systematically, which shows the figure of whole of the competence to be

controlled by the learners and are used in the process of learning with the

aim of planning and review the implementation of the study.

4. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) is an independet institution

and professional to develop, monitor and evaluate the implementation of

national educational standard.





5.1. Conclusion

Based on the result of research that obtained from the result of data

analysis, it can be stated some conclusion as follows :

1. The arranging of innovative chemistry learning material Reaction Rate

has succesfully designed suited to K13 curriculum that used at senior

high school. It can be used as a learning material on teaching reaction

rate grade XI senior high school.

2. The standard and good innovative chemistry learning material reaction

rate prepared to proceed teaching and learning process optimum. It was

get the positive response from expert chemistry lecturers and students as

a standardizer with the total average of validation score was 3.57.

3. The development of learning material on the topic of reaction rate is

based on the suitability description material on the standard and basic

competence of K13 syllabus. The developed standard chemistry

learning material reaction rate consists of 4 subtopics, they are the

concepts of reaction rate, reaction order and rate equation, the collision

theory and activation energy and factors affecting the reaction rate. And

there are integration of the following relevant laboratory experiment,

contextual aplication, the illustration, pictures and graph to support the

reaction rate materials, problems and examples, solving problems, sets

of evaluation and key answer and the address of relevant website for

further study. The innovation on learning material is downloaded video

and hyperlink video with the appropriate website address. The

integration of active learning in learning material reaction rate such as

web-based learning, a reaction to video, collaborative learning group,

laboratory experiences and classroom discussion. The integration of



illustration (pictures), animations, videos and e-book for e-learning.

4. The standard and good innovative chemistry learning material absolutely

have good criteria and suitable with Indonesia Education National

Standard (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan / BSNP), based on

content, extension, depth, design and language.

5.2. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, there are some suggestion that have to be

stated in order to make teaching and learning process in chemistry become

effective and efficient as follows:

1. It is suggested that the chemistry teacher should give the standard and

good innovative chemistry learning material based on the K13

curriculum as main learning media for student in senior high school

especially learning material reaction rate according to Indonesia

Education National Standard (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan /

BSNP) and it is suggested to teacher for developing and providing the

standard and good innovative learning material to be used in the

teaching and learning process especially for reaction rate subject in

senior high school.

2. It is suggested to next researchers could improve the better innovative

chemistry learning material based on K13 curriculum and develop the

e-book good in content, depth in the material, fill with new knowledge

based on the development of technology, good structure, design and

language so the students are easy and simple to undestand.




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