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Development Of Image Compression Algorithm.


Academic year: 2017

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This project is about developing an image compression algorithm and implements

it in C++ lan gu age. Image compression is a me thod where to save bandw idth or s torage

whic h processes th e pi xe ls' values by certain rul es and me thods. C++ was c hose n as the

ma in medium for the impl ementation . Thi s is du e to its fl ex ibility in te rm s of debugging

a nd cost sa vin g co mparin g to o ther mediums. The chose n me thod is the Disc rete Co sine

Tran sform me th od . T his techniqu e is chosen because of its practicability a nd can be sa id

o ne o f the hi g hes t rated technique. Upon o f its completi o n, the im ages w ill be discussed

in terms o f qua lity whic h depending on the q uanti zation table s u sed . As a result , it can be

sa id th at th e image is successfull y compresse d a nd can be used in many applications s uc h

a s video-o n-de mand , video confere ncin g a nd o thers.



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