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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8136111038





Khairunnisah. The experiential function used by men and women in writing opinion at www.kompasiana.com. A thesis: English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School, State University of Medan 2015.



Khairunnisah. Fungsi experiensial yang digunakan oleh laki-laki dan perempuan dalam menulis pendapat pada www.kompasiana.com. Tesis : Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan 2015.



In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful whom she would like to ecpress her sincere gratitude, Allah the almighty who has given her blessing health, strength and patience in the process of completing this thesis in the title the experiential function using by men and women in writing opinion at www.kompasian.com as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Magister Humaniora at the Postgraduate of English Applied Linguistics Program, State University of Medan.

This thesis would not also have been possible brought into existence without the help of a great many people. At first, in particular, the writer would like to express her gratitude to Prof. Dr. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A.,Ph.D., and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., her first and second adviser for their so generous assistance, guidance, advice, and precious time they spent on supervising and guiding this thesis.

Secondly, the writer would also like to express her gratitude to the head of English Applied Linguistics Program, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., her secretary, Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., and Farid who have assisted her in the process of administration requirement during the process of her study in the postgraduate program. Special thanks to all lecturers of the English Applied Linguistics Program State University of Medan who have given their valuable knowledge to her in their lectures.

Thanks are due to her proposal reviewers and examiners, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., for their appropriate and helpful commentaries and constructive suggestions.

She would also very much like to express her gratitude to the all writers in www.kompasiana.com who have written their opinion in it. That is help the writer for done her analysis of this study.

Last but not least, on a personal level, the writer would like dedicate her love and sincerest gratitude to her parents, Drs. Arifin Aswar Nasution and Dra. Syafrida Nasution, and sisters for their sincere and most reliable comfort, and above all, their love and support. Arif Muda Adi Harahap, the one who always loves,supports, suggests comments, prays, and accompanies her in every condition, also deserves her thanks.








1.1 The Background of The Study ... 1

1.2 The Problem of Study ... 8

1.3 The Scope of The Study ... 9

1.4 The Objective of Study ... 9

1.5 The Significance of The Study ... 10



2.1 Theoritical Framework ... 11

2.2 Metafunction Of Language ... 12

2.3 Experiential Function ... 14

2.3.1 Material Process ... 18

2.3.2 Mental Process ... 19

2.3.3 Relational Process ... 19

2.3.4 Verbal Process ... 20

2.3.5 Behavioural Process ... 21

2.3.6 Existential Process ... 21

2.4 Sex And Gender ... 22

2.4.1 Discourse And Gender ... 23

2.4.2 The Characteristic Of Man And Woman in Writing... 24

2.4.3 The Difference Man and Woman using Experiential Function Process . 25 2.4.4 The Reason For Different Writing Man And Woman ... 28

2.5 Kompasiana.com ... 29

2.6 Relevant Studies ... 30




3.1 Research Design ... 35

3.2 Data And Data Source ... 35

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection ... 36

3.4 The Technique of Data Analysis ... 36

3.5 Trustworthiness of The Study ... 37



4.1 The Data Analysis ... 39

4.1.1 Kind of Process Dominantly Used by Men and women ... 39

4.1.2 The Types of Process Used By Women ... 43

4.1.3 The comparison of experiential process realized by men and women in writing opinion at www.kompasiana.com. ... 45

4.1.4 The reason man and woman use experiential function differently in writing opinion at www.Kompasiana.com ... 53

4.2 Findings ... 56

4.3 Discussion ... 58

4.3.1 The Process of Experiential Function in the Written of Men and Women at www.kompasiana.com ... 59

4.3.2 The Difference of different ways of experiential functions realized by man and woman in writing opinion at www.kompasiana.com ... 60

4.3.3 he reason men and women use experiential function differently in writing opinion at www.Kompasiana.com ... 62

5.1 Conclusions ... 65

5.2 Suggestions ... 66





Table 2.1 The characteristic of women and men ... 24 Table The types of process used by men in opinion rubric at

www.kompasiana.com ... 42

Table The types of process used by women... 44 Table 4.1.2 The comparison of experiential process realized by man and woman




Appendix 1 The Women’s Text www.kompasiana.com... 70

The Men’s Text www.kompasiana.com... 79

Appendix 2 The analysis of women’s text……….. 88




1.1 The Background of the Study

Nowadays, internet is very popular for people to search information in this world. Clay (1994 : 6) states that the internet is a great number of collected service for a big computer (server) and small computer (Personal Computer) using Netting System of Communication by the phone pulse or radio waves that are connected and get connected to each other and come from all parts of the world. He also stated that the internet is a collective people who’s actively involve and participate themselves so that create very valuable information source.

It means that people use internet not only for searching but also for sharing experiences,events, ideas or opinions of the world. People can create their skills, such as, sing, poetry, peom, express idea and experiences on the internet through video or written form.



Moreover, when we talk about writing people’s perception about the world, it relate to functional language which is talk about the writing process. It helps the people who read the text will be understood clearly. Halliday’s system functional grammar (1994:106), enables the analysis of the experiential function on people’s perception of the world through the way they use their language. It means, the analysis of the function of language will help the readers to understand what the writer means from the text. This research chooses article opinion taken from some websites that have written by different numbers of the readers.

Halliday (1994:106) states that the experiential function is as way of representing patterns of experience. The representing patterns of experience through the process of doing, process of being, process of existing, process of physiological and psychological, indicating perception, relational, activities of saying, commanding, asking, and etc. All of these elements can make the readers understand the text of opinion article.



Tannen (1990) stated that women use rapport talk to establish meaningful connection with others, while men use report talk to gain status in relation to others. Because women and men use language differently. It means that’s why in the gathering women open the introduction and men to conclude. Women has narture characteristic because women to rapport and men to report.

Lakoff (1975) proposed that women language is different with men language in the use of grammatical features. Another theory said that women are under constant pressure to display their personal (Eckert, 1989: 247). It means, the differences between man and woman language use appear to be centered about the interaction between the linguistic actor and his or her linguistic context the reader and the author or writer.

A study about functional linguistic used by men and women has been conducted by Elisabeth (2009) which focus on to investigate how the man and woman are represented and created in Billboard whether it liberates or reinforces traditional or stereotypical ideas of gender. The data were collected by show the relative frequency of process types, they are material, relational, verbal, behavioural, mental and existential processes. The findings of the research shows that the review of men are more dynamic as there are more doing process or material process than woman. While the reviews of women greater number of being process or mental process.



female student expects to be recognized by the professor for the action she competently performs. It is realized through the mental processes that the female is move by her emotions while the male does not show any sign of perception of affection in his nature.

Based on the researcher observation in the media of internet ( website www. Kompasiana.com) in November 2014 in writing opinion, man and woman

used some experiential function to give the idea or opinion. The mental and relational process often found in men writing. The examples below have been taken to give clear ideas about man and women writings :

a. Man’s opinion

Sebagai sosiolog (relational process), saya tentu prihatin (mental) membaca (material) media, menonton TV dan mendengar (behavioural) curahan hati teman-teman wartawan dan staf security DPR.

Oleh karena itu, saya mendesak (material) untuk segera diselesaikan (relational) permasalahan pembagian kursi di komisi-komisi DPR RI secara adil dan proporsional antara Koalisi Merah Putih (KMP) dan Koalisi Indonesia Hebat (KIH).

Pertama, pimpinan kedua kubu yang berseberangan, sebaiknya segera duduk (material) bareng untuk memusyawarahkan (material) persoalan yang

menjadikan (relational) mereka terpecah. Untuk memuluskan (material)

terwujudnya pertemuan perlu mediator.

Kedua, pimpinan partai politik perlu turun (material) gunung kalau tidak bisa diselesaikan kedua kubu yang berseteru di DPR karena mereka hanya sebagai (relational) opetaror pelaksana kebijakan pimpinan dari masing-masing partai politik.

Ketiga, Presiden Jokowi sebaiknya memprakarsai (material) pertemuan silaturrahim pimpinan partai politik untuk mendengar (mental) saran dan pandangan mereka. Untuk memuluskan (material) pertemuan, ada baiknya

dibentuk (relational) tim advance yang akan menjajaki pertemuan dengan

pimpinan partai politik.



b. Woman’s opinion

Koalisi Indonesia Hebat di DPR yang terdiri dari Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan, Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa, Partai Persatuan Pembangunan, Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat dan Partai NasDem meminta (material) Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengeluarkan (material) Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-undang MPR,DPR,DPD,DPRD(MD3).

Permintaan diajukan (relational) setelah aksi sapu bersih (material) kursi pimpinan komisi -komisi di DPR oleh Koalisi Merah Putih. Namun Jokowi enggan menindaklanjuti (material) permintaan Perppu itu. Saat ini Jokowi

memilih (material) fokus melaksanakan program pembangunan. Hal itu

disampaikan (verbal) Menteri Agraria Ferry Mursyidan Baldan di Kantor

Presiden, Jakarta, Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014. "Kerjakan program kerja pemerintah dulu saja. Itu nanti saja, nggak usah

menjadi (relational) fix agenda.Toh mekanisme itu sudah jalan,"katanya.

Menurut (mental) Ferry jika sudah dalam kondisi darurat, baru presiden akan menentukan langkah. Namun saat ini belum ada (existential) kondisi darurat yang memaksa presiden menerbitkan (material) Perppu. Ferry mengingatkan (mental) penyelesaian masalah di DPR dapat dilakukan melalui musyawarah mufakat. "Itu seninya. Yang belum dipakai seni itu. DPR kalau tensi tinggi jangan dilawan keras, harus diredakan. Skors,lobi,"ujarnya.

Menurut Ferry, yang perlu didorong (relational) bukan Perppu MD3 tetapi agar mereka lebih menggunakan (material) seni dalam berpolitik yaitu musyawarah mufakat."Cara yang lebih baik dari DPR, kembalikan lagi musyawarah mufakat," katanya (verbal).

From the above written, man’s text was simple than woman. It means the man’s text was found mental and relational process frequently than others and the most frequently process is relational process. It also found in woman’s text the most frequently is relation process. However, in woman’s text found some processes, it distinct in man’s text which is the most process appear is relational process. On other words, the woman’s text is more complicated than man’s text that it will make different perception for the readers to understand and also to catch the meaning of the text.



Men’s Women’s

Presiden Jokowi sebaiknya memprakarsai pertemuan silaturrahim pimpinan partai politik

Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat dan Partai NasDem meminta Presiden Joko Widodo mengeluarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-undangMPR,DPR,DPD,DPRD(MD3).

DPR yang terbelah, bisa diselesaikan dengan cepat melalui musyawarah pimpinan partai politik.

Ferry mengingatkan penyelesaian masalah di DPR dapat dilakukan melalui musyawarah mufakat.

From the data display, the first sentences show that men directly argued to the actor that is Jokowi to do something, while in women’s text there were mediator to asked the actor (Jokowi) to do something. It means, men is to do point in convey their idea, while women still use the polite sentence. The second sentence, it also happen the same case. However, they have same idea to solve the problem about the case. it means that, between men and women have same conclusion to solve problem but they are different in the use process.

Based on the prior observation, there was a gap between the fact and the theory. The theory proposed by Halliday and Ruth Wodak, man use more material process which show that man as doer or more doing. While, woman as passive and sensitive use more mental process in written. Whereas the fact it was found that man often used relational process in writing opinion.



material process in written form whereas women used longer sentences by using some process which is mental process was dominant.

Another studies have reported that women occur as actors in material processes far more frequently than men, which is indication that women’s agency is emphasized more than men’s (El Biadi, 2013). He argued that the general stereotyped image about men is that they have tendency to lose their temper more easily than women and that they are endowed with more physical strength which justifies the violence they commit. While in Goal of material process men also occur with higher frequency.

Rubin and Greene (1992) found that overall, women in the study tended to use more markers of excitability (e.g., exclamation points) and a higher frequency of egocentric phrases (e.g., “I believe that . . .”) within their writing than men. With regard to gender role orientation rather than biological gender, writers with more instrumental (rather than expressive) orientations were more likely to use longer sentences and to refer to themselves in the first person. Gender typicality was difficult to establish. For example, even a feature such as anticipating a reader’s reservations (e.g., “I know you might think that drug testing is no big deal if you have nothing to worry about, but . . .), which was found to occur more often in women’s writing than in men’s,



production of this particular feature was generally unresponsive to the social context of the writing task.

Based on the observation and the findings of Barbara (2006) study, the researcher sees that men and women in Billboard seems different in write their opinion, where men used more material process and women used more mental process. But, the fact found in writing opinion at www.kompasiana.com , it was found that the frequency of the six process of experiential function are not significantly different. Even, the man’s process dominantly in writing is relational process. Therefore, the researcher wants to analyze the experiential process occur dominantly in writing opinion between men and women. This study can be used to writer or journalists to more attend in writing opinion to reach the understanding among the readers or reviewers. When the text use many processes it can be complicated and unclear to understand, and vice verse. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a study on SFL of experiential function in writing opinion by man and woman.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

The research based on the background of the study, the writer conducts study the gender differences in the use of experiential function among the opinion’s people. The following questions will be forwarded as the research problems:



2. How are different ways of experiential functions realized by men and women in writing opinion at www.kompasiana.com ?

3. Why do men and women use experiential function differently in writing opinion at www.Kompasiana.com?

1.3 The Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is limited into the experiential function used in the written form in convey opinion of different gender namely men and women. The opinions are written by men and women in internet. They are free to write their opinion about politic field.

There are three aspects will be observed in this study. The first one is the systematical functional grammar that is the process dominantly used by men and women in written form. The Second is different use of experiential function in the writing opinion of men and women and the third is the reason for the different use of experiential function in writing opinion between men and women.

1.4 The Objectives of the Study

The objective of this study was to find out the answer of the research problems. To be more specific the objectives of the study are:

1. to find out the process dominantly used by men and women in writing opinion.

2. to describe the different of the process in the writing opinion of men and women toward the readers.



1.5 The Significance of the Study

A study which is designed to cover some intended result should have the significances.

A. Theoretically

1. The result of the study is considered to provide valuable understanding and to enrich the theories of gender and language in discourse study. 2. The result of the study can be used as reference for those who want to

conduct a study in gender and language. B. Practically

The result of this study is expected to contribute faithful information about gender and language for students, teachers or lecturers, researchers and people who will write opinion in internet.

1. Firstly, for the students, so they can enrich their knowledge about gender and language.

2. Secondly, for the teachers and lecturers, so they can use it to support the teaching and learning materials related to the gender and language.

3. Thirdly, the result of the study can be useful for researcher to gain a deep insight especially in gender and language in writing opinion through experiential function.




The study concerned on the process of experiential function using by men

and women in writing opinion at www.kompasian.com. Based on the analysis, the

conclusions are drawn as follows:

Actually, the best way to describe the different between the genders is in a

cross-cultural format. Women use rapport talk to establish meaningful

connection with others, while men use report talk to gain status in relation to

others. Because women and men use language differently, they also write

differently and use different type of processes in their text. Men, on the other

hand, use communication in order to try to maintain their independence and

negotiate their status in a hierarchical social order. Men try to do this by out

doing all of the other males with their knowledge and skill. It is interesting how

men try to stick out in groups for their incredible individuality. Thus, based on

the finding the dominant process of experiential function used by men in

writing opinion is relational process. It shows that men tend to describing and

identifying about something based on their perception.

Whereas women tend to fear sticking out. The dominant process of

experiential function used by women in writing opinion is material process,


In addition, the difference of process of experiential function using by men

and women in writing opinion at www.kompasian.com is found that there are only

five types of process experiential function namely relational process, material

process, mental process, behavioural process and verbal process. Then, there are

six types process of experiential function in women’s written which are found in

this study. They are relational process, material process, mental process,

behavioural process, verbal process, and existensial process. It is also found that

the women use more material process than men in writing opinion.It show that

says that the main difference between men’s and women’s communication styles

are that men simply talk for information, hence the lable “report talk.” Men tend

to feel overwhelmed and may even feel “dizzy” when women include a large

amount of information that men deem as unnecessary.

The reason of the difference men and women in using process of

experiential function in writing opinion at www.kompasiana.com is the brain

structure. It make them different in thinking and response something. Because

most women, sharing and discussing something and usually more concerned

about how problems are solved than merely solving the problem. While, for men

solving a problems presents an opportunity to demonstrate their competence.

5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are presented as follows:

1. Since this research has not involved all aspects of experiential function

using by men and women’s written, it is expected that other researchers


2. It is also suggested to the other students of English Applied Linguistic

Study Program :

a. The research on language and gender has just begun and there is much

room left for us to complete. The research involves many disciplines

and many related aspects need to explore and research further.

b. Students of Applied Linguistic Study Program should explore and

investigate some other phenomena of experiential function process of

men and women in any society in order to enrich the linguistics



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Table The types of process used by men in opinion rubric at


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