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Analyzing The Use Of Present Tenses In Advertising Eductional Poster On Facebook


Academic year: 2017

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The paper entitled “Analyzing the Use of Present Tenses in Advertising Educational Poster on Facebook” shows the result of how to use the present tenses in English educational poster advertisement appropriately.

The methods used are descriptive and qualitative. This is conducted through observation, collection, analysis and revision to the data taken. The description focuses on how to make the good advertisement language by analyzing the present tenses. This analysis is meant to replace several mistakes in advertising language in order to help the writer’s problem in advertising the English educational posters in the field of entrepreneurship.



Advertising Educational Poster on Facebook”, yang memaparkan analisis dari penggunaan present tenses dalam mempromosikan poster edukasional berbahasa Inggris secara tepat.

Metode yang digunakan dalam laporan ini adalah metode deskriptif dan kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan mengamati, mengumpulkan, menganalisis dan merevisi data yang diperoleh. Deskripsi yang dihasilkan merupakan analisis tentang cara membuat kalimat periklanan yang baik dengan menganalisa present tenses, sehingga terpapar jelas maksud dan informasi yang diberikan kepada pembaca. Penulis bermaksud merevisi beberapa kesalahan yang terdapat pada iklan poster yang merupakan salah satu kegiatan kewiraswastaan.

Berdasarkan analisis tersebut, maka simpulan yang diperoleh adalah tenses yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa periklanan dalam bahasa Inggris antara lain, simple present, present continuous, dan present perfect yang mengidentifikasi pernyataan-pernyataan umum, fakta dan kesinambungan pada saat berbicara serta digunakan untuk berbicara tentang kegiatan yang terjadi dalam waktu dekat, terutama untuk kejadian masa depan yang direncanakan dalam periklanan. Oleh karena itu, laporan ini memberikan informasi bagi pembaca untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara menggunakan tenses secara tepat

terutama penggunaan present tense dalam mengiklankan produk dan juga




I wish to express my appreciation for the finishing of this job training report to the following:

1. Allah SWT, for blessing and mercy until now, who made all things possible and also to our prophet Muhammad Saw.

2. My beloved family, especially my lovely father, thank you for your love, prays, and support. I`m so grateful for being in this perfect families.

3. Our Dean of Faculty of Letters, Mr.Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Tadjudin, MA ,for giving approval to me to perform this Job Training.

4. Mrs.Retno Purwani Sari, S.S., M.Hum., as The Head of Departement of English Letters and Job training coordinator.

5. Mr. Tatan Tawami, S.S. as my counsellor in writing this Job Training Report for his guidance and advice to accomplish this report.

6. To all my friends who are in same team in entrepreneurship, Ganjar, Ronny, Fajar, Arief and Hendri.





English has been the main subject on educational curriculum in Indonesia. According to the article in The Jakarta Post, paper edition, on July 27th 2010 the curriculum of education has changed frequently, especially in English. Started from 1990‟s learning English was begun in the first grade of junior high school.

However, it has been changed by the new curriculum that learning English is started in the first grade of elementary school or even once said that children in several play-groups or kindergartens are being started. As the result, it is better to start learning English earlier.

Being able in English has been one of requirements to enroll the children in several elementary or junior high schools. For example in Jakarta, there have been many schools expect the children should be able to speak several basic English words before the parents enroll their children to the elementary and junior high school.



learn because it can aid the children to get accustomed in making daily conversation as what the curriculum expects.

For that reason, Si Dupan Poster is a company which we have built to fulfill the job training as the one of academic activities which is taken by every student at the seventh semester in the English Department of Indonesia University of Computer. This company is manufacturing educational English poster, especially for the beginner who wants to learn English.

We have built this company because we observed that the process of learning English is still using conventional media, such as book, student worksheet and etc. We think that it can hardly aid the children to learn English more fun and more easily, even more when the children easily bored with the subject. The company provides the new innovation in learning English, especially in understanding how to use English tenses correctly.

Other than that, the writer also can apply the writer‟s English skill and

entrepreneur knowledge which was gotten in the university.




The objectives of the job training are:

1) To analyze tenses and advertising language in promoting poster on the writer‟s Facebook account

2) To acquire experience in managing the company 3) To report the job training that had been conducted

1.4 Significance to Knowledge

The writer expects this paper would help in understanding how to use the appropriate tenses on advertising language, especially using English in the field of entrepreneurship.

1.5 The Framework of Theory

In this frame of theory, the writer uses the theory of the present tenses. According to Longman English Grammar (pg. 162) the present tenses consist of:

1) Simple present tense 2) Present perfect tense 3) Present continuous tense 4) Present perfect continuous tense

After the data have been revised, the writer also applies several theories how to make advertising language from an article „Marketing Basics, Advice and Tips‟ based on www.entepreneurship.com which states:



2) Use an effective advertisement language in order to make people easily understand.

1.6Research Method

The methods used by the writer, are the qualitative and descriptive method. Gogdan and Biklen (1982,p.145) stated qualitative data analysis as “working with data, organizing it, breaking it into manageable units, synthesizing

it, searching for patterns, discovering what is important and what is to be learned,

and deciding what you will tell others”. Best (1982:162) as cited Hartoto (2009) define that “Metode penelitian deskriptif merupakan metode penelitian yang

berusaha menggambarkan dan menginterpretasi objek sesuai dengan apa

adanya”. It means that this method is focused on systematic description regarding

the data found during identification of tenses on promoting poster on Facebook. The data obtained are sequenced as follows:

1. Collecting data on Facebook Note which contains advertisement poster 2. Analyzing the advertising language

3. Revising the advertisement by using tenses and advertising language correctly


1.7Place and Time





2.1The General Description of Si Dupan Poster

Si Dupan Poster is abbreviation for Sastra Inggris Dua Ribu Delapan Poster. This company which was built by five students in SI-08 established on July 2011 at 40 Tubagus Ismail Bawah Street, Bandung, West Java. We built this company to fulfill job training on entrepreneurship. This company is focused on producing educational English poster for beginner.

This company works on gathering and printing English poster. The materials are those that are required by the students who are in elementary and junior high school. We have observed that many students still use conventional media, such as book, student worksheets and etc. In this case, we found new innovation to learn English more fun by using posters which contain English language learning materials with some attractive pictures and simple understanding example materials in order to facilitate students in learning English.

The company did printing all the posters at Tirta Anugrah Digital Printing, which is located 65c Taman Sari Street, Bandung, West Java. Printing posters was done by the design manager and transporting manager. The posters which have already printed were promoted by the promotion manager to several stationeries.


Twitter and any other social networking; like blogs which the company made based on promotional needs.

2.2 Job Position

The writer‟s job position on Si Dupan Poster is promoting manager, who

takes part to promote the posters which contain English learning materials on Facebook.


During the job training, the writer coordinates with the leader of the company to get the instructions in promoting poster. The writer also coordinates with design manager to obtain the data of posters for being promoted on Facebook.


As the promoting manager, the writer had responsibilities to promote poster on Facebook after the data has been taken from design manager of the company, this is the job given by the leader of the company. It was conducted on 23rd of August to 15th of September. Several responsibilities had been obtained in promoting English poster as follows:

1. Prepare the writer‟s Facebook account as media of promotion, here are the steps in preparing it:



b. Open the browser, „Mozila Firefox‟ c. Type in status bar www.facebook.com

d. Log in with the writer‟s email and password himself,


2. Make the note containing advertisement in Facebook, here are the steps: a. In Home screen, click and go to „profile‟

b. Choose the tab „note‟ in left side c. Create new note

d. Determine the subject of the note „Advertising Poster‟ e. Create an advertisement in a blank form

f. Upload the data of the posters to Facebook as image format (.jpg) g. Click the button „publish‟

3. Share the promotion to others Facebook users, here are the steps:

a. Tagging the advertisement to others Facebook users, by typing the name in the note for noticing them about this advertisement, in a persuasive language

b. Sharing to several others Facebook users by directly posting to their own profile.

4. Promote and market the posters via online through Facebook, here are the steps:

a. Explaining the English educational posters to several Facebook users in order to give information


c. The chatting contains the questions of price, the outlets, and some ordering.

d. Recommended him/her to come over to „Toko Soneta‟ if the buyer is in Cianjur Area and to “SDP Office‟ at Jl. Tubagus Ismail No.40 for Bandung Area.




3.1 Identify the Tenses Used in Promoting Poster on Facebook 3.1.1 Explanation

During the promoting poster on Facebook, the advertisement was made by the writer himself, from the 23rd of August 2011 until 15th of September. Here are the examples of data which were taken from Facebook‟s note:


The data above were directly taken from Facebook‟s note which the writer printed screen as image format (.JPG) to be analyzed using proper tenses and advertisinglanguage.



3.1.2 Analysis Data 1

Dear Brothers and Sisters, in this part, I would like to offer you our products, Mistakes in using advertisement term Past future

those are several posters which containthe material in learning English. The sentence is not effective

From data 1, the use of the tenses above is not appropriate in advertisement because the sentence seems to violate the rules of using present tenses correctly. After the writer learns more, the tenses should be used that is present continuous. It expresses the progress of giving information is happening now and also identifies to talk about activities happening in the near future, especially for planned future events.

Furthermore, there are several misplacement words through the text, such as „in this part‟, „material in learning English‟ and words which seem not correct

in advertising. After the writer reads and learns more about advertising language based on an article „Basic Marketing‟, here is the suggested corrections for data 1:

Dear Brothers and Sisters, in this section, I am going to offer you a new

innovation which would make you learn English more fun and easily. We make


Data 2

Elementary and Junior high-school's students which are these posters especially dedicated to.

The sentence is not effective and there‟s violating in using phrasal verb in advertising language above

The material is fitted with Junior and Elementary curriculum. word and passive voice error

From the data 2, there are several errors in using the tenses and the structure grammatically. The sentence above should be effective and clearly on delivering each words. The best replacement which the writer found is using the simple present tense which contains the passive voice within. It expresses general statement that the material in the poster is focused on students in elementary and junior high school. Here is the suggested replacement for the data 2:

These learning materials are focused for elementary and junior high-school


Data 3

Here's some examples for the poster which is available:

Apostrophe error less information

From the data 3, the writer analyzes there is misstep on using the contraction „here is‟, according to Longman (pg. 62) (apostrophe s) for some

nouns in the singular and s'(s apostrophe) for some nouns in the plural, but with



words should bereplaced with, here are. The kind of tense which is used the simple present tense, because it expresses general statement in the data above.

Furthermore, in advertising language we should clearly show through the product what we are focused on. Here is the result of the correction:

Here are some examples of the English poster which are available:

Data 4

So, if you had friends, family or even your boy-friend and girl-friend Conditional tense error

who is in those grade, you can buy it by online or you can directly visit my office Grammatical error

"TokoSoneta" at Jl. Siliwangi No. 47 Cianjur (Phone: 0263-267521)

In data 4, the use of the tenses is not appropriate grammatically and semantically. In this case, there is an error in using conditional sentence. The data above express that the reader has no friend at all. Therefore, the tenses should replace with simple present. Because it expresses the general truth of the reader

Moreover, the sentences are not effective and not appropriate in advertising language and an informal way in saying relatives or family. The best replacement for the sentence that the writer has learned is:

So, if you have friends, relatives or children who need English learning material

poster, you can order online or you can directly visit my office "TokoSoneta" at Jl.


Data 5

You can ring this number 085659056341 to order or if you wish to order directly to your home, this may be subject to shipping charges in accordance with the provisions of prevailing.

Less effective and grammatical error

In data 5, the tenses which are used above do not match grammatically. Present perfect and simple tense are best used to replace the sentence above. Because it expresses that the exact time is not important and gives the new information.

In addition there are several errors in choosing the words, such as „shipping charges‟ and „provisions of prevailing‟. Here is the revisedsentence:

If you have read this advertisement and you wish to order online or by phone, you

can contact this number (+62)-856-5905-6341 to order directly to Donna

Pradana (Promotion Manager) and chat via Facebook at

www.facebook.com/donna.pradana; there will be addition of charge if you are out

of Bandung and Cianjur.

3.2 Problems and Solutions

During promoting and managing process, the writer found some problems occurfrom the data, as in the following:



3) The limited of managing time to conduct the guidance with the advisor,

Based to the problems above, here are some possible solutions to solve the problems:

1) Finding the deeper theory of present tenses and its functions to recognize what they express in advertising language. The writer finds from the books and websites which describe how to use the present tenses and how to make an effective advertising language in promoting products.





4.1 Conclusions

This paper entitled “Analyzing the Use of Tenses in Advertising

Educational Posters in Facebook” represents how to use present tenses in

advertising educational posters appropriately. Most of the data in advertising use only several present tenses, such as, simple present tense, present continuous, and present perfect. They state and give the new information about the products which have been advertised. The writer found that present perfect continuous is rarely used in advertising.

Each of present tenses gives each function in advertising. First, simple present tense indicates to say something true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future. It also expresses general statements of fact and timeless truth of the products. Second, present continuous indicates the progress at the moment of speaking and is also used to talk about activities happening in the near future, especially for planned future events. The last, present perfect indicates the exact time in ordering is not really important in advertising.

4.2 Suggestions



For department, it is suggested that the course „entrepreneurship‟ is given

earlier to contribute student‟s experience who takes the entrepreneurship as the

job training.



Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements







1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Donna Pradana

b. Address : Jl. Sekeloa Utara No. 33

Bandung, 40134 West Java, Indonesia c. Place and date of birth: Cianjur, 13th April 1991

d. Sex : Male

e. Religion : Islam

f. Phone : (+62) 85659056341 g. E-mail : ava.dayz@yahoo.com

2. Educational Background a. Formal Education

No Year Institution

1 1996-2002 SD Negeri Ibu Dewi 3 Cianjur

2 2002-2005 SMP Negeri 1 Cianjur


b. Achievements

No Year Name of Education Certification

1 2005 Students Chess Competition Certified

2 2008 Punk Rock Band Festival Certified

3 2008 Mentoring of English Conversation Club Certified

4 2008 Mentoring Agama Jurusan Sastra Inggris Certified

5 2009

English Leadership Internal Training of Education (ELITE)


6 2009 HIMA Band Festival Certified

7 2009

Seminar and Workshop Copywriting as a Creative Thinking


8 2010

Copy Writing and Consumer Behavior Seminar


9 2010 Workshop Translating & Interpreting Certified

10 2010 Seminar IT-Preneur Certified



c. Competency - English - Music - Chess

- Program and Software

d. Organizational and work experiences Organizational experiences:



Azar, Betty Schrampfer, 1999, Understanding and Using English Grammar Third

Edition, New York: Longman

Alexander, L.G, 2003, Longman English Grammar, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow: Longman

Wang, Jenifer, 2009, Marketing Basics, advice and tips, retrieved on September 30, 2011 from


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