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An Analysis of The Second Year Students at SMP Swasta Muhamamdiyah 5 Medan In Using Passive Voice


Academic year: 2016

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Copyright ©2014, Program Studi Linguistik FIB USU, ISSN 1978-8266


Nasir Bintang bintang.nasir@yahoo.co.id


This research attempted to investigate students’ an analysis in using passive voice. The objective of this research is to what extent is the an analysis of the second year students of SMP Swasta Muhammadiyah 5 Medan in using passive voice. This study was conducted by using desckriptive design. There were 40 students of the second year students in 2011/2012 of SMP Swasta Muhammadiyah 5 Medan selected as the sample. after analyzing the data, it was found there were 34 person or 85% of the students who were succesful in answering the passive voice test in multiple choice and essay form. It means that 34 persons or 85% of students who were able to changing active voice into passive voice. Concequently, it was judged that the second year students of SMP Swasta Muhamamdiyah 5 Medan were able to change active into passive voice.

Keyword: Using Passive Voice


One of the central question in formal grammar is how to a sentence structured from active to passive voice because grammar views language as a set of structure and how passive sentence transformed from active to passive one becomes one of the ways in analyzing structure. Passive voice is very important to learn to express a statement and question. By using sentence, people can communicate and interact with one another in spoken and written ones.

In learning passive voice, the learner has to know the structure in making sentence and determine whether the process of the sentence is transitive or intransitive. It is imposible to do a research on all of the structures that English has. In reality most of the students do not understand the materials they have received and one of them is to use passive voice.



significance primarily fo the writer, other research, readers, and reference. For the researcher,this is significant and contribute ideas, for readers, this references, this to be read and as the literature is also significant for the school English teachers of English can concern and decide what step to do forther. The steps are intended to enhance the output results of English teaching. Only by knowing the difficulties of the student can the teachers of SMP Swasta Muhamamdiyah 5 Medan evaluate whether the teaching of English in passive voice is successful or not.


According to Thomson and Martinet (1980:254) stated that” the passive of an active tense is formed by putting the verb “to be” into the same tense a the active verb and adding the past participle of the active verb, the passive voice is difficult to be learned because the learned finds difficulties in changing the active voice into passive voice in sentences. For different criteria between English and bahasa Indonesia. There fore it is tried to find out the An analysis of students of SMP Swasta Muhamamdiyah 5 Medan in changing the active voice into the passive voice.

Accroding to as Hornby (1984:1) an analysis is capacity of power (to do something physical or mental) this term means as the original knowledge owned by the individual person unconsciously, silenty, intrinsically, invitively, and newest ability is related to the effort of process which involve teacher with students which is reflected from the knowledge the students then have. The an analysis achived by the students then can be realized in the form of score. So, that it will be acknowledge the certain position of students in the class because the scores they have reflect their an analysis also is related to the efford of getting something in to our cognitive system. And result of learniong process which in value teacher which students.

METHODOLOGY Research Method

This also important to decide. By knowing the design of the research the researcher uses descriptive quantitative analysis, as the design of this research. The analysis done by collecting the data and scoring the results of the answer. This is done in order to know the ability of the students ti use passive voice. The sample of this research is the achievement of go respondents to use passive voice based on required objective. The instruments of this research are the test of passive voice which is consist of multiple choice and assay question. There are fifteen items of test in the analysis. The forms of the test are ability of the students in understansing the passive voice. In other words, the test consist of essay question. The respondent are required to answer test. The test are included in appendix.

There are steps incollecting the data in doing it, researcher uses several streps. Steps by steps, the writer goes to SMP Swasta Muhamamdiyah 5 Medan to check the school how the condition and everything concerning with the process of the Academic Activities, the researcher asks permission from the head master to conduct a research. Hierarchically,he arranges the test concerning with the subject of the research, he gives the tests to the students with the arranged tests as pretest. The result is treated as decision to go further step of the research. The writer treats post test as decision to the analysis. In order to find out the an analysis of the second year students of SMP Swasta Muhammadiyah 5 Medan to use passive voice. The writer uses the criteria proposed by the department.



Of education and culture the criteria after being converted and translated as excellent with the mark of (10), very good (9), good (8), more than fair, (7), fair (6), almost fair (5), lack (4), very lack (3), bad (2), very bad (1).

Population And Samples

Population of this research is the achievement of the second year students of SMP Swasta Muhamamdiyah 5 Medan in using passive voice. the respondents are the second year students of SMP Swasta Muhammadiyah 5 Medan in 2011/2012 academic year in answering the tests of passive voice.

The sample of this research is the achiviement of 40 respondents to use passive voice on required objective.

Data And Collecting Method

There Are Steps in collecting the data. On doing it, research uses several steps. Step by step, the writer goes to SMP Swasta Muhamamdiyah 5 Medan to check the school how the condition and everything concercing with the process of the academic activities. The researcher asks permission from the headmaster to conduct a research. Hierarchically, he arranges the test concercing with the subject of the research. He gives the tests to the students with the arranged tests as pre test. the result is treated as decision to go on further step of the research. The writer treats post tests as decision to the analysis.


1. There were five students who were regarded to be “excellent” in changing active voice into passive voice because they could answer the tests correctly from 95%-up to 100%.

2. There were students that were categorized as having very an analysis in changing active voice into passive voice. They could answer the best correctly from 85 up to 94 % of the items.

3. There were three students who were regarded ashaving” good” an analysis in changing active voice into passive voice, so they could answer the item tests ranged from 75 up to 84%

4. There were students that were categorized as having more than fair an analysis in changing active voice into passive voice. They could answer the test from 65 up to 74 of the items

5. There were seventeen students who were regarded to be fair an analysis in changing active voice passive voice because they could answer the best correctly from 55-up to 64%.

6. There were five students who were regarded to be almost fair an analysis in changing active voice into passive voice because they answer the test correctly from 45-up to 54%.

7. There was one students who were regarded to be lack an analysis in changing active voice into passivevoice because they could answer the test correctly from 35 –up to 44%.


104 Research Analysis

A research want to give measuring,there will be two aspects to be measured in the test which are relevant to the material of the active voice and passive voice sentances that have previously been taught to the students of the SMP Swasta Muhamamdiyah 5 Medan

English sentences have there basic elements : a subject, a verb, and object is the “doer” of the action, and the object is the recipient of the action. Active sentences have their three elements in this order subject, verb, and object. This is not for sentences construction in the passive voice. The subject is not “doer” of the action, the object becomes the action. These sentences flip-flop the subject and the object is represented as performing the action expressed by verb.

Example :

1. The trainer feeds the lions twice a day? (the subject, “trainer”, does the acting, “ feed”) 2. The teacher teaches mthe students

(the subject, “teacher”, does the acting, “teaches”) 3. The student study the lesson

(the subject, “students”, does the acting, “ study”) 4. A hunter killed a tiger last night

(the subject, “hunter”, does acting, “ killed”) 5. The old man will drive the new car

(the subject, “ the old man , does the acting, “will drive)

In the active voice, the subject and verb relationship is straightforward : the subject is be-er or a do-er and the verb moves the sentences along. In the passive voice, the subject of the sentences is neither a do-er or a be-er, but is acted upon by some other agent or by something unnamed (the new policy was approved).

In most non scientific writing situation, active voice is preferable to passive for the majority of your sentences. Even is scientific writing, over use of passive voice or use of passive voice in long and complicated sentences can cause students to lose interest or to become confused. Sentences in active voice are generally-though not always –clearer and more direct than those in passive voice. Sentences in active voice are also more concise than those in passive voice because fewer word are required to express active voice than in passive.

As the writer has known that when a speaker wants to show or stress the thing done than the doer of it, or when the doer is unknown, it will be more convenient or interesting by the speaker to use the passive voice. For instance, my new book was stolen is much more usual than thieves stole my new book.

In terms of meaning it is very often a useful guide in identifying active and passive bers. When the subject of a verb is the doer of the action or is in is said to be in the active voice is called passive voice.


“the lions are fed twice a day by the trainer” (subject, “ the lions”, receives the action, “ are fed”)

Writer can recognize passive-voice expressions because the verb phrase will always include a form of be, such as am, is, was, were, are, or been. The presences of a be-verb, however, does not necessarily mean that the sentences is in passive voice. Another way to recognize passive-voice sentences is that they may include a “ by the phrase after the verb, the agent performing the action, if named, is the object of the preposition in this phrase.



While active voice helps to create clear and direct sentences, sometimes writers find that using an indirect expression is trhetorically effective in a given situation, so they choose passive voice. Also, as mentioned above, writers in the sciences conventionally use passive voice more often than writers in other discourses. Passive voice makes sence when the agent performing the action is obvious, unimportant, or unknown or when a writer wishes to postphone mentioning the agent until the last part of the sentence or to avoid mentioning the agent at all. The passive voice is effective in such circumstances because it highlights the action and what is acted upon rather than agent performing the action

The writer realizes that active verbsare more common than passive because we are accustomed to the actor action-goal pattern of expression. Thourgh the active voice verbs are more common than the passive voice verbs, they (the passive voice verbs) have several important uses. For instance, when the writer or speaker thinks that the object or goal of the message is more important than the doer of the action he or she will use the passive voice.

Example :

Our house was painted last year The article will be published next week

So it can be seen clearly on the sentences that the speaker focuses his idea to the object and he thinks that it is not necessary to let the listener or receivers know about the doer of the activity. The only thing he or she wants to tell is the result of the action or in other words we may say that no matter who ever the doer or the action, and least we know that the house was painted and the article will be published. So, it means that whenever someone wants to talk or discuss about active voice and passive voice of English he or she may not escape from discussing the grammar. So if we want to do our analysis which dealing with the grammar we have to the structure of the English sentences in the passive voice. The process change active voice into passive voice and reverse.

In changing active voice into passive voice, if you want to change an active voice sentence to passive voice , consider carefully who or what is performing the action expressed in the verb, and then make that agent the object of a “by the…: phrase make what is acted upon the subject of the sentence, and change the verb to form of be +past particple. Including an explicit “ by the ..” phrase is optinal.

Passive voice Agent Changed to active voice

The book is being read by most of the class

Most of the class Most of the class is reading the book

By ?

Result will be published in the text issue of the journal

Agent not specified : most likely agents such as “researchers”

The researchers will publish their result in the next issue of the journal.

A policy of

whitewashing and cover-up has been pursued by the CIA director and his close advisors

The CIA director and his close advisor

The CIA director and his close advisor have pursued a policy of whitewashing and cover-up

By ?

Mistakes were made

Agent not specified: Most likely agents such



If you want to change a passive voice sentence to active voice, find the agent in a “by the…” phrase, or consider carefully who or what is performing the action expressed in the verb. Make that agent the subject of the sentence, and change the verb accordingly. Sometimes you will need to infer the agent from the surrounding sentences which provide context.

Active voice Agent Changed to passive voice The presinding

officer veoted the commitees

The presinding officer The commite’s recommendationwas vetoed by the presinding officer

The leaders are seeking a fair resolution to the crisis

The leaders A fair resolution to the crisis is being sought (by the learders)

Scientists have discovered traces of ice on the surface of mars.

The scientists Trace if icehave been discovered on tha surface of Mars. (by scientists)

In each of these example, the passive voice is useful for highlighting the action and what is acted upon instead of the agent.

The use passive voice. The active voice pattern, those in which the subjectis the performer, are by for more common in English both in speaking and in writing, there are, however, specific situations in which the passive voice is used. They are following:

a. When we don’t know who performed the action Example :

Bill’s slide rule was made in Germany

b. When it preferable not to mention the performer Example :

She was told that her English was satisfactory for university work c. When we wish to emphasize the receiver rather than the performer

Example :

The mistake was discovered

d. In situations of social and historical significance, whenthe work resulting from the action is as well or better know than the performer as in the case of famous music, writing, painting and inventions.

Example :

Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare The Monalisa was painted by Davinci

The Electrik light bulb was invented by Edison

Only transitive verbs (those that take objects) can be transformed into passive constructions, Furthermore, active sentences containing certain verbs cannot be transformed into passive structures. To have is the most important of these verbs. We can say “He has a new car”, but we cannot say” a new car is had by him”. We can say “Josefina lacked finess”, but we cannot say “Finesse was” Here is a brief list of such verbs.

Something the use of passive voice can create akward sentences, as in the last example above. Also, overuse of passive troughout an essay can cause your prose to seam flat and uninteresting. In scientific writing, however, passive voice is more readily accepted since using it allows one to write without using personal pronouns or the names of particular researchers as the subjects of sentences. This practice helps to create



the appearance of an objective, fact-based discourse because writers can present research and conclusion without attributing them to particular agent instead, the writing appears to convey information that is not limited or based by individual perspectives or personal interests.

According to the writer that she is going to analysis the ability that are make by second year students in usingactivevoice and passive voice. And we have ti realize that the active voice and passive voice cannot separate from grammar of the target language. If the target language is English, we must do out analysis of the English grammatical system. By the grammar of the English all we are referring to be analuysis of the sentences. In writing the grammar of a language, a linguistics. In these case a research will account for all relations holding between element of sentences a different levels from the sentence to the word, so long as those element have meaning.

Level of achievement

No % Qualitative Quantitative

1 0-14 Very bad 1

2 15-24 Bad 2

3 25-34 Very lack 3

4 35-44 Lack 4

5 45-54 Almost fair 5

6 55-64 Fair 6

7 65-74 More than fair 7

8 75-84 Good 8

9 85-94 Very good 9

10 95-100 Excellent 10

Based on the criteria of the level of achiement fount in table I above then the following table II show the data on the students ability in changing active voice into passive voice.

There were two types of test made by the writer, they were the essay and the multiple choice type. The essay test consists of ten questions the writer gave score as much 40 for ten of the question. The multiple choice questions the writer gave score are 2.5 for each item.So if the student can answer all multiple choice items correctly, the student can get 25, if the students can answer essay test correctly, he, or she can get 40. It means the item is scored 4 for each item. The score of whole question would be 65. Thestudents got 95-100 are called excellent, the students got 65-74 are called more than fair, and so on.

After clauculating the data, then the scores were consulted to the criteria of the students an analysis in table I above. There for the score 55 is categorized as having the passing grade ability.


108 The students ability

No Total % Considerable

1 36 55.38 Fair

2 36 55.38 Fair

3 60 92.30 Very good

4 60 92.30 Very good

5 64 98.46 Excellent

6 40 61.53 Fair

7 40 61.53 Fair

8 40 61.53 Fair

9 64 92.30 Excellent

10 40 61.53 Fair

11 40 61.53 Fair

12 40 61.53 Fair

13 60 92.30 Very good

14 40 61.53 Fair

15 28 43.07 Lack

16 50 76.92 Good

17 40 61.53 Fair

18 36 55.38 Fair

19 32 49.23 Almost fair

20 32 49.23 Almost fair

21 36 55.38 Fair

22 50 76.92 Good

23 50 76.92 Good

24 36 55.38 Fair

25 32 49.23 Almost fair

26 60 92.30 Very good

27 60 92.30 Verygood

28 64 98.46 Excellent

29 64 98.46 Excellent

30 40 61.53 Fair

31 64 98.46 Excellent

32 60 92.30 Very good

33 44 67.69 More than fair

34 40 61.53 Fair

35 32 49.23 Almost fair

36 60 92.30 Very good

37 40 61.53 Fair

38 32 49.23 Almost fair

39 60 92.30 Very good

40 36 55.38 Fair


Mean score : 1778

40 = 44,45

Based on the mean of the score (44,45), the number is 68,38 % or more than fair, so students are able to a nswer the test.



In this chapter, the writer comes to conclusion. Based on the analysis of the data the conclusion is draw as follows:

1. The second year student of SMP Swasta Muhamamdiyah 5 Medan wetre successful in answering the tests of active passive forms.

2. The quality of the students of SMP Swasta Muhammadiyah 5 Medan in answering active passive tests belongs to more than fair

3. There were more students who passed the tests active passive than those who pailed.


Hornby, AS 1984. Oxford Advanced Learning’s Dictionary Of Current English London: Oxford University

Thomson, A.J. Martinet 1980. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford University Press.



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