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The Translation Of World Using Hyphen In The Booklet Entitle '60 Years Of Service For Your Safety And Well-Being


Academic year: 2017

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This report entitled ‘the translation of word using hyphen in the booklet entitle ‘60 Years of Service for Your Safety and Well-being” elaborates the translation of hyphenated words in the booklet during job training process. The job training activities themselves were performed in the Programming and Cooperation Division at Research Center of Water Resources (PUSAIR).

During the job training, the writer had to translate the booklet into Indonesian. Relating to the process of translation, there were some problems in understanding the meaning of word using hyphen. Thus, consult to the dictionary become one of the solutions to overcome the problem. Besides, the writer had to examine the context in order to get an appropriate lexical equivalent to make an idiomatic translation.




Laporan ini berjudul ‘the translation of word using hyphen in the booklet entitle ‘60 Years of Service for Your Safety and Well-being” penulisan ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana menterjemahkan kata yang menggunakan hyphen di dalam booklet selama melakukan kegiatan praktek kerja lapangan, meliputi permasalahan dan cara penyelesaiannya. Kegiatan praktek kerja lapangan tersebut di lakukan di Program dan Kerjasama - Pusat Litban dan Sumber daya Air (PUSAIR).

Ketika melaksanakan praktek kerja lapangan, penulis menterjemahkan booklet yang berbahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Ketika dalam proses penterjemahan, ada beberapa masalah mengenai makna dari penggunaan kata yang menggunakan hyphen. Sehingga pencarian makna dengan menggunakan kamus adalah menjadi solusi dalam penyelesaiannya. di samping penulis memeriksa konteks pada kata tersebut untuk mendapatkan padanan kata yang tepat di bahasa sasaran sehingga mendapatkan terjemahan yang idiomatis.





1.1 Background to the topic

The job training activity was conducted to fulfill the course requirement in faculty of letters UNIKOM. During the writer job training at Programming & Cooperation Division at Research Center of Water Resource (PUSAIR), the writer found many experiences that gave the writer knowledge in using hyphen mark.

The Hyphen is used to conect the word or part of word in order make the meaning accurate. According to Susan Thurman (2003: p.99) “hyphen divides word at the end of line”. In the translation hyphen may give some difficulties, the usage of hyphen make the words have a difference meaning, for example „ re-cover’ has different meaning with „the recover’. The difference has raised the writer interest to analyze it. Thus to make this observation focus, the paper will be examined on the use of hyphen in the booklet entitle “60 Years of Service for Your Safety and Well-being”.

. 1.2 Scope


understood. However, in translating of word, translator should carefully to find the appropriate lexical equivalent of the word in the target language.

1.3 Objective

The objective of this writing will be explained as follow: 1. To report the job training conducted in company. 2. To discus the problem found in the job training proces.

1.4 Significance to Knowledge

The significances as below:

1. To find out the new knowledge how to interact in office or job. 2. To learn and get experience in the real work as a staff in that field. 3. To learn how to be one of the team player in an organization. 4. To be a reference to the next student for their job training report.

1.5 The Framework of the Theory



hyphenated in the target language. The most importent things in transalating is transperence a meaning not a form.

As Larson points out that;

“Translation is basically a change of form. When we speak of the form of a language, we are refering to actual word, phrase, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, etc.. Which are spoken or written. These forms are referred to as surface structure of language”.

The quotation above explains that in the translating from source to target language we can change the form. The form of source language may be different from the form of target language. The form can be changed but translator must retain the meaning as in the source language. Thus, hyphenated word be translated into hyphenated word or changed into unhyphenated word or prase.

1.6 Research Method

In this report, the writer uses a descriptive method. According to Zaenal Arifin, S. Amran Tasai in her book entitled Cermat Berbahasa Indonesia (2004, p.128);


According to the explanation above, a descriptive method which is used to describe the data comprehensively, then, the writer analyzed the data base on theory of translation.

1.7 Sites and Time





2.1 The Business of Research Center of Water Resource

Research Center of Water Resource (PUSAIR) is a company which engages in research center. The first name of this company is Verheer en Waterstaat which is established by the Dutch in 1936 and now this company is under the Ministry of Public Work. Generally this company related to the development of water resources for public servise. The activities of this company are:

1. Compile of programmer, implementation evaluation and analysis of water resources research and development product.

2. Study on the application of water resources technology. 3. Collect and process water resources data.

4. Involve in the quality testing and prepare the technical advices and services in the field of water resources environment, hydrology, hydraulic structure and water resources geotechnical engineering, river and Sabo engineering, coastal area and swamps as well as irrigation development and management.


Research Center of Water Resource (PUSAIR) has four division among are; 1. Administration Division

2. Standard and Product Dissemination Division

3. Development of Expertise and Infrastructure R&D Division 4. Programming and Cooperation Division

The writer was assigned in Programming and Cooperation Division as a translator. This division cooperated with other division to make information about water resource research and then socialize it. The information can be in the form of booklet.

2.2 Position and Coordination

The writer’s position in this job training was a translator in Programming and

Cooperation Division at Researches Center for Water Resources (PUSAIR). In that division the writer worked to translated booklet entitle “60 Years of Service for Your Safety and Well-being”.



This booklet is not only made by this division, some of which were from others institution for example the booklet entitle “60 Years of Service for Your Safety and Well-being” was from World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This booklet is English book therefore it must be translated into Indonesian before it is distributed to other division in the same research center or other research center.

2.2 Responsibilities



3.1 „The Translation of Word Using Hyphen in the Booklet entitle „60 Years of Service for Your Safety and Well-being’’

3.1.1 Explanation

During job training the writer was given a task to translate a booklet entitle “60 Years of Service for Your Safety and Well-being” in to Indonesian. When the writer read that booklet the writer found that there is hyphenated word in the text. Hyphen is used to link the words to make the meaning clear. However, sometime hyphen make a different the meaning of word. Thus in making an idiomatic tranlation of the booklet, there are two steps in the translation process. First, the writer found out the meaning of words in the dictionary, and then found the lexical equivalent based on the context to make the idiomatic translation. The steps would be described as follows:

Data 1

Source language Target language

Energy availability determines to a large extent the economic well-being of a population.



In the example above “Energy availability determines to a large extent the economic well-being of a population”. The word “well-being” is used hyphen. The word “well” means baik and “being” means menjadi. So “well-being” can be translate became to menjadi baik”. But, “menjadi baik” is a literal translation.

In that case the writer tries to find out the lexical equivalent for that word. Because, in text concern on economical condition on the population, so that the


word translation, and the writer translates that word into penduduk kota” because that is the lexical equivalent for the word. So, the writer translates the word “urban-dweller” become “penduduk kota”. In this case the target language does not Hyphenated.

Data 3

Source language Target language

WMO also gives special attention to the vulnerable countries, such as landlocked or low-lying ones, as well as to the needs of Small Island Developing States, which are highly vulnerable to natural hazards, long-term climatic variations, impacts of sea-level rise and environmental degradation.

WMO juga memberikan perhatian khusus pada negara-negara rentan, seperti yang terkurung oleh daratan atau salah satunya yang terendah, serta kebutuhan pulau kecil yang berkembang, yang sangat rentan terhadap bahaya alam, variasi iklim jangka panjang, dampak kenaikan permukaan laut dan degradasi lingkungan.

In the above sentence have three examples, there are:

The first, the word “low-laying”, that is “low” means bawah and “lying” means terletak”. So “low-laying” can be translated in to terletak di bawah. But this is literal translation.



the words. So, the writer translates the word “low-laying” become to “terendah”. The word hyphen in “low-laying” is not translating into hyphen words again in the target language.

The second, the word “long-term” in that sentence, that is “long” means ”panjang” and “term” means “masa”. So “long-term” can be translated in to “masa panjang”. But that is word for word translation, and the writer translates that word into jangka panjangbecause that is the lexical equivalence of the word. So, the writer translates the word “long-term” become to “jangka panjang. In the target language the word “long-term” is not being hyphenated.

Finally, the word “sea-level” in that sentence, that is “sea” means ”laut” and “level” means “tingkatan”. So “sea-level” can be translated in to “tingkatan laut”. But that is literal translation, and the writer translates that word in to permukaan laut” because that is the proper lexical equivalent for the word. The target language do not using hyphen in words “permukaan laut”.

3.2 Problem

During the writer job training, the writer found a problem when translating a booklet, which is translating hyphen used in phrase of sentence in the booklet. Some problems relating to the translation of hyphen words are:

1. Finding the meaning of the hyphenated words.


3.3 Solution

1. Try to find the lexical equivalent in the target language based on the context.







During job training In the Programming and Cooperation Division at Research Center for Water Resources (PUSAIR), the writer had to translate the English booklet entitle “60 Years of Service for Your Safety and Well-being” into Indonesian. When translated the booklet, the writer found hyphen used in the booklet has caused some difficulties to find the meaning of the hyphen words. So the writer has found out the meaning of that word in the dictionary, and found out the lexical equivalent to make the idiomatik translation.



4.2.1 The Writer

The job training activities can be useful in the next step for student to do the real job not only in the education institution but also in company or other institution.

4.2.2 The Other Student


4.2.3 Faculty of Letters






Job training Report

Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements

Iqbal Fauzi 63706001







A. Students Profile

a. Name : Iqbal Fauzi

b. Address : Jln.Tubagus ismail dalem No. 28d c. Place and Date of birth : Sukabumi, desember 1st 1986

d. Sex : Male

e. Religion : Muslim

f. Phone : 085659599431

g. E-mail : iqbal_fauzi01@yahoo.com

B. Education Background a. Formal Education

No Years Institution

1 1994 - 2000 MI MWB PUI

2 2000 - 2003 SLTP Negeri 2 Kab. Sukabumi 3 2003 - 2006 SMA Negeri 1 Cisaat Kab. Sukabumi



b. Informal Education

No Years Institution

1 2009 Seminar on Copywriting 2 2009 Seminar on Entrepreneurship

3 2011 Seminar on Feminist Feminine and Text

c. Competensy

There are the writer’s competency, there are as follow:

1. Translation from English to Indonesia and revers 2. Computer


15 Jakarta: Akademika

Larson, Mildred L.1984. Meaning-Based Translation. London: The Summer Institute of Pressindo. Inc

---,1998. Merriam-webster: Poket Guide to English Usage. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/hyphen


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