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Preparation of Neodymium Substituted Bismuth Titanate by a Fuel-Free Combustion Process.


Academic year: 2017

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Figure Tkough thisintermediate phase in BITbe reduced at a temperature low compound can analysis, in a condition theof introducing lanthanide found as work indicates at while had 800"C increases
Figure 2 XRD patterns of Bi4 Nd,Ti:Orzpowders calcined at 800"C for 3 h: (a) pure BIT,(b) 0.2BNT, (c) 0.6BNT and (d) i.OBNT.
Figure 3 XRD patterns of (a) pure0.2BNT, (c) 0.6BNT and (d) 1.OBNTpowders at the (1 1 7) peak position.BIT, (b)calcined


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