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Academic year: 2017



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1. Examination Committee

Chairperson : Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd. …………..

Examiner : Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A. ..…………

Secrtary : Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M. A. ..…………

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. H. Bujang Rahman, M. Si. NIP 19600315 198503 1 003



Student’s name : IWAN HARI PURNOMO

SN : 0743042017

Department : Language and Arts Study program : English

Faculty : Teachers Training and Education

Approved by:

Advisor I, Advisor II,

Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd. Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M. A. NIP 19580700 198503 1 006 NIP 19810326200501 1 002

The Head of Language and Arts Department



This chapter deals with background of the problem, identification of the problem, purpose of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of the terms.

1.1 Background of the problem

English is an international language and in Indonesia it is the first foreign language taught from low level like kindergarten to high level like university. In this case, after learning English the students are expected to be able to use the language for

communication both in spoken and written forms. So, language skill such as reading, speaking, listening, and writing as well as language element such as vocabulary and structure must be taught to students in order to fulfill the expectation.

The students learn to communicate in target language by practicing each other by using the language they learn. Based on the strategy of curriculum of SMU, learning English is learning to communicate through the target language. In order to


and to answer about something , to do short conversation smoothly, and to express the description of the person, or thing, or place, and to express the idea or feeling.

The goal of teaching speaking skills is reached when students are able to perform effective communication. Effective communication is the ability to use the language correctly and appropriately to accomplish communication goals. Student should be able to make themselves understood by using their current proficiency to get the fullest understanding. They should also observe the social and cultural rules applied in each communication situation.

Based on the experience of the researcher during field practice program in the same level at SMA level, it was found out that there were several problem faced by the students. First, most students were unenthusiastic to express their feeling, opinion, and idea by producing their own language. Second, it was showed that most of the students were passive in their speaking. Third, some students were afraid of expressing their idea because their friend would laugh and they also think that the teacher would blame them if they make some mistakes.


pronunciation, fluency, and their comprehension were still low. So using debate can train them to cooperate well with friends. They will try to speak English and of course the students are more ready to present their argument. The last factor was the chances to speak. Sometimes the student did not have chances to speak English in the classroom. They only paid attention to the teacher in the class. They started to speak if the teacher gave question. Even though sometimes they felt shy to speak because they did not know what they have to talk about. By using debate they are given opportunities to speak, they can feel relax and happy, and they are challenged to accomplish and learn something through the language Kurniasari, (2000).


Another reason for using debate is it trains students brain to defend their argument by giving the evidence or logical reason Shurter (1908) wrote that Perhaps no study equals debate in the acquiring of the power of logical thinking combined with clear expression. Moreover it is also fun so that the student will find learning enjoyable. It is the necessary part to build up their motivation because the way to motivate the student to communicate using their second or foreign language is by creating the enjoyable teaching technique that can stimulate their language acquisition device to unlock or to reduce the filter in using the language.

Based on the conditions stated above the research conduct the research by teaching speaking through debate technique at second grade of SMA UTAMA 2 Bandar Lampung. Debate is chosen as a technique to help the student to practice speaking and it would make language stay longer in the student’s mind.

Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background above, the problem are formulated as follow:

1. Is there significant increase of the students’ speaking ability after being taught through debate Technique.

2. How is the process of teaching speaking by using Debate?


1.2The Objective of the Research

Base on the formulation above, the objective of the research is :

1. To see if there is a significant increase of the students’ speaking ability after being taught through debate Technique.

2. To investigate the process of teaching speaking by using Debate.

1.3The uses of the Research

This research is useful both practically and theoretically,

1. Theoretically, as the information whether the result of this research is relevant or not to the theory. More over it can be used to verify the previous theories dealing with the theories in this research and also as a reverence for further research. 2. Practically, the result of this research can be used by English teachers as an

information in order to select suitable technique or method in teaching speaking in Senior high School.

1.4Scope of the Research


1.5Definition of Term


Speaking is one way to communicating and it is a two-way process between speaker and listener in order to break the information gaps where it haven’t done well in speaking class.

English speaking ability

English speaking ability is an ability or skill that the learners have to communicate, to convey meaning, and to have a meaningful conversation in English.


Debate is process of inquiry and advocacy, a way of arriving at a reasoned judgment. Debate permits undergraduates to develop such humanistic capabilities as research, analysis, critical evaluation of claims, and the construction and judgment of argument on important social issue (Quail Roost, p19).




This chapter presents some literature reviews, they are Debate technique, concept of

speaking, concept of teaching speaking, theoretical assumption, and hypothesizes. 2.1. Concept of Speaking

Speaking is a way to express someone’s idea to his or her listener orally. Speaking must involve at least two persons to talk to each other. Byrne (1984 : 8) state that

speaking or oral communication is two processes between a listener and speaker, and involve the productive skill and understanding. In this case there is a process of

understanding the message from the speaker to the listener. This is in line with Tarigan (1982: 5)who says that speaking is the instrument of language and the primary aim of speaking is communication. From the definition above it is clear that

students learn speaking in order to communicate.

Haris (1974) defines speaking as the encoding process whereby we communicate our

ideas, thought, and feeling orally. It means that we produce spoken message to someone. Spoken message is our ideas, thought and feeling that we want to share,


put message in word or sentence that has content and a listener. The opinion above is

supported by Welty and Welty (1978:47) who say that speaking is the main skill in communication. Doff (1989) who says that very often people talk in order to tell the people things they do not know, or to find thing out from other people. We can say

that in communication we should fulfill the communication needs, both speaker and listener have same information. Environment where we live need conversation such

as asking information and direction. As a result speaking ability is needed to accomplish society needs in communication.

Furthermore Lado (1977:240) states that speaking is described as an ability to converse or to express a sequence of ideas fluently. It means that through speaking

someone can express the idea in his mind to other people. For example someone says “ I think the weather is so hot” the listener can understand real meaning or implicit

meaning based on the situation. Real meaning can be what the speakers’ talk about the weather and the implicit meaning can be the speaker wants the listener to turn on the fan or air conditioner. It means that the listener can receive the message and reacts


2.2. Concept of Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking means teaching how to use language for communication, for

transferring ideas through or even feeling to other people. River (1978 : 6 ) states that speaking is developed from the first contact with the language that we learn because by speaking we can transfer our ideas or thought to other people. Moreover, Japerson

in Marians (1978:23) says that the essence of human language is human activity on the part of the individual to make him understood to communicate. Then, he adds that

the language is as an activity that permits people to communicate with each other. So it is clear that language is very important. We can not only teach what will be spoken but also the situation that deal with it. The teacher teaches speaking by carrying out

the student in certain situation when the topic is being talked about. The topic must be familiar to the students so what ideas have an oral command of language need to

describe the topic.

From explanation above, the researcher assumes that in teaching speaking teacher should give the situation and opportunity to student in order that they will see the thing because any single utterance always reflects the condition of speaker without

being ashamed or afraid of communicating with other students to tell their ideas, experience of felling. Here, the researcher wants to improve the students speaking


2.3. Concept of Debate

Debate is the process to express and defend the idea orally with good logical thinking

to convince the audience into their side. According to Freelay ( 2008:6) in

argumentation and debate, debate is the process of inquiry and advocacy, a way of

arriving at a reasoned judgment on a proposition. More over in (1908:11), Shurter wrote that perhaps no study equals debate in the acquiring of the power of logical thinking combined with clear expression. Individuals may use debate to reach a

decision in their own mind; alternatively, individuals or groups may use it to bring other around to their way of thinking. By doing this activity, student can develop their

mind and their critical thinking to defend their arguments, because debate provide reasoned arguments for and against and suggest. Debate can make student think quick logically and train their mind to create some words become one argument. Schwenk

(1988) states that the kind of oppositional thinking encouraged by debate clearly contributes to critical thinking skills for a variety of reasons. Furthermore Leong

(1983:322) points out that debate is an amusing activity for the language learner to put their ideas into word of their own words. The learners can express their ideas and try to make some argument appropriately based on their own. So, it can make them

enjoy and fun to do this activity. Debate can create new activity in speaking class that cannot make them bored and unenthusiastic but amusement and interesting activity

by increasing and training their critical thinking.


be something to argue about. This is called the TOPIC. The topic changes from

debate to debate. They are often about current issue of public importance or about general philosophies or idea. All topics begin with the word "that” as in other arguments there are two side to any topic. The team that agrees with the topic is

called the AFFIRMATIVE (or the ‘government in parliamentary debating) and the team that disagree with the topic is called the NEGATIVE (or the ‘ opposition in

parliamentary debating). When organizing a debate it is important to select a topic that is appropriate to the age and education of the debater concerned. Often topic will cover areas that the debaters have a specific interest in or, in the case of school

debates, that have been covered in classes or ere current news items.

According to Kurniasari (2000) debate provide five useful and beneficial aspects that

condition and encourage advanced learner to speak. They are real-life

communication, opportunities to speak, relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, group work, and challenge to accomplish and learn something through language.

2.3.1 Real Live Communication

Conducting real-live communication in practicing speaking is crucial because the

main aim is to enable learner to communicate, and while communicating with other, unpredictable situation might happen. What is meant by real-life communication?

Taylor ( 1987:49) says that real communication is a shared activity which requires that active involvement of its participants. However, he also state that real-life communicate can only take place if there is a meaningful content which involves the


“Real-life communication is usually stimulated by the fact that people either know

different things or have different opinions ”and” thus stimulates ambitious aim of imitating real-life communication activities. The learner talk because some of them know something that other do not know, or they have conflict views.

Opportunity to speak is very crucial, for without it, any language learner would never

be able to develop his speaking ability. Garton (1980:66) states that, ”in General, student must be given the opportunity to practice as many speech situations as

possible. “unfortunately, ordinary English language classes cannot give adequate opportunity to speak to learners, since usually there are so many student and very limited time to practice individual speaking. Since learner are lack of opportunity to

practice and speak the language , they are not confident enough to communicate actively in the target language.

2.3.2 Relaxed and Enjoyable Atmosphere to Practice

It is widely known and believed that learners have to feel secure and relaxed while

learning in order to get the meaning of learning Language and produce it. Leong (1983:322). By creating a relaxed atmosphere to practice, learner will not be afraid or hesitated to participate maximally. Moreover, they will also be willing to take risk

and not be afraid to make a mistake. They will feel free to use the grammar and vocabulary they are familiar with, and feel confident to explore and use the grammar


their own pace, without feeling under pressured to keep up with an imposed learning

agenda. As they become increasingly involved in the activity, their self-investment can be ever greater motivating force that any teachers’ demands.

2.3.3 Group Work

In motivating student one thing that should be concerned is Group Work, group work is crucial to increase interaction, to encourage information sharing, and to give support to each other. Brown ( 1982 : 10 ) states that group work can provide

maximum opportunity for students to use the target language by practicing together and helping each other, with all the skills in the new language. The theory behind this is that language is a means of communication. Because they work together to build

the information each other they feel secure and enjoy, so they will enjoy to share the information and learn it.

In debate activity, interaction between debaters is the important one. Each of debater

must be well in their interaction in order to build a case avoiding contradictory between the team arguments. Debaters must be in unity while debating is started so that both teammates can respond their opposition precisely and effectively. Together

do maximally to convince the audience and the judge to their side is the more

important thing by developing their team work. It doesn’t matter which team loses or


2.3.4 Challenge to Accomplish and Learn Something through the Language

It is believed that for most learners, language is best acquired when it is not studied in

a director explicit way, it is acquired most effectively when it is used as a vehicle to do something else, when learner are directly involve in accomplishing something via

the language and therefore have a personal interest in the outcome of what they are using the language to do Taylor (1987:46 ). in other word it is more effective if the learner use the language as the equipment to achieve something so that they can

concentrate on the thing they-want to achieve more than the language itself, because it is more interesting and challenging than to learn only the language.

Leong ( 1983: 320) states that a debate which’s held in the target language is a good way to make students speak. Therefore debate is a suitable technique to make an

active class.

From the research result above the researcher has chosen debate technique as the right

method to improve student’s motivation in speaking class. In EFL (English as foreign Language ) class, debate has been regarded as an excellent activity. It engages student in a variety of cognitive and linguistics activities. The student, through debating

activity, train themselves as critical thinkers by analyzing certain case or defending a certain opinion they believe to be true and further reason why debating seems to be


Krieger ( 2005) in his article said that “ with practice, many student show obvious

progress in their ability to express and defend ideas in debate and they often quickly recognize the flaws in each arguments”.

According to Murphy ( 2003 : 3) there are some advantages of debate.

1. The ability to collect and organize the idea. A successful debate speaker is one

who can absorb vast amounts of material and select from it those best item to use in particular debate.

2. The ability to subordinate ideas. A debater will hear about forty five hundred to

five thousand word from opponents during a typical single round of debate. Together with a colleague, this debater will deliver an additional forty five

hundred to five thousand words. Only by sorting out the major ideas from the minor ones can any speaker hope to make sense of this flood or words.

3. The ability to evaluate evidence. Skill in gleaning the most important evidence is a hallmark of an intelligent speaker. Not every statement. Quotation, statistic, or

idea in a debate is worth the trouble of refutation.

4. The ability to see logical connections. Aristotle once pointed out that the ability to see what is similar among dissimilar things is mark of genius. The great mass of


5. The ability to think and speak in outline terms. Clarity is essential in a debate

( and in any good communication, for that matter) during which the class of ideas often confuses an audience. The debaters must have not only a perfectly clear mental outline of their entire case but also the ability to communicate the sense of

that outline to the audience.

6. The ability to speak convincingly. An awareness of what audience expect what it

takes to convince that particular audience-is absolutely essential, both in debate and in other type of speaking

7. The ability to adopt. Since a debate is a fluid situation, constantly changing as

new ideas are introduced by various speakers, it place a premium on readiness of replay. In practice, this readiness means that you must be not only well organize,

logical, analytic, and convincing but also able to react to new ideas quickly.

There are so many types of debate we can use in teaching learning process. The teacher in senior high school should know what the proper type that makes it easier for student to practice it. The following is the form of debate

1. Parliamentary Debate

Parliamentary Debate is conducted under rules derived from British. It features the

competition of individuals in multi-person setting. It borrows term such us “government” and “ opposition” from the British parliament (although the


either be set by the tournament or determined by the debater as the “government” side

begins. In many forms of the activity rhetoric and style as well as the more traditional knowledge and research, can play a significant role in determining the factor with marks shared equally between matter and manner. It has been widely labeled as the

most democratic form of debate.

2. Public Debate

The international Public Debate Association (IPDA), is the fastest growing debate association within the United States. Although evidence is used, the central focus of

IPDA is to promote a debate format that emphasizes public speaking and real world persuasion skill over the predomination use of evidence and speed. IPDA offers both

team debates and individual debate. In both team and individual debates list of topics are given to the two sides thirty minutes before the start of the round. A striking negotiation ensues to pick a topic. The sides, one affirming the resolution and one

negating the resolution then prepare an opening speech, a cross-examination of the other side, closing remarks for the round.

3. Australian Debate

Australasia style debates consist of two teams who debate over an issue, more

commonly called a topic or proposition. The issue, by convention, is presented in the form of an affirmative statement beginning with “that”. Each team has three

members, each of whom is named according to their team and speaking position


is called “second affirmative speaker” or “Second Proposition Speaker”, depending

on the terminology used. Each of the speaker’ positions is based around a specific role, the third speaker for example has the opportunity to make a rebuttal towards the opposing team argument introducing new evidence to add to their position. The last

speaker is called “team advisor/captain”. Using this style, the debate is finished with a closing argument by each of the first speakers from each team and new evidence may

not be introduced. Each of the six speakers (three affirmative and tree negative) speaks in succession to each other beginning with the affirmative team. The speaking order is as follow: First Affirmative, First Negative, Second Affirmative, Second

Negative, Third affirmative, and finally Third Negative.

4. Policy Debate

Policy Debate is a style of debating where two teams of two debaters advocate or oppose a plan derived from a resolution that usually calls for a change in policy by a

government. Teams normally alternate, and compete in round as either “affirmative” or “negative”. In most form of the activity, there is a fixed topic for an entire year or another set period. In comparison to parliamentary debate, policy debate relies more

on research evidence and tends to have a larger sphere of what is considered legitimate argument, including counter plans, critical theory, and debate about the

theoretical standard of the activity itself. While rhetoric is important and reflected in the “speaker point” given to each debater, each round is usually decide based on who has “won” the argument according to evidence and logical presented. Additionally, in


to present as much as evidence and information as possible and counter the other side.

People speed read in attempt to “spread” the opponent out of speech. In effect, the debater present so much information, spread out over many topic, that the opponent does not have time to cover everything and must ignore arguments that the original

team then focuses on.

5. Classic Debate

Classic debate is a relatively new debate format, first created and primarily practices in the state of Minnesota. It was formed as an alternative to policy debating. With a

structure similar to that a policy, Classic debate emphasizes in logic and real-world discussion. As opposed to policy, where each affirmative propose a new plan, classic

debate is simpler: one resolution is chosen at the beginning of the season, which the affirmative affirms and negative negate. Conceptually classic debate is intended to develop skill that transfer directly to “real world” debate setting.

6. United Nation Model Debate

United Nation Model is academic simulation of the UN aimed at gathering student

who are passionate about the topic of debate and responding to global concerns. UN model delegate also look closely at the needs, goal and foreign policies of the

countries they will represent at the conference. The insights they gain from their exploration of history, geography, culture, economics, health and science contribute to the authenticity of the simulation, create a lively and memorable experience, and


is generally, there are three components: affirmative, negative, and jury. The topic is

about the current issues that are happening currently.

In other research the researcher used XI class in his observation. Then, that class will be chosen 2 group of affirmative team and 2 group of negative which consist of three person for each group. The other students who are not in a group will be divided into

a two team that is first team as the building case team for negative and the second team is the building case team for affirmative. Teacher or researcher as the jury in

each group analyze, so the researcher can see how far the student can practice debate well. In the other hand the researcher used traditional model as a type of model which is given to the students. The reason why the researcher chooses this types of debate is

because it is simpler than other type and to find out the appropriate debate model for teaching learning process

2.4. Procedure of Debate

Teaching speaking by using debate is done by dividing the class into two groups they

are : pro ( affirmative ) and contra (negative ). The debate is modified from

traditional or classical debate into a simple way and deciding and explaining what the topic means. The reason why classical debate use as debate procedure is because this

type of debate can accommodate all the student member as the participant of the debate. The two big team need one topic, the topic are given for several minutes or


PRO member randomly to express her or his argument. After one of the PRO team

finishes with his argument teacher invites other student from CONTRA group to express the argument and to negate the PRO side. Then, teacher invites other student from PRO group both tell the idea about the topic or also negate the CONTRA

group’s argument then the teacher comes back to the CONTRA group and invite one of the member to tell the other idea to negate and give other argument. It is continued

until the atmosphere of the discussion increases and the exploration of the topic is widely discussed.

The teacher as a guide has a function to control the natural distribution of argument

that occur in debate. The teacher also organizes the students and maintains the rule of the students’ rotation in giving argument or negation. The teacher also has a job to

reduce the member who is too active in the process and gives the chances to the member who is inactive in giving argument and idea to their group. So there is no standardized rule in doing this simple debate. The ability of the teacher in guide this

technique is the important one to create great atmosphere.

The topics are taken from the students’ general knowledge. Because they have had background knowledge well about the topic, so they don’t need to find further

research about it, they have to express only the target language.

2.5. Theoretical Assumption

In learning speaking students should communicate with one another orally such as in having speech, interacting, or explaining material. In the process of learning, the most


speaking frequently. The objective of teaching speaking as stated in KTSP is to

enable the students to ask and to answer about anything, to do short conversation smoothly, to express the description or person or things and also place, and to express the description of person or thing and also place and to express the idea or feeling.

Debate is a technique that can make student active in speaking class because Debate

trigger student to share or show their idea in order to make audience believe in their position. They can be active to speak to each other by using debate. The writer

assumes that debate can motivate student in speaking class. According to Taylor (1978:49), people also try to communicate if they have different opinions or disagreement about topic. By participating in debate, the student can develop their

mind to earn some idea it can create an active communication in speaking class. By using debate they have opportunity to speak more so that they feel relaxed and enjoy.

Allen (1972:244)states “student will participate in free conversation activities if they have something to say and if they feel relatively confidence about their ability to communicate”. Student will enjoy if they feel confident, more they speak more

confident they become. For that reason debate also can train them to confidence to speak to other people.

2.6. Hypothesis

In reference to the theoretical assumption above the hypothesis accordingly be


1. There is significant increase of students’ speaking ability after being taught

trough debate.

2. The teaching learning using Debate would also increase the process of

teaching learning speaking at the second grade of SMA UTAMA 2 BANDAR



This part deals with research design, subject of the research, research procedures,

schedule of the research, data collecting technique, data collecting instrument, data

treatment, and hypothesis testing.

3.1 Research Design

This research was quantitative research. It was be carried out in order to see and to

find the result of the application of Debate technique for increasing students’

speaking ability. The one group pretest-post design was used as follows:

T1 X T2 T1 = Pre test X = Treatment T2 = Post test Hatch and Farhady (1982:20)


3.2 Population and Sample

The research was conducted at SMA UTAMA 2 Bandar Lampung. There were five

classes at the second grade or class XI, and the researcher took one class as the

sample which was chosen by purposive Sampling. The researcher used purposive

Sampling because the researcher selected people based on the particular purpose for

the experiment. The class has been chosen from one of the active classes. The

researcher chose one of attractive class as a sample because the class was attractive

and most of the students were good in speaking. This research was conducted in four

weeks, which lasts 80 minutes for each meeting.

3.3 Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher used :

a. Pretest

The researcher administrated a pretest which took 80 minutes. The purpose of

this test was to know how far the students’ ability in mastering speaking skill.

In administering the pre-test, the writer provided a topic to the students and let

them create some arguments based on the topic provided based on their own

knowledge. The test allocated in each group and it would took 5 minutes for

each group to tell their arguments to other groups. The writer recorded the

students’ arguments in cassette and the topic is general debatable topic like “


the pre-test was scored by 2 raters, the researcher himself and the English

teacher of SMA UTAMA 2 in order to have reliable test results.

b. Treatments

The treatments that was conducted in four meetings. One treatment is 2 x 45

minutes of each meeting. The researcher presented the topics of debate. The

topic was based on the material in first semester of the third year students.

Some topics that was presented were :

 It is better to marry for love than for money

 Money is the most important thing in life.

 Living in the city is better than living in the country

 Mobile phone should be allowed in the classroom.

 Television does children more harm than good.

 Childhood is the happiest time in live.

 Old tradition prevent progress for the future

 It is useless to express the past.

 National Examination is unnecessary

 Travels is a good education

 BBM Price should be increased by the government.

 Private vehicle should be reduced. c. Post test

The researcher administered the post test which took 80 minutes. The


after the researcher gave the treatments by debate technique. The technique of

giving post test was the same with the pre-test because the researcher wanted

to know how far the students could develop their arguments would use their

own knowledge and their improvement after being given the pre-test.

3.4 Research Procedures

The procedure of the research as followed :

1. Selecting speaking materials.

In selecting the speaking materials the researcher used the syllabus of the second year

of Senior High School based on school based curriculum or KTSP. The topic chosen

told about health.

2. Determining the instruments of the research.

The instrument in this research was speaking test and observation sheet. The writer

conducted that the speaking test for the pretest and posttest, these tests aimed at

gaining the data of students’ speaking ability score before the treatment and after the

treatment in performing debate. In achieving the reliability of the pretest and post test

of speaking, inter rater reliability would be used in this study. The first rater was the

researcher himself and the second rater was the English class teacher. Both of them

discussed and shared ideas of speaking criteria in order to obtain the reliable result of

the test. Construct validity, in this research the writer focus would use on speaking


“smoking in public place should be forbidden”. Those topics are the representative of

speaking materials of School Based Curriculum or KTSP.

3. Determining Population and Sample

The population of this research was the second grade or grade XI of SMA UTAMA 2

Bandar Lampung. There are 5 (five) classes and one class would take as the sample.

4. Conducting Pretest

Pretest was given before the writer applied the treatment to measure increase of

students’ speaking ability before being taught through debate. The test was speaking

test in the form of debate. The material was tested relate to School Based Curriculum

or KTSP which are suitable for their level. Pretest would is given to find out how far

the competence of the students in speaking skill before the treatment. The test was for

80 minutes.

In selecting the speaking material the researcher would use the syllabus of the third

year of Senior High School based on school base curriculum or KTSP. The topic

choose for example talk about “Mobile phone should be forbidden in the class”.

5. Conducting Treatment

After giving pretest to students, the researcher gave treatments using debate. Each

treatment took for 80 minutes. The researcher present the material for treatment in

subjects through debate. In selecting the material the researcher used the syllabus of

the third year of Senior High School students based on School based Curriculum or

KTSP. In this research, the research would use four treatments. The topic was chosen

was debatable topic that related to their social live for the example (“Mobile phone


6. Recording process

Recording the activity while treatment. The researcher used observation sheet to take

the information while treatment occurred.

7. Conducting Post test

Posttest was conducted to measure the increase of students’ speaking ability after

being taught through Debate . The posttest held for 80 minutes. In selecting the

material the researcher used the syllabus of the third year of senior high school

students based on KTSP. The researcher administered posttest after the treatment. It

aim to see the development of students’ speaking ability after they used debate in

speaking class. The form of the test was subjective test. The posttest was similar to

the pretest by asking the students to perform the debate in front of class with their

group with the similar topic to the pretest. The researcher asked the students to make

some arguments related to the topic, after that the students shared their arguments by

using debate in front of the class.

8. Analyzing the data

After collecting the data, that was students’ recorded utterance in performing the

debate, the data was analyze by referring to the rating scale namely speaking ability

and then interpretation of the data was done.

First, scoring the pretest and posttest, and then tabulating the result of the test and

calculating the mean of the pretest and the posttest. Repeated Measure T-Test used to

draw the conclusion. The comparison of the two means counted using Repeated


were computed through SPSS version 16. The hypothesis analyzed at the significance

level of 0.05 in which the hypothesis is approved if sig < ɚ

3.5 Criteria for Evaluating Students’ Speaking

The form of the test was subjective test since there is no exact answer. In this test the

researcher used inter – rater to asses students’ performance. The raters are the

researcher himself and the English teacher. The rater gave the score by listening to

the record. The researcher recorded the student’s utterances because it helped the

raters to evaluate more objectively. The test of speaking was measured based two

principles, reliability and validity.


Reliability refers to extend to which the test is consistent in its score and gives us an

indication of how accurate the test score are (Shohamy, 1985:70). In achieving the

reliability of the pretest and posttest of speaking, inter raterreliability is used in this

study. The first rater is the researcher himself ,and the second rater is the English

class teacher. Both of them discussed and of the speaking criteria in order to obtain

the reliable result of the test.

The statistical formula for counting the reliability is as follow:


N = Number of students

D = The different of rank correlation

1-6 = Constant number

(Shohamy, 1985)

The Standard of reliability

1. A very low reliability ranges from 0.00 to 0.19

2. A low reliability ranges from 0.20 to 0.39

3. An average reliability ranges from 0.40 to 0.59

4. A high reliability ranges from 0.60 to 0.79

5. A very high reliability ranges from 0.80 to 0.100

Slameto (1988:147)


Validity refers to the extent to which the test measures what it should be measure.

This means it related directly to the purpose of the test. Content validity, the test a

good reflection of what has been taught and the knowledge which the teacher wants

his students to know. Content validity can best be examined by the table of

specification. (shoamy, 1985 : 74). Construct validity concern with whether is the test

is actually in line with the theory of what it means to the language ( shoamy, 1985:

74) that is being measured, it was examined whether the test actually reflect what it

means to know a language. It means that the test measured certain aspect based on the


The researchers has to compare the test with table of specification to know whether

the test is good reflection of what has been taught and the knowledge by the teacher

wants the student to know. A table of specification is an instrument that help the test

constructor plans the test.

The researcher only concern about three elements of speaking vocabulary,

comprehension and grammar. The reason why researcher only chose three elements

of speaking is how far they learn language with meaningful task. Richard and Rodger

(1986:72)state that the meaningful task principle, meaning that activity in which

language is used for carrying out meaningful task promote learning. Simple error like

pronunciation although is unlike native speaker, so far is understandable we can use it

for learning. Since the emphasis of teaching is the use of language for

communication, language errors are tolerated and seen as a natural outcome

development of communication skill Larsen- freeman (1986:129). Pronunciation can

be different because of the influence of the mother language accent and lack of

fluency doesn’t mean they do not understand. As long as the idea expressed in the

target language can be understood , the minor errors may be ignored, Setiyadi


The table 1. Speaking Aspect Description

Aspect Theories

1. Vocabulary Vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is

used in communication Brown (1977:4)


suitable with content Harris (1974: 68-69).

2. Comprehension It defines that comprehension for oral

communication that requires a subject to respond to speech as well as to initiate it Brown (1977:4)

3. Grammar It is needed for students to arrange a correct

sentence in conversation Harris (1974)

It is students’ ability to manipulate and to distinguish appropriate grammatical from inappropriate ones Heaton (1978:5)

3.6 Speaking Test

The researcher conducted speaking test, less than 90 minutes. The test was to be done

orally and directly by using speaking performance. The teacher called four student

and divided into PRO and CONTRA groups. The topic was taken from debatable

social live issue. They practiced to expressing their argument based on their side and

the voice was recorded while the debate was occurring. The test was subjective test

which there was no exact answer. The teacher gave the score of the students’

speaking ability based on the oral rating sheet provide. The teacher assessed only

three aspect vocabulary, comprehension, and grammar because pronunciation and

fluency was little bit hard to subjectivity. Let say pronunciation for India and

Singapore people are different from native but it cannot be said their ability in


to assess only three aspects to know how far they comprehend and use the language

without judging their capacity in producing a sound. In the test the researcher used

inter rater the researcher himself and the English teacher.

In evaluating the students’ speaking scores the researcher and another rater not only

listened to the students’ record but also used the oral English performance. The

researcher recorded the student’s utterance because it helped the raters to evaluate

more objectively. Rating sheet adapted and modified from Harris (1974:84). Based

on the oral rating sheet. Here are the rating scales.

Table 2. Rating Scale from Aspect of Speaking.

Aspects of speaking Rating scales Description


5 Use of vocabulary and idiom virtually that is of native speaker.

4 Sometimes use inappropriate terms and must rephrase ideas, because of inadequate vocabulary.

3 Frequently use the wrong word, conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary.

2 Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary make comprehension quite difficult.

1 Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible.

5 Appear to understand everything without difficulty.



be necessary.

3 Understand most of what is said at slower that

normal speed with repetition.

2 Has great difficulty following what is said can comprehend only" social conversation" spoken slowly and with frequent repetition. 1 Cannot be said to understand even simple

conversation in English.


5 Grammar almost entirely in accurate phrases.

4 Constant errors control of very few major patterns and frequently preventing communication.

3 Frequent errors showing some major

patterns uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding.

2 Few errors, with no patterns of failure.

1 No more than two errors during the dialogue.

The high score is 5 in every aspect, if the aspect has 5 so the total score is 15 and 15

equals 100. So the highest score is 100 . Here is the identification of the score.


Table 3. Identification of The Speaking Scores.

 15 = 100

 14 = 93

 13 = 87

 12 = 80

 11 = 73

 10 = 67

 9 = 60

 8 = 53

 7 = 47

 6 = 40

 5 = 33

 4 = 27

 3 = 20

 2 = 13

 1 = 7

3.7 Data Analysis

In order to find out the increase of the student’ speaking ability after being taught by

using debate, the researcher examined the student’ score using the following step.

The first was scoring the pre-test and the post test. The second was tabulating the

score of the students’ speaking ability result using rating scale.

The data of the score of pretest(T1) and the posttest (T2) can be seen on the table


Table 4. Score of Pretest and the Posttest.

Students’ name

Vocabulary Comprehension Grammar Total

R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2

∑N= X1= X2=

The table 5. Score inter rater – rater reliability of pre-test and post test.

No Students’ code Rater 1 Rater2

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

1 A

2 B

3 C


The third was drawing conclusion from the tabulating of result the pre test and post

test administrated statistically use analyze the data using the statistical computation


3.8 Hypothesis Testing

After getting the mean of pretest and the posttest, the researcher would analyze the

data by using Repeated Measures T-Test in order to know the significance of the

treatment effect.

Hypothesis of this research:

1. There is a significant increase of students’ speaking ability after being taught

through debate

2. The teaching learning using Debate would also increase the process of

teaching learning speaking at the second grade of SMA UTAMA 2 BANDAR


The first Hypothesis would be statistically analyzed using Repeated measures T- Test



In reference to the result of the research some conclusion and suggestion are

derived as follows:

5.1. Conclusions

1. Based on the research, it could be seen that applying Debate Technique

can improve students’ speaking ability. This can be identified from the

improvement of students’ speaking ability after being taught through

Debate Technique. The gain from the mean of the pretest (42) up to the

posttest (63.1)

2. The improvement of the students’ speaking ability refers to their ability in

using the language. The learners are able to create some argument related

to the theme involve their social live. It happens because practice to use

the language more during the learning and teaching process in the

classroom. By having big chance to practice, the students’ speaking ability

unconsciously improves.

3. By applying Debate Technique, the students are active and motivated to

speak because they can express their idea by creating a argument with

their friends. So, Debate Technique is appropriate to be used in improving


5.2. Suggestions

Based on the finding, some suggestions are proposed as follow:

1. Since Debate technique can improve students speaking ability, so the

researcher suggests the English teachers to apply the technique in the

classroom for teaching speaking. The learners are leaded to be active,

since they can freely express their idea by making argument.

2. In applying Debate Technique in speaking the English teacher should

manage the class, the time allocation and the learners. The English teacher

should manage the class with his creativity in supervising the flow of

learners’ arguments.

3. The teacher should explain the activity clearly. It is better to make sure

that the students know what they have to do with Debate Technique and

give chance to the learners to ask some questions about the learning



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2.5Theoretical Assumption ... 21

2.6Hypothesis ... 22

III. RESEARCH METHODS 3.1Research Design ... 24

3.2Population and Sample ... 25

3.3Data Collecting Technique ... 25

3.4Research Procedure ... 27



4. Data Analysis ... 36

5. Hypothesis Testing ... 38

IV. RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH AND DISCUSSION 4.1Result of the Research ... 39

1. Result of Pretest ... 39

2. Result of Posttest ... 42

4.2The Increase of Students’ Ability ... 43

4.3Result of Process of Teaching Speaking … ... 45

4.4Hypothesis Testing … ... 47

4.5 Discussion and the Findings ... 48


5.2Suggestions ... 61





Table Page

1. Table of Specification of the speaking Aspect... 32

2. Table Rating Scale Aspect of Speaking ... 34

3. Table of Identification of The Speaking Scores... 36

4. Table Scores of the Pretest and Post Test ... 37

Table Score inter-rater Reliability... 37

5. Table Distribution of the Students` Scores of the Pretest ... 40





Iwan Hari Purnomo

Speaking is producing sound using systematical rule in order to communicate. Speaking is learned by students in senior high school so that they are able to

communicate well. However, the students of senior high school feel inferior to speak in the class. Based on the problem faced by the student, the researcher proposed debate as one of the alternative to solve the problem. Debate is a technique that provides opportunity to speak and reduce their worry to speak and also helps them to think logically.

The research is intended to investigate whether or not debate technique can increase students’ speaking ability significantly. This research is a quantitative research. The design of this research was one group pretest posttest design. This research was conducted at SMA UTAMA 2 Bandar Lampung and the population was the second grade students of IPA 1. The class consisted of 39 students.

The data were collected through recording and were analyzed by using repeated t-test. The result of the test showed that there was a significant increase from pretest to posttest after being taught by using Debate Technique. The result of the research show the average score of pretest was 4.1 and the post test was 6.1. Based the test, it was found out that there was an increase of speaking ability. In the term of the aspect of speaking there was increase in all aspects, i.e. vocabulary from 1.7 to 3.2,

comprehension from 2.7 to 2.7, and grammar from 1.8 to 3.2. The result of the





1. Drs. Huzairin, M. Pd.

2. Budi Kadaryanto, S. Pd., M. A.


Iwan Hari Purnomo 0743042017





Table 2. Rating Scale from Aspect of Speaking.
Table 3. Identification of The Speaking Scores.
Table 4. Score of Pretest and the Posttest.


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