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The Errors Of Using Adverbs By The Eleventh Year Students Of SMA Negeri 7 Medan


Academic year: 2016

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First of all, the writer would like to express her gratitude to the Almighty God who has given her all this blessing, power, patient and ability to complete her study especially in accomplishing this thesis.

The writer gives her great thank to her beloved parents, M.Napitupulu and R.br.Sibarani, and also my brothers and sister: Marusaha N, S.E., Briptu Denny Horas N, S.H., and Bripda Riady N. and Mariana N, S.Pd.for their advices, supports, spirits and loves.

Next, the writer would like to express her gratitude appreciation to her supervisor, Drs. Syahron Lubis, M.A., and co-supervisor, Dra. Masdiana Lubis, M. Hum., for their valuable time to share their guidance, to encourage the writer, to give suggestion and criticism in completing this thesis.

The writer also would like to thank to Dean of Faculty of Letters of University of Sumatera Utara, Drs. Syaiffudin, M.A. Ph.D. and his staff. Her thank also to the Chairman and Secretary of English Department, Dra.Hj. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M. Hum. and Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed.TESOL.


Though the writer has tried hard to do the best in writing this thesis but due to her experience and knowledge, the writer believes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The constructive and helpful criticism for this thesis will be warmly accepted and highly appreciated.

Medan, Juni 2008



Skripsi yang berjudul “The Errors of Using Adverbs by The Eleventh Year Students of SMA Negeri 7 Medan” ini merupakan skripsi yang menganalisa kesalahan-kesalahan penggunaan ‘kata keterangan’ yang digunakan dalam membuat kalimat oleh siswa/siswi kelas XI IS-1 dan XI IS-2 SMA Negeri7 Medan.

Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah mengamati bagaimana siswa/siswi SMA Negeri 7 Medan menggunakan ‘kata keterangan’ dan mengidentifikaskan kesalahan-kesalahan yang kemudian mengklasifikasikan kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut ke dalam beberapa tipe kesalahan berdasarkan teori Rod Ellis (1997:15-19) yaitu: Omission, Misinformation, Misordering dan Overgeneralization.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi yaitu penulis melakukan riset lapangan di SMA Negeri 7 Medan dan mencari referensi yang berhubungan dengan judul skripsi.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa persentasi tipe kesalahan yang dibuat oleh siswa/siswi kelas XI IS-1 dan XI IS-2 SMA Negeri 7 dalam menggunakan ‘kata keterangan’ yaitu: Omission 21.12 %, Misinformation 25.35%, Misordering 23.94%, and Overgeneralization 29.57%.






1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Problem of the Study 1.3 Objective of the Study 1.4 Scope of the Study 1.5 Significance of the Study


2.1.1 Error and Error Analysis

2.1.2 The Differences of Error and Mistake 2.1.3 The Relationship between Second Language Acquisition and Error Analysis

2.2 An Overview of Adverb 2.2.1 Forms of Adverb 2.2.3 Types of Adverb 2.2.3 Function of Adverb 2.2.4 Position of Adverb 2.3 Review of the Previous Study



4.1 The Kinds of Errors in Using Adverbs 4.2 The Percentages of Errors in Using Adverbs


5.2 Suggestions




Skripsi yang berjudul “The Errors of Using Adverbs by The Eleventh Year Students of SMA Negeri 7 Medan” ini merupakan skripsi yang menganalisa kesalahan-kesalahan penggunaan ‘kata keterangan’ yang digunakan dalam membuat kalimat oleh siswa/siswi kelas XI IS-1 dan XI IS-2 SMA Negeri7 Medan.

Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah mengamati bagaimana siswa/siswi SMA Negeri 7 Medan menggunakan ‘kata keterangan’ dan mengidentifikaskan kesalahan-kesalahan yang kemudian mengklasifikasikan kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut ke dalam beberapa tipe kesalahan berdasarkan teori Rod Ellis (1997:15-19) yaitu: Omission, Misinformation, Misordering dan Overgeneralization.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi yaitu penulis melakukan riset lapangan di SMA Negeri 7 Medan dan mencari referensi yang berhubungan dengan judul skripsi.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa persentasi tipe kesalahan yang dibuat oleh siswa/siswi kelas XI IS-1 dan XI IS-2 SMA Negeri 7 dalam menggunakan ‘kata keterangan’ yaitu: Omission 21.12 %, Misinformation 25.35%, Misordering 23.94%, and Overgeneralization 29.57%.



1.1 Background of the Study

The most important means of communication for human being is language because it is used to express ideas, senses, thought, information, etc. Sapir (1931:8) defines language that language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a system of voluntary produced symbols. The role of language can not be separated from all of our activities in all aspects of our life. For example, in our daily activities, we can not expect other people to know what we are thinking about and what it is in our mind if we do not express it by using language. In other words, a good communication can be achieved if we used language as means of communication.

We can use so many languages if we learn more than one language. The language that we learned first is called first language. Jack Richards (1985: 106) says, “First language is a person’s mother tongue or the language acquired first.” The first language may be used to communicate with our families, other people who have the same ethnic group or it is the language of the country where we are living in. We will find problem when we have to speak in the other languages which are different from the first language. Therefore, we need to learn second language.


example, Lisa is an Indonesian woman. She lives in Indonesia so her first language is Indonesian language. When she is in Senior High School, she learns English. After that, she learned Dutch and Mandarin languages when she has been a worker. In this case, when she learns English, Dutch, and Mandarin, she learns those languages as her second languages. In other words, when someone learns second language, it is customary called Second Language Acquisition.

In Second Language Acquisition, we can find the term of Error Analysis which has meaning the investigating of Second Language Acquisition by collecting and describing samples of learner language. The language of a language learner contains errors. The errors are made by non-native learners in learning second language. Rod Ellis (1997:17) says, “Errors reflect gaps in a learner’s knowledge: they occur because the learner does not know what is correct.” There are four kinds of errors according to Rod Ellis, they are: omission, misinformation, misordering, and overgeneralization. When the errors are analyzed, it is customary called Error Analysis.

The errors in learning second language are made by the students as non-native learners. In our country, Indonesia, English as one of international languages is one of the subjects at schools. The teachers teach the students about English grammar by giving the descriptions of English structure and also the way which words and phrases are combined to produce the sentence in English. Even though the teachers have explained about how to arrange the sentences grammatically but they often make errors especially about the using of adverb.


questions as how? where?, or when?. In English many adverbs have an –ly ending.” Adverbs are classified into several types based on their function and meaning.

As we know that learning adverb is one of the most complicated lesson for students at school because the students must be able to use each type of adverbs in sentences grammatically. Furthermore, the students face problems with the using of each adverb in writing sentences based on its forms, function, and position. These are examples of errors which are often made by the students in using adverbs:

1. She types the letters fastly.

The correct sentence: She types the letters fast. 2. She worked hardly.

The correct sentence: She worked hard.


1.2 The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the writer has two questions in the problem of the study, they are:

1. What kinds of errors made by the students in using adverbs: a. adverb of time

b. adverb of place c. adverb of manner

2. What are the percentages of errors made by the students in using adverbs?

1.3 The Objective of the Study The objectives of the studies are:

1. To classify the kinds of errors that made by the students in using adverbs: a. adverb of time

b. adverb of place c. adverb of manner

2. To identify the percentages of errors that the students made in using adverbs.


1.4 The Scope of the Study

In a research, it is very important to make the scope of the study because the writer can concentrate on the relevant data. Thus, the writer makes some limitations to analyze the errors of using adverbs. According to Marcella Frank (1972), there are six types of adverbs in English, they are:

1. adverb of time 2. adverb of place 3. adverb of manner 4. intensifying adverb 5. sentence adverb

6. conjunctive adverb

However, the writer only focuses on the three types of adverbs: 1. adverb of time

2. adverb of place 3. adverb of manner

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significances of the study are:

a. This study is expected to expand knowledge of the writer and readers about this subject.

b. This study is also expected to be useful for English teachers so they can recognize the problems of the students and find the ways to solve it.




2.1 Theoretical Concepts

In learning a second language the student as the learner produces many forms which are not those which would be produced by a native speaker of the standard form of the target language. The realization that the second language learner’s errors are potentially important for the understanding of the process of second language acquisition is a current focus on modern teaching.

The study of error is part of investigation of the process of language learning. Relating to this study, the writer puts some theories as her theoretical concepts which contain about the definition of error and Error Analysis, the differences of errors and mistakes, and also the relationship between Second Language Acquisition and Error Analysis.

2.1.1 Error and Error Analysis

There is a term ‘learning by mistake’. We often hear people made a lot of mistakes in them past tense and eventually be successful in the future. It could be occur in learning a language or a target language. The definition of error can be seen through the classification of errors. Next, there is the explanation of the classification of errors. This classification is very important to explain the errors in Error Analysis.


a. Interlanguage Errors

Errors According to Richards, Interlanguage errors is errors caused by the interference of the learner’s mother tongue. Through the meaning of Interlanguage errors, can be seen and becomes clear that this kind of errors needs a contrastive analysis. The interference that is mentioned above means the interference of native language into foreign learning and it indicates the learning process.

b. Intralingual and Developmental Errors

Still, according to Richards (1974), Intralingual and developmental errors emphasize the reflection of the learners’ competence at a particular stage, and illustrate some of the general characteristics of language acquisition. And the details, Intralingual errors are those that reflect the general characteristics of rule learning, such as faulty generalization, incomplete application of rules and failure to learn conditions under which rules apply and developmental errors illustrate the learner attempting to build up hypotheses about the English language from his limited experience of it in the classroom or textbook. For that the intralingua and developmental errors classify the errors become:

1. Over-generalization


superficial similarities, will be misleading and inapplicable’. Overgeneralization is associated with redundancy reduction. It may be occurred, for instance, with items which are contrasted in the grammar of the language but which do not carry significant and obvious contrast for the learner. The definition overgeneralization is completed through Richards, overgeneralization happened when the learner creates a deviant structure on the basis of his experience of other structures in the target language. Generally, overgeneralization is the creation of one deviant structure in place of two regular structures, and to make it more clear, the writer puts example:

They soonly found our mistakes.

This sentence should be: They soon found our mistakes.

There is an over form of a structure adverb of time soon becomes soonly. 2. Ignorance of rule restriction

Ignorance of rule restrictions is failure to observe the restrictions is failure to observe the restrictions of existing structures, that is, the application of rules to contexts where they do not apply, for example:

He walked sadly away.

This sentence shows that it ignores restriction on the distribution of away. The application of away to context must be based on the existing structure. Away precedes adverb of manner.

3. Incomplete application rules


in the use of questions to be observed. It means that the cases are about: a statement form may be used as a question, one of the transformations in a series may be omitted, or a question word may simply be added to the statement form. Here are some examples:

Teacher’s Question Student’s Response

Do you live in Surabaya? Yes, I live Surabaya.

Ask her whether she will come next week. Will you come next?

How do you go to the cinema? I go to the cinema by bus?

4. False concept hypothesized

In addition to the wide range of Intralingual errors which have to do with faulty rule learning at various levels, there is a class developmental errors which derive from faulty comprehension of distinction in the target language. These are sometimes due to poor gradation of teaching items. To get clear explanation let’s see the examples of the using of the word yet: He has left the office yet. .The using of the word yet is an error of false concept hypothesized because yet is occurred in a negative sentence.

According to S.Pit Corder (1997), he also classifies the errors of learner’s language into three types, they are:

a. Transfer Errors


b. Analogical Errors

A learner of second language makes errors because he has not yet discovered the precise set of categories to which the rule applies. Errors of this sort are errors of overgeneralization or analogical errors. thus it is not surprising that errors like he singed, he cans come and many mens are produced by learners with any mother tongue. Analogical errors are inherent in the learning process. c. Teaching-Induced Errors

There is a third type of error which is much more difficult to establish to any particular case, namely, errors arising from the methods or materials used in the teaching. It is not easy to identify such errors except in conjunction with a close study of materials and teaching techniques to which the learner has been exposed.


analysis research should analyze the errors and also the error analysis has procedures to do it.

Rod Ellis (1997:15) has three steps to do error analysis, they are: 1. Identifying Errors

In this step, we have to compare the error sentences (the writer mentions it as “original sentence’) with what seem to be the normal or ‘correct’ sentences in the target language which correspond with them (the writer mentions it as ‘reconstruction’). But it is, in fact, easier said than done. Sometimes, it is difficult to make the reconstruction when we collide with the leaner means to say.

2. Describing Errors

This next step is the step where the errors are described and classified into kinds. This step can be done by several ways. According to Rod Ellis, there are two ways to classify errors, they are:

a. The first way is classifying the errors through grammatical categories. It means classifying the errors through their word classes and tenses. As an example:

Original sentence : The children yelled with loud. Reconstruction : The children yelled loudly.

b. The second way of classifying the errors is try to identify general ways in which the learners’ utterances differ from the reconstructed target-language utterances. It means the errors are classified into several types: 1. Omission


This sentence leaves out an item that is required to be considered grammatical for expressing adverb of manner; it is -ly must be added to the word polite.

2. Misinformation

Misinformation is the error of using one grammatical form in place of another grammatical form, example: The child yelled with loud.

This sentence contains misinformation in using the adverb of manner which marked by the using of –ly after the adjective. Therefore, the word

with can not be used to express adverb of manner.

3. Misordering

Misordering is the error of putting the words in an utterance in the wrong order. For example:

He will come evening tomorrow.

This sentence has the wrong order of adverb of time evening tomorrow. It must be changed becomes: He will come tomorrow evening.

4. Overgeneralization

Overgeneralization is the error of using over grammatical form in an utterance.

For example: She types fastly.

This sentence uses –ly to express adverb of manner but it is an over grammatical form because the word fast does not.

3. Explaining Errors


2.1.2 The Difference of Error and Mistake

There is a problem in analyzing errors. It is how can those things are determined as errors or mistakes or how we can know those things are not just an accidental typing mistake. For that, it is a need to differentiate error and mistake. Ellis (1997:7) says that errors and mistakes are differentiated as errors reflect gaps in a learner’s knowledge that they occur because the learner does not know what is correct and mistakes reflect occasional lapses in performance that they occur because, in particular instance, the learner is unable to perform what a learner knows. It can be concluded that a learner makes errors due to their, in particular instance, lack of consciousness through the language knowledge.

The next question is how errors and mistakes, in written data, can be distinguished. To know the errors in written data may be through the consistency of learner’s performance, as an example: the consistency of learner to use ‘well’ and ‘good’, it means the learner always uses the adjective while there should be the form of adverb. But if the learner sometimes uses ‘well’ and sometimes uses ‘good’ while it is still the wrong form that a sentence needs, this shows the mistakes.

2.1.3 The Relationship between SLA and Error Analysis

People need to learn second language when they have to face expanded way of communication that is beyond their local speech communities. When people learn second language it is called Second Language Acquisition.


other words, the main goal of Second Language Acquisition is to describe the process of learner acquisition, exactly the nature of the linguistic categories that constitutes the learner’s interlanguage at any point in development.

As the writer has explained before that the error analysis is the main way of investigating Second Language Acquisition by collecting and describing samples of learners’ language. From that short explanation, there is implied the relationship between Second Language Acquisition and Error Analysis. Error Analysis is the way to investigate how the learners of second language acquire the language. For that, the Second Language Acquisition becomes the object of the research and Error Analysis is the way of the research.

2.2 An Overview of Adverb

In English grammar, there are eight parts of speech that can be used in sentences based on the grammatical rules, they are: noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition, interjection, and conjunction. Relating to this, the role of adverb is very important to modify the verb in clause or phrase.

According to Richards (1985:6) says, “Adverb is a word that describes or adds to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence and which answers questions as how?, where?, or when?. In English many adverbs have an –ly ending.”


with nouns or prepositions because of their form; some merge with interjections because of their ability to express emotion and to serve as sentence modifiers; some merge with conjunctions because of their ability to perform connecting function.

2.2.1 Form of Adverbs

Form of adverbs are divided into two types, they are: a. Inflectional form

The adverb has an inflectional form only for comparison. Short adverbs (mostly one syllable adverbs) that have the same form as adjectives are compared by the addition of –er, -est. These adverbs are of several types:

1. Adverb of manner, such as: hard, fast

One group of manner adverbs has two forms, one with, and one without, an –

ly ending like: slow-slowly, quick-quickly, cheap-cheaply, dear-dearly,

loud-loudly, clear-clearly.

For example: He slowly drives of sight.

2. Adverb of time, for example: early, late, often, soon, yet For example: She usually comes late.

3. Adverb of distance and direction, for example: close, far near, straight, low The –ly adverbs of manner are compared by the use of more-than, the most or less-than, the least. For example: She dresses more elegantly than her sister. b. Derivational form


adding the derivational suffix –ly to a descriptive adjective. Adjectives that already end in –ly are often used in unchanged form as adverbs such as:

 Adverb of manner, for example: friendly, lively, orderly

A few spelling rules need to be observed when adding –ly to adjectives: 1. Final y preceded by consonant is changed to i such as: happily, busily. 2. With adjectives ending in ble, ple, tle, dle, the le is dropped before –ly

such as: possibly, simply.

3. With adjectives ending in –ic, -al is added before –ly such as basically, historically.

Some caution must be observed in adding –ly to adjectives with other endings: 1. With adjectives ending in silent e, the e must be retained before –ly

such as: extremely, entirely.

2. With adjectives ending in l, the l must be kept before –ly such as: beautifully, accidentally.

Derivational suffixes other than –ly that distinguish adverbs: a. –ward, such as: frontward, backward.

b. –wise, such as: lengthwise, otherwise, etc.

The last element in certain compound words may also classed among derivational endings that signals adverb:

a. – where, such as: anywhere, nowhere, elsewhere.


2.2.2 Types of Adverbs

The classifications of adverbs are classified by its meaning and function. a. Types of adverbs classified by meaning

1. Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually placed after or before the main verb or after the object. In other words, these adverbs can not be place between verb and object. The manner adverb has the most characteristic adverbial form (an –ly ending added to a descriptive adjective).Example:

 He swims well (after the main verb).

 They eat the bread greedily (after the object)

2. Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of place indicate where something happens. This include: abroad, there, here, etc. Example: He plays there.

You will tell me the plot of the film at home tonight. 3. Adverbs of Time

a. Definite Time

These adverbs have a fixed boundary in time, example: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Most of these words have noun form and some used in plural form such as Saturdays. In addition, a group of words may function as a single time expression, example: last week, a month ago, on Sunday.

b. Indefinite Time

This kind of time has no fixed boundary, i.e.:

Words like recently, yet, still, soon, already.


Words denoting a sequence in time, example: now, before, next. For

example: They are playing football now.

Words denoting frequency. Frequency words range in meaning from at all

times to at no time, such as: always, often, sometimes, never.

Example: The teacher always gives us difficult tests.

4. Intensifying Adverbs.This type of adverbs can be classified as : a. Adverbs of Degree (Quantifiers)

1. Adverbs of degree denoting how much with respect to adverbs, such as: very, too, quite, rather, even, only, hardly, fairly, etc.

Example: He always walks rather quickly. I feel so terribly tired tonight.

2. Adverbs of degree denoting how complete, such as: almost, entirely,

nearly, partially. Most of these adverbs have the same –ly form as adverbs

of manner do and are often classed with manner adverbs ,they are:  Degree of completion with respect to verbs, example:

They have almost finished the work. He has partially recovered from his stroke.

He completely misunderstood his wife’s remarks.

 Degree of completion with respect to adjectives, for example: They are

practically ready to begin the show.

b. Adverbs of distinguishing (emphasizers)


Certain adverbs of time may serve as distinguishing adverbs before preposition or conjunction of time, such as: immediately, just, right, soon.

For example: Soon after dinner he fell asleep.  Types of Adverbs Classified by Function

a. Sentence Adverbs. These adverbs often have a loose grammatical

connection with the rest of the sentence, and one are looked upon as modifying the whole sentence rather than the verb, example: fortunately, presumably, actually, obviously, evidently. Such adverbs maybe considered as equivalent of a sentence or a clause; thus presumably may be interpreted as representing as may be presumed. Many of these words have the –ly form of manner adverbs, but actually they often reflect the independent opinion of the

speaker rather than the manner of an action. For example: Fortunately, no one

was hurt. Many words ending in –ed + –ly are sentence adverbs, for example: unexpectedly, decidedly, advisedly. Sentence adverbs can serve as single word answers to question, especially if they express affirmation (yes), negation (no), possibility (possibly). Interjections expressing a mild degree of feeling are sometimes classified among the sentence adverbs, for example: well.

b. Conjunctive Adverb

These adverbs establish a relationship between one sentence or clause and the preceding sentence or clause. Conjunctive adverbs indicate such relationships as result (therefore, accordingly), addition (moreover, besides), contrast (however, nevertheless), condition (otherwise), time (when).


c. Explanatory Adverbs.These adverbs illustrate or enumerate, example: namely

d. Relative Adverbs, for example: when, where, why, how.

1. Relative adverbs. These adverbs introduce adjective clauses, for example: We visited the house where a famous poet once lived.

2. Interrogative adverbs

In questions-, for example: When will he arrive? and in noun clauses derived from questions, for example: I asked when he would arrive.

e. Exclamatory adverbs. For example: How beautifully she dresses! 2.2.3 Function of Adverb

An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, adverb or an entire sentence. 1. Adverb as modifier of a verb

Sentence: The boy threw the ball quickly.

Adverbs of manner modify the verb most directly. Adverbs of place and time also be considered as modifying the verb, although some grammarians consider these as modifying the entire sentence.

Sentence: The boy quickly threw the ball there twice yesterday. 2. Adverb as modifier (intensifier) of an adjective or an adverb

Intensifying adverbs of degree modify adjectives or adverbs in the same way as

very in this sentence.

The very small boy threw the ball very quickly. 3. Adverb as modifier of an entire sentence.


2.2.4 Position of Adverb

Some types of adverbs may occupy all three possible adverbial positions, others only one or two of these positions. The following chart summarizes the positions for the different types of adverbs.

Types of Adverb Most Usual Position Other Possible Position

Adverbs of manner

Adverbs of place

Adverbs of time a. definite time

b. indefinite time 1. adverbs like

soon, recently

2. adverbs of sequence

 final position:

The army advanced toward the enemy slowly.

 final position:

It’s cold outside.

 final position:

The bus arrives today.

 mid-position:

We soon found our mistakes.

 initial position:

Next, we take the use of


 mid-position:

She quickly left the room.  initial position:

Quickly, he took out his gun.

 initial position:

Here comes the train.

 initial position:

Today we submit the report.

 initial position:

Soon we found our mistake.

 final position:

We found our mistake soon.  mid-position:

We next take up the use of verb.

 final position:


3. adverbs of frequency

Intensifying adverbs a. adverbs of degree b. distinguishing adverbs Sentence adverbs Conjunctive adverbs  mid-position;

They often have trouble with their television set.

 position preceding

the word being intensified: The weather is very hot this summer.

 position preceding

the word or structure being emphasized:

Only Mary passed in Greek.

 initial position:

Obviously they will not

finish on time.

 initial position:

I have problem. Therefore I must tell John.

 initial position:

Often they have trouble with

their television set.  final position:

They have trouble with their parents often.

 final position:

They win the competition


 distinguishing adverbs

may follow nouns or pronouns:

Mary passed in Greek only.  mid-position:

They obviously finish on time.

 final position:

They will not invite you,


 final position (only if



When two or more types of adverbs appear in the same sentence, they follow the order of place, manner, time. For example: He walks along the street quietly today.

2.3 Review of the Previous Study

Maretta Suderia (2007) in her thesis: “The Errors of Using Auxiliary Verbs of Senior High School Students: A Study Case of Letters of Second Year Students of SMU 13 Medan”, analyzes the data by using qualitative method. The result of her research is the most kind of error that made by the students of SMUN 13 Medan is the error of ‘omission’ with nominal 41, 40%. It means that most of the students omit or do not use the auxiliary verbs in their sentences while the sentences need the auxiliary verbs.

Isa (1996) in his thesis: “Some Mayor Errors in Using Tenses: A Case of the Third Year Students in SMU 1”, analyzes the data by using field and library research. The result of his research is the mayor errors that made by students while they use Simple Present Tense.”

Rod Ellis (1997:17) says that errors reflect gaps in a learner’s knowledge; they occur because the learner does not know what is correct.


Geoffrey Leech (1973:202) says that most adverbs most adverbs are formed from adjectives with the suffix –ly : frank/frankly, happy/happily, etc.



3.1 Research Method

In doing research, the writer takes field research to collect her data and she also uses library research to support her data. The method of the study that use is quantitative method and it is conducted at SMA NEGERI 7 Medan. As Arikunto (2006: 12) says, “Sebaliknya dengan penelitian kuantitatif, sesuai dengan namanya, banyak dituntut menggunakan angka, mulai dari pengumpulan data, penafsiran terhadap data tersebut, serta penampilan dari hasilnya. Demikian juga pemahaman akan kesimpulan penelitian akan lebih baik apabila juga disertai dengan tabel, grafik, bagan, gambar atau tampilan lain”.

3.2 Population and Sample

The writer takes 59 respondents who fill the test and each of them write six sentences for three questions. The respondents consist of two classes; they are the students from classes XI IS-1 and XI IS-2.


3.3 Data Collecting Method

The writer uses test as her data collecting method. The writer asks the students from class XI IS-1 and XI IS-2 as the respondents who take part in the test and each of them write six sentences by using the three types of adverbs. The writer only gave 30 minutes for the students to fill the tests.

3.4 Data Analysis Method

The writer uses the theory of Rod Ellis in analyzing her data and applies grammar structures of Marcella Frank about adverb. The steps of analysis are:

1. Identifying Errors

In this step, the writer compares the error sentences (the writer mentions it as “original sentence’) with what seem to be the normal or ‘correct’ sentences in the target language which correspond with them (the writer mentions it as ‘reconstruction’).

2. Describing Errors

This next step is the step where the errors are described and classified into kinds. 3. Explaining Errors

This is the last step of error analysis. In this step, the writer tries to explain how and why a sentence called to be erroneous. After analyzing the errors sentences, the writer identifies the percentages of the errors made by the students. To identify the errors, the writer uses Bungin’s theory (2005:172) below:

N = fx X 100%

N Notes:




4.1 The Kinds of Errors in Using Adverbs

In this section, the writer wants to analyze the errors which are made by the eleventh year students of class XI IS-1 and XI IS-2 SMA.

4.1.1 The errors of using adverb of time 1. Original sentence : The spring very good.

Reconstruction : The spring very good now.

From the original sentence, we can see that the student does not put adverb of time according to the question. Thus, this sentence must be added an adverb of time now. The error of this sentence is called ‘omission’ because the student omits the adverb of time.

2. Original sentence : My family go to market Monday. Reconstruction : My family go to market on Monday.

Through comparing the original sentence and reconstruction, it can be seen that the original sentence is error. In this sentence, the student chooses

Monday as adverb of time without combining with prepositional adverb.


on Monday. The error of this sentence is called ‘omission’ because of the

omission of prepositional adverb.

3. Original sentence : He yet finish work.

Reconstruction : He hasn’t yet finish work.

In this sentence, the student decides to choose yet as adverb of time. Actually, it is a good decision to choose yet as adverb of time in this sentence but there is an error grammatical form to use yet in a positive statement. Adverb of time yet is used in negative statement or interrogative statement. Therefore, grammatical form of this sentence must be changed into negative statement. The error of this sentence is called ‘misinformation’.

4. Original sentence : I will go to the hospital tomorrow last night. Reconstruction : I will go to the hospital tomorrow.


5. Original sentence : Me and my family will having dinner evening. Reconstruction : Me and my family will having dinner tomorrow


We can see the position of adverb of time evening in the end of sentence has been correct. However, this sentence becomes an error because the student uses adverb of time evening in the wrong grammatical form. Grammatically, adverb of time evening should be combined with another word like tomorrow, this, next. We can use adverb of time evening in the form adverb phrase. The error of this sentence is called ‘omission’ because the sentence leaves an item in order to be considered grammatical.

6. Original sentence : They will having the holiday in the beach to summer.

Reconstruction : They will having the holiday in the beach next summer.


7. Original sentence : My sister born on 1994. Reconstruction : My sister born in 1994.

We can see the position of adverb of time to show definite time of the year

1994 in the end of sentence has been correct. However, this sentence

becomes an error because the student uses adverb of time year 1994 in the wrong grammatical form. Grammatically, adverb of time 1994 can be combined with preposition in. In conclusion, we can use adverb of time 1994 in the form adverb phrase in 1994. The error of this sentence is called ‘misinformation’.

8. Original sentence : My uncle now arrive in Medan at 8 o’clock. Reconstruction : My uncle arrive in Medan now at 8 o’clock.


9. Original sentence : I come yet.

Reconstruction : I haven’t come yet.

In this sentence, the student decided to choose yet as adverb of time. Actually, it is a good decision to choose yet as adverb of time in this sentence but there is an error grammatical form to use yet in a positive statement. Adverb of time yet is used in negative statement or interrogative statement. Therefore, grammatical form of this sentence must be changed into negative statement. The error of this sentence is called ‘misinformation’.

10. Original sentence : Mr. Tom and brother want go to the hospital the Sunday.

Reconstruction : Mr. Tom and brother want go to the hospital next Sunday.


11. Original sentence : My sister will go to Japan on two days ago. Reconstruction : My sister will go to Japan two days ago.

In the sentence, there is an error of using over grammatical form of adverb of time. The student puts a preposition before adverb of time two days ago. The prepositional adverb on should be omitted from this sentence. In conclusion, this sentence has ‘overgeneralization’ error that is the over form of the preposition before adverb of time two days ago.

12. Original sentence : I can go to Bali to holiday in the next week. Reconstruction : I can go to Bali to holiday next week.

After looking at the original sentence, it can be seen that it has the same error like the previous original sentence. In this sentence, there is an error of using over grammatical form of adverb of time. The student puts another words in the before adverb of time next week. Actually, The words

in the should be omitted from this sentence. In conclusion, the error of this

sentence is called ‘overgeneralization’.

13. Original sentence : My little brother go to Irian Jaya on the last week. Reconstruction : My little brother go to Irian Jaya last week.


Therefore, the words on the must be omitted from the original sentence. The error of this sentence is called ‘overgeneralization’.

14. Original sentence : We eat fried chicken yesterday at the airport. Reconstruction : We eat fried chicken at the airport yesterday. We can see that there are two adverbs which are used in the original sentence. They consist of adverb of time yesterday and adverb of place at

the airport. The error of this adverb is the ordering of the two adverbs in

the wrong order. Based on the basic rule of grammatical form, adverb of time can come after adverb of place. Therefore, the ordering of the adverbs can be changed based on the basic rule of grammar at the airport

yesterday. The error of the original sentence is called ‘ misordering’.

15. Original sentence : The teacher does not come teach today in our classes.

Reconstruction : The teacher does not come teach in our classes today.


16. Original sentence : We go holiday to Lake Toba in the next week. Reconstruction : We go holiday to Lake Toba next week.

In the sentence, there is an error of using over grammatical form of adverb of time. The student puts the words in the before adverb of time next week. The words in the should be omitted from this sentence because it is useless to be used. In conclusion, this sentence has ‘overgeneralization’ error that is the over form of the word in the before adverb of time next


17. Original sentence : I wash clothes in the morning for one hour. Reconstruction : I wash clothes for one hour in the morning.

This sentence consists of more than one adverb of time. Both adverbs of time are put together in the end of the sentence. However, the using of adverbs of time is not correct. In this case, when the sentence consists of more than one, it must follow the right grammatical order which has been explained before. Thus, the adverbs of time must be ordered becomes for

one hour in the morning. The error of this sentence is called ‘misordering’.

18. Original sentence : I am planting the flowers in my beautiful garden. Reconstruction : I am planting the flowers in my beautiful garden



adverb of time ‘now’. The error of this sentence is called ‘omission’ because there is no using adverb of time.

19. Original sentence : The party can begin in the night at 7 o’clock. Reconstruction : The party can begin at 7 o’clock in the night. The student puts adverbs of time in the wrong order. The order of two or more adverbs of time should be based on the basic rule of grammatical order. It must be ordered first from the smaller unit. So we can order these adverbs into at 7 o’clock in the night. This error sentence is called ‘misordering’.

20. Original sentence : I pay my school fee on two months ago. Reconstruction : I pay my school fee two months ago.

In the original sentence above, there is an error of using over grammatical form of adverb of time. The student puts a preposition before adverb of time two months ago. The preposition on should be omitted from this sentence. In conclusion, this sentence has ‘overgeneralization’ error that is the over form of the preposition before adverb of time two months ago.

21. Original sentence : The tourists arrived last week on Tuesday afternoon.


The student puts adverbs of time in the wrong order. The order of two or more adverbs of time should be based on the basic rule of grammatical order. It must be ordered first from the smaller unit. So we can order these adverbs into on Tuesday afternoon last week. This error sentence is called ‘misordering’.

22. Original sentence : I buy newspaper in the road in the morning at 9 o’clock.

Reconstruction : I buy newspaper in the road at 9 o’clock in the morning.

This sentence does not have the right ordering in using two adverbs of time. The order of two or more adverbs of time should be based on the basic rule of grammatical order. It must be ordered first from the smaller unit. So we can order these adverbs into at 9 o’clock in the morning. This error sentence is also called ‘misordering’.

23. Original sentence : My friend hide my bag yesterday on the table. Reconstruction : My friend hide my bag on the table yesterday. We can see that the student put two different adverbs in the wrong order. The using of adverb of time and adverb of place is not correct. Grammatically, adverb of time must be put after adverb of place.


24. Original sentence : Tomorrow in my brother home have party tonight. Reconstruction : In my brother home have party tonight.

This sentence has an over form in using adverbs of time. There are two adverbs of time which are put in different place. Adverb of time may have initial, middle or final position. However, the using of adverb of time in this sentence is not correct based on the grammatical rule. Adverb of time

tomorrow put in initial position which make an over grammatical form.


4.1.2 The errors of using adverb of place

1. Original sentence : I see there you stand. Reconstruction : I see you stand there.

In this original sentence, we can see that the student put adverb of place

there in the middle of the sentence. From this point, this sentence is not

correct based on the grammatical rule in using adverb of place. Adverb of place is normally put in front of the sentence or in the end of the sentence. Therefore, to reconstruct the position of adverb of place there, it would be better to put adverb of place there in the end position of the original sentence. The error of this sentence is called ‘misordering’.

2. Original sentence : Type the distribution letter, please! Reconstruction : Type the distribution letter here, please!


3. Original sentence : Don’t waste your time! Reconstruction : Don’t waste your time here!

Considering at the previous study, we may conclude that the original sentence has the same kind of error with the previous sentence. Therefore, an adverb of place such as here must be added in front of the sentence or in end of the sentence. The error of this sentence is called ‘omission’ because of the omission of adverb of place.

4. Original sentence : In Sumatera now have many at the station. Reconstruction : In Sumatera now have many stations.

The writer feels confused with the structure of the original sentence above. This sentence has an over form in using adverbs of place. There are two adverbs of place which are put in different place. Adverb of place is usually has initial position or final position. However, the using of adverb of place in this sentence is not correct based on the grammatical rule. Adverb of place at the station comes after the word countable noun many which should be followed by noun stations. Thus, this sentence does not need two adverbs of time. The error of this sentence is called ‘overgeneralization’.

5. Original sentence : The relaxing in behind the garden. Reconstruction : The relaxing behind the garden.


adverb of place behind. Therefore, the error of this original sentence is called ‘overgeneralization’.

6. Original sentence : The palace is very beautiful.

Reconstruction : The palace is very beautiful in England.

The student does not put adverb of place based on the available question. According to the test, the student should write adverb of time but we can find the original sentence does not have adverb of place. Therefore, in the reconstruction sentence, adverb of place in England may be added in the end of final sentence. The error of this sentence is called ‘omission’.

7. Original sentence : You have to put the pillow on the bedroom. Reconstruction : You have to put the pillow in the bedroom.

The original sentence has an error of using grammatical form on the

bedroom as adverb of place. This original sentence gives incorrect form in

the combination of adverb of time by using preposition ‘on’. Normally, the combination of this adverb of place is used preposition ‘in’. The error of this sentence is called ‘misinformation’.

8. Original sentence : I am school now.

Reconstruction : I am school at SMA 7 now.


According to the test, the student should write adverb of time but we can find the original sentence does not have adverb of place. The word school can not be considered as adverb of place because school is marked as verb. Therefore, this reconstruction sentence may be added adverb of place at SMA 7 may be added in the end of final sentence. The error of this sentence is called ‘omission’.

9. Original sentence : She is going to house Siska now. Reconstruction : She is going to Siska’s house now.

The student puts adverb of place in the wrong order based on the basic grammatical rule. The sentence order should be put into good grammatical order so house Siska must be changed with Siska’s house. The error of this sentence is called ‘misordering’.

10. Original sentence : You have to put the doll on the bedroom. Reconstruction : You have to put the doll in the bedroom.

The original sentence has an error of using grammatical form on the

bedroom as adverb of place. This original sentence gives incorrect form in

the combination of adverb of time by using preposition ‘on’. Normally, the combination of this adverb of place is used preposition ‘in’. the error of this sentence is called ‘misinformation’.


We can see the original sentence above use preposition in before adverb of place behind the garden. The preposition in can not be combined with adverb of place behind. Therefore, the error of this original sentence is called ‘overgeneralization’.

12. Original sentence : We play at the field. Reconstruction : We play in the field.

The original sentence has an error of using grammatical form at the field as adverb of place. This original sentence gives incorrect form in the combination of adverb of time by using preposition ‘at’. Normally, the combination of this adverb of place is used preposition ‘in’. The error of this sentence is called ‘misinformation’.

13. Original sentence : The train arrives at the station freely. Reconstruction : The train arrives freely at the station.

In this original sentence, we can see that the student put adverb of place at

the station before adverb of manner freely. From this point, this sentence


14. Original sentence : We start work next week in bank. Reconstruction : We start work in bank next week.


4.1.3 The errors of using adverb of manner

1. Original sentence : He walks with fastly. Reconstruction : He walks fast.

The original sentence has two errors. The student puts an over suffix –ly into adverb of manner fast and also the student puts the word with before the adverb of manner. Actually, it is not necessary to add suffix –ly for this adverb of manner because there are numerous adverbs do not change form by adding suffix –ly and one of them is adverb of manner fast. The errors of this sentence are called ‘overgeneralization’ because of the addition of suffix –ly.

2. Original sentence : I come to your present with humbly. Reconstruction : I come to your present humbly.

This original sentence has the right form in using adverb of manner but there is one grammatical form with which can not be used to express adverb of manner. Therefore, the grammatical form with should not be used in the sentence. The sentence error is called ‘misinformation’.

3. Original sentence : The children silently in the class. Reconstruction : The children sit silently in the class.


using a verb. Grammatically, adverbs of manner modify the verb most directly. Therefore, in order to make reconstruction of the original sentence becomes the right order; we must add a verb sit before adverb of manner silently. This error sentence is called ‘omission’.

4. Original sentence : I hear the music is very loudly. Reconstruction : I hear the music very loudly.

This sentence has an error of using grammatical form is before adverb of manner loudly. Auxiliary to be is can be used before adjective while in this sentence adverb of manner can be followed by verb hear. The error of this sentence is called ‘misinformation’.

5. Original sentence : You will safely in my side. Reconstruction : You will live safely in my side.


6. Original sentence : The earthquake happen in Indonesia with suddenly.

Reconstruction : The earthquake happen in Indonesia suddenly. This original sentence has the right form in using adverb of manner but there is an error of using grammatical form with which can not be used to express adverb of manner. Therefore, the grammatical form with should not be used in the sentence. The sentence error is called ‘misinformation’.

7. Original sentence : She do the examination with keenly. Reconstruction : She do the examination keenly.

The student does the same error with the previous original sentence. The original sentence has the right form in using adverb of manner keenly but there is an error of using grammatical form with which can not be used to express adverb of manner. Therefore, the grammatical form with should not be used in the sentence. The sentence error is called ‘misinformation’.

8. Original sentence : I make my uniform with neatly. Reconstruction : I make my uniform neatly.


9. Original sentence : Me read with good. Reconstruction : Me read well.

It is a ‘misinformation’ error due to its using of one grammatical form with

good in place of another grammatical form adverb of manner well. So, the

word with can not be used to form adverb of manner.

10. Original sentence : He is speak the loudly. Reconstruction : He is speak loudly.

The error of the original sentence above can be shown by the adding article the before adverb of manner loudly. In order to make this sentence becomes the right form based on grammatical structure, article the should be omitted before adverb of manner loudly. The error of this sentence is called ‘overgeneralization’.

11. Original sentence : The workers word hardly. Reconstruction : The workers word hard.


12. Original sentence : My mother read a newspaper in the quietly. Reconstruction : My mother read a newspaper quietly.

The student does the same error with the previous original sentences. The original sentence has the right form in using adverb of manner quietly but there is an over grammatical form in the does not have relationship with the grammatical rule in using adverb of manner. Therefore, the grammatical form in the should be omitted in the sentence. The sentence error is called ‘overgeneralization’.

13. Original sentence : She run with slow. Reconstruction : She run slow(ly).

Adverb of manner slow has two forms; with derivational suffix –ly or without derivational suffix –ly. Through this sentence, it is a ‘misinformation’ error due to its using of one grammatical form with slow in place of another grammatical form adverb of manner slow(l)y. So, the word with can not be used to form adverb of manner.

14. Original sentence : The thief steal suddenly my money today. Reconstruction : The thief steal my money suddenly today.


of the original sentence can be put after the object. The error of this sentence is called ‘misordering’.

15. Original sentence : The headmaster ask the students study seriously at home.

Reconstruction : The headmaster ask the students study at Home seriously .

At glance, the original sentence above does not have error to order two adverbs. However, this sentence has grammatical error with the position of adverb of manner. The student puts in the wrong order for adverb of place

at home seriously after adverb of manner seriously. Grammatically, adverb

of manner comes before adverb of place. The error of this sentence is called ‘misordering’.

16. Original sentence : The bird flying highly. Reconstruction : The bird flying high.

The sentence becomes grammatically incorrect because there is the using of over grammatical form suffix –ly in adverb of manner high. Suffix –ly should be omitted in the sentence. The error of the original sentence is called ‘overgeneralization’.

17. Original sentence : My sister drives her bicycle fastly. Reconstruction : My sister drives her bicycle fast.


–ly should be omitted in the sentence. The error of the original sentence is

called ‘overgeneralization’.

18. Original sentence : You can write with slowly. Reconstruction : You can write slowly.

This original sentence has the right form in using adverb of manner slowly but there is an error of using grammatical form with which can not be used to express adverb of manner. Therefore, the grammatical form with should not be used in the original sentence. The sentence error is called ‘misinformation’.

19. Original sentence : The winner of fighter is proudly.

Reconstruction : The winner of fighter is smiling proudly.

Through comparing both sentences, we can see that reconstruction sentence has a verb smiling to express the action of the subject the winner

of fighter before adverb of manner because the original sentence puts


20. Original sentence : He runs in the field fast. Reconstruction : He runs fast in the field.

The sentence has the wrong ordering in using adverb of manner. We can see that adverb of manner put after adverb of place. Grammatically, adverb of manner can comes before adverb of place. Thus, the right order of the original sentence above is he runs fast in the field. The error of the sentence is called ‘misordering’.

21. Original sentence : We have to study hardly. Reconstruction : We have to study hard.

The sentence becomes grammatically incorrect because there is the using of over grammatical form suffix –ly in adverb of manner hard. Suffix –ly should be omitted in the sentence. In conclusion, the error of the original sentence is called ‘overgeneralization’ of derivational suffix –ly.

22. Original sentence : My mother cooking cake very goodly. Reconstruction : My mother cooking cake very well.


23. Original sentence : He drives his bicycle speed. Reconstruction : He drives his bicycle speedily.

Through the original sentence, we can see that the student leaves out an item suffix –ly in order to be considered grammatical. In the other words, the student considers that speed is the form of adverb of manner. The error of the sentence is called ‘omission’ in adding the suffix –ly.

24. Original sentence : They win the game with proud. Reconstruction : They win the game proudly.

This sentence has complicated error. According to the original sentence, it does not have the right form in using adverb of manner by using the grammatical form with to show the manner. Meanwhile, it can not be used to show adverb of manner. Therefore, the grammatical form with should be omitted in the sentence and suffix –ly should be added to adjective proud in forming adverb of manner. The sentence error is called ‘misinformation’.

25. Original sentence : The children in the home very politely.


sentence becomes the right order and also adverb of manner should be put before adverb of place. This error sentence is called ‘omission’.

26. Original sentence : She is pilfer as silently. Reconstruction : She is pilfer silently.

The sentence becomes grammatically incorrect because of the using an over grammatical form as before adverb of manner silently. Therefore, as should be omitted from the sentence. The error of the original sentence is called ‘overgeneralization’.

27. Original sentence : If we want to drive we must use the seatbelt for safely to give away accident.

Reconstruction : If we want to drive we must use the seatbelt safely to give away accident.

The sentence becomes grammatically incorrect because there is an over grammatical form for before adverb of manner safely. Therefore, for should be omitted from the sentence. The error of the original sentence is called ‘overgeneralization’.

28. Original sentence : My girl friend is very beautifully.

Reconstruction : My girlfriend is dancing very beautifully.


without any verb. Through comparing both sentences, we can see that reconstruction sentence has a verb. It is necessary to add a verb such as

dancing before adverb of manner. The addition of a verb dancing because

of the function of adverb is to modify verb. The error of this sentence is called ‘omission’.

29. Original sentence : The children play kindly in the playground. Reconstruction : The children play in the playground kindly.

At glance, the original sentence above does not have error to order two adverbs. However, this sentence has grammatical error with the position of adverb of place. The student puts in the wrong order for adverb of manner

kindly before adverb of place in the playground. Grammatically, adverb of

manner comes after adverb of place. The error of this sentence is called ‘misordering’.

30. Original sentence : I write with slowly Reconstruction : I write slowly.


31. Original sentence : We meet very fastly. Reconstruction : We meet very fast.

The sentence also becomes grammatically incorrect because there is the using of over grammatical form suffix –ly in adverb of manner fast. Suffix

–ly should be omitted in the sentence. The error of the original sentence is

called ‘overgeneralization’.

32. Original sentence : The plane flying highly. Reconstruction : The plane flying high.

The sentence becomes grammatically incorrect because there is the using of over grammatical form suffix –ly in adverb of manner hard. Suffix –ly should be omitted in the sentence. In conclusion, the error of the original sentence is called ‘overgeneralization’ because of the addition suffix –ly.

33. Original sentence : My brother cleanly bathroom yesterday.


4.2 The Percentages of Errors in Using Adverbs


Having finished analyzing, the writer made three tables as the indicator of the frequency and the percentages of the error. The table shows that the most highest percentage of error of the adverbs and the most highest frequency of error of the adverbs made by the eleventh year students of SMA Negeri 7 Medan in their tests. The tables can be seen below:

Table 1

No. Error of adverb Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Adverb of time 24 33.80 %

2. Adverb of place 14 19.71 %

3. Adverb of manner 33 46.47 %

Total 71


Table 2

Table kinds of errors based on Rod Ellis’ Theory

No. Kinds of Error Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Omission 15 21.12%

2. Misinformation 18 25.35 %

3. Misordering 17 23.94 %

4. Overgeneralization 21 29.57 %

Total 71


Table 3


No. General Errors Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Omission of adverb of time 4 5.63 %

2. Omission of adverb of place 4 5.63 %

3. Omission of adverb of manner 7 9.85% 4. Misinformation of adverb of time 5 7.04% 5. Misinformation of adverb of place 3 4.22 % 6. Misinformation of adverb of manner 10 14.08 % 7. Misordering of adverb of time 8 11.26 % 8. Misordering of adverb of place 4 5.63 % 9. Misordering of adverb of manner 5 7.04 %

10. Overgeneralization of adverb of time 7 9.85 % 11. Overgeneralization of adverb of place 3 4.22 % 12. Overgeneralization of adverb of


11 15.49 %

Total 71




5.1 Conclusions

After the writer of this thesis has finished writing chapter one up to chapter four, she comes to write conclusion of the data.

The percentage of error kinds in using adverbs by the students of SMA Negeri 7 Medan based on tables are:

 Table 1 show us the errors of adverbs: Adverb of time 33.80 %, Adverb of

place 19.71 %, Adverb of manner 46.47 %.

 Table 2 shows us the kinds of errors in using adverbs: Omission 21.12%,

Misinformation 25.35 %, Misordering 23.94 %, and Overgeneralization 29.57 %.

 Table 3 shows us the general error of all adverbs: Omission of adverb of

time 5.63 %, Omission of adverb of place 5.63 %, Omission of adverb of manner 9.85%, Misinformation of adverb of time 7.04%, Misinformation of adverb of place 4.22 %, Misinformation of adverb of manner 14.08 %, Misordering of adverb of time 11.26 %, Misordering of adverb of place 5.63 %, Misordering of adverb of manner 7.04 %, Overgeneralization of adverb of time 9.85 %, Overgeneralization of adverb of place 4.22 %, Overgeneralization of adverb of manner 15.49 %.

There are some possible reasons why the error happened in using adverbs:


There is also a word with which the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia is dengan. So the students put this word because the students consider that it has the same meaning with suffix –ly and also they put suffix –ly fro certain words without adding this suffix.

2. The students still lack of knowledge of the forms of adverbs. Therefore, the students do not know to put the proper form of adverbs of time, adverbs place and adverbs of manner.

5.2 Suggestions

As the final step, the writer wants to give some suggestions based on the problem in the data, as follows:

1. The readers of this thesis as the English learners, especially for the eleventh year students of SMA Negeri 7 Medan, should pay attention in learning English especially for the adverbs. The writer thinks that the using of adverbs is one of the basics to learn English.

2. The teacher should be more often to ask the students to read English books, speak English when they have English class, and also to write English.



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Oxford University Press.

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Frank, Marcella.1972. Modern English. London: Prentice Hall, Inc.

Hornby, A.S. 1969. A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English. London: Oxford University Press.

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Third Year Students in SMU 1. Medan: Unpublished.

James, Carl. 1998. Errors in Language and Use. London and New York: Longman.

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Table 1
Table kinds of errors based on Rod Ellis’ Theory


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