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The Interest Of English Students Of Faculty Of Letters, In The University Of Sumatera Utara In Reading Literary Works


Academic year: 2016

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First, I would like to praise and give Heavenly Father the Almighty God in

the name of Jesus Christ the greatest honour who always gives me His blessings,

guidance and spirit to finish this thesis.

The thesis is about a research deals with the interest of English Students of

Faculty of Letters, in the University of Sumatera Utara in reading literary works.

I would like to say thank to some lecturers who helped and guided to write

this thesis, they are:

1. Prof. Syaiffudin, M.A, Ph.D as the Dean of Faculty of Letters in

University of Sumatera Utara.

2. Dra. Swesana M Lubis, M.Hum as the Head of English Literature

Department in University of Sumatera Utara.

3. Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed TESOL as the Secretary of English

Literature Department in University of Sumatera Utara.

4. Dra. Martha Pardede, M.S as my Supervisor and Dra. Syahyar Hanum,

DPFE as my Co-Supervisor for the precious advices, supporting

assistance and understanding that motivated me to finish this thesis.

5. Drs. M. Syafiei Siregar, M.A as my Academic Supervisor for the

encouragement during my study at English Literature Department in


I also thank all of my brothers and sisters in my lovely small group,

“Praise the Lord”: Timbul, Ivan, Monalisa, and Mariana Fe who always support

me with their love, care, pray and attention. Thank you for everything that we

have shared through all these years. May God Bless you all!

I also thank all my sisters in “Famz in Christ”: Anna, Ayaki, Eva, Evy,

Herlina, Liana and Yulietha who always remind and support me to finish this


I will never forget to thank my incredible loving, supportive, and great

family, my Father Z. Hutabarat and my lovely Mother A. Sembiring, I dedicate

this thesis to them. Special thank them that had struggled, tried to full fill all of

my needs and prayed for me all the time. Moreover, I thank my sweetest sisters

Nesya, Ria and Karina for their loving, caring, and kindness that encourage me to

finish this thesis. I will always love you all forever more.

Finally yet importantly, I would like to say thank to my best friend Yoland

who always supports me and to my entire friends for their participation to help me

to do and finish this thesis; Anne, Pinkx, Eve, Emmy, Poe2, Henny, Swarnie, Sri

Handayani, Asna, Dinda, Irene, and whose names cannot be put in this thesis.

They will be in my heart. Thank a lot for everything that they have done for me.

Finally, I hope this thesis will always be beneficial for the readers.



Skripsi ini berjudu l The Interest of English Department Students in

Faculty of Letters in University of Sumatera Utara In Reading Literary Works







1.1Background of Research ... 1

1.2Statement of Problems ... 4

1.3Objectives of Research ... 4

1.4Significance of Research ... 5

1.5Scope of Research ... 5


2.1 Literature and Society ... 6

2.2 Literary Sociology ... 9


3.1 Method of Research ... 11

3.2 Population and Sample ... 11




5.1 Conclusions ... 105

5.2 Suggestions ... 106





1.1 Background of Research

The term of literature and sociology are two fields of knowledge that

cannot be separated from each other. Literature and Sociology are two studies that

are different from each other but they have close relation. Sociology derives from

the Greek ‘ Socius’ (society) and ‘logos’ (science) which means the study of all

the aspects of human and their relation in community (Ratha, 2003:1). Literature

derives from Latin ‘littera’ which primarily refers to the written or printed words

(Kasim, 2005:1). The relationship between literature and society is usually

discussed by starting with the phrase, derived from De Bonald, that ‘literature is

an expression of society’ (Wellek, 1963:95). Some relations between Literature

and Society are: literary works absolutely is the part of society and it uses

language which is the part of social institution, literary works is for the readers

who are the members of society, and literary works is a picture of society.

Literature is a social institution, using as its medium language, a social

creation (Wellek, 1963:94). As the social institution, the term of literature and

literary works cannot be separated from people. Ironically, on the view of Taufik



of them read the non-fiction books. In 2006, the research showed that only 23, 5%

gained the information from reading. The rest of them preferred watching TV and

listening radio to collect information. This result shows how Indonesian people do

not rely much on reading to get information, reading is not yet a habit for them.

To respond this, Primanto Nugroho

(http://kalipaksi.wordpress.com/2007/06/23/sastra-pelajar-minat-baca-dan-taufik-ismail/) commented that reading is an activity which requires much time.

Ironically, many of them spend more time to work and earn money. Consequently

they have less time to read. Moreover, the books cost are quite expensive, so

many of them cannot afford to buy (Nurhidayah, 2007).

In this thesis, I am going to find out some conditions that happen around

the English Department students as the part of a society about their attitude toward

reading literary works and the factors that influence them in reading literary

works. The interest of English Department students to read English literary works

has a big beneficial because they have to know much about it by having many

references so that they can learn it well.

In English Department, the students study English literature works.

Besides, they also learn and practice in speaking, listening, writing, and reading.

English Department is chosen by many Senior High Schools students because

they want to increase their ability in English. They usually think that their English

skills can be improved in English Department. In fact, the students that have


In English Department, literary works are the object that must be studied

by the students. One of the aims of this Department is to teach the students how to

analyze the literary works. English Department in University of Sumatera Utara

offers two kinds of concentrate mainly linguistics and literature. Linguistics deals

with morphology, semantic, syntax, phonology, and pragmatic. Whereas literary

deals with prose, play, and poetry.

Reading is one of the important things to support the study, especially for

English Department students who have to study literary works. All literary works

have messages for the readers such as moral lessons. So, the students have to able

to comprehend its meaning to get the messages. Besides, they learn the style, the

beauty of language, the history and the social condition that happened when the

literary works were created. By analyzing the literary works, they also can add

their knowledge, enrich vocabularies, and teach the students to think critically.

That is the reason why I want to do a research to find out the interest of

English Department students in University of Sumatera Utara in reading literary

works and the factors that influence them to read literary works.

1.2 Statement of Problems

The students who take literature are less than the students who take

linguistics. For example, the class of 2004 only has 10 students and the class of

2005 also only 8 students who took the literature. Therefore, linguistics is taken


skill in speaking English. Basically, the students of Faculty of Letters are

supposed to know and understand many literary works. Because one of the aims

of this Faculty is to teach the students to be able to analyze literary works.

To find out the facts about the interest of English Department students in

reading literary works, there are some questions that need to be explained. The

questions can be formulated as follow:

1. How is the interest of English Department students in Faculty of Letters

University of Sumatera Utara in reading literary works?

2. What are the factors that influence the students to read literary works?

1.3 Objectives of Research

The objective of the research tends to answer the problem of research.

Based on the problems above, the purpose of this research mainly:

1. To identify the interest of English Department students in reading literary


2. To find out the factors that influences the students to read literary works.

1.4 Scope of Research

There are some ways to prove that literary works and society have close

connection. In this thesis I limit the scope of the research only on the students of

English Department students in University of Sumatera Utara as my

correspondence to identify the member of students who are interested in reading


I limit the scope of the research only to know the interest of English

Department students in reading literary works. I do not analyze about the ability

or the ways of students in analyzing the literary works.

1.5 Significance of Research

It is expected that this study will be beneficial for those who are interested

to take literature as their major. Thus some significance expected to reach are as


1. The readers will get more and more the explanation about factors that

influence the students to be interested in reading literary works.

2. The readers will get some information about the beneficial of learning

literary works.

3. This thesis would be enriching the literary study and it can be used as

source of information for the readers especially students of literature

who are interested in this kind of research.

1.6 Review of Related Literature

I found a journal which I used as sources in finding the data and

information to analyze this thesis. This journal as the main source, in finding the

data and information to analyze this thesis, is

Raswief, Dra. Nilzami dan Dra. Roswita Silalahi. (1993) in their research

Laporan Penelitian Minat Membaca Karya Sastra Inggris Dari Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra Universitas Sumatra Utara Medan, the




2.1Literature and Society

The term ‘literature’ has been widely defined by many people and experts,

but some of the definitions have one common sense, that is literature is a creative

work produced by imagination. Klarer (2004:1) says that in most cases, literature

is refers to as the entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every

document can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word. The

definition, therefore, usually include additional adjectives such as “aesthetic” or

“artistic” to distinguish literary work from texts of everyday use as telephone

books, newspaper, legal documents, and scholarly writings. Literature is a creative

writing by an author with aesthetic values, which makes literature regarded as an

art. Literature as a writing from differentiates it from the other art products, and its

aesthetic or artistic values make it different from other writings.

The word ‘Literature’ is derives from Latin ‘littera’ that primarily refers to

the written or printed words (Kasim, 2005:1). Literature refers to compositions

that tell stories, dramatic situation, expresses emotions, an analysis, and advocates


So many definitions of literature; Literature is the

Literally translated, the word means "acquaintance with letters" (from



types include

Literature is the collective body of literary productions, embracing the

entire results of knowledge and fancy preserved in writing; also, the whole body

of literary productions or writings upon a given subject, or in reference to a

particular science or branch of knowledge, or of a given country or period; as, the

literature of Biblical criticism; the literature of chemistry.

Literature is the class of writings distinguished for beauty of style or

expression, as poetry, essays, in history, in diction from scientific treaties and

works, whichcontain positive knowledge.

Literature, a body of written works related by subject matter (e.g. the

literature of computing), by language or place of origin (e.g. Russian literature), or

by prevailing cultural standards of merit. In this last sense, ‘literature’ is taken to

include oral, dramatic, and broadcast compositions that may not have been

published in written form but which have been (or deserve to be) preserved. Since

the 19th century, the broader sense of literature as a totality of written or printed

works has given way to more exclusive definitions based on criteria of

imaginative, creative, or artistic value, usually related to a work's absence of

factual or practical reference. Even more restrictive has been the academic


natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been

objects of literary imitation. Based on the definition above, Literature has relation

with social reality or society.

Literature and Society has close relation to each other because, the relation

between literature and society is usually discussed by starting with the phrase,

derived from De Bonald, and that ‘literature is an expression of society’ (Wellek,

1963:95). Some relations between Literature and Society are; literary works

absolutely is the part of society and use language as the part of social institution,

literary works is for the reader as the members of society, and literary works is a

picture of society.

A society, then, is a group of people with a shared and somewhat distinct

culture, who live in a defined territory, feel some unity as a group, and see

themselves as distinct from other peoples. A society needs to be independent

enough to avoid being swallowed up by other societies (Persell, Caroline Hodger.

1987). The word society may also refer to an

people for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other

purposes. The English word "society" emerged in the 15th century and is derives

from the French société. The French word, in turn, had its origin in the

"companion, associate, and comrade or business partner." The Latin word is

probably related to the verb sequi, "to follow", and thus originally may have

meant "follower". (www.wikipedia.com)


single Human societies are characterized by patterns of relationships between individuals that share a distinctive groups, a society allows its individual members to achieve individual needs or wishes that they could not fulfill separately by themselves, without the existence of the social group. Society, however, may be unique in that it is qualities of its constituent individuals. As a reality its own kind", it is hinder rather than help the pursuits of the physical and psychological underpinnings.

A society, in short, is relative independent collection of people who share

a common heritage and common ways of interacting.” (Persell, Caroline Hodger.


Literary Sociology

Literature and Sociology are two studies that are different from each other,

but they have relation. Sociology derives from the Greek ‘ Socius’ (society) and

‘logos’ (science) which means the study of all the aspect of human and their

relation in community (Ratha, 2003:1). Literary Sociology is a branch of literary

study that examines the relationships between literary works and their social

contexts, including patterns of literacy, kinds of audience, modes of publication

and dramatic presentation, and the social class positions of authors and readers.

Lanson proposed the idea of "literary sociology," a complex formulation


between. The text was a composite work on which society exerted powerful and

unseen forces but that could still escape those forces in order to present something

outside of them: perhaps a hope or fantasy of something better.

Sociology is an objective and scientific studies about human in society;

studies about social institution and social process. Same as sociology, Literature is

also studies about the relation between the human in society, the human’s effort

for adapting with the society and change the institution (Damono, 1979: 7-8). The

different between them is, Sociology deals with a scientific and objective analysis

but Literature shows the ways of life of human among society, their feeling

through society with literary works.

Literary sociology is a study of literary works by paying attention to the

social aspects (Ratna, 2003:2). In literary sociology, there are three classifications

about the scope.

First, the writer’s social context; this part talked about the writer’s social

position in society and their relation to the readers. In this scope is also explained

about social factors that influence the writers like, the writer’s occupation, writer’s

professionalism, and the readers of their works. Second, literature as the mirror of

society; how far the literary works describe the situation in society. Third, social

function of literature which explain how far a literary works can be related to

social condition and how far literature values are influenced by social condition.




3.1 Research Method

Field research is used in collecting the data. The method of the study that

used is quantitative method. Quantitative method is a method of analyzing data by

choosing the population and sample and using questioner to collect the data

(Suyanto 2005: 135).

The research has conducted at English Department in Faculty of Letters in

University of Sumatera Utara with the students from three batches 2005, 2006,

and 2007 as the samples.

3.2 Population and Sample

Webster (2003:966) states that a population is group of individual persons,

objects, or items from which samples are taken for measurement while a sample is

a finite part of statistical population whose properties are studied to gain

information about the whole.

The population of this research is 100 students from English Department

in Faculty of Letters. Those students become the respondents who took the

questionnaires. The members of question for data are 50 questions. From the total


Simple Random Sampling involves the identifying procedure on every

element in the sampling frame and choosing them based on any planned process

that also ensures that every element has an equal opportunity of being selected.

When sampling frames are too large for slips of paper in a hat or some similar

procedure, a random number table can be used (Dane 1990: 297)

3.3 Data Collecting Method

In collecting the data, some steps that are used mainly:

1. Choosing the population and sample for the research randomly.

2. Giving questioners to the sample.

3. Collecting questioners from the sample.

3.4 Data Analysis Method

The data are analyzed by examining the answer that have made by English

Department Students in University of Sumatera Utara by using Bungin’s Theory


The formula is n = x100%

N fx


n = Percentages of the answers




Table.1 Condition based on the gender












44 (44%)

37 (37%)

19 (19%)

31 (31%)

23 (23%)

16 (16%)

13 (13%)

14 (14%)

3 (3%)

Total 100 (100%) 70 (70%) 30 (30%)

From the data above, I can see that the most samples are women. It proves

that in English Department the most dominant students are women. The

percentages of women are 70% in other hand the percentage of man are 30%. In

2005’ from 44% samples, the percentages of women are 31% and the men are

13%. In 2006’ from 37% samples, the percentages of women are 23% and the


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%






Chart.1 Condition based on the gender

Table.2 Condition based on the interest in reading literary works in Senior

High School




Not Interested

1. 100 (100%) 58 (58%) 42 (42%)


If I see the table, the percentages of English students in University of

Sumatera Utara out of 100 samples who were interested in reading literary works

were in Senior High School are 58% and 42% are not interested in reading literary

works when they were in Senior High School. See the chart below.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%


Are not



Table.3 English Department as the first choice



First Choice

Others Choice

1. 100 (100%) 56 (56%) 44 (44%)

Total 100 (100%) 56 (56%) 44 (44%)

Based on the table above, it can be seen that out of 100 samples, the

students who has chose English Department as their first choice are 56% and 44%

students did not choose English Department as their first choice. See the chart


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%


Department as First Choice English

Department as others choices

Chart. 3 English Department as the first choice Table.4 English Department as others choice



Second choice

Third choice

1. 44 (100%) 36 (82%) 8 (18%)


If I see the table, out of 44 samples, the students who has chose English

Department as their Second Choice are 36 (82%) and the students who has chose

it as their third choice are 8 (18%). See the chart below.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Students who has chose English Department as their Second choice Students who has chose English Department as their Third choice

Chart .4 English Department as another choice Table.5 The Reasons to study in English Department



Study about


Study about


Did not


1. 100 (100%) 82 (82%) 15 (15%) 3 (3%)


If I see the table 5, out of 100 samples, 82 (82%) the students chose

English Department because they wanted to study about the language and only 15

(15%) students wanted to study about Literature, and 3 (3%) did not answer the


From this table I know that almost all of the students chose English

Department because they wanted to study about Language than to study about

literature. See the chart below.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Study about language

Study about literature

students who did not answer the question


Table.6 The reasons for reading literary works



Like reading

Have to read

1. 100 (100%) 43 (43%) 57 (57%)

Total 100 (100%) 43 (43%) 57 (57%)

Based on the table above, out of 100 samples the students who like reading

literary works as their reason to read literary works is 43 (43%) and the rest of

them 57 (57%) read literary works because they have to read.

Based on the table I can see, it is so ironically that more than 50 % student

in English Department read literary works because they have to read the literary









The students who like reading The students who have to read

Chart.6 The reasons for reading literary works Table.7 The reasons for enjoying reading literary works

No Sample Interesting Add knowledge



All Others


1. 43 (100%)

12 (28%) 7 (16%) 9 (21%) 14 (33%)

1 (2%)

Total 43


12 (28%) 7 (16%) 9 (21%) 14 (33%)


According to the table above, out of 43 samples I can see some reasons

why the students enjoying reading literary works, there are: 12 (28%) like reading

literary works, because it is interesting, 7 (16%) like reading literary works

because it is add knowledge, 9 (21%) like reading literary works because it is

enrich vocabularies. In addition, 14 (33%) like reading because it is interesting,

add knowledge, and enrich vocabularies, and 1 (2%) enjoying reading literary

works because they are interested to the story. See the chart below.

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

The students who are interested in reading literary works

The students who can add their knowledge by reading literary works The students who can enrich their vocabularies by reading literary works The students who chose all answer

The students who gave others reasons


Table.8 The reasons for reading literary works as obligatory task








1. 57 (100%) 17 (30%) 26 (46%) 7 (12%) 7 (12%)

Total 57 (100%) 17 (30%) 26 (46%) 7 (12%) 7 (12%)

From the table 8, I can see there are two reasons why the students in

English Department read literary works; first, they like reading and the second one

because they have to read it. They have to read literary works it is means they do

not like reading literary works.

There are some reasons why the students said they do not like it; 17 (30%)

answered that reading literary works is a boring activity, 26 (46%) said that it is

difficult for them to read literary works. More over 7 (12%) do not like it because

reading literary works is a boring activity and it is difficult for them, 7 (12%) gave

others reasons like reading is wasting time and they must do their assignments.


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

The students who felt boring

The student who think it is difficult

The students who have chose all answer The students who give others reasons


Table.9 The ways to get Literary works














1. 100 (100%)

33 (33%) 22 (22%) 2 (2%) 16 (16%)

27 (27%)

Total 100 (100%)

33 (33%) 22 (22%) 2 (2%) 16 (16%)

27 (27%)

Based on the table, out of 100 samples, the students get literary works with

some ways, there are; 33 (33%) borrowing from the library, 22 (22%) borrowing

from someone, 2 (2%) renting the literary works, 16 (16%) buying and 27 (27%)

browsed in internet.

I can see that most of the students 33 (33%), borrowing from the library as

their alternative to get literary works. The other ways to get literary works is by


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

The students who borrow from library The students who borrow from someone else

The students who rent them

The students who buy them

The students who browsed in internet


Table.10 The favorite genre






1. 100 (100%) 60 (60%) 25 (25%) 15 (15%)

Total 100 (100%) 60 (60%) 25 (25%) 15 (15%)

If I see on the table above, out of 100 samples the most favorite genre is

prose 60 (60%), and followed by play 25 (25%) and next to it is poem 15 (15%).

See the chart below.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%


Table.11 The reasons for choosing prose works as the favorite genre





Theme Setting




1. 60


10 (17%) 15






4 (6%)

Total 60


10 (17%) 15






4 (6%)

Based on the table 11, 60 samples chose Prose as their favorite genre.

There are some reasons why they chose it as their favorite genre; they like the

characters 10 (17%), they like the theme 15 (25%), they interesting with the place

and culture 21 (35%). They like the plot of the story 10 (17%) and some students

4 (6%) gave others reasons they like prose because the story is dynamic and


In addition, the most favorite reason why they chose prose are they likes


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

The students who like the characters The students who like the theme The students who like the setting The students who like the plot

The students who gave others answers


Table.12 The favorite prose works







Did not


1. 60 (100%) 29 (48%) 22 (37%) 9 (15%)

Total 60 (100%) 29 (48%) 22 (37%) 9 (15%)

Based on the table above, out of 60 samples who like prose, 29 (48%)

chose classic prose as their favorite prose. Some classic prose that they like are:

‘Animal Farm’, ‘The Old Man and The Sea’, ‘Jane Austen’, ‘Sillas Manner’, ‘Scarlet letter’, A Tale of Two Cities’, ‘Pride and Prejudice’, ‘Oliver Twist’ and ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lovers’. Meanwhile 22 (37%) chose contemporary prose as

their favorite. Some Contemporary prose, which they like, are: ‘Twilight’, ‘Harry

Potter’, ‘The Da Vinci Code’, ‘The Kite Runner’, ‘The Trilogy of Lord of The Rings’, ‘The Broken Wings’, ‘Jacky Faber’, ‘A Rose for Emily’, ‘Trilogy of Indiana’, and ‘Life on the Refrigerator’s Door’. And 9 (15%) did not answer the


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

The students who like classic prose

The students who like contemporer prose

The students who did not answer the question


Table.13 The reasons for choosing play as the favorite genre










1. 25


3 (12%) 4 (16%) 10 (40%) 7 (28%) 1 (4%)

Total 25


3 (12%) 4 (16%) 10 (40%) 7 (28%) 1 (4%)

Based on the table 13, out of 25 samples who chose Play as their favorite

genre there are some reasons why they chose it as their favorite genre: because

they like the Theme 3 (12%), they like the Plot 4 (16%), they interesting with

Dialogue 10 (40%). They like the Moral lesson 7 (28%) and 1 (4%) gave others

reasons because they like act. In addition, the most favorite reason why they chose


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

The students who like the theme

The students who like the plot

The students who like the dialogue

The students who like the moral lesson in the play

The students who gave another reasons


Table.14 The favorite play


Sample The Death






A Doll’s




Did not


1. 25 (100%) 3 (12%) 7 (28%) 2 (8%) 5 (20%) 8 (32%)

Total 25 (100%) 3 (12%) 7 (28%) 2 (8%) 5 (20%) 8 (32%)

Based on the table above, out of 25 (100%) samples who like play, some

play that they like are ‘The Death of Salesman’ 3 (12%), ‘Romeo and Juliet’ 7

(28%), and ‘A Doll’s House’ 2 (8%). Others plays 5 (20%), which they like, are

‘The Merchant of Venice’,’ a Street Car Named Desire’,’ Riders to the Sea’,

‘Macbeth’ and ‘Mid Summer Night’s Dream’. Moreover, 8 (32%) did not answer


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

The students who like 'The Death of Salesman' The students who like ' Romeo and Juliet' The students who like 'A Doll's House'

The students who chose others plays The students who did not answer the question


Table.15 The reason for choosing poem as the favorite genre











1. 15


5 (33%) 1 (7%) 2 (13%) 7 (47%)

Total 15


5 (33%) 1 (7%) 2 (13%) 7 (47%)

According to the table 15, out of 15 (100%) samples that chose Poem as

their favorite genre there are some reasons why they chose it as their favorite

genre; because they like the words 5 (33%), they like the figurative speech 1

(7%), they like the short form 2 (13%). They like the Meaning 7 (47%).

In addition, the most favorite reason why they chose prose is they like the


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

The students who like the words The students who like the figurative speech The students who like the short form The students who like the meaning


Table.16 The favorite poem





Who are











1. 15


2 (13%) 3 (20%) 2


6 (40%) 2 (13%)

Total 15


2 (13%) 3 (20%) 2


6 (40%) 2 (13%)

Based on the table above, out of 15 (100%) samples who like poem, some

poem that they like are I’m Nobody who are You 2 (13%), ‘Catherine’s Dreams’ 3

(20%), and ‘Red Rose’ 2 (13%). Others poems 6 (40%), which they like, are

‘Democracy’, ‘The Road not Taken’, ‘The wild Rose’, ‘The Craned Wall’, ‘Stopping by Woods on A Snowy Evening’, and ‘Fire and Ice’ . Moreover, 2


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

The students who like 'I'm no Body Who are You' The students who like ' Catherine's Dreams' The students who like 'Red Rose'

The students who like others poems The students who did not answer the question


Table.17 The favorite theme

No Sample Romantic Heroic Religious Feministic Others


Did not


1. 100


62 (62%) 22


5 (5%) 4 (4%) 3 (3%) 4 (4%)

Total 100


62 (62%) 22


5 (5%) 4 (4%) 3 (3%) 4 (4%)

According to the table 17, the theme most liked by most of students is

romantic 62 (62%), followed by 22 (22%) like heroic theme, 5 (5%) like religious

theme, and 4 (4%) like feminism theme, 3 (3%) like others themes like mystery,

struggle of life, science, etc. Moreover 4 (4%) did not answer the question. See


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

The students who like

Romantic theme The students who like Heroic theme

The students who like

Religious theme The students who like

Feministic theme The students who like others themes

The students who like more than 1 themes The students who did not answer the question


Table.18 The favorite text to read



Read original text

Read simplified

1. 100 (100%) 31 (31%) 69 (69%)

Total 100 (100%) 31 (31%) 69 (69%)

From the table above, I can conclude that the students prefer to read

literary works in simplified than to read it in the original text. Almost 70% of

students like reading literary works in simplified. Contrast with the students who

like reading the literary works in original text only 31% students like it. See the


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

The students who like to read the original text The students who like to read the simplified


Table.19 The hardest genre of literature






1. 100 (100%) 10 (10%) 17 (17%) 73 (73%)

Total 100 (100%) 10 (10%) 17 (17%) 73 (73%)

According to the table above, out of 100 samples, most of the students

chose poem as the hardest genre of literature for them to understand. 73 (73%)

students chose poem as the hardest genre of literature for them to understand, 17

(17%) students chose play as the hardest genre of literature for them to understand

and 10 (10%) students chose prose as the hardest genre of literature for them to


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

The students who chose prose

The students who chose play

The students who chose poem


Table.20 The short stories have been read by the students






than 5

Did not


1. 100 (100%) 9 (9%) 26 (26%) 63 (63%) 2 (2%)

Total 100 (100%) 9 (9%) 26 (26%) 63 (63%) 2 (2%)

According to the table above, out of 100 samples, 63 (63%) students have

been read more than 5 short stories since they studied at English Department, 26

(26%) students have been read 2-5 short stories since they studied at English

Department and only 9 (9%) students have been read 0-1 short story since they

studied at English Department. In addition 2 (2%) did not answer the question.


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

The students who read 0-1 short story The students who read 2-5 short stories The students who read more than 5 short stories The students who did not answer the question


Table.21 The novels have been read by the students





More than 5

Did not


1. 100 (100%) 11 (11%) 47 (47%) 41 (41%) 1 (1%)

Total 100 (100%) 11 (11%) 47 (47%) 41 (41%) 1 (1%)

According to the table 21, out of 100 samples, 47 (47%) students have

been read 2-5 novels since they studied at English Department, 41 (41%) students

have been read more than 5 novels since they studied at English Department and

11 (11%) students have been read 0-1 novel since they studied at English

Department. Meanwhile 1 (1%) did not answer the question. See the chart below.

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% The students who read 0-1

The students who read 2-5

The students who read more than 5 The students who did not answer the question


Table.22 The plays have been read by the students





More than


Did not


1. 100 (100%) 14 (14%) 48 (48%) 37 (37%) 1 (1%)

Total 100 (100%) 14 (14%) 48 (48%) 37 (37%) 1 (1%)

Based on the table 22, out of 100 samples, 48% students have been read

2-5 plays since they studied at English Department, 37% students have been read

more than 5 plays since they studied at English Department and 14% students

have been read 0-1 play since they studied at English Department and 1 (1%) did


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% The students who read 0-1 play

The students who read 2-5 plays

The students who read more than 5 plays

The students who did not answer the question


Chart. 22 The plays have been read by the students

Table.23 The poems have been read by the students





More than 5

1. 100 (100%) 5 (5%) 14 (14%) 81 (81%)

Total 100 (100%) 5 (5%) 14 (14%) 81 (81%)

In table 23, out of 100 samples, 81 (81%) students have been read more

than 5 poems since they studied at English Department, 14 (14%) students have


students have been read 0-1 poem since they studied at English Department. See

the chart below.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

The students who read 0-1 poem

The students who read 2-5 poems The students who read more than 5 poems


Chart. 23 The poems have been read by the students

Table.24 The interest in reading others prose besides the works studied in






Did not


1. 100 (100%) 58 (58%) 41 (41%) 1 (1%)


Based on the table above, I can conclude that out of 100 samples the

students who read others prose besides the prose in class are 58%, and 41% did

not read others prose besides the works that they study in class and 1 (1%) did not

answer the question. See the chart below.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

The students who read others prose besides the works studied in class The students who did not read others prose besides the works studied in class

The students who did not answer the question

Chart. 24 The interest in reading others prose besides the works studied in


Table.25 The number of prose works that the students have been read

besides the prose studied in class





More than 5

Did not


1. 58 (100%) 5 (9%) 30 (52%) 22 (38%) 1 (2%)

Total 58 (100%) 5 (9%) 30 (52%) 22 (38%) 1 (2%)

According to the table above, out of 58 (100%) samples, I can see that 30

(52%) students have been read 2- 5 prose besides the prose they study in class, 22

(38%) students have been read more than 5 prose besides the prose they study in

class. Moreover, 5 (9%) students have been read 0-1 prose besides the prose they


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

The students who read 0-1 prose besides the works studied in class The students who read 2-5 prose besides the works studied in class The students who did not answer the question

Chart. 25 The number of prose works that the students have been read


Table.26 The interest in reading others plays besides the works studied in






Did not


1. 100 (100%) 27 (27%) 72 (72%) 1 (1%)

Total 100 (100%) 27 (27%) 72 (72%) 1 (1%)

Based on the table 26, I can conclude that, out of 100 samples, only 27

(27%) students who read other plays besides the plays they study in class and 72

(72%) did not read others plays besides the works that they study in class.


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

The students who read play besides the play studied in class The students who did not read play besides the play studied in class

The students who did not answer the question

Chart.26 The interest in reading others plays besides the works studied in


Table.27 The number of plays that the students have been read besides the

play studied in class





More than 5

1. 27 (100%) 4 (15%) 19 (70%) 4 (15%)

Total 27 (100%) 4 (15%) 19 (70%) 4 (15%)

Based on the table above, out of 27 (100%) samples, I can see that 19

(70%) students have been read 2- 5 plays besides the plays they study in class, 4

(15%) students have been read more than 5 plays besides the plays they study in

class. In addition, 4 (15%) students have been read 0-1 play besides the plays they


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

The students who read 0-1 plays besides the plays studied in class The students who read 2-5 plays besides the plays studied in class The students who read more than 5 plays besides the plays studied in class

Chart.27 The number of plays that the students have been read besides the


Table.28 The interest in reading others poems besides the works studied in






1. 53 (100%) 53 (53%) 47 (47%)

Total 53 (100%) 53 (53%) 47 (47%)

If I see the table above, I can conclude that, out of 100 samples, 53 (53%)

students read others poems besides the poems they study in class, and 47 (47%)

did not read others poems besides the works that they study in class. See the chart


44% 45% 46% 47% 48% 49% 50% 51% 52% 53%

The students who read others poems beside the poems studied in class

The students who did not read others poems beside the poems studied in class


Table.29 The number of poems that the students have been read besides the

poem studied in class





More than 5

1. 53 (100%) 6 (11%) 28 (53%) 19 (36%)

Total 53 (100%) 6 (11%) 28 (53%) 19 (36%)

Based on the table 29, out of 53 (100%) samples, I can see that 28 (53%)

students have been read 2- 5 poems besides the poems they get in class, 19 (36%)

students have been read more than 5 poems besides the poems they get in class. In

addition, 6 (11%) students have been read 0-1 poem besides the poems they get in


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

The students who read 0-1 poem beside the poem studied in class The students who read 2-5 poem beside the poem studied in class The students who read more than 5 poem beside the poem studied in class

Chart. 29 The number of poems that the students have been read besides the


Table.30 The interest in reading obligatory novels




2 of them

Only 1


Did not


1. 100 (100%) 44 (44%) 48 (48%) 5 (5%) 2 (2%) 1 (1%)

Total 100 (100%) 44 (44%) 48 (48%) 5 (5%) 2 (2%) 1 (1%)

From the table above, I can conclude that, out of 100 samples, 48 (48%)

students ever read two of the obligatory novels. 44 (44%) students have read all of

the novels, 5 (5%) students ever read one of the novels and 2 (2 %) never read the


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

The students who interested in reading all of the novels that inquired

The students who interested in reading 2 of the novels that inquired

The students who interested in reading 1 of the novels that inquired

The students who are not interested in reading the novels that inquired

The students who did not answer the question


Table.31 The favorite novel studied in the class



The Old


And the




Pride and


Did not


1. 92


46 (50%) 24 (26%) 21 (23%) 1 (1%)

Total 92


46 (50%) 24 (26%) 21 (23%) 1 (1%)

Based on the table above, out of 92 (100%) samples, I can see that their

favorite novel is The Old Man and The Sea with 46 (50%). Followed by Sillas

Manner with 24 (26%) and Pride and Prejudice with 21 (23%). Meanwhile 1


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

The students who chose 'The Old Man and the Sea'

The students who chose 'Sillas Manner'

The students who chose 'Pride and Prejudice'

The students who did not answer the question


Table.32 The reason for choosing the favorite novel

No Sample Characters Theme Setting Plot Others Answers

Did not answer

1. 92


34 (37%) 31



(24%) 1


2 (2%) 2 (2%)

Total 92


34 (37%) 31



(24%) 1


2 (2%) 2 (2%)

According to the table above, I can conclude that, out of 92 (100%)

samples, 34 (37%) students chose the novel because the characters in the novel

are interesting. 31 (34%) students chose it because the theme, 22 (24%) students

chose it because in the novel contains fascinating culture and place. 1 (1%) chose

it because the plot of the novel, 2 (2%) chose it because the morel lessons in the


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

The students who like the characters The students who like the theme The students who like the setting The students who like the plot

The students that gave others answers

The students that did not answer the question


Table.33 The interest in reading obligatory poems




2 of them

Only 1





1. 100 (100%) 33 (33%) 41 (41%) 15 (15%) 10 (10%) 1 (1%)

Total 100 (100%) 33 (33%) 41 (41%) 15 (15%) 10 (10%) 1 (1%)

From the table 33, I can conclude that, out of 100 samples 41 (41%)

students ever read two of the obligatory poems. 33 (33%) students have read all of

the poems, 15 (15%) students ever read one of the poems, 10 (10%) never read the


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

The students who read all of the poems that inquired The students who read 2 of the poems that inquired

The students who read 1 of the poem that inquired The students who did not read the poem that inquired The students who did not answer the question


Table.34 The favorite poem studied in the class



The Road

Not Taken

I am No Body

Who are You


and Ice

Did not


1. 74


24 (32%) 41 (55%) 8 (11%) 1 (1%)

Total 74


24 (32%) 41 (55%) 8 (11%) 1 (1%)

Based on the table above, out of 74 (100%) samples, I can see that their

favorite poem from the poems studied in the class is I am No Body Who are You

with 41 (55%), followed by The Road Not Taken with 24 (32%). Followed by

Fire and Ice with 8 (11%) and 1 (1%) did not answer the question. See the chart


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

The students who like 'The Road Not Taken' The students who like 'I am No Body Who are You'

The students who like 'Fire and Ice' The students who did not answer the question


Table.35 The reason for choosing the favorite poem













1. 74


16 (22%) 10 (13%) 7 (9%) 39 (53%) 2 (3%)

Total 74


16 (22%) 10 (13%) 7 (9%) 35 (53%) 2 (3%)

According to the table above, I can conclude that, out of 74 (100%)

samples, 35 (53%) students chose the poem because the meaning of the poem, 16

(22%) like the words in the poem. 10 (13%) like it because the poem has

figurative speech, 7 (9%) like the short form. 2 (3%) chose it because the moral


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

The students who like the words The students who like the figurative speech The students who like the short form The students who like the meaning The students who gave others reasons


Table.36 The interest in reading obligatory plays




2 of them

Only 1


Did not


1. 100 (100%) 20 (20%) 53 (53%) 22 (22%) 4 (4%) 1 (1%)

Total 100 (100%) 20 (20%) 53 (53%) 22 (22%) 4 (4%) 1 (1%)

From the table 36, out of 100 samples, I can conclude that, out of 100

(100%) samples, 53 (53%) students ever read two of the obligatory plays. 20

(20%) students have read all of the plays, 22 (22%) students ever read one of the

plays and 4 (4%) never read the plays. Meanwhile 1 (1%) did not answer. See the


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

The students who read all of the plays that inquired The students who read 2 of the plays that inquired The students who read 1 of the plays that inquired The students who did not read the plays that inquired The students who did not answer the question


Table.37 The favorite play studied in the class


Sample A Streetcar




and Juliet

The Death of


Did not


1. 73


16 (22%) 44 (60%) 12 (17%) 1 (1%)

Total 73


16 (22%) 44 (60%) 12 (17%) 1 (1%)

Based on the table above, out of 73 (100%) samples, I can see that their

favorite play is Romeo and Juliet with 44 (60%). Followed by A Street Car

Named Desire with 16 (22%), The Death of Salesman with 12 (17%) and 1 (1%)


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

The students who like ' A Streetcar Named Desire' The students who like ' Romeo and Juliet'

The students who like ' The Death of Salesman'

The students who did not answer the question


Table.38 The reason for choosing the favorite play










1. 73 (100%) 17 (23%) 14 (19%) 15 (21%) 24 (33%) 3 (4%)

Total 73 (100%) 17 (23%) 14 (19%) 15 (21%) 24 (33%) 3 (4%)

According to the table above, I can conclude that, out of 73 (100%)

samples, 24 (33%) students chose the play because the moral lesson in the play,

14 (19%) like the plot, 17 (23%) chose it because the theme. 15 (21%) chose it

because the dialogue of the play and 3 (4%) gave others reasons why they like that

play because the content of the play, the play ordered by the lecturer, etc. See the


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

The students who like the theme The students who like the Plot The students who like the dialogue The students who like the moral lesson

The students who gave others reasons


Chart. 38 The reason for choosing the favorite play

Table.39 The interest in following the growth of literary works





1. 100 (100%) 28 (28%) 72 (72%)

Total 100 (100%) 28 (28%) 72 (72%)

Based on the table above, it shown that, out of 100 (100%) samples, only

28 (28%) students who are interested in following the growth of literary works,

and 72 (72%) students are not interested in following the growth of literary works.


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

The Students who interested in following the growth of literary works

The Students who are not interested in following the growth of literary works

Chart. 39 The interest in following the growth of literary works Table.40 Special times prepared to read literary works





1. 100 (100%) 20 (20%) 80 (80%)


According to the table above, I can conclude that, out of 100 samples only

20 (20%) students who have special time to read literary works, but 80 (80%)

students do not have special time to read literary works. See the chart below.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

The students who have special time to read literary works The students who do not have special time to read literary works


Chart. 40 Special times prepared to read literary works

Table.41 Literary works having read in a month





More than


Did not


1. 100 (100%) 57 (57%) 36 (36%) 5 (5%) 2 (2%)


According to the table 41, out of 100 samples, I can conclude that, only 5

(5%) students who read literary works more than 5 works in a month, 36 (36%)

students read 2-5 literary works in a month, 57 (57%) read 0-1 literary works in a

month and 2 (2%) students did not answer the question. See the chart below.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

The students who read 0-1 literary works in a month

The students who read 2-5 literary works in a month

The students who read more than 5 literary works in a month

The students who did not answer the question


Table.42 The amount of money prepared to buy literary works





1. 100 (100%) 22 (22%) 78 (78%)

Total 100 (100%) 22 (22%) 78 (78%)

According to the table above, I can conclude that, out of 100 samples, only

22 (22%) students who have special budget to buy literary works, and 78 (78%)


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% The students who have special budget to buy literary works

The students who do not have special budget to buy literary works


Chart. 42 The amount of money prepared to buy literary works

Table.43 The amount of money allocated to buy literary works



0 -









1. 100


6 (6%) 6 (6%) 7 (7%) 3 (3%)

Total 100



According to the table 43, out of 100 samples, I can conclude that, 6 (6%)

students who allocate 0 – Rp.25.000 to buy literary wor


Table.9 The ways to get Literary works
Table.10 The favorite genre
Table.11 The reasons for choosing prose works as the favorite genre
Table.12 The favorite prose works


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