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Speech Errors Made By Mike Lowrey And Marcus Burnett In “Bad Boys I” (The Movie)


Academic year: 2016

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FITRIA HARDINI Reg.No.060705048





First, honor and praise would be dedicated to God, Allah SWT and Muhammad SAW for giving me love, bless, and guidance through life and especially during the preparation and process of finishing this thesis.

It is realized that this thesis will not come into existence without so many helps, encouragement, criticism, advices, guidance and also prays from some persons around me.

Therefore, appreciation and gratitude would be delivered to the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A.,Ph. D, the Head of English Department Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M. Hum., and the Secretary Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum, for help and suggestions related to the improvements of the proposal and other administrative supports.

Gratefulness is dedicated to my Supervisor, Drs. Ridwan hanafiah, S.H, M.A. and also to my Co-supervisor, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D for their generous helps and supports especially in correcting this thesis as well as suggestions and advices. Gratitude is also expressed to all of my lecturers in English Department who taught and contributed their knowledge during the academic years.


Special thanks dedicated to Dedi Kurniawan Yunus. Thank you so much for your helps, attentions and supports. Thank you so much for lending me your computer because you know that I really need it for serious writing.

And the last but not least, special thanks for my big family (IMSI) where I met so many ridiculous and unique friends : Dodo, Kajol, Takem, and Reza Oddtizz (thank you so much for giving me a very weird and fun moment everyday), 3D gangster : sister Dina and Dj. My friends of batch 06 : Dewi, Rika, Kinuy, Ifa, Ari, Wilda, Mawardi, etc, for my brothers and sisters of batch 05 : Fifi Boesya, Kiki, Ai, Lili, Yuyu, Windy, Ayuk, etc.

Finally, I realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, any constructive criticisms and advices are highly appreciated. This thesis is hoped to be useful for those who are interested in academic works.

Medan, March 2010

The writer,



[ // ] Silent Pause

[ … ] Filled Pause

[ / ] Repeats

[ \ ] False Starts Retraced [ \\ ] False Starts Un-Retraced [ — ] Corrections

[ - - - ] Stutters [ *…* ] Interjections



Skripsi ini membahas tentang kesalahan ujaran (speech errors) yang tercakup dalam studi Psikolinguistik. Dalam skripsi ini objek yang dianalisa adalah kesalah ujaran yang dilakukan oleh dua karakter utama dalam film Bad Boys (the movie) : Mike Lowrey yang diperankan oleh Will Smith dan Marcus Burnett yang diperankan oleh Martin Lawrence. Analisa ini difokuskan pada kesalah ujaran yang bersifat umum (common types of speech errors), yaitu silent pause, filled pause, repeats, false starts retraced, false starts un-retraced, corrections,interjections, dan slips of the tongue yang terbagi menjadi anticipation, perseveration, reversal, blends, haplologies, misderivation,and word substitution.

Pengkajian topik ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Langkah yang dilakukan dalam penganalisaan adalah pertama, mengumpulkan data dengan cara mengunduh transkrip film Bad Boys. Kedua, mengidentifikasi jenis kesalahan dengan menganalisa film Bad Boys secara langsung dengan proses menonton. Ketiga, memberi penomoran pada data yang selanjutnya akan diklasifikasikan ke dalam tipe speech errors. Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan teori Clark & Clark (1977) dan Fomkin (1973).

Dari hasil analisa yang diperoleh ditemukan bahwa Mike Lowrey dan Marcus Burnett melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan umum ujaran yang tidak sesuai dengan transkrip aslinya. Jenis kesalahan umum yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh Mike Lowrey adalah Filled Pause

sebanyak 16 kali (38,3%), Silent Paused sebanyak 14 kali (23,4%), Stutters sebanyak 11 kali (23,4%), Repeats sebanyak 8 kali (12,8%), dan Interjection sebanyak 1 kali (2,1%). Sementara Marcus Burnett melakukan lebih banyak kesalahan antara lain Filled Pause sebanyak 29 kali (32,6,1), Silent Pause sebanyak 36 kali (24,2%), Stutters sebanyak 18 kali (20%), Repeats

sebanyak 13 kali(11,6%), Corrections sebanyak 9 kali(10,05%), dan Interjections sebanyak 1 kali (1,05%).Jenis kesalahan bahasa umum yang tidak ditemukan adalah Un-retraced False Starts dan false starts retraced (0%).

Sedangkan slips of the tongue yang dilakukan oleh Mike Lowrey adalah word substitution sebanyak 3 kali (100%) dan Marcus Burnett melakukan 2 tipe kesalahan antara lain Word Substitution sebanyak6 kali (75%) dan Blends sebanyak 7 kali (25%).

Dari hasil analisa juga ditemukan bahwa umumnya silent pause terjadi sebelum kata benda dan sebelum kata sifat. Repeat,interjections dan stutters terjadi di awal kalimat dimana

Stutter biasanya terjadi pada kata ganti benda, kata tanya, dan kata kerja. Correction





ABSTRACT………... iv



1.1 Background of the Analysis…..……… 1

1.2 Problems of the Analysis………4

1.3 Objectives of he Analysis………. 4

1.4 Scope of the Analysis……….4

1.5 Significance of theAnalysis….………. 5

1.6 Review of Related Literatures….………. 6


2.1 Execution of Speech Plans……….. 8

2.2.1 The Ideal Delivery……… 9

2.2 Speech Errors………. 11

2.2.1 Common Types of Speech Errors……… 12

2.2.2 Common Types of Tongue-Slips………. 15



3.2 Data Analysis Procedures……… 18.


4.1 Data………. 20

4.1.1 Data I (Mike Lowrey)……….. 20

4.1.2 Data II (Marcus Burnett)………. 24

4.2 Data I Analysis……… 31

4.2.1 Common Speech Errors……….. 31

4.2.2 Slips of the Tongue……….. 38

4.3 Data II Analysis………. 39

4.3.1 Common Speech Errors……….. 39

4.3.2 Slips of the Tongue………. 54

4.4 Findings………. 57


5.1 Conclusions……… 62

5.2 Suggestions……… 63






Skripsi ini membahas tentang kesalahan ujaran (speech errors) yang tercakup dalam studi Psikolinguistik. Dalam skripsi ini objek yang dianalisa adalah kesalah ujaran yang dilakukan oleh dua karakter utama dalam film Bad Boys (the movie) : Mike Lowrey yang diperankan oleh Will Smith dan Marcus Burnett yang diperankan oleh Martin Lawrence. Analisa ini difokuskan pada kesalah ujaran yang bersifat umum (common types of speech errors), yaitu silent pause, filled pause, repeats, false starts retraced, false starts un-retraced, corrections,interjections, dan slips of the tongue yang terbagi menjadi anticipation, perseveration, reversal, blends, haplologies, misderivation,and word substitution.

Pengkajian topik ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Langkah yang dilakukan dalam penganalisaan adalah pertama, mengumpulkan data dengan cara mengunduh transkrip film Bad Boys. Kedua, mengidentifikasi jenis kesalahan dengan menganalisa film Bad Boys secara langsung dengan proses menonton. Ketiga, memberi penomoran pada data yang selanjutnya akan diklasifikasikan ke dalam tipe speech errors. Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan teori Clark & Clark (1977) dan Fomkin (1973).

Dari hasil analisa yang diperoleh ditemukan bahwa Mike Lowrey dan Marcus Burnett melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan umum ujaran yang tidak sesuai dengan transkrip aslinya. Jenis kesalahan umum yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh Mike Lowrey adalah Filled Pause

sebanyak 16 kali (38,3%), Silent Paused sebanyak 14 kali (23,4%), Stutters sebanyak 11 kali (23,4%), Repeats sebanyak 8 kali (12,8%), dan Interjection sebanyak 1 kali (2,1%). Sementara Marcus Burnett melakukan lebih banyak kesalahan antara lain Filled Pause sebanyak 29 kali (32,6,1), Silent Pause sebanyak 36 kali (24,2%), Stutters sebanyak 18 kali (20%), Repeats

sebanyak 13 kali(11,6%), Corrections sebanyak 9 kali(10,05%), dan Interjections sebanyak 1 kali (1,05%).Jenis kesalahan bahasa umum yang tidak ditemukan adalah Un-retraced False Starts dan false starts retraced (0%).

Sedangkan slips of the tongue yang dilakukan oleh Mike Lowrey adalah word substitution sebanyak 3 kali (100%) dan Marcus Burnett melakukan 2 tipe kesalahan antara lain Word Substitution sebanyak6 kali (75%) dan Blends sebanyak 7 kali (25%).

Dari hasil analisa juga ditemukan bahwa umumnya silent pause terjadi sebelum kata benda dan sebelum kata sifat. Repeat,interjections dan stutters terjadi di awal kalimat dimana

Stutter biasanya terjadi pada kata ganti benda, kata tanya, dan kata kerja. Correction




1.1 Background of the Analysis

Language is one of the important thing in communication. It is so basic for us that life without words or languages is too impossible. Everybody speaks, writes, reads, and listens languages. They transfer their emotions, ideas, informations and meanings using languages to interact with others everytime and everywhere. As a means of communication, language facilitates our relationship with others and helps us to understand everything in the world including arts and science even from the simplest thing to the most difficult ones. Then as a set of system, language consists of a system of sounds, a system of grammar and a system of meaning in which we can put our creativity and invention. As Sapir (2001:7) in his book

Language:An Introduction to the Study of Speech states:

“Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols.”

In speaking process (conversation), the speaker transfers messages to listener so that speaking and listening are two activities which seemed to be ordinary skills. When people speak they arrange linguistic symbols in their mind (brain) and then produce them in the form of language by their organs of speech. That’s why we cannot separate speech with the process of thought as Sapir (2001:6) states:

“They are just as truly creation of the human kind, flights of the human fancy, as anything else in language.


executing a sentence where the speakers know what they really want to say and say it fluently. However, in the reality some speakers fail to get that ideal delivery and almost every speaker makes errors unconsciously. These errors are called common types of speech errors. These errors appear sometimes in daily conversation, in formal meetings and in seminars.

Dian Juwita Hutapea, in her thesis Speech Errors made by Barrack Obama in His Presidential Inaugural Speech (2009:21 ) says that “ideal delivery is frequently heard in the speech of actor, practiced reader, orator, newsreader, etc. They execute most types of sentences in a single fluent speak under one smooth intonation.” From the statement, we can conclude that speech errors tend to happen mostly in spontaneous conversations and seldom to be found in planned speech of actor. Therefore, the writer is interested to choose speech errors as the topic of analysis because the writer wants to prove whether speech errors still seldom to be found in speech of actor if the actor is Black American. This question appears because we all know that speech errors can be made by everyone from every level of people including actors.

According to Clark and Clark (1977), there are nine types of common speech errors, namely silent pause, filled pause, hesitation pause, repeats (the repetition of one or more words in a row) and then false starts (the corrections of a word), retraced false starts (the repetition of one or more words before the corrected words), then, there are corrections, interjections, stutters, and slips of the tongue or tongue-slips.


As we know that there are so many movies consist of these errors but Bad Boys I movie is chosen by the writer to be the object of analysis because it is assumed that both main characters in Bad Boys I make speech errors in their conversation and they are easy to identify. Moreover, Bad Boys I featured two professional actors as the main characters named Martin Lawrence and Will Smith. Both of them are successful in their acting until now but still it is not impossible for them to make errors.

Bad Boys I which was released in 1995 is very funny and interesting movie. In this movie, Marcus Burnett is a hen-pecked family man. Mike Lowrey is more a loose cannon. They are partners in the Miami Police Department, and they are about to take on a highly dangerous case. 100 million dollars of heroin, from the biggest drug bust of their careers, is stolen from police headquarters. Now, they have 72 hours to reclaim the heroin before the Internal Affairs Divisions gets involved. This situation puts Mike and Marcus hot on the trail of a French drug kingpin named Fouchet. Mike asks Max Logan, a hooker he knows, to keep an eye open for high rollers. Max asks her best friend Julie Mott to tag along with her to the home of former cop Eddie Dominguez to spy him. But at Dominguez’s house, Fouchet kills Max. Julie witnessed the murder, so she contacts the police. Then Mike and Marcus have to protect Julie Mott because Fouchet wants to kill her.


1.2 Problems of Analysis

1. What types of Speech Errors made by Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett in “Bad Boys I” (the movie)?

2. What is the dominant type of Speech Errors made by Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett in “Bad Boys I” (the movie)?

3. What is the dominant pattern of speech errors made by Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett in their utterance?

1.3Objectives of Analysis

1. To find the types of Speech Errors made by Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett in “Bad Boys I” (the movie).

2. To find the dominant type of Speech Errors made by Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett in “Bad Boys I” (the movie)..

3. To find out is the dominant pattern of speech errors made by Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett in their utterances.

1.4 Scope of Analysis


Silent Pause, Filled Pause, Repeats, False Starts (Un-retraced), False Starts (Retraced), Corrections, Interjections, Stutters, and Slips of the Tongue.

While the classification of Tongue-Slips based on Fromkin’s (1973) point of view (in Clark and Clark (1977) ), i.e : Anticipations, Perseverations, Reversals, Blends, Haplologies, Misderivations, and Word Substitutions.

After identifying and analyzing the data, the writer will find the dominant types of Speech Errors in the dialogues. The analysis is concerned with the two main characters in “Bad Boys I” movie : Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett. The source of data taken from the script of Bad Boys I (the movie) downloaded from the internet duration of movie is 1 hour 58 minutes and 46 seconds. Then, the analysis is also concerned with the dominant pattern of speech errors in the dialogues.

1.5Significances of Analysis

The significances which will be expected from this thesis are as follows:

1. The readers will get informations about ideal delivery in speaking process.

2. The readers will get information about common types of Speech Errors based on Clark & Clark and classification of Tongue-Slips based on Fromkin

3. The readers will get the fact-findings that Speech Errors also found in movie.


5. The readers will get information about the dominant pattern of speech errors in the sentence which is uttered by actors in Bad Boys I (the movie).

1.6Review of Related Literatures

In writing this thesis, some relevant references were collected. First, Clark and Clark’s (1977) Psychology and Language : An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. This book explains about Psycholinguistics and the classification of Speech errors as the main topic of this thesis which consists of Silent Pause, Filled Pause, Repeats, False Starts (Un-retraced), False Starts (Retraced), Corrections, Interjections, Stutters, and Slips of the Tongue. In this book we also can find the theory of Fromkin who divided Slips of the Tongue into seven : Anticipations, Perseverations, Reversals, Blends, Haplologies, Misderivations, and Word Substitutions. The theories that are used in this analysis are the theory of Clark & Clark and Fromkin. Their theories are used to recognize the common types speech errors made by Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett in “Bad Boys I” (the movie).

Second, Edward Sapir (1949) in Language : An Introduction to the Study of Speech

explains about language and the elements of speech. According to Sapir, “Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols” (2001:7) while the elements of speech are Radical Element or stem or root of word and Grammatical Element or affix.


language) and Acquisition (how people learn language). This idea is related to the topic of this thesis. This book also includes types of speech which is included in this thesis.

Fourth, Dian Junita Hutapea thesis (2009:21) entitled Speech Errors made by Barrack Obama in His Presidential Inaugural Speech, her thesis discuses speech errors in Inaugural speech by Barack Obama at January 20th 2009. Some informations are picked from her thesis to support this thesis. Her statement about “ideal delivery is frequently heard in the speech of actor, practiced reader, orator, newsreader, etc. They execute most types of sentences in a single fluent speak under one smooth intonation” becomes the background of this writing.




2.1 Execution of Speech Plans

Speaking is the process which consists of two fundamental types of activity : planning and execution. Before speaking, the speaker plans what they want to say in their mind, then they put their plan into execution, uttering the segments, words, phrases and sentences that make up the plan. However, it is difficult to find when the speakers actually begin to plan because usually they are planning what to say next while executing what they had planned moments before. So it is impossible to say where planning leaves off and execution begins.

Clark and Clark (1977:224-225) say that there are some steps before speakers execute their speech, they are:

1) Discourse Plans.

This is the first step for speakers to decide what kind of discourse they are participating in whether they want to tell a story, converse with other people, give instructions, describe an event or the like. Each kind of discourse has a different structure, and they must plan their utterances to fit. Each utterance must contribute to the discourse by conveying the right message.

2) Sentence Plans.


they will utter their speech : directly (by means of literal meaning), or indirectly (by means of irony, understatement, other indirect rhetorical devices).

3) Constituent Plans.

In this time, the speakers begin planning sentence constituents. They have to pick the right words, phrases, or idioms to inhabit each constituent and put them in the right order. Although they may have planned the global form of a sentence, they normally select specific words only phrase by phrase.

4) Articulatory Program.

As specific words are chosen, they are formed into an “articulatory program” in a memory “buffer” capable of holding all the words of a planned constituent at once. It contains a representation of the actual phonetic segments, stress, and intonation pattern that will be executed at the next step.

5) Articulation.

This is the final step for speakers to execute the contents of the articulatory program. This is done by mechanisms that add sequence and timing to the articulatory program, telling the articulatory muscles what they should do when. This step results in audible sounds, the speech that the speaker intended to produce.


study it. However, the rough outline above shows the division speakers generally take before executing their speech.

2.1.1 The Ideal Delivery

The ideal delivery is a term which is the opposite of Speech Errors. The ideal delivery is defined as the correct way of executing a sentence. According to Clark and Clark (1977:261), “we can call one sentence as the ideal delivery when it is executed in a single fluent speech train under one smooth intonation contour”. Ideal delivery can be settled if the speakers know what they really want to say and say it fluently except in what we call as Grammatical Juncture. This is because in the ideal delivery speakers can breathe at juncture but not within clauses.

According to Clark and Clark (1977:297), there are three hesitations points at which speakers are liable to stop for planning:

1. Grammatical Junctures

It is the logical place to stop and to plan the sentence’s skeleton and the first constituent of the upcoming sentence. Pause at these junctures tend to be long and frequent.

2. Other constituent boundaries


3. Before the first content word within a constituent

This stopping place, like the previous kind, gives speakers time to plan the very next major constituent. It is typically marked by a silent pause or by a repeat of the beginning of the constituent.

From the three hesitation points above, we can find that in ideal delivery Grammatical Juncture is the only place in sentences where speakers may pause to take a breath before continuing the sentence without interrupting fluent speech. Besides, there is another obligatory pause that is called conventional pauses and serves a specific linguistics purpose. For example :

1. Her brother the dentist is as ugly as a mule.

2. Her brother, the dentist, is as ugly as a mule.

From the examples above, we can see that the “comma pauses” in 2 give a different interpretation from 1 and must therefore be present to signal this interpretation. So, Ideal delivery has these characteristics.


2.2 Speech Errors

Speech Errors are some errors made in the process of speech production which occur regularly in normal conversation so that speech errors are the opposite of ideal delivery. Lashley (1958) in Psycholinguistics noted that “when we think in words, the thoughts come in grammatical form with subject, verb, object, and modifying clauses falling into place without our having the slightest perception of how the sentence structure is produced.”

There are some patterns of speech errors according to some experts. For example, Maclay & Osgood(1959) in Gleason and Ratner’s (1998 : 318) state that hesitation (unfilled pauses) are more likely to be occur before content words such as nouns, verbs, and modifiers, than before function words such as articles, helping verbs, and so forth. It is of interest to note that in the study of the speech produced in seminars, classes, business meetings, and similar context, in both planned talks and spontaneous conversation. While Deese (1978,1980) in Gleason and Ratner’s (1998 : 318) found that speakers used complete sentences, 98% of which were grammatically correct. Therefore, this thesis will also analyze briefly about the patterns of speech errors based on the findings.

There are also some opinions about the terms of speech errors. Some experts like Gleason and Ratner called speech errors as slips of the tongue and some other used the term speech disfluencies to call this errors. While in Clark and Clark(1977), slips of the tongue or tongue-slips is one of the type of common speech errors itself.


2.2.1 Common Types of Speech Errors

The Common Types of Speech Errors based on Clark and Clark point of view (1977) are:

1. Silent Pause

Silent pause is a period of no speech between words. In the process of speaking, speed of talking is almost entirely determined by the amount of such pausing. It is considered that people who speak slowly hesitate a lot, but when they speed up their rate of words, they will do it by eliminating the pauses, not by shortening the words. According to Maclay and Osgood (1959) in Clark and Clark’s (1977:262), fast speakers are fluent because they do not hesitate much, and slow speakers are not as fluent because they hesitate a great deal.

It is symbolized by [ // ]

For example : 1. Turn on the // heater switch

2. Filled Pause

Filled pause is a period or gap filled with fillers when speakers speak slowly. In Linguistics, fillers are sounds or words that are spoken to fill up gaps in utterances for example the words uh, ah, mm, er or the like. Different languages have different characteristic filler sounds; in English, the most common filler sounds are uh , er and

um. Like, y'know and basically are more prevalent among youths.

It is symbolized by [ …. ]


3. Repeats

Repeat is the situation where speaker repeats one or words in a row.

It is symbolized by [ / ].

For example : 1. Turn on the heater / the heater switch

2. Those / those dirty cups

4. Retrace Falls Starts

Retrace Falls Starts is a correction of a word including the repetition of one or more words before the correct word.

It is symbolized by [ \ ]

For example : 1. Turn on the stove \ the heater switch

2. Those clean \ those dirty cups

5. Un-retrace Falls Starts

Un-retrace Falls Starts is almost similar with Retrace Falls Starts but there’s no repetition of one or more words in a row.

It is symbolized by [\\]

For example : 1. Turn on the stove \\ heater switch


6. Corrections

Corrections happen when the speaker replaces certain old words with the new ones, indicating that the old words have been misplanned. The category called corrections are like false starts, except that they contain an explicit corrections phrase like I mean, or rather, well or that is to mark the phrase as the corrections. … that is (reference editing),

or or rather (nuance editing), I mean (mistake editing), Well

( claim editing).

It is symbolized by [-]

For example : Turn on the stove switch—I mean, the heater switch

7. Stutters

Stutters happen when the speaker feels hesitate, stumbling, tense, jerky or nervous. Stutters are signed by repeating one letter or syllable for many times before a certain word that will be said next.

It is symbolized by [---]

For example : Turn on the h-h-h-heater switch

8. Interjections


sudden ways. The interjection’s words are oh, ah, well, and say. Interjection happens when the speaker remembers about something, which is related to the topic of the speaking suddenly. English words used mostly as interjections include ugh, wow, ouch, scat, alas, and eureka.

It is symbolized by [ *.…* ]

For example : 1. John would like, oh, carrots. ( oh : referent selection)

2. John would like—ah, carrots. (ah : memory success)

3. John would like, well, carrots. (well : word approximation)

4. John would like, say, carrots. (say : exemplification)

See other example below:

As I entered the room — Oh, my goodness! What I saw! — he was still standing there.

2.2.2 Common Types of Tongue-Slips

Slips of the Tongue (Tongue-Slips) based on Fromkin (1973) consist of some subtypes and it is symbolized by [ → ], they are:

1. Anticipation

Anticipation is where an early output item is corrupted by an element belonging to a later one.


2. Perseveration

Perseveration is the opposite of anticipation. Where a later output item is corrupted by an element belonging to an earlier one.

For example : waking rabbits → waking wabbits.

3. Reversal

Reversal is two segments are interchange. It occurred in two syllables.

For example : radio →dario

4. Blends

Blends are the speaker blends two words together taken the first half of one, and the second half of the other.

For example : ladies and gentlemen → ladlemen 5. Haplologies

Haplologies are the speaker leaves out the short stretch of speech. It can be omitted on syllable.

For example : beautiful girl → beauful girl

6. Misderivation

Misderivation is the speaker attaches a wrong suffix and prefix to the word.


7. Word Substitution

Word Substitution is the speaker produces the word that is wrong, difficulty related idea semantically or phonologically to the word intended.

For example : - the shop are open → the shop are closen




3.1 Data Collecting Method

In writing this thesis, Qualitative Descriptive method is applied in the process of data analysis. This thesis is simply about fact-finding. Nawawi (1993:31) states that Qualitative Descriptive is a research method that is an effort to solve a problem or a condition or an event as the way it is. In other words, this method is simply about fact finding.

“ Penelitian ini terbatas pada usaha mengungkapkan suatu masalah atau keadaan atau peristiwa sebagaimana adanya sehingga bersifat sekedar untuk mengungkapkan fakta (fact finding).”

Therefore, Descriptive Statistic is applied in the process of tabulating data. The script will be analyzed by watching the original screen so that the types of Speech Errors which are found can be identified and classified based on the text.

Library research as the method of research is also applied in this thesis to find some relevant theories that support the writing especially from all references deal with Psycholinguistics.

In collecting the required data, Purposive sampling is applied in this thesis. As Bailey (1987:94) states that :

“In purposive sampling the investigator does not necessarily have a quota to fill from within various strata, as in quota sampling, but neither does he or she just pick the nearest warm bodies, as inconvenience sampling. Rather, the researcher uses his or her own judgment about which respondents to choose and picks only those who best meet the purposes of the study.”


movie and comparing the movie transcript with the actors’ utterances heard in that movie. Then, the data will be numbered, classified and tabulated based on its frequency using percentages to find out the dominant types of speech errors.

All data will be tabulated using Frequency Distribution where data will be calculated into percentages using the formula below (Bungin, 2001: 189):

N = fx


× 100 %

N = percentage of errors

fx = frequency of errors

n = total number of frequency

3.2 Data Analysis Procedure

After collecting the data, the writer will analyze them to find out the dominant patterns of speech errors. The systematic procedures were taken as follows:

1) Comparing between the transcript and the dialogues spoken by main characters in that movie : Mike Lowrey and Marcuss Burnett to find the speech errors in it.

2) Identifying the errors and their positions in the sentences.


dialogues. The writer wants to find out whether the position of pauses are after or before the nouns, verbs, adjectives, possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives. The analysis will be put after the data. The writer also wants to find out whether all types of errors dominantly happen in the beginning of in the e end of constituent.




4.1 Data

4.1.1 Data I (Mike Lowrey)

1. What is this having-a-picnic shit in my car? 0:00:55 6. Let me tell you how bad a day you're having. 0:03:03

You're jacking two cops.

8. I only tell your husband my sleazy sex stories. 0:11:34

10. Listen, I need some help, again. 0:16:40

11. Major ill shit happened down at the police department. 0:16:58

There's a lot of hero in involved. There will be a lot of cash involved.

There will definitely be some jolly young men who want to party.

12. I'm not asking you to get into any wild shit. 0:17:14 Just call me if you hear something.

13. That's right. You ain't getting none at home. 0:17:34

You got extra energy. Go ahead. Burn it off, baby. We got anything, Francine?


Looks like somebody's home. Let me take a stab at this one.

He sells the ventilation plans to the bad guys. He gets rich, but he gets dead.

15. Whoa. Wait. 0:19:30

Why do you act like this every time we're around a dead body? 16. My bad.


18. I'm supposed to apologize for 0:22:09

my family leaving me money? All I ever wanted to be was a cop.

I get up early and take it to the max every day. I'm the first guy through the door

and the last to leave the crime scene... so fuck you and fuck them...

and fuck everybody who got a problem with Mike Lowrey.

20. Looks like we have two shades of lipstick here, gentlemen. 0:29:52 Somebody is missing from the party.

40 You sound like a nagging wife. 0:46:58

43. Wait a minute. What the hell is going on here? 0:48:34

44 Can we get a time-out, Captain? 0:49:57

Am I the designated homeless?

45 I wanted to... 0:51:14

but Captain Howard said I'm irresponsible. No, he said, "A loose cannon,


46. I read a book that could probably help y'all. I saw it on... 0:51:49

53 You're sick. Something is wrong with you. 0:57:37 You have a problem, and you should have your self checked.

Yeah. Probably. Just let me know if you get anything.

58 Yeah. He's my man, so we... 1:00:37 You had no business in there!

And can you please drive this thing?

69 Yes, you're right. 1:13:240

This started because of missing

drugs, but let me tell you something. There is absolutely nothing more important to Mike... than doing this guy that killed Max.


82 Marcus, what are you doing? 1:21:52 83 Fuck it! Some shit is making you crazy. 1:22:29

You know there's nothing going on between me and Theresa!

Man, I've been your partner for six years... and I've been your boy all my life.

For you to even think...

To let some dumb shit like that creep up in your mind... This is me! What is wrong with you?

84 Yeah, I'm fine. 1:22:47

85 Sorry it's not up to your usual high standards. 1:27:29 Why don't you whip it out for her, big boy? 1:27:55

your forehead. Shut up.

86 Why don't you whip it out for her, big boy? 1:27:55 your forehead.

Shut up.

87. Whoa. 1:278:44

Hold it. You know Sinclair has

every phone in the station tapped. We have to do that in person.

89 It can't hurt for her to take a peek. 1:29:04

96 Go do what you have to do. 1:39:06

Fletcher, you told us this would move a little quicker than this.

101 Yeah, you're like a magnet for random gunfire. 1:53:53


4.1.2 Data II (Marcus Burnett)

2. Please, man, I'm not getting my sex at home. 0:01:00

Don't deny me this.

3. Look, where's your cup holders? 0:01:18

4. You don't have one? 0:01:23

$ 80.000 for this car, and you ain't got no cup holder?

5 I ain't no Wesley Snipes. 0:03:02

I just hang out with stupid-ass friends that drive stupid-ass cars...

that attract a lot of motherfucking attention!

6 Baby, it's my job. It's what it requires. 0:10:08 I'm a better cop when I get some in the morning.

I feel lighter on my feet.

9. Excuse me, but if you two want to 0:13:07

get personal, I could step out...


You got to have faith, player. Everybody in

the damn unit will be out of a job. But don't worry. They tend to think Mike Lowrey will be all right.

Especially since they think you some rich kid playing cop. Look, man, I ain't got no trust fund.

For me: No job, no check.

That's like all the other guys in the unit. Most of us.

19. Why I got to be all that? 0:22:31

21. Yeah, baby. Look, I know quality time was my idea. 0:31:39

22. Whoa. Calm down. Talk to me now. Yeah. 0:34:36

23. Get Mike down here to handle this. 0:35:12

24. 'Cause I'm Mike Lowrey. 0:36:01

We ain't got much time.

25. I knew Max from way back. 0:36:30

I helped her brother get out of jail.

26. So, from time to time, we'd get 0:36:36

together, a little bump and grind.

27. Give me that! Give me the bat! You want to go out? Fine! 0:36:50


28. Look, lady... Mike Lowrey place. You right.


It required taking off the ring That's my partner, Marcus Burnett.

49. I can see how it may throw you a little bit. 0:53:45

It's a cop thing.


Lf you go to his place ain't nothing but pictures of me. It's like a shrine. Just a reminder.

50. You're not listening. It's not registering. 0:54:23

Believe me. Did you sleep in the bed?


That means this shit is serious.

Me and this mother fucker's not vibing right now. That's what that means.

74. I'll sit down for a minute... 1:16:36

'cause I'm guarding shit, you know. I'm watching out for the bad boys.

You know what I'm saying? He's the married one.

78 Keep a guy like what? 1:18:35 Look at this shit. Is this what you want?

Got me climbing like a chimp. But I ain't going out like that.

It don't take anybody that long to get into bed. Got my babies in the house.

Your man can't get no quality time... but my partner can get some quality time. I don't play that shit.


By the time we deal with her bullshit... every junkie in America will be high off our bust. a bullet over here, it will hurt.

90 I'm telling you . This Fouchet is a slick one. 1:29:57

I was coming in the airport early? Remember I said call her? Hold on. orgy here, and ain't nobody humping. doing none of that.

It's not what it looks like. Hear what I'm saying. Baby, she's a material witness.

97 Yeah, we're on the airfield now. 1:43:15

98 No time. Fuck the backup. 1:43:41


99 He steals our shit, kidnaps Julie, shoots at my wife. 1:49:40 We beating him down!

100 Julie, sweetie, you ... 1:53:49

You're a little dangerous.

4.2 Data I Analysis

4.2.1 Common Speech Errors

From data I, we can find that Mike Lowrey made some types of common speech errors, they are:

a. Silent Pause [ // ]

From the data I, it was found that Silent Pauses found in 11 data and also happened 11 times as shown below:

1. Hey man, what is this having a // picnic shit in my car? 0:00:55 • Silent pause is found after article a and before noun

40. You sound like a nagging // wife. 0:46:58

• Silent pause is found before noun and after adjective

44 Can we get a time-out, Captain? 0:49:57

Am I the // designated homeless? • Silent pause is found after article the

51 Yeah, that never stopped you before. 0:59:29

Just // let me know if you get anything. • Silent pause is found before verb let


• Silent pause is found before noun and after adjective

66 This is official police business! 1:10:37 You had no business in there!

And can you please // drive this thing? • Silent pause is found before verb drive

70 You know the barrels // of ether that 1:14:43 blew up on the ice cream truck?

• Silent pause is found after noun barrels

83 Fuck it! Some shit is making you crazy. 1:22:29 You know there's nothing going

on between me and Theresa!

Man, I've been your partner for six years... and I've been your boy all my life.

For you to even think...

To let some // dumb shit like that creep up in your mind... This is me! What is wrong with you?

• Silent pause is found before adjective dumb

85 Sorry it's not up to your // usual high standards. 1:27:29 • Silent pause is found after possessive adjective your and before adjective


86 Why don't you // whip it out for her, big boy? 1:27:55 your forehead.

Shut up.

• Silent pause is found before verb whip and afterpronoun you


• Silent pause is found after noun magnet

b. Filled Pause [ … ]

From the data I, it was found that Filled Pause found in 15 data and happened 18 times as shown below:

7 Uh, I only tell your husband my sleazy sex stories. 0:11:34 12. Listen, uh I'm not asking you to get into any wild shit. 0:17:14 Just call me if you hear something.

13. Oh, That's right. You ain't getting none at home. 0:17:34 You got extra energy. Go ahead. Burn it off, baby.

We got anything, Francine?

14. No, man. 0:19:18

Dead guy.

Uh, Looks like somebody's home.

Okay,okay, Let me take a stab at this one. He sells the ventilation plans to the bad guys. He gets rich, but he gets dead.

18. I'm supposed to apologize for 0:22:09

my family leaving me money? All I ever wanted to be was a cop.

I get up early and take it to the max every day. I'm the first guy through the door

and the last to leave the crime scene...

and you know what ? fuck you and fuck them...


44 M,m, Can we get a time-out, Captain? 0:49:57 Am I the designated homeless?

46. Well, I read a book that could probably help y'all. I saw it on... 0:51:49

57 Oh,Yeah, that never stopped you before. 0:59:2

Just let me know if you get anything.

58 Uh, Yeah. Well, you know he's my man, so we... 1:00:37

All those on the wall.

59. Oh, I'm sorry. That looks like a stain on your rug. 1:01:16 Damn.

69 Yes, you're right. 1:13:36

This started because of missing

drugs, but let me tell you something. There is absolutely nothing more important to Mike... than doing this guy that killed Max.

uh, I know he has a hard time expressing his feelings. Come on. It will be all right, okay?

We need you. Part of the team.

70 Well, You know the barrels of ether that 1:14:43

blew up on the ice cream truck?

84 Uh, uh Yeah, I'm fine. 1:22:47

89 Uh, can't hurt for her to take a peek. 1:29:04

96 Go do what you have to do. 1:39:06


• From all data above, we can find that the position of Filled pauses are in the beginning of the constituent.

c. Repeats [ / ]

From the data I, it was found that Repeats found in 6 data and also happened 6 times as shown below:

10 Listen, I / I need some help, again. 0:16:40 Pronoun repetition

11. The major / major ill shit happened down at the police department. 0:16:58 There's a lot of hero in involved.

There will be a lot of cash involved.

There will definitely be some jolly young men who want to party.

• Adjective repetition

16. My bad / my bad. 0:20:08

• Whole sentence repetition.

53 You're sick. Some / Something is wrong with you. 0:57:37 You have a problem, and you should have your self checked.

Yeah. Probably.

• Indefinite pronoun repetition

54 Later. Don't wait up / don't wait up. I'll be all right. 0:58:39 Why don't you rent a movie?

Something we can kick back to. What you wearing?

• Whole sentence repetition


You know there's nothing going on between me and Theresa!

Man, I've been your partner for six years... and I've been your boy all my life.

For you to even think / even think

To let some dumb shit like that creep up in your mind... This is me! What is wrong with you?

• Verb repetition

d. False Starts (un-retraced) [ \\ ]

From the data, no False Starts (un-retraced) was found.

e. False Stars (Retraced) [ \ ]

From the data, no False Starts (retraced) was found.

f. Corrections [ — ]

From the data, no Corrections was found.

g. Interjection [ *…* ]

From the data I, it was found that Interjections only found 1 data and also happened once as shown below:

45 *Oh* *well* I wanted to... 0:51:14


"because I've been shooting in public. Out of now here sometimes.

• It is only one interjection found and its position is on the beginning of constituent

h. Stutters [ - - - ]

From the data I, it was found that Stutters found in 10 data and happened 11 times as shown below:

1. Wh-wh-what is this having a picnic shit in my car? 0:00:55 8. No, i-i-i only tell your husband my sleazy sex stories. 0:11:34

15 Whoa. Wait. 0:19:30

Wh-wh-wh-why do you act like this every time we're around a dead body?

43. w-w-w-wait a minute. Wh-wh-wh-what the hell is going on here? 0:48:34

45 I-I-I-I wanted to... 0:51:14

but Captain Howard said I'm-I’m-I’m irresponsible. No, he said, "A loose cannon,

"because I've been shooting in public. Out of now here sometimes.

65 wh-wh-what was that? 1:10:21

77 Sh-sh-sh-she's like a wife. 1:18:25

82 Marcus, wh-wh-what are you doing? 1:21:52


101 Yeah, y-y-y-you're like a magnet for random gunfire. 1:53:53 • From the data above we can find that Mike only stutter the question word

what, why 5 times, pronouns I, you and she 5 times, and verb wait once.

4.2.2 Slips of the Tongue

a. Anticipation [ → ]

From the data, no Anticipation was found.

b. Perseveration [ → ]

From the data, no Perseveration was found.

c. Reversal [ → ]

From the data, no Reversal was found.

d. Blends [ → ]

From the data, no Blends was found.

e. Haplologies [ → ]

From the data, no Haplologies was found.

f. Misderivation [ → ]


g. Word Substitution [ → ]

From the data I, it was found that Word Substitution found in 3 data and happened 3 times as shown below:

5 Let me tell you how bad a day you're having. 0:03:03 You're jacking two → a couple cops.

20 Looks like we have got two shades of lipstick here, gentlemen. 0:29:52 Somebody is missing from the party.

87 Whoa. 1:278:44

Hold it. You know Sinclair has

every phone in the station tapped. We have → got to do that in person.

• From the data above, we can find that Mike only substitutes auxiliary verbs

have into got, and substitutes two into a couple.

4.3 Data II Analysis

4.3.1 Common Speech Errors

From data II, we can find that Marcus Burnett made some types of common speech errors, they are:

a. Silent Pause [ // ]


17. Yeah, you got it all figured out, don't you? 0:21:11

You got to have faith, player.

By the time we figured out how, we’d out of a job. No scratch that.

Everybody in

the damn unit // will be out of a job. But don't worry. They tend to

think Mike Lowrey will be all right.

Especially since they think you some // rich kid // playing cop.

• 3 Silent pauses are found: first, after noun unit before auxiliary will,

second,before adjective rich ; second, after noun kid and before verb 21. Yeah, baby. Look, I know // quality time was my idea. 0:31:39

Silent pause is found before adjective quality and after verb know

25 I knew Max // from way back. 0:36:30 I helped her brother get out of jail.

• Silent pause is found after noun

29. I knew Max. 0:37:29

I care // about Max also. I'm just here to help you

• Silent pause is found after verb

32 Fine, lady. Where would you // feel safe? 0:40:46 Silent pause is found before verb feel and after noun


I'm a second // generation rich kid.

• Silent pause is found before noun generation

38 The moment // Lowrey gets in, have him call me at home. 0:44:48 At my home

• Silent pause is found before noun

47 Look, we have to go through some // mug shots. 0:53:21 I'll hook into the computer. We can do this.

• Silent pause is found before noun mug

48 Sometimes I don't even look at // my // shelves. 0:53:34 I forget all the pictures were here.

That's my partner, Marcus Burnett.

Silent pauses are found twice : first, before possessive adjective my ;and after possessive adjective my and before noun shelves

49 I can see how it // may // throw you a little bit. 0:53:45 It's a cop thing.

These pictures are up here for every time he saved my life. if you go to his place ain't nothing but pictures of me. It's like a shrine. Just a reminder.

Silent pauses are found twice : first, after noun it and second, before verb throw

74 I'll sit down for // a // minute... 1:16:36 'cause I'm guarding shit, you know.

I'm watching out for the bad boys. I can see things, you know...


• Silent pauses are found twice : first, before article a and twice, before noun and after article

79 He's got a quality // women respond to. 1:19:08 • Silent pause is found after adjective quality and before noun women

80 Fuck off, barking-ass dog. Shut up. 1:20:46 Sneak up // on my own house.

• Silent pause is found after preposition up and before preposition on

88 Shit. 1:28:49

By the time we deal with her bullshit... Every // junkie in America will be high off our bust. • Silent pause is found before noun junkie

91 You'll be set free, cut loose. 1:30:46

You'll be back to your // old life. Oops. No more handcuffs

• Silent pause is found before adjective old and after possessive adjective


92 I'm a... I know what it looks like. Did you get my message? 1:31:40 Can you leave me // and Mrs. // Burnett alone for...

Silent pause is found after possessive pronoun me and before noun

94 He didn't tell you ... 1:32:31

I was coming in the airport // early? Remember I said call her? Hold on. Tell her what I told you.


We're not arguing about this. I'm raising my... All right, here...

• Silent pause is found before adjectives early and after noun airport

95 This... I could see how it would look a trip. 1:32:59 You see me run out. I got a shirt open.

You see Mike half-butt-naked.

Then you see the white girl. So // this looks like we having one big

orgy here, and ain't nobody humping. doing none of that.

It's not what it looks like. Hear what I'm saying. Baby, she's a material witness.

• Silent pause is found before demonstrative pronouns this

b. Filled Pause [ … ]

From the data I, it was found that Filled Pauses found in 19 data and happened 31 times as shown below:

7 Baby, uh it’s my job. It’s what it requires. 0:10:08

You know, I’m a better cop when I get some in the morning. I feel lighter on my feet.

9 Uh, excuse me, but if you two want to 0:13:07 get personal, I could step out…


Oh, You got to have faith, player.

Uh, let me tell you some Mike, by the time we figured out how, we’d out of a job.

No scratch that. Everybody in

the damn unit will be out of a job.

Oh, but don’t worry. They tend to think Mike Lowrey will be all right.

Especially since they think you some rich kid /playing cop.

24 ‘Cause I’m Mike Lowrey. 0:36:01

Okay, now we ain’t got much time.

25 Okay, look I knew Max from way back. 0:36:30

I helped her brother get out of jail.

26 So, from time to time, you know we’d get 0:36:36 together, a little bump and grind.

I didn’t expect to walk into Yankee Stadium either.

Okay, well, Now, we have to get out of here. Let’s go.

31 Uh, Protective custody. 0:38:01

34 Yeah, come on. Watch your step walking through. 0:42:32 Damn, I must have left some incense burning.

Welcome to Casa de Lowrey. This is kind of…


Damn! Shit!

Why am I tripping on shit I know is there? Uh, see, you found a light switch.

I should have known it was there since I decorated the place. Yeah.

36 Uh, got some T-bones in the fridge for Luke and Dukie. 0:43:33 Sorry. Your fridge is this way.

I confuse my own shit. 39 Damn.

Mm, now I went undercover. It required taking off the ring

47 Mm, Look, we have to go through some mug shots. 0:53:21 I’ll hook into the computer. We can do this.

48 Ah, you know sometimes I don’t even look at my shelves. 0:53:34 I forget all the pictures were here.

That’s my partner, Marcus Burnett.

52 Yeah, it is kind of nice. 0:57:27

Since I’m gonna be like Mike, I might as well dress like Mike.

You know, I wanna be like Mike.

60 Uh, I’m getting rid of it. Yeah, you don’t need that. 1:01:36 I’m throwing that out anyway. You know, I just want a new look

64 Here! Go! 1:10:15


67 Goddamn. 1:10:55 You the man! You the fucking man tonight!

I know, you pick an ice cream truck that’s a damn bomb!

68 Well, should I add this to your body count? 1:12:36

There goes our only lead to the dope. Ain’t this a bitch?

86 His ass upstairs. Supposed to be my boy. . 1:21:04 You motherfucker.

Ducking and weaving up and down. Look at this shit. Is this what you want?

Got me climbing like a chimp.

Uh, but I ain’t going out like that.

It don’t take anybody that long to get into bed. Got my babies in the house.

Your man can’t get no quality time…

but uh yeah my partner can get some quality time. I don’t play that shit.

92 I’m a… I know what it looks like. Did you get my message? 1:31:40

Uh, can you leave me and Mrs. Burnett alone for…

94 He didn’t tell you … 1:32:31

I was coming in the airport early? Remember I said call her? Hold on. Tell her what I told you.


We’re not arguing about this. I’m raising my… All right, here…

• From the data above, Filled pauses happen most in the beginning of constituent.

c. Repeats. [ / ]

From data II, it was found that Repeats found in 13 data and happened 13 times as shown below:

2. Please, man, I'm not getting my sex at home. 0:01:00 Don’t / don't deny me this.

• Auxiliary repetition

22. Whoa. Calm down / calm down. Talk to me now.. 0:34:36 Yeah.

• Whole sentence repetition

29 I knew Max. 0:37:29

I care about Max also.

I’m / I'm just here to help you • Pronoun repetition

33 Yeah, my place. 0:40:55

My place is... No way.

Right. My place. Yeah, my place is shit. Mike Lowrey place. You right.


• Whole sentence repetition.

41 That / that ain't the point. 0:47:08

The point is if your partner pages you ... you might want to get back to your partner. I want to meet the man who whupped your ass. I want to meet who whupped Shaft's ass.

Look at me, man. You don't know what I've been through. My wife kicked me out of the house,

kicked me out of my happy home.

but you got to go off by your self. "I got this, partner." Bullshit.

• Demonstrative pronoun repetition.

49 I can see how it may throw you a little bit. 0:53:45 It's a cop thing.

These pictures are up here for every time he saved my life. If you go to his place ain't nothing but pictures of me. It's like a shrine. Just a / just a reminder.

• Article repetition

55 Give me the phone! / Give me the phone! 0:58:53 Baby

Whole sentence repetition

61 That’s / that's why I love him. Now, me? 1:01:52 • Demonstrative pronoun repetition


95 This... I could see how it would look a trip. 1:32:59 You see me run out. I got a shirt open.

You see Mike half-butt-naked.

Then you / then you see the white girl. So this looks like we having one big

orgy here, and ain't nobody humping. doing none of that.

It's not what it looks like. Hear what I'm saying. Baby, she's a material witness.

• Pronoun repetition

99 He steals our shit, kidnaps Julie, shoots at my wife. 1:49:40 We beating him down! / we beating him down!

• Whole sentence repetition

d. False Starts (un-retraced) [ \\ ]

From data II no False Starts (un-Retraced) was found.

e. False Starts (Retraced) [ \ ]

From data II no False Starts (Retraced) was found.

f. Corrections [ — ]

From data II, it was found that Corrections found in 8 data and happened 10 times as shown below:


together, a little bump and grind.

35 I feel like having your right now... 0:43:15 Oh well — It's honest money.

I'm a second generation rich kid.

39 I went undercover. 0:46:2 It required taking off the ring

for a second, but I got the ring. I just put my hand in my pocket

because that's where it was... and it's right back on, baby. Can I get a pillow?

Well — If it isn't the guy who doesn't return phone calls. Where have you been the last 12 hours?

I've been paging you all night.

We got a situation here and I think — you need to know about.

48 Sometimes I don't even look at my shelves. 0:53:34 I forget all the pictures were here.

That's my partner, Marcus Burnett — yeah, it’s my partner Marcus Burnett.

49 Well — I can see how it may throw you a little bit. 0:53:45 It's a cop thing.

These pictures are up here for every time he saved my life. If you go to his place ain't nothing but pictures of me. It's like a shrine. Just a reminder.

52 Yeah, it is kind of nice. 0:57:27


might as well dress like Mike.

I mean — i wanna be like Mike. Yeah. Well — "We" as in me and my partner. You wanted home protective custody. You're at my house.

72. I mean — do you just attract violent people? 1:15:14 73 Do you see the emotion I'm going through now? 1:15:53

That means this shit is serious.

I mean — me and this mother fucker's not vibing right now. That's what that means

• From the data, corrections only happen most in the beginning of constituent

g. Interjection [*…*]

From data II, it was found that Interjection happened only once as shown below:

27. Give me that! Give me the bat! You want to go out? Fine! 0:36:50 You don't want to believe me, you go at this shit alone!

*Oh* I forgot! The bad guys probably know where you live. Which means they're coming for your ass. Good luck.

• From the data, interjection only happens in the beginning of constituent

h. Stutters [ - - - ]

From data II, it was found that Stuttters found in 17 data and happened 19 times as shown below:

3. Look, wh-wh-wh-where's your cup holders? 0:01:18


My place is... No way.

Right. m-m-my place. Yeah, my place is shit. Mike Lowrey place. You right.

That's the best idea you came up with tonight. Wait here.

37 Y-y-y-you ain't with the bad guys now. 0:44:06 You're with the cops...

with Mike Lowrey.

Everything will be all right. Trust me. I'll be back.

I know there's no time to joke, but remember in the movie... All right.

41 That ain't the point. 0:47:08

The point is if your partner pages you ... you might want to get back to your partner. I want to meet the man who whupped your ass. I want to meet who whupped Shaft's ass.

Look at me, man. You don't know what I've been through. my-my-my wife kicked me out of the house,

kicked me out of my happy home.

But you got to go off by your self. "I got this, partner." Bullshit.

42 L-L-L-look, man... 0:48:04


50 Y-y-y-you're not listening. It's not registering. 0:54:23 Believe me. Did you sleep in the bed?

Didn't you feel the dents? The dents come from all that. That's how I get down

56 Hello? 0:59:05

Hey, man, d-d-d-don't play like that.

That's my family. Don't break up a happy home.

67 Goddamn. 1:10:55

y-y-you the man! You the fucking man tonight! You pick an ice cream truck that’s a damn bomb!

71. I'm not understanding. I-i-i-i really don't. 1:15:09

75 Now, y-y-you don't want that. 1:17:40

'Cause when I come...

76 Th-th-that ain't me. That's Marcus. 1:17:54 You know what I'm saying? He's the married one.

I come with the thunder

78 K-k-k-keep a guy like what? 1:18:35.

93. Y'all met? 1:31:51


I-i-i- I know, so let me...

94 He didn't tell you ... 1:32:31

I was coming in the airport early? Remember I said call her? Hold on. Tell her what I told you.


All right. I-i-i ain't even gonna... We're not arguing about this. I'm raising my... All right, here...

95 This... I could see how it would look a trip. 1:32:59 y-y-you see me run out. I got a shirt open.

y-y-you see Mike half-butt-naked. Then you see the white girl. So this looks like we having one big orgy here, and ain't nobody humping. doing none of that.

It's not what it looks like. Hear what I'm saying. Baby, she's a material witness.

97 Yeah, w-w-we're on the airfield now. 1:43:15

100 Julie, sweetie, you ... 1:53:49

y-y-you're a little dangerous.

• From the data, stutters happens most when Marcus utters the pronouns like

you, I,and we in the beginning of constituent.

4.3.2 Slips of the Tongue a. Antitipation [ ]

From data II, no Anticipation was found.

b. Perseveration [ →]


c. Reversal [ ]

From data II, no Repeats was found.

d. Blends [ ]

From data II, it was found that Blends found in 2 data and happened twice as shown below:

19 Why I got to be all that →allat? 0:22:31 23. Get Mike down here to hanle this →handlis. 0:35:12

• Blends happens only in the end of constituent.

e. Haplologies [ ]

From data II, no Haplologies was found

f. Misderivation [ ]

From data II, no Misderivation was found.

g. Word Substitution [ ]

From data II, it was found that Word Substitution in 6 data and happened 6 times as shown below:




Dokumen terkait

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