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Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree Sarjana Pendidikan

Risnati 20120540068

English Education Department Faculty of Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree Sarjana Pendidikan

Risnati 20120540068

English Education Department Faculty of Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


iii I am a student with the following identity:

Name : Risnati

NIM : 20120540068

Program Study : English Education Department

Faculty : Faculty of Language Education

University : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Certify that the skripsi entitled “An Error Analysis on Students’ Spelling in Writing at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta” is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this skripsi. Others’ opinion or findings included in this skripsi are quoted in accordance with ethical standard.

Yogyakarta, August 25th 2016

The researcher,



First of all, all praises be to Allah SWT who give me mercy and blessing, health, guidance, strength, help, and love during finishing my skripsi.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to my beloved parents, Bapak Wastar, Ibu Di’oh, who always pray for me, support and love me in my life. I dedicate this skripsi to both of you, Bapak and Ibuk. I love you so much, may Allah SWT always bless you. I am deeply thankful to my sweetest sisters, Kamelia Putri and Anggun

Agusthina Ramadhaniya, who always support me and love me. I am also grateful to my beloved grandma (Tarsuni), my beloved auntie (Nuri), and all of my big family, who always support, motivate, and love me, may Allah always bless you.

Special gratitude belongs to my beloved supervisor, Mrs. Maryam Sorohiti, S.S., M.H.Sc., for supporting, guiding, helping and encouragement me in finishing my skripsi. I also thank to my examiners, Mr. Puthut Ardianto, S.Pd. M.Pd., and Mrs. Sri Sudarsi, S.S., M. InT., for all suggestions and valuable comments to improve my skripsi. I also place my thanks to all the Lecturers of English Education Department

of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, for teaching and guiding me during my study in EED of UMY.



Special thanks to my beloved friends “Kongkowers”, Nova, Evita, Ghaisani,

Riza, Harahap, Ana, and April who always support, motivate, and help me, and all of my beloved friends at EED batch 2012 especially class B who cannot be mentioned one by one. Thanks for this friendship and togetherness. I also thanks for my beloved best friend, Ayu, Evi, Eno, A’ah, and Ukky, and for my beautiful ladies Mbak Leny, Marimar, Adnan, and Kori who always support and motivate me. I love you all guys, may Allah always bless you, amen.

Yogyakarta, August 2015



Cover ... i

Approval Sheet ... ii

Statement of work’s originality ... iii

Acknowledgement ... iv

Table of Contents ... vi

Abstract ... ix

Chapter One ... 1

Introduction ... 1

Background ... 1

Statement of the Problem ... 4

Limitation of the Problem ... 5

Research Question ... 5

The purpose of the Research ... 6

Significance of the Research ... 6

Outline of the Research ... 7



Spelling ... 9

Error ... 10

Error Analysis ... 11

Spelling Error ... 12

Types of Spelling Error ... 15

Review of Previous Studies ... 18

Conceptual Framework ... 19

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework... 21

Chapter Three ... 22

Methodology... 22

Research Design ... 22

Research Setting ... 22

Research Participant ... 23

The Data Collection Method ... 23

Data Analysis ... 24



The error that most frequently occurred in students’ writing ... 47

Chapter Five ... 51

Conclusion and Suggestion ... 51

Conclusion ... 51

Suggetion ... 52

References ... 54



writings, students frequently committed errors in spelling the English words. This research aimed to find out the types of spelling errors and the type of error that frequently occurs in students’ writing. This research used qualitative design and the instrument of this research was document analysis. This research conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta (senior high school). The researcher selected the participants by using convenience sampling and took 30 students’ hortatory texts from three classes of grade XI of Science Program. The result showed that students class XI Science Program (IPA) at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta committed ten categories of spelling errors. These ten categories covered omission of a letter, addition of a letter, single letter instead of double letter, double letter instead of single letter, substitution of one letter, interchange of two adjacent letters, involving an apostrophe, erroneous splitting or joining of words (word segmentation error), two or more error of the same type or of different types (multiple error), and sound based error. Meanwhile, the most frequently error that occurred in the students’ writings was single letter instead of double letter category.


Chapter One


This chapter describes the background that presents the reason of the researcher to choose the topic about spelling error. Besides, in this chapter, the researcher also talks about statement of the problem, limitation of the problem, research question, the purpose of the research, significance of the research, and the last is the outline of the research.


Writing is a difficult process even in the first language, and it is even more complicated to write in a foreign language (Hourani, 2008). In addition, Hourani (2008) said that there are many studies point out for the beginning EFL students, there tends to be intervention from their first language in the process of writing in English. According to Uusen (2012) writing has two components, there are contents and form. Content includes thought, idea, and the purpose of writing, while form includes handwriting, spelling, and syntax. Those are several things that students have to master in writing, included spelling.


spelling letter. From those reasons, students have to master spelling well and be careful in using spelling.

To make a good and meaningful word, language learners need to be aware about spelling. Based on the Oxford Dictionary (2008), spelling is an act of forming words correctly for individual letter. It is one of the things that are learned in

language lesson, especially in writing activity. Expressing words in written form should be accurate so that the meaning of word can be accepted clearly by the reader. To convey letter effectively, correct spelling is strongly required (Bancha, 2013). “Spelling rules are guides that will help the writers put their ideas into writing that can be understood by others” (Sanford, 1979, p. 436). It means spelling one of the significant aspects in students’ writing activity.


students confronted, whereas in the first language, students seldom find the words that contain vowel digraphs or consonant digraphs.

English is a unique language because sometimes English can spell one sound in several different ways. “In a word fun, the sound of (f) is spelled with an f. In photo, the same sound (f) is spelled with the letters ph. In the word rough, the same

sound is spelled with the letters gh” (Sanford, 1979, p. 448). Besides in English there is a homonym word. “The words to, too, and two are homonyms because they all sound alike but they are not spelled alike” (Sanford, 1979, p. 450).

Students face many difficulties when they write, especially in spelling (Al-zouod & Kabilan, 2013). In addition, students cannot express their ideas because they cannot spell words accurately. It means spelling can influence the student’s ideas in

their writing. If spelling can affect the idea of the students, then the students should be mastery spelling well. As known, there are so many words in English have the same pronunciation, but different spelling.

Similar difficulties were faced by students of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta (Senior High School). Based on the researcher’s teaching practice


assignment using laptop or computer which automatically detect and provide correction for the errors. Besides, the students used their gadget to help them in finishing their assignment. This condition made the students probably become less aware of the correct spelling when they had to write without computer or in


Based on the reasons above, the researcher was interested in carrying out a research on error analysis on students’ spelling in writing at SMA 3 Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Statement of the Problem

Communication can be expressed in spoken or written forms. In spoken English communication, people probably do not really care about the right spelling of English, whereas, in written form, incorrect letter will alter the word and the meaning of the word itself (Perveen & Akram, 2014). In other words, spelling error can make reader misunderstand about the meaning of the text and the misspelling will affect more in written form rather than in spoken because the clarification of the message conveyed, if needed, can not be done directly. Therefore, spelling should be taken into consideration when writing.


correction provided by computer. Even now students also use digital electronic, like gadget, tablet and others to find English word easily. This might make the students less aware of the right spelling in their writing. So, spelling errors in student’s writing are often found.

Limitation of the Problem

In writing, there are several categories of errors. AbiSharma (2003), divided the writing error into five categories, such as grammar (preposition, articles, and adjective), syntactic error (coordination and structure), lexical error, semantic, and substance/ mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, spelling). In this research, the researcher will only focus on substance/ mechanics especially on spelling. The researcher will focus on the spelling errors in writing hortatory text done by students of SMA Muhammdiyah 3 Yogyakarta. The researcher will not differentiate whether the spelling errors done by the students belong to the category of errors or mistakes proposed by Ellis (2000). In some cases of this research, the term errors and mistakes are used interchangeably. The researcher will focus in finding out the types of

spelling errors and the most frequently types of spelling errors in writing done by the students of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta.

Research Question


second, which type of the spelling error that most frequently occurs in students’ writing at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta.

The Purpose of the Research

The purposes of this study are to find out the types on students’ spelling error in writing at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta and to find out the type of the spelling error that most frequently occurs in students’ writing at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta.

Significance of the Research

This study has several advantages, such as:

For the researcher. This research can be helpful for the researcher as the prospective teacher. From the research, the researcher will know the method or strategy in teaching writing, especially in dealing with spelling. Besides, this research is a requirement for the researcher to graduate.

For the learners or readers. This research also can be useful for the learners or the readers to increase their knowledge. This research can also give the learners or readers understanding about spelling in written form. Besides, this research can increase the learners or the reader’s awareness about the importance of spelling in

writing activity, so that they may improve their spelling ability.


Outline of the Research

This research discusses the analysis of students’ misspelling in writing at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta students and there are five chapters in this research. The first chapter is about introduction that includes background which describes the reasons of choosing the topic, and then followed by statement of the problem, limitation of the problem, research question, the purpose of the research, significance of the research and outline of the research. The second chapter tells about literature review and conceptual framework. The chapter explains about the theory that is related to the topic. The theories will support the topic and theory will be taken from trusted resources.


Chapter Two

Literature Review

This chapter presents the literature review of the research. It discusses writing, spelling, error, error analysis, spelling error, and the last is conceptual framework. The disscusion will be based on the statement from the expert.


According to Hourani (2008), writing is a difficult process in the first

language and it is even more complicated to write in a foreign language. Writing is an important part in the process of learning any foreign language (Perveen & Akram, 2014). Another statement states writing is an outward expression of what is going in the writer’s mind (Hussain, Hanif, Asif, & Rehman, 2013). Writing skill in ESL is

challenging because students have to practice before and they also need to understand about what their write. According to Hussain et al (2013) “The ability to write is not naturally acquired skill. It is usually learned or culturally transmitted as a set of practices in formal instructional setting” (p.832). In fact, students need long process to practice for being capable in mastering writing skill.

Sattayatham & Ratanapinyowong’s (2008) study found the following:


an option to be courageous with the language, to go beyond what they have just learned to say, and takes the risks. Thirdly, when student write, they essential become concerned with the new language, the effort to express ideas and

constant use of eyes, hand, and brain is unique way to reinforce learning. (p.19). Writing has two components, such as contents (composition) and form

(secretarial aspect). Content includes thoughts, idea, and the purpose of writing, vocabulary, and clarity, while form includes handwriting, spelling, and syntax (Uusen, 2006). Writing does not only put the words in a blank paper, but it needs some process. According to Harmer (2007), “There are several processes in writing,

such as planning what we are going to write, drafting it, reviewing and the last is editing what we have written and then producing a final (and satisfactory) version” (p.113).



Spelling is a part of mechanical component of writing. Like the other skill, writing has mechanical components that include handwriting, spelling, punctuation, and the construction of well-formed sentences, paragraph, and texts (Harmer, 2004, p.44). The other statement comes from Hall (1983, p.414). He stated that one of the first steps in improving writing is to improve spelling. Accurate spelling in writing is important to avoid misunderstanding. In writing activity, we need to be aware of our spelling, so that the information can be delivered well. According to Croft (1983), the only possible justification for learning to spell is that accurate spelling is necessary for effective writing. If there is no need to communicate by writing, there is no need to learn to spell (p. 9). Moreover, according to Harmer (2001),

An issue that makes spelling difficult for several students is the fact that not all varieties of English spell the same words in the same way. Which is correct: color or colour, and theater or theatre? How do we decide between the use of s and z in words like apologise and customize. (p.256).



error in a simple way “if student cannot self-correct a mistake in their own English, we shall call that sort of mistake an error”. According to Harmer (2007),

Mistakes divide into 3 categories; there are slip, error, and attempts. Slips are mistakes which students can correct themselves, once the mistake has been pointed out them. The other way, errors are mistakes which they cannot correct themselves-and which, therefore, need explanation. Attempts are mistakes that students make when they try to say something but do not yet know how to say it. (p.96).

Error and mistake are two different things. According to Ellis (2000, p.17), errors reflect gaps in a learners knowledge; they occur because the learner does not know what is correct. On the other hand, mistakes occur because, in a particular instance, the learners are unable to perform what they know.

Error Analysis

Error analysis is an activity to reveal errors found in writing and speaking (Hasyim, 2002, p.43). Similarly, Barzegar (2013) stated “error analysis is a procedure used both researcher and teachers which involves collecting samples of learner


The other opinion comes from Hasyim (2002) who stated that

Error analysis is advantageous for both learners and teachers. Besides, benefit for students, error analysis is needed to show them in what aspect in grammar which is difficult for them, while for teachers, it is required to evaluate

themselves whether they are successful or not in teaching. Thus, error analysis should not be neglected in foreign language teaching. (p.42-43).

Thus, the definition explains that error analysis is a technique to investigate an error word and sentence in writing or speaking form.

Spelling Error

Botley, Hakim and Dillah (2007) stated, “spelling error are highly ubiquitous and contentious features of second language learners’ written performance” (p.75).

The other definition of spelling error is given by Al-jarf (2010); he said “Any faulty words, faulty graphemes (single vowel, single consonant, vowel digraphs, consonant digraphs, phonogram, suffix or prefix) within a word are counted as an error. Any graphemes that are added, deleted, substituted by another or reversed are counted as misspellings”. (p.9).

Spelling error usually occurs because the students cannot distinguish between letters and sound of the word when they write. According to Perveen & Akram (2014), “Sounds, letters, word parts, word meaning, and word history are those


language” (p.2605). Similarly, “A single sound (or more correctly, a single phoneme)

may have many different spelling (paw, poor, pore, pour, daughter, Sean), and the same spelling may have many different sound (or, word, information, worry, correspond)” (Harmer, 2001, p.256).

Spelling error still appears in large number in writing producing by learner; even drilling and training technique did in every school or university (Botley et al, 2007). According to Benyo (2014), spelling errors are due to these sound problems. The other statement, “One of the reasons that spelling is difficult for students of

English is that the correspondence between the sound of a word and the way it is spelt is not always obvious (Harmer, 2001, p.271). The other statement given by Al-zuoud & Kabilan, (2013) stated, many students produce misspelled word, which result in disconnected sentence.

According to Benyo (2014), bad spelling is a hindrance for the reader to get the meaning of written language. Awareness on spelling in the writing is necessary. According to Harmer (2004), “Learning of English need to be aware about how we use different spellings to distinguish between homophones (words that sound the same but are spelt differently) such as threw and through” (p.53).


Spelling problem can be classified into phonological and orthographic

problems. Phonological problems refer to errors in which the misspelled word does not sound like the target word because the whole word, consonant, vowel, syllable, prefix, suffix, grapheme cluster is not heard at all or misheard, or added with another, while orthographic problem refer to those instances in which the misspelled word sound like the written target word, but the written form or grapheme used for the misspelled part does not

correspondence with the target word or target grapheme. (p.6-7).

According to Coltheart (1985) and Henderson (1985) as quoted by Royer, Spinelli, and Ferrand (2005) “graphemes are commonly defined as the written representation

of phonemes”. (p.2).

Beside phonological and orthographic problems, the use of apostrophe in the word also affects spelling error if it misplace. In learning English, students need to understand how to use an apostrophe correctly. There are some rules in using an apostrophe. According to Straus (2008),


Besides, students’ first language (L1) usually affect in spelling. Hourani (2008) who pointed out that there tends to be intervention from the beginning ESL students’ first language in the process of writing in English. Whereas in Bahasa itself, there are several word that adopt from foreign language. According to Yulianto (2014) Indonesian language adopts element of several languages, both of local

language and foreign language, such as Sanskrit, Portuguese, Arabic, Dutch, Chinese, and English. Those reasons above may can cause spelling error in students’ writing.

Types of Spelling Error

The errors that occur on students are divided into several categories.

According to Bestgen and Granger (2011), the variables underlying the categorization are: the element that carries the error (letter, word, boundary, and apostrophe), and the error type (single letter addition, omission, substitution, transposition, and multiple errors letters). Similarly, according to Benyo (2014), many spelling errors are due to omission, addition, substitution, and transposition of the sounds. Based on the statement above, several types in spelling errors could happen in writing.

The other opinion comes from Elliot and Johnson (2008, p.6) who stated that there are several types of spelling error as the following:

1. Sound- based (homophones, incorrect consonant, and e for y, vowel sound error, and morpheme error).


3. Omission, commission and transposition (single or paired letters added, omitted or transposed).

4. Writing error (spacing, end of word missing). 5. Multiple errors.

According to Bestgen and Granger (2011), there are 9 categories of spelling errors. They are letter, word, boundary, apostrophe, single letter addition, omission, substitution, transposition, and multiple errors letters as seen in the following table:

Table 1. The categories of spelling

Categories of spelling error Example

Omission of a letter Completly-completely Concious-conscious Distinc-distinct Eople-people

Mecanisms-mechanisms Throghout-throughout Addition of a letter Develope-develop

Youngs-young Alledged-alleged Eightheen-eighteen Envolves-evolves Ridicoulous-ridiculous Single letter instead of double letter Especialy-especially


Occuring-occurring Double letter instead of single letter Appartments-apartments

Allmighty- Almighty Detailled- Detailed Loosing-losing

Proffessors-professors Substitution of one letter Lifes-lives

Dependend-dependent Consecuently-consequently Confortable-comfortable Engeneering-engineering Uncredible-incredible Interchange of two adjacent letter Concieved-conceived

Birht-birth Lfie-life


Entreprises-enterprises Involving an apostrophe Its-it’s

Womans-woman’s Childrens’-children’s Erroneous splitting or joining of words

(word segmentation error)

Business_man- businessman Every_one-everyone Free_time-freetime Every_day-everyday Air_pollution-airpollution Even_though-eventhough Two or more error of the same type or

of different types


Payed-paid Weter-whether Dustbinman-dustman Theirselves-themselves Beggining-beginning Configurating-configuring Divorcion-divorce


Based on the description above, the researcher will use Bestgen and Granger’s theory as guidance of this research.

Review of Previous Study

Sawalmeh (2013), carried out his research about error analysis of written English at university of Ha’il (Ha’il Saudi Arabia), and he took 32 male

undergraduates as a sample. He found ten common errors that committed by student, and including among them is spelling. From ten errors that found by Sawalmeh, spelling is occupied in the rank four mistakes did by learners. The result percentage shows that 11.6% of 100% is an error on spelling that committed by learners in their written work.

Meanwhile, Hendriwanto and Sugeng (2012) found fourteen common errors on student’s writing narrative task of their research about an analysis of the


conducted their study at SMA 6 Yogyakarta, and they took 30 participants that include of 17 female and 13 male. The age of participants was around 15 to 16years old and they were in the grade X.

The other research was done by AbiSarma (2003). In his research entitled “An Analysis of Errors in Arabic Speakers’ English Writing”, he classified error in

the writing into five categories, namely grammatical, syntactic, lexical, semantic, and substance. He collected the samples of 10 student’s written work in grade 9. The

highest numbers of errors found in substance, largely in spelling. Those previous study shows that spelling error is the one of problem that still happen on students in their writing activity.

Conceptual framework

Writing is one of the skills that are very important in learning English. According to Uusen (2006) writing has two components, such as contents

(composition) and form (secretarial aspect). In this study, the researcher wants to carry out a research about spelling as one of the component in writing in terms of form or secretarial aspect. The researcher will only describe spelling errors in students’ writing activity.


(2011) who categorize nine spelling errors in writing. They are letter, word,


Figure 1: Conceptual framework

Categories Spelling error based on Bestgen & Granger (2011)

Addition of a letter

Omission of a letter

Substitution of one letter

Singel letter Instead of double

Letter Double letter instead of singel


Interchange of two adjecent letter

Error involving an apostrophe

Word segmentation error


Chapter Three

Research Methodology

This chapter describes the methodology of the research. It consists of four parts, namely research design, setting and participant, data collection method, and data analysis.

Research Design

This research applied qualitative approach. According to Bogdan and Taylor (1975) as quoted by Moleong (2002), qualitative research is a research method that reports descriptive data of a certain kind of written or oral form from the people as the participants of the research. This research aimed to describe the types of spelling error on students’ text written by students at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta, so the qualitative design was suitable for this research. The researcher also enclosed a calculation of the occurrence of the type of spelling errors were found from students’ hortatory text. According to Perry (2008) numbers in the form of frequencies of certain phenomena can be used in qualitative research.

Research Setting


wanted to do the research about spelling error. Based on the researcher’s observation when conducting teaching practice at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta, the researcher found spelling errors in students’ writing. Besides, at SMA

Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta, students were often given a task to write texts, like genre and functional text by handwriting. Therefore, the researcher was interested in identifying the spelling errors they made by taking this school as the setting of this research.

Research Participants

The participants of this research were the students of Class XI, Science Program (IPA). There were 30 students from three classes as the participants. So there were 30 texts of hortatory exposition assignments that were be analysed. The reason of choosing class XI Science Program as the participants was because the data needed were only available in class XI Science Program during the data gathering time. Other classes only provided the group writing work which was not suitable to the researcher’s need. The 30 participants were chosen using convenience sampling from three classes. These 30 participants were selected based on the readability of their writing work. It means the researcher could read and understand their writing. The Data Collection Method


data qualitative study, and they give the advantage of being in language and words of the participants. They also ready to analyze without the necessary transcription.

For the data collection method, the researcher collected the documentation of student’s writing test from three classes of students XI Science Program (IPA) at SMA Muhammadiya 3 Yogyakarta. The data were taken from hortatory exposition text written by handwriting and there were three topics of hortatory text, namely “Illegal Logging, Students’ Fighting, and Consuming Drugs”. There were 100-250 words in each paper. The researcher got the data with the permission from the teacher.

Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher analysed the errors on spelling in students’ writing text by re-typing students’ hortatory text. The next step, the researcher identified the students’ spelling errors using spelling checker, both


Chapter Four

Findings and Discussion

This chapter presents the findings of the research. It shows the answer of the research questions of the research. There are two research questions in this research. The first research question is “What are the types of students’ spelling errors in writing at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta” and the second is “Which types of the spelling error that frequently occur in students’ writing at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta”. The findings are followed by the discussion.

The findings of this research were taken from the analysis hortatory text from 30 students of class XI, Science Program (IPA) at SMA Muhammadiyah 3

Yogyakarta. There are two main categories of findings uncovered based on the research question of the research. The first is the type of spelling errors made by the students, and the second is the error that frequently occurs on the student’s spelling.

The type of spelling errors which occurred on students’ writing of class XI, Science Program at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. Based on the data analysis, the researcher found 201 spelling error in 30 students’ hortatory texts of


Table 2. Categories found in students’ writing

Categories of spelling error Occurrence of error Percentage (%)

Omission of a letter 27 13.4%

Addition of a letter 14 6.9%

Single letter instead of double letter 43 21.4% Double letter instead of single letter 5 2.6%

Substitution of one letter 33 16.5%

Interchange two adjacent letters 13 6.6% Error involving an apostrophe 10 4.9% Erroneous splitting or joining of words

(word segmentation error)

16 7.9%

Two or more errors of the same type or different types (multiple errors)

34 16.9%

Sound based error 6 2.9%

Total errors 201 100%


apostrophe (4.9%), word segmentation error (7.9%), multiple errors (20.9%), and sound based error (2.9%).

The researcher classified the errors based on the ten categories above, and the researcher also involved the discussion of the finding of the research.

Omission of a Letter


Omission form is the first category of error type. It occurred when students missed a letter of a word. From the data, it was found that the students did the omission in their writing as seen in the table.

Table 3. The error of omission letter in the spelling

Categories of Spelling Error

Spelling Error Identification

Corrected Spelling Error

Omission Participant 3

1. For those reasons the goverment should make a big forceful and strong effort to ban illegal logging.

Participant 3

1. For those reasons the government should make a big forceful and strong effort to ban illegal logging. Participant 17

2. Morover drug


damaging the soul. damaging the soul. Participant 30

3. More again can make people difficultes to find water in summer.

Participant 30

3. More again can make people difficulties to find water in summer.

In the first sample, participant 3 wrote the word “government” incorrectly as

“goverment”, so the word “government” misses letter n. While in the second sample, the error occurred in the word “moreover” which was incorrectly written as

“morover”. The same error was also found in the third sample. The students missed a letter i in the word “difficulties” written incorrectly as “difficultes”.


Addition of a Letter


The second category of error is addition form. Based on the findings, the students committed addition form in their hortatory texts as seen in the sample below.

Table 4. The error of addition letter in the spelling

Categories of Spelling Error

Spelling Error Identification

Corrected Spelling Error

Addition Participant 20

1. The impact is harm themeselves.

Participant 20

1. The impact is harm themselves.

Participant 22

2. Drug is an abbreviation of narcotic and other dangerious medicines.

Participant 22 2. Drug is an

abbreviation of narcotic and other dangerous medicines


Those samples are the indication of the errors in addition category. This category occurred when students added a letter in a word. The finding above is in conformity with Al-jarf (2010) who stated that misspellings happen when any graphemes are added, deleted, substituted by another or reversed.

Single Letter Instead of Double Letter


Single letter instead of double letter occurs when the students miss a letter in a word that contains double letter. Table 5 below shows several samples of error words made by the students.

Table 5. The Error of Single letter instead of double letter in the spelling

Categories of Spelling Error

Spelling Error Identification

Corrected Spelling Error

Single letter instead of double letter

Participant 13

1. Drug should be stoped of some reason.

Participant 13 1. Drug should be

stopped of some reason.

Participant 13

2. They just think about how to get much money to buy drug as many as they need and

Participant 13


they don’t think about

tomorow and future.

and they don’t think

about tomorrow and future.

Participant 25

3. We know that illegal loging have bad effect for nature.

Participant 25

3. We know that illegal logging have bad effect for nature.

The first sentence written by participant 13 above shows, the error in the word

“stopped” which was incorrectly written as “stoped”. In that word, the student only put single p in a word that contained double p. The same error was also found in the second sentence, the error can be seen in the word “tomorrow” which was incorrectly written as “tomorow”. The students only put single r in the middle of word that contained double r. The same error also occurred in the third sample. In the third sample, participant 25 wrote the word “logging” incorrectly as “loging”.


theory of Hourani (2008) who said there are many studies pointing out for the

beginning EFL students and there tends to be intervention from their first language in the process of writing in English.

Double Letter Instead of Single Letter

The next category of error is double letter instead of single letter. This category occurs when students added double letter in a word that should be single letter. Based on the findings, there were only five errors were found by the researcher in the students’ hortatory texts. The following table is the sample of double letter instead of single letter category.

Table 6. The Error of Double letter instead of single letter in the spelling

Categories of Spelling Error

Spelling Error Identification

Corrected Spelling Error

Double letter instead of single letter

Participant 15


1. Students fighting can make bad name or bad reputation of school because students fighting beetween school if often the case with school and police.

Participant 15


school and police. Participant 3

2. The trees in the forest which is usually water absorbent to provide a source of water for the benefit of the local community as well as the plants and animals arround him.

Participant 3

2. The trees in the forest which is usually water absorbent to provide a source of water for the benefit of the local

community as well as the plants and animals around him.

The table above shows several words that contain errors in this category. In the first sample, participant 15 put double letters in the word “between” which was erroneously written as “beetween”, while in the second sample, the error occurred in the word “around” written erroneously as “arround. The sample above is the indication of the error in double letter instead of single letter category.


letter r in the word “around” is double, while the letter “e” in the word “between” is assumed as double “e” (beetween).

Substitution of One Letter


The next category of error in spelling is substitution. The sample of the error in this category can be seen in table below.

Table 7. The Error of Substitution of One Letter in the spelling

Categories of Spelling Error

Spelling Error Identification

Corrected Spelling Error

Substitution Participant 9

1. Illegal logging cause natural disaster, for example is flooding, landslide, watershed erotion.

Participant 9

1. Illegal logging cause natural disaster, for example is flooding, landslide, watershed erosion.

Participant 22

2. The main factor that couses teens to use drug is crisis of identity.

Participant 22

2. The main factor that causes teens to use drug is crisis of identity.


3. Drug can cause nerve disolders disrupting the work of the heart in creased blood pressure.

3. Drug can cause nerve disorders disrupting the work of the heart in creased blood pressure.

The table above shows several samples of error in substitution category. The first sample shows the error in the word “erosion” which was erroneously written as

“erotion”. While, in the second sample shows the error in the word “causes” written erroneously as “couses”. In the last sample, the error was found in the word

“disorders” which was erroneously written as “disolders”.


Interchange of Two Adjacent Letters

Interchange of two adjacent letters forms is the sixth category of error type. The researcher found 12 word error occurrences in 30 students’ hortatory task. The


samples of this category can be seen in the following table.

Table 8. Interchange of two adjacent letters in the spelling

Categories of Spelling Error

Spelling Error Identification

Corrected Spelling Error

Interchange of two adjacent

Participant 6

1. Not only the score down or ugly but the school also recevied its adverse effect.

Participant 6

1. Not only the score down or ugly but the school also received its adverse effect. Participant 19

2. It’s like distrubing people who near the location.

Participant 19

2. It’s like disturbing people who near the location.

Participant 20

3. If the student want to go to school or come home from school will

Participant 20


be disturbing, and they were from another school if wearing unifrom bearing the name of school will be disturbing.

be disturbing, and they were from another school if wearing uniform bearing the name of school will be disturbing.

The table above shows three samples contained errors of two adjacent letters. The first sample occurred in the word “received” which was incorrectly written as “recevied”. Meanwhile, in the second sample the error occurred in the word

“disturbing” which was incorrectly written as “distrubing”. The third sample, the error was found in the word “uniform” written incorrectly as “unifrom”.

These samples are the representation of the error in interchange of two adjacent letter forms. Interchange of two adjacent means misplace of two letters in a word as seen in the sample above.

Error Involving an Apostrophe


Table 9. Error involving an apostrophe in the spelling

Categories of Spelling Error

Spelling Error Identification

Corrected Spelling Error

Error involving an apostrophe

Participant 25 1. Forest is our heart

world if forest has been broke we dont have fresh air to breath.

Participant 25 1. Forest is our heart

world if forest has been broke we don’t have fresh air to breath.

Participant 4

2. Studen’t fighting

should be avoid because it is a bad for them and all of society school.

Participant 4

2. Student’ fighting

should be avoid because it is a bad for them and all of society school

The example of the errors in this category can be seen in the table above. The sample from participant 25 shows an error in the word “don’t” written incorrectly as


Those findings are the reflection of the error of this category. The findings show the error in using an apostrophe, and based on the samples above, the participants made errors in using an apostrophe in a word. The words written by participants were not in accordance with Straus (2008). According to her,

When using the apostrophe with contractions, the apostrophe is always placed at the spot where the letter (s) has been removed, for example like “don’t”,

isn’t and many others. Meanwhile, when using the apostrophe with the possession, the place of the apostrophe is before the s to show singular possession, for example “Mr. Chang’s house”. (p.63).

Erroneous splitting or joining of words (Word Segmentation Error)

Word segmentation error means a word that includes joining two words without space. There were 16 word segmentation errors found in the students’

hortatory texts. In table 10, there were the samples of sentences that contained the word segmentation error made by the students in their writing text.


Table 10. Erroneous splitting or joining of words (Word segmentation error) in the spelling

Categories of Spelling Error

Spelling Error Identification

Corrected Spelling Error

Word segmentation error Participant 15

Students fighting have a negative effect for them selves and school.

Participant 19

1. Students fighting have a negative effect for themselves and school.

Participant 28

1. Student fight can injure your self.

Participant 28 2. Student fight can

injure yourself. Participant 18


3. Alot of student dont prepare for their school but they prepare to fighting.

Participant 18

2. A lot of student dont prepare for their school but they prepare to fighting.


sample shows the error occurred in the word “a lot” written incorrectly as “alot”. Those three samples are the indication of the error in word segmentation error form.

Based on the analysis of this category, the problem occurred because the word included two words, so the students wrote these words using space. Meanwhile, in the word “a lot”, it occurred because the students probably thought that these words were joining word, so they wrote these word without space which should be “a lot” (with space), or this problem probably happened because of the way the word was pronounced as one sound /lɒt/.

Two or More Error of the Same Type or of the Different Types (Multiple Errors)

The ninth category is multiple errors. This category occurs when two or more errors contained in a word. The researcher found 34 word errors in this category taken from 30 documentations of students’ hortatory texts. There are several samples of


Table 11. Two or more error of the same type or of the different types (multiple error) in the spelling

Categories of Spelling Error

Spelling Error Identification

Corrected Spelling Error

Two or more error of the same type

Participant 13

1. For those reason, we should not try to consume the drug because the drug is very dangerous for our self.

Participan 13

1. For those reason, we should not try to consume the drug because the drug is very dangerous for ourselves.

Participant 4

2. Student’s fighting can injury theirself because they are fight with danger weapon.

Participant 4

2. Student’s fighting can injury themselves because they are fight with danger weapon. Participant 24

3. So, I recommendation if the ilegal logging must stop imideatty because it can broke

Participant 24

3. So, I recommendation if the ilegal logging must stop


our earth. it can broke our earth.

The table above gives three samples of errors included in multiple error categories. In the first sample, the error was found in the word “ourselves” which was erroneously written as “our self”. In thus word, participant 13 wrote the word

“ourselves” with a space between “our” and “self”. This participant also wrote


These errors are the representation of the multiple error form. This category occurs when a word contains two or more errors; and the samples above are in accordance with the example given by Bestgen and Granger (2011) presented in the previous chapter.

Sound Based Error


The last category of the error is sound based error. The researcher only found six errors in this category, and the following table is the example of sound based error form.

Table 12. Sound based error in spelling

Categories of Spelling Error

Spelling Error Identification

Corrected Spelling Error

Sound based Participant 12

1. It can causing a land side, because when rain, there nothing to absorb the water because nothing three live in here.

Participant 12

1. It can causing a land side, because when rain, there nothing to absorb the water because nothing tree live in here.

Participant 3 2. We also need to


preserve nature by do not illegal logging to the live the feature generation.

preserve nature by do not illegal logging to the live the future generation.

Participant 11

3. They only thing about now to get a money

Participant 11

They only think about now to get a money

As the researcher explained earlier, there are several words in English that have different spelling but have same sound or homophone. The table above shows several examples of the last category of errors. The first example of the error was found in the word “tree”. As seen at the sentence in the table number 1, the students wanted to write a word “tree” /tri:/, but it was erroneously written with the word

“three” /θriː/. It might happen because the students did not familiar how to pronounce the word that contains “th” /θ/. In the next sample, the error was also found in the word “future” /fju.tʃə r /, but it was mistakenly written in “feature” /fi.tʃə r /. Then the third sample was found in word “think”/θɪŋk/, the student made a mistake by writing “thing”/θɪŋ/. It might occur because both words have similar pronunciation.


sound but different spelling that is called homophone. Those findings are in

conformity with Harmer (2004) who said that in learning English, the learners need to be aware about how to use different spellings to distinguish between homophones (words that sound the same but are spelt differently) such as threw and through.

Besides, the researcher also found word error in students’ hortatory texts that

are not included in those ten categories. The word that cannot be included in those ten categories is word “reforestation” written incorrectly as “reboisation”. Based on the researcher analysis, it occurred because of the influence of students’ L1. In students’

L1, there were several words adopted from foreign language. According to Yulianto (2014) Indonesian language adopts element of several languages, both of local

language and foreign language, such as Sanskrit, Portuguese, Arabic, Dutch, Chinese, and English. Based on the explanation above, students’ L1 can influence their writing

especially in spelling. This can be proven from several samples above, and this finding confirms Hourani (2008) who pointed out that there tends to be intervention from the beginning ESL students’ first language in the process of writing in English.

The error that most frequently occurred in students’ spelling of class XI, Science


Table 13. Total error

Categories of Error Percentage (%)

Single letter instead of double letter 21.4% Two or more errors of the same type or different types (multiple



Substitution of one letter 16.5%

Omission of a letter 13.4%

Erroneous splitting or joining of words (word segmentation error)


Addition of a letter 6.9%

Interchange of two adjacent letters 4.9%

Error involving an apostrophe 2.9%

Sound based error 2.9%

Double letter instead of single letter 2.6%


Figure 2: The type of spelling error based on the highest occurrence

Based on the chart above, there were ten categories of errors made by the students, and the category that occupies the highest number is single letter instead of double letter, and then followed by multiple errors, substitution, omission, word segmentation errors, addition, interchange of two adjacent, involving an apostrophe, sound based, ,and the double letter instead of single letter lowest.

Single letter instead of double letter

Multiple errors



Word segmentation error



Error involving an apostrophe

Sound based


The single letter instead of double letter is the highest number of ten

categories. According to the researcher’s analysis, this probably occurs because it is related to students’ L1. This finding is similar to Hourani (2008) as the researcher

explained before. In the students’ L1, there is seldom found a word that contained of

digraph or double letter, and it found only in a word that contained of suffix, inserted, and prefix, for example like in word menunjukkan, menggunakan, menggarisbawahi, and others.

Based on the researcher analysis, those ten categories of error occurred


Chapter Five

Conclusion and Suggestion

The last chapter of this research presents two main parts namely the

conclusion and the suggestion. The first, the researcher provides the conclusion of the research. In the second part, the researcher gives several suggestions for the students or readers, next researcher, and teachers.


This study focused the types of spelling errors made by students class XI, Science Program at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 in their written task. Based on the findings and the discussions, it could be concluded that students at class XI, science program in this study committed ten categories of spelling errors. Those categories included omission of a letter, addition of a letter, single letter instead of double letter, double letter instead of single letter, substitution of one letter, interchange two

adjacent letters, error involving an apostrophe, word segmentation error, multiple errors, and sound based error. Those categories answered the first research question of this study. The errors were found by collecting the documentation of 30 students’


(2010). In addition, error can also occur in students writing because the influence of students’ L1, as said by Hourani (2008).

Related to the second research question of this study, the most error that frequently occurs in the students’ spelling was single letter instead of double letter

with the percentage of 21.4% , and the second highest error was multiple errors (16.9%), followed by substitution of one letter (16.5%), omission of a letter (13.4%), word segmentation errors (7.9%), addition of a letter (6.9%), interchange of two adjacent letters (4.9%), error involving an apostrophe (2.9%), sound based error (2.9%), and the lowest error was double letter instead of single letter with percentage (2.6%). The number of the percentage above shows that spelling errors still happened in students’ writing activity.


Based on the result, this research provides several recommendations for the students or readers, the next researchers, and the teachers.


Next Researchers. Based on findings of the research about the types of students’ spelling errors at class XI, science program at SMA Muhammadiyah 3

Yogyakarta, the researcher suggests the next researchers who are interested doing the same topic to intensely research on different focuses or different methodology, such as using quantitative to explore the fact.


Appendix 1. Document of students’ hortatory

Participant: 1 Student Fighting

Studen’t fighting should be avoided mak many negative

effect for all student and society. Student fighting make friendship is broken, the type of effect is like:

First, student fighting can make many students injured. Many student injured because they use sharp weapon when they student fighting.


Second, the student fighting can be chaos on comunity. Student fighting can be chaos on comunity because student fighting make noise on local community.

Third, student fighting can be issued from their school. Because their damaging reputation school.

Four, student fighting also can die human. It’ so harm to us.

For the reason listed above, we must make positive activity for student and should not be join us student fighting.

Participant: 4 Student’s Fighting

Studen’t fighting should be avoided because it is a bad for

them and all of society school. But it’s like virus on student’s life


increase their confidence The danger of students fighting:

First, when their gank have a rules to required their member to meet in everytime made the student can not studying well. So, that is make the score of studen’t go down and bad.


Second, student’s fighting can injury theirself because they are fight with danger weapon.

Third, student’s fighting can disturb all of people because it can

destroyed public facilities

So, don’t ever try student’s fight it can dangerous your life

and other the people. Participant: 7 Consume Drug

Many teenagers have consum drug because their social

envionment and maybe they have some problems. For example she or he has a bad friend and affect to her or him. In the other side, maybe she or he have some problems with their family that make him or her under preasure, depression, stressed and they prefer to consuming drug for make them confrontable with their situation when they have a problem.


even change a person’s body and brain in ways that. Last long after

the person has stopped taking drugs, maybe even permanently. Second, drug is very expensive. Because difficult to get it. And it is illegal stuff. if it does not money. Anymore the drug users. Can become criminal to get the money for buy drug.

Third, drug cause many diseasse. It is not only cancer. But also brain damage, HIV and die.

For the reason listed above, we must keep away and not consume drug. We have to choose a good friend, keep our school

enviorenment and solve our problems. We must know, that drug have many negative effect. So, never try consuming drug. Participant: 15 Theme: Students Fighting

Thesis: Student fighting should be avoid because something or reason


First, student fighting is a war between the school and other school. The students battle with other student can make them injury or death. Student fighting have a negative effect for them selves and school name, and negative effects for people.


are not care it. They are not aware it’s all. Because maybe disturb people or public.

Thirdly, students fighting can make bad name or bad reputation of school because students fighting beetween school if often the case with school and police. Brawl often occurs because of a poble erratic or mutral vility each other with any other school. Recomendation :

Student fighting must be stoped because it can make themselves injury, hurt, many people and damage public facility, so we should avoid it.

Participant: 16 Consuming Drugs

In modern times, the drugs are not something sure. Drugs have spread in almost all carners of the world. Drugs not only know by adults but the teenagers also know. Because the teens have a great curiosity, surely they want to try to consume them. Hawever the drugs have an effect that is not good for consumption.

St, religion and state prohibits using drugs. While in

country for those who create, consume, sell, buy, and distribute the drugs can be subject to imprisonment or fines and it is olready govermed by state law.


consequently no direct effect. Drugs can cause hallucination, nerve disorders, disrupting the work of the heart. Increased blood

pressure, lung disorders, and the most vulnerable are that drugs can cause AIDS.

Thirdly, drugs can lead to criminality. It is because usually the addicts wo wish to have goods but cannot afford to buy it. So, they commit crimes to get money to by it.

Therefore, an affective national campaign about the dangers of drugs by all compones of the nation mus be done, especially teenagers, to keep young people from harm for the pragies of nation and does not damage the mordle of nation only because of drugs.

Participant: 17 Consuming Drug

Teenagers should not consume drug, because of some reason. Taking drug is very dangerous for the body.

First, in general all types or drug attack the nerve, so the cool think even then be distrubed, the drug also lead to crime this is because usualy addict who when to own think but can not afford to buy it. They can crimes to get it.


the community. Drug can be harmful to healthy if consumed. Morover drug damaging the soul. One thing is certain that alnost all kind of attack the control nervos the user brain power reduce due to drug interference.

We can conclude that drug is thing dangerous for is user other people and ration. Therefor let is stay away form drug by saving not to the danger of drug and much more because without drug our live would be more meaningfull with drug our life be full of miserable.

Participant: 19 Theme: student’s fighting should be avoided because of some reasons


Arguments: First, student fighting is duel between one school and other school. This is very dangerous for the student. Student fighting can make the people who do it become injury, disability and it can be someone do it dead.

Second, student fighting give very negative impact. It’s like

distrubing people who near the location, damaging facilities cause some facilities near that will be damage, and many more again. With a lot of damage facilities it can also harm himself because a lot of trouble some other people.


bad and it can very bad. Because their student do it the school repotation to be bad in the eyes of many people or society. and that can make enmity between one school and other school. Recomendation: for those reason, we can think that student fighting can hurt many people, and in fact the repotation their school will be bad in the eyes of many people. And we should avoid it.

Participant: 20 Student Fighting

Students’s fighting should be avoided because of some reasons.

First, students fighting is a war between one school and other school. Student fighting can make the people who do it injury, disability, and death. Usually, people who like to fight if he saw the name of school in the uniform of they enemy, they would hurt people who wear the uniform, infact he didn’t do anything or take a part in the brawl. So, brawl can injure and hurt people who do not understand and guilt.

Second, student fighting give negative impact. It’s like disturbing


Third, student fighting can make the school repotation bad. Because the war. In addition, student who do not understand anything and did not do the brawl feel afraid and insecure. If the student want to go to school or come home from school will be disturbing, and they were from another school if wearing unifroms bearing the name of the school will be disturbing, and they were from another school who fought with the school insecurity is often perceived.


In conclusion, in my opinion student fighting is a negative action from the student habit. It makes some people insecure. The impact is harm themeselves. Do fight just make your life never calm. So, we should avoid it.

Participant: 25 Illegal loging

We know that illegal loging have bad effect for nature. So I think illegal loging must be stoped imidiatly before it broke another things. Illegal loging have money bad effect for human, for exemple it can make flood and land side.


Second forest is home of the flora and fauna on the earth. If the forest gone animal will come out from forest to city, and distrubing people at city. The most dangerous thing is it can become animal extinetion.

The final thing if forest gone can make our enviretment not stable and make world climate have change, its very danger. If that become continuesly it can made big global worming. If global worming growing klimaks it can drawn.


So I recomendate you to stop illegal loging because it can make very big effect to earth. Illegal loging must stop before we lost our flora and fauna. Illegal loging make our earth become very hot temperatur, every year we have rising temperatur about 10C hotter then usual, stop illegal loging before we have extiontion. Participant: 27 Illegal Logging

The illegal logging is the activity of human in exploitation of forest without goverment permission and replant it. It reaches up to 30 % of the cruel exploitation of it.


hot. after that illegal logging must be stop it. If you care your environtmen.

Illegal logging keep going there’s no reforestation can make earth

it will damanged. Since it can make atmosfer is getting thinner so it you wanna better life and the world is more fresh don’t do illegal

logging and let’s do reforestation together for better life and fresh water.

Participant: 28 Student’ Fighting

Many student flight in school and in street. Students fight should never be done because student fight useless.

First, if students fight it will broke it future. student fight can injure your self. Students from another school a stone to hit with a bat, even they can hurt us with a dangerous weapon.

Second, students make they no focus study, and many negative thinking over emosional and nothing happy. Student fight also can cause got a many problems.

Third, student fighting make our body broken, even it can their die. How sad if we die because student fight? our teenager time is useless.


life benefit to our better future. Participant: 30 Illegal logging

Illegal logging is very dangerous because can cause animals attacking people. Because animals have no more food in the forest, and animals doesn’t have a place again.

Morever a illegal logging’s effect is global warming, flood, landsides drought. More again can make people difficultes to find water in summer. What more illegal logging can makes weather so hot. After that illegal logging must be stop it. If you care your environtmen.

Illegal logging keep going there’s no reforestarion can make earth

it will damanged. Since it can make atmosfer is getting thinner so it you wanna better life and the world is more fresh don’t do illegal logging and let’s do reforestation together for better life and fresh


Appendix 2. List of words errors

Table 14. Classification of error based on the Bestgen and Granger (2011) categories

No Word Error Omission Addition Single Letter Double Letter Substitut ion Intercha nge Involving an Apostrophe Word Segmenta tion Error Multiple Error Sound Based

Target Word Occ urre nce

1 Succes √ Success I

2 Three √ Tree I

3 Stoped √ Stopped IIIII

4 Halucinogenic √ Hallucinogen



5 Adicted √ Addicted I

6 Tomorow √ Tomorrow I

7 Our self √ Ourselves I


9 Some thing √ Something I

10 Them selves √ Themselves IIII

11 Recomendatio n

√ Recommend



12 Discrubing √ Disturbing I

13 Beetween √ Between I

14 Hawever √ However I

15 Olready √ Already I

16 Govermed / Goverment/ ‘s

√ Government IIIII


17 Wo √ Who I

18 Compones Components I

19 Mus √ Must I


21 Distrub/ Distrubed/ distrubing

√ Disturb/

Disturbed/ disturbing


22 Usualy √ Usually I

23 Morover √ Moreover II

24 Form √ From I

25 Strenght √ Strength I

26 Alot √ A lot II

27 Dont √ Don’t III

28 Facilite √ I

29 Adition √ Addition I

30 Repotation √ Reputation IIII



Table 1. The categories of spelling
Figure 1: Conceptual framework
Table 2. Categories found in students’ writing
Table 3. The error of omission letter in the spelling


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