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The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia Method on Students' Vocabulary Mastery (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Eighth Grade of Students of SMP N 166 Jakarta in the Academic Year 2015/2016)


Academic year: 2017

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The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia Method

on Students’

Vocabulary Mastery

(A Quasi-Experimental Study at The Eighth Grade of Students of 166 Junior High School Jakarta)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Language Education

By :

Anggita Alfiani








Anggita Alfiani (1112014000058) 2017. The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia Method on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (A Quasi- Experimental study at Eighth Grade in 166 Junior High School at South Jakarta academic year

2015/2016), Skripsi, The Department of English Education, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching science, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advisor I : Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd. Advisor II : Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed.

Key Words : Suggestopedia, Vocabulary.

The aim of this study is to find the empirical evidence about effectiveness of Suggestopedia Method on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery, which was observed and analyzed from students of eighth grade at 166 Junior High School Jakarta.

The method of this study is quantitative by taking 60 students as the sample from 252 students of populations. The sample of students was divided into two classes; 30 Students for experimental class and 30 students for controlled class. Before giving treatment, the writer gave pre-test. Then the writer taught in the experimental class by using suggestopedia method and in control class with cooperative learning.

The writer gave the test to both classes. The scores of pre-test and post-test were collected from twenty five vocabulary post-tests which divided into fifteen multiple-choice questions and ten word-matching task, then, it was analyzed by using t- test.

The finding of this study shows that suggestopedia method was effective to

teach students’ vocabulary. It is proved by t count (7.62) which is higher than t table



Eighth Grade in 166 Junior High School at South Jakarta academic year

2015/2016). Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017.

Dosen Pembimbing I : Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd. Dosen Pembimbing II : Yenny Rajmawati, M.Ed.

Kata Kunci : Metode Suggestopedia, Kosakata

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan efektivitas metode suggestopedia dalam penguasaan kosakata bahasa inggris siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dan dianalisis pada siswa kelas delapan di SMP N 166 Jakarta.

Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan mengambil 60 siswa sebagai sampel dari 252 populasi yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelas: 30 siswa untuk kelas eksperimen dan 30 siswa untuk kelas kontrol. Sebelum memberikan pengajaran menggunakan metode suggestopedia, peneliti memberikan pra-tes. Kemudian peneliti mengajar di kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan metode suggestopedia dan dikelas control menggunakan pembelajaran kooperatif.

Peneliti memberikan pos-tes kepada kedua kelas. Pada analisis data penilaian pra-tes dan pos-tes menggunakan dua puluh lima soal tes kosakata yang terbagi dalam lima belas pertanyaan pilihan ganda dan sepuluh soal mencocokkan kata setelah itu di analisis dengan menggunakan rumus t-test.

Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode suggestopedia efektiv dalam pengajaran penguasaan kosakata siswa. Terbukti dari besarnya t hitung 7.62 >

t tabel pada signifikan (1.672). Hasil ini dianggap bahwa null hypothesis (Ho) ditolak




In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praised is due to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given His loving and blessing to the writer to finish her “Skripsi”. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his followers.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contributions to all of lecturers, institution, family and friends who have contributed in the different ways. Hence, this “Skripsi” is processed until it becomes a complete writing which will be presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching science in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree S.Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Education.

The first, the writer would like to thank to her beloved parents R. Suharyadi, S.E, Riri Attin and her brother Feby Hariansyah who always pray, support in every single aspect, and motivate her to finish her study. The writer also would like to give her sincere and deepest thanks to her advisors, Mrs. Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd, and Mrs. Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed., who have given the precious help, the guidance, and the advice patiently to the writer during the completion and the development of the study.

Then, the writer also realizes that she will never finish this paper without the help and contribution of people around her. Therefore, the writer would like to give her best gratitude and appreciations to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MA., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching science Syarif Hidayatullah, State Islamic University Jakarta.

2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the Head of the Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, as the Secretary of the Department of English Education. 4. All lecturers in The Department of English Education who always give the writer

motivation and valuable knowledge during her study.



6. The headmaster of SMP N 166 Jakarta, Mr. Muhammad Ermawan, S.Pd, M.M, and all of the teachers and staffs there for the support, and guidance.

7. All students of the eighth grade of SMP N 166 Jakarta as the participants of this study and especially the English Teacher, Ms. Fatmi Titiek, S.Pd.

8. Zainal Fikri, her most enthusiastic cheerleader in life. Thank you for the pray and support.

The words are not enough to say many appreciations for their help and contribution in this paper. May Allah SWT, the Almighty God, bless them all. Moreover, the writer also realizes that this paper is still far from perfect. It is a pleasure for her to get critiques and suggestions to make this paper better.

Jakarta, 17 Januari 2017





Surat Pernyataan Karya Sendiri ... ii









A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 4

D. Formulation of the Study ... 4

E. Purpose of the Study ... 4

F. Significance of the Study ... 4


A. Vocabulary ... 5

1. The Definition of Vocabulary ... 5

2. Types of Vocabulary ... 7

3. Teaching Vocabulary ... 8

B. Suggestopedia Method ... 12

1. Definition of Suggestopedia ... 12

2. Characteristics of Suggestopedia ... 13

3. Techniques of Suggestopedia ... 14

4. Theoretical Components of Suggestopedia ... 15

C. Teaching Vocabulary by Suggestopedia ... 16




A. Time and Place of the Research ... 21

B. Method of the Research ... 21

C. Population and Sample ... 22

D. Data Collection Technique ... 22

E. Research Instrument ... 24

F. Data Analysis Technique ... 24

G. Hypothesis Test ... 26

H. Statistical Hypothesis ... 28


A. Data Description ... 29

1. The Data of Experimental Class ... 29

2. The Data of Controlled Class ... 31

B. Analysis of Data ... 32

1. Normality of Data ... 32

2. Homogeneity of Data ... 35

3. Hypothesis Testing ... 41

C. Discussion ... 41

D. Limitation ... 43


A. Conclusion ... 44

B. Suggestion ... 45





Table 3.1 Pre and Post-test Design ... 21

Table 4.1 The Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Score of Experimental Class... 28

Table 4.2 The Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Score of Controlled Class ... 30

Table 4.3 Normality Pre-test Result of Experimental Class ... 32

Table 4.4 Normality Pre-test Result of Controlled Class ... 32

Table 4.5 Normality Post-test Result of Experimental Class ... 33

Table 4.6 Normality Post-test Result of Controlled Class ... 33

Table 4.7 Homogeneity Pre-test between Experimental and Controlled Class ... 34

Table 4.8 Homogeneity Post-test between Experimental and Controlled Class. ... 35

Table 4.9 The Statistical Calculation of Gained Score of Experimental and Controlled Class ... 35



APPENDIX 3 Lesson Plan of Experimental Class (2nd Meeting) ... 61

APPENDIX 4 Lesson Plan of Controlled Class (2nd Meeting) ... 67

APPENDIX 5 Lesson Plan of Experimental Class (3rd Meeting) ... 73

APPENDIX 6 Lesson Plan of Controlled Class (3rd Meeting) ... 78

APPENDIX 7 Lesson Plan of Experimental Class (4th Meeting) ... 83

APPENDIX 8 Lesson Plan of Controlled Class (4th Meeting) ... 89

APPENDIX 9 Pre-test Instrument... ..95

APPENDIX 10 Post-test Instrument ... ..101

APPENDIX 11 Kisi Kisi Soal ... 106

APPENDIX 12 Data Output Anates ... 107

APPENDIX 13 Lembar Uji Referensi ... .128

APPENDIX 14 Surat Proposal Skripsi ... 132

APPENDIX 15 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ... 133

APPENDIX 16 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ... 134

APPENDIX 17 Surat Permohonan Perubahan Judul Skripsi ... 135




A. Background of the Study

English is the most popular language in the world. Blake said that English is used widely as a lingua franca for purposes of commerce and science, because English has virtually achieved the status of a word language.1 Crystal also said on his book that, English has achieved its status as a global language because it has been taken up by other countries around the world and spoken by a few countries. 2 So, English has achieved its „global status’ because English is spreading around the world.

English has four skills, reading, listening, writing and speaking. Those skills need wide vocabulary acquisition. The acquisition of vocabulary became the most important part in learning foreign language because vocabulary has significant role in communicating process. The success of communication depends on the accurate vocabulary understanding. People cannot listen, speak, read and write well if they do not know the vocabulary well. They cannot do anything with four skills if they do not know vocabulary and any single words well.

Based on Peraturan Operasional Standar Penyelenggaraan Ujian Nasional

that made by BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan),3English is one of subject that will be examined in National Examination for Junior - Senior High School students. So, understanding the English vocabulary is importantbecause English is one of the subjects that will be tested in national exams designed by Ministry of

Education and Culture in Indonesia, which means students will not pass if the score

of the English on their national exams are not qualified.


N.F Blake. A History of The English Language (London: Macmillan Press LTD, 1996), p.1 2

Crystal,David. English as A Global Language, 2nd edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), p.4



Based on preliminary study when the writer conducted PPKT (Praktik Profesi Keguruan Terpadu)at 166 Junior High School, there were some problems that make students lack in their vocabulary.First, the teaching method from the teachers. The English teachers often asked the students to memorize the words, not to understand it. Stepahanie O’Nell said on her website that “A new UC Irvine study, published in the journal’ provides the first empirical evidence that rote memorization can actually harm memory for detail, leaving a void that could even pave the way for false memories.”4

Second, based on the observation and unstructured interview to the students, it can be concluded that students’ interest on vocabulary were low because teachers often used boredom method. Students said that English lesson become a bore and hard subject for them because they did not like and understand the subject.

The writer will focus on the teaching method. In teaching English, there are many methods can be used by the teacher to improve students’ vocabulary. The success of using a method is a success of teaching learning process that function is to determine quality of education. According to Hiebert and Kamil, “a clear perspective on vocabulary learning is useful. But without a similarly clear perspective on meaningful instruction, students' learning in school will not be optimal”.5 As Richard said that, “the method concept in teaching is a powerful one and the quest for better method was a preoccupation of many teachers and applied linguistics throughout the twentieth century.”6 From those statements above, it can be concluded that teaching method is one of the most powerful key to success study.

There are some methods that can be used to teach vocabulary, such as Total Physical Response, the audiolingual method, communicative language teaching and




Elfrieda H, Hiebert and Michael L, Kamil, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, (California: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2005), p.6


Jack. C Richard. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge



suggestopedia. As the English teacher, the teacher has to create interesting model of teaching and atmosphere of learning process that makes student relaxed and fun to student comprehending in mastery their vocabulary. In this study, the writer arranges to help students to comprehend their vocabulary in fun and relax situation by Suggestopedia Method.

Brown said that “suggestopedia was a method that was derived from Bulgarian psychologist Georgi Lazanov’s (1979) contention that the human brain could process great quantities of material if given the right conditions for learning, which are state of relaxation and giving over of control to the teacher”.7 Students must be comfortably relaxed in learning process by using soft music or classical as the background. The teacher brings the material and motivate for students. To create the classroom comfortable in comprehend of vocabulary process without students under pressure to get ideas from they read.

Suggestopedia most use centrality of music and music rhythm in learning.8 Suggestopedia claimed as a dramatic learning process because it uses music, music rhythm, classroom management, the decoration of classroom, and so on.

If suggestopedia is apply in teaching learning vocabulary, the students will be fun with different atmosphere in the classroom by using poster, relaxation by using music in their study, to make them not only remember but also understand the words. It is suitable to apply suggestopedia as a treatment for students to help them understand the vocabulary.

From those statements above, it can be conclude that suggestopedia method will improve students’ vocabulary mastery by makes them relax and comfort when they study.


H.Douglas Brown. Teaching by Principles; An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy,

(New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc, 2001) p27 8


In conclusion, the writer will conduct the research about “The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia Method in Students’ Vocabulary Mastery ( A Quasi -Experiment Study at the Eight Grade of 166 Junior High School Jakarta).

B. Identification of The Problem

1. Students in seventh grade at 166 Junior High School lack of vocabulary

2. English teachers in 166 Junior High School use a bored method in teaching vocabulary

C. Limitation of The Research

Based on the problem identification above, the writer tends focus on the effectiveness using suggestopedia method on students’ vocabulary understanding at the eighth grade students of 166 Junior High School.

D. Research Question

Based on the limitation above, it is formulated the problem in a research question “Is Suggestopedia Effective on Students’ Vocabulary Understanding at the Eight Grade Students of 166 Junior High School?”

E. Significance of The Research

This study is expected to get the result that will be useful for readers, in terms of: 1. For the English teachers about the using methods in the classroom and the

importance of vocabulary in teaching English. 2. To motivate students to increase their vocabulary.

3. It is hoped that this study will contribute or would be of any value to other students in conducting further research of the similar topic.




This chapter presents the description of theoretical framework used in the study. It includes definition of vocabulary, types of vocabulary, method of teaching vocabulary, definition of suggestopedia method, characteristics of suggestopedia method, technique of suggestopedia, teaching vocabulary by suggestopedia method, advantages and disadvantages of using suggestopedia method in teaching vocabulary, previous relevant study, conceptual framework , hypothesis study.

A. Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary has certainly found in every aspect of language. The importance of vocabulary can influence learning activity. Vocabulary can help learner to express their ideas and information. According to Stahl and Nagy, vocabulary knowledge involves all the words known by the students and use in listening and speaking as well as reading and writing.1 Without vocabulary, learner cannot understand about the information that they learnt. In other words, learner should have large vocabulary in order to do well for their competencies.

Wilkins assumed that “without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”.2

For this reason, a person who wants to be able to communicate in a certain language has to master the vocabulary of that language for the first time.

In Oxford Dictionary, vocabulary can be defined as the number of words that make up a language.3 It means that vocabulary build a language. Crystal


M. Nowbakht, Ahmad Moinzadeh, Azizollah Dabaghi, Issues in Vocabulary Learning and Teaching, (MJLTM, Vol.5, Issue 2, June 2015), p.247.


Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Harlow: Longman Pearson Education Ltd, 2002), p. 13



stated that, “a fixed set of words used as part of the definition of other words”.4 It is found in such contexts as foreign-language teaching, the teaching of reading, and lexicography. According to Webster, on Zainuri’s„English Vocabulary’ book, vocabulary was defined as follows:

a) A list or collection of words or of words and phrases usually alphabetically arranged and explained or defined.

b) A sum or stock of words employed by a language group individual or work or in relation to a subject: scope of language.

c) A list of a foreign language textbook of the words and phrases taught or used. 5

Hatch and Brown said, “vocabulary refers to a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or a set of words that individual speakers of a language might use.”6

In addition, Jack C. Richards and Willy A Renandya stated that “vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, and write.”7

In learning English, aspects of language are not easy to learn, it is impossible to learn a new language without mastering vocabulary. Vocabulary is the important aspect of improving communication skills. A learner of a foreign language will speak fluently if he/she masters it. Vocabulary will help a learner write easily, and understand what he


David Crystal, A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics sixth edition, (Cambridge, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2008), p.132


A.S Hornby in A.M Zainuri, English Vocabulary 1: Revised Edition, (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2004), p. 1.


Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998), p.1.




reads or hears if he/she has enough vocabulary and has a capability of using it correctly. Without good mastering in vocabularies, communication will end up in unpleasant situation and learner feels reluctant to continue the communication.

2. Types of Vocabulary

In language learning, vocabulary is an essential component that links the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing all together. There are many explanations made by the experts in language area about the types of vocabulary.

Gairns and Redman define vocabulary to receptive and productive vocabulary.8

a) Receptive vocabulary is the language items which can be recognized and comprehended in the context of reading and listening material.

b) Productive vocabulary is language items which the learner can recall and use appropriately in speech and writing.

In addition to the kinds of vocabulary mentioned by Gairns and Redman above, Kamil and Hiebert state that the productive vocabulary is the words that are familiar or easy to recognize and often used by an individual, particularly in writing and speaking. The receptive vocabulary is the words that are less familiar to students and the students may not use it spontaneously for they may recognize the words’ meaning as they are reading and listening.9

Moreover, Kamil and Hiebert also mention other kinds of vocabulary beside productive and receptive vocabulary, i.e. oral and print vocabularies. In this case, the oral vocabulary refers to the words that their meanings are known in speaking or reading orally, whereas the print vocabulary is considered as the words of which their meanings may be known in writing or reading silently.10

On the other hand, based on Richard and Rodgers, there are two types of vocabulary. They are abstract and concrete vocabulary. According to them,


Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman. Working with Words. A guide to teaching and learning vocabulary, (Cambridge University Press), p. 64.


Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Michael L. Kamil (Eds.), Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: Bringing Research to Practice, (New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers, 2005), p. 3.



“concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration objects and pictures. Abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas”.11

Richards and Schmidt also said that “two levels of vocabulary knowledge are usually distinguished in the field of vocabulary acquisition, receptive and productive levels of mastery of words. Receptive vocabulary (also called recognition vocabulary or passive vocabulary) is referred to as ―the total number of words a person understands, either in reading or listening. However, productive or active vocabulary refers to the number of words a person can actively produce in their speech or writing”.12

From the explanations above, every experts in every book is different in classifying the kind of vocabulary, because every person has different ways in showing and telling their opinions and ideas. In productive vocabulary, students learn a new word and they are able to use it in communication. The students can express their idea using the words but in receptive vocabulary, the students only learn and know a lot of new words but cannot use the words in communication.

3. Teaching Vocabulary

The purpose of teaching vocabulary is to help the students to find the meaning of the words based on the context. To reach the goal on the teaching vocabulary, the teacher must teach the students any things which related with the words.

According to Wallace on Jurnal of English Language Teaching by Nurul Saofa Aulia, in order to make vocabulary learning process better at junior high school, the teacher also has to follow particular principles in teaching vocabulary they are as follows:13

a) Aims

“The aims have to be clear for the teacher: how many of the things listed does the teacher expect the learner to be able to achieve the vocabulary? What


Jack, C Richard and Theodore, S Rodgers, Approach and Methods in Language Teaching: A Description and Analysis, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 1995) , p.10.


Nowbakht, Moinzadeh, Dabaghi, Op Cit, p.249. 13



kinds of words?” The aim is to help the teacher to formulate the material which will be taught to the student. Without formulates the aim, the learning process will run out from the planning and the result or target will not be reached maximal.

b) Quantity

“The teacher may have to decide on the number of vocabulary items to be learned”. The teacher has to select the number of vocabulary items which easy to be understood by the students. The teacher cannot give the students a lot of new words in the same time because it makes the students confuse.

c) Needs

“The students are put in a situation where they have to communicate and get the words they need, as they need them, using the teacher as an informant”. The teacher needs to know what the vocabulary really needed by the students. It will help the teacher to choose the appropriate vocabulary for the student.

d) Frequent exposure and repetition

“It is seldom, however, that we remember a new word simply by hearing at the first time. There has to be certain amount of repetition until there is evidence that students have learned the target word”. The teacher should give opportunity to the students to repeat and practice the words had been taught by the teacher and use it in oral and written text so that the students can master the words well

e) Meaningful presentation


from the word. Besides that can use another media such us film, picture and so on. The activity makes the students enjoy the lesson and the lesson can be recorded perfectly in their mind.

f) Situation of presentation

“The choice of words can be very varied according to the situation in which we are speaking and according to how well we know the person, to whom we are speaking (from informal to formal)”. The teacher should tell the student to use the words appropriately. The use of words depends on the situation and the context. The word may appropriate in certain situation but not in another situation.

In teaching vocabulary, the teacher can present the list of the words that is taken from the text book. Although the vocabulary takes from book, the teacher can use and add the vocabulary that is relevant with the material; by this way hopefully the student will get more vocabularies from other source. Haycraft explains the guidelines for the teacher on choosing vocabulary:14

a) Commonest Words

It is important to choose words that are commonly used, or words that students need. Any unusual words will be taken the place of useful one in the student’s mind in teaching process. The teacher is helped here by the textbook where vocabulary is graded, and lists of the commonest words are also available.




b) Students’ Needs

The teacher must understand the students’ background. It helps the teacher

to conduct the words that students are most likely need or want to know. The students will be frustrated if the teacher teaches vocabulary which they feel they do not need. In the beginner learners, it is better to choose particular words connected with their work or profession.

c) Students’ Language

In teaching a class that the students have different culture with English, a knowledge of the students’ language will tell the teacher which word are

similar in their language and English, and therefore easily to learn. On the other hand, the teacher needs to be carefully with words that sound the same in the students’ language, but in fact it means something quite

different in English. d) Word Building

It is often worth choosing a word because a general rule can be formed. e) Topic Areas


guidelines in teaching vocabulary. Knowing them will make the teacher easier in teaching and make the student interested in learning vocabulary. f) Cross Reference

Sometimes words can be applied to different situations or specializations. The application of thus words can be made wider and more useful. For example is „car’. Car is kind of transformation, so it has correlation with train, plane etc.

g) Relate Structure

In teaching vocabulary the teachers not only present new words to the student, but also use related structure in simple sentences. Without correct structure, the students will not get the meaningful words. Besides that, the teacher teaches related structure to make the lesson easier to be accepted. If the teacher just gives new words more and more without gives the example how to implement the word into the sentences, it will make the student difficult to remember the words.

B. Suggestopedia

1. Definition of Suggestopedia

There are some definitions of suggestopedia stated by some experts. Brown said that “suggestopedia was a method that was derived from Bulgarian psychologist Georgi Lazanov’s (1979) contention that the human brain could process great quantities of material if given the right conditions for learning, which are state of relaxation and giving over of control to the teacher.” 15


H.Douglas Brown. Teaching by Principles; An Interactive Approach to Language



Lazanov in Richards and Rodger describes suggestopedia as science that concerned with the systematic study of the non-rational or non-conscious influences. The influence of suggestopedia is used to optimize the learning process.

Suggestopedia claimed as a dramatic learning process because it uses music, music rhythm, classroom management, the decoration of classroom, and so on. Lazanov believes in the learning process the students using an unconscious by giving positive hypnosis to make the students relaxed and concentrate and the use of rhythmic breathing before learning begin, it help them to mastering some vocabulary in the learning process. On the other hand, using soft music, games, listening teacher„s story is helpful for students to create their imagination, relaxation and make a learning process cheerful.

From those definition, can be concluded that suggestopedia is a method that centrality on the use of music, music rhythm, classroom management, the decoration of classroom,etc, that can create the relax situation and bring positive suggestion to the learner and makes the learning more effectively.

2. Characteristic of Suggestopedia

According to Richard, there are some characteristics of suggestopedia, those are: the decoration, furniture and arrangement of the classroom, the use of music, and the authoritative behavior of the teacher.16

a. Decoration

In applying suggestopedia, the decoration of classroom should be interested. The condition of the classroom should make the students happy and decrease their boredom. For example, in learning vocabulary the teacher can put the picture related to the material on the wall or in the white board. Beside as accessories, it helps the students easy to understand the topic learnt. Harmer stated that picture is



a part of classroom ornamentation that can engage students so the learning process will be more fun and interested.17

b. Furniture

Furniture that can used in suggestopedia method is equipment that can help the learning process in the classroom. Such as the comfortable chair, whiteboard, and cupboard.

c. Arrangement of the Classroom

The classroom in suggestopedia can be arranged in comfortable condition that can make the students comfort, for example the arrangement of the chair in the classroom. Most of classroom around the world students sit in orderly rows. But in suggestopedia the chair can be arranged more interesting, depends on teachers’ creativity. Teachers can arrange the classroom freely to make students more relax and enjoy.

d. The use of music

The most important feature of suggestopedia is the centrally of music and musical rhythm to learning.18 The music on suggestopedia has an important function in learning process, it is for therapy. The music facilitate the establishment and maintenance of personal relations, to bring about increased self- esteem trough increased self-satisfaction in musical performance, and to use the unique potential of rhythm to energize and bring order.

3. Technique of Suggestopedia

In suggestopedia, there some techniques are used. Those are described below by Larsen: 19


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (Longman, 2001), p 135 18

Richard, Loc Cit, p 100 19



a. Classroom set-up

This is emphasis in pleased on creating a physical environment that doesn’t feel like a normal classroom and make the students feel as a relaxed a comfortable as possible.

b. Visualization

The students are asked to close their eyes and visualize scenes and events. It is to help them relax, facilitate positive suggestion and encourage creativity from the students.

c. New identity

In this case, the Students select of target language name and/or occupation that places them “inside” the language they are learning.

d. Role-play

Role play is one method of maximizing students’ activities in the class and ensuring that the students get an optimum level of practice during their limited time. In this activities, the students use target language in perform a rule in role play. Role play also provides varieties of activity and of interaction, and takes the focus of the class away from the teacher.

4. Theoritical Components of Suggestopedia

According to Bancroft, there are six principal components are used in the classroom includes: authority, infantilization, double- planedness, intonation, rhythm, concert pseudo-passiveness.20

1. Authority

The students will remember and are influence from teachers. The teacher has authority in the classroom to lead to greater expectancy and higher motivation on the part of the students.



2. Infantilization

The teacher and students should have relation like parent to child to build their self-confidence the teachers make a game for students like role playing, games.

3. Double-Planedness

The students get stimulation from environment and teacher„s manner. They are not only learning from the direct instruction but also from the environment in which the instruction takes place.

4. Intonation

Intonation gives a rise or fall of the voice in the speaking to make effect when the program to be memorized is presented in a rhythmical manner with suitable pauses between the words or phrases30

5. Rhythm

The rhythm in presentation to give strong effect of the sound with varying intonations then to maintains memorization at an optimal. It is useful to induce boredom though monotony of repetition.

C. Teaching Vocabulary by Suggestopedia

In teaching and learning vocabulary, method is a very important aspect. Method will make teacher easy to deliver the material and students also easy to understand the material. Even though, in teaching and learning process, there is best or worst method, teacher should choose what the proper method in teaching and learning vocabulary.



students can imagine their think and describe their imagination to others. From the activities in suggestopedia, the students can master more vocabulary.

For further information about the implementation of suggestopedia method in teaching students’ vocabulary, the writer would like to mention the steps of applying suggestopedia method on students’ vocabulary mastery as follows:

a. Teacher should arrange the classroom such as the students’ chair, desk, the classroom decoration and the condition of the classroom.

b. Before come to the class, all tools that will used by the teacher should be prepared.

c. After the classroom has been arranged, the teacher should make sure the students that they are ready to study.

d. Before going to the material, the music was played by the teacher. Also, teacher asked students to relax, calm and enjoy the music.

e. Teacher give the material with some activities in suggestopedia method such as role play, games, etc, related to the vocabulary.

f. While doing role play or games, teacher may play the music with the lower sound.

D. Advantages and Disadvantages of using Suggestopedia in Teaching


The advantages of using Suggestopedia on students’ vocabulary mastery include: a. Teacher can be optimal to elaborate the material by using some instrument

music to make students interest

b. Students are happy to join class when the setting of the class different and colorful

c. In this era, most of school provides some tools to support suggestopedia method such as audio, projector, sound, etc.

The disadvantages of using Suggestopedia on students’ vocabulary mastery include:


this room.

b. Need an extra preparation such as the decoration, classroom arrangement and the quality of tools.

E. Previous Relevant Study

There are some relevant studies related to this research. First is „Skripsi’ written by Rahayu Windu Setiawati with entitled “improving students’ vocabulary mastery through suggestopedia method.”21

Rahayu used CAR as the design while the writer use a quasi-experimental study as the design. However, both thesis has same variable. This study proves that suggestopedia in teaching English language can increase students’ vocabulary mastery that covered understanding meaning of the word based on the context. Also, the implementation of suggestopedia brings a good effect for students’ behavior and create a good atmosphere to the teaching and learning process.

The second research that related to this study was conducted by Tami Asriani with entitled “The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia Method on Students’ Reading Comprehension.”22

The objective of this study was to find out the empirical evidence whether using Suggestopedia was effective for students on reading comprehension of narrative text at eighth grade students. The method used in this study was quasi-experimental study using nonequivalent control group design. It was concluded that there was a significance effect of using Suggestopedia on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text.

The third research related to the study is research done by Nella Faidatun with the title “The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia Method in Teaching Reading


Rahayu. W Setiawati, “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through

Suggestopedia Method”, skripsi in Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Training Universitas Negeri

Surakarta, 2010, unpublished. 22



Comprehension of Narrative Text”.23

This research is conducted to know whether the method is effective or not in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text. And also to find out students’ response about suggestopedia method. The result of this study is suggestopedia was effective in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text. The use of the method can improve students’ ability proven by the scores of pre-test and post-test.

F. Conceptual Framework

The study focuses on experiment to prove whether there is significant effect of using suggestopedia on students’ vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade of SMP N 166 Jakarta or not. Vocabulary is still became problem for students in learning English. They must have ability in mastering vocabulary, so they can understand what they learnt. Many students do not like English lesson because they do not know the meaning of it. Whereas, vocabulary is an important part in English skill such as writing, speaking, reading and listening. Without ability in vocabulary, students will not know what will they talk, what will they write and what the meaning of a text that they read.

In that situation, the role of teacher is important. In order to teach vocabulary effectively and successfully, the teachers have to be careful in choosing the teaching method. Teachers’ competence is not sufficient to make the teaching and learning process successful. Because it is about choosing the right teaching method to make student master or understand the vocabulary that being taught. with different atmosphere in the classroom by using poster, relaxation by using



music, and they can develop the ideas and create the imagination. It is suitable to apply suggestopedia as a treatment for students’ vocabulary mastery because suggestopedia provides a good environment to students. Suggestopedia help the students in learning process. By suggestopedia, the students can study while listening or enjoying an instrument music that played by the teacher. It makes the students feel relax. When the students relax, it helps them to understand and memorize new words that given by the teacher easier. They will not only know, but also understand and memorize the words. Because they know the word by doing something such as gesture and role play.

However, suggestopedia is a method giving a good suggestion to build students„ confident, active, enthusiast by making a different atmosphere in the learning process especially in learning vocabulary.

G. Theoretical Hypothesis

The purpose of this research is to know whether using suggestopedia method in teaching vocabulary is effective for the students to master vocabulary and learn English. To find the answer of the problem, the writer should propose research hypothesis as below:




This chapter presents the research design, the place and time of the study, the population and sample, the research instrument, the technique of data collecting, the technique of data analysis, and statistic hypothesis.

A. Place and Time of The Research

The research was held at the eighth grade students of 166 Junior High School which located at Jl. Kedondong, Jagakarsa, on 20 of June 2016 until 17th of Januari 2017.

B. Method of The Research

This research employed quantitative method, which used quasi-experimental study as the research design. The quasi-quasi-experimental design is described in the following table1:

Table 3.1

Pre- and Post-test Design

Select Controled Group

Pre-test No Treatment Post-test

Select Experimental Group

Pre-test Experimental Treatment


Based on the table above, the writer took two classes, the experimental class and controlled class. The writer conducted the research for six meetings. In the first meeting, the writer gave pre-test to both of classes. Then the writer taught the



students in experimental class by using suggestopedia method and in controlled class without using suggestopedia method. After four meetings, the writer gave the post-test to the both classes. It was given to know the effectiveness of Suggestopedia method on students’ vocabulary understanding.

C. Population and Sample

Creswell said that populationis a group of individuals who have the selection of individuals from a sample.2 It means that population is the set of entities under study. In this research, the population is the whole students of the eighth grade at 166 Junior High School which consist of 245 students, that are divided into seven classes namely class VIII 1, VIII 2, VIII 3, VIII 4, VIII 5, VIII 6 and VIII 7.

For the research, the writer determined the sample by using purposive sampling. Purposive sampling should be representative the whole population, based on the teacher’s judgment and the sample should have same background.3 The writer chose this sampling because of the basis of the teacher’s judgment and the sample has been chosen for specific purposes, in this case, the purpose was the students with average level of English vocabulary knowledge.4 Therefore, the writer takes two classes namely class VIII 6 (30 students) as the controlled class and class VIII 7 (30 students) as the experimental class.

D. Data Collection Technique

In this research, the writer used Test as the data collection. Test was used to know the achievement of students’ vocabulary mastery before and after the treatment. First, the writer gave pre-test to both class which was VIII 6 and VIII 7 on 14th and 16th of November 2016. The pre-test was to measure students’ achievement in


Ibid., p. 141


Frankael, Jack R, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, (New York: The Mac Grow-Hill Companies, 2012), p.100




vocabulary mastery before conducting the treatment. Here is the rubric to measure students’ vocabulary.

Rubric for Vocabulary Words

Indicator 3 2 1


E. Research Instrument

The writer uses pre-test and post-test as the research instruments to collect the data. It was consist of 25 numbers of vocabulary test which consists of 15 numbers of multiple choice questions and 10 word matching task in every pre-test and post-test. The test was used in order to know the different achievement between the experimental class and controlled class after the treatment. Before the test was given to the students, the writer has already measured the validity and reliability of the test. Validity is “the process of collecting and analyzing evidence to support such inferences.”5

Validation in language testing is needed to ensure the defensibility and fairness of interpretations based on test performance.

According to Frankael, “reliability refer to the consistency of the scores obtained—how consistent they are for each individual from one administration of an instrument to another and from one set of items to another.”6 In this research, the writer measures the validity and reliability of the research instrument by using ANATES V.4.

F. Data Analysis Technique

In this study, the writer used T-test to find out the differences between students’

score which are taken from pre-test and post-test in experimental class and controlled class.

Before calculated the T-test, the writer measured normality and homogeneity test, first.

Moreover, the writer used SPSS v.18 for Windows software to analyze normality test and

homogeneity test.

1. Testing Requirement

a) Normality Test

Normality test was done on two classes; those are experimental class and


Frankael, Loc.Cit, p. 148 6



controlled class. Normality test was used to know whether the data from both sample groups which examined come from the population of normal distribution or not. The writer uses SPSS v.18 for Windows to do normality test which is Analyze-Descriptive Statistic-Explore-Plots-Normality Plots with Tests, the steps as follows:7

1) From the menu at the top of the screen click on Analyze then Descriptive then Explore.

2) Move all of the data into the Dependent list

3) Under Display ensure that there is only a tick next to Plots. 4) Click on the Plots tab to open the plots dialogue box.

5) Under Boxplots click None, and remove any ticks under Descriptive. Place a tick in Normality plots with tests. Under Spread vs. Level tick none.

6) Click Continue, and then OK.

b) Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is conducted after getting the data that distributed normally from the normality test. It was used to know the similarity of the two conditions or population. If the significant value ρ > 0.05, it means that the population has similarity.The writer uses SPSS v.18 for Windows to do homogeneity test which is

Analyze- Compare Means- One Way ANOVA- Option- Homogeneity of Variance, the steps as follows:

1) From the menu at the top of the screen click on Analyze then Compare Means then One-Way ANOVA

2) Move the data from experimental class into the Dependent list and the data from control class into the Factor

3) Under Contrast and Post-Hoc ensure that there is a tick next to Options.



4) Click on the Options tab to open the options dialogue box. 5) Place a tick in Homogeneity of variance tests.

6) Click Continue, and then OK.

G. Hypothesis Test

For hypothesis test, the writer uses t-test to find out whether there is significant difference between experimental class and control class in this study. The writer uses t-test which is adapted by Anas Sudijono to find the result. There are several steps before applying the t-test formula.8 The formula of t-test which is used in this research is:




= the value of „t’ count

M1 = Mean variable of experimental class

M2 = Mean variable of controlled class

SEM1 = Standard error of experimental class

SEM2 = Standard error of controlled class

The procedures used are as follow: 1. Determining Mean Variable X:

M1 =

2. Determining Mean Variable Y: M2 =




3. Determining Deviation Standard of Score of Variable X: SD1 =

4. Determining Deviation Standard of Score of Variable Y: SD2 =

5. Determining Standard Error of Mean Variable X:

SEM1 =

6. Determining Standard Error of Mean Variable Y: SEM1 =

7. Determining Standard Error of difference of Mean Variable X and Mean Variable Y:

SEM1 - M2 =

8. Determining to with formula:




9. Determining degrees of freedom: df = (N1 + N2) - 2


N1 = The total number of experimental class


SD1 = Standard deviation of experimental class SD2 = Standard deviation of controlled class H. Statistical Hypothesis

After gaining the t-test, the writer compares T-test and T-table. Testing hypothesis uses criteria with significant degree 0.01. The conclusion is gained as follows: H0 is accepted if (to) < (tt) in significant degree 0.01. Ha is accepted if (to) > (tt) in

significant degree 0.01.

Ha : There is a significant effect after suggestopedia method is used

for students’ vocabulary mastery

H0 : There is no significant effect after suggestopedia method is used



FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. The Description of Data

After presenting the materials to both experimental class and control class, the writer

measured students’ vocabulary mastery by using a test. The testing was done in two

classes; those are VIII-7 as an experimental class and VIII-6 as a control class. The writer got the data from objective test which was multiple choice forms of the control class and experimental class. The test consisted of 25 test items. The accumulation of the correct item was multiplied by 4. So, it would be accumulated to 100 points of the test.

1. The Data of Experimental Class

In the following table is the score of pre-test and post-test in Experimental Class.

Table 4.1

The Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Class


Based on the table 4.1 above, the score of pre-test and post-test of experimental class showed that the highest score on the pre-test was 72 and the lowest score of pre-test was 44 with the average at 58.67. Then, the writer gave the treatment to this class. After giving the treatment by using suggestopedia method, the post-test was conducted to students. The highest score of post-test was 88 while the lowest score was 68. The average of the post-test was 78.8. The mean of post-test after giving treatment using suggestopedia method is higher than the mean of pre-test before giving treatments. It means that there was a significant different between the students’ comprehension of pre-test and post-test. It can be seen that the experimental class gained score about 20.13 points.



2. The Data of Controlled Class

In the following table is the score of pre-test and post-test in Controlled Class. Table 4.2

The Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test of Controlled Class


Students’ Number

Controlled Class

Gained Score Pre Test Post Test

29 56 72 16

30 68 76 8

∑ n = 30 ∑ X0 = 1776 ∑ X1 = 2124 ∑ X2 = 348

Average 59.2 70.8 11.6

Min 36 56

Max 76 84

Based on the table above, the score of pre-test and post-test of controlled class showed that the highest score on the pre-test was 76 and the lowest score of pre-test was 36 with the average at 59.20. Then, the average of the post-test was 70.8. The highest score of post-test was 84 while the lowest score was 56. It means that there was also a significant different between the students’ comprehension of pre-test and post-test. Although the students’ score of controlled class was also

increased, it was not as significant as the students’ score of experimental class. It can be seen that the controlled class only gained score about 11.60 points.

It can be concluded that the students’ score of experimental class was higher

than the students’ score of controlled class which is learning vocabulary with conventional method.

B. Analysis of Data

1. Normality of Data

Before analyzing the hypothesis, the data had to be analyzed by the normality of data. This normality of data used to measure that the data got in research was normally distributed or not. The writer used SPSS v. 22 for windows with the criteria



a. Normality of Pre-test

1. Normality of Pre-test in Experimental Class Hypothesis:

H0 : Data of X is normally distributed H1 : Data of X is not normally distributed.

The normality test was used by the writer at the 0.05 level of significance.

Tabel 4.3

Normality Pre-test Result of Experimental Class

It can be seen as table 4.3 above, the significace of pre-test score in Experimental Class based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov was 0.200. If the significance

score is higher than α = 0.05, it means that the data was normally distributed. It can

be concluded that the significance score of Pre-test in Experiment Class is normally distributed because 0.200 is higher than 0.05 (0.200 > 0.05).

2. Normality of Pre-test in Controlled Class Table 4.4

Normality Pre-test Result of Controlled Class

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Pre_Test_Contr .113 30 .200* .962 30 .347

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance. a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Pre_Test .110 30 .200* .957 30 .260


It can be seen as table 4.4 above, the significance of pre-test score in controlled class based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov was 0.200. If the significance score is

higher than α = 0.05, it means that the data was normal distributed. It can be

concluded that the significance score of Pre-test in controlled class is normally distributed because 0.200 is higher than 0.05 (0.200 > 0.05).

b. Normality of Post-test

1. Normality of Post-test in Experimental Class Table 4.5

Normality Post-test Result in Experimental Class

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Post_Test_Eksperiment .132 30 .196 .919 30 .025

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

From the table 4.5 above, it can be seen that the significance of post-test score in experimental class based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov was 0.196. If the significance score is higher than α = 0.05, it means that the data was normal distributed. It can be concluded that the significance score of post-test in experimental class is normally distributed because 0.196 is higher than 0.05 (0.196 > 0.05)

2. Normality of Post-test in Controlled Class Table 4.6

Normality Post-test Result in Controlled Class

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Post_Test_Controlled .119 30 .200* .968 30 .480



From the table 4.6 above, it can be seen that the significance of post-test score in controlled class based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov was 0.200. If the significance score

is higher than α = 0.05, it means that the data was normal distributed. It can be

concluded that the significance score of post-test in controlled class is normally distributed because 0.200 is higher than 0.05 (0.200 > 0.05).

2. Homogeneity of Data

After the writer calculated the data by using normality test, the writer got the result that all data in pre-test and post-test of both experiment class and controlled class have normally distributed. The next step of the calculation was finding the homogeneity of the data to see the data or sample in both classes were homogenous or heterogeneous. If the significance of the data is higher than 0.05, it means that the data is homogenous. The result of the homogeneity test of experiment and controlled class presented as follows:

a. Homogeneity of Pre-test

The analysis of homogeneity variances of both classes in pre-test was done by using Levene’s statistic test in SPSS v. 22 for window. Here are the result of calculation:

Table 4.7

Homogeneity Pre-test between Experiment Class and Controlled Class

Test of Homogeneity of Variances Pre_test_exp

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1.650 6 20 .185


b. Homogeneity of Post-test

The analysis of homogeneity variances of both classes in post-test was done by using Levene’s statistic test in SPSS v. 22 for window. Here are the results of calculation:

Table 4.8

Homogeneity Post-test between Experiment Class and Controlled Class

Test of Homogeneity of Variances Post_Test_Controlled

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.863 5 24 .520

Table 4.8 showed that the significance of post-test between experiment class and controlled class was 0.520. It can be concluded that the post-test data of both classes were homogeneous because the result of significance post-test (0.520) was higher than 0.05.

After both data was proved normally distributed and homogenous, the last calculation is testing the hypothesis. The data is calculated by using t-test formula to know the answer of the question whether there is a significance different between students’ vocabulary mastery by using suggestopedia method in experimental class and

students’ vocabulary mastery without using suggesstopedia method in controlled class. The two classes were compared, the experiment class was X variable and the controlled class was Y variable.

3. Hypothesis Testing

Tabel 4.9

The Statistical Calculation of Gain Score of Experiment Class and Controlled Class


Students X


Y X-MX Y-MY (X-MX)2 (Y-MY)2

1 16 12 -4.13 0.4 17.0569 0.16


Based on the data from the table 4.9 , the statistical calculation was done in the following steps:

1. Determining mean of variable X, with formula:

Mx =


= 20.13

2. Determining mean of variable Y, with formula:

My =


= 11.6

3. Determining standard of deviation score of variable X, with formula:



= 8.03

4. Determining standard of deviation score of variable Y, with formula:



= 5.30

5. Determining standard error mean of variable X, with formula:




= 1.49

6. Determining standard error mean of variable Y, with formula:



7. Determining standard error of different mean of variable X and mean of variable Y, with formula:

= 1.12 8. Determining to with formula:

9. Determining degree of freedom (df), with formula:

= (30 + 30) – 2 = 60 – 2 = 58 10.Determining ttable, with formula:

= t (0.05, 58)


Tabel 4.10

Math Table of Significance



The tt value of df 58 at the degrees of significance 0.05 is 1.672. Based on the

calculation and table above, it can be seen that to is higher than tt because 7.62 >


C. Test of Hypothesis

After obtaining the data which have been calculated by using t-test, the writer used the data to prove the hypothesis. The statistical hypothesis of this research can be seen as:

to ≥ tt : the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is

rejected. It means that there is a significant effect after suggestopedia method was used for students’ vocabulary mastery.

to < tt : the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the null hypothesis (Ho) is

accepted. It means that there is no significant effect after suggestopedia method was used for students’ vocabulary mastery.

By comparing the value of to = 7.62 and tt = 1.672, the data calculated using

statistic show that to is higher than tt. Hence, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is

accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. It means that there is significant

difference between students’ vocabulary mastery using suggestopedia method and

students’ vocabulary mastery without using suggestopedia method.

D. Discussion


controlled class was 11.6 with the highest score was 28 and the lowest score was 0. It means that the mean of gain score in experimental class was higher than in controlled class.

Before the hypothesis being tested, the writer had to test the normality and homogeneity of the data. The significance value of normality in experimental class was 0.200 for pre-test and 0.196 for post-test. Besides, the significance value of normality in controlled class was 0.200 for pre-test and 0.200 for post-test. All of the significance values were higher than 0.05 which means that the data were normally distributed. It means that there was balance distribution between students who get low, middle and high score.

In homogeneity test, the significance value of pre-test in experiment class and controlled class was 0.185 while the significance value of post-test in experiment class and controlled class was 0.520. This result shows that the significance value of experiment and controlled class was homogeneous because it is higher than 0.05.

After getting the data which were normal and homogeneous, the last calculation was testing the hypothesis. The writer used t-test formula in the significance degree α of 5%. In the table of significance, it was known that on the df 58 and the degree of significance 5%, the value of degree significance (tt) was 1.672. In addition, the result

showed that 7.62 t-test (to) > 1.672 t-table (tt). It can be concluded that t-test was

higher than t-table. For this reason, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the

alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It means there was a significant difference



E. Limitiation

After the method was proved that is effective on students’ vocabulary mastery, the writer would like to mention some limitations that this research faced during the treatment process.

a. The classroom condition.

Suggestopedia need a comfortable classroom while the classrooms in SMP N 166 Jakarta were not comfortable since there were no Air Conditioners (AC). Moreover, the clasrooms’ wall should be soundproof so that the classroom next door was not disturbed by the noise of the classroom with suggestopedia method.

b. The media

The school did not provide enough media such as poster, pictures, and speakers. Therefore, the teacher must prepare him/herself.

c. The students


Table 3.1 Pre and Post-test Design ..............................................................................
Table 3.1 Pre- and Post-test Design
The Students’ Score of PreTable 4.1 -test and Post-test of Experimental Class
Table 4.2


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