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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



REG. NUMBER: 2122121048






First and foremost, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, the Almighty and the Most Beneficial for His Blessing, Grace, Guidance, and Mercy that have been given to the writer until this Thesis could be completed. This Thesis has been written in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) at English and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In the process of accomplishing this Thesis, she has encountered a lot of difficulties since the beginning to the last; many people have shown their care, generous guidance and assistance, and helped her in finishing this thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to express her deep gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., Rector of State University of Medan. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts

and Vice Dean I, II, and III and all administrative staffs.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., The Head of English and Literature Department and also as her First Adviser,

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., Secretary of English and Literature Department Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., Head of English Education

Study Program

Tiarnita M.S Siregar, S.Pd., M.Hum as her Second Adviser and also as her Academis Adviser she would like also acknowledge with gratitude the time and effort extended on the thesis by the respective and amazing advisers, for their understanding, efforts and willingness to share their valuable time especially for comments, advice, corrections, and suggestions.

 Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D., and Syamsul Bahri, S.S., M.Hum . She would like to thank to the Reviewers for their valuable input to furnish this thesis.

Dr. I Wayan Dirgeyasa, M.Hum. as the Expert Validator of the writer’s developed material.

Eis Sriwahyuningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Administration Staffs of English and Literature Department who always helped the writer during her academic year.

H. Muhammad Siddik, M.M., the Headmaster of SMK BM Sinar Husni, as her place of her research.

Nurlaili Khaira, S.Pd the English Teachers and also as the expert validator, for their assistance and guidance during the research.



support, understanding, spirit, motivation, and the main part, prayers, during the writer’s whole life. Her brother, Angga Satria Waratama, SP for his support, caring, and attention. And also all of her family for giving the inspiration and their great motivation for the writer in finishing her study.

All her best friends, Anni Marhamah & Nita Syah Umar (Keluarga Nita), Ayu, Aya, Djuwi, Mega, jannah Nst, Tiwi, Yuli, Wilda, Rapika, Nisa, Sofa thank you so much for every single smile, laugh, tear, help, struggle that we have passed and for sweet and happy memories we shared together.

Her Brother-Friend-Love Asril Ginting for his love, support, caring, attention, and whole the time for the writer.

All her classmates in Regular A 2012 who cannot be mentioned one by one that conquered the lectures and shared knowledge, ideas, and bitter-sweet of campus life together and have been cooperatively in supporting the writer as the class monitor.



Mahartika, Dwi. 2122121048. Developing ESP Teaching Materials for Secretary Students of SMK BM Sinar Husni. A thesis. English and Literature Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2016

Developing teaching material is the process of selecting, adapting and evaluating of teaching based on specific terms of reference. Need Analysis is very important before developing teaching materials for English for Specific Purpose. The study aims at exploring the learning needs of 30 secretary students, and developing ESP materials for secretary based on Need Analysis. The study uses Research and Developmental (R& D) is suitable way to develop the materials. Based on the evaluation, the materials teachers use in educating the students are not appropriate to the students needs. It can be seen that the students need the materials which are related to their major. The findings describe the real needs of students of ESP for secretary, the lecturers’ view points on the practice of ESP instructions, and descriptions of ESP for secretary used in English speaking countries. This study focused on speaking, that related to the secretary students are about Making Reservation and Making Arrangement. The results are very significant for developer of ESP of various fields for they reflect the real needs of secretary students. It is suggested that Secretary English teaching materials should be based on the Need Analysis by ESP developer.



I have familirized myself with the University’s Policy on Academic integrity. Except where

appropriately acknowledge, this thesis is my own work, has been expresses in my own words, and has not been previously submitted for assessment.

I understand that this paper may be screened electronically or otherwise for plagiarism.

Medan, June 2016

Dwi Mahartika




A. The Research Design ... 34

B. The Technique of Collecting Data ... 34



E. The Developing Materials ... 35


1.Students’ Target Needs ... 36

2.Students’ Lack ... 37

3. Students Learning Needs... 38

4. Materials Needed for Vocational School ... 39

5. Syllabus ... 40

6. Validating by Experts ... 41

7. Course Planning ... 42

B. Findings ... 45


A. Conclusions ... 47

B. Suggestions ... 48





Table 4.1. The students’ target needs of language skills…….………. 37

Table 4.2. Students’ Lack…………..……….. 37

Table 4.3. Students’ preference of teaching methodology…….……… 38







APPENDIX A. The need analysis questionnaires ... 51

APPENDIX B. The list of interviews ... 55

APPENDIX E. The Background of Respondent... 56

APPENDIX F. The Materials Methodology ... 57

APPENDIX G. Model of learning ... 58

APPENDIX H. Students age ... 59

APPENDIX I. Instrumen kelayakan bahan ajar ... 60

APPENDIX K. The existing materials... 65




A. The Background of The Study

As a means of communication, English has been one of the prestigious languages used for many years almost all over the world. It has been accepted as the international language of technology and commerce. Thus, more and more people are motivated to learn English, and in its development, English is learnt for different purpose which is especially based on the field of one’s work as the reasons for them to study language. For this reason, there are learners who

learn Business English, Medical English, Technical English, etc. This is what we call as English Specific Purposes (ESP).

In this Globalization Era, there has been a tight competition among the companies. Therefore they need a good quality of human resources to run the business and give some services to the customers. Corporate Secretary is one of strategic position which shall be conducted as to achieve better service to the top management. In carrying out his/her job, the secretary services the top management, VIP guests and expatriate. Therefore, corporate Secretary shall have perfect communication in English and mastering written language. Thus, it is necessary to decide whether the English taught is general that is English for General Purposes or specific.

General English usually offers a judicious blend of different language skills and the topics are chosen from all range of sources, basing the selection of content more on students’

interests and engagements than an early identifiable students’ needs. Students are taught to communicate on general social level and to cope with the general text. The decision made, in


part, that how, why or when students need the language in the future is still unknown. So the materials given cover the broadest range of use possible. In contrast to the students of GE, students of ESP have closely identified goal for learning (Kariman & Nababan, 2006).

Teaching materials form an important part of most English language program. From textbooks, videotapes, and picture to the internet, teachers rely heavily on a diverse range of materials to support their teaching and their students’ learning. However, despite the current rich

of English language teaching materials commercially available. Anecdotal evidence suggests that many teachers continue to produce their own materials for classroom use. Indeed, most teachers spend considerable time finding, selecting, evaluating, adapting, and making materials to use in their teaching. (Howard J: 2004).

ESP is seen as an approach not a product, which means that we do not teach special form of a language but it can be identified as typical of a particular context of use. It is meant that the learners would likely to meet in the target situation (Hutchinson and Waters, 2007). ESP is not just a matter of science works and grammar for scientist, etc. but it is linked with performance and competence. It means that what people actually do with language and the range of knowledge and ability, which enable them to do it. ESP courses are providing the learners with competence of English for Specific field of knowledge at the advanced level. It is also concerned with the design of curriculum, using approaches, methods and techniques in advanced ESP and develops materials for the syllabus.

ESP is generally based on needs of the students, which are aimed at specifying what exactly the students’ need in studying English. ESP practitioners are required to be sensible in


reports his investigation that most Indonesian English teachers do not develop their own syllabus and materials systematically based on the teachers’ preferences. As a result, students are not

motivated to learn. Their motivation is basically caused by the institutional curriculum that they should follow.

(Torregrosa: 2011) suggest that teachers should expose their students to a great number of short authentic texts instead of exposing them to longer passages. They believe that the quantity of texts will provide a high enough level of frequency of the language elements aimed to be taught in the classroom and will help students recognize them.

Most of the Indonesia English teachers apply structural syllabus in their school. In the syllabus, they focus on linguistics forms. Such as simple present, present perfect, etc. instead of concentrating on form large areas of language use cannot be taught. In particular, the formal syllabus may fall to provide the learners with an understanding of the communicative use of the structure (Gilmore: 2007).

The teaching of English in Indonesia is widespread and improving, as seen from the initiation of government policy to train and upgrade English teachers for teaching English well. Many school have used the language laboratory to make teaching English more effective and efficient.


write well in language. On the other hand, many students of university level cannot use English, they must ask somebody to translate the English text. It is because the materials taught are not based on the students’ needs.

The fact is, of course, being a problem for the teachers that the students learn something that they do not need. Moreover the research finding reported by Rustam (2006) suggests that ESP materials for Secretary should be developed based on the learners’ needs and their future

job. They learn English but their English is not aimed to accommodate their needs. That is why their English felt into fulfill subject matter only. Based on this, there is an assumption that they do not have yet English Specific Purposes.

In this study, the researcher is concerned with the English for Secretary Students, especially with the syllabus and materials design. The design of ESP materials in this study focus on speaking. The reason is that secretary students generally need English for communication in order to get a better understanding in spoken English. However, the new materials that have been developed still based on the existing materials. In fact, the development of teaching materials should be based on the learners’ need. ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners. ESP

may be related to or designed for specific disciplines such as how ESP is implemented for Secretary Students.

B. The Problem of the Study


C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to develop ESP teaching materials for secretary students based on their needs, and to design the appropriate teaching materials for Secretary Students’ needs.

D. The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on English Materials design for vocational school Secretary Department. The design was focused on speaking materials for the 2nd Grade Students.

E. The Significance of the Study

Findings of this study are expected to provide beneficial information theoretically and practically for the English teacher. It can be described as follows:

Theoretically, the finding of this study added what has been found in the area of teaching ESP materials.

Meanwhile, practically the finding becomes sources of reference for:

1. The English teachers especially in vocational schools in their attempts to design the ESP materials.





Developing teaching material is the process of selecting, adapting and evaluating of teaching based on specific terms of reference. Need Analysis is very important before developing teaching materials for English for Specific Purpose. After analyzing the data,

conclusions are drawn as the following: Speaking is the most dominant skill for the learners’ need in learning English. However, other language skills such as reading, listening, and writing are also crucial for them. Functional and situational syllabuses were applied in developing the materials. The functional syllabus focuses on the function of using English in introducing self, making a short welcoming speech, giving hotel information, dealing with reservation, etc. while the situational syllabus focuses on using English in certain situations like, in the hotel, at the airport, at the travel agency, etc. The derived functional and situational syllabus and materials designs are potentially applied in real life situation to meet with secretary students’ need.

The findings describe the real needs of students of ESP for secretary, the lecturers’ view

points on the practice of ESP instructions, and descriptions of ESP for secretary used in English speaking countries. This study focused on speaking, that related to the secretary students are about Making Reservation and Making Arrangement



In relations to the conclusions, suggestions are staged as the following:

1. It is suggested that the teachers and the students’ needs to be considered in developing materials and syllabuses because the new materials development depend on the students’

need especially in secretary students. It is suitable with the major of vocational school. 2. It is suggested that secretary teachers should apply this syllabus and materials design in

order to see in efficiency and in effectiveness of the design and better improvement should be made. So the developer of the teaching materials, should be based on the student’ needs.

3. It is finally suggested that other researchers should conduct further studies on deriving syllabus or material, which has very close reference to the students’ needs. In order to see



Hutchinson, T and Waters, A. 1987. English for Specific Purposes. A learning-Centered Approach. Cambridge University.

Kariman, T.M & Nababan (2006). Key Issues in ESP Materials Development for Chemical Engineering Students. Pertemuan Linguistik 5 Utara. Medan

CMD Team Teaching (2014). Curriculum and Material Development. English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan

Siregar, Masitowarni (2015). Teaching English as Foreign Language. English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan

Howard, J & Mayor, J (2004). TESOL Journal Guidelines for Designing Effective English Language Teaching Materials. Vol.12 (50-58)

Ali, N (2009). Developing ESP Teaching Materials for Information and Technology Students of Amir Hamzah. Post Graduate Students. State University of Medan

Lestari (2007). Designing English Teaching Materials for Law students of Simalungun University. State University of Medan.

Mulyadi (2011). Developing Teaching Materials for Accountant Students. State University of Jakarta.

ESP Today. Journal of English for Specific Purposes at Tertiary Level (2013) vol.1 (1): 113-126 e-ISSN: 2334-9050

Academica Science Journal Economica Series. ESP in the Modern Society (2012) vol.1 (1) ISSN: 2285- 8067Nordval, K (2003). Talk about travel: English for hotels, airlines, and tour. Taipei: Compas

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Hong kong Hotel Reservation <http: hongkong hotel.com.hk/eng/package booking.php Sudarto, M (2002). The Syllabus Design of English for Secretary


Table 4.1. The students’ target needs of language skills…….…………………. 37 Table 4.2. Students’ Lack…………..………………………………………….
Figure 2.1. Diagram of the skill centered approach…….…………………. 18 Figure 2.2 The diagram of material development…………..…………….


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