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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



REG NUMBER: 2123321032





Sitanggang,Geby Cindi. Registration Number: 2123321032.

Developing English Reading Text Material for Students in SMK N 10 Medan.A Thesis. English Educational Program, State University of Medan,


This study concerns on how reading text material are developed for vocational school. This study was conducted by using Research and Development (R & D) design through six phases; gathering information and data, analyzing data, designing new materials, validating by experts, revising, and final product. The subject of this research was class XI SMK N 10 Medan consisting of 22 students. Instrumentations for collecting data were questionnaire and interview. After analyzing the data, the researcher got the students’ need in learning English in term of vocation that they have. The data were gathered by administering interview and distributing questionnaire to 25 respondents to get the students’ needs. The interview and questionnaire results prove that the students need English reading materials which contain English for cosmetology major. Thus, developing materials were procedure text. The developed teaching material were related to the vocation that the students had; it was beauty major. The products have been validated by experts. The average scores are 4,25 from English subject teacher and 4,17 English lecturer. It means the developing materials categorized as relevant or appropriate for students of beauty major grade XI.



Sitanggang, Geby Cindi. NIM : 2123321032. Pengembangan Materi Membaca untuk siswa di SMK N 10 Medan. Sebuah tesis. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Negeri Medan. 2016

Penelitian ini tertuju kepada bagaimana materi teks membaca dikembangkan untuk anak kejuruan. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D). melewati enam fase; mengumpulkan informasi dan data, menganalisis data, mendesain materi baru, memvalidasi kepada ahli, memperbaiki dan hasil akhir. Subyek penelitian ini adalah kelas XI SMK N 10 Medan yang terdiri dari 22 siswa. Instrument untuk mengumpulkan data adalah kuesioner dan wawancara. Setelah menganalisis data, peneliti mendapatkan kebutuhan siswa berdasarkan kejuruan yang mereka butuhkan. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan wawancara yang diberikan kepada 25 responden untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan siswa. Hasil dari wawancara dan kuesioner membuktikan bahwa siswa membutuhkan bahasa inggris yang mengandung istilah kosmetik. Demikian, materi yang dikembangkan adalah teks prosedur. Materi mengajar yang di kembangkan berhubungan dengan kejuruan siswa; yaitu jurusan kecantikan. Materi sudah divalidasi oleh ahli. Skor rata-rata adalah 4,25 dari guru bahasa inggris dan 4,17 dari dosen bahasa inggris. Itu menunjukkan bahwa materi yang dikembangkan sesuai dan sejalan dengan kebutuhan siswa jurusan kecantikan di kelas XI.



First and foremost, the researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude to the almighty God for His Blessing, Grace, Guidance, and Mercy that have been given to the researcher until this Thesis could be completed. This Thesis has been written in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) at English and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In the process of accomplishing this Thesis, many people have shown their care and assistance, therefore, the researcher would like to express her gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., Rector of State University of Medan. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts

and Vice Dean I, II, and III and all administrative staffs.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., The Head of English Literature Department and also as her thesis examiner.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., Secretary of English and Literature Department. Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., Head of English Education

Study Program.

Syamsul Bahri, S.S., M.Hum. Head of English Literature Study Program.  She would like also acknowledge with gratitude the time and effort

extended on the thesis by the respective and amazing advisers, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., and Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd., also as her Academic Supervisor.

Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum. as the Thesis Examiner, the writer is also very grateful to all Lecturers who have taught, guided, and advised would like to convey her gratitude to English Teacher, Dra. Elita Ginting., And also to all students of Grade XI-1 cosmetology major on academic year 2016/2017 for their attention and appreciation.

 Her special sincere gratitude goes to her wonderful beloved parents, her lovely father, Binsar Hamonangan Sitanggang, and her mother, Rosia Agnes Sinurat, S.H., for their endless love, mental and financial support, understanding, spirit, motivation, and the main part, prayers, during the writer’s whole life. Her brother and sister, Ferdinan Reformanto Pilipus Sitanggang and Heny Yolanda Benedikta Sitanggang for their support, caring, and attention. And also all of her family for giving the inspiration and their great motivation for the writer in finishing her study.


 Her thankfulness is also directed to her seniors in Students’ Council of English and Literature Department (HMJ BSI Unimed), Isma Eriyanty S.Pd., Benny Ichsanda, S.Pd., RA Wulaningtyas Kulowani, S.Pd., Swidanty Annisa, S.S, for their guidance, spirit, and motivation in the organization and campus daily life. She thanks you all so much.

Her favorite President Director, Rahmadani Hidayatin, S.Psi M.Psi, Psikolog and all of her unbiological sister and brother in CMR PKBI SUMUT, Azizah Batubara, Minarti Irsan, Nirmay, Retno , Friska , Deby Apriliani, Rasihgan, Fadru,and others for their supports and prayers

 All her classmates in Extension B 2012 who cannot be mentioned one by one that conquered the lectures and shared knowledge, ideas, and bitter-sweet of campus life together.





ABSTRAK ... ii







A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problems of the Study... 5

C. The Objectives of the Study ... 6

D. The Scope of the Study ... 6

E. The Significance of the Study ... 6


A. Theoretical Framework ... 7

1. Reading Comprehension ... 7

a. the linguistic conceptual for reading comprehension ... 10

b. Level of Reading Comprehension ... 13

2. Reading ... 16

a. The nature of reading ... 16


3. Genre – based Approach ... 18

a. social function ... 18

b. generic structure ... 19

c. language features ... 19

4. Material Development ... 20

5. Cosmetics Department ... 20

a. Hair Colorist ... 21

b. Make up ... 22

6. Reading Material for Cosmetic Topic ... 22

7. Learning Theory ... 24

8. English For Specific Purposes (ESP) ... 26

a. The nature of ESP... 26

b. Needs Analysis ... 27

c. The Classification of ESP ... 29

d. Characteristic of good material ... 30

9. syllabus ... 32

B. Relevant Studies ... 33

C. Conceptual Framework... 35


A. Research Design ... 38

B. The Instruments of Data Collection ... 39

C. Place and Time of Research ... 39


E. Techniques of Collecting Data ... 40

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data ... 40

G. The steps of Developing Materials ... 41


A. Gathering Information and Data ... 43

B. Analyzing data ... 43

1. Need Analysis ... 43

a. Target needs… ... 44

b. Learning needs ... 46

2. Analysis of Existing teaching materials ... 48

C. Designing New Reading Materials ... 50

D. Validating by Experts ... 56

1. English Teacher ... 56

2. English Lecturer ... 56

E. Revising Reading Materials... 57

1. English teacher’s suggestion ... 57

2. English lecturer’s suggestion ... 57

F. Revised- Developing Reading Materials (Final Product) ... 58


A. Conclusion ... 60

B. Suggestion ... 60




Pages Table 4.1Evaluation of Existing Materials ... 49

Table 4.2 English Teacher’s Validation Score ... 58



Pages Figure 1. Classification of ESP ... 30




Appendix A. Interview ... ………. 64

Appendix B. Questionnaire ... ………. 69

Appendix C. Developing Materials ... ………. 73

Appendix D. Revised- Developing Materials ... ………. 93

Appendix E. Validating sheet ... ………. 110

Appendix F. Core and Basic Competencies ... 116





A. The Background of the Study

Language is an important part of human existence and social process that

has many functions to perform the life of human beings. Language is an

instrument to convey information. It is used to express ideas, feeling, purposes,

thoughts, and opinions in written or oral way. Through language, we can share

and transfer knowledge, transmit massage from one to another, and from

generation to the next generation. In short, almost all of human activities are

conducted through the use of language.

In Indonesia English has been used as a foreign language. English is

consists of four skills which have to be mastered by the students, they are

listening, speaking, reading and writing. In this case, the learners are required to

comprehend (listening and reading) the language and produce (speaking and

writing) the language. In teaching the language, between comprehending the

languages as well as producing the language are exactly having a relationship.

Before producing the language, students need to have some vocabularies; those

vocabularies are gotten by the process of comprehending the language. For

example, by having an activity of reading or listening, students will get an input

data of what they have to express in term of writing or speaking.

Among the four language skills, reading is one of the skill that should be



get information, knowledge, and science. Grabe & Stoller (2002:9) elaborate that

reading is a way to draw information from printed page and interpret the

information appropriately. Meaning that the students will find out the information

from the text as efficient as possible.

In fact, the abomination of learning English is reading a text or a passage.

Most of students are too lazy to comprehend a text through having a reading

activity. A long text or passage makes them so bored to read; furthermore, the

topic is not interesting for them; it is not related to their environment, and the text

has too-complex grammar.

Based on the researcher’s analysis of syllabus and teaching materials,

particularly for the subject of English which are used by students of a particular

SMK in Medan, it was found that the teaching materials were not specified for

any certain vocations. In fact, students who take a vocation of cosmetics were

taught by using teaching materials which were unrelated to the cosmetics. One of

phenomena happened is that the students were taught by using teaching materials

about English in General; it was unrelated to the vocation of cosmetics that the

students have.

It is can be seen by the book that government distribute to the schools for

students handbook. Specifically in SMK N 10 Medan researcher observed in some

previous months (2015), the English reading materials they use is the same to



material in their books which are representatives to their needs about cosmetics.

Specifically in reading material, there are no even materials which are

representative to Cosmetics.

It is proven by the data taken by the writer in which one of the reading

materials, genre of procedure text, is not related to Cosmetology Department. The

data is as follow:

How to make Orange Juice “Steps/Methods”

“-First, wash the oranges and put them on a cutting board.

- Then, cut the oranges into halves.

- After that, prepare the handheld juicer and put the oranges on the juicer and squeeze them one by one. - Continue doing this till all oranges have been juiced. - If you want your juice without pulp use the sieve to take out all the pulp.

- Now, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of

- Now, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon if you want and stir till the sugar and cinnamon has completely dissolved.

- Finally, your orange juice is ready to be served.”

The data shows that the reading materials are appropriate to the culinary

program but inappropriate to Cosmetology program. The students find it hard to

comprehend the difficult words like pulp, cinnamon, and sieve. The result is they

are not enthusiastic and interesting to learn the reading materials, simply because

they think it will not affect their Department and future job.

After reading the text, the students were asked to answer some questions

about the text. Besides, there were some teaching materials which were not

relevant to the vocation that the students have; for example in reading materials.

Specifically in procedure text. The texts used in their book most about west story.



know about the object of the text so the students are not interested to learn about

it. It is supposed that the schemata assumed by researcher is not same each


Actually, the students having vocation of cosmetics need to study English

to support their vocation, but the English should be specialized; the English

should be relevant to the specific purpose that they have, so there will be no gap

between the English materials and what the students need about English as an

international language related to a vocational purpose that they have.

As an international language, English is needed for many specific

purposes; that is why there is a term of ESP (English for Specific Purpose). In

practice, there are variants of English use; depending on the specific purposes.

This specification of English use will help learners to master English as well as

what they need in term of specific purpose that they have.

In education, ESP needs to be applied. From the above explanation stating

that many students are bored in reading a text which contains unrelated topic to

their environment, it can be implied that ESP can reduce this bad condition.

Through ESP, students will find some teaching materials which are related to the

vocations that they have. Thus, it will be interesting for the students to read the

text, and finally the text will enrich the students‟ knowledge about their vocation.

In other words, by having ESP, students will learn English based on what they



In Indonesia, ESP is applied for fulfilling students’ needs. Since there are

so many vocational educations in Indonesia, ESP is essential to design teaching

materials in meeting students’ needs. Thus, when teaching English in Vocational

School or other vocational institutions, teachers should take notice of designing

teaching materials based on students’ needs related to the vocations that the

students focus on. If the process of English teaching in a Vocational School does

not apply ESP as an approach to meet students’ needs, there will be a condition

that the English taught to the students will be useless because of the gap between

the English materials and what the students need about English as an international

language related to a vocational purpose that they have.

From the background above, it was suggested that teachers have to

develop reading materials based on students’ need –vocational purpose as an

application of ESP. By being provided reading materials based on a vocation that

they focus on, the students will get easier to understand the text and get more

interested in reading it.

B. The Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, the problem of study is formulated as

follows. :

1. What reading materials are suitable to the students of SMK N 10 Medan which

is matched to their needs?

2. How to design English reading materials which is suitable to the needs of



C. The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are:

1. to develop the suitable reading materials based on students’ need.

2. to design English reading materials which is suitable to the needs of students of

SMK N 10 Medan

D. The Scope of the Study

The developed materials are based on students’ need. The materials will

be applied in the Second grade of Vocational School – Department of Cosmetics,

and the skill concerned on is reading comprehension, particularly in procedure


E. The Significance of the Study

This research is expected useful to give some valuable contributions

theoretically and practically, as follow:

1. Theoretically, the findings of the study will help the researcher later to

make a further research which is related to the study in area developing

English reading materials with the new information and theories in this


2. Practically, the findings become the source of reference for students and




A. Conclusion

1. The students of SMK N 10 Medan particularly for Cosmetology

department needed the English reading materials which could support their

learning activity and learning environment. Their learning activity was

supposed to increase their knowledge about Cosmetology and their

learning environment to prepare themselves for looking a job later. The

English reading materials did not only help them to learn English but also

complete the mission of the school.

2. The reading materials on general English book did not match to their

needs and should be developed. The English reading materials should be

developed through 6 phases, they were; 1) Gathering information and data,

2) Analyzing data, 3) Designing materials based on the needs analysis, 4)

Validating the new reading materials by experts (Islamic subject teacher

and English lecturer), 5) Revising the new reading materials based on

experts’ suggestions, and 6) Final product.

B. Suggestions

In relation to the Conclusion, the suggestions are as follows :

1. Teacher

Teachers should consider the students’ needs to choose the learning



useful for their daily life and learning environment. The teacher should use

authentic teaching materials based on the specific vocation which is had by the

students. The teachers should develop the reading materials if they found the

materials were too general for the students of SMK N 10 Medan particularly

Cosmetology Department which had specific needs.

2. Institution

The institution should supervise the teachers and ensure them that the

reading materials supported the school’s mission. The institution also should find

the books which match to the students’ need. The number of references of English

reading materials had to be increased to ease the students learning English.

3. Other researcher

Other researchers should find many references to support in developing

reading materials. The open questions of questionnaire should be considered to




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Table 4.1 Evaluation of Existing Materials ...................................................
Figure 1.  Classification of ESP ...................................................................


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