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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


R O S M E N Register Number: 809111040






A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


R O S M E N Register Number: 809111040







Rosmen. Registration Number: 809111040. Developing English Reading Materials for Students of SDS IKAL Medan. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Medan 2013



Rosmen. NIM: 809111040. Developing English Reading Materials for Students of SDS IKAL Medan. Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 2013

Penelitian ini berkenaan dengan pengembangan bahan baca bahasa Inggris untuk siswa Sekolah Dasar Swasta (SDS) IKAL Medan dengan menerapkan teori Pendekatan Pembelajaran Akselerasi (Accelerated Learning Approach - ALA). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan bahan baca bahasa Inggris yang relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa SDS IKAL Medan terutama kelas IV. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui lima fase Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengembangan (Educational Research & Development - R&D) yaitu menentukan kebutuhan siswa, mengevaluasi bahan baca bahasa Inggris dan silabus yang ada, telaah teori atau prinsip bahan baca efektif yakni teori ALA, mengembangkan bahan baca terpilih dengan mengacu pada teori ALA, meninjau ulang produk dan memvalidasi produk tersebut pada ahli dan memperbaiki sesuai saran ahli untuk menilai kualitas produk. Data penelitian ini berasal dari analisis dokumen yang ada dan wawancara guru. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bahan baca bahasa Inggris yang ada tidak relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa kelas IV SDS IKAL Medan. Oleh karena itu, bahan baca bahasa Inggris baru dikembangkan dengan menggunakan teori ALA agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa kelas IV SDS IKAL Medan. Materi baru dikembangkan dari buku ajar bahasa Inggris yang ada yakni Basic English: Primary 4 yang diterbitkan oleh Yudhistira, 2010. Bahan baca bahasa Inggris yang baru divalidasi oleh dua ahli. Mereka setuju bahwa bahan baca baru tersebut relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa kelas IV SDS IKAL Medan. Sebagai simpulan, lima bahan baca bahasa Inggris baru yang dikembangkan relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa SD khususnya siswa kelas IV SDS IKAL Medan dengan perbaikan yang mengacu pada saran ahli. Oleh karena itu, disarankan kepada guru bahasa Inggris untuk menyediakan bahan baca bahasa Inggris yang mengacu pada teori atau prinsip bahan baca efektif yang sesui dan relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa.



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin, giving the deepest sense of gratitude to Allah Azza wa Jalla for a life full of happiness. Because of His generosity, this thesis accomplishment as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master degree of Applied Linguistics Study Program Post Graduate School in State University of Medan finished. And also for the last prophet, Muhammad SAW, the greatest teacher of the great teacher. Countless individuals have contributed directly and indirectly to the success of this research and the completion of this thesis.

First, his extremely grateful is directed to his first and second advisors, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd. and Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd., for their patient guidance, excellent advice, and constructive comments during completing this thesis.

Second, thanks are also directed to Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., the Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., the Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, for encouraging to finish this thesis, and Farid Ma'ruf Harahap, the administration staff for facilitating the administrative procedures.


iv Fourth, a special expression of gratitude is directed to Drs. Muhammad Isa, M.Pd., the Principal of SDS IKAL Medan, for allowing the writer to do the research there and also all teachers, staff, and students of SDS IKAL Medan, especially Mrs. Sri Purnama, S.Pd. for her warmth and friendliness.

A profound gratitude is directed to his spectacular parents, Taat and Djuminah, A.Ma.Pd. and also Maslauna Harahap and Hasan Basri Siregar, S.T., and his amazing wife, Hasnah Siregar, S.Pd., M.Hum., for their moral supports, patience, and prayers; and to his beloved sisters and brother, Rosmini, S.Pd. and Muhammad Husni Mubarak, S.Pd. his niece Clarissa Syifa Rosnila and Wafiq Azizi and also his young sisters and brother Marianni Siregar, S.E.I. Nurul Ihsan Siregar, and Abdul Latif Siregar, for their motivation to finish this thesis.

Special and sincerest gratitude are addressed to all his friends particularly XVII, XVIII, XIX students of LTBI, may Allah reward them for all their supports. Overall, the writer hopes this thesis can give a bit contribution to the language education, especially English, and further pedagogical research.

Medan, August 2013

The writer,




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 The Problems of the Study ... 4

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ... 4

1.4 The Scope of the Study ... 5

1.5 The Significance of the Study ... 5


2.3 Several Models of Reading Materials ... 18

2.3.1 Cooperative Language Learning... 18

2.3.2 Competency-based Language Teaching... 22

2.3.3 Communicative Language Teaching ... 27



2.4 Need Analysis ... 35

2.5 English for Elementary Students ... 38

2.6 Previous Research ... 39

3.3 Data and Data Sources ... 45

3.3 Techniques of Collecting Data ... 45

3.4 Techniques of Developing Materials ... 46

CHAPTER IV MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT 4.1 Phase I: Assessing Students' Needs... 48

4.2 Phase II: Evaluating Existing ERM and Syllabus ... 49

4.3 Phase III: Reviewing the Theory or Principle of Effective ERM ... 50

4.4 Pahse IV: Developing New ERM and Syllabus ... 51

4.5 Phase V: Reviewing and Validating the New ERM ... 52



Page Table 1. Characteristics of Accelerated Learning Approach




Appendix A. Reading Materials Evaluation Checklist ... 66

Appendix B.Teacher Interview Result ... 68

Appendix C.Existing Syllabus ... 69

Appendix D.Existing ERM ... 71

Appendix E.Evaluation Result of ERM ... 76

Appendix F.New ERM ... 86

Appendix G. Readability Test of the New ERM ... 110

Appendix H.New Syllabus ... 115

Appendix I. Expert Validation ... 116

Appendix J.Revisions of the New ERM ... 124




1.1 Background of The Study

English has became one of requisite subjects for secondary students in Indonesia. It has been chosen as one of the medium of instruction at bi/multilingual schools. Therefore, it is inferred necessary to teach English earlier before the students come to secondary. As the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP: Educational Unit Level Curriculum), for instance, stated that the elementary graduates' competency in English is needed, because it is expected that they will be able to communicate in English, especially for the classroom interaction in order to sustain the instructional process of the secondary level (Depdiknas, 2007). Thus, the teaching of English (English Language Teaching -ELT) for elementary school students (English for .oung Learners - E.L) is recommended as one of major muatan lokal (intracurricular programs).


2 whether through natural exposure or educational intervention, has consequences for their development. Thus, the adjustment of the educational experiences to meet the developmental stages of the children is needed in order to provide the best possible instruction.

Teaching materials play an important role to the ELT. Chang & Goswami (2011) summarized that there are four factors promote or hinder instructional processes in EFL classes. They are: (1) teachers factor, (2) students factor, (3) administrative support, and (4) teaching resources. Moreover, Chang & Goswami proposed that, teachers should improve sufficient teaching resources such as appropriate curricula, textbooks, authentic materials, professional training, and teaching equipment in order to make ELT appropriate in the local environment. Besides, Peacock (1997) recommended that materials selected for the classroom motivate learner, so one criterion for the selection materials should be their effect on motivation.


3 not reflecting a sequential context of a single unit in a complete series, and pictures which are representing each stages of the story are excluded. In result, learners are difficult to remember the drills, whereas, the whole activity sequences of the lesson (listening, speaking, reading and writing) can build their prior knowledge. As a consequence, learners are difficult to comprehend the text and tend to unable to activate their schemata properly because of the chronological disordered of the lesson to the whole activity sequences. In teaching these reading materials, the teacher is more involved actively (teacher-centered).


4 Thus, due to the necessity of the ERM development to meet with the needs of elementary learners, especially Grade IV learners of SDS IKAL Medan, this research will be conducted to develop ERM by applying Accelerated Leaning Approach (ALA) principles.

1.2 The Problems of The Study

Based on the background of the study, the research problems can be formulated as follow:

(1) How are the existing ERM for Grade IV learners of SDS IKAL Medan?

(2) What ERM are needed to meet with Grade IV learners of SDS IKAL Medan?

(3) How are ERM developed through ALA for Grade IV learners of SDS IKAL Medan?

1.3 The Objectkves of The Study

To answer the research problems, the objectives of the study are to:


5 (2) Obtain appropriate ERM which meet with the needs of Grade IV learners

of SDS IKAL Medan,

(3) Develop appropriate ERM through ALA principles.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This research focus on developing appropriate ERM relevant to elementary learners, especially Grade IV learners of SDS IKAL Medan.

1.5 The Skgnkfkcances of the Study

Theoretically, this research is expected to produce ERM for elementary learners, particularly for Grade IV learners of SDS IKAL Medan. Additionally, it is expected to provide a good reference in developing appropriate ERM for elementary learners.




5.1 Conclusions

Aftef analyzing the data, the conclusions wefe dfawn as the following.

(1) The existing ERM afe substantially inappfopfiate. Leafnefs afe difficult to compfehend the text and tend to unable to activate theif schemata pfopefly because of the title wefe excluded (ERM I and II). The plots wefe absence (ERM I, II and III). Thefe wefe only piece of dialogue pfovided. Such ERM wefe lack of vocabulafy fate and vafieties. The sentence stfuctufes wefe slight. Consequently, leafnefs wefe unable to fetain the new vocabulafy and neglected litefacy. Mofeovef, pfe-feading stfategies wefe unoccupied fof all ERM.

(2) ALA is considefed a suitable appfoach applied in developing ERM fof elementafy leafnefs, thus ALA pfinciples adjustment to the ERM especially fof Gfade IV leafnefs of SDS IKAL Medan was felevant.

(3) New ERM afe designed thfough ALA pfinciples; the ALA matefials afe pfovided by a stofy and the passage should felate to something that is familiaf to the students, so that they femembef each lesson contextually.


60 The idea of abandoning the native tongue is too stfessful to many leafnefs, who need a sense of secufity in the expefience of leafning a fofeign language. Thus, in ofdef to felieve the tension, mofe felaxing, and genefating a bettef leafning, the matefials afe wfitten with the tfanslation. Since pictufes in text activate feadefs’ schemata, they have a positive effect on text compfehension. Thus, in ofdef to take feading activities un/consciously, using pictufes and texts felated to leafnef's cultufal backgfound concuffently wefe fequifed. At last, the leafnef’s fesefve potential can be tapped thfough suggestion. Suggestion possibly done by bfainstofming. Since bfainstofming is one vefy populaf kind of pfe-feading task.

5.2 Suggestion

In felation to the conclusions, suggestions afe pfesented as follow:

(1) It is suggested that the English teachefs should pfovide a sufficient ERM based on the leafnefs' educational expefiences and needs.


61 (3) It is suggested that the English teachefs to use ALA pfinciples as an



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Table 1. Characteristics of Accelerated Learning Approach


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