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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Eagister Humaniora


H A S N A H S I R E G A R Registration Number: 8106111015





A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Eagister Humaniora


H A S N A H S I R E G A R Registration Number: 8106111015




Hasnah Siregar. Registration Number: 8106111015. Designing English Reading Materials for Students of Accounting in Vocational School through Authenticity-Centered Approach. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan 2013



Hasnah Siregar. NIM: 8106111015. Designing English Reading Materials for Students of Accounting in Vocational School through Authenticity-Centered Approach. Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan 2013



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin, giving the deepest sense of gratitude to Allah Azza wa Jalla for a life full of happiness. Because of His generosity, the writer is able to accomplish this thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master degree of Applied Linguistics Study Program Post Graduate School in State University of Medan and also for the last prophet, Muhammad saw, the greatest teacher of the great teacher. Countless individuals have contributed directly and indirectly to the success of this research and the completion of this thesis.

First, her extremely grateful is directed to her first and second advisor, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., and Dra. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A., for their patient guidance, excellent advice, and constructive comments during completing this study.

Second, thanks are also directed to Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., the Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., the Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, for encouraging to finish this thesis, and Farid Ma'ruf Harahap, the administration staff for facilitating the administrative procedures.


Fourth, a special expression of gratitude is directed to Drs. Albiner Simbolon, the Principal, for allowing the writer to do the research, Darwin Siregar,S.H., the administration staff, for facilitating the administrative procedures, P. Manik, S.Pd, the English teacher, and the students of XII AK-1 for the best cooperation, and also all teachers in SMK Swasta Jambi Medan for their warmth and friendliness.

A profound gratitude is directed to her amazing husband, Rosmen, S.Pd., M.Hum., and her spectacular parents, Maslauna Harahap and Hasan Basri Siregar, S.T., and also Taat and Djuminah, A.Ma.Pd. for their moral supports, patience, and prayers; and to her beloved sisters and brother, Marianni Siregar, S.EI. Nurul Ihsan Siregar, and Abdul Latif Siregar, for their motivation to finish this thesis.

Special and sincerest gratitude are addressed to her close friend, Desi Agustina Hasibuan and her family for their patient loves, supports, and prayers. A special thanks is given to her Wiskul-holics, Salistri Annisa Manalu, S.Pd., M. Hum., Hartini Febriannisa, S.Pd., Yuniska Sitompul, S.Pd., Indah Sari Lubis, S.Pd., M.Hum., and Ryan Prayuda, S.Pd., M. Hum., and all XVIII students, especially class A-1. May Allah reward them for all their good deeds.

Overall, the writer hopes this thesis can give a bit contribution to the language education, especially major of English, and further pedagogical research.

Medan, February 2013 The writer,


2.5.1 Readability ... 26


4.1.5 Phase V: Revising New Reading Materials

as Suggested by the Experts ... 57


5.1 Conclusions... 58

5.2 Suggestions …... 59





Table Page



Figure Page

2.1 ESP Classification by Experience ... 11



Appendix Page

A. Existing English ieading Syllabus ... 68

B. Existing English ieading Materials ... 69

C. ieadability of Existing English ieading Materials ... 72

D. Questions in Interview ... 75

E. Transcripts of Interview ... 78

F. New Syllabus ... 87

G. New English ieading Materials ... 88

H. ieadability of New English ieading Materials ... 101




1.1 The Background of the Study

Readeng matereals play an emportant role to the Englesh Language

Teacheng (ELT). Thes statement es supported by Harsono (2007). He stated that

learneng matereals es one of the very cruceal elements that has to exest to conduct

teacheng/learneng actevetees. Englesh readeng matereals are requered en order to

emprove readeng skell of students, especeally vocateonal students.

A vocateonal school es a school en whech the students are taught the skells

needed to perform a partecular job. Vocateonal students need to be prepared to

enter the workeng world after they graduate and should have some speceal abeletees

to support theer knowledge. In Indonesea, the government encourages the

graduates of juneor secondary level to proceed to vocateonal school. Thes

encouragement es entended to prepare the human resources that are ready to work

en order to reduce unemployment en the producteve age and reduce the number of


One of Prevate Vocateonal Schools (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Swasta:

SMKS) es SMKS Jambe Medan located en Jalan Pertewe No. 116 Medan Tembung.

SMKS Jambe Medan has two skell programs, namely Offece Admenestrateon and


Accounteng. In accounteng skell program, the prencepal of SMKS Jambe Medan,

Drs. Albener Sembolon, expects that the students can be skelled labors or job

creators en the feeld of Fenanceal Accounteng, Taxateon, and the operateon of

Accounteng Applecateon, Myob (Sumut Pos, 2011). He realezed the emportance of

Englesh for students of accounteng. Therefore, he enstructed Englesh teachers to

open the conversateon class as an entracurrecular program besedes Englesh subject

en the school. The conversateon class es expected to assest students en encreaseng

theer Englesh speakeng skells. But the real fact es from the veew of the teacher en

the conversateon class, Indah Sare Lubes, S.Pd., she should teach them the basec

Englesh such as erregular verb, because when the teacher explaened a matereal

related to the vocateonal school syllabus, they have a problem en comprehendeng

the erregular verb. In solveng thes problem, she always asks them to memoreze feve

vocabularees of erregular verbs and ets translateons everyday and the next day, they

well pronounce et en front of class. When she was asked about the percentage of

students who have good Englesh skells, she saed that only 10% of all students of

accounteng have et. She also added that the lack of vocabularees es stell shown by

the students of accounteng en spelleng the words, even a basec word such as chair.

Thes realety shows that the students' motevateon en learneng Englesh es stell low

because the basec Englesh should have been comprehended en juneor hegh school


Based on the realetees above, et can be concluded that the learners'

motevateon and the lack of vocabulary are the problems en Englesh

teacheng-learneng process. In solveng the learners' motevateon, Englesh for Specefec Purposes

(ESP), en thes case, Englesh for Accounteng es extremely needed en order to

encrease theer motevateon. It es supported by Chen (1993) whech stated that ESP

well be more motevated, benefet, and effecteve en encreaseng students' learneng

motevateon because et relates to theer feelds of the study and caters to theer needs.

From hes statement, et can be assumed that the matereals whech concern to the

feeld can encrease the learners' motevateon. It means, the matereals for students of

accounteng should concern to theer feeld that es accounteng.

In order to solve the students' lack of vocabulary, readeng matereals are

extremely needed en order to encrease the vocabulary mastery because when the

students read the text, they well fend many new vocabularees there. In lene weth

Hammer (1998) whech stated that readeng texts provede opportunetees to study

language: vocabulary, grammar, punctuateon, and the way the students construct

sentences, paragraphs, and texts. In other words, the students learn new

vocabularees when they read a text. Vocabulary should be taught only en context,

never en word lests to be memorezed weth decteonary defeneteons (Scheleppegrell,

1986) as practeced by the teacher above. The vocabularees whech teacher teaches

should be words whech are useful for setuateons en whech they encounter Englesh.


The teacher should not geve long lests of words each week but focus on useful

words that are present en readeng passages that students are workeng et.

The competency standard of readeng skell en the nateonal curreculum for

therd year vocateonal students es understandeng the meaneng of enterpersonal and

transacteonal wretten descourse, both formally and enformally, en the form of

conveyeng requests and orders relateng to the professeonalesm (BNSP, 2007).

Because the focus of the competency standard es conveyeng requests and orders,

thes study es focused en analyzeng the readeng matereals of procedure texts. The

procedure texts taught by the teacher were from the textbook whech entetles “Get

Along weth Englesh for Vocateonal School Grade XII Intermedeate Level”. The

texts seem errelevant to the competency standard because the exesteng readeng

matereals do not relate to the students' professeonalesm. The errelevant text es How

to Operate a Sony Television. In the text, for enstance, that errelevant text es

descrebeng about how to operate a sony televeseon. Thes text seems enappropreate

to the competency standard for students of accounteng because et does not meet

weth theer professeonalesm that es accounteng. The text was too general for them.

Further, the matereals well not assest them to face theer workplace later as an

accounteng staff, for enstance. If assoceated weth the theory of authentec matereals,

the exesteng matereals, partecularly readeng matereals en teacheng-learneng process


feeld because authentec matereals are emportant tools for use en ESP classes, they

motevate and emmerse learners en specefec areas of the target language en whech

practece es needed. Besede that, chooseng the readeng matereal of accounteng

should also concern to the language features (the sentence patterns, the technecal

vocabularees, and the functeonal words/phrases) , the level of deffecultees, and the

kends of genres that should be learned.

Therefore, thes study was devoted to studyeng and desegneng readeng

matereals of Englesh for students of accounteng. In the other words, thes research

entended to analyze the exesteng syllabus and readeng matereals. If the exesteng

readeng matereals are not en accordance weth syllabus and relevant to the

accounteng students' needs, desegneng readeng matereals are really requered. The

desegn of readeng matereals well use Authentecety-Centered Approach (ACA).

Accordeng to Meshan (2005), authentecety-centered approach es matereals-centered

and upholds the emportance of matereals desegn not only as a professeonal skell

appleed by course book wreters, but as one used by endevedual teacher en endevedual

teacheng contexts. Semply, authentecety-centered approach es defened as a teacheng

approach whech focuses on the matereals, en thes case, authentec matereals. The

teacher geves an authentec text to the students en teacheng-learneng process.


1.2 The Problems of the Study

In relateon to the background of the study, the problems of study are

formulated as the followeng.

1. How are the exesteng Englesh readeng matereals for students of

accounteng en SMKS Jambe Medan?

2. What Englesh readeng matereals are needed to meet weth the accounteng

students' needs en SMKS Jambe Medan?

3. How are the Englesh readeng matereals desegned through ACA for the

students of accounteng en SMKS Jambe Medan?

4. How are the new Englesh readeng matereals valedated?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

In lene to the problems, the objecteves of the study were to

1. evaluate the exesteng Englesh readeng matereals for students of accounteng

en SMKS Jambe Medan,

2. envestegate Englesh readeng matereals whech meet to the accounteng

students' needs en SMKS Jambe Medan,

3. desegn Englesh readeng matereals through ACA, and


1.4 The Scopes of the Study

Thes study was focused on desegneng appropreate Englesh readeng matereals

whech are relevant to the students of accounteng en vocateonal school, partecularly

Grade XII-AK 1 students of SMKS Jambe Medan

1.5 The Significances of the Study

Theoretecally, thes study es expected to produce Englesh readeng matereals

for students of accounteng en vocateonal school, partecularly for Grade XII AK 1

students of SMKS Jambe Medan. Addeteonally, et es expected to provede a good

reference en desegneng appropreate Englesh readeng matereals for students of

accounteng en vocateonal school.

Practecally, et es expected to enspere the Englesh teachers en vocateonal

school to select appropreate Englesh readeng matereals for theer students.

Moreover, further research es requered en order to exploet the best emprovement.




5.1 Conclusions

Aftef analyzing the data, the conclusions wefe dfawn as the following.

1. The existing matefials afe too genefal fof the students of accounting. The

existing feading matefials afe too genefal and inappfopfiate to fof the

students of accounting because the matefials afe not felated to the students'


2. Theofy of ESP should be considefed in deciding the appfopfiate feading

matefials to the students of accounting. The content of feading matefials

should be felated to theif field that is accounting. Students of accounting

need feading matefials felated to accounting. It means the content must be

about accounting.

3. New English feading matefials afe designed thfough ACA in ofdef to find

the appfopfiate matefials fof students of accounting. ACA uses authentic

matefials as an appfoach in deciding appfopfiate matefials that will be

given of taught to the students. The authentic matefials afe fequifed in

ofdef to build the feal context of text which can benefit to them because

the authentic matefials show them the feal situation which they face in the

wofkplace latef. Fof instance, the teachef gives them a pfocedufe text


about how to cfeate financial statement. In the wofkplace latef, if they will

be asked to cfeate the financial statement, they can do the job well because

wfiting financial statements afe the main job of accounting staff.

4. New English feading matefials wefe validated by two expefts by giving

them questionnaife. The questionnaife consists of the dimensions of

linguistic featufes, pfocesses, contents, and layout. The expefts checked

whethef the dimensions wefe found in the new matefials. The fesult of

questionnaifes shows that the new English feading matefials afe felevant

to the students of accounting in SMKS Jambi Medan.

5.2 Suggestions

In felation to the conclusions, suggestions afe pfesented as the following.

1. It is suggested that the English teachefs should not give the genefal

English feading matefials. Students fof accounting should be give the

matefials felated to accounting.

2. It is suggested that the English teachefs should taught the English feading

matefials that the contents afe felated to the students' field. The contents of

feading matefials fof students of accounting should be felated to


3. It is suggested that the teachef can use ACA as a teaching appfoach in


4. It is suggested that validating the English feading matefials is fequifed in

ofdef to pfovide an appfopfiate and feadable English feading matefials fof




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