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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



REG. NUMBER 2123321070







Samosir, Deli, Maya, Rosy. Registration Number: 2123321070. Developing ESP Reading Materials for the Eleventh Year Dressmaking Students Vocational High School. A Thesis. English Educational Program, State University of Medan, 2016

The Objective of this research were: (1) To develop English reading materials to meet the needs of second grade of dressmaking students at SMKN 10 Medan, (2) To Design English reading materials which is suitable to the needs of second grade of dressmaking students at SMKN 10 Medan. The subjects were the eleventh year students of dressmaking department at SMKN 10 Medan. The study was a Research and Development (R & D) study. The research was conducted by using developmental research which is adapted from Borg and Gall (1983). This research were conducted by six phases, they are, Gathering information and data, Analyzing data, Designing new reading materials, Validating new reading materials, Revising new reading materials, Revised-developing reading materials. The Instruments for collecting the data were 30 questionarries need analysis and interview students, teacher and practitioner. The results from the data were the students need authentic material which related and appropriate to their need in order they can understand English well. The developed materials were validated by two experts, one is a lecture and the other is a teacher. The validator scored 4 creteria. The research findings showed that the developed materials were appropriate to be implemented. The average score of validation was 4,72 (lecture score) and 4,75 (teacher score). Based on the results of the study, conclusion and suggestions are directed to the teachers and institution who are teaching in SMKN 10 Medan generally to create and to develop the materials based on students need which will be taught to the students in order the students can understand it well and can apply it into their creativity and can face the tourists come to their tailor. Key words: English Reading Materials, Vocational High School Students,




First of all, the writer would like to thanks to Jesus Christ for the blessings

during her academic year at English and Literature Department Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) State University of Medan in completing the thesis. This thesis is purposed to fulfil one of the requirements to obtain the S-1 degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan. In fulfilling this thesis, the writer has received a lot of help from many people. Thus the writer would like to express her gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the secretary of English and Literature Department.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum. the Head of English Education Program and her Reviewer.

Drs. Lidiman Sahat Martua Sinaga, M.Hum., as Advisor Thesiss and Advisor Academic for his inspirational passion in teaching, consultant, who had already motivated her to finish the thesis by giving advices, supervising, giving comments and corrections during completing this thesis and also for Tiarnita Maria S Siregar, S.Pd., M.Hum.,, as her Advisor Thesis for giving advices and supervising during her academic year.



All of the Lecturers of English Department, for their valuable lessons, knowledge, advices, and guidance during her academic years in English Department.

Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd, the Administration staff of English Department, who helped her to fulfill this thesis.

Roberth. A. Lesbatta, S.Pd., and Dra. Elita Ginting, as Headmaster and English Teacher in SMKN 10 Medan who has given permission in collecting the data and help me to finish the data.

Her beloved parents, Nelson Samosir, S.E. and Mariati Manalu, brothers Niko Samosir, Alfreddy Samosir, Marnix Samosir, Arifandi Samosir, Gomgom Samosir who have given a lot of loves, cares, prayers, supports, and advices.

Her beloved special family BOJAK, Anggreini Purba, Chrishna Sianturi, Mega Marpaung, Devi Novita Sari, Dewi Nainggolan, Kak Rondang, and Bg Andika Forman who has accompanied her life with a lot of loves, laughter, and motivations.

Her beloved favorite boy, Andika Frans Natio Simarmata who has colored her life with loves, laughter, and supports.

Her best friends, Yuliati Nurhasana, Nisha, Kak Elsa, Kak Umi, Kak Eka, Kak Mariana, Della, Ella, Wawa, dan Bg Fiktor who have supported her to finish the thesis and colored her life.

Her friends in Extension 2012 B who have made cheerful and spirit days at class.

Medan, September 2016 The writer,



B.The Research Problem of the Study ... 6

C. The Objective of the Study ... 6

D. The Scope of the Study ... 7

E. The Significance of the Study ... 7


A. Theoretical Framework ... 8

5. Approaches to Course Design ... 18

6. Authentic Materials ... 21

7. Material Evaluation ... 23

8. Materials Design ... 26

9. Materials Development ... 26

B. Relevant Studies ... 27

C. Conceptual Framework ... 28


A. Research Design ... 31

B. Place and Time of the Research ... 32

C. The Subject of the Research ... 32



E. Techniques of Data Analyisis. ... 33

F. The Developing Materials... 33


A. Gathering Information and Data ... 36

B. Analyzing Data ... 37

C. Designing New Reading Materials ... 45

D. Validating by Expert ... 51

E. Revising Reading Materials. ... 52

F. Revised-Developing Reading Materials. ... 52


A. Conclusion ... 55

B. Suggestion ... 56




Table 2.1 Topic of Syllabus ... 17

Table 4.1 Evaluation of Existing Materials... 43

Table 4.2 English Teacher’s Validation Score ... 53




Figure 2.1Materials Evaluation Process . ... 25 Figure 3.1 Flow Chart of Developing. ... 35




Appendix A. Need Analysis Questionnaires . ... 60

Appendix B. Interview Sheet. ... 70

Appendix C. The Existing Materials ... 85

Appendix D. The Existing Syllabus. ... 93

Appendix E. The Existing Lesson Plan... 98

Appendix F. The First Draft. ... 111

Appendix G. Expert Validation... 124

Appendix H. The List of Revisions. ... 130





A. Background of The Study

In the era globalization English has become a language that should be well mastered by many people in the context of job market especially in

dressmaking field. This is a fact that in the competition to get a good job as advertised in many job vacancies stated that English is required in terms of

fluency in written as well as spoken form.So, the application should be able to perform their competence in English; General English (GE) as well as English

for Specific Purposes (ESP).

Vocational school is different with Senior high school as well as in the knowledge and in the each of goal. Vocational students are taught the skills

needed to perform a particular job. Vocational students need to be prepared to enter the working world after they graduate and should have some special abilities to support their knowledge but senior high school need to be prepared

to continue their study into the university level. So, Vocational students have to have a wide knowledge with their skill.

Many sources of information and knowledge are written in English especially from internet source, creative design book. Now, English is not a modern language in this era, but it is a necessary language to get better life



their ability on each field especially in dressmaking students. To be a successful fashion designer, the students have to have wide understanding

about variety of core principles such as methods of designing, how to build a quantitative and qualiatative body of research, how to use inspirations in the

design process, how fabric knowledge, how to make creative shirt, skirt, long pants, short pants, dress, the creative technique in dressmaking and color principle strengthten a designer’s message and how to envolve their own

vision (Faerm,2010). By mastering these principles, they will develop their creativity and refine their understanding of what makes a successful design.

Not only to get information but also they need it as a communication tool. They need English to communicate with foreigner that visit their tailor, to

respon their willing, to share their handmade creativity in wide blog so that people can see their creative as well in Indonesia or in another country. Then, so that they can communicate with foreigner designer about how to make their

creative in the international dressmaking exhibition or in the international dressmaking workshop. That is their need in the process of studying and for

their future, have a little knowledge in dressmaking in English. They need English to increase their skill in the future especially in English materials (procedure text in dressmaking) so they can access the better, innovative,

creative information ways in dressmaking and comprehend the way a dress is made in written or spoken.



the future; at least, education can be a media for students to increase their quality in term of knowledge. By having education, students are expected to

be experts of the subjects that they focus on, or at least, they can get benefit of having gotten the education by an implementation of what they have in

education. In other words, when taking a related subject or specific purposes in education, students are expected to be easier to fulfill their life by having an

occupation or being a professional worker.

General English usually offers a judicious blend of different language skills and the topics that are chosen from all range of sources, and based on the selection of content more on students’ interest and engagement rather than

an early identifiable students’ need. Students are taught to communicate on

general social level and to cope with the normal text. The decision made, in

part, that how, why or when students need the language in the future is still unknown, so the materials are given cover the broadcast range of use possible.

In contrast English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has closely identified goals for learning (Kariman & Nababan, 2006).

ESP is seen as an approach, not a product, which means that no special

form of language is taught, but it can be identified as typical of a typical of a particular context of use. It is meant that the learners would likely meet the

target situation (Hutchinson and Waters, 1989). ESP is not just a matter of science, work and grammar for scientists, etc, but it is linked with performance and competence. It means that people can do their future job with



any other language teaching; that is based on the principle of effective and efficient learning. ESP course are providing the learners with competence of

us English for Specific Fields of knowledge at the advanced level. It is also concerned with the design of curriculum, using approaches, methods, and

techniques in advanced ESP and develops materials for the syllabus; type authentic scientific writing, grammatical features, vocabulary building and

principles in the teaching and learning of ESP.

ESP is generally based on needs of the students, which are aimed at specifiying what are exactly the students’ need in studying English. ESP

practitioners are required to be sensible in detecting their learners needs in the present situation and in the target situation. The practitioners should develop their teaching materials based on the learners’ preferences. Rustam (1999:32)

reports his investigation that most Indonesian English teachers do not develop their own syllabus and materials systematically based on the teachers’

preferences. As a result, students are not motivated to learn. Their motivation basically caused by the institutional curriculum that they should follow.

The fact is, of course, being a problem for the teachers that the students

learn something that they do not need. Moreover the research finding reported by Rustam (2003) suggests that ESP materials for vocational School should be developed based on the learners’ need and their future job. The students are

exposed to linguistic form, which they do not need and which are of little



Based on the writer’s analysis of syllabus and teaching materials,

particularly in the subject of English which are used by students of a particular

SMK in Medan, the teaching materials are not related for any certain vocation. In fact, students who take dressmaking vocation are taught by using materials

which are not related to dressmaking particularly found in reading materials which is one of the four major skills, and essential skill for students and most important skill to master in order to succeed in learning English because it can

support the development of the knowledge and provide the proficiency to get

information. In their textbook ͞Buku Bahasa Inggris͟ published by Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud, they are taught by using

a text about how to make jasmine, how to make cheese toast, how to make pizza, and how to make Indonesian chicken satay and then they are asked to

answer the question about that text. Actually they are not the relevant material for the students of dressmaking in vocational school. As vocational school is concerned with preparing students’ ability in their major for working in the

future, which means that the students of Vocational School learn English for a

specific purpose (ESP) that is related to their target job in the future. It is stated in the content standard of the national education standard board or

Badan StandarNasional Pendidikan (2006:112), the purposes of English

subject in Vocational School are: (1) mastering the basic knowledge and skill of English to support the students in achieving the competency of their



They learn English but their English is not aimed to acommodate their needs. Teacher just teach the reading materials which is applied in the textbook; teacher does not exist their own materials. That’s why their felt into

fulfill subject matter only. Based on this there is an assumption that they do

not have yet English for Specific Purpose.

Based on the background above, the developing of English reading materials is needed for students in vocationl school, and this research will

focus on developing English reading text materials for gradeeleven of Dressmaking Vocational High School (SMKN 10 Medan).

B. The Research Problem of the Study

The problems of the study are formulated as following:

1. What English reading materials should be developed to meet the needs of second grade of dressmaking students at SMK NEGERI 10 MEDAN?

2. How to design English reading materials which is suitable to the needs of second grade of dressmaking students at SMK NEGERI 10 MEDAN?

C. The Objective of the Study

In line with the research problems, the objectives of this study are: 1. To develop English reading materials to meet the needs of second grade of



2. To Design English reading materials which is suitable to the needs of

second grade of dressmaking students at SMK NEGERI 10 MEDAN?

D. The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on English for Specific Purpose materials especially reading materials that will meet the students’ needs at SMK NEGERI 10

MEDAN. It will be applied in the second grade vocational high school. And

the skill that will be concerned is reading comprehension, especially in procedure text.

E. The Significance of the Study

Findings of this study are expected to provide information which may have theoretical as well as practical value for English teachers.

Theoretically, the findings of the study later will add some new theories

and information in the area of developing English reading materials. Meanwhile practically, the findings become a reference for the English





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, the conclusion were drawn as the following:

1. The existing materials are too general for the students of dressmaking. They were taught by culinary reading materials such as “ how to make

orange juice”, “ how to make satay”, and “ how to make pizza”. The

existing reading materials are not related to students’ need. The procedure text about “ how to make skirt”, “how to make long pants”, how to make

dress” are appropriate to the students’ needs.

2. Theory of ESP should be considered in deciding the appropriate reading materials to the students of dressmaking. The content of reading materials should be related to dressmaking major.

3. New reading materials should be developed through 6 phases, they were 1) Gathering information and data, 2) Analyzing data, 3) Designing

materials based on the needs analysis, 4) Validating the new reading materials by experts (English subject teacher and English lecturer), 5) Revising the new reading materials based on experts’ suggestions, and 6)

Final product.

4. New English reading materials were validated by two experts, one is a



consists of the dimensions of linguistic features, processes, contents, and layout. Neverthless, the questionaire for teacher consists of the dimensions

of idea, content, punctuation, and performance. The result of questionarries shows that the new English reading materials are relevant to

the dressmaking students in SMK NEGERI 10 Medan.

B. Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, the suggestions are presented as follows:

1. Teacher

Teacher should not give the general English reading materials. Teacher should consider the students needs for the future. Teacher should taught

the English reading materials that the contents are related to the students field.The contents of reading materials for students of dressmaking should be related to dressmaking in order to make students be easier to understand

the reading comprehension and make the successfull learning-process in the class.

2. Institution

The instution should encourage English teacher to identify students’ need for learning English, and constructs the appropriate reading materials which accommodate the students’ need. The materials are also should help

students for two fold goals, comprehending English and getting



students’ need. Appropriate reading materials make teaching-learning

process run smoothly and effectively.

3. Other researcher

Other researchers should find many references to support in developing

reading materials. The open questions of questionnaire should be considered to give the students’ chance to deliver their wants in new




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Table 2.1 Topic of Syllabus .............................................................................................
Figure 2.1Materials Evaluation Process . .........................................................................


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