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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number : 2122121006





Marhamah, Anni. 2122121006. Developing English Reading Materials for the 10th grade students of Health Analyst Major at SMK Dharma Analitika Medan. A Thesis. English and Literature Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2016

This study aimed to develop English reading materials for the 10th grade Health Analyst Students at SMK Dharma Analitika Medan. This research was conducted by using six phases of Research and Developmental (R & D) adapted from Borg and Gall. Data of this research were the 10th grade health analyst students’ need analysis and the existing English reading materials. The data of this research were collected by questionnaires and interview. The products of the developed reading materials were nine descriptive texts, six texts described objects about hematology and laboratory tools and three texts described persons about health figures. The products had been validated by an English subject teacher and an English lecturer as the Experts. The averages score are 4,75 (very good/relevant) from English subject teacher and 3,96 (good/relevant) from English lecturer.




First and foremost, praise be Allah SWT, the Almighty and the Most Beneficial for His Blessing, Grace, Guidance, and Mercy that have been given to the writer so that this Thesis could be completed. This Thesis had been written in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) at English and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, The State University of Medan.

In the process of accomplishing this Thesis, she had encountered a lot of difficulties since the beginning to the end; many people had shown their care, generous guidance and assistance, and helped her in finishing this thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to express her deep gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., Rector of State University of Medan. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts

and Vice Dean I, II, and III and all administrative staffs.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., The Head of English and Literature Department and also as her Thesis Adviser and Academic Supervisor.  Dra. Meisuri, M.A., Secretary of English and Literature Department and

also as the The Reviewers and the Thesis Examiners.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., Head of English Education Study Program

Syamsul Bahri, S.S., M.Hum. Head of English Literature Study Program and as the Thesis Examiners.

Rika, S.Pd., M.Hum., her Thesis Adviser. She would like to acknowledge her with gratitude the time and effort extended on the thesis , for her understanding, efforts and willingness to share her valuable time especially for comments, advice, corrections, and suggestions.

Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., her Reviewers. Thanks for the valuable input to finish this thesis.

Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed, as the Expert Validator of the writer’s developed material. English and Literature Department who always helped the writer during her academic year.



headmaster. Intan Maulina, S.Pd., M.S the English teachers and also as the expert validator, for their assistance and guidance during the research.  Her special sincere gratitude goes to her wonderful beloved parents (Allah SWT. blesses them), her lovely father, Bahrin (Deceased), and her mother, Hapsoh, for their endless love, mental and financial support, understanding, spirit, motivation, and the main part, prayers, during the writer’s whole life. Her brother, Rasyid Ridho and her sister Latifah Ainy for their support, caring, and attention. And also all of her family for giving the inspiration and their great motivation for the writer in finishing her study.

Her thankfulness is also directed to her great motivators, Mr. Mulayandri  Her thankfulness is also directed to her seniors in Students’ Council of English and Literature Department (HMJ BSI Unimed), Isma Eriyanty S.Pd., Diah Khoirunnisa Hrp, S.Pd., RA Wulaningtyas Kulowani, S.Pd., Swidanty Annisa, S.S., Muhammad Yusuf, S.Pd., for their guidance, spirit, and motivation in the organization and campus daily life. She thanks you all so much. Her gratitude to her amazing friends in her amazing internal organization, HMJ, Tita, bg Syaiful, Sidik, Dedi, arif, imam and also her dear brothers and Sisters in HMJ BSI Unimed, for their supports and prayers.

All her best friends, Dwi mahartika & Nita Syah Umar (Keluarga Nita), Ayu, Aya, Djuwi, Mega, Sofa, PPL Mates (Via, Amly, Lailan, Mustofa, Mia) thank you so much for every single smile, laugh, tear, help, struggle that we have passed and for sweet and happy memories we shared together.

 All her classmates in Regular A 2012 who cannot be mentioned one by one that conquered the lectures and shared knowledge, ideas, and bitter-sweet of campus life together.

The writer realizes that the content of her Thesis is still far from being perfect, but she warmly welcomes any constructive suggestions that will improve the quality of this Thesis. She also hopes it would be useful for those who are interested in this field of study.

Medan, August 2016 The writer,

Anni Marhamah



B. Data and the Source of Data ... 27

C. The Instrument Data Collection ... 28

D. The Techniques Data Analysis ... 29

E. The Developing Materials ... 29


A. Gathering Information and Data ... 32

B. Need Analysis ... 34

1. Need Analysis ... 34

2. Material Evaluation ... 37

C. Designing New Reading Materials ... 42

D. Validating by Experts ... 46

1. English Subject Teacher ... 46

2. English Lecturer ... 47

E. Revising Reading Materials ... 47

1. English Subject Teacher’s Suggestions ... 48

2. English Lecturer’s Suggestions ... 48

F. Revised- Developing Reading Materials (Final Product) ... 50


A. Conclusion ... 52

B. Suggestions ... 52






Table 4.1. The Students’ Needs of Language Skills. ... 35

Table 4.2. Evaluation of Existing Materials... 41

Table 4.3. English Subject Teacher’s Validation Score. ... 50








APPENDIX A. Interview ... 55

APPENDIX B. Questionnaires ... 59

APPENDIX C. Developing Materials ... 64

APPENDIX D. Revised-Developing Materials ... 66

APPENDIX E. Validating Sheet ... 82

APPENDIX F. Standard and Basic Competence ... 88



I have familiarized myself with the University’s Policy on Academic integrity. Except where appropriately acknowledged, this thesis is my own work, has been

expressed in my own words, and has not been previously been submitted for


I understand that this paper may be screened electronically or otherwise for


Medan, August 2016





A. The Background of the Study

English becomes an important subject at schools in Indonesia. Learning

English in Indonesia is different from the other country since English is a foreign

language in Indonesia. This condition affects the students’ ability to learn and

comprehend the language itself. English as a subject taught at school and college

deal with the students’ understanding and use of language (Guth 1973).

Teaching materials are essential things which influence a teaching process

in a classroom. O’Neill (2003) emphasizes that teaching materials help a teaching

and learning process; the teaching materials must be suitable for students’ needs,

even if they are not designed specifically for them, the teaching materials should

make it possible for students to preview and prepare their lessons, and the

teaching materials should allow for adaptation and improvisation.

Every school provides the teaching materials based on the curriculum. All

materials should be related to the curriculum. The curriculum used in vocational

school, especially in SMK Dharma Analitika Medan is School-Based Curriculum

or “Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPendidikan” (KTSP). The curriculum have main

concern on the improvement of the students‟ competency. This curriculum is

based on the communicative competence at all situations and conditions.

The development of the curriculum is centered on the content standard



Lulusan” (SKL), and based on the curriculum development procedure which

is provided by National Standard Educational Board (BNSP).

Based on BSNP (2006), English subject in vocational high schools has

two purposes, they are: (1) mastering the basic knowledge and skill of

English to support the expertise program; and (2) applying the mastery of the

ability and skill in English to communicate both in spoken and written on

intermediate level. Both of these purposes under the nature of vocational school

that prepare the students to be ready to work with qualified expertise.

The goal of English subject in the vocational high school is to

communicate by using intermediate level English. To reach the goal, students

in vocational high school must pass the standard competencies provided in the

curriculum. It aims to develop students abilities in communicating with English

both spoken and written based on level novice, elementary and intermediate in

real life communication. The students in vocational school can use English in

communicating and comprehend the language, especially in reading skill that can

also affects the others skill of learning English.

There are four skills in learning English. They are writing, reading,

listening, and speaking. Its skill has different meaning but has the same purpose,

which is increasing the creativity of language. They are needed by the students as

the good skill in improving their knowledge in English, especially reading.

Reading is the construction of meaning. Readers interact with the text.

Reading text may provide opportunities for students to study the target language



about the reading text. Readers understand what they read only as it relates to

what they already know. A reader’s background knowledge can influence reading

comprehension. It means that the appropriate topics or materials of reading will

help students to comprehend the reading.

Reading is one of the important skills to be learned in learning English.

But, most of the students do not like to learn reading text. Because they thought

English is difficult, uninteresting and unnecessary in their daily life because the

vocabularies of the texts are not relevant with their major. The English reading

materials are too general for some students and not related to their life so they

don’t want to learn it. They thought that it is not beneficial for them.

The English textbook that used at every vocational school was totally

similar with all major in vocational school. So, even the major was different the

students still use the same English textbook. Most of reading materials at

Vocational schools were not relevant to their major and did not support the

expertise program. In line with the phenomena, Suprabawati (2009) and

Widyantari (2009) in their studies found that students’ course book which were

used at school where the research was conducted, in terms of content validity,

those course books and LKS presented less contextual and authentic activities and

material or beyond the curriculum. The contents were not closely related to their


Meliawati (2014) and Nitiasih (2014) also found the same cases about

reading materials in their studies. It was found that the English materials used to



materials dealt with general topics in English. The students did not learn English

based on their needs and the materials did not support their English based on their

expertise program.

It happened on the vocational school, especially for Health

Analyststudents atSMK Dharma Analitika Medan. They had different materials

from the general school since their learning was related to the health. In fact, even

they used the different textbook with the general school, vocational textbook but

the materials of the textbook was quiet same with general schools.It consisted of

general materials specially for reading materials and different topics with their

own major. The health analyst students learned reading materials about describing

people, criminal, furniture, goods, jewelry, etc. There was gap between the

materials with their major and prior knowledge.

Based on the researcher’s observation at SMK Dharma Analitika Medan,

the materials delivered and used in this school did notimprove the students

reading skill effectively and did not help the students much in the future work. In

fact, students who took health analyst major were taught by using teaching

materials that unrelated to the health analyst. Moreover, learners’ difficulties in

comprehending the English Reading Materials affected their achievement in

English subject.

Teachers have to consider and provide the appropriate English reading

materials based on the materials and the student’s needs because every school and

every major has different need in learning and provide material since the SMK



specific purposes which have different learning topics. They have to learn English

which is related to their major, they have to use the materials which consist of the

health topics as reading material. The materials should be related to the health

since their major is health analyst not in general. So, they can learn effectively.

Based on the problems faced by the teachers and students in teaching and

learning especially reading, the researcher would like to conduct a research by

using Research and Development (R&D) to find the students’ need and their

problem in learning English, especially reading and develop new reading

materials based on the students’ needs to help them in comprehending the reading

materials and improve their reading skill that benefit for them in the future work.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem was formulated as:

“How to develop English Reading Materials which is suitable to the students’

needs and majorof SMK Dharma Analitika Medan?”

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study was: “To develop appropriate English reading

materials based on students’ needs and major of SMK Dharma Analitika Medan”.

D. The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study was developing English reading materials based on

the students’ needs and major of SMK Dharma Analitika Medan. It was applied in

the 10th grade students of Health Analyst Major. And the skill concerned on the



E. The Significances of the Study

Findings of this study were expected to provide beneficial information

theoretically and practically for the students and English teachers.

Theoretically, the findings of the study became the source of reference for

English teachers especially in vocational high school to develop the materials.

Meanwhile, practically, the findings of the study, which was the developed

material,would be used by the English teachers to teach the students to enlarged

the students’ English competency and reading skill by using the appropriate





The development of English reading materials for the Health Analyst

students of SMK Dharma Analitika Medan by using six phases of Research and

Developmental (R & D) adapted from Borg and Gall produced nine descriptive

texts. Six texts described objects; they were three texts about Hematology and

three texts about laboratory tools. Three texts described person, they were the

health figures. The texts wereBlood, Red Blood Cells, Plasma Membrane,

Erlenmeyer Flask, Burette, Graduated Cylinder, Dr. M. Sardjito, Adolf Meyer and

IbnuSina. The products had been validated by an English subject teacher and an

English lecturer as the Experts. The averages score are 4,75 (very good/relevant)

from English subject teacher and 3,96 (good/relevant) from English lecturer.

B. Suggestions

Teachers use this study as the source of reference to develop materials and

use the developed materials as the reference to teach the students. Teachers should

consider the students need in learning process and develop the materials based on

the student needs and major in order to make the students can understand the

materials well andimprove their reading skill, so they can apply it in their daily

lifeand work field later, because the materials are familiar for them and motivate

the students in learning process.




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Table 4.1. The Students’ Needs of Language Skills. ..............................  Table 4.2
Figure 2.1. Diagram of the skill centered approach…….…………………. 19 Figure 3.1. The diagram of material development…………..…………….


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