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Bahasa Inggris


Academic year: 2017

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Bahasa Inggris Wandy Gunawan 1301116

1. Who …. Food in your family when your mom is away . a. Cooks

b. Is cooking

c. Has been cooking d. Cooked

The answer … B. Is cooking

(Simple Continous Tense)

Because the tenses is present continuous tense..

Who = Adverbs

Is cooking = Verbs

Food = Noun

In = Prepositions

Your = Pronouns

Family = Nouns

When = Conjunction

Your = Pronouns

Mom = Nouns

Is = to be

Away = Pronouns

2. Where is John ? he …. His car in the garage a. Repairs

b. Is repairing c. Has repaired d. Repaired The answer …. B. Is repairing

(Simple Continous Tense)

Because the tenses john is doing it now .. Where = Adverbs


John = Subject

Car = Noun

In = Prepositions

The = Articles

Garage = Nouns

3. I love the film , I …. It four or five time already. a. See

b. Have seen c. Had seen The answer …. C. Had seen

(Past Perfect Tenses )

Because this tenses “I” do it repeatedly repeatedly

I = Pronoun

Love = Verb

The = Articles

Film = Noun

It = Pronoun

Four & Five Time Already = Adjactive

4. Have you visited any European countries ? yes, I …. Spain and Italy two year ago

a. Visited b. have visited c. had visited The answer … D. Had Visited

(Past Perfect Tenses)

Because The man or the women had visited two European countries two years ago

Have = Introgative

You = Pronouon

Visited = Verb

Any = Adjactive


Two years ago = Adjactive

5. She …. The living room when she heard strange noise in the kitchen. a. Has cleaned

b. Has been cleaning c. Has cleaning

The answer ….

B. Has been Cleaning

(Present Perfect Continous Tenses)

Because Part Simple Sentenses of tenses Have used “Heard (verb 2 of Hear).. so forward sententes use perfect continuous tense.

She = Pronoun

The = Articles

Living room = Noun

When = Conjunction

Heard = Verbs

Noise = Adjactive Strange = Adverb

In = Prepositions

Kitchen = Noun

6. I envy you . at five tomorrow you …. Same tan a nice beach in Greece a. Will get

b. Will be getting c. Will have gotten

d. Will have been getting The answer ….

C. Will Have gotten Future Perfect Tenses

Because She/he have gotten it five time tomorrow I, You = Pronoun

Envy = Verbs

At = Prepositions

Five Tomorrow = Adjactive

Tan = Noun


7. You arrived two day ago, you are going to live next Sunday. By time in you leave you …. Nine days here.

a. Spend b. Have spent c. Are spending d. Will have spent The answer … D. Will Have Spent Future Perfect Tenses

Because This time will be past

You = Pronouon

Arrived, Leave = Verbs Two day = Adjactive Going, Live = Verbs

8. Where in he ? I …. For him since three o’clock ! a. Am waiting

b. Have been waiting c. Was waiting

d. Had been waiting The answer…

B. Have been waiting Present Perfect Continous

Beacause time of tenses is present or now

Where = Adverbs

In = Prepositions Waiting = Verb

Three o’clock = Adjactive

9. I went to Belgium last mount , I … there before it’s . a. Have never been


Past Continous Tenses

I = Pronoun

Went = Verbs

Last Mount= Adjavtive Before = Adverb

10. He said that his mother would be very upset when she …. That he had lost his job.

a. Learns b. Learned c. Had learned d. Would learn The answer … C. Had learned Past Perfect tense

Because the tenses used verb 2 and no yet happen.. He = Pronoun

Said = Verb Upset = verb

When = Conjunction Lost = Verb


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