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Understanding Of Democracy And Religion For Social Justice


Academic year: 2016

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Medan, 1


December 2007

By: Sismudjito



The Indonesian government system has been widely embraced at first.

However, of all the systems of government, which survived from the era of the

1998 reform to date is the system of democratic governance. Although there are

still some shortcomings and challenges here and there. Some groups feel free to

domokrasi system implementation in Indonesia. That is, freedom of the press is

already occupied space as free as possible so that everyone has the right of

expression and aspiration respectively.

Democracy is a form of mechanism or system of government of a country

in an effort to realize the sovereignty of the people or countries that are run by the

government. All citizens have equal rights in decision-making that can change

their lives. Democracy allow citizens to participate either directly or through

representatives in the formulation, development, and manufacture of the law.

1Presented in the International Seminar on “Religion, Democracy and Social Justice:


Democracy includes social conditions, economy, and culture that enable

the practice of political freedom freely and equally.

Indonesian democracy is deemed necessary and in accordance with a

private Indonesian nation. Besides the background for the use of the democratic

system in Indonesia. It can be found from the number of incoming and growing

religions in Indonesia, besides the many tribes, cultures and languages, all of

which is a gift of God that we should be grateful.

Indonesian society is a plural society consisting of diverse religions.

Plurality is characterized by religious diversity that has a strong tendency towards

religious identity of each and potential conflicts. Indonesia is one example of a

multicultural society. Indonesia's multicultural society because they do not sauja

diversity of race, culture, language, race but also in terms of religion. Religions

recognized by the government of Indonesia is the religion of Islam, Catholic,

Protestant, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian. Of the religions professed religious

differences to pass each of the people of Indonesia. With these differences, if not

well maintained can lead to conflict between religious communities is contrary to

the basic values of the religion itself teaches us peace, mutual respect life, and

helping each other.

Therefore, to achieve harmony among religious believers are true, should

create a concept of statehood that is binding on all members of social groups of

different religions in order to avoid "explosive inter-religious conflicts that occur




Harmony is a term meaning met by the charge of "good" and "peace". The

point is, to live together in a society with a "union of hearts" and "agreed" not to

create strife and contention. If the meaning of the hold on, then the "harmony" is

something ideal and coveted by human society. Harmony [of bowing, Arabic,

meaning the pole or poles that sustain the home; buttresses that give kedamain

and welfare to the inhabitants] is widely meaningful presence of an atmosphere of

brotherhood and unity among all people even though they differ in ethnicity,

religion, race, and class.

Harmony also means a process to be in harmony because previously there

was disharmony; and the ability and willingness to live side by side and together

peacefully and in safety. Steps to achieve such harmony, as well as the dialogue

process requires time, be open, accept and appreciate each other, and love.

Meaningful harmonious inter-religious harmony and peaceful dynamics of

religious life in all aspects of life, such as aspects of worship, tolerance, and


God doomed human As social beings who need relationships and social

interaction with fellow human beings. As social beings, humans require working

with others in meeting their needs, both material and spiritual needs.

Islamic teachings encourage people to work together and helping each other

(ta'awun) with fellow human beings in terms of goodness. In the social life of

Muslims can relate to anyone without restriction of race, nation, and religion.

Democracy comes from the Greek words demos and kratos. Demos means

people. Word kratos means rule. So, democracy means rule of the people, namely

people government plays a very decisive.

The word refers to the concept of democracy or the public life of the

country, where the adult citizens participate in government through its

representatives are selected for each through elections. The State Government is

also encouraging democracy and guarantee freedom of speech, beragarna,

opinion, association every citizen, upholding the rule of law, the government

respect the rights of minorities; and public citizens to give the same opportunities

to earn a decent living.

Society is a social system that produces culture (Soerjono Soekanto,

1983). While religion according to Indonesian Dictionary is the system or the

principle of belief in God, or also known by the name of god or other names with

the teachings of worship and obligations relating to that trust. While religion in

Indonesia plays an important role in public life. This is stated in the ideology of


Indonesia collectively influence on politics, economics and culture. In 2000,

approximately 86.1% of Indonesia's population is 240 271 522 Muslims, 5.7%

Protestant, Catholic 3%, Hindu 1.8%, and 3.4% other beliefs.

In 1945 it is stated that "each resident is given the freedom to choose and practice

his belief" and "guarantee everything will be free to worship, according to religion

or belief". The government, however, officially only recognizes six religions,

namely Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and


With so many religions and faiths that exist in Indonesia, inter-religious

conflicts are often inevitable. Moreover, the political leadership of Indonesia plays

an important role in the relationship between the group or class. The

transmigration program has indirectly led to a number of conflicts in the eastern

region of Indonesia.

Based on history, immigrants have become key drivers of religious and

cultural diversity in the country with immigrants from India, China, Portugal,

Arabic, and Dutch. However, this has changed since a few changes have been

made to adjust the culture in Indonesia.

Based Elucidation of Presidential Decree No. 1 of 1965 concerning the

Prevention of Abuse and / or blasphemy chapter 1, "Religions are embraced by

people in Indonesia are Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism




Keeping Life Inter-religious harmony one with inter-religious dialogue.

One prerequisite is the establishment of modern democratic society is the

realization of a society that respects diversity (plurality) of society and the nation

and make it happen in an inevitability. For that we must maintain mutual harmony

among religions. Historically many conflicts between religious communities, for

example in the Poso conflict between Muslims and Christians. Religion here is

seen as a trigger or source of the conflict. It is ironic that the conflict when a

religion basically teaches its adherents to live in peace, helping each other and

respect each other. Therefore let us keep the kinship between co-religionists.

Conflicts between religious communities in society that multkultural is becoming

a major challenge for society and the government. Because of the conflict could

become a serious threat to the national integrity if not managed properly. So that

religion can be a tool to unite the nation, the plurality must be managed properly

and correctly, it is necessary that an effective way of inter-religious dialogue for a


conflict may arise between religious communities occurs because the breakdown

of the fabric of the right information among religions from one party to another

party so that the resulting negative prejudices.

According to Prof. Dr. H Muchoyar HS, MA in addressing religious

differences related to inter-religious tolerance that inter-religious dialogue to

materialize requires three concepts namely:

1. Agree to disagree, that every religion has a belief that each religion

tolerate each other with these differences.

2. Agree to disagree, this concept means that believes all religions have in

common in order to improve the welfare and dignity of his people.

3. Agree to differ, this difference means in terms not addressed peacefully to

destroy each other.

The theme of inter-religious dialogue should not lead to the issue of

worship but rather to the bleak humanitarian issues of morality, ethics, and

spiritual values, so that efktif in aantar religious dialogue also avoid religious

background and the will to memdominasi other party. Model of inter-religious

dialogue proposed by Kimball is these:

1. The Parliamentary Dialogue (parliamentary dialogue). This dialogue

conducted with the involvement of religious leaders in the world. The aim is to


2. Institutional Dialogue (institutional dialogue). This dialogue involving

religious organizations. The aim is to discuss and solve problems keumatan and

develop communication among religious organizations.

3. Dialogue Theology (theological dialogue). The aim is to discuss

theological issues that philosophical understanding of religion is not subjective

but objective.

4. Dialogue in Society (dialogue in society). Carried out in the form of

co-operation of religious communities in the plural menylesaikan practical problems

in daily life.

Spirituality dialogue (spiritual dialogue). Conducted with the aim of

developing and deepening spirituak life among the various religions. Another way

of maintaining harmony among religions Indonesia is a multicultural especially

dakam religion make Indonesia become very vulnerable to conflicts between

religious communities. Therefore maintaining religious harmony is very

important. In relation to maintaining inter-religious life in order to keep the

process create inter-religious harmony in the society, especially the people of

Indonesia, for example in the following manner:

1. Eliminate feelings of suspicion or hostility towards other religions that

is by changing the suspicion and hate being positf curiosity and willing to respect

other people's beliefs.

2. Do not blame one's religion if she made a mistake but blame the person.


3. Let the other people do not carry out worship their banter as this part of

the mutual respect.

4. Avoid discrimination against other religions because everyone is

entitled to the same facilities as education, employment and so on.

By the manner in keeping harmony between religious communities that we

human beings should be helping each other and we have to accept that religious

differences with other people is a reality in a multicultural society that lives

beragma between people can be realized.




The importance of inter-religious harmony is the creation of a harmonious

society lives in peace, helping each other, not against each other and so that

religion can be unifying the Indonesian nation that indirectly provide the stability

and progress of the State. How to maintain while realizing inter-religious harmony

is to hold inter-religious dialogue in which to discuss about the relationship

between co-religionists. In addition there are some ways to maintain at the same

time realizing inter-religious harmony, among others:

a) Eliminate feelings of suspicion or hostility towards other religions

b) Do not blame one's religion if she made a mistake but blame the person.

c) Let the other people do not bother to implement worship other beings that

are worshiped.



Borgotta F., Edgar, dan Marie L. Borgotta, 1992 “Encyclopedia of Sociology”

McMillan Publishing Company.

Castells, Manuel, 1997. “The Power of Identity: The Information Age, Economy,

Society, and Cultere” Blackwell Publishing Ltd, London.

Horowitz, Donald L, 1985, “Ethnic Group in Conflict” California, California

Press Ltd.

Huntington, Samuel, 1996, “Benturan Antar Peradaban dan Masa Depan Politik


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