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A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Particular Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strata One Degree










A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Particular Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strata One Deg:ree




Approved by: Advisor

Dr. Muhamm· rkhan M.Pd

N . 150 299 480




Pack" has been defended before the Letters and Humanities Faculty's Examination Committee on November 28, 2007. The thesis has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Strata One Degree.


Dr. 11. Abdul Chair MA NIP. 150 216 746

Examiner I

Elve Oktafivani S.S. M.1-Ium NIP.150 3!7 725

Examining Committee


Jakarta, 28 November 2007






Ors. A. Saefuddin. M. Pd NIP.150261 902

Examiner II


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent ha:s been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in text.

Jakarta, 28 November 2007


University SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta. November 2007.

This research is aimed to know code switching and code mixing problem that appears in the conversation of the novel. It also aims to know the functions and the types of code switching and code mixing that happens in novel.

In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative method where she analyzes, finds out and classifies the code switching and code mixing. Then, from those result, the writer concludes what the types and function of code switching and code mixing.

The unit analysis of this research is Test Pack by Ninit Yunita. Actually, there are many cases of code switching and code mixing in that novel, but the writer just takes only twenty one character's dialogs. And the instruments of the research, the writer use herself as the main instrument. Being informed with the theories, the writer tries to identify and group the language used by the character that is considered as code switching and code mixing.

The result of analysis shows that the twenty one cases of code switching and the nine cases of code mixing accounted base on the frequency of word, clause, and phrase from another language (English).


First of all, praise belong to Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful of the world, the Lord of the Universe for all chance has been given to observe His world with full of guidance and aid to pass it through. May peace and blessing of Allah be upon the messenger of Allah, Muhammad SA ViT, his family and his companions.

On this occasion, the writer would like to thank beloved parents who have given her their spiritual support and full-financial during her study and the process of making the paper.

Thanks to the most meaningful persons, that the writer assures for this work would not finish without their. aid and supports. Therefore, the writer would like to thank:

I. Dr. H. Abdul Chair MA, the Dean of the Faculty of Adah and Humanities Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta.

2. Dr. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd, the Head of English Letters Department, the academic advisor and the guidance counselor of this study, and Drs. A. Saefuddin, M.Pd, the secretary of the English Letters Depa:rtment.


Humanities Faculty.

5. The staffs of the Adah and Humanities Library, the s.taffs of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Library, the staffs of Indonesian University Library, the staffs Atma Jaya Library for all reforences of this study. 6. Her special person, Ihenk who always spends his time to accompany the writer in

doing this paper and also for patience that you gave to the v11Iiter. 7. Masduki, S.Pd and family for all love and support.

8. All staff and teachers in Keraton Nurul Amal for all support.

9. Her friends Dini thanks for the idea, Ununy, Zack, Abadi, Angga, Heri, Acep, Rizal, Yuni, Dhany, Faris, and all names who are not mentiioned in this paper.

The words are not enough to say any appreciation for your help and contribution on this paper. May Allah, the Almighty bless tlb.em all and give them happiness.





ABSTRACT .••..•..•.••..•...•.••....•....•.•..•...•..•.••.•..•.••.••.•...•.•..•.•.•..•.••.•.•.•.•••• iv



CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Focus of the Study... 5

C. Research Question ... 5

D. Significance of the Study ... 6

E. Research Methodology 1. The Objective of Research ... 6

2. The Method of Research ... 6

3. The Approach of Research ... 7

4. The Instrument of Research ... 7

5. Unit Analysis ... 7


1. Bilingualism ... ... 12

2. Multilingualism ···"··· 15

C. Definition of Code Switching and Code Mixing ... 17

D. Types of Code Switching and Code Mixing ... 18

E. Functions of Code Switching and Code Mixing ... 21

CHAPTER III. ANALYSIS A. Data Description . .. .... ... ... . ... .... .. .... ... .... ... ... 25

B. Data Analysis ... 29

CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ... ... ... ... 49

B. Suggestion ... 53



A. Background of the Study

Language is not simply a means of communicating information about the weather or any other subjects. It is also a very important means of establishing and maintaining relationships among people. Probably the most important thing about the conversation between two people is not the words they are using, but the fact that they are talking at all.

Communication is used in a process of sending and receiving information signals or message by gesture or writing. Language plays a great part in our life. Perhaps because of its familiarity, we rarely observe it and take it for granted, as we do breathing or walking.

According to Harimurti Kridalaksana as quoted by Kentjono, "bahasa adalah sistem lambang bunyi yang arbitrer yang dipergnnakan oleh para anggota kelompok sosial untuk beke1jasama, berkomunikasi, dan mengidentifilca>likan diri" (Language is an arbitrary vocal symbol used by human being for cooperation, communication and identification of human being himself). 1 In other definition, bahasa adalah alat komunikasi antara anggota masyarakat berupa simbol bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh alat



ucap manusia. (Language is communication between the societies in the form of sound symbol produced by human organ of speech).2

A language then would be some unitary system of linguistic communication which subsumes a number of mutual intelligible varieties.3 We may also refer to a language or a variety of a language as a code because it is neutral. Code can refer to any kind of system that two or more people employ for communication. It can actually be used for a system used by a single person, as when someone devises a private code to protect certain secrets. The particular dialect or language one chooses to use on any occasion is a code, a system used for communi.cation between two or more parties.

Within each community there is a variety of language codes and ways of speaking available to its members, which is called communicative repertoire. By this communicative repertoire people can have free language choice variation. The communicative repertoire may also include different occupational codes specialized religious language, secret codes of various kinds, imitative speech, and whistle or drum language, and varieties used for talking to foreigners, young children, and pets.4

Fasold in his book says that speakers have a choice among language varieties. This choice may be between one language or another, depending on the situation

2 Gorys Keraf, Komposisi, (Ende: Nusa lndah, 1994) p. 1

3 Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to s;ciolinguistics, (Massachusetts: Blackwell, 2002),

4"' Ed, p. 29



called by code switching, people can also use elements from one language while speaking another; this is called code mixing or among the myriad variants within a single-language system. 5 Furthermore, he suggests one criterion that is sometimes offered to distinguish switching from mixing is that grammar of the clause determines the language. If a person uses a word or phrase from another language, he has mixed, not switched. But if one clause has the grammatical structure of one language and the next is constructed according to the grammar of another, a switch has occurred. 6

Heller's have researched code switching in Montreal between English and France. Blom and Gumperz have researched code switching in Hemnesberget society in Norway in 1972. They use a local northern dialect of Norwegian, Ranamal, and one of the standard varieties, Bokmal.7 Generally, the research of code switching and code mixing which have done by many sociolinguistics are focused on the spoken language. They found cases of code switching and mixing in bilingual conversation between the people who can speak more than one language.

When many members of society can speak more than one language, switching between two or more languages in the same conversation is a common phenomenon. People sometimes switch code within a domain or social situation. People are usually forced to select a particular code whenever they choose to Sp(:ak and they may also decide to switch from one code to another or to mix code. 111e code we choose to use


Ralph Fasold, The Sociolinguistics of Society, (UK: Basil Blackwdl, i 984) p. 208


Ibid., p. 182



on a particular occasion is likely to indicate how we wish to be viewed by others and code switching and mixing may be very useful. A speaker may similarly switch to another language as a signal of group membership and shared ethnicity with an addressee. Even speakers who are not very proficient in a second language may use brief phrases and words for this purpose.

The characteristic of code mixing marked by the relationship between the role and the language function, the role means who is using the language, while the language function means what is the aim wanted by the speaker with the speech. The other characteristics are the relaxation or informal situation. <Code mixing is seldom found within formal situation. There is no right expression in such condition; it is need to use the word or expression from foreign language; in written language. Sometimes the purpose of this code mixing is to exhibit the education or the status.

The phenomenon of code switching and mixing also happens in Indonesia. They are a lot of media providing information that are available in Indonesia. They are television, newspaper, radio, novel, magazine and etc. Through all of those media, people can get a lot of information and commonly they switch and mix Indonesian language and English to make some interesting program and sometimes they make some trend with their languages.


Test Pack has unique story and has moral messages in it, it tells about commitment and understanding in life. All characters in this novel are educated and bilingual individuals.

B. Focus of the Study

This paper is focused on the analysis of the main character's dialogs which uses code switching and code mixing, such as when Tata talks with herself that she really wants to have a baby:

Gua dikeliliugi makhluk-makhluk yang hamil sementara tinggal gua sendiri yang belum. I'm a 32 years old married woman. A woman who is supposed to get pregnant! Onde kucing tetangga gue itu memang nggak punya perasaan sama sekali. Kayaknya hanya sekali bertemu kucing jantan dan TADAAAA! She's got pregnant instantly.

Now I hate cats more than anything in the world! !8

C. Research Question

In this paper the writer will analyze three main research questions: 1. What types of code switching and code mixing do exist in Test Paci(!

2. What do code switching and code mixing function in Test Pack?

3. Why do the main characters use code switching and code mixing in Test Pack?·



D. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that this research can give some contributions to the readers especially in English Letters Department. They get as an additional source of information about code switching and code mixing and also this study is useful for students learning linguistics, as well as others who are interested in doing similar research.

E. Research Methodology

1. The Objective of Research

The objective of this paper is to describe code switching and code mixing aspects, such as: code switching and code mixing concepts, the types of code switching and code mixing, and the functions of code switd1ing and code mixing in Test Pack.

2. The Method of Research


3. The Approach of Research

To analyze data, the writer uses qualitative analysis employing sociolinguistics approach which has a relation with codt: switching and code mixing theory that relevant. Firstly, the writer analyzes them, finds out and classifies the code switching and code mixing. Then, from 1J10se result, the writer concludes what the types and function of code switching and code mixing.

4. The Instrument of Research

As a qualitative research, the study does not need a test as an instrument to get the data. This research makes use the writer herself ai: the main instrument. Being informed with the theories, the writer tries to identify and group the language used by the character that is considered as code switching and code m1xmg.

5. Unit Analysis


6. Place and Time of Research


A. Language

Language is a system of commw1ication by soW1d, operating through organ of speech and meaning among members of a given eommW1ity and using vocal symbol possessing arbitrary com·entional meaning.

Language has many imp011ant functions for human lifo, one of which is as a communication tool. For those reasons, people create language for interacting and communicating with others. Through the language people might interact with their social environment. Language is used by the components of the society to convey their opinions, feelings, and experiences as well. Communication through both spoken and wrillcn language is a biological competence which is the most significant inheritance to the human being. In globalization era, the developing of culture has been effected by the language development.

Language then would be some unitary system of linguistic communication which subsumes a number of mutual intelligible varieties.9 We may also refer to a language or a variety of a language as a code because it is neutral. Code can refer to any kind of system that two or more people employ for communication. The particular dialect or language one chooses to use on any occasion is a code, a system


Ronald Wardhaugh, Loe.cit.


used for communication between two or more parties. Within each community there is a variety of language codes and ways of speaking available to its members, which is called communicative repertoire. By this communicative repertoire people can have free language choice variation.10

There are some opinions about some factors that malce the occurrence of code choice. According to Tripp there are four main factors that account for changing in code.

I. The setting and the situation (time and place), such as at the work-place, home, a pruty, in a date, etc.

2. The participants in the interaction that cover their age, sex, occupation, socio-economic status, origin, ethnicity, and their role in rnlation to one another such as employer-employee, lecturer-student.

3. The topic of conversation, such as work, sport, nation, event, film, etc. 4. The function of the interaction, such as greetings, apologies, thanks, etc.11

Hymes presents eight factors influencing the occurrence of code choice. He uses the word SPEAKING as an acronym for the various factors. They are :

I . Setting and Scene.

Setting refers to the time and places, in which the speech talces place.

10 Muriel Saville Troike, Loe.cit. 11

Francois Grosjean, life wilh Two languages, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,


Scene is the abstract psychological setting or the cultural definition of the occasion.

2. Participants.

It is one of the factors that can influence people to choose or mix the code. This refers to the speaker and listener or between 1the addresser and the addressee. Language choice will not occur if there are no participants.

3. Ends.

This refers to the recognized and expected outcomes of an exchanges as to the personal goals that participants seek to accomplish on particular occasions. 4. Act Sequence.

This refers to the actual form and content of what is said : the precise words used, how they are used, and the relationship of what is said to the actual topic at hand.

5. Key.

This refers to the tone, manner, or spirit in which a particular message is conveyed : serious, precise, pedantic, mocking, etc. the key may also be marked non-verbally by certain kinds of behaviour, gesture, posture, and event.

6. Instruments.


7. Norms of interaction and interpretation.

It refers to the specific behaviours and propetties that attach to speaking and also to how these may be viewed by someone who does not share, i.e. loudness, silence, gaze, return, etc.

8. Genre.

This refers to clearly demarcated types of utterance, such things as poems, proverbs, sermons, prayers, lectures and editorials.12

B. Bilingnalism and Multilingualism

1. Bilingualism

The ability to use two languages distinctively is termed as bilingualism.13 According to Harimurti Kridalaksana, "bilingualism (kedwibahasaan) adalah penggunaan dua bahasa atau lebih oleh seseorang atau okh suatu masyarakat". 14 In other definition, bilingual is having an effectively equal control of two native languages. 15


Dell Hymes, Foundations of Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach Philadelphia of

Pennsylvania P, I 974. (26 January 2007) 4:04 pm. http://wwwl .appstate.edul-mcgowant/hymes.htm.

" Muhammad Farkhan, An lnlroduclion lo Linguistics, (Jakarta: UlN Jakarta Press, 2006),

p. 138


Harimurti Kridhlaksana, Kamus Linguislik, (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia, 1982) p. 26

" Peler Matthews. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of linguistics, (New York: Oxford


Someone who uses two languages look at bilingualism as a personal and social problem, because of the different culture and structure of two languages. They are difficult to be learnt and require times to use and acquire bilingualism in their life.

One of the factors that cause someone to come: to be a bilingual is educational background. For Indonesians, the language used at home is often different from the language used at school. For example, they use regional language when they are at home, while Indonesian is used at school. Not only educational background is the cause of bilingual, but also mixed marriage and immigration are.

Kamaruddin states that most of bilingual children are as a result of movement of people, spirit nationality, mixed marriage among the ethnic groups, variety of language in a region, urbanization and education. 16 By the explanation, it is clear that actually there are many causes of bilingualism and Indonesians can be called bilinguals.

According to Subyakto and Nababan, there are two types of bilingualism in Indonesia. They are :

I. Bilingual who speaks regional language and Indonesian.

Some factors that influence the occurrence of bilingual that speaks regional language and Indonesian are :


Karnaruddin, Kedwibahasaan dan pendidikan dwibahasa (pengantar), (Jakarta:


a. Social interaction, like trade, socialization, school and office affairs,

b. A local language has position that is not ex1tremely different from Indonesian,

c. The movement of people from one place to others.

2. Bilingual who speaks Indonesian and one of the foreign languages like English, French, Dutch, Arabic and so on.17

An example of bilingual situation exists in Indonesia. Indonesia as archipelagoes countries with different tribes has hundreds of regional languages (vernacular) as their first languages used in every day connnunication. Therefore, Indonesian people are not monolingual but bilingual who are capable of using their first language and the national language Bahasa Indonesia as their second language. Some of them are multilingual who are proficient to use three or even more languages: their first language, national j。ョァオ。ァQセ@ and other regional language or international Janguage.18


S. Utari Subyakto dan Nababan, Psiko/inguistik Suatu Pengantar, (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1992), p. 92-93.


2. Multilingualism

The ability to use three or more languages refers, to multilingualism.19 According to Matthews, multilingual is having equal control of more than two native languages. 20 Multilingualism isn't unusual; in fact, multilingual societies are found in all parts of the world. It's possible for a person to know and use three, four, or even more languages fluently.

One example of a condition of language in multilingual society that exists in Singapore. Singapore is one of the multilingual countries, because this country has more than one language. It has more than two kinds of languages and Singaporeans have an ability to shift from one to others, as follows:

In a multilingual country like Singapore, the ability to shift irom one language to another is accepted as quite normal. Singapore has four official languages; English, Malay, Mandar:n, and Tamil, which is also the national language. However, the majority of its population are native speakers of Hokkien, a variety of Chinese. National policy promotes English as a trade language, Mandarin as the illlternational "Chinese" language, Malay as the language of the region, and Tamil as the language of one of the important minor ethnic groups in the r·epublic.21

19 Ibid

20 Peter Matthews,

Ibid, p. 235



According to Hoffman, there are two factors causing people to be multilinguals.

I. Historical factors

a. Military conquests, occupation, secession and annexation. b. Political marriages and succession arrangements.

c. Colonization.

d. Migration and immigration, and c. federation.

2. Contemporary factors a. Neocolonialism.

b. Present-day immigration and migration oflalbour. c. Language promotion, and

d. Internationalization. 22

Internationalization on the second factors has close relationship with this study. Based on those factors, it can be concluded ·that the international cooperation and communication need English. Therefore, English is needed to be taught in school and higher education because English is an international language. This shows that bilingualism and multilingualism are caused by educational background.



C. Definition of Code Switching and Code Mixing

Code-switching and code-mixing arc well-known traits; in the speech pattern of the average bilingual in any human society the world over. Code switching is a very important aspect of bilingualism, and only of late has it received the unbiased attention of researchers. McLaughlin distinguishes code switching and code mixing. He says that code switching as language changes occurring across phrase or sentence boundaries and code mixing takes place within sentence and usually involves single lexical items. 23

Bokamba ( 1989) defines both concepts thus: Code-switching is the mixing of words, phrases and sentences from two distinct grammatical (sub) systems across sentence boundaries within the same speech event ... Code-mixing is the embedding of various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound morphemes), phrases and clauses from a co-operative activity where the participants, in order lo in!Cr what is intended, must reconcile what the:y hear with what they understand. 24

Fasold has also distinguished code switching and code mixing. Fasold explains that speakers have a choice among language varieties. This choice may be between one language or another, depending on the situation called by code


Ibid, p. 110


A YEOMONI, M.O. Code-Switching and Code-Mixing: Style of Language Use in

Childhood in Yoruba Speech Community (26 January 2007) 5:15 pm.


switching, people can also use elements from one language while speaking another; this is called code mixing or among the myriad variants within a single-language.25

This is an example of code switching and code mixing.

Tata : ··semalem saya telepon kamu ... wondering siapa perempnan yang tidur di tempat tidur kita ... now I know who ウィ・セ@ Sinta kan, Kang?" 26

The most general description of code switching is that i1t involves the alternate use of two languages or linguistic varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation. Code switching and code mixing are useful in cases of uncertainty about relationships. It allows speakers to feel their way and negotiate identities in relation to others.

D. The Types of Code Switching and Code Mixing

In the article which entitles Social Meaning in Unguis/ic Structure: Code Switching in Norway by Jan Petter Blom and John J. Gumperz (1972), there are two kinds of code switching; situational code switching ru;d metaphorical code switching.21

"Ralph Fasold, Loe.cit.


Nini! Yunita, Op.cit., p. 189


John J. Gumperz and Dell Hymes, Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of


Situational code switching occurs when the language used change according to the situations in which the conversants find themselves: they speak one language in one situation and another in a different one, no topic change is involved.28

Instances of situational code switching are usually fairly easy to classify for what they are. Some times the sitnation is so socially prescribed that they can even be taught, such as association ceremonial or religious functions. For example, within a single conversation, Navajo teachers usually speak English 'lo one another when discussing matters related to school, for instance, but may switch to Navajo to discuss their fan1ilies, or rodeos and other community activities. They may also situationally switch into English if non-Navajo speakers join the conversation, so the new arrivals will not be excluded. 29

Metaphorical code switching occurs when a change of topic requires a change in the language used.30 The metaphorical switching depends on the existence of regular relationships between variables and social situations of type discussed. Metaphorical code switching has an affective dimension to changes the code as you redefine the situation - formal to infonnal, official to personal, serious to humorous, and politeness to solidarity.


Ronald Wardhaugh, Op.cit, p. 102


Muriel Saville Troike, Op.cit, p. 62


According to Romaine, Metaphorical code switching however, concerns the various communicative effects the speaker intends to convey. For example, teachers deliver fo1mal lectures in the official standard form of Norwegian, but lecturers shift to regional Norwegian dialect when they want to encourage discussion among the students. Thus, while the components of the speech event such as speaker, topic, listener, setting have not change, the tone of the interaction has been altered by a switch in language.31

Blom and Gurnperz show how both situational and metaphorical code switching are used in Hemnesberget, a small Norwegian town close to the Arctic Circle, use a local northern dialect of Norwegian, Ranamal,, and the one of the standard varieties, Bokmal. Situational switching occurs when a teacher gives some kind of formal lecture in Bokmiil but the discussion that follows is in Ranamiil. Metaphorical switching occurs when government officials and local citizens transact business together. Although the variety generally used in such circumstances is Bokmal, it is not unusual for both parties to use the occasional Ranamiil expression for special effect. 32


Suzanne Romaine, Language in Society; An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (New York:

Oxford University Press, 1994), p. 59



E. The Function of Code Switching and Code Mixing

To analyze the functions is using the concept by Muriel Saville Troike's about code switching and style-shifting. Style shifting refers to change in language varieties which involves changing only the code-markers, these are variable features which are associated with such social and cultural dimensions as age, social class, and relationship between speakers. 33

Troike illustrated the style shifting with the sequence of speech acts between the receptionist and a visitor in Spanish by telephone at the <Cuban interest section office in an embassy in Washington.

Receptionist Caller

-> Receptionist

: Cuban interest Section.

: ,; Es la embajada de Cuba? ('Is this the Cuban embassy?')

: Si, Digame. ('Yes, may I help you?') 34

This is an example of the receptionist code switching (-+) from English to Spanish, changing languages within the same spee(;h event, because she has identified the caller as a Spanish speaker.




: Es Rosa. ('This is Rosa.')

: i Ah, Rosa! ,;Coma anda eso? ('Oh, Rosa! How is it going?')35

This is downward style-shifting (!) from formal to informal Spanish as the receptionist identifies the caller as a friend, still in the same time.


Muriel Saville Troike, Op.cit, p. 61.




According lo Troike, code switching and style shifting, then, may have a variety of functions within a speech community: Group identification. solidarity, distancing. and redefinition o(a situation have already been mentioned. Additionally, switching languages may serve either to soften or strengthen request or command.

and saying something twice in different languages to interisifY or to eliminate ambiguity. John A. Kiem reports that a superlative seems more powerful in Sranan than Dutch, for instance, and that a bilingual reduplication fo used if something is really 'out of this world'. Morray provides the following examples for degrees of intensification in Sranan : pikin 'small' ; pikin-pikin 'very small' ; pikin-tjoti 'very, very small' ('small' in Sranan + 'smail' in Hindi).

Switching may also be used for a humorous effect. or to indicate that a referentially derogatory comment is not to be taken seriously. It is also used for direct quotations.

which may range from stereotypical imitative speech in joking to learned citations in Latin or Greek. Switching may be used to make an ideological statement, as in the case of Mexican Americans referring to New Mexico as Neuvo Mexico [mehiko], or Texas as [Tehas], in an Qtherwise English sentence. Not infrequently, such switching is employed by monolingual speakers of English or English-dominant bilinguals who wish to assert their Hispanic ancestry.


as savoir faire, macht 's nichts, and inshallah, respectively, in otherwise English sentences, and speakers of many other languages insert English OK.

One of the potentially useful functions of code-switching is Aセセ・ク」ャオ、・@ other people within hearing i( a comment is intended (Or onlv a limited audience. This may be considered rude, but it is not necessarily so. The exclusionary function was used by President and Mrs. Herbert Hoover around the White House; they reportedly switched into Chinese when they did not wish to be understood by others. In such situations, the other language functions as a 'secret' language.

In some cases code-switching functions as a repair strategv, when the speakers realize they have been using an inamzropriate code. This has been a relatively frequent occurrence recently in Greece, when liberal politicians trained in a rhetorical tradition which ranks Katharevousa over Demotike for fonnal speaking realize they are (ironically) using Katharevousa to advocate democratization of the national language. Shifting for repair is necessary when speakers reali2:e they have begun an event, such as a telephone conversation, at an inappropriate stylistic level. The unitary nature of the telephone calling/answering routine is evident in the fact that such repair usually requires backing up to start over with a different greeting fom1, rather than switching or shifting in the middle of the routine. 36



Community attitudes toward switching and shifting are of interest for ethnographic description. These appear to be changing rapidly among English-speaking bilinguals in the United States, with the ability to code-switch becoming widely accepted as a symbol of ethnic viability and integrity. In the American Southwest poetry is being written, songs sung, play perfonned:, and formal speeches delivered in a Spanish-English mode. There are still diverse attitudes about the phenomenon, however, based on both age and political sentiment.37

Whatever specific functions are served by code switching within a community, it adds to the verbal strategies that speakers have their command, and is to be recognized as a dimension of communicative competence.



A. Data Description

Generally, Test Pack tells about commitment and understanding in life. A young couple that really wants a child. Arista Natadiningrat (Tata) and Ralunat Natadiningrat (Kakang) young couples that have been married for about seven years are not given a child yet. Tata as a wife is very longing for a child. Everyday, every week she always uses Test Pack hoping that it will has two lines. Unfortunately it never has two lines. Moreover Tata discovered that Kakang is infertile. But, Tata realizes that her wish to have a child could be replaced by 1the happiness with her beloved husband.

In this paper, the writer analyzes about twenty one character's dialogs that use code switching and code mixing. She chooses the dialog:; randomly which are interested to be analyzed. Here are the dialogs which will b(: analyzed in this paper:

1. Tata

2. Kakang

: Oke ... Kakang mungkin gak pusing dengan keadaan gua yang belum hamil juga. He said he loves me million times which I think that's so sweet©. As I wrote above. I love him so much that's why I want lo give him a baby. (p. 6 line 8)


3. Tata

4. Kakang

: Gua hanya bisa tersenyum dan mengangguk tidak mengerti ketika mcrcka membicarakan semua itu. I feel like a stranger. (p. 29 line 21) : Melihat seseorang yang sangat gue sayang lahir batin sedih dan sakit membuat gue sebagai suami lambat laun mulai berpikir bahwa mcmiliki anak is not the most important thing in our marriage. (p. 41 line 7)

5. Kakang : Yes my beautiful wife. I know exactly whgJ. it is. Gue tiba-tiba merasa berada dalam sebuah restoran me:wah dengan tanda 'NO SMOKING'. (p. 52 line 16)

6. Tata

7. Tata

: Gua dikelilingi makhluk-makhluk yang hamil sementara tinggal gua sendiri yang belum. I'm a 32 years old married woman. A woman who is supposed to get pregnant! Onde kudng tetangga gue itu memang nggak punya perasaan sama sekali. Kayaknya hanya sekali bertemu kucing jantan dan TADAAAA! She's got pregnant instantly. Now I hate cats more than anythin&• in the world!! (p. 61 line 6)

: "lya sih ... tapi saya udah bikin personal mission statement ... klo udah tujuh tahun tujuh bulan kita nikah dan masih belum punya anak juga, maka satu-satunya jalan adalah kita hams nyoba konsultasi ke dokter kandungan, Kang." (p. 78 line l 0)

8. Kakang : Tata mengangkat bahu, dia lalu pergi ke kamar. Gue yakin, kalau ada satu ha! yang membuat dia tiba-tiba bersikap seperti ini adalah

she 's having her PMS! (p. 88 line 16)

9. Tata : Gua meninggalkan ruang praktek Dr. Peni dengan napas lega. Yay! Gua secara medis terbukti tidak bermasalah. This is a good news!

Gua harus tumpengan! Kakang yang menjemput guajuga tersenyum lega saat menyetir menuju rumah. (p. 114 line ! 6)


11. Kakang : "/know and that is the hardest thing to do." Lu tau, Sin. Tata udah tujuh tahun nunggu untuk bisa hamil. (p. 132 line 23)

12. Tata : " ... This is too much ... Saya pengen pulang ォセ@ rwnah orang tua ... I want to be alone ... I need some time to think about evervthing." (p.

145 line 22)

13. Kakang : "Kalo kenyataannya saya infertil. .. itu juga bukan saya yang mau.

Deal with it. Just because we cannot have children. do we have to give up our marriage?" (p. 147 line 24)

14. Mr. Jacky : "LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH, Ma! Tanpa anak, kita tidak bisa セᆳ

Bu Arista, tolong buatkan surat talak saya untuk my キゥヲセ@ sekarang juga." (p. 161 line 4)

15. Kakang : Rumah berantakan. Cucian dua minggu masih menggunung.


ordered McDonald1· for dinner dan gue melanggar sejwnlah aturan Tata. Debu rokok bertebaran di lantai karena asbak sudah tidak mampu menampung twnpukan rokok. l.Ji!.QJL1'irinking mint tea and going hack to coffee. Evervthing in the hoyse is in total chaos, including me! (p. 164 line I)

16. Tata : Gua dalam perjalanan menuju sebuah toko buku di daerah Kemang. Setelah sekian lama gua terkubur dengan pekerjaan kantor dan masalah rumah tangga, I need to bury myself in. books. Buku memang satu-satunya teman yang paling menyenangkan saat suasana hati gua

seperti ini. (p. 171 line 2)

17. Mrs. Ratna : "f(>r better or worse. till death do us part is only history. Sekarang mas Jacky meninggalkan saya. He doesn't remember the d(fV when we (ell in love. Mavbe what he said is true, love is not enough to make him stav." (p. 175 line 19)


19. Dian 20. Kakang

21. Tata

: "Tapi kan Ta, vou were the one who let/ him.'' (p. 194 line 8)

: Gue dan Tata masih melakukan ha! yang sruna, meskipun Tata tidak bisa hamil karena keadaan gue. Tata akhirnya pu!ang ke rumah. Dunia gue kembali berputar. Burung kembali: berkicau dan rumput kemba!i bergoy ... well, the point is: everything is back to normal. We do things like we used to do.. Termasuk hal yang satu ini, penyerbukan. (p. 219 line 9)

: Pasangan lain mungkin dikaruniai sesuatu yang sempurna dengan memiliki anak. But in fact, tanpa memiliki anak tidak menghalangi gua untuk bahagia bersama kakang. Bahkan I love him and more

karena ketabahan dia dalam menjalani hidup. (p. 224 line 18)


B. Data Analysis

In this sub chapter, the writer analyzes the character's dialogs which use code switching and code mixing. The characters of this novel are: Arista Natadiningrat (Tata), Rahmal Natadiningrat (Kakang), Dian (Tata's best friend), Mr. Jacky Sombrero and Mrs. Ratna (Tata's client). The writer gives the number of data 1 until data 21 to separate between one situation from other situation.

Data I

This is one statement when Tata writes in her diary that she really wants to give Kakang a baby. (p. 6)

Tata : Okc ... Kakang mungkin gak pusing dengan keadaan gua yang belum hamil juga. He said he loves me million times which I think that's so sweel©. As I wrole above, I love him so much thal' 's whv l want to give him a babv. ( dia bilang kalau dia mencintai gua be:rjuta kali di mana gua berpikir kalau itu sangat manis. Seperti yang gua tu1lis di atas, gua sangat mencintai dia dan itulah sebabnya gua ingin membeii dia seorang bayi.)



Tata docs not change the topic; the situation (setting, formality level, and intimate level) does not change. So this statement uses metaphorical switching.

Based on Saville-Troike theories, Tata switches both languages to strengthen the topic that she really wants to give Kakang a baby.

Data 2:

The dialog happens between Kakang and Tata. In this dialog, they are discussing about Tata's plan to adopt a child. (p. 11)

Tata : "Bayi tabung? Tapi itu bukannya mahal, Kang? Atau kamu mulai mikirin kemungkinan kita ngadopsi anak? Atau sebelum itu, kita ngerawat anak siapaaa gitu Kang? Katanya bisa bu.at 'pancingan' Joh." Kakang : "Pancingan? We 're talking about starting a..Jjj'mi/y here (disini kita

bicara soal memulai suatu keluarga), Neng. Not Fishing (Bukan Memancing)."


Kakang uses Indonesian language "pancingan?" in his statement, then he switches his language to English. Based on McLaughlin criteria about code switching and code mixing, Kakang uses code switching in this dialog.


same language skill, age level, and social-economic level while they discuss about that topic.

The function of code switching in this dialog is to indicate that a referentially derogatory comment is not to be taken seriously. Tata wants to tell that she wants to adopt a child, not about fishing.

Data 3:

This is one statement when Tata having lunch with her friend, Dian. And they meet Dian's friend. Then they are talking about their children. (p. 29)

Tata : Obrolan mereka tentang anak kembali berlanjut. Tentang baju anak.


Tentang kamaval. Tentang gigi anak yang barn tanggal. Tentang 1m1kannn kcsukm111 si sulung.

Gua hanya bisa tersenyum dan mengangguk tidak mengerti ketika mereka membicarakan semua itu. I feel like a s(ranger. (gua merasa seperti orang asing)


One of twelve function of code switching by s。カゥャャセMtイッゥォ・@ is distancing because Tata was not comfortable with the situation. She has not a capacity to speak about baby since she could not get pregnant yet.


This is Kakang's statement when he thinks that he makes her wife sad because he can not give what his wife wants. (p. 41)

Kakang : Melihat seseorang yang sangat gue sayang lahir batin sedih dan sakit membuat gue sebagai suarni larnbat laun mulai berpikir bahwa memiliki anak is not the most important thing in our marriage. (bnkan ha! yang terpenting dalarn pernikahan kita)


This statement is identified as code mixing from Indonesian language to English when he tells "is not the most important thing in orur marriage". Based on Blom and Gumperz' s theories, this statement is identified as metaphorical switching, because the situation (setting, formality level, and intimate level), topic, or participant (language skill, age level, and social-economic status) do not changes in this statement.


Data 5:

The dialog happens between Kakang and Tata when sb.e makes new rule in their home that Kakang is not allowed to smoke in their home. (p. 52)

Kakang : ""Neng, ini apa?" Gue menunjuk kertas yang Tata tempelkan di lemari kamar.

Tata Kakang


: "Peraturan baru," jawab Tata santai.

: Yes my beautiful wife, I know exactly what it is. (Iya istri ku yang cantik, saya tahu persis apa itu.) Gue tiba-tiba merasa berada dalam sebuah restoran mewah dengan tanda 'NO SMOKING'. (Dilarang Merokok).

In this dialog, Kakang uses code switching, became his statement uses English "Yes my beautiful wife, I know exactly what it is", then in the next clause he switches his language to Indonesian language. In that statement there is also one code mixing case. Because after the word "tanda", Kakang switches his language to English phrase "no smoking''.

The switch is identified as metaphorical switching, because the situation (setting, fonnality level, and intimate level), topic, or participimt (language skill, age level, and social-economic status) do not changes in this dialog.


Data 6:

This statement happens when Tata is jealousy toward her neighbour's cat because the cal is pregnant. (p. 6 I)

Tata : Gua dikelilingi makhluk-makhluk yang hamil ウQセュ・ョエ。イ。@ tinggal gua sendiri yang belum. I'm a 32 years old married woman. A woman who is supposed to get pregnant! (Gua seorang wanita berumur 32 tahtm yang sudah menikah. Seorang wanita yang seharusnya sudah hamil!) Onde kucing tetangga gue itu memang nggak punya perasaan san1a sekali. Kayaknya hanya sekali bertemu kucing jantan dan TADAAAA! She's got pregnant instantly. Now I hate cats more than anything in the world!! ( dia bisa hamil dengan cepat. Sekarang gua benci kucing lebih dari apapun di dunia! !)


Based on McLaughlin criteria, in Tata statement, there are four code switching cases, because in the first clause she uses Indonesian ianguage, then in the second clause she uses English, and she switches in Indonesian clause.


Data 7:

The dialog happens between Tata and Kakang when she decides to go to obstetrician after their seven years marriage. (p: 78)

Tata : "Kang ... bisa nganter nggak?" Kakang : "Mau ke mana emang?" Tata : "Dokter kandungan"

Kakang : "Bukannya kamu paling males kalo pergi ke dokter kandungan, Neng?"

Tata : "!ya sih... tapi saya udah bikin

J2.ersonal _mission statement ...

(pemyataan misi pribadi) klo udah tujuh tahun tujul1 bulan kita nikah dan masih belum punya anak juga, maka satu-satunya jalan adalah kita harus nyoba konsultasi ke dokter kandungan, Kang."


Tata answers Kakang's question using Indonesian language and English. From the word "!ya sih ... " until the word "bikin" are Indonesian clause and the words "personal mission statement" is English clause. Based on McLaughlin criteria, when Tata combines both languages, she already uses code mixing of her dialog. This dialog which happens in one situation means they talk in one setting (place and エゥュセIL@ in the informal situation and they have intimate relationship. They only discuss one topic about Tata decision to go to obstetrician; and the participant of this dialog does not change, because of that, this dialog is identified as metaphorical switching.


Data 8:

This dialog happens when Tata in bad mood because she's having her PMS. (p. 88)

Kakang : "Kamu tuh kenapa sih, Neng? PMS?"

Tata mengangkat bahu, dia lalu pergi ke kamar. Gue yakin, kalau ada 0 satu ha! yang membuat dia tiba-tiba bersikap sepe1ti ini adalah she's

having her PMS! (dia sedang datang bulan)


Kakang asks Tata why she is in bad mood. He uses Indonesian sentence until "adalah", then he switches his language to English "she's having her PMS!". Based on McLaughlin criteria, Kakang uses code mixing, because he uses English clause while he uses Indonesian language.

The situation does not change; they talk in one setting, informal conversation, and intimate relationship. The topic in this dialog focuses on what happened with Tata. The speakers have a san1e age, have a same language skill, and no differentiation in social-economic status between of them. Because of that, this dialog is identified as metaphorical switching.


Data 9:

This is one statement when Tata finished her check up in obstetrician. (p. 114)

Tata : Gua meninggalkan ruang praktek Dr. Peni dengan napas lega. Yay!


Gua secara medis terbukti tidak bennasala11. This is a good news! (Ini kabar baik) Gua harus tumpengan! Kakang yang menjemput gua juga tersenyum 1 ega saat menyetir menuju rumah.

Tata uses code switching from Indonesian language to English when she says "This is a good news". Based on Blom and Gumperz theories, this statement is identified as metaphorical switching. The situation (setting, informal situation), topic, or participant (language skill, age level. and social-economic status) does not change in this statement. This switches function as a lexical need because: she cannot find the other words to expresses her emotion.

Data IO:

This statement happens when Kakang go to Doctor to check his sperm and wait for the result. (p. 12 I)



This statement is identified as code mixing, because basically Kakang uses Indonesian language, hut he uses English word "annoying". And then he switches the language to English clause that is identified as code switching case.

Kakang uses metaphorical switching in his statement, because the situation (setting, formality level, and intimate level), topic (Kakang's opinion), or participant (language skill, age level, and social-economic status) does not change.

This switches function as redefinition of a situation has already been mentioned, because Kakang at first says that as a husband he also wants a child as any other husband do. Even at last he says that sometimes he hates children because they are annoying.

Data 11 :

The dialog happens between Kakang and Sinta in 24 hours Cafe. In this dialog, Kakang tells to Sinta about his problem that he is infertile. (p. 132)

Sin ta Kakang Sin ta Kakang

: "Lo harus bilang sama Tata. Baik atau buruk, Tata itu istri elo, Mat!" : "Gue nggak berani."

: "Makanya elo harus membangun keberanian itu dari sekarang."



In the last statement, Kakang uses English "I know and that is the hardest thing to do", and then he switches the language to Indonesian "Lu tau, Sin". Based on McLaughlin criteria Kakang uses code switching in this dialog.

This dialog is identified as metaphorical switching, because they talks in one situation (setting and informal conversation). The topic of their conversation does not change; they focus on Sinta's opinion that Kakang has to tdl to Tata that he is infertile.

The function of code switching in this dialog is as a lexical need because he cannot find the other words to express his emotion.

Data 12:

This dialog happens between Tata and Kakang. Tata expresses her disappointment to Kakang after she knows that her husband is infertile. (p. 145)

Tata Kakang Tata

Kakang Tata

: "Kang, to long anterin saya ... " : "Kamu mau ke mana?" : "Sa ya nggak kuat, Kang." : Nggak kuat kenapa?"

: " ... This is loo much (ini terlalu banyak) ... Saya pen gen pulang ke rumah orang tua ... I want to be alone. (Saya ingin sendiri)



Based on McLaughlin theories, Tata uses code switching in this dialog, because Tata amwers Kakang's question using English clause while she uses Indonesian language, then she switches her language to Indonesian sentence "Saya pengen pulang ke rumah orang tua", and then she changes her language to English until the word "everything". The topic of their conversation does not change, the situation (setting, in informal conversation, and intimate level) does not change, and any other participant has the same social-economic status, age\ level, and Iangnage skill in their dialog. So this dialog uses metaphorical switching.

Tata uses code switching to strengthen the request that she wants to be alone and thinks about their problem.

Data 13:

The dialog happens between Tata and Kakang. Tata ca1mot accept that her husband (Kakang) is infertile. (p. 147)

Tata : "Saya capek Kang nunggu udah tujuh tahun kalo kenyataannya begini. Tujuh tahun! ! ! Coba kamu bayangin, Kang!"

Kakang : "Kalo bisa, kanm mau sepuluh anak juga saya kasih, Neng! Tapi yang ngasih bukan saya."



Based on McLaughlin criteria, in his last statem1mt, Kakang uses code switching. After the word "mau" he switches to English clause "Deal with it. Just because we cannot have children, do we have to give up our marriage?"

The type of that code switching is metaphorical switching, because the situation (setting, fom1ality level and intimate level) and topic (discuss about Tata's refusing to accept her husband because he is infertile), or participant (social-economic status, age level, and language skill) do not change in this dialog.

Kakang uses code switching to strengthen the command because Kakang does not want Tata gives up just because they cannot have childre!l.

Data 14:

The dialog happens between Mr. Jacky and Tata. Mr .. Jacky wants Tata to make his divorce letter for his wife, Mrs. Ratna .. (p. 161)

Mrs. Ratna Mr. Jacky


: Mama masih cinta sama Papa. Jangan ceraikan Mama, Pa ... " : "LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH, Ma! ( Cinta tidak cukup, Ma!) Tanpa anak, kita tidak bisa セᄋ@ (bahagia) Bu Arista, tolong b1,1atkan surat talak saya untuk my wife (istri saya) sekrurang juga."



Mr. Jacky uses English "love is not enough" in his statement, then he switches his language to Indonesia. Based on McLaughlin criteria about code switching and code mixing, Mr. Jacky uses code switching in this dialog. And Mr. Jacky also uses code mixing in his statement. There are the word "happy" and "my wife" while he uses Indonesian language.

This dialog is identified as metaphorical switching, because they talks in one situation (setting, have intimate relationship, and in infomml conversation). The topic of their conversation does not change. There is any other participant who has the same language skill, age level, and social-economic level while they discuss about that topic. Mr. Jacky uses code switching to strengthen the request that he wants a child from his wife and love is not enough to make him stay with Mrs. Ratna.

Data 15:

This statement happens when Kakang stay at home alone because Tata left him. (p. 164)



Kakang uses code mixing in this dialog, because he uses the English clause "I ordered McDonalds for dinner" while using Indonesian clause. And Kakang also uses code switching, because the word "debu" until the word "rokok" are Indonesian sentence, then he switches it to English. So there are two codes uses in this dialog, code mixing and code switching.

The switching is identified as situational switching, b1:cause when Kakang talks about the house is in total chaos, he changes the topic to his broke all Tata's rules and back lo his bad habits. The switching is done as kxicail need to describe that he need Tata beside him and he cannot express his emotion.

Data 16:

This is one statement when Tata needs to go to book store because of her activities and her problem with Kakang. (p. 171)

Tata : Gua dalam perjalanan menuju sebuah toko buku di daerah Kemang. 0



There is code switching case in Tata' s statement, 'because she switches English while she uses Indonesian language. Tata uses metaphorical switching in this statement, she does not change the topic to express her emotion, the situation of this statement does not change either, and there is any participant have the same social-economic status, age level and language skill while she tells her statement.

Tata switches her language to strengthen her decision that she just wants to bury herself in books.

Data 17:

This is one statement when Mrs. Ratna, tells her feeling to Tata when they meet in book store. (p. 175)

Mrs. Ratna: "tor better or worse. till death do us part is only history. (dalam keadaan suka dan duka, sampai maut memisahkan kita hanyalah tinggal kenangan) Sekarang mas Jacky meninggalkan saya. He

doesn't remember the day when we fell in love'.. (Dia tidak ingat hari dimana kita saling jatuh cinta) Maybe what he said is true. love is not enough to make him stay." ( Mungkin yang dia katakan benar kalau cinta tidak cukup w1tuk membuat dia bertahan)



formality level and intimate level) and topic (discuss about her husband decision to divorce), or participant (social-economic status, age level, and language skill) do not change in this dialog.

The switches function as lexical need to express her emotion that she still loves her husband and remembered all the memories but her husband left her.

Data I 8:

This dialog happens between Tata and Kakang at telephone when they discuss the women voices who picked up Kakang's phone. (p. 189)

Tata "Semalem saya telepon kamu ... wondering (penasaran) siapa


perempuan yang tidur di tempat tidur kita ... 11fJW I know who she is ...

(sekarang saya tau siapa dia) Sinta kan, Kang?"

There is found code mixing case in Tata's statement, because in the second clause there is an English word "wondering" while she uses Indonesian language. In that statement there also one code switching case. Because after the word "ldta", Tata switches her language to English clause "now I know who she is ... "


The switches function to strengthen her opinion that Tata susp1c10us to Kakang who is considered has slept with another woman (Sinta) his ex-girlfriend. Tata is really jealous with her. But actually the case is Kakang's phone accidentally got his client's phone instead of his own.

Data 19:

This dialog happens between Tata and Dian when Tata needs someone's shoulder to cry on. (p. 194)

Tata : "Bisa lo bayangin nggak Di ... jam 2 malem! Ada perempuan di rumali gua ... ngangkat handphone Kakang!"

Dian : "Iya, Ta."

Tata : "Gila kan?" Gua mondar-mandir di ruangan sementara Dian tetap duduk. Kalu tadi gua nangis, saat ini gua sedang menumpalikan kemaralian gua.

Dian : "Tapi kan Ta, you were the one who lefi him.'' (lo orang yang telali ninggalin dia)




This statement happens when Kakang feels very happy because of the arrival of Tata at home. (p. 219)

Kakang : Gue dan Tata masih melakukan ha! yang san1a, meskipun Tata tidak bisa hamil karena keadaan gue. Tata akhimya pulang ke rumah. Dunia gue kembali berputar. Burung kembali berkicau dan rumput kembali bergoy ... well. the point is: evervthing is back to normal. (Intinya adalah : semuanya kembali normal) We do things like we used to do. (Kita melakukan segalanya seperti sedia kala) Termasuk ha! yang satu ini, penyerbukan.


Based on McLaughlin criteria, in his last statement Kakang uses two codes switching. After the words "bergoy ... " he switches the next clause to English clause. The type of that code switching is metaphorical switching, because the setting, formality level and intimate level (situation), topic (tells about Tata went back home and everything is back to normal), or participant (social-economic status, age level, and language skill) does not change in this statement.


Data 21 :

This statement happens when Tata realizes that her wish to have a child could be replaced by the happiness with her beloved husband. (p. 224)

Tata : Pasangan lain mungkin dikaruniai sesuatu yang sempurna dengan memiliki anak. But in fact, (Tapi kenyataannya) tanpa memiliki anak tidak menghalangi gua untuk bahagia bersama kakang. Bahkan I love

him and more (gua lebih cinta dia) karena ketabahan dia dalam menjalani hidup.


Based on McLaughlin criteria, Tata uses two codes mixing in her statement, because basically Tata uses Indonesian language, but she use English phrase "but in fact" in the second clause and"! love him more" in the third clause.

Tata uses metaphorical switching in this statement, she does not change the topic to express her emotion, the situation of this dialog does not change either, and there is any participant have the same social-economic status, 。ァQセ@ level, and language skill while she tells her statement.


A. Conclusion

Language has many important functions for human life, one of which is as a communication tool. Language is used by the components of the society to convey their opinions, feelings, and experiences as well. The factors that make the occurrence of code choice are setting and the situation (time and place), participants, topic of conversation, function of the interaction. People are usually select a particular code whenever they choose to speak and they may also decide to switch from one code to another or to mix code.


As explained in previous chapter, the twenty one analyzed data are character dialogs in Tes/ Pack. The result of analysis shows that there am twenty one cases of code switching and nine cases of code mixing in that dialogs.


they cannot have children (data 13), Mr. Jacky uses code switching to strengthen the request that he wants a child from his wife and Jove is not enough to make him stay with Mrs. Ratna (data 14 ), Fourth, humorous effect or to indicate that a referentially derogatory comment is not to be taken seriously; Kakang uses code switching to indicate that a referentially derogatory comment is not to be taken seriously. Tata wants to tell that she wants to adopt a child, not about fishing (data 2). The last is lexical need; Kakang uses code switching as lexical need to exp1ress his loving feeling to change Tata's mood (data 5). Kakang uses code switching as lexical need to describe that his wife is in bad mood because her PMS (data 8), Tata cannot find the other words to expresses her emotion when she finished her check up in obstetrician (data 9), Kakang cannot find the other words to express his emotion when he has to tell to Tata that he is infe1iile (data 11 ), Kakang switches the language as lexical need to describe that he need Tata beside him and he cannot express his emotion (data 15).


Tata is really jealous with her. But actually the case is Kak1mg,'s phone accidentally got his client's phone instead of his own (data 18), Dian swi:tches her language to strengthen her opinion that Tata were the one who left Kakang (data 19). Tata switches her language to strengthen her opinion that she loves her husband more.than anything although she can not give her husband a child. Having a child could be replaced by the happiness with her beloved husband (data 21). To strengthen the decision such as in data 16 Tata switches her language to strengthen her decision that she just wants to bury herself in books.


B. Suggestion

1. Through this paper based on the analysis above, the writer would like to suggest to the readers of novel have to be more concem to the text of novel. because case of switching and mixing the language can mak.e people confused how to read and to understand it. If we translate it by the word, it will make a different meaning from the author's meaning. The students of English Letters Department more concern to analyze code switching and code mixing with using relevant theory because it can be object of イ・ウQセ。イ」ィ@ on literary and linguistic field.


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Pada tugas akhir ini dirancang suatu sistem pengendalian suhu cairan pada Heat Exchanger dengan memanfaatkan mikrokontroler ATmega 8535 sebagai kontroler, dan

Kalian dapat menggunakan ide tentang akar sebagai panjang sisi segitiga siku-siku ini untuk menyederhanakan suatu bentuk akar. Perhatikan dua kasus di atas. Bagaimanakah jika

Deng an ketentuan membawa semua berkas / dokumen asli atau salinan yang telah. dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang sebagaimana yang telah dicantumkan dalam

Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan Toko Julian Selular dalam dunia internet dan memberikan beberapa informasi sekitar ponsel yang berguna bagi pengguna internet.


Akhirnya algoritma ADR akan mendistribusikan arus lalu lintas menuju beberapa rute optimal sehingga waktu perjalanan menjadi minimum sebagai upaya untuk mengurangi
