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Gender inssues on dorian gray character in the novel the picture of dorian gray by Oscar Wilde : (a study of gender)


Academic year: 2017

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a. Name : Siti Fatimah

b. Address : Jl.Margahayu raya barat VIII depan Blok A7 No.3 , Bandung

c. Place and Date of Birth : Bandung, 10 May 1991

d. Sex : Female

e. Religion : Moslem

f. Phone : 085721039048

g. E-mail :chichi_9128@yahoo.com

2. Educational Background 2.1Formal Education

No Year Institution

1 1996- 1997 TK Islam Taman Firdaus 2 1997 – 2003 SD Negeri Rancabolang 03 3 2003 – 2006 SMP Negeri 18 Bandung 4 2006 – 2009 SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung

5 2009 – Now English Department

Indonesia University of Computer

2.2Informal Education

No Year Institution

1 2009 Juara 1 Story Telling Contest PORAK ( Certified) 2 2010 Diskusi Internal Sastra Inggris (Certified)

3 2010 Copywriting Seminar (Certified)



5 2011 Feminist, Feminine and Text (Certified)

6 2011 Seminotics: Literature and Media Seminar and Workshop (Certified )

5 2011 Copywriting Seminar and Workshop Certified)

6 2012 Reaktualisasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila di Kalangan Generasi Muda Seminar (Certified)

7 2012 English Contest 2012 (Certified)

8 2012 Kreatif Menulis, Rejeki Tak Akan Habis with Raditya Dika Talkshow (Certified)

9 2012 Cross Culture Literary Day Seminar (Certified) 10 2012 Character Building Training (Certified)

11 2012 Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) DIKTI 2012 (Certified)

12 2013 Copywriting Seminar “Go Viral” (Certified)

3. Competency

There are some competencies that the writer has. They are as follows: a. English Correspondence

b. Good at English both oral and written

c. Operating Computer ( Ms.Office , Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia, and Internet)

4. Organization and Work Experiences

No Year Organization

1 2003-2006 Member of Taekwondo SMPN 18 Bandung

2 2008-2009 Member of Nihon Club SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung

3 2010-2011 HIMA SAIS Unikom



(A Study of Gender)




Submitted to fulfil one of the course requirements of Sarjana Sastra Degree Undergraduate program of English Department UNIKOM






grace, so that I can complete this skripsi. This skripsi is arranged as one of the academic requirements of the English Department, Faculty of Letters, Indonesia University of Computer. During the preparation and the writing of this skripsi, I get a lot of advices, support, and aid. In this opportunity, I want to thank you as much as possible to:

1. Prof. Dr. Moh. Tadjuddin, M.A. as The Dean of Faculty of Letters, Indonesia University of Computer.

2. Dr. Juanda, as The head of English Department.

3. Nungki Heriyati, S.S., M.A., and Tatan Tawami, S.S., M.Hum., as The writer’s advisors who have given advice and helps the writer to finish this


4. Retno Purwani Sari S.S., M.Hum., as The Coordinator of Skripsi.

5. Muhammad Rayhan Bustam, S.S., Asih Prihandini, S.S., M. Hum., Nenden Rikma Dewi, S.S., M.Hum. and as the lecturers in English Department.

6. Mbak Nita and Mbak Tyas as the staffs in Faculty of Letters.



8. Bayu, Teh Uci, Abah, Teh Emma, Bang Andre, A’Galih, Prike, Kemos, Aip, Aci, Teh Yuan, Teh Rian, Edoy, Mayang, Oline for being a good friend when sad and pain.

9. Yenny Susilowaty, thanks for all support for during to finish this skripsi. 10.Thanks to OneRepublic, Swedish House Mafia, Alesso, AN21, Dirty

South, Sebastian Ingrosso, John Martin and Ellie Goulding for the song who always support me with their song during finish this skripsi

The writer realizes that the skripsi is far from perfect. Therefore, the writer expects critic and suggestion from readers. I hope this skripsi will be useful to all college students.

Bandung, 21 August 2013




Adams, Lynn. (no year). The Ideal Womanhood in Victorian Britan. On

<http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/sociology/staff/academicstaff/jonesc/ jonesc_index/teaching/birth/wk11_victorian_britain_handout.pdf >


Butler, Judith. 1990. Gender Trouble: Feminism and Subversion of Idenity. New York: Routledge.

Butler, Judith. 1993. Body That Matter on the Discursive Limits of ―sex‖. New York: Routledge.

D’Hamilton, Chevalier. (no year). Dandysm: Beyond Fashion. On <www.gbacg.org/costume-resources/.../dandy.pdf> [07/02/13] Hoyenga, Katharine Blick & Kermit. T. Hoyenga. 1993:Gender-Related

Differences: Origins and Outcomes. 6 July 2013. on

<http://books.google.co.id/books/about/Gender_Related_Differences.html ?id=7wh-AAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y>

Koentjaraningrat. 1976: Metode Penelitian Masyarakat. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia. Pustaka Utama.

Kusumawati. 2007: ―Kepemimpinan Dalam Perspekstif Gender. Adakah Perbedaan?‖. Vol 1. No.1. Juni 2007: 37-40

Meolong, Lexy J. 2004: Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Rosda. Minderop, Albertine. 2005: Metode Karakterisasi Telaah Fiksi. Edisi Pertama.

Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

Pater, Walter. 1980: The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry: the 1893 text. 26 July 2013. on

<http://books.google.co.id/books/about/The_Renaissance.html?id=5hyWrs cG0E8C&redir_esc=y>

Peterson, Spike & Anne Sisson Runyan. 2009: Global Gender Issues. 16 July 2013. on

<http://books.google.co.id/books/about/Global_Gender_Issues.html?id=ry dmq wmpkeUC&redir_esc=y>

Peterson, D.K. 1999. “Literary Elements” 1 November 1999 on


Wilde, Oscar. 1992. The Picture of Dorian Gray. London: Wordsworth Classics. Younger, John. G. 2005: Sex in the Ancient World from A-Z. New York:



1.1Background to The Study

Gender study is an approach that analyzes gender phenomenon. The term

gender refers to the social and cultural construction of masculinity and femininity

(Kusumawati, 2007). These constructions are not the condition of being male or female biologically. In contrast, it refers to the behavior and the norms of masculinity and femininity. Masculinity and femininity can be said as a set of qualities, characteristics, behaviors and roles of being man or woman.

For example, generally, men are expected to be physically stronger, athletic, bearded, muscular, barbate, big voice, slim-hipped, and broad-shouldered (Kusumawati, 2007). The traits are active, independent, rational, objective, competitive, logic, and not easily get offended. The men’s gesture, in speaking, for example, are expressive, they tend to utter what they have in mind rather than saying it. Their job tends to demand more physical strength and mechanical skills such as drivers, builders, mechanic, and porters.


Currently, in some cases, it is difficult to differ between some man and woman in their appearances, traits, gestures, and may be in their professions. Sometimes they act the other way around, a man acts as a woman and a woman acts as a man. Despite their free self actualization, this seems to divert from the social construction where the norms teaches a man and a woman should act upon the commonly agreed convention of the society.

However, the phenomenon happening on a few characteristic and description above often overlaps with the phenomenon that is currently happening. For example, driver profession has now also been taken by women, similarly housemaid profession has now also been taken by men. Some men also put emphasis on their look and appearances or have long hair cut, making it difficult to be physically recognized as men. This fact also occurs in some women.

Looking at these phenomena, it may be hard to define the masculinity and femininity on a man or woman. This issue is reflected in the literary works; the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. There is an issue of gender in novel. The Picture of Dorian Gray is an interesting novel to analyze in terms of the gender, masculinity and femininity issues in particular. The gender prescribed by the society can be seen in each character.



femininity on Dorian Gray. This character represents the masculinity and femininity in gender and the writer focuses on the issue under the study. The writer analyzes the Dorian Gray character using the Gender Theory. The writer expects to discover the representation the masculinity and femininity through the Dorian Gray character on the novel.

This research enriches the collection of research in English Department of Indonesia University of Computer because none of the existing researches takes into account the case of masculinity and femininity. Therefore, the writer entitles this research “Gender Issues in the Dorian Gray’s Character in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde”.

1.2Research Question

1. How is Dorian’s Masculinity and Femininity described in the novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”?

2. What is the impact of the Gender Masculinity and Femininity towards the Dorian Gray character?


Based on the research question above, there are several objectives in this research, that are:


2. To describe the impact of the Masculinity and Femininity in three main characters.

1.4Significance to Knowledge

The theoretical benefit of this research is to recognize the masculinity and femininity that influences by aesthetic movement and social construction. Besides, the writer also hopes this research can give more information for the other researchers who study concerning this topic, the masculinity and femininity

in English literature and become the other sources for next researcher. The practical benefit of this research is the masculinity and femininity in person are always influence by the aesthetic and social construction in society.

1.5Framework of Theory

To analyze the gender issue in this novel, the writer uses the Gender

Theory by Judith Butler (1990). Gender is the social construction that differentiates the masculinity and femininity. Butler said, ―gender is an identity

tenuosly constituted in time, instituted in an exterior space through a stylized

repetition of acts.‖ (1990: 140). Gender is not a fixed identity, but it always



femininity differentiate man and woman in terms of the manners, behaviour, and gender roles.

Therefore, the writer uses the characterization theory to examine the Dorian Gray in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. Dorian Gray character has both masculinity and femininity characteristics. His characteristcs is unique, he can act like a woman but also like a man. His unique characteristic makes an impacts for other character that interested with him, both man and woman. Dorian Gray character will be analyzed by using Gender Theory by Judith Butler and Dorian Gray characteristics describes through the his and other characterization.


Framework of theory 1.7









2.1 Gender

The word “gender” is from Latin, genus, which means type or species and

group. Gender is a social construction that differentiates between the masculinity and femininity.

According to Younger (2005: XV)

―In modern society, masculinity is primarily performed as a set of

repeated and routinized behaviors (men are taught to be ―tall, dark, handsome, restrained, strong, unemotional‖). Femininity is

also performed, but with seemingly greater variety (women are

taught to be ―flighty, indecisive, emotional, and conscious of

appearance‖). Inantiquity we find similar performances: women‘s thoughts and emotions are fluid, men‘s controlled.‖

Masculinity and femininity are characteristics that are defined by different societies and cultures in different ways. Masculinity and femininity is a stereotype about how man and woman should behave. They learn their appropriate role in the society since they were children. Masculinity pertains to quality such as rational, ambitious, and strong. In contrast, the characteristics of femininity are emotional and weak. Masculinity is considered to have higher status than femininity. (Jackson & Soresen, in Peterson and Runyan 2009: 332)


related to man, that is formed by culture. Thus, masculine is traits and it is formed by the culture as a characteristic that is ideal for man. For example, assertive and dominant considered as masculine trait.

A man who has an identical characteristic with the masculine refers to masculine man, if it exceeds, it refers to hyper masculine man but if it less of masculine it refers to effeminate man.

According to Hoyenga & Hoyenga (1993), Feminine is a trait that is more common in woman than man is. Feminine refers to woman trait in culture. It means, feminine is a trait and is formed by culture as the ideal characteristic for woman. Femininity constructs rules that set proper woman’s appearance and


2.1.1 Masculinity



Moreover, man in Victorian era is active in publicity. Their jobs also contribute the masculine status. It occurs on the middle class man because the aristocrat man is viewed as idle since they do not work commonly. Most of aristocrat man was also active in public as bar, club and party. If they just stay in home, they believe that their masculinity is threatened. They are considered as the weak man or not manly and their status has same level with woman (Sussman, 1992).

Furthermore, the man in Victorian era is also dandy. They love to look interesting. They believe if they are handsome or gussied, they will be accepted by society and the opposite, if they are ugly, they will not be accepted by society and the society will excommunicate with them. It is the effect of French Culture in English that believes the aesthetic leads them into higher status in social (Hamilton: 4).

2.1.2 Femininity


woman (Adams, 5). Moreover, woman is also difficult to find a job, because in Victorian era, there has been less job for woman. It is because of the industrial revolution in England. There are only man who can work outside, like factory. Jobs for woman is only staying at home and doing the activity at house, like cooking, sewing, cleaning, reading, writing, and managing the house. Meanwhile, the society also constructs woman that they should be interesting in society. More and more interesting woman in society, they will be more accepted and get a higher status in man eyes (Adams. 2).

Besides, the Victorian femininity also contributes into the fashion. Body and dress symbolize femininity in woman fashion. The woman body becomes an object of pleasure in fashions (Adams, 3) because the hips, buttocks and breasts were exaggerated and the waist was small as a standard of pretty woman. besides the body, the woman dress is symbolized as interior furnishings (Adams, 3) because when woman wears dress and walk appears the social status of the woman.

2.2 Queer Theory

Queer Theory not only theory talks about homosexuality, but also an approach leading to sexuality matters (sex differences).



As Spargo claims, queer has various systematic conceptual and methodology. Queer also focuses on any kind sexual activity or identity that falls into normative and deviant categories. Queer is also contesting of categorization of gender sexuality. Queer said that there is an interval between what a subject “does” (role talking) and what a subject “is” (the self). It makes the identity

category that is designed to identify the “sexed subject” and the individual place becomes unstable.

2.2.1 Gender as Perfomative

Gender is performance, it is what someone does at particular times, rather than a universal concept about femininity and masculinity. According to Butler (1993: 125):

To claim that all gender is like drag, or is drag, is to suggest that "imi-tation" is at the heart of the heterosexual project and its gender binarisms, that drag is not a secondary imitation that presupposes a prior and original gender, but that hegemonic heterosexuality is itself a constant and repeated effort to imitate its own idealizations. That it must repeat this imitation, that it sets up pathologizing practices and normalizing sciences in order to produce and consecrate its own claim on originality and propriety, suggests that heterosexual performativity is beset by an anxiety that it can never fully overcome, that its effort to become its own idealizations can never be finally or fully achieved, and that it is consis-tently haunted by that domain of sexual possibility that must be excluded for heterosexualized gender to produce itself.


borrows this concept from literary theory that is categorized into two kinds. There are constantive and performative. Constantive is the expressive and performative meanings that shape a reality. It emphasizes “I’m man” besides it is expressive; it is also “tell my sex is male”. It is not only that but also performative that “I’m

man, so I should act with male norms.” So, It appears performativity.

For Butler (1993), gender is like the beauty contest that is performed by the transvestites to prove that they are the perfect woman. The contestants are a male but he can perform in a very feminine way such as slim body, smooth skin, and pretty face. Thus, “realness” or the truth about gender, the identity and sexuality are produced and reproduced through a set of actions, gesture and desire that is interpreted and implemented until it creates the real gender.

Most of humanist consider someone in gender view as an attribute that is attached by culture, at least become fixed as permanent part on person. However, Butler prefers historic and anthropology position to understand the gender as a relation between social subject that was formed in specific context. It becomes fixed attribute gender on someone as fluid idenity that change in different contect and different times. Society makes gender behavior looks more natural, but if it is seen from time to time, there are changes in the construction of gender performance.

Butler argues that there are power relations in a normative gender. Then in daily life, this will become politic object.



postpones the concrete and contemporary task of rethinking subversive possibilities for sexuality and identity within the

terms of power itself.‖ (Butler,1993: 30)

Generally, masculinity is the open concept, it is not fixed identity and monolithic that separated from race, class, and culture but distance identity that is contradictive. Through the constructions, the masculinity is one of subjectivity signs that fixed the socila idenity. The thought about masculinity in media also gets the influence from Butler. Butler said masculinity concept in identity crisis is not just new class anxiety but as the decreasing stability, relation between gender, and representation, ‗an on going and potentially discontinuous performative

masquerade‘. .

2.2.2 Homoerotic

According to Younger (2005: 80) ―Homoeroticism, the erotic attraction between members of the same sex, either male-male or female-female.

Homoerotic is a sexual attraction between man-man and female-female. Homoerotic is also related with the Hellenistic period, a period in Greek history around 4th-1st BC. This period is focused on two things that are believed to be connected to Homoeroticism. It is namely art and education.


relationship during the Hellenistic period is known as Paiderastia. As Younger (2005: 141) said, ―the eroticized socialization of an adolescent boy into Greek male society by an adult man.‖ It emphasizes on the relationship between boy and man. Paiderastia is a relationship based on the older man teaching the young boy the ways of life and how to become a man. However, sex builds a big part in interaction between boy and man. The fact that the education that a man educates the boy builds a standard that most boy in ancient Greek were seen as desirable mostly when they were young and beautiful. The relation should have had a sexual relation called homoerotic.

2.3 Character & Characterization

Character is a portrait of a real person. As D.K. Peterson’s (1999: 1) said,

―Characters are the ―people‖ intexts, and characterization is the author‘s

presentation and development of characters.‖ Character is the important element in the story. Character can be real like human, animal, monster and robot. The function of character also to builds the story. In determine the character in literary works needs characterization method.



2.3.1 Telling Method

The telling method is ―Metode langsung (telling) mencakup karakterisasi melalui penggunaan nama tokoh, karakterisasi melalui penampilan tokoh,

karakterisasi melalui tuturan pengarang (Minderop, 2005: 4). The statement says the character is directly told by the author. This method is used on the literary works while literature can be seen and enjoyed from the author explanation. On this method, characterization can be using name and appearance of the character and author narration.

2.3.2 Showing Method

The showing is indirect characterization that the author reveals the character by the action, speech, looks, thought and effect.

The other method is the indirect, the dramatic method of

showing, which involves the author‘s stepping aside, as it were,

to allow the characters to reveal themselves directly through and their actions. With showing, much of the burden of character analysis is shifted to the reader, who is required to infer character on the basis of the evidence provided in the narrative (Minderop, 2005:22).


2.4 Aesthetic Movement

Aesthetic movement was a movement during the late 19th century that focused on the idea that Art for Art’s Sake. Aesthetic placed a very high opinion on beauty. It was a literary and social movement, which differed in the way which it viewed art and its connection to life. The origin of the English Aesthetic Movement can be traced back to the literary works in 19th century. The worship of beauty and the lack of interest were in social and political problems. It hideous contemporary industrial world and be realized the creation of beauty as a duty to society. The theorist of the English Aestheticism was Walter Pater who stated that personal experience is the only valid criterion of judgment.

Beauty, like all other qualities presented to human experience, is relative; and the definition of it becomes unmeaning and useless in proportion to its abstractness. To define beauty, not in the most abstract but in the most concrete terms possible, to find, not its universal formula, but the formula which expresses most adequately this or that special manifestation of it, is the aim of the true student of aesthetics. (Palter, 1980, XIX)





3.1 Research Object

The object in this research is the masculinity and femininity through Dorian Gray character. This research attempts to investigate the masculinity and femininity of Dorian’s Gray character and to examine the influence to Dorian

character towards the other character. The data is taken from the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. The writer chooses this novel because gender issue is interesting in the novel.


Lady Brandon house, a woman of high society who hosted the party where Basil and Dorian met. On the first time, Basil stares Dorian Gray; he is fascinated with the beauty of face and body of Dorian Gray like Late Greek sculpture. Basil also says since he met with Dorian Gray that he seems happy to make a painting.

Hearing the story about Dorian Gray from Basil, Lord Henry becomes interesting to meet with Dorian Gray and he asks to meet him with Dorian. When Lord Henry asks, Basil hesitates and does not want to introduce Lord Henry with Dorian because he is afraid if Lord Henry will influence Dorian with his hedonist life. On the other hand, suddenly, Dorian comes to Basil studio and Basil cannot refuse to introduce Lord Henry to Dorian. However, before Basil introduces Lord Henry to Dorian Basil reminds Lord Henry not to influence Dorian with his hedonist life.



When Basil hears Dorian said about that, Basil blames Lord Henry giving influence to Dorian. Basil wants to rip the picture but Dorian prevents Basil to do it and Dorian says that the picture now becomes part of his soul.

As the next impact from Lord Henry thought, Lord Henry and Dorian Gray friendship are closer. They hang out together like going to club, dinner; going to ball, watching an opera and hunting. When Dorian comes to Lord Henry house, Dorian tells to Lord Henry that he fall in love with street actress named Sybil Vane. Dorian tells that Sybil was so beautiful, pretty and talented. Hearing that, Lord Henry gives an influence to Dorian. Lord Henry seems unhappy with the relationship between Dorian and Sybil. He tells not to be serious with woman because only few woman worth to be noticed, but Dorian still loves Sybil Vane. Then, Dorian invites Basil and Lord Henry to see Sybil performance in the next night. When they are seeing Sybil performance, they are not seeing like the beautiful performance as Dorian said. They see bad performance that Sybil shows. Dorian feels upset because Sybil gives a bad performance and it makes him feel ashamed among his friends. Then, Dorian rejects Sybil after the performance and leaves the theater.


everything to stay young and he would barter his soul with the beauty and youth. The changing of his painting makes him remember with his rejection to Sybil Vane. He is afraid with his beauty and youth that will be old and wrinkle. He remembers with what he did to Sybil that reflected through the painting. So he decides to ask forgiveness from Sybil Vane because his action last night.

Then, Dorian writes a letter to Sybil Vane about his rejection last night. When Dorian writes a letter, Lord Henry comes to Dorian house and he would like to cheer up Dorian because the bad performance of Sybil Vane last night. Dorian tells Lord Henry, he writes a letter to Sybil to ask forgiveness. In fact, before Dorian sends the letter Lord Henry says that Sybil Vane was death. Lord Henry asks Dorian that did he read the letter from him, but Dorian does not yet read the letter. Lord Henry says he wrote a letter about Sybil Vane suicide, she drank poison last night. Dorian surprises to hear the news about Sybil Vane suicide. Dorian is very upset with that and regret with his action.

However, Lord Henry does not feel regret with Dorian’s action. He suggests to forget it with come with him to watch the opera and meet with his cousin. At first, Dorian does not want to go, but Lord Henry persuades Dorian to come and forget it. Finally, Dorian gives way to Lord Henry and he goes out with Lord Henry to watch the opera and meet with Lord Henry’s cousin.



exhibiting his painting. Basil surprises with Dorian beauty and youth that has never been change. Dorian is only smile and invites Basil for come to his house. Then, Basil come and follows Dorian to his house.

When Dorian was sitting, Basil asks about his life and about the news of Dorian scandal. Dorian is not interest with the rumor about him, but Basil keeps asking to him. It makes Dorian hysterics and angry to Basil. Then, Dorian decides to show him the secret about his soul that the thing makes him haunted by his guilty. Dorian shows the painting to Basil that makes him haunted by his guilty. Basil shocks see the painting change into an ugly man. At first, Basil does not believe with the change of this painting; he thinks that it is not his painting made by him. However, Dorian explains because the painting that has destroyed his soul. Dorian blames Basil that everything happen because the painting. Basil asks Dorian to ask forgiveness to God, it is never too late to ask. On the other hand, Dorian uncontrolled feeling mad to Basil and he sees a knife on the table, then Dorian take a knife and stab him at backside repeatedly. He does not regret with his actions.

After that, Dorian was still haunting by his sinful to Sybil and Basil death. When he is alone at his house, he stares at his picture. He looks round and sees the knife stabbed to Basil. He cleans the knife and stabs his picture with it. There was a cry heard and shout out from the Dorian house.


locked it, so they climb through the roof. They found dead man in the evening dress and the knife in his heart. He is withered, wrinkled and old. They know that he is Dorian Gray.

3.2 Research Method

The research uses qualitative method. According to Bogdan and Taylor in Meleong (2004: 3) ―Metodologi kualitatif sebagai prosedur penelitian yang

menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari

orang-orang dan perilaku yang dapat diamati.‖ The qualitative describes and explains

data toward the phenomena that happen.

The Descriptive method is also used to describe the data clearly based on the facts and examine the problem based on Gender Theory by Judith Butler. According to Koentjaraningrat (1976: 30) ―Penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif yaitu yang memberikan gambaran yang secermat mungkin mengenai individu,

keadaan, gejala atau kelompok tertentu.‖ Thus, by using descriptive method the

writer can explain the phenomenon of masculinity and femininity in a more comprehensive way.

3.2.1 Data Collection

The writer uses the library research to collect the data. The writer uses several steps as follow:



2. After reading the novel, the writer chooses the data that related with the masculinity and femininity. The indicator of masculinity and femininity found in this novel is body, behaviour, and social norms. It will be analyzed based on the gender theory.

3. The writer classifies the data based on the gender that contains with the masculinity and femininity. The writer classify the data that can be analyzed and fnd the theories that support the analysis. The last the writer analyze the data that has been classify use the gender theory by Judith Butler that has been found.

3.2.2 Data Analysis

In data analysis, the writer describes the characterization of Dorian Gray using characterization theory through showing and telling methods. By using the showing and telling method, the writer interprets Dorian characterization from beginning until the end of story. Then, the writer examines Dorian interpretation on femininity and masculinity using Gender Theory by Judith Butler. Here is the sample of data analysis:

Dorian Gray, the main character in this novel, is characterized as a good-looking young man. As seen in the description of his picture in the following―stood the full-length portrait of a young man of extraordinary personal

beauty.‖ (Wilde, 1992: 5). However, he is an inexperience young man. As


―I feel quite sure of that. He is some brainless, beautiful creature,

who should be always here in winter when we have no flowers to look at, and always here in summer when we want something to

chill our intelligence.‖ (Wilde, 1992: 6)

The data above describes Dorian characterization through the telling method that is from Lord Henry character. It shows that Dorian is “...He is some

brainless, beautiful creature,‖ (Wilde, 1992: 6.). It shows that Dorian brainless.

His brainless shows his femininity traits. Although Dorian was man, he also has a feminine side. His feminine side describes by Lord Henry “who should be always

here in winter when we have no flowers to look at, and always here in summer





Woman and man are constructed to be masculine and feminine by the society. The society gives the ideas how masculine and feminine act and behave. This social construction is reflected in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Dorian Gray, the main character in this novel, is characterized as a good-looking young man. As seen in the description of his picture in the following―stood the full-length portrait of a young man of extraordinary personal

beauty.‖ (Wilde, 1992: 5). However, he is an inexperience young man. As

described by Lord Henry, one of the character that later becomes his friend, below ―I feel quite sure of that. He is some brainless, beautiful creature,

who should be always here in winter when we have no flowers to look at, and always here in summer when we want something to

chill our intelligence.‖ (Wilde, 1992: 6)

The data above describes Dorian characterization through the telling method that is from Lord Henry character. Lord Henry describes Dorian as a brainless person, which indicates that he is inexperience. Lord Henry also describes Dorian as if Dorian is a woman figure by using the word beautiful instead of handsome, and he is also depicted as flower as seen here, “who should

be always here in winter when we have no flowers to look at, and always here in

summer when we want something to chill our intelligence.‖ The description from


beautiful and flower. Those words pertain to women’s characteristic which

indicate Dorian Gray’s feminine side.

Dorian is inexperience young man because he lost his parents at a very young age. His father was killed in duel at Spa a few months later after the marriage and his mother died too, within a year.

―The poor chap was killed in duel at Spa, a few months after the

marriage. There was an ugly story about it. They said Kelso got some rascally adventurer, some Belgian brute, to insult his son-in-law in public; paid him, sir, to do it, paid him; and that the fellow spitted his man as if he had been a pigeon. The thing was hushed up, but, egad, Kelso ate his chop alone at the club for some time afterwards. He brought his daughter back with him, I was told, and she never spoke to him again. Oh, yes; it was a bad

business. The girl died too: died within a year.‖ (Wilde, 1992: 29)

Dorian’s past life is described from the conversation between Lord Henry

and Lord Fermor. He lost his parents when he was child. His father died few month later after the marriage because of his grandfather paid some Belgian brute to insult his son-in-law in front of public, and he was killed in that duel. Although, this story is covered up but public knew about this. His grandfather brought Dorian’s mother back, but after that, Dorian’s mother never spoke to Lord Kelso



His life changes when he comes to London. There, he meets Basil and Lord Henry. Basil thinks that Dorian is so impressive he is handsome and has a good shaped of body. As seen here:

―I sometimes think, Harry, that there are only two eras of any importance in the world‘s history. The first is the apperance of a

new medium for art, and the second is the apperance of a new personality for art also. What the invention of oil-painting was to the Venetians, the face of Antinous was the late Greek sculpture, and the face of Dorian Gray will someday be to me. It is not merely that I paint from him, draw from him, sketch from him. Of course I have done all that. But he is much more to me

than model or a sitter.‖ (Wilde, 1992:11)

Basil sees Dorian like a beautiful art. “The first is the apperance of a new medium for art, and the second is the apperance of a new personality for art

also.‖ (Wilde, 1992:11) Dorian apperance and personality is an object of art for Basil. “What the invention of oil-painting was to the Venetians, the face of Antinous was the late Greek sculpture, and the face of Dorian Gray will someday

be to me.‖(Wilde, 1992:11). Basil equates the beauty of Dorian face and body to the classical Greek statue, the Antinous-the Greek statue who has a beautiful body and face. Basil thinks Dorian is perfect to be a model for his painting. It becomes a reason Basil draws his picture on canvas. It is not only Basil who is fascinated with Dorian but Lord Henry too.


The handsomeness of Dorian is clearly seen. Dorian also has a perfect composition for handsome man with a red lips, blue eyes and gold hair.

On the other hand, Dorian is fascinated by Lord Henry, as seen below ―Dorian Gray frowned and turned his head away. He could not

help liking the tall, graceful young man who was standing by him. his romantic olive-coloured face and worn expression interested him. (Wilde, 1992: 20)

This data above shows that Dorian is fascinated by Lord Henry’s appearance that is tall and charismatic. Dorian thinks that he is very masculine and smart. He is the representation of a man he want to be.

Dorian closeness to Basil and Lord Henry shows a homoerotic relationship. Although those three are heterosexual but their friendship is too close and they care one another too much. The relationship is based on the older man teaching the young boy the ways of life and how to become a man. The implicit statement about homoerotic can be seen in Lord Henry statement below:

―I believe that if one man were to live out his life fully and

completely, were to give form to every feeling, expression to every thought, reality to every dream – I believe that the world would gain such a fresh impulse of joy that we would forget all the maladies of medievalis, and return to the Hellenic Ideal – to

something finer, richer, than the Hellenic ideal, it may be.‖

(Wilde, 1992:18)



life to be meaningful. He emphasizes with the “maladies of medievalis‖, the tendency to praise the “art for art’s sake” that is art as a final pleasure. It leads Dorian to the “gain such a fresh impulse of joy‖ Lord Henry suggests that Dorian

to pleasure himself while he still young. Lord Henry thought starts to influence Dorian Gray. The education that Lord Henry teaches to Dorian builds an extraordinary close whch can be considered as man Homoerotic.

Dorian is also interested with Lord Henry’s witty enigma and cynical judgment about the world. Thus, he thinks Lord Henry as a one who can teach him about the world.

―For nearly ten minutes he stood there, motionless, with parted

lips, and eyes strangely bright. He was dimly conscious that entirely fresh influences were at work within him. Yet they seemed to him to have come really form himself. The few words

that Basil‘s friend has said to him – words spoken by chance, no doubt, and with willful paradox in them – had touched some secret chord that had never been touched before, but that he felt

was now vibrating and throbbing to curious pulses.‖ (Wilde,

1992: 19)

Lord Henry’s witty enigma and cynical judgment about the world affected

him. His inexperience makes him as empty canvas and waiting to be formed. He likes a child and ready to learn everything. There are many things that Dorian learned from Lord Henry including his own beauty.

―You have a wonderfully beautiful face, Mr Gray. Don‘t frown.

You have. And Beauty is a form of Genius – is higher, indeed, than Genius, as it needs no explanation. It is one of the great facts of the world, like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in dark waters of that silver shell we call the moon. It cannot be questioned. It has its divine right of sovereignty. It makes princes of those who have it. You smile? Ah! When you have lost

it you won‘t smile ... People say sometimes that Beauty is only


Thought is. To me, Beauty is the wonder of wonders. It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances.‖(Wilde, 1992: 21)

Lord Henry says Dorian has an extraordinary beauty. Dorian has just realized it. He also learns that the beauty is a great miracle. As Lord Henry statement about beauty,―It has its divine right of sovereignty. It makes princes of

those who have it.‖

Besides beauty, Dorian also learns the important of Youth from Lord Henry. ―Youth! Youth! There is absolutely nothing in the world but youth!‖ (Wilde, 1992:22) Lord Henry tells that youth is everything in this world. Beauty and youth makes someone a man. Dorian starts to believe that someone is judged only from their appearance as has been pointed out by Lord Henry “To me, Beauty

is the wonder of wonders. It is only shallow people who do not judge by


Dorian thinks that, if he wants to be masculine like Lord Henry he should maintain his appearance. If Dorian loses his beauty, people will not respect him anymore. Dorian relies on Lord Henry judgment about how to be a man.

Dorian awareness about beauty and youth makes him afraid to be old. It can see on below data:

―That had stirred him at the time, and now, as he stood gazing

at the shadow of his own loveliness, the full reality of the description flashed across him. Yes, there would be a day when his face would be wrinkle and wizen, his eyes dim and

colourless, the grace of his figure broken and deformed.‖

(Wilde, 1992: 23)



and wither and ugly. It is indicated Dorian is afraid of aging. He believes that youth is everything; he can do anything when he is young and handsome. Dorian thinks that ideal men are those who have beauty and youth. The society are also respected those who have beauty and youth. As seen in Lord Henry statement below:

―You have only a few years‘s in which to live really, perfectly and

fully. When your youth goes, your beauty will go with it and then you will suddenly discover that there are no triumphs left for you, or have to content yourself with those mean triumphs that the

memory of your past will make more bitter than defeats.‖ (Wilde,


Dorian learns from Lord Henry that he has to enjoy his life fully before he loses his beauty and youth. The aesthetic movement that emphasizes art from its beauty not from its deeper meaning influences this thought.

Dorian becomes obsessive to youth and beauty and he starts to hate his picture.

“‗How sad it is!‘ murmured Dorian Gray, with his eyes still fixed upon his own portrait. ‗How sad it is! I shall grow old, horrid,

and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young. It will

never be older than this particular day of June …. If it was only

the other way!If it was I who were to be always young, and the


picture. His obsessions make him do not want to be old and he would give everything to stay young and beautiful forever.

Dorian not only learns about the value of beauty and youth for masculinity from Lord Henry. He also learns that a man should have many experiences especially love experience.

―My, dear boy, the people who love only once in their lives are

really the shallow people. What they call their loyalty, and their fidelity, I call either the lethargy of custom or their lack of imagination. Faithfullness is to the emotional life what consistency is to the life of the intellect – simply a confession of failure. Faithfulness! I must analyse it someday. The passion for property is in it. There are many things that we would throw away

if we were not afraid that others might pick them up. But I don‘t want to interrupt you. Go on with your story.‖ (Wilde, 1992: 41)

The qoutation above tells about Lord Henry’s opinion about Dorian

intention to marry Sybil. A woman he meets in the theater. Dorian does not immediately accept Lord Henry’s enigma about how to be a man. At first, he still

feels proud with Sybil because he is sure that Sybil is beautiful woman and has a great skill in acting.

―Harry, imagine a girl, hardly seventeen years of age, with a

little flower-like face, a small Greek head with plaited coils of dark-brown hair, eyes that were violet wells of passion, lips that were like the petals of a rose. She was the loveliest thing I had ever seen in my life. You said to me once that pathos left you unmoved, but that beauty, mere beauty, could fill your eyes with tears.

It indicates that Dorian praises the beauty of Sybil. Her beauty makes Dorian amaze with her “imagine a girl, hardly seventeen years of age, with a little

flower-like face, a small Greek head with plaited coils of dark-brown hair, eyes



1992: 42). Her beautiful face, hair and lips is a perfect composition for Dorian. Dorian thinks he found a femininity in Sybil beauty. Sybil beauty also emphasizes by Dorian with her voice “And her voice – I never heard such a voice. It was very

low at first, deep mellow notes, that seemed to fall singly upon one‘s ear. Then it

became a little louder, and sounded like a flute or a distant hautbois.‖(Wilde,

1992:42). The beauty of Sybil is like a beautiful symphony for Dorian. Dorian feels that he is hearing a music and her voice amuses Dorian. Dorian has been drugged by Sybil voice, when she was singing, “In the garden-scene it had all the

tremulous ecstasy that one hears just before dawn when nightingales are

singing.‖ (Wilde, 1992: 42) and her voice never forget in Dorian mind, ―I shall never forget.‖ (Wilde, 1992:42)

Dorian praises Sybil’s acting. The night when Sybil performs, Dorian

imagines Sybil as Rosalind, Imogen and Juliet. These characters are a perfect feminine women in Dorian imagination. “One evening she is Rosalind, and the next evening she is Imogen. I have seen her die in the gloom of an Italian tomb,

sucking the poison from her lover‘s lips.‖(Wilde, 1992:43). Dorian does not

imagines a Sybil as herself but as those characters mentioned above. Dorian gives a high value for beauty and art in defining femininity. He appreciates Sybil for her passion in art because Dorian praises the beauty, youth and art.


―You used to stir my imagination. Now you don‘t even stir my

curiosity. You simply produce no effects. I loved you because you were marvellous, because you had genius and intellect, because you realised the dreams of great poets and gave shape and substance to the shadows of art. You have thrown it all away. You are shallow and stupid. My God! How mad I was to love you!

What a fool I have been! You are nothing to me now.‖ (Wilde,

1992: 71)

Sybil makes Dorian embarrassed and it ruins his pride in front of his friend. He has told his friend the beauty of Sybil performance but it turns out to be different. The above explanation shows that Dorian is interested in Sybil because his obsession about beauty as mentioned earlier. “You used to stir my imagination. Now you don‘t even stir my curiosity.‖ Dorian feels Sybil has failed to satisfy him with her performance. Her performance is not what Dorian what. He loves Sybil because her beauty and her perform the art not a real love that Sybil want “I loved

you because you were marvellous, because you had genius and intellect, because

you realised the dreams of great poets and gave shape and substance to the

shadows of art.‖ His love for Sybil is only simply motive as an art and beauty. It is emphasizes with this quotation. As seen in the following

Tonight she is Imogen,‘ he answered, ‗and tomorrow night she

will be Juliet.‘ ‗When is she Sybil Vane?‘ Never‘‖ (Wilde, 1992:



―Oh, I can‘t bear to think of it! I wish I had never laid eyes upon

you! You have spoiled the romance of my life. How little you can know of love, if you say it mars your art! Without your art you are nothing. I would have made you famous, splendid magnificent. The world would have worshipped you and you would have borne my name. What are you now? A third-rate actress with a pretty



Since Dorian only sees Sybil from her aesthetic side, he thinks that Sybil is not good enough for him after her bad performance. Dorian said ―Never‖, it clearly seen that Dorian loves Sybil cause her beauty not loves her because the feeling. So, Dorian broke Sybil’s heart into pieces, and she decides to kill herself.

Dorian’s way of thinking about how a woman should be is also affected by Lord Henry’s point of view about femininity as seen here:

―My dear Dorian, it is quite. I am analysing women at present,

so I ought to know. The subject is not so abstruse as I thought it was. So find that, ultimately, there are only two kinds of women, the plain and the coloured. The plain women are very useful. If you want to gain a reputation for respectability, you have merely to take them down to supper. The other women are very charming. They commit one mistake, however. They paint in order to try and look young. Our grandmothers painted in order to try and talk brilliantly. Rouge and esprit used to go together. That is all over now. As long as a woman can look ten years younger than her own daughter, she is perfectly satisfied. As for conversation, there are only five women in London worth

talking to, and two of these can‘t be admitted into decent

society. However, tell me about your genius. How long have you

known her?‖ (Wilde, 1992:40)

sex. They never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly. Women represent the triumph of matter over mind, just a men

represent the triumph of mind over morals.‖ (Wilde, 1992: 40)


furniture that makes home more beautiful. Lord Henry tells the more beautiful that man can get, the more he feels proud on himself among his friends. This is the reason Dorian dumps Sybil. She makes him ashamed in front of his friend.

Actually, Dorian imitates Lord Henry because Lord Henry is very masculine for him. Lord Henry masculinity fits with the social norms that construct man. Dorian thinks he should act like a man. Therefore, Dorian is imitating the Lord Henry experience about woman. Woman for Lord Henry is just a place for seeking a pleasure, because Dorian praises the beauty and youth. He is only seeking a beauty and youth in woman. If woman unsatisfied Dorian’s, desire about beauty and youth. Dorian will leaves the woman and find other woman who can satisfy his feeling about beauty and youth.

In fact, Dorian’s obsession with youth and beauty leads him into his destruction. He tries to live as Lord Henry directed to him but it leads him to feel as a bad person, whichis reflected in his picture,

―Finally he came back, went over to the picture, and examined it. In the dim arrested light that struggled through the cream-coloured silk blinds, the face appeared to him to be a little changed. The expression looked different. One would have said that there was a touch of cruelty in the mouth. It was certainly

strange.‖ (Wilde, 1992:73)



―Dorian Gray glanced at the picture, and suddenly an un-controllable feeling of hatred for Basil Hallward came over him. The mad passions of a hunted animal stirred within him, and he loathed the man who was seated at the table, more than he had ever loathed anything in his whole life. He glanced wildly around. Something glimmered on the top of the painted chest that faced him. His eye fell on it. He knew what it was. It was a knife that he had brought up some days before, to cut a piece of cord, and had forgotten to take away with him. He moved slowly towards it, passing Hallward as he did so. As soon as he got behind him, he seized it, and turned round. Hallward moved in his chair as if he was going to rise. He rushed at him, and dug the knife into the great vein that is behind the ear, crushing the

man‘s head down on the table, and stabbing again and again.

(Wilde, 1992: 125-126)

This data above shows the effect of the adoration of beauty and youth. Dorian cannot control himself to life in hedonist life that leads him to the destruction of his own life. His guilty of Sybil and Basil death haunts him. He depresses, finally he decides to stab the picture, which symbolizes that he kills the dark side of himself. As seen below:

―He looked around, and saw the knife that had stabbed Basil

Hallward. He had cleaned it many times, till there was no stain left upon it. It was bright, and glistened. As it had killed the

painter, so it would kill the painter‘s work, and all that that

meant. It would kill the past, and when that was dead he would be free. It would kill this monstrous soul-life, and without its hideous warnings, he would be at peace. He seized the thing, and stabbed

the picture with it.‖ (Wilde, 1992:177)

Dorian thinks that if his portraitis destroyed, he will be free from feeling guilty and he can rest in peace at last.


who can enjoy his life and use his youth to a fullest extent. He should have a lot of love experience and never married at all. Under Lord Henry’s advice, he interprets there are few women that is worth of his attention. A woman should be charming, smart and she should have a great skill in art. All of those characteristic is important to make a man proud in front of his friends.




5.1 Conclusions

Gender is a social construction that built a binary opposition between men and women. Both pertain to certain characteristic as masculine or feminine. It is not things that we are born with or naturally occur in men or women. It is enacted by an obligatory norm on how a man and woman should behave. Person learns this norm from their parents and their environment.

The novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” shows that the main character Dorian Gray learns to behave in certain way to be accepted by the society. As a parentless child he learns it from his surroundings. Lord Henry, a man he met in London becomes his teacher. Lord Henry guide’s has led him to pursue a hedonist

life. He becomes obsessive in beauty and youth. He interprets masculinity and femininity in its aesthetic side. Thus, he puts a high value for the appearance of handsome man with a perfect body as it is in a Greek statue. Dorian also thinks that a woman is like a decorative and an object to be proud of, so she has to be beautiful and could make him proud in front of his friend.

Dorian obsession in beauty and youth led him to the destruction of his life. He makes his lover; Sybil kills herself because of heart broken. Moreover, he kills his friend, Basil. At last he kills himself to gain a peace.


one another and maximizing the value of beauty, youth and transient sensual pleasure can be categorized as homoerotic code.

5.2 Suggestions


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