RESIMEN MAHASISWA (Studi Terhadap Eksistensi Organisasi Resimen
Mahasiswa Mahasurya, KoordinasiWilayah II Malang)
Oleh: Yusuf Adam Hilman ( 06230004 )
Goverment Science
Dibuat: 2010-07-26 , dengan 7 file(s).
Organisasi Resimen Mahasiswa merupakan sebuah organisasi yang bergerak dalam bidang Bela Negara, Anggota Resimen Mahasiswa juga dipersiapkan dalam sebagai komponen cadangan dalam pertahanan Negara dalam sistem pertahanan rakyat semesta (SISHANKAMRATA). Oleh karena itu organisasi Resimen Mahasiswa dididik secara militer dan menjalankan organisasi seperti halnya organisasi Kemiliteran. Anggota Resimen Mahasiswa dilative dan digembleng secara fisik dan mental untuk dipersiapkan sebagai komponen dalam sistem pertahanan.
Organisasi Resimen Mahasiswa mengalami masa kejayaan ketika masa pemerintahan Soeharto berkuasa, karena pada saat itu Militer turut serta dalam perpolitikan sehingga posisi militer di Negara kita semakin kuat, tetapi pada tahun 1998 ketika reformasi bergulir terjadi sebuah gejolak di Negara kita, beberapa elemen mahasiswa menuntut mundurnya Soeharto sebagai presiden, setelah turunnya soeharto sebagai presiden, kondisi semakin kacau antara militer dan sipil terjadi hubungan yang kurang harmonis, hal ini juga berpengaruh kepada Organisasi MENWA sebagai salah didikan dari organisasi Militer, Kondisi ini juga diperparah oleh latar belakang MENWA yang lahir dari lingkungan Kampus yang sangat komplek dengan pergerakan sosial.
Tujuan penelitian ini ingin Mendeskripsikan secara historis tentang Dinamika social politik organisasi Resimen Mahasiswa khususnya pada organisasi sub bagian dari MENWA yaitu Koordinasi Wilayah Korwil II Malang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah : Jenis
cadangan, jadi eksistensi organisasi MENWA koordinasi wilayah tetap eksist dan bertahan menghadapi kondisi ini. Organisasi MENWA perlu melakukan Publikasi yang lebih intensif sebagai salah satu bentuk pengenalan organisasi sebagai bentuk dari keberadaan atau eksistensi.
Regiment Student Organization is an organization that specializes in Defense of State, Member of Regiment Students are also prepared in a reserve component of the State in the defense of people defense system of the universe (SISHANKAMRATA). Therefore Regiment organization educated military students and running an organization like Military organizations. Regiment members and trained students dilative physically and mentally to be prepared as a component in the defense system. Student Organization Regiment experienced the heyday of the Suharto government as powerful, because at that time participated in the military so that the position of military politics in our country stronger, but in 1998 when there was a revolving reform in our country's turmoil, some elements of students demanding the resignation of Suharto as president, after the fall of Suharto as president, the chaotic conditions of military and civilian occurred less harmonious relations, it also affects the organization as an educational Menwa of military organizations, this condition is also aggravated by background Menwa born of campus environment very complex with social movements.
The purpose of this research has historically wanted to Describe the social dynamics of organizational politics Regiment student organizations, especially in sub-section of the Coordination Area Menwa Coordinator II Malang. Research methods used were: Type a descriptive study. Research subjects taken from individuals who have an office in the Student Organization Regiment, as chairman of the coordination area (Coordinator), Passiter Kodim As the coach Student Regiment, Menwa member or volunteer. The methods used in data capture is purpossif sampling by considering the existing criteria in the study subjects, including those who have authority in Menwa organizations in the region, especially at the level of regional
coordination II Malang.
This study found facts about the journey Student Organization Regiment who have ups and downs, there are several reasons that the organization Regiment Student Area Coordination II Malang remained eksist karaena few things, namely: a). strength and unity ALUMNI kokohnya Menwa that support continue to flow, b). Form of organization effectively organized and solid, c). Willingness to improve the organization in order to be better (learning organization), d). Attention good government and a broad network with military organizations, social and keagamanan. Organizations have the urgency dibutuhka explained that remains is: as a component of the National parts, as a cadre organization Nation, as well as