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Determining optimal location of new growth centers based on LGP-IRIO model to reduce regional disparity in Indonesia


Academic year: 2017

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Determining optimal location of new

growth centers based on LGP-IRIO model

to reduce regional disparity in Indonesia

Didit Okta Pribadi, Andi 




Ernan Rustiadi 

The Ann.ls of Regional Science 

An International Journal of Urban, Regional and Environmental Research and Policy

ISSN  057D­1864 

Ann Reg Sci 

DOt 10.1007/500168­014­0647·8 

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Ann Reg SCI

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Determining optimal location of new growth centers 

based on  LGP­IRIO model to reduce  regional  disparity 

in  Indonesia 

Didit Okta  Pribadi  .  Andi Syah Putra  .  Ernan Rusliadi 

Receh'ed: 2 [X­cem!)cr  20 13  1 L|c c ・ーlセHjGZ@ 2H  Oc tobe r 2014 

© Spn ngc r­V<trla,g  Berli n h ・ ゥ 、・ャ セ イァ@ 20 J­+ 

Abstract d ・|Gセ ャッーュ・ョエ@ policy th at mainl y focu ses on economic growth ha s triggered  increasing イ ・ァゥッセャ 。ャ@ disparity  in  Indone sia, ・ ク。セ・イ「。エ・、@ by tho! 」ッョセ」ョエイ。{・、@ develop-ment of growth 」 ・ ョエセイウ@ th at generate 「。\NZォLL ᄋ。セ ィ@ effec[s rarher than sp illu\'er :::ffcl..·lS. Balanced region al de\·elopment is needed und can be initiated thr0L1gh a srali.li system approach. where the growth centers and their hinteriJ.Jlds are developed s imuhane-ousl y as an integrated system. The aim of this research is [0 define new growth 」・ョエセイウ@

that can stimulate エィセ@ ッーエゥュセQ@ utilization nnd interaction between regio nal resources for gene.rating .nme bJ.lanced an d efti cient devel opment. Three ir.terrelated models are de,·doped to 。、、イ セ Gウ@ thi s: (1 ) an inter-regional inpul-Dutput (IRIO) optimization mode l to generate optimal resource use and improve deveiopment performances, (2) a transp ort model to delermine an optimJI inter-regional input-output network. and (3) a P-median model to define new grmvth ce nters and their hinterland areas. Re sults from the first model show i.hm setting land resource limitations, demand com pliance. and goals to :ncrease economic growth, pe.opJe's income, and governmt:nt tax can create higher and equally di strinuted va lue of total output. The seco nd model incticat"o thal

D. O. Pri badl (t3I ) . A. S. Put ra . E. RUSl iadi

C.: ntcr (o r r ア ZN ゥ ッ ョ セQ@ s セ ᄋウZ」 イョウ@ Ana lysis Pbn niILg セ イNj@ Development (CRESTPEJ"-I"T.'P4\\' .) Bogor Agn cul !ur..l UO\ \-mity. Jalo.n Puj'ljarnn. b|IセHャヲ@ If) 1-13. IndonC"sia

e·mail: d lultpribadi @ yalluo . .::o m

A. S. PU[f1i

e- mail: dNョ、N u [ ケ ー セケ。 ィ ッHIN 」ッュ@

D. O. pイゥ「 セ ャHャゥ@

Indone$iaJl lnsUlulc o r Sc icm:c. Jalali H. Jr. Juanda No. 13. B ogar QVPPセN@ Indones ia

E. RU!ltiaJi

Dcpunmell! of Soil Sd em::e.s anJ LanJ r セ ウ ッオh[・ウN@ Bogor Agricultural University. JJlan Meranti. BogoT 16680. IndoneSIa

e-mai l: eman @. indo .nct.id


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